Avatar of Omega Man


Recent Statuses

15 days ago
Current Been without good wifi for a couple weeks since the hurricane. Will get back to RP's and iChecks soon...
2 mos ago
Working on a new iCheck for a Justice League Unlimited revival. The new comic series has me feeling ten kinds of inspired rn....
3 mos ago
What happens when you combine the Titans and the X-Men to make a new Amalgam Universe? Come find out... roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 mos ago
Been too long since I've RP'ed....
10 mos ago
"I hope when I die it's early in the morning so I don't go to work that day for nothing..." - Me


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Hello out there! My name's Mason. I like a lot of random stuff like comics, Masters of the Universe, M*A*S*H, X-Files, conspiracy theories, as well as a good superhero themed role play! I'm more of a DC freak than a Marvel zombie but I did grow up on mutants and 3rd string heroes. Once in awhile I'll make a few micros in MSPaint for my RP's because I love designing heroes as much as I do writing/reading about them. I'm about to try and get another Amalgam Universe themed game off the ground, if you're interested gimme a shout!

My top RP's on the Guild:

Young Justice 2020
Justice League Unlimited
Titans of Gotham
Champions of Engine City
Marvel Reborn
Legion of Superheroes Return [stat based]

Top Characters:

Ditto - Young Justice series
Bulleteer - Justice League Unlimited
Leviathan - Titans of Gotham
Fastlane - Champions of Engine City
the Thing II - Marvel Reborn
Ultra Boy II - Legion of Superheroes Return

I've been RP'ing for awhile. I mostly RP to keep my writing skills up to par, and I generally RP between Casual and Advanced. I've been a member of the guild for quite a bit, pre Guildfall even. Ninety percent of the time you'll find me in some superhero themed RP or something based off of another fandom like MotU or Power Rangers. Currently in the process of developing my own comics!

Favorite DC heroes (I won't go into villains to save space) in no order: Aquaman, Hawkman, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Superboy (the clone), Swamp Thing, Starman, Animal Man, the Ray (90's era), Impulse, Captain Atom, and Batman Beyond.

Favorite Marvel heroes list: Human Torch I & II, Capt. Mar-Vell, Black Bolt, the classic Destroyer, Havok, Multiple Man, classic Scarlet Spider, Spiderman 2099, Nova, and Colossus.

OTHER FAVORITES: Space Ghost, Haunt, the Maxx, Shadowhawk, Green Hornet, Madman, Doctor Star/Andromeda, the Phantom, He-Man, and Zorro.

Most Recent Posts

@Eviledd1984 I love this CS. Everything about it is just what I'm looking for. As for potential episodes, I'm taking everyone's suggestions and throwing them around with ideas I've already got to work stuff into the future. Can't say I was gonna do stuff with Red Lanterns but Brainiac is definitely coming up.

EDIT: I'm also getting to work on an OOC and an IC opener. Should be up tonight or tomorrow (the OOC at least).
Name: Farris Knight
Alias: Starman
Age: 32
Personality: mysterious, stoic, calculating, stressed, observant
Quarvat – Originally a Gravity Rod invented by the original Starman, Farris used his grandfather’s blueprints to convert the weapon into a Cosmic Rod. It grants him enhanced durability, flight, energy absorption and blasts, as well as enhanced speed and strength but not to any huge degree. It also protects him in space as he’s been to the moon and back twice now.

Starman Suit – Made from a type of material used by the military that is bullet proof, fire proof, and stab proof, the suit itself is pretty basic.

Starman Helmet – Taps into the Quarvat to grant Farris the enhanced durability, speed, and strength when in close proximity. Also acts as a two way control to the weapon and connects directly with the wearer’s mind through a temporary patch on the forehead.

Without the Quarvat and the helmet, Farris is just a dude in good shape in light body armor. All standard human weaknesses would apply.

Background Hero: Robot Man
Appearance: see avatar
Potential Storylines: I wanna fight space aliens at some point with this guy, maybe have a superhero rivalry or bromance. Like Cyborg and Beast Boy, just for the JLU.

Farris wasn't close with his grandfather, the original Starman. He had fond memories of looking out of telescopes at stars with him as a child, but didn't know about his grandfather's superheroics until after his death. Farris was in between jobs, in decent shape, and after cleaning out a storage unit for his grandmother he stumbled upon his superheroic legacy. Old pictures, the Gravity Rod, blueprints, and a couple different Starman suits were all in the unit. After tinkering with the Gravity Rod and transforming it into a Cosmic Rod, Farris was waiting for an opportunity to prove himself when the call for heroes was put out by the remaining Justice League members. He moved from Opal City to Metropolis and lives in the Metro Tower with several other heroes who made the move.

Notes: Farris has only operated as Starman for about six weeks.
Sample Post:
Weekend is almost upon us, anybody else got anything?
Justice League - The Unlimited Protocol

Superman was in a coma. After the Martian Manhunter was compromised by an alien parasite he almost single handedly took out the League. Batman was suffering back injuries from the same fight and currently rehabilitating in Gotham. Wonder Woman was dealing with a war in Themyscira after someone made an attempt on the Queen's life. Hawkgirl and the Flash chose to enact the Unlimited Protocol when Green Lantern ventured back out into space to deal with Corps business in another sector. They hoped they would get a few dozen heroes looking to step up to the big leagues, what they got was barely a dozen. Heroes like the Question and Animal Man answered the call as well as the grandson of the original Starman. Will these heroes be enough to save the world against a new cadre of enemies put together by a former friend?

So this game's already got a good bit of the cast already lined up, we just need a few more players to level things out. We're looking for three additional players to fight alongside Animal Man, the Question, Blue Beetle, and Starman. We're going to try the episodic format again and the smaller cast will be easier to manage. We'll likely only have one or two episodes running at a time, depending on where players want their heroes to shine.

As far as GM'ing goes I feel like I should mention I'm the type to give players a bit of freedom. Players can control the enemies to a small degree and if there's any problems they can be addressed. A line or two of dialogue from an enemy and letting them take a few hits is perfectly fine in a post. Just make it interesting and in line with what's been established as the setting. If there's any questions about the enemies we're facing you can always ask about power levels, attacks, weaknesses, etc. This RP is one big collaboration after all.

Reworked canon characters and originals are welcome. Character sheet requirements include...


Personality: [five words best describing your hero]
Powers: [don't get too nuts]
Background Hero: [must be an existing hero]
Potential Storylines: [How do you want your character to grow within the League? What do you want as far as a personal story? A friendship/rivalry in the JLU? A superhero girlfriend or boyfriend? Just give me a few bullet points…]
Sample Post: [Two paragraphs minimum with dialogue]


Here's a couple episodes and titles to give everyone an idea of where this is going. Hope to see a few familiar faces! Only looking for a post per week as far as commitment goes, as the holidays are right around the corner...

Season 1

Episode 1 - Tears for Fears - When a new hero claiming to be taking up the mantle of the Sandman is more than what he seems, someone figures out it's really Batman's enemy the Scarecrow. Who will see their fears come to life while trapped in the Metro Tower under the influence of the fear toxin? And what was Scarecrow's end game?

Episode 2 - Night at the Flash Museum - Two villains (Multiplex and Mirror Master) are tasked with robbing the Flash Museum in Central City. Nobody's sure what they're after, but the League has them surrounded. Who do they work for, and who will they take down in their escape?!

Episode 3 - Gravity is a Liar

Episode 4 - the Door Man


That's all I've got for now. Any interested parties go ahead and give us a heads up! Depending on the quality of the sheets I may take on more additional players. Anything past a group of 7 or so would require somebody Co-GM'ing this mf'er w/me though!
Neo-Gotham, Midtown
01:26 am, Monday

"I should've known you weren't a metahuman. You're just another guy on slappers." said a man garbed in what looked like futuristic King clothing.

"I still get the strength we need, what's it matter K?" a man responded, clothed in all white with a giant spade on his chest.

"We should have replaced him with that robot we saw at the auction..." a woman stated, wearing what appeared to be a futuristic Queen's attire.

The Royal Flush Gang was on a smash and grab when finding out their muscle, Ace, was using slappers. He just ran out of juice and the King and Queen seemed at the very least annoyed. Jack and Ten were finishing with the theivery in the futuristic skyscraper. It looked to be sometime late at night in the city. When they were done they headed for the roof and witnessed Queen giving Ace a backhand. The two younger criminals didn't know what was going on, but they were carrying a large case and sat it down on the roof until they knew what was happening. Queen jumped up to her flying playing-card transport and looked down at Ace and King.

"I don't care how far you two go back, it's him or me King." the Queen stated flying off.

"What's going on, King?" Jack asked.

"And what do we do with..." Ten began to ask before being interrupted by the Titans of Gotham flying in on a giant green dinosaur with wings.

"TITANS GO!" screamed Animal Man as he shifted back to his more humanoid form as the members of the team jumped into action.

King, Jack, and Ten each possessed futiristic styled weapons; a staff that also shot energy blasts, bladed weapons, and smoke bombs respectively. Ace however didn't have anything fancy, as he was always just the muscle. They had their four playing card transports, but there was also the stolen goods in the heavy case just laying on the roof now. It was obvious at the point who the Titans main target was, the fact that eighty percent of the Gang was being caught mid-heist was just icing on the cake for the young heroes. It remained unclear what was in the large case, or where King stood with his old friend Ace. Did the group lose their Queen, or would they lose their muscle?
If anybody is game for this, even a year later... I'd still totally be game.

(This in response to all you people viewing this in the FUTURE! Why now?!)
One week later...

"Buddy Baker always called it his superhero cocktail... a group of animal abilities and traits he always tapped into when going into action as the Animal Man before me. After a few adventures altered my powers here and there I took time off and went to college to better understand animal and marine biology. When I came back to the hero life and teamed up with Baker to save his kids he decided it was time to retire and passed the title on to me. After my powers were altered I came up with my own cocktail. For me though, its more of a base form." Gar thought about his past while warming up for another training session in their upgraded HQ.

"Bio-electricity manipulation of an electric eel."

"The mostly bulletproof hide of a rhino."

"Agility and jumping skills of a flea. That was the one Buddy recommended." after the texture of his skin slightly changed up he stopped jumping up and down in place and swinging his arms around.

"After failing to put together my own adult Titans team I just protected Jump City on my own for a few years with
the occasional assist from somebody like Cyborg or Arsenal. Eventually I got a call from Batman to join his new group of Outsiders back here on the east coast. That's how I got to know people like Blue Devil, Metamorpho, and Oracle." he continued to think about his past... but before the holo-droid could mimic a supervillain the holographic head of Oracle appeared in the training room.

"The Wayne Industries board and Gotham Zoning Committee is still fighting me on the zoning for your new tower. Victor could've told me what he was planning." Oracle stated.

"He didn't tell me until the moment he started constructing it. Vic was right though, the Titans needed a tower." Animal Man responded.

"The bunker was adequate enough space for a handful of teenagers." Oracle continued.

"The Titans were never a covert team hiding in a bunker. You got anymore leads on Bane's daughter? I'm not so sure she's getting the slappers made outside of city limits. We've staked out the bay three times now in a week and haven't made any progress." Gar added.

"You and the team may have to just go out on patrols more until you find the dealers. Not everyone juicing up on slappers goes around in a knockoff Bane mask. I still haven't figured out who's using them in the GCPD." Oracle mentioned as it seemed someone was coming into the training room area of the new T Tower.

"Keep in touch if anything changes." Animal Man said in closing.

"I will. The new suit looks good, Garfield." Gordon commented as her Oracle hologram dissipated.

Before another Titan could get into the War Room level of the Tower, Gar booted up another training session against an old enemy of his. If the Titans were coming to the training area, they'd be stuck in the viewing room until Animal Man was finished with the Silver Scorpion in the shopping mall setting.
He was right around the corner from turning forty. Garfield Logan had been doing this for a little over two decades now. Over the next several days he worked with the newest iteration of Titans to try and get them working together more as a unit. Years ago, Gar inherited the title of Animal Man from another hero who had decided to retire to focus on his family. The former Beast Boy had been the sole protector of Jump City for several years, and a member of Batman's black ops team the Outsiders along with other heroes such as Metamorpho and Blue Devil. That's where he was introduced to Oracle...

As Animal Man he transformed into a small group of green rhinos to take on Monolith and Trask. As a gorilla he trained with Wireframe to subdue even the toughest of foes mid-combat. Garfield trained with Ghost and Haze on stealth with what was essentially metahuman hide & seek. And as a group the Titans faced Animal Man in the form of a T-Rex. However as the Titans of Gotham grew as a team in this future above and beyond, so did the daughter of one of Batman's most complex of enemies. Drug pushers selling slappers was common in Gotham without the Batman taking down the supply chain. Bane-masked goons working in tandem with gangs like hired muscle was becoming a bigger problem.

It was a little past one in the morning on a Saturday two weeks after the team took down Peacekeeper-01. Animal Man finished off a training exercise of his own against a holo-droid in the training area in the far side of the bunker. His smart phone chimed the tune of Blue Oyster Cult's 'Godzilla'.

"Bolt's not quite healed yet but he's having second thoughts about the hero thing." Gar spoke on the phone, it was presumably Oracle/Gordon on the other end. "Yeah." he answered briefly. "One of them is still lacking in hand to hand, but they've got the power to become intangible so it's not so much of a problem if we're going up against a bunch of meat-heads." There was a bit of a pause before Gar made his eyes wide in disbelief. "Wait... you're WHERE?!? Does Oracle know about this?"

A few blocks away at what was left of the blimp station, a fifty-something year old Victor Stone pulled a red hood down revealing his face. He took a knee and planted his fist into the ground and nano-bots flowed from his body and began absorbing old tech and debris and reshaping it into what looked like the foundation of a building.

"The Titans, no matter what city they're in... need a Tower." Cyborg claimed on the other end of the call as the T shape was beginning to form. "Booyah."
@Crimson Flame@Birdboy@WXer@mickilennial@Skwint@iGeorge@Blizz@Eviledd1984

Animal Man, Dr. Light, and I think a couple of you have mentioned Sandman here or on Discord. If a few of you wanna post CS's or even WIPs I'll go ahead and get an OOC started.
Wassup peeps?! I'm working on a post to move things forward with Gar/Animal Man. Next up I think we're going after Bane's daughter....
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