Avatar of OliveYou


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6 days ago
Current I don’t know if I’ll get used to hearing Nero’s voice in Dante’s body, but I’m confident that Johnny will do a good job!
11 days ago
Updated my interest check!
5 yrs ago
sorry for all the late replies, coming up on finals week and trying not to fail
5 yrs ago
*rises from the grave* haha school is cancelled so i can rp
6 yrs ago
finally home and at my computer - ready to get replying and gm-ing again!


Older, wiser, and hopefully cooler.

Current 1x1 Interest Check: roleplayerguild.com/topics/194999-upd…

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[Mountain Academy Application Form: Please fill out and turn in. Thank you.]

Position: [student, unless you contact me beforehand]
Age: [first year; 14-15]
Race: [anything that fits with a fantasy setting]
Identification: [enclose picture or text description]
Personality: [a sentence, really]
Backstory: [as much or as little as you like.]
The Academy is not the most attractive of schools, set on a lonely hill, away from prying eyes. But this school has a secret--the students in its walls are trained as the warriors of the next generation, proficient in swordplay and magic alike. The malevolent spirits that roam the region are forces to be reckoned with, and it is up to these brave, young students to learn how to repel them. So it is that children from every corner of the worlds are sent here to be trained.

Classes are taught in the usual subjects, but also every form of survival and self-defense you could imagine. Teachers are veterans, old warriors and scholars, while the staff is also well-prepared for a sudden sabotage.

The Spirits--their real names carry great power and are never spoken out loud--are flighty things, ranging from weak to extremely powerful. Their biggest goal is to be 'reborn' by inhabiting a ready vessel, which are in great supply at The Academy. Although some towns possess magic barriers to fend off unwanted attention, the Academy has none. This provides an valuable opportunity for experience--or disaster.

Academy Rules:
All forms of rudeness are not tolerated. Your teachers will protect you, but don't sass them unless you're looking for punishment.
DO NOT leave the Academy grounds. The Spirits are not as merciful as your teachers.
To study here is a great honor, one that you will hopefully not squander. Please give 100 percent of your effort here at The Academy.
If the bells ring, ALL STUDENTS will gather in the main hall, where you will assemble into attack forces.
To promote safety, a buddy system is in place. Buddies are assigned at orientation. DO NOT RUN OFF ALONE.

Other Rules:
Please fill in the small bio [character tab], but post it in ooc first so I can look it over.
Casual to free, like a paragraph or two.
No rudeness or general unpleasant behavior, please.
I can and I will step in if things get messy. Keep it ooc.
Romance is allowed, obviously, but keep it pg-13.

Also: contact me if you're interested in playing a teacher/staff member. I'll need a few.

I'll add setting details slowly. Basically, spirits are bad souls that try to invade a person's mind and body. Interested yet?
Probably not. Have fun anyway!
Sounds iinteresting. Are we talking like Magical Steampunk then? Not the aesthetics so much, but technology wise?

yeah, something like that.
okay, sounds good. anyone with ideas or suggestions, pm me. I'll need help, probably.
the ooc should be up soon... soonish.
@FalkiThomas There's somebody looking at her. Ah, not anymore. She watches as the bartender makes his drink. It looks so strange. She's... a bit interested to see how it goes, actually.

She sips her drink carefully. It tastes milky, in a way, but the pain is quickly subsiding. Good. How much alcohol is in it? Maybe she needs another one.

Or two. Today was not a good day.
okay so these were all the rage when I was in a different forum so:

Pretty normal high school rp. Go to classes, try to fall in love, so and so on. BUT. There's a twist! Every student is also trained in combat-swordfighting, martial arts, etc. This is because evil spirits and the like regularly attack and invade the school due to the large number of students (potential vessels; highschoolers are the most viable because of their age) inside its walls. Every student-no matter where or when-is expected to report to the cafeteria area if the alarms sound, to protect the school and defend their classmates. Safety in numbers!

whoops got a little out of hand there. anyway, this would probably be a small group rp (first years maybe?) because I like to know every character and work with each one, while the setting is... not exactly modern, but not medieval either... think some tech, but also magics. I guess.

I dunno, this got way out of hand quick. hit me up if you're interested.
thank you!
This is cool. Keeping an eye out!
it seems like the rp is a little more complex and would require more time and work than I have right now. I'm worried about getting into something big like this and then having to drop out :)
ah, okay.
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