Avatar of NoriWasHere


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11 mos ago
Current That was the worst three months of my life. Health is close to normal again. Here's to making the insurance company cry!
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1 yr ago
"Your copay today is $20,000" How about no.
3 yrs ago
Well, the "I am but an ally" to "queer af" pipeline is real.


I have gone by many names over my life, and the one I go by here is Nori.

I am a non-binary individual who has a love of participating in these stories and creating my own. I am incredibly chronically ill. If my illness flares up too much I may be pulled away.

Most Recent Posts

A bloody awful debate

The debate had started and Dexter was living up his moment on the stage and S’venia was watching on with glee while her eye in the sky took in the crowd; with her right eye being filled with the video being shot in real time. Rotate left,” she spoke as the drone shifted its focus and took in another section of the crowd, this one seemed angry as Gatch spoke, perfect, hold here, she spoke again as the drone held its position. The mayor was currently speaking, and S’venia was more than happy to record those who were not happy with his policies, even if they were not voting for Dexter. Yet the more she recorded this group, in particular, the more she felt like she recognized someone within it, and the feeling demanded an answer. Switch to the glove, S’venia spoke and assumed control over the drone’s movement. She slowly twisted it left, and then right, before she settled on one face in the mess of people. It can't be, she paused as she locked her vision on the face before her, full screen, S’venia commanded and her glasses responded by switching the video feed to be fully visible, zoom in,” she commanded again, still shot,” S’venia spoke softly as the drone snapped a picture and as she slowly turned her head back to the debate stage, turn off my vision, she commanded once again, her jaw dropping ever so slightly, as the video feed was removed from her sight and as the warnings from the rest of the campaign entered her thoughts.

"And this race, Gatch... This race is about much more than bringing corporate income back to the zone. Look around you— all of you! This isn't just a race about the economy. This is about—"


S’venia watched as time seemed to slow around the bullets exits from what remained of Dexter’s left eye socket. The bloody and visceral nature of the wound left little doubt in her mind as to the fate of the man who promised a better future. S’venia shifted her focus as further gunshots rang out, this time by the security personnel who blindly fired upward. She watched as they fell one by one. Shortly-thereafter, the assassin announced his presence in full, landing after blowing off the incumbent mayors' leg shortly before. He charged the stage in once swift jump, and had ripped off the arm of Gatch in another swift strike. S’venia had since ducked behind a pillar, away from the bloody mess of a debate if she ever saw one.

S’venia turned her attention back to the area where she had seen a familiar face before, and she saw him again; a man bearing the likeness of the missing debate candidate. She rested her vision on him before she returned her gaze to the debate stage, her eye first falling on Dexter before they shifted over to his assassin, save someone, S’vei, save someon- someone, she spoke to herself before she slowly sank down the pillar. She was no warrior, no fighter that could fight something like that monster out there. It was heavily augmented, that much was clear and she bore none herself. What she could try, however, was a distraction. Resume video, full screen, camera enter pre-programed mode 'paparazzi', she spoke as her glasses erupted with the video as her eye in the sky erupted outward with various camera flashes and actual cameras. She used her glove to quickly shift the drone's attention towards the assassin. Identified subject,” she spoke in a quivering voice as the drone began to move quickly towards the assassin. Quarter second bursts, full flash each shot, continue until commanded otherwise, change direction on my command, she paused as the drone picked up speed towards the assassin, quickly spinning around its body, resting some five feet in front of it, and then unleashed its full barrage of light on its face.

Shift left, shift up, shift right, shift left, S’venia commanded and the drone responded, moving in seemingly random directions while keeping its full attention on the masked face of the assassin.
I will try and iron out the post tomorrow. I have been babysitting my nephew the past few days so that has been fun....
I should be up within the same timeframe! Rl has been a little hectic but nothing terrible
@Ruler Inc

My vote is to move on and into the less expositiony scene!
@Crimson Raven

Awesome! I can not wait to see what you come up with :D

On the topic of taking in more applicants, I think it would be great to do it.

That's the exact scene I had in my mind as I was reading that post haha

Ohhhh that's a juicy post. Will work on a response as quickly as possible.

And to bring in more applicants, I'd say go for it!
We still welcome fresh meat to our marathon approach to an RP!

Somewhere else


"How do I fucking stop it,” Britney asked. Cyrus silently agreed with the question with him mouthing the word “yeah”. The picture the God Child painted of their possible fate had already hung itself at the back of his head. Of all the universes, remains fourteen remain. “I mean, that’s thirteen more than I had tho-” he initially thought positively before he shook his head. He remembered the sea of lights slowing vanishing until the few remaining universes remained. How many people were in those alternate universes? How many lives were taken by the Glutton before it was sealed here? While Cyrus did not choose this fight, or this team for that matter, if there was a way for him to defeat the Glutton and save his reality, he would do his job and attempt to save the day. The thought of sweet, sweet victory forced a brief smile across his face.

“You can’t,” the God Child responded and that once prominent smile quickly became a frown.

“But is there any way for us to stop it,” Lynette asked to which the God Child nodded. Cyrus scoffed and muttered “semantics”.

"Your power is not capable of killing it, only a being like my Predecessor could even attempt to kill a being of that level, but, everything I've told you so far was instrumental to defeating the Glutton - the Godforce and the universe,” the Godchild started. Cyrus’s frown only grew deeper at the thought of not being able to kill the universe eating menace. “Eons ago, in the last stand of the people of Glint, the Glutton was weakened to the point where it was sealed inside of the mountain that overlooks the town. Sealed behind three seals crafted from the Godforce, where it should have remained dormant for all eternity - but something damaged the seals and allows it to not only awaken but exert its dark will through the cracks."

Cyrus' head jolted back at the message. This group looked like it had fought through hell and back, and lost those near and dear to them and they were not even fighting the monster in its entirety. If they had struggled up until this point with the puppets, how would they match up when they followed the strings back to their master?

"You all have the ability to reach a level that is far stronger than you are currently at, and you have the potential to manipulate the Godforce itself," Cyrus watched as the child once again created a beacon of light at will, "and you can use that to repair the three seals and render the Glutton dormant again,” the God Child continued, and the smirk once again appeared on Cyrus’s face. A superpower power-up is exactly what they needed. Cyrus knew nothing about his power already, from what he remembers from his experimentation and the brief usage in the hospital he can teleport places and see things, a power-up would help him contribute to whatever fight they may face.

“Sweet, how hard could this-” Cyrus began to say to himself but was interrupted by the God Child, “you must also enter it with clear, open, minds, and with a clear understanding of the universe at large. With no doubts, with nothing holding you back. Or else the raw emotion, the raw memories, overwhelm your minds and break them,” the Godchild finished as the smile once again turned to a frown. He watched as the scene before him became bleak, as the images of armed villagers roaming the streets, no doubt looking for them, as snow fell fast all around. It looked like hell.

"Do you understand? Will you do it for not just the town you live in, but what's left of the universe?"

“When you put it that way it doesn’t leave us much choice does it,” Cyrus chuckled, taking a second to compose himself to reflect the seriousness of the situation, “yeah, yeah I will. Though I have one question. After we force our way through the streets that are crawling with enthralled people, into a mountain housing the most dangerous creature to ever exist, how will we know if we are mentally ready to receive the gifts of the Godforce?”
@Affili We are! When it comes to the Kingdom and the template, I only ask for the basic information. Who they are, where they're from, what do they do? When it comes to the forces, you can include that in the CS or the kingdom portion of your CS. I have made exemptions for some players to not even have forces at all (though I am less likely to do so with this remaining slot). If you have any questions or comments feel free to PM me.
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