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Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


Help, it's again!

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I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for not jumping in to the IC yet. I'm running an X-Men RP of my own and have been focusing heavily on that. I still plan to jump in at some point but it may not be immediately.
Boom....700 total posts mother fuckers.

Location: Courtyard
Interaction: @BoyMom69035

They handled themselves well. Adam watched as the situation began to deescalate. He began approaching as students started to wander off. He wasn't going to punish anyone for self defense, but Isaac was different story. He was clearly the aggressor here. Adam dashed around the corner, still not wanting to alert everyone of his presence just yet. He stayed low and kept to cover but approached the situation all the same. He watched as one of the students tried to reason with Isaac once again. He remembered her name...Ms. Hendricks. Isaac’s eyes shifted in a way that made Adam uncomfortable. He sped up. Unfortunately his prediction came true when Isaac lashed out at the girl. Adam could tell he wouldn’t get there in time. This was his fault...he shouldn’t have let it escalate. Cursing himself he began to run as fast as he could...but it was too late.

A shock wave erupted from Sally as Isaac approached her with his attack. The larger student was thrown back hard...destroying the grass and foliage as he rolled across the ground. ‘That’s...interesting’ Adam thought to himself as he continued his dash, having to brace a bit from the shock wave itself. Reaching into his pocket he fingered a small, metallic orb. Pulling into his hand he threw the orb towards Isaac mid air. It activated on impact and a thick cord of silver metal detonated from the orb, wrapping around the near-invincible student’s arms and legs as he landed with one final thud on the ground below.

Adam turned his attention immediately towards Sally. “Ms. Hendricks...are you okay.” He watched her collapse backwards. Rushing to her side Adam immediately pulled off his jacket, rolling it up into a makeshift pillow as he placed it under her head. She had a pulse. She was breathing. Thank every fucking god in every religion. He pulled up his communicator. “This is Pierce. The incident is under control but there were some injuries. Get help to the infirmary. Oh...and Isaac Miller is restrained with an adamantium bola...don’t attempt to cut it. Just let him calm down for a bit. Put him in the detention room.” He gently wraps his arms under and around Sally, picks her up, and heads towards the nurse’s office.

Character Highlight: Sally Hendricks aka @BoyMom69035

Isaac’s body surrendered back to his own control. The sensation he felt was something that he couldn’t even explain. During the effect he could feel his blood flowing through his body...but forcibly, like someone was moving it for him. When he tried to move he felt his blood pull against him as though it was trying to push through his veins and flesh. It was painful. More painful than anything he’d ever felt. His powers allowed him to be lift cars and be shot by bullets with little effect...but what Nathan had just done to him could have killed him. He wouldn’t forget that.

He forced himself back up off his knees, peering out at the remaining students that had attacked him. ‘Why did they care about the little fucker enough to help him?’ He asked himself. He wasn’t ashamed of his actions, but the feeling of everyone seeing him as the villain in this situation made him uncomfortable; though he could discern if it was because he loathed it or reviled in it. Confusion set in. Then anger. Always anger.

Isaac watched as students began to disperse a bit. He watched some girl walk Nathan away like a precious little lamb. The girl that had attacked him head on flew away like he was nothing. Like she had finished the job. She HADN’T. He could rip most of these mother fuckers into shreds if he really wanted to. ‘Do I want to?’ He wasn’t sure he wanted to answer that question. Soon though, all that remained was the girl who had first approached him. The read headed bitch was still afraid of him and he could tell. Anger. Always anger. Red...all he saw was red.

“You ignorant fucking cunt!” With a roar Isaac leaps towards Sally, clenching his fist and bringing it down in her direction hard.

Sally...What do you do?

@Damo021 Fucking Accepted :D

You can go ahead and move her to the Character tab!
<Snipped quote by ShieldsOfWar>

I don't have normal functions.

Well then return to your abnormal functions
I fucking love this game!!!!

That is all lol. Resume normal functions.
Adam heard the crash and instantly began running towards the window. He could see the students engaged in combat. His instinct told him to rush out and stop it...but why would stop an opportunity to test themselves? He recognized the kid they were brawling with; Isaac Miller. The kid was nearly invincible. He pulled his watch / communicator up to his mouth.

“All staff. This is Pierce. Do not intervene in the fray outside. I’ll handle it. Trust me”. He continued to watch the students battle. They were working together nicely. He opened the window and dropped down from the second story, landing silently like a cat. He stayed low and watched from a distance; ready to intervene if necessary but hoping to see them resolve it themselves. Either way he knew that he’d eventually have to get statements and deal out punishments, but for now he’d just watch.

@Damo021 Clearly it got resolved lol. Glad to have you in our crazy...sometimes terrifying world

Interactions / Mentions @KatKook@Almalthia@Burning Kitty

Nathan looked up at the girl standing over him. Even with his body battered he got lost in her eyes for a second. He was still in shock from this escalation, but eventually he made sense of her words.

“I...uh, think my ribs are broken.” He didn’t break eye contact with her as she caringly scanned his injuries. “Your freckles are beautiful”. He panicked; berating himself about letting those words slip out. He looked away out of embarrassment and saw that the situation still hadn’t settled. He saw an opportunity to help. Nathan despised his powers...but he HAD to do something. This was his fault after all.

Forcing himself into a seated position proved more difficult than he thought. He cringed in pain as he held his hands out towards Isaac. At that moment someone moved past him. He recognized the girl; her name was….Khloe? Yeah, that was it. Khloe put up a wall of ice between the flying girl and Isaac. Luckily, Nathan could still see enough of the aggressive man for his powers to work. He activated his abilities and could feel the blood running through Isaac’s body. Straining, he held the blood in place with all of his might. If this worked it would restrain Isaac so that he couldn’t move. Rage filled his mind and a part of him wanted to take things further...to HURT this bastard. He fought the urge and just tried to hold him still.

(At this point Isaac is basically frozen solid. You can see the anger still on his face. Though the sensation of having his blood held in place is obviously uncomfortable and his eyes begin to water.)

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