Avatar of OliveYou


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3 days ago
Current I don’t know if I’ll get used to hearing Nero’s voice in Dante’s body, but I’m confident that Johnny will do a good job!
9 days ago
Updated my interest check!
5 yrs ago
sorry for all the late replies, coming up on finals week and trying not to fail
5 yrs ago
*rises from the grave* haha school is cancelled so i can rp
6 yrs ago
finally home and at my computer - ready to get replying and gm-ing again!


Older, wiser, and hopefully cooler.

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@ReveTheDreamer yup, yup, and yup! no worries, not like I'm gonna be super active either
@Canidae well, maybe not entirely, but close enough!

looking forward to it~
I'm even going to ping you guys twice, just because I can because it's important.

Anyway, first boss fight! Glad you guys have made it this far, it's been I think a month? Congrats. You haven't left (yet). throws confetti
Good luck, I hope to see some cool teamwork ohoho

Expect more art n stuff, but also slower posts. I'm having my computer time severely cut off, so you won't be seeing as much of me. I'm still gonna be chatting with you over PMs and stuff, because character development is important to me, okay. Just... not as quickly.

Cheers! Thanks for sticking around >w<

@Metamore@Canidae@ReveTheDreamer@QueenNugget@AGenericUser@Insert Alias@Cherrywitch@pandapolio@Joker892

All of a sudden, the Spirit advancing towards Lalisa is kicked away, thrown to the side by Feine, who then proceeds to speak at length about his amazing abilities, and Lalisa feels a strange emotion. She tries to pinpoint it, ignoring Feine’s speech in the process. What is it?

Ah, yes. Annoyance.

You see, Lalisa doesn’t get annoyed often. She’s usually the peaceful one, being brought up as quiet-mannered and calm, whatever the situation. Thus, this chain of events is new to her, this rapid exchange of blows is quite unlike anything she’s experienced back home. Back home it was just her and Grandmama, in their little gingerbread cottage. She’s never met anyone this conceited, and it bothers her. Why does he think he’s so great, anyway? Has he never heard of the word “friendship” or “teamwork”?

Mind still stuck on the lines of Romeo and Juliet, Lalisa struggles to stand, legs wobbling slightly under the strain of moving so soon after spending so much energy so quickly. Mustering up her courage, and any magic still left in her reserves, she opens her mouth to speak. Staring straight at Feine as she does, she quotes yet more Shakespeare--

“Nay, as they dare. I will bite my thumb at them, which is a disgrace to them, if they bear it.”

Green vines and branches spring up around the area, trapping, in particular, a Spirit trying to attack a helpless Seren. Lalisa takes a deep breath, and calls forth one more tree.

“What, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word,
As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee.
Have at thee, coward!”

And then, magic spent, she promptly faints.


As the fighting begins to wind down, the Spirits repelled by the mass of students inside the great hall, the frontal defense begins to fall back, clustering into a tight formation around the wounded. The oldest students stand tall, undefeated, but battered from the tough fight as a temporary hush falls over the crowd. The remaining Spirits, bruised but “alive”, if such beings can be called alive, flee from the wall of students, once again shapeless and incorporeal. A mixture of black dust and slime from the defeated recedes, returning to whatever cracks it came from.

Silence falls. Students catch their breath, tend to their wounds. And then, somebody speaks:

“It’s not over yet.”

The crowd waits. People hold their breath, unable to break the silence that descends like fog. The lights flicker, as if they were unsettled by the absence of dark energy. A chill sweeps throughout the crowd, through the ranks of students--oldest first, first years in the back, wounded in the middle. In the midst of the crowd, somebody grows impatient, and quiet murmurs ripple throughout the settling dust.

And, suddenly--roar rips through the Great Hall, sending the dust whirling. Standing in front of the majestic stone doors, a large bear, rising from the purple and black slime on the floor, solidifies to face the students. Silence shattered, orders are barked above the din.
Swords are raised. Spells are prepared. Injured make one last stand.

Miss Headmaster Elysion lands, golden wings alight, to lead the final fight.

@Metamore@Canidae@ReveTheDreamer@QueenNugget@AGenericUser@Insert Alias@Cherrywitch@pandapolio@Joker892
@Metamore I will, absolutely! I've just been super busy and putting it off ahaha. really sorry, I have a lot more limited time on here now so expect replies to get slower. but yes definitely expect a post to bring the gang together today!! I hope!!
@Drakey Violetta's eye widen, cheeks coloring slightly, but smiles graciously anyway. Urs is a tricky little thing, but she's really a dear... Or, at least Violetta thinks so.

"I'm Violetta," she introduces herself formally, trying to appear both caring and polite. "I have powers of precognition, which means I can see into the future, but it's very limited."

"I'm glad. You seem chipper. I'm doing well," she whispers to Urs, then folds her hands into her lap and watches the rest of the orphans introduce themselves.
@KatherinWinter nah, it's completely unrelated. i'll post once more before I go, if you'd like.
still looking...
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