Avatar of NoriWasHere


Recent Statuses

11 mos ago
Current That was the worst three months of my life. Health is close to normal again. Here's to making the insurance company cry!
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1 yr ago
"Your copay today is $20,000" How about no.
3 yrs ago
Well, the "I am but an ally" to "queer af" pipeline is real.


I have gone by many names over my life, and the one I go by here is Nori.

I am a non-binary individual who has a love of participating in these stories and creating my own. I am incredibly chronically ill. If my illness flares up too much I may be pulled away.

Most Recent Posts

An Inquisitors Story: The City of Ash and Decay

The Inquisition has been summoned.

The cobblestone surface of the Grand Road heaved with exhaustion as the strain of bearing the weight of the full might of the mortal races began to take its toll on its surface. All across its many mile lengths, cracks formed that ran the width of the road, while potholes and ruined sections threatened to swallow the unlucky, and unknowing, soldier whole. The Grand Road found itself in a state of disrepair once thought impossible, with many villagers weeping tears at the sight of its misery. Damaged as it may be, the villagers were not sad. Through the roads surface was now cracked and its formerly leveled surfaces, they watched on it pride. The soldiers happy. The soldiers that trampled it, the carts that crushed it, and the horses that defaced it were not some random unit that marched towards a pointless war; no, these soldiers had a divine purpose and this road was going to see them to their destination, whether or not it made it out intact.

All along the mighty road marched the Inquisition. Soldiers from every army and every race marched side by side for the first time in modern history. All hatred was thrown by the wayside under a common goal, survival. The Elves normally would never catch themselves in a formation with Dwarves in it, while the Dwarves themselves did not scoff of the notion of fighting side by side with the goblins, who needed little convincing to work with their hated big cousins the Orcs, that did not hesitate to follow the humans, and so on. They all knew what was coming. They knew better than to face the darkness alone. Stories passed down through the generations told of a dark and evil time, where monstrous enemies crashed over the mortal races and nearly drowned them under their might.

The soldiers of the Inquisition marched together towards the Darkness, all ten thousand strong, led in front by the Inquisitor Vanguard. The Vanguard was already a full day's march ahead of the main body and was gaining ground. The prized unit of the Council of the Combined races, the forces of the Inquisition proper were clad in the best armor that could be made and boasted some of the most combat ready soldiers in the realm. A mere hour away from the City of Ash, and as the sun above began to set, the Inquisitors brought their forces to a halt as the lead Inquisitor Anora called for a scouting party; asking for volunteers.

You couldn't help but respond first. A hunger deep inside of you burned to face the age-old enemy. While many others volunteered, and they all did, you were selected to find the first trace of the Blight under the lead of Ardur, the battle-tested and powerful battlemage whose legend was rightfully earned. The age of heroes is coming to a close as darkness spreads all around; the age of the Inquisition has arrived.

Our story

Our story starts as we advance on the City of Ash as the first soldiers in on a scouting mission. Our goal is to identify where the enemy has their forces, pull back, and join the final assault on the city after the mortal races and their armies finish their envelopment of the city and the surrounding area. We come from a variety of different races with many different skill sets, however, we are all Inquisitors. Some of you may know each other quite well, while some you may have only heard of in passing, yet you are ready to face the darkness side by side to the end if needed. We fight so the world so the world will never see the horrors of the Blight again. If we do our job, we will see the light prevail and the darkness forever banished to the hell it crawled out of.


1.) No controlling another players character in any shape or form. Pretty standard but it has to be said.
2.) Combat is usually free form, meaning that you can write your character killing most enemies. Sometimes I will throw out specific or special enemies that you can not kill so simply. We can either write a collab post or possibly roll a dice to determine the success of the fight and/or action.
3.) Stupid decisions can lead to bad results. Don't charge at the enemey alone.
4.) Our Inquisition has a rule about blue cloaks, make sure it is posted in your CS Equipment section so I know you have read this.
5.) No arguing in the OOC, take it to a PM or to discord.
6.)Have fun!

How magic works in this RP

Magic works on a similar system to that of strength in this RP in the sense that the more training one has the more powerful they can become; and on the same note, there are rare prodigies that are naturally good. The magical talent would reveal itself to the mage at a young age in a way that is reminiscent of their magic. A fire mage would create sparks or accidentally burn something while a force mage would levitate something. Early on the power of the mage would be highly unstable so, by law, they are either sent to their nations magic school or to the Inquisition for training.

Magic use drains stamina. Prolonged use of magic in a short period of time will tire out the mage much like a warrior in battle. Furthermore, over-casting is a real problem that mages are taught to avoid. A mage can break through the exhaustion and keep using the magic but it comes with the aforementioned risk of over-casting. Over-casting is a fatal condition where the magic of the user consumes them, often detonating in a grim explosion in relation to their power (a fire mage would be consumed by flames, a force mage would be crushed into the ground, and so on and so forth).

Almost finished. Pm's sent to the posted character sheets!

There are revisions need for that.

I could allow that as long as no flight is considered, it is done in style with the story, and is not over the top.

Possibly, but they have to be up to the standard of the Inquisition. Let me know what ideas you have in mind.
It is. While I had three days off work on paper, it was anything but IRL. OOC is about halfway there, I am firmly off the next few days so I am working on it now. Stay tuned folks!
You and I both!

So a bit of update on my progress towards the OOC. I am still writing up a lot of essential lore that is needed for this RP to get off the ground; from what the Blight is to how the Inquisition as a whole operates. I have finished the important plot pieces for the full story, and now just need to focus in on the details that will help you not only create a character but understand the story as a whole. I don't have the most forgiving schedule the next few days but I do have this upcoming Thur-Sat off to iron out whatever I have left at this point.

Expect the OOC in all likelihood this Saturday!
Bumping this back up as the site is back online!
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