Avatar of Omega Man


Recent Statuses

15 days ago
Current Been without good wifi for a couple weeks since the hurricane. Will get back to RP's and iChecks soon...
2 mos ago
Working on a new iCheck for a Justice League Unlimited revival. The new comic series has me feeling ten kinds of inspired rn....
3 mos ago
What happens when you combine the Titans and the X-Men to make a new Amalgam Universe? Come find out... roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 mos ago
Been too long since I've RP'ed....
10 mos ago
"I hope when I die it's early in the morning so I don't go to work that day for nothing..." - Me


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Hello out there! My name's Mason. I like a lot of random stuff like comics, Masters of the Universe, M*A*S*H, X-Files, conspiracy theories, as well as a good superhero themed role play! I'm more of a DC freak than a Marvel zombie but I did grow up on mutants and 3rd string heroes. Once in awhile I'll make a few micros in MSPaint for my RP's because I love designing heroes as much as I do writing/reading about them. I'm about to try and get another Amalgam Universe themed game off the ground, if you're interested gimme a shout!

My top RP's on the Guild:

Young Justice 2020
Justice League Unlimited
Titans of Gotham
Champions of Engine City
Marvel Reborn
Legion of Superheroes Return [stat based]

Top Characters:

Ditto - Young Justice series
Bulleteer - Justice League Unlimited
Leviathan - Titans of Gotham
Fastlane - Champions of Engine City
the Thing II - Marvel Reborn
Ultra Boy II - Legion of Superheroes Return

I've been RP'ing for awhile. I mostly RP to keep my writing skills up to par, and I generally RP between Casual and Advanced. I've been a member of the guild for quite a bit, pre Guildfall even. Ninety percent of the time you'll find me in some superhero themed RP or something based off of another fandom like MotU or Power Rangers. Currently in the process of developing my own comics!

Favorite DC heroes (I won't go into villains to save space) in no order: Aquaman, Hawkman, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Superboy (the clone), Swamp Thing, Starman, Animal Man, the Ray (90's era), Impulse, Captain Atom, and Batman Beyond.

Favorite Marvel heroes list: Human Torch I & II, Capt. Mar-Vell, Black Bolt, the classic Destroyer, Havok, Multiple Man, classic Scarlet Spider, Spiderman 2099, Nova, and Colossus.

OTHER FAVORITES: Space Ghost, Haunt, the Maxx, Shadowhawk, Green Hornet, Madman, Doctor Star/Andromeda, the Phantom, He-Man, and Zorro.

Most Recent Posts

@Skwint Ghost is accepted!
@Dead Cruiser I mean it was mostly in the last response already. For the record I LOVE Shadowhawk. Moreso than Spawn. Shadowhawk isn't what I'm looking for in the game though. The more traditional vigilante hero of Gotham isn't what's needed here. Your guy though is almost note for note a combo of Damian and Red Hood with a dash of Marvel's Taskmaster [the copying fighting styles thing]. Son of Talia Al Ghul and trained by the League is Damian's thing. Exposure to the Lazarus Pit itself is Red Hood's thing. And Renegade is legit an alternate ID of Nightwing when he goes undercover as a badguy. Also...

BRIEF Bio: [this shouldn't be a problem as none of us are really trained or have more than a few months experience]

"Trained practically since he was able to walk..." - Renegade

Inexperienced teenage metahumans are a requirement. Your guy is basically the second coming of Batman.
@FalloutJack That would work yeah. I always liked that the training robots in JLU were the Zeta kind just with the different head design...
@Ignorancebliss I dig the concept, but there needs to be some sort of limits with the powers you gain cause a deck of cards is a lot of mf power. If you could stick to using a handful, and maybe just call a lady of the night a prostitute instead of a whore... this could totally work for the RP.

@Silver Carrot I think this is the one that hits the sweet spot. The sample post and the imagery of her hand at the end of several wire cables connecting it to the rest of her arm... oh yeah. Wireframe is accepted.

@BaileyBlue302 This character seems more suited to something anime themed. Just doesn't seem superhero enough, if that makes sense. Somebody that is possessed by a fox spirit would be kinda cool, but as she is Queen doesn't fit.

@Blizz Already spoke to you in Discord lol

@Dead Cruiser Seems like equal parts Damian and Red Hood, and I didn't want any Robin analogs. Doesn't help he's using an old alias of Grayson's for a codename. And an Al Ghul. And trained by assassins.

@FalloutJack If Trask was more like Zeta from the Zeta Project and less like a Terminator and armed to the teeth he could work. If you could rework that bit he'd have a place on the squad.

I *think* that's everybody. IDK how I read the sheets out of order, but sometimes it just happens that way. Let's see some more sheets!!

I'm reading over the first few sheets rn, figuring out dinner, etc. There's a couple that really look like they hit the sweet spot, and the sample posts are gonna be the deciding factor. Some of the sheets don't seem like what I'm looking for, but I'll wait till I've read through everything before making any decisions. Thanks for all of the interest and if you haven't submitted a CS yet GET AFTER IT!

Batman was a thing of the past.

After the mysterious death of Bruce Wayne nearly a decade prior, Gotham City only began to get worse. Several of Batman’s allies kept the fight alive but in time they all moved on. Barbara Gordon was the only one who remained and after serving on the GCPD for several years she became the new Commissioner. The city was on the edge of chaos until hope came in the form of a new street gang. The Robins fought back against the Jokerz gang and were more help than the police would ever dare to admit. While she didn’t condone putting children in the line of fire, after several arrests took place following a gang war Gordon discovered a couple of the Robins were metahumans.

Gordon knew she had a better shot at protecting Gotham with a team of metahumans, and after disbanding the Robins she took the pair of super-powered teens and began recruiting for a new team. The Titans of Gotham would come into existence with the aid of Oracle, whose identity was only known by the two former Robins gang members. The team would be comprised of metahuman teens from in and around Gotham and its neighboring cities. Gordon gave the team access to an underground bunker that was built for Batman and his allies years prior to his death. The bunker itself was practically a miniature Bat-Cave complete with a 3D printer and costuming device. It appeared as if one of the Robins, Spoiler, and Batgirl had used the secret HQ last; however everything was covered with dust.

Gotham itself was something of a sight. While it wasn’t quite the Neo Gotham some envisioned for the future, it was well on its way there. Industrial Park had already begun to embrace the future technologies of the world, as did the GCPD and other emergency services. The police, fire department, and EMS crews all had access to hover cars and vehicles. The Bat-signal that used to sit on the old GCPD building was still on the roof of the new building, and the coup de grass for any tours of the department. The criminal element of the city had also adapted. Bane’s daughter had taken over his Venom operation, pushing new patches called slappers on everyone from athletes, to gym junkies, and even law enforcement. After the disbanding of the Robins, the Jokerz gang decided it had nothing better to do than go to war with itself and now there were two factions fighting for criminal supremacy. A vigilante known as Peace Keeper 01 was also wreaking havoc executing criminals for the pettiest of crimes, as well as a couple crooked cops he didn’t even bother exposing before murdering in a public area. He gained favor with the citizens of Gotham after taking down Poison Ivy and Black Mask, however more recently after firing on and killing several citizens for speeding he’s went off the deep end.

Who will answer the call of Oracle?

You can make an original, or remake an existing character in some form or fashion, but know the majority of Titans history except for a few enemies will be left out. Presumably no other teen heroes really exist in this DCU. We'll fight mostly Batman enemies and a couple wildcards and an original of mine so long as the game keeps running smoothly. The year is roughly 2035 or so, not quite the Batman Beyond future but not too much farther off. I used elements from Future State, Batman Beyond, and the more recent Batman and Joker comics to come up with the setting.

Character Sheets must include but are not limited to:

Secret ID:
Age: [15-19]
Home Location: [your options include Gotham, Midway City, Metropolis, and Bludhaven]
Equipment: [best believe Oracle is gonna have a few of us with utility belts, pockets, and pouches]
Appearance: [remember there’s a 3D printer to make duds for us all]
Personality: [5 words best describing your character]
BRIEF Bio: [this shouldn't be a problem as none of us are really trained or have more than a few months experience]
Notes: [anything else you need to add?]
Sample Post: [give us an idea of what you bring to the table, no less than 1 or 2 paragraphs with dialog!]

This is meant to be a Titans team with an edge, since they’re based out of Gotham. That horrible Gotham Knights on the CW is the last thing this is meant to be like. I’m not looking to recruit anybody applying with a new take on Robin or Nightwing, ya gotta have a metahuman power and an identity of your own. I’m likely playing with an original character with Static type powers, or possibly a limited Multiple Man type of character. Either way whichever one I go with my guy will be one of the two Robins recruited from the gang.

If I can get 6 or 7 solid character sheets from players we’ll get this thing going.

“Was he that angsty before becoming a superhero?” Centurion asked after Jay stepped out of the HQ.

“He used to be in the Wolfpack, before his dad got killed.” Will commented.

There was an awkward silence to kill all awkward silences. Centurion didn’t know these kids personally, only that they were locals who were given power tied to the Golden Dragon. Centurion wasn’t a great detective, but the way the young hero in front of him just spoke he could tell that the two Dragons were related somehow. He had to do something to ease the tension…

“So… Dragon 1… Dragon 2?” Centurion asked wondering what to call Will.

“There’s a group on the ‘net calling me Blaze…” Will commented as Centurion sat in front of the large window at his monitoring station.

“Well… Blaze… what’ll it be? Or do I need to ask?” Centurion asked.

“Yeah… I’m going to the retro arcade.” Blaze replied getting himself hyped.

“I didn’t have the chance to ask the other Dragon….” Centurion began saying before Will corrected him.

“Firebrand.” The younger Dragon stated.

“…okay, do YOU want company? My drones are long range now and Midtown shouldn’t be beyond their limits. I can be another pair of eyes.” Centurion explained.

Minutes Later, Midtown…

It was at the bottom of a large hill, on the end of a shopping mall long past its prime. There was a creek behind it, and the mall itself was off of a major highway. However the pavement was cracked and the parking lot was large and vacant of any cars except for on the far side of the building. There was still one discount beer and tobacco store willing to attempt to do business. The employees and customers are usually the ones calling in the reports of the lizard creature near the arcade. When Will arrived the drone was still a few minutes behind him. Through a crack in some wood covering the windows the Battletoad called Rash prepared himself for a fight. He wondered why the guy in the fancy suit was just standing around outside.

“I’m not waiting for your backup to get here!” Rash screamed, leaping towards the Dragon themed hero with a Big Bad Boot attack. Mid-air the Battletoad’s foot morphed into a giant steel toed boot with spikes and caught the hero off his guard.

13 – Blaze [-2 for Rash’s Sig Move]
15 – Rash

“What the…” Will said out loud, picking himself up off of the busted pavement. Centurion’s drone finally hit the scene.

The Toad’s arms morphed together to form a double bladed battle axe and came down with another strike. If not for the Dragon’s enhanced attributes and durability he would’ve already been done for.

12 – Blaze [-1 for Rash’s attack]
15 – Rash

“Where are the Topians?! And what have you done with my Battletoad bros?!” Rash questioned, as Will attempted to get his wits about him. It wasn’t every day that a guy got tossed around by a six foot tall frog man.

“Maybe I was just here for the retro arcade…” Blaze muttered grabbing the Toad’s ankle and flying into the sky. Within moments he threw him to the pavement, unsurprisingly the amphibian bounced.

12 – Blaze
14 – Rash [-1 for being thrown]

“Retro? How long was I trapped in that game?!” Rash questioned, looking around at all the bits of newer technology sprinkled in the city. The flying cars, the large hologram billboards, it was a lot for the teenage hero to take in.

“I don’t know what a Topian is, or what you’re talking about… but I think we got off on the wrong foot.” Will said extending his hand to help the Battletoad to his feet.
If anybody is watching this and would like to play as a villain in this DD universe give us a yell. It's been pretty slow moving but we're trying to take our time crafting the world around our Dragons. We mostly talk in Discord since it's just the two of us for now, otherwise the OOC would be more active...
The red clad Dragon watched as his cousin took out the hulking brute with ease. This was the second time they’d dealt with this Abobo family of muscle heads since becoming superheroes. The yellow skinned enemy on the ground remained and citizens of Sundown City began to gather around what had just taken place. Cars passed them by on the streets, as well as flying overhead. Thankfully for the boys they could fly higher than the futuristic cars were allowed to.

“You gonna wait around for the cops? If so I’m gonna go ahead and fly to Centurion’s HQ…” Will stated as the flashing lights of the local law enforcement approached. “We really need code-names. I don’t know what to call you in front of a crowd.”

"Yeah, about that..." Jay said in response to the line about code-names, "...It kind of looks like some people on social media are already calling us something." but he didn't say anything else aloud. Instead he used his phone to send a quick text message. Apparently, they're calling me Firebrand. Guess they already must think I'm the rebellious one. Lmao.

The employees of the jewelry store had come around the corner, as well as more civilians who witnessed the attempted heist. A little boy holding his mother’s hand in the crowd asked the two cousins in costumes about the Golden Dragon.

“Are you the Golden Dragon’s kids?” the boy who wore a cartoon superhero t-shirt asked.

Jay seemed more concerned with the brute on the ground than he did the crowd. Will leaned down and addressed the boy.

“He’s not our dad, but he was an inspiration to us both.” He said with a smile as the child’s expression perked up.

The authorities were on the scene now and came through the crowd. Sterling Shephard of the Channel 17 News team was also on his way through the people with a camera drone in tow behind him. The boys didn’t know exactly what they did to piss this news guy off, but he had serious beef with them for some reason. They gave each other a look and both took to the skies in an instant with an energy trail behind each of them mirroring the look of a serpentine dragon. The Double Dragons flew through the city darting between skyscrapers and dodging flying vehicles, only to see that the city wasn’t in any peril at the moment. From behind the boarded up windows of an abandoned or rundown retro arcade an amphibious hand pulled away a broken piece of wood to get a better look at the flying heroes. Across town, back in the flooded zone, Centurion watched the skyline of the city from his HQ.

Positioned on top of one of the larger skyscrapers on the eastside, Centurion’s base was composed of what was left from his civilian life and his original base of operations. The whole thing had a very sleek and sci-fi look to it. There was technology like it in the city here and there, but sixty percent of the city was still pretty gritty and worn down. It was imperceptible to the naked eye thanks to hard light holographics giving it a much more rundown and dilapidated look like other buildings throughout the city. When going outside to check on things he usually threw a tattered cloak and hood over himself to better blend into the grime projections. He did this as he met the boys outside on the roof.

“I JUST saw the text about the code names… apparently there’s one camp calling me Blaze and another group calling me Inferno. Oooh, Marian just texted…” Will began saying as they approached Centurion in his cloak.

Centurion looked down around the base of the building where the lower levels were still flooded to make sure there were no crocodiles or self-proclaimed Kings.
.... maybe this is why I never try Marvel RPs often LOL
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