Avatar of Nallore


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3 days ago
Current roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If you like zombies, and want to live out your zombie apocalypse dreams feel free to join!
12 mos ago
Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
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2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Bethany Bell

Mansion, Kitchen
Skills: N/A

"Alrighty then." Bethany said as she searched around and found some cola that was in the fridge and grabbed that before getting back up and turned to face Runa handing her the can. "Here you go." Bethany said as she closed the fridge behind her and leaned herself up against the fridge slightly. She could hear the group in the other room talking about a game of Clue from the sounds of it, she never did play the game really growing up. But given the last time they did play a game with Runa and Klara around it was Loki who did it, and that game didn't go out all that well or fun at all really.

"So what do you two want to do anyway?" Bethany asked as she looked between Runa and Lance, they could join that game of Clue, but she wasn't really all that interested in it either really. Bethany was still enjoying the quiet day so far and nothing to crazy or dramatic was going on either and just enjoyed talking and hanging out.

Carolina Reed

Location: X-Mansion, Library.
Skills: N/A

Carolina blushed slightly when she felt Avery squeezing her hand and met their gaze and held it for a moment before nodding towards them. "Sounds good lets head up to the attic then." Carolina said giving Avery another smile as she gently took his hand and started to head up the stairs and up to the second floor.

She thought about the old uniforms that the older X-Men team used to wear was actually pretty interesting and wondered if they could find anything like that up there. Or anything else that was interesting in there as she started to giggle slightly. "Maybe we'll find old baby pictures of Professor Xavier or something like that while we are in there." Carolina pointed out that would be pretty amusing actually to see.

@PatientBean John smiled and nodded as he reached over and shook her hand. "Thank you for your time, and hope to hear back from you." He said hoping that he would be able to get the job that he needed to. Once the job interview with John was finished Trudy poked her head into Verity's office and knocked on it slightly. "Got a reply back from them, they'll be ready once you arrive. Since you are down your car would you like me to drive you over there, or want me to hail you a taxi or Uber?" Trudy asked her whichever worked best for her anyway.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, School Hallway.
Skills: N/A

Becker would get a text from dispatch with the exact address that she would need to go to, once she had arrived on the scene other medical personnel as well as police were on the scene as well to. The EMT that first arrived on the scene turned to look at Becker asking for a sitrep on the situation right now. "From what some of the teachers and students have said, a student had assaulted the school's gym teacher and tried to assault another one, and attacked the school's security guard and bit him." He told her and then gestured to some of the students who looked to be injured in the chaos of getting out of the school. "If you could check out some of the staff and students that would be good." He told her.

Kaitlyn continued to escort Hermes and Hannah out of the hallway and was also getting other students to follow them out to the nearest exit, she looked over her shoulder seeing Elio still trying and failing to grab other students and teachers. However some of the other teachers were helping other students to avoid him for now. When they got out of the school building itself she watched as Hermes made his way towards the car and called out to him.

"Don't leave the scene yet until someone tells you to." Kaitlyn told Hermes knowing that the teachers would need to do a head count and make sure all of the students had gotten out safely. Hermes would get a text from his uncle fairly quickly. "I won't contact her, but pretty sure it's gonna be on the news so you'll have to talk to her sooner than later." He warned him, Mandy would get a reply from her friend. "It might be some internet fringe conspiracies or something, but some reports are saying people are eating each other or some weird shit like that." Was the text that Mandy would receive.

Flynn Price

Location: Twin Seasons.
Skills: N/A

Flynn followed behind Kali towards the booth that she was assigning them and sat down closest to the window, he would look out the window for a moment, and noticed a few emergency vehicles roaring down the street. "They are certainly very busy today." Flynn said, mostly to himself, when Kali asked if they wanted something to drink or appetizers first. "I'll take a Coke or Pepsi whichever you have." Flynn told her, then his friend spoke up as well to. "A water for me, and we'd like a moment to look at the menu if thats alright?" He asked her.

Kali would see another round of guests, by the looks of it they were some kind of news reporter of some kind waiting for their table she'd be able to hear some of the conversation going on. One of them was going over the questions that he would be asking to Verity Holmes and another one was on their phone texting someone as well to by the looks of it.

@Kirah A few seconds later Mandy would get another text from Kristian. "Dunno, maybe worse there are some weirder stories coming out from other sources." The text said back, as Mandy drove down the streets she would be able to see a few more ambulances as well as some police cars their lights flashing as they drove right past her. They were headed now over towards Hermes school which wasn't to far from Mandy's house either.

@ArticBeaver The scene was pretty much being wrapped up now and the forensic team had collected all of the evidence that they could and the police officers were now slowly leaving now as well to. "Yep sure thing, see you back at the at the garage." Dave replied back, once Becker had gotten back to her ambulance she would hear dispatch over the radio. "Becker this is dispatch there is a school lockdown nearby, there are few other units enroute there, could you help them out? We'll send over the address if you accept it." The dispatcher said they sounded slightly worried and a bit flustered as well to from their voice.

@PatientBean Once Verity was in her office and five minutes had passed the door opened and it was Trudy with the potential new employee and some paperwork for the job interview with the new guy in tow a guy who was around a year younger than Verity was by the looks of it. "This is John Atkins." Trudy said as he introduced him as Trudy looked back at Verity, on the resume that was also in the stack of papers, he was applying for a manager role. "Also got a reply from the reporter we discussed earlier. They would like to interview you today actually and would like to do it at the restaurant the Twin Seasons." Trudy told Verity.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, School Hallway.
Skills: N/A

"Yeah suuuure you are." Hannah said jokingly as she cautiously looked at the security guard who was still bleeding pretty badly the nurse was quickly cleaning and applying some dressings to it as best as she could. Hermes would get a text this time from his uncle, Mandy's father. "Hope you are alright and stay safe, Mandy is on her way over now did you want me to let your mom know?" The text asked. The nurse looked at Kaitlyn, Hermes and Hannah seeing as the three of them weren't injured or anything. "Please if you don't mind leaving and deal with the evacuation?" She asked the three of them.

"Yeah of course sure thing." Kaitlyn said to her as she looked at Hermes and Hannah. "Lets get out of here now." She said as she started to lead the two of them out of the nurse' office and down the hallway. The hallway was right now in chaos as teachers and students were all quickly leaving their classrooms and were heading for the nearest exits. Hermes would catch a glimpse of Elio once again shambling down the hallway trying to grab at the closest students or teachers which they quickly avoided.

Flynn Price

Location: Twin Seasons.
Skills: N/A

Flynn looked around the restaurant it looked pretty fancy to him he had never been to this place before, but he had been to New York a few times in the past as well to. His attention turned towards Kali as she approached him and his friend and gave her a slight wave as he looked at his friend before speaking up. "It's just the two of us, and a booth works for us." Flynn told Kali as she grabbed some menus for the two of them. There were a few other guests coming in now as some of the waiters and waitresses were getting them to their tables now as well to.

Over in the kitchen Isaac was busy in the kitchen helping out as some of the orders were coming in, he looked over at one of the newer cooks that he had recently hired and approached him. "Hey are you alright?" Isaac asked him as he nodded slightly he looked slightly pale, feverish and sickly looking while trying to cover his sleeve. Seeing someone looking sick was never a good thing especially when it came to food. "Go ahead and head home, you'll be paid for the day." Isaac told him as he nodded and started to wander off towards the crew room to get his things.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Framework, BG3
Current Outfit: Workout Fit
Skills: Heal
Grimoire: N/A

Madalyne looked at Danny who started to freakout about having tadpoles in his head and asking her to try and use her magic to try and remove it she shook her head slightly. "Sadly it's a lot tougher to remove them both magically and physically you could die instantly if you try and remove it improperly. You'd have to be really skilled with removing it." Madalyne told Danny as the cultists started to attack them all. She ended up getting a fireball to the head knocking her back slightly and taking half of her health groaning slightly as she stood back up.

She quickly used her magic to heal herself up again she looked over at Diana at the comment she had made earlier, it was something that she didn't expect to happen at all. "Look i'm sorry it was an accident." She said as she looked at the cultist that had attacked her waiting for them to make their next move.

Diana Novikova

Location: Framework, BG3.
Current Outfit: Workout Fit
Skills: Quantum Teleportation, Archery

]"I'm good actually thanks for the offer though." Diana told Danny, it wasn't that she didn't really trust him, his powers did tend to go a bit haywire at times as well to and didn't want to be burnt by friendly fire really either. One of the cultists had suddenly charged right at her and tried to attack her with a knife. That was a little bit to close to her Diana quickly teleported herself further away from them to the other side of the room.

Diana drew out her bow and took out an arrow drawing back the bow string as she notched it, and sent it flying right at the cultist that had attacked her taking him out fairly quickly. She turned towards the woman who continued to bang on the pod she was trapped in yelling to be let out again. "We will once we take out the rest of these guys." Diana said to her.

Bethany Bell

Mansion, Kitchen
Skills: N/A

"I'm not sure if we have mead laying around anywhere, though i'm sure there might be a stash or two of beer from Wolverine around here somewhere. Soda also works to if you want to try that but that isn't really alcoholic though." Bethany said she wasn't sure where he was at the moment but she was pretty sure that he wouldn't mind or care if there was a beer or two missing. "Lets head on over there now." Bethany said as she turned and headed back inside and made her way towards the kitchen, her eyes turned towards the group that were talking about Clue and gave them a slight nod.

At least Lance and Runa didn't mind her tagging along with them as she entered the kitchen and made her way back over towards the table that she had been sitting at when Runa and Klara came in for their visit. She reached for the can of soda that she had been drinking just moments she started for the refrigerator and opened it up and started to look inside it for any kind of drinks that Runa would like.

Carolina Reed

Location: X-Mansion, Library.
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked at Avery seeing them tensing up slightly when she got his attention, at least they seemed to calm down now that it was her, she smiled slightly and nodded in understanding. Though she was pretty sure with Klara's memories still being somewhat scrambled she wouldn't really remember what happened.

"I'm pretty sure that Klara doesn't remember that it was you with her memory loss and your face change as well to." Carolina said to them as she gently reached over to gently touch their hand. "But if you want to go up there i'll join you." Carolina said looking up at Avery. "Or we can hideout in your room or mine whichever works for you as well to." Carolina told them, whichever they wanted to do she'll follow them regardless of what they ended up choosing to do.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Las Vegas, Lotus Hotel & Casino
Skills: N/A

Alexios wandered over and leaned himself up against a nearby wall and then snapped his fingers, just as a large bus started to drive down the street and parked just in front of the Lotus Hotel and Casino. "The offer still stands if you all want to go in or travel back your own way. If you take the bus you won't have to deal with the monsters on the way back." Alexios offered the group, he wasn't sure how much money the group still had or not if they were planning on doing mortal travel again. "Or I can give you some mortal money and you all can get back the mortal way, or the Grey Sister's cab service works to but thats if you have the drachmas for it." Alexios told them.

Kristin thought for a moment at what they could do to get back home, Alexios was offering them all a free ride back to camp which would be really good and they could take it easy as well to and they wouldn't have to deal with monsters on the way back which was good to. "What does everyone want to do to get back to camp?" Kristin asked looking at everyone whichever the group decided they would get back home one way or the other.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Tartarus
Skills: N/A

Madalyne started to look around finding a few dead looking trees and what not to use for their camp and started to set it up. She turned to look at Leda and laughed slightly. "If you are worried about me trying to eat you, I won't you just need to stay away from me during the full moon." She told Leda, she started to set up a small campfire pit of sorts with the rocks nearby and started to light a small fire for the two of them.

Madalyne wasn't sure how long they'll be down here for or how far the Doors of Death would be either. "If it comes to it i'll eat a monster or something, but hoping it doesn't come down to that though." Madalyne said as she leaned back slightly before getting up and made her way towards the small lake of sorts and scooped up some water into her hands and took a drink from it. "One way or the other we'll get back home to our friends and family." Mads said looking over at Leda.

Kiera Donovan

Location: NYC
Skills: N/A

Kiera took a moment to look up at the Empire State Building before them, it was still very amazing to see up in person still she turned to look at Sera and smiled. "You'll probably see the inside of the building whenever the Winter Solstice comes, usually Mount Olympus hosts us there to have dinner and stuff and sometimes meet our parents there to." Kiera told her half-sister, her attention quickly turned towards the cab that was dropping some familiar faces off. "C'mon lets go." Kiera said offering her hand to Sera as she led her over to meet the others she was happy to see that Andy, Stella, Mary and Niah had all made it.

"I'll take her inside and call for Argus to come and pick us all up." Damon said as he started to make his way into the building itself Kiera didn't recognize the guy carrying Mary but it looked like she was breathing which was good. "Hey guys, how are you all doing?" She asked as she motioned towards Sera. "This is my half-sister Seraphina." She said introrducing them to the group.

@Kirah "We'll be careful don't worry, just come on home and i'll take us there." Mandy's father would text back to her, the kitten in her arms was purring very contently which she would feel in her arms and had fallen asleep there as well to. Mandy would also receieve a text from one of her classmates a guy that was around her age his name was Kristian and had done a few course projects in the past last semester. "How are you doing Mandy? Have you been keeping up with the news lately?" Was the text, the rest of the area was pretty uneventful at the moment and she'd be able to get back to her home without to much of an issue.

@ArticBeaver@PatientBean The scene was fully secured now as the police officers were telling the remaining reporters to disperse now, which they all did slowly but surely. Becker would receive a text from Dave fairly quickly as the ambulance was enroute to the closest hospital a few blocks away. "Yeah i'll check it out once we are on site, pretty sure the body is still cold the dude bled out pretty quickly after all." Dave had pointed out, but then again he could be wrong on that. Verity would receive a text from Trudy who was still holding down the fort. "Hey boss whenever you are back in, there's a newbie here with an interview." The text said, Trudy usually set up the potential job interviews, but she never did them herself that was more Verity's department anyway.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, School Hallway.
Skills: N/A

Hannah rolled her eyes slightly towards Hermes as he decided to start joking about zombies and stuff. "You really are a fuckin zombie nut aren't you?" She said as the nurse nodded slightly as she went to get some wipes and handed them over towards Hermes to clean himself off, she didn't see any marks other than the small bit of blood that was on Hermes but that was about it really.

"Alright i'm going to go and see about contacting your mom, unless there was someone else you'd like me to call for you instead?" Kaitlyn said then suddenly the alarm had started to go off. A few minutes later the door barged open and it was the school security guard, his arm was bleeding pretty badly. "The mother fucker bit me that kid ain't fucking right!" He said as the nurse quickly went over towards him and started to get some bandages out from a nearby first aide kit and started to clean out the wound for him as well to.

Flynn Price

Location: Twin Seasons.
Skills: N/A

The couple would look at Kali and smiled towards her as they were seated and started to think for a moment what they wanted to eat as they looked over the menu. "Some water would be good to start, and maybe a few minutes to look over the menu." The husband of the couple would answer Kali was the door chimed again and three more customers entered the restaurant and another waiter would approach them and escorted them towards their table. Over in the kitchen Jeff looked at Isaac for a moment and shrugged slightly. "Hopefully it's just some flu thing going on, and nothing to serious." Jeff said as he started to cook up some of the food ready for the customers.

A few minutes later Flynn and his friend had arrived at the Twin Seasons, he looked at his friend for a moment, he hadn't been to this place before really. "So what does this place have anyway?" He asked his friend as he shrugged slightly. "First time being here as well to, it opened awhile back and thought it'd be a good alternative to try." His friend said as Flynn nodded slightly as the two of them waited for a waiter to approach them to take them to their seat.

Bethany Bell

Mansion, Kitchen
Skills: N/A

Bethany listened to Runa as she answered her question and smiled slightly she was glad to hear that Klara was doing a lot better now, and that her memories were slowly starting to come back to her. "Thats good to hear actually." Bethany said to Runa, it had been awhile since they had seen her and Klara last time she had seen them was when they were in an alternate reality. "We were in the kitchen and hanging out before you and Klara arrived, did you want something to eat or drink?" Bethany offered.

"Also if you two need a moment or something like that and catch up privately I can go if you want as well to." Bethany offered, she had a feeling that they wanted sometime to catch up privately as well to if Runa or Lance wanted her to go she'd do it. She was curious what everyone else was doing right now as well to.

Carolina Reed

Location: X-Mansion, Library.
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked at Avery as they decided to get up and started and they seemed to be nervous about something as she looked at Ed and Klara as she answered her question and smiled at her. "Thats good to hear i'm glad that you are doing a lot better now." Carolina said as she looked back at Avery once more and then Ed offering to take Klara out for a tour around the place.

"Actually i'll catch up to you guys in a bit, i'm going to see if Avery is alright." Carolina said as she started to stand up and looked at Klara. "You didn't say or do anything wrong at all, but i'll be back shortly. Also if you are hungry or anything help yourself to whatever is in the fridge as well to." Carolina told Klara. Carolina turned and started to follow shortly behind Avery to catch up to them, she would gently tap them on the shoulder and looked at them. "Are you okay Avery?" Carolina asked them.
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