Avatar of PapaOso


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5 days ago
Current Take me with you
13 days ago
I love Princess 😘
2 yrs ago
Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


Help, it's again!

Most Recent Posts

Until recently you were just a run of the mill kid, or maybe you were a troubled teen, or even perhaps a college age young adult just trying to live your life, but not anymore. Now you're something else...something different; you are gifted.

This story will be set in the X-Men fandom where you will take on your own unique characters. My intention is to set this RP in a world where mutants are still relatively unknown to the masses, where the "gifted" are feared and looked down upon by society, and where it would be detrimental for the public to find out the identities of those that are known about. The idea is this: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters has been a haven for mutants for a decade now, but one school can only do so much in a world where there are new mutants popping up all the time. So, Charles Xavier has entrusted one of his good friends, Malcolm Ashford, to open a new school to help ensure more mutants find the help they need. We will be the first class of students at the Ashford Institute for the Gifted, and will live the lives of mutants in a world made for humans. We together will learn how to control our gifts, find out who we truly are, make friends (and enemies) along the way, and train to one day join the ranks of the X-Men.

This RP encourages building relationships between characters, both romantic and platonic. At its heart this game is going to be about character development far more than combat and stuff like that (though there definitely will be some action). Mature themes may be explored, and things like sex may come up from time to time (within reason...explicit stuff should fade to black or be handled in PMs).

This is the official OOC for this RP; a place for us to get to know each other and discuss the game and our characters. Feel free to contact me for any questions or additional info you would like me to provide.

Ask if you want to join the Discord :D

I'll start thinking of a character concept :D. Is there anything I should keep in mind during the process other than what's listed on the OG OOC post?
Hello everyone :D. I am back from a lengthy hiatus and always end up looking for a supers game first lol xD. I understand that things have slowed a bit but that the Discord is still active. I'd love to join if you'd have me :).
Damn...life kicked me in the nuts. I wish this hadn't died.
Once again I am back at a place in my life where I can dedicate time to this wonderful site xD. I've missed this place, I've missed all of my RP friends, and I can't wait to get back into things. Much love everyone!
@Burning Kitty@Lady of Lore We'll try and get things moving tomorrow. I've had to spend my whole vacation from work helping clear debris and dead cattle for some family friends who have a ranch that got destroyed in the fire. I'm so sorry for my absence.
@TheUnknowable You and me both brother.
@TheUnknowable I live in a town of 2000 people but yeah i technically could get some goats or something but we rent and our landlords wouldn't let us even if we had the means to do that.

@Silver Carrot I love being outside but for some reason mowing is the bane of my existence. I always get itchy and break out from the grass and stuff.
@Burning Kitty Now this is sound logic and seeing as mowing is literally my least favorite thing in the world i agree with you. If it was up to me I wouldn't have grass in my yard at all. I wish that I could afford turf or something like that.
@Burning Kitty Not when you live in a place where your grass will literally die if you don't.
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