Elly “Cinderella” May O’Meadow
November 18
Irish; Northern Ireland
Choppy red hair pulled into a messy bun, lots of freckles, clear blue eyes, usually wears glasses with cyan frames, a product of frequently squinting at a computer screen late into the night. Small but hardy figure; clipped nails as she finds them annoying when trying to type.
5 feet, 2 inches.
Elly, or "Cinderella" as her friends used to call her, is a happy, calm, and kind individual who loves learning new things. She's most often the peacemaker of the group, and strives to please everyone she can. This personality usually shows itself in her tendency to overwork, chugging five cups of coffee and pushing herself to meet deadlines, with varying results. Elly is a lover, not a fighter. If this were Hogwarts, she'd be in Hufflepuff. You get the idea.
Music Industry Role
Sound Designer/Composer; deals with mixing, recording, and composing music
Specified Job Details
Elly works with her little laptop, making tunes for singers and mixing tracks of her own. She’s not a singer, though, and most of her written pieces require vocals. She’s fond of pop, rock, and likes to experiment. Her Irish folk heritage sometimes can be heard in her music, too.
Relative Experience
After moving to the States to find work, Elly bounced from place to place, occasionally scoring a hit, until she struck big, composing and mixing a hit single in the U.S. After that, she collected royalties, hoping to find more success, but it never panned out. Now, she’s moved to Japan because of a certain letter inviting her to Cystra City.
BiographyGrowing up in the green hills of Northern Ireland, Elly had a quiet childhood, as the only child in a small town. Her father and mother were homely people, and Elly was mostly homeschooled. There was one thing, however, that charmed her, even as a child—music. Whether it be the folk songs sung at the town square, or the more “contemporary” tunes from the old beat-up general store radio, Elly loved it all. Music was her passion, from the very start. Begging her parents for piano lessons, guitar lessons, anything, Elly was given a choice—stay in her warm little home without lessons, or be sent to the larger boarding school across the way, and learn music and manners. The choice was a no-brainer, even if her parents warned her life would not be easy away from the hills. Elly would soon find that out.
Her school years were rough ones, with plenty of awkward encounters and bullying, and often Elly’s only respite was her weekly piano lessons. In such a controlling and pressurized environment, Elly grew up believing her needs came last, and everyone else’s before. This stayed with her into adulthood as her need to prove herself and please others. But, at the end of those grueling years, Elly emerged victorious, and immediately starting planning to move overseas to greater opportunity. Her parents were supportive but scared for their daughter, but Elly assured them she would stay in touch.
Her U.S years were quieter, with a few friends made along the way, and plenty of things learned. Elly grew in way she’d never imagined, and to her delight, she placed a major deal with a recording artist to compose a new single. The single did well, but Elly was left in the dust, working for another breakout hit. It never came.
And then, she got a letter.
AffiliationsFather and Mother—Elly tries to stay in touch, but her parents are quite old-fashioned and don’t even have cell phones.
U.S acquaintances—Elly had a few friends back in the States, but most of them are busy. She occasionally talks to her old roomie, Terra, if she needs to relax.
Character ThemeLikely I'll change this later, not sure what her style is right now.
Shameless Seventeen Plug