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2 yrs ago
Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.
4 yrs ago
Professional Wrestling taught me how to imagine. Dave Chappelle taught me how to laugh. George Carlin taught me how to question. Uncle Iroh taught me how to be a man.
5 yrs ago
The ebb & flow of life can be overwhelming sometimes. However, every time I come back to this site I'm reminded why I never should have left in the first place. <3
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Help, it's again!

Most Recent Posts

Time: The Evening of Sola 23rd
Location: Damien Estate Ballroom
Mentions/Interactions:@JJ Doe Fritz (and technically Riona), @princess Charlotte, @Helo Leo, @samreaper Mr. V

Cassius observed the scene unfold with the practiced eye of a gambler surveying the cards on the table. One of the men took Charlotte's hand in his own, a gesture that did not escape Cassius's notice and one that caused a wave of curiosity to surge through him. There was a certain finesse to the man's movements, a subtle manipulation that danced beneath the surface like a shadow cloaked in sunlight. Yet, despite the veneer of a sinister nature, Cassius couldn't help but sense a gentle heart beating beneath it all, a contradiction that honestly both intrigued and unnerved him. Eventually, that very contradiction of a man stood to introduce himself.

“And you’ll have to excuse me for drawing you away from the one who so captivates your interest…Lord Cassius Damien, I presume? It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Fritz.” The intriguing man said, extending a hand to Cassius, which he shook without hesitation and purposefully maintained eye contact.

“Very perceptive of you, Mr. Fritz. Indeed I am the bastard son of Count Damien…and newest Lord to grace Caesonia. Lovely to make your acquaintance.” he mused, his voice dripping with honeyed charm.

“If the others don’t mind, I think it would be heartening to have your assistance, Lord Damien. More the merrier, I say.”

After nodding in agreement and releasing Fritz's hand, Cassius took a second to acknowledge the server among them with a smile and friendly wink, before letting his attention turn to the man clad in lion themed attire who was clearly annoyed by his presence.

He did not verbally respond to Leo’s words, but the man's judgment hung in the air like a storm cloud on the horizon. His disdain was palpable even beneath the mask he wore. Instead…Cassius arched a brow, a wry smile playing at the corners of his lips as he glared at Leo arrogantly. Ah…the illustrious Lord Smithwood, he thought to himself, his inner voice laced with sarcasm. So quick to judge, yet so slow to understand the game played all around you. His mind turned to his father’s dossier, and the man’s thoughts on the people of importance in the kingdom…Cassius had to admit that Calbert’s musings seemed spot on thus far, at least when it came to the young Smithwood.

But what of Charlotte? Was Calbert right about her as well?

His father's words echoed in the recesses of his mind like a warning whispered on the wind. Calbert Damien had made his disdain for Charlotte and her stepfather clear, a testament to the drama between the two families. And yet, despite his father's wishes, Cassius couldn't deny the call of curiosity. His draw to Charlotte was undeniable even though he did not understand it in the slightest, a magnetic pull that tugged at the edges of his consciousness even when his mind should be focused on other matters. In reaction to Count Fritz’s acknowledgment of Cas’s captivation by Charlotte, he adjusted…masking his curiosity behind a veil of nonchalance, his gaze lingering on her for but a moment before shifting back to the task at hand as she turned her attention to Leo.

As the conversation transitioned to finding the missing watch and Charlotte laid out her suggestions, Cassius's gaze swept across the crowd, his eyes alight with a hunter’s gleam. As he looked over the partygoers, he pondered the men around Charlotte. They all seemed to notice his eyes on her, even the server that still stood amongst them seemed to have thoughts on the matter. Cas wondered about the nature of each fella’s relationship with her, curious if any of them were potential suitors or had romantic ties to the girl he had been so uncharacteristically drawn to. He could not care less about Lord Smithwood’s watch, and yet he scanned the crowd with a practiced eye…his senses sharpened by years of navigating the treacherous life of a mercenary. Quickly someone caught his eye. There, amidst the sea of masks and shadows, he spotted her…a woman in an orange and gold dress, donning the disguise of a cat mask, her presence was like a beacon in the darkness.

Not many gowns of orange and gold, I imagine…surely she’s the one. Cassius pondered internally as he took in the sight of her. He caught his glance just as the woman was beginning to move away from the dance floor, and sure enough…dangling from her waist piece was a pocket watch. From the way it hung, Cassius could tell that the woman most likely didn’t even know it was in her possession. His instinct to point it out to the others was silenced as he turned his own attention back to Leo once more. The smug look of superiority on the man’s face was enough to garner contempt, but the shrill pitch of his voice and oddly timed fit of laughter only added to the aura of unlikability. He considered his options just as Leo addressed him once more.

“Apologies, Cassius, the watch belongs to my father, his before his, for many years, irreplaceable…An excellent showing at the archery contest the other day, by the way.” The compliment from Leo was almost enough to sway the balance of the scales adequately for Cassius to offer up his knowledge of the watch, but the man’s half-assed nod made his decision for him.

“Thank you kindly, Lord Smithwood. I do great work, especially when there’s a captive audience.”

No, he would not reveal the whereabouts of the watch…at least not yet. The whole scenario amused him and he was far more interested to see how this little group would fair in finding it on their own. Plus, given the fact that all three gentleman seemed interested in, or at least protective of, Charlotte in their own ways…he saw an opportunity to test those waters that he simply could not resist. Careful not to repeat the mistakes of the other night, Cassius addressed Charlotte directly…his tone of voice even more alluring than normal.

“Lady Vikena, I would be remiss if I did not admit that it is quite lovely to see you. It seems you’re as clever as you are kind and as kind as you are beautiful.” He complimented, his best smile on display just for her. Even though a part of him was doing this simply to see the reactions of the others, he meant every word he spoke and could not deny that he appreciated her eyes on him as he continued to speak. The air of sarcasm that usually painted his words disappeared completely now that they were directed to her, replaced by unmistakable genuineness. “And we can certainly turn back to the watch in a moment, but I would regret it if I did not acknowledge how wonderful your entire ensemble looks. I would not have personally picked you for a butterfly, though beautiful…they are far too fragile a creature to do you justice, but nonetheless you look simply incredible, as I’m sure you would regardless of the theme.” With a polite bow towards Charlotte, Cassius allowed his eyes to meet those of each of the other three men at the table as a way to gauge their feelings for his gesture.

Time: The Evening of Sola 23rd
Location: Damien Estate Ballroom
Mentions/Interactions:@princess Calbert & Charlotte, @Helo Leo

After his enlightening tête-à-tête with father dearest, Cassius was reminded that despite the Count’s attempts to make him feel like part of the family, like a true Damien…he was still, and perhaps always would be, an outsider. The proof was in the way that Calbert shrugged him off with the arrival of Liliane and whatever news she brought to his ear. Instead of enlightening his dear son, Calbert decided to brush him aside as though he was merely a distraction from the real, important matters at hand. An enigmatic…almost mischievous grin curled across his lips as he took a swig of wine.

He found himself surveying the room with a subtle air of curiosity, his attention momentarily diverted from the weight of paternal advice he had just been given. His eyes roved across the masquerade, dissecting the colorful tapestry of masks and gowns that adorned the revelers. Part of him admired the spectacle and beauty of it all, but something else stirred in him beneath the surface…contempt.

Not even the pageantry of a masquerade like this could bury the fact that most of the nobles around him were snakes. The majority of the people in this room were wearing masks and costumes to disguise themselves, but Cassius understood the sad truth about nobility…Too many of them were so caught up in their little performances and forgeries of their own lives that they were even phonier than the very gods themselves. The real truth was that most of these people were more authentic under the masks they donned tonight than they were under the facades they clung to in their everyday lives. Even Cassius could admit to wearing a mask from time to time…but to be so lost in the delusions of self-importance and desperation to fit in, that these people found themselves chained to, was a disgrace.

With a subtle, redirecting breath, Cassius let the contempt roll off his shoulders. He didn’t hate these people, nor did he even dislike them. Mostly…he just pitied them the slaves of society that they had come to be. The contempt that had brewed beneath the surface was once again overtaken by a mischievous craving. His stormy blue eyes once again scanning the crowd curiously.

Amidst all the grandeur, Cas’s gaze settled on a particular figure. The woman was gorgeously adorned in a gown with a butterfly motif. At first, Cassius thought it was simply the beauty of her form and splendor of her dress that drew his gaze, but as he admired the woman for a moment, he eventually took in the sight of her eyes and a spark of recognition hit him. He had seen those eyes before…


The very woman that his father had warned him to steer clear of. Cassius turned back to see Calbert and Liliane still on route to make their exits. His eyes widened with a look of wonderfully smug insubordination. If the Count can have his secrets…so can I.” He thought, a sly smirk crossing his face.

Moving through the crowd with purpose, Cassius skirted the periphery of the group, hoping to pick up on their conversation. Thankfully, a man in a dashing ensemble with a lion theme made it very…very easy for him to overhear.

“There is a thief wandering the ballroom, they have stolen my watch and left that in my pocket. We must solve this crime immediately.” the man exclaimed, urgency evident in his voice. The declaration hung in the air, igniting a sense of adventure within Cassius as he prepared to delve deeper into the mysteries of the masquerade.

This was his moment to intervene. Stepping out from the periphery and approaching the group directly, Cassius addressed them with nothing but delight in his voice.

"Excuse my interruption... but if I heard correctly, you mentioned a thief in our midst? Surely not! Not here within the hallowed sanctuary of the esteemed Count's domain." He remarked with a touch of sarcasm. "This is quite unexpected. Luckily for you, I possess a discerning eye for these kinds of…shenanigans, and I just so happen to find myself sufficiently intrigued to entertain such a diversion. How could I not offer my assistance?…This is my father’s little gathering, after all.” As he spoke, Cas’s eyes moved between each and every member of the little group, lingering on Charlotte the longest, his gaze accompanied by a rather curious smile.
Calbert & Cassius
Time: Afternoon before the Masquerade
Location: The Damien Office™
Mention: @Lava Alckon Drake @Tpartywithzombi Ariella @FunnyGuy Lorenzo

Seated behind a massive mahogany desk, the black-haired count had been steepling fingers against the wood, creating an imposing silhouette against the backdrop of pelts and skulls as Cassius entered. His son would first be greeted by the scent of leather and the metallic of the weaponry.

The dimly lit office itself was furnished with the spoils of Count Calbert Damien's hunts. The walls were adorned with mounted animal heads, their glassy eyes fixed on unsuspecting visitors. A selection of hunting rifles adorned both the walls and various pieces of furniture. Swords also hung with purpose on the wall. Most notably also on the wall was the mounted gator that hung in the corner of the room right across from the front door.

The shadows in the room seemed to dance with the flickering flames of a nearby fireplace as Calbert’s blue eyes found their way to the sight of his son. “Ah, Cassius.” he greeted with a smile, gesturing elegantly to an upholstered chair. “Take a seat.”

Taking in the sights and sounds of the fascinating gallery of decor that was his fathers office, Cassius strolled over to where his father instructed him to take a seat. He paused momentarily to unclasp his baldric, carefully securing his axe before placing both belt and weapon on the corner of his father’s desk.

Sinking comfortably into the chair, Cassius’s gaze continued to roam amidst the array of trophies, weapons, and artifacts adorning the walls and shelves of the room. The ambiance his father aimed to create was unmistakable, yet Cassius couldn't help but wonder if it truly reflected the essence of the man himself or merely served as embellishment for the persona he wished to project to the world. Finally, meeting his father's cold blue gaze with his own stormy gray eyes, Cassius spoke.

“Hello, father…” He greeted, returning the man’s smile with a hint of his own. “I must admit, I’ve been curious about the purpose of this little meeting ever since you mentioned it on the beach.” The smile shifted slowly into his usual, more arrogant smirk. ”Are you always this…formal with your children?”

“ Formal? I did not particularly see it in such a manner…” He admitted thoughtfully, “ I see this as two men having an exchange within the comfort of their home. If you prefer a different scenery for the next time then consider it done my son. “

“Now, onto the reason you’re here… I want to impart knowledge about the people you’ll encounter. Caesonia differs from Varian; appearances can be deceiving, and there’s often a strategic game in motion.” He motioned towards himself.

“Trust me, my wife, and sisters. Beyond our blood, exercise caution. Let me guide you through the key figures and advise on those warranting particular vigilance. Then, I’d like you to also tell me briefly more about what kind of life you lived to better understand your side of things. ”

"No, no…that won’t be necessary. This office provides a fitting backdrop for our dramatic little conversations. Honestly, It's quite the chamber... I can only imagine the stories behind each piece adorning it. As someone who appreciates a good narrative myself, I must say, the atmosphere alone in this room speaks volumes. And this chair? Exceptionally comfortable." Cassius remarked, his tone carrying genuinity with just a hint of sarcasm. "So, meeting here suits me just fine, and should circumstances dictate otherwise, I'm always adaptable."

Leaning in, Cassius rested his cheek on his fist, his elbow finding support on the chair's arm. "Regarding your recommendation and request, I welcome your insights into the people of Sorian. If I am truly to be a member of this noble court, acquainting myself with Caesonia's elite seems prudent. Information, as you of all people well know, is a valuable asset and never a worthless weapon."


Recalling his father's mention of his life before coming here, Cassius's gaze wandered back to the axe resting on the edge of the desk. It served as a tangible reminder of his past, of the life he led before arriving at the grand Damien estate. "Feel free to ask about my life before our first meeting. I'm an open book, after all." he offered, inviting the Count to explore further.

Calbert raised a brow and leaned on the table. He was quick to question him, curiosity evident in his eyes, “Very well. Where have you been living and what have you done to provide for yourself over the years?”

"Where have I been living? Well…here, there, and a little bit of everywhere to be honest. My journey with the Iron Wolves has taken me across continents. From the vast landscapes of Varian to dense jungles, unforgiving deserts, and treacherous seas spanning Eromora. I've left my mark across this world and my footprints remain in places that few will ever have the fortune of seeing."

Cassius extended his free hand, resting his palm against the axe before him. "And this…" he gestured towards the weapon, "This has been my means of sustenance. As a sellsword, a sentinel, an assassin, and pretty much everything in between…my livelihood has often revolved around weapons such as this."

Count Calbert's gaze had locked upon the presented axe with a nonchalant demeanor. His brows furrowed slightly, hinting at a subtle tension, but outwardly, he maintained a neutral expression just as he had the entire time Cassius had been speaking. "I see... How long have you lived like this? Do you think you'll be able to settle down in a world where our battles are not fought with swords?"

Noticing the subtle tension in Calbert's demeanor, Cassius couldn't resist the urge to flash his smug smirk once more. "That was my reality for over a dozen years." He admitted. "They trained me for a while, of course, but aside from that the life of a mercenary and wanderer is all I’ve known. Even before joining the Wolves, mother and I never lingered in one place for more than a few months at a time. I'll be candid with you for the sake of transparency…I would be lying if I said I wasn’t curious to see how I'll adapt to a more settled life. Yet, there's been a part of me yearning for such a change of pace for some time now."

He nodded slowly, taking it all in silently. Then, Calbert asked, “...Do you take interest in finding a spouse for the courting season? … Have any caught your eye?”

Cassius reflected on his father’s question, allowing the memories of the women he had met since arriving in Sorian to drift through him. Several notable encounters came to mind: the delightful evening spent with Princess Anastasia, the fiery and passionate rendezvous with Kalliope, and the complex dynamics with Lady Charlotte, the girl next door, which had been less than ideal thus far. However, he chose to play coy on all accounts. “I haven't given serious thought to courting or marriage. But nevertheless, if it's a responsibility required of me now that I am to assume the Damien name, I am willing to entertain the idea. Anything for the family." His words were spoken genuinely, though internally Cassius knew that he was only blowing smoke to build rapport with the good Count. He honestly had zero interest in marriage, especially if it was nothing more than a ploy for political gain. For now, though, he would simply play the role of eager son.

Calbert smiled at him once he had finished his answer, “Thank you for sharing with me all this. Such is an admirable quality to put one’s family first. Marriage is indeed a hill we can conquer together when you are ready… However I am certain you are aware it is a courting season so the opportunity is open to you… But before one considers such, I’d like to tell you some more about those around us. It is wise to keep in mind who you can trust some and who you cannot at all.”

“I’m all ears, father. I’ve been dying to hear what someone truly thinks about everyone since I arrived. And please…don’t hold back.”

“Ah a connoisseur of gossip, I see.” Calbert chuckled, his eyes gleaming mischievously. He couldn't contain his sly grin as he unveiled a meticulously prepared book on the table. With a swift motion, he swiveled it toward Cassius, then he pointed to a page featuring the Edwards family.

“You will find Duke Gideon pleasant on first meeting, but do take caution that he will not follow through on any promise he makes you. He is a fool parading as a hero… His wife Victoria is a well… If I may be so blunt… a self centered bitch... However, Duke Gideon holds power over the Soralia territory and is held in high regard. The family as a whole are all pliable. “

“Gideon’s son Drake is simply a watered-down version of Gideon. “ Calbert gestured toward the son hurriedly with disinterest, then placed emphasis on the two daughters: Priscilla and Ariella, jabbing his pointer finger on the page. “The daughters are excellent choices as you want to climb up and not down the political ladder when it comes to marriage. Daughters of Dukes and especially princesses are your goal if you want to win the game, my son.”

Cassius leaned back in his chair, allowing his arms to fold nonchalantly across his chest as he took in his father’s words and studied the pictures presented to him. The man was nothing if not opinionated, that was for sure. Calbert clearly had an eye for details and strategy, to such a degree that Cas could not help but be impressed. With each dossier and strategic perspective, he glimpsed into the intricate layers of his father's mind.

The Count's candor and penchant for controversial judgments intrigued Cassius, who found himself drawn to the truth beneath the diplomatic veneer that men like his father usually maintained. While aware that Calbert likely tempered his words for the sake of decorum, Cas admired his father's willingness to delve into the nitty gritty of things, earning the Count some newfound respect in Cassius's estimation. He still didn’t trust a single thing that came out of the man’s mouth, but he could appreciate the audacity of his father.

With a charming nod as he processed the details, he finally responded. “Father…I must say…you are every bit the tactician I speculated you to be and more. Clearly you are a man fitting of your station, and I appreciate the candor. You’ve given me much to think about.” He peered into the depths of his father’s eyes for the briefest moment before letting his curiosity lead him to a question. “I am curious, though. Judging by your change in demeanor anytime they get brought up, I simply must ask…You seem especially abhorrent of Lady Charlotte and Duke Vikena. Is there some drama between our two families that I’m ignorant to?”

Calbert nodded, clearly pleased about his son’s compliments as he responded sincerely, “Thank you for the acknowledgement. My priority here is always to protect you and the girls, thus I want to be forthright with you about the kind of individuals that surround us.”

Before Calbert could comment much further, Cassius brought up the Vikenas, and the charming façade momentarily slipped. A fleeting shadow crossed his features, a subtle tightening around the corners of his eyes and a barely perceptible curl of his lips into a thinly veiled sneer.

However, he quickly recovered, smoothing out his features and adopting an air of casual indifference. “I am significantly unfond of them.” Calbert confirmed with thinly veiled disdain. “Duke Vikena has failed for years to provide proper diplomacy. His actions consistently sow discord, leaving the rest of us to clean up the messes he creates. I am personally handling the delicate task of reasoning with Lorenzo doing in hopes I can steer him in a more sensible direction… Nevertheless he is completely unfitting of his title.”

“And what of Lady Charlotte, is she simply guilty by association or is there more to your contempt for her?”

“…My distaste of her has stemmed mostly from recent events. I believe she may be mentally ill after losing both of her parents.” As he spoke, he glared down at the portrait of Charlotte. There was a smoldering intensity in his eyes, as if he possessed the power to set the very paper aflame. “She has become a predicament that I must address sooner rather than later…” His eyes lifted to meet his son’s gaze as he drew off, “I am aware of your words to Lady Vikena the other evening. My staff informed me of the exchange.”

“Though perhaps she is easy on the eyes, she is now an enemy of our family and will not be an acceptable friend nor lover at the current time.”

”Those are strong words, father. Problem that must be solved, enemy of the family…I won’t deny that my curious nature craves more details on the matter. However, I won’t pry further just now, you can simply disclose more if and when it makes sense for you. Plus…the scandals that my imagination is conjuring in the void of knowledge are almost too fun to spoil with the truth. Whatever her and her foolish step-father have done to earn your ire, I’m sure it was well deserved. You seem like such a reasonable man.” The final piece of his statement was very subtly veiled with sarcasm, so subtle that the Count himself may not notice in the midst of such a compliment. Cassius considered what his father said about Charlotte’s parents…having just lost a mother himself he can only imagine what the woman had gone through. That same pang of guilt from before about the way they met burned within him. His father’s enemies were not his own, at least not yet, so he could not help but feel bad for the girl. Those melancholy eyes of hers suddenly made much more sense.

“I have no intention of hiding the details from you, so if you have a moment, I will share the story.” He replied and then folded his hands on the table.

“Well, I did have a rather important meeting at the tavern this afternoon…but alas, I did say anything for the family. So, for you I have all the time in the world.” Cassius responded, the tongue in cheek clear in his tone of voice. ”Tell me everything.”

Calbert & Cassius
Time: Evening
Location: Damien Estate Ballroom
Mention: @Silverpaw Wulfric

"Cassius," Calbert's voice cut through the noise of the masquerade as he reached his son. The tone held an unmistakable weight, but remained neutral all the same. "Might I have a word please?"

Continuing to mingle and put a healthy distance between the Prince and himself, Cassius eagerly grabbed another glass of wine and sipped just as he heard the voice of Calbert addressing him, beckoning for a chat. Greeting the Damien patriarch with his ever charming smile, he addressed him with a proper bow.

"Hello, father.” Cassius remarked with a hint of zeal. It's good to see you in all the regalia and glory of that costume. It really highlights all of that intensity and mystery you wear so well. What's on your mind, and furthermore what can I do for you?”

Calbert leaned in slightly, his expression stern. "...Cassius, just as we discussed briefly earlier, you must be mindful of your conduct with others. The world's a stage, and every move you make is scrutinized by the audience around us," Calbert continued, his gaze piercing through the mask Cassius wore. He then inquired with a touch of suspicion, "When I approached, you seemed engrossed in conversation… With whom were you speaking with?"
A sly chuckle inadvertently escaped Cassius’s lips as his father said his piece. The man spoke to him as though he was nothing but an insolent child, and it humored him to no end, especially after their conversation earlier. Cassius understood how people perceived him. That devil may care attitude had gotten him into more than his share of trouble over the years, but Cas wasn’t opposed to trouble…he was far more opposed to the boredom and drudgery of pretending to be something he wasn’t.
He wondered about his father and the man’s level of actual life experience. Not the game of politics or nobility, but real experience down in the muck and blood of life’s darkest corners. Cassius was no child, as he explained to the man earlier, he has left footprints across more of the world than many could even dream of. He has spilled more blood than most could stomach; both his own and that of others, and he has seen the best and worst within people that the world has to offer. He was no sniveling little brat for his father to admonish, but the man had not crossed any lines just yet…so for now he would simply continue to play his role.
“That’s cute, father. Honestly. I will say, though, you are absolutely correct and there are few that understand that concept more than I. Life is truly but a stage…My mother taught me that many years ago.” His nonchalant tone stiffened a bit at the mention of Meredith, but relaxed again almost immediately. Unlike his father, whose expression had darkened under his mask.
“And as for my little chat…I was simply getting to know the good Prince. A real sweetheart he is. I think we’re going to be fast friends.”
“The Prince.” Calbert repeated. He glanced over his shoulder as he tried to find the figure again with darting eyes.

A pause lingered in the air as his emotions swelled within before he spoke, his words delivered in a low measured tone that betrayed an undercurrent of restrained intensity. “Prince Wulfric? Cassius, I certainly hope you held your tongue as I sensed some tension from across the room…” He said lowly with a scowl, “The royals are on edge. A lot has transpired which I am sure you recall. Trust me, it would be imprudent to find yourself at odds with Prince Wulfric or his mother right now. Keep them in the palm of your hand instead of the other way around.”

Cassius’s eyes landed on his father’s scowl. He found a humorously sweet sense of irony in the fact that only now at the age of twenty-seven, after everything he had seen and all the things he had done, was he actually getting to experience the disapproving scowl of a father. The very thought formed a smug little smirk that painted his expression. “I must admit, father, the conversation was a bit of a disappointment. I only wished to pay compliments to such an opulent masquerade ensemble…but little Wulfy decided to lash out, so I matched his spirit.” Cassius folded his arms across his chest to quietly mimic his father’s seriousness. “I imagine it wasn’t the best move from your perspective, but the way I see it…better the Prince sees me as a fool than a threat.”

His father’s eyes had wandered from the smirk down to the folding arms, taking in his son’s reaction before choosing his words. “Prince Wulfric possesses an intense disposition, not renowned for affability. Nevertheless, his moves are executed with the calculated precision of a serpent.” Calbert leaned in, his voice lowering to a discreet murmur, “I understand your wish to defend yourself…Presently, the advantage lies in the prince’s favor. Recall, Cassius, he is destined to ascend to the throne. At his whim, he could ordain your demise out of mere spite…Yet, a time will come when we shall no longer be beholden to the vexations of spoiled princes, provided we play our cards carefully.”

The ambition that underscored his father’s words ignited a spark of interest within Cassius. Like earlier, he was getting a look beyond the man’s well-crafted demeanor and usual presentation. His own curiosities would not let him refuse an opportunity to see just a little glance of the actual man beneath. “And I can understand your desire to educate your newfound blood on the intricacies of the game you’re playing. After all, it would be a shame if I came straight off the streets and set fire to all of your well laid plans…So, allow me to offer you my undivided attention. Please, elaborate.”

Calbert's desire to reply to his son was abruptly halted as his wife, Liliane, rushed into the room with an expression akin to someone who had witnessed a ghost. The distress etched on her face was evident, despite being partially concealed by a delicate, feathery white mask. With a sense of urgency, she advanced toward Calbert, disregarding Cassius entirely, and delivered a message in a hushed tone directly into his ear.

They then exchanged glances as she pulled away. His mouth tightened into a thin line, and a visible pallor washed over his complexion. It took a moment before he mustered a response, and whispered in return. Following the exchange, Liliane promptly made her way toward the exit of the ballroom. His eyes wandered back to his son, “Cassius… We will return to this matter later… For now, please refrain from any more quarrels. Your sisters are interested in finding suitors this season after all… Perhaps you should take interest in the same.”

Time: The Evening of Sola 23rd
Location: Damien Estate Ballroom
Mentions/Interactions:@SilverPaw Wulfric, @princess Calbert

Clad in the black and gold glory of his meticulously crafted masquerade ensemble, Cassius paraded and swayed through the elegant and timeless ballroom with all the smugness and swagger of a very proud man. That pride swelled with each step, fueled by the knowledge that he had left an indelible impression on Prince Wulfric. It might not have been the impression he initially intended, but the good prince would remember his name and when all is said and done that in of itself was enough for Cas to feel as though he had won the night. To be remembered is the only real victory, after all.

Other meetings unfolded and impressions were made as Cassius wove through the crowd, the grand ballroom becoming a stage for his theatrics of picking moments to mingle and grace the beautiful nobility in attendance with his presence…wielding his special brand of charm and grandeur as his weapon of choice for the evening. Each interaction, no matter how small, became a piece of the intricate social tapestry being interlaced within the walls of the Damien Estate as Cassius continued to feign ignorance of the fact that his father was approaching from across the room.

The Evening of Sola 23rd, Twelve Years Ago

In the dense forest a few miles outside the small Varian village of Dren, rain poured relentlessly, turning the ground into a muddy battlefield. A younger Cassius, no older than 15, clad in worn-out clothes, stood shivering in the harsh cold. Across from him stood a cruel mercenary trainer named Balen, who was known for his ruthless methods…one of the Iron Wolves finest.

Balen’s voice cut through the sound of raindrops hitting the leaves as he barked orders. "Again! You call that an attack? Pathetic!"

Cassius, struggling to maintain his balance in the slippery terrain as exhausted as he was, raised his sword weakly and attempted a strike. Balen swiftly dodged the attack, delivering a harsh blow to the young man's side. He winced in pain but did not fall. He knew what would happen if he fell.

"You're weak, Vael! If you can't handle a little rain, how are you gonna make it through a real battle?" The brute’s words were laced with disdain. Despite the fatigue and pain, Cassius returned to his attack position. Mud clung to his clothes and matted his hair..his eyes, however, burned with determination. The trainer circled him, a wicked smile playing on his lips. "You're not worth the coin they're paying me, boy…but I'll make something out of you yet. Do it again!"

Once more Cassius lunged towards his trainer, this time with a flurry of attacks. Each one grew in desperation from the last, but again not even one of his strikes landed. Balen’s fist thrusted upwards into Cas’s ribs hard, the sound of the thud could be heard even over the thunder that rumbled in the evening sky. It was as though the gods themselves laughed at his failure. The pain was severe, but the rage building in him was worse.

“It’s a pity, Vael…they send you boys to me when they think they see something in you. I’m really REALLY starting to think they were…” Before Balen could finish his words Cassius flung his head forwards with every ounce of desperate anger and vitriol within him, smashing his own skull into the bridge of Balen’s nose. The man went stumbling backwards, grabbing at his face as Cas slipped and fell hard into the mud below. As he laid there he saw stars from the impact.

A thunderous scream of rage and pain emerged from Balen in the seconds that followed. The resonance of which may as well have shaken the very earth like the thunder that roared had moments ago. “You…You broke my fucking nose you worthless, good for nothing piece of shit.” The tone in Balen’s voice was more than enough to make Cassius realize the severity of what he had just done. Slowly, his rage began to turn into fear…but then, Balen’s tone shifted. “GOOD. YES!” The man exclaimed, almost joyously. “That’s the fucking spirit, Vael! Maybe the little welp can be a Wolf after all. Now, get off your ass and come at me again.” The man spit a mouthful of blood and at least one shattered tooth out onto the mud as he wiped the blood from his nose and head, using his free hand to offer Cassius help up. “We’re not done.”

Wulfric & Cassius

A bark of laughter escaped the prince, laced with humour and a good dose of irony. Oh, to be judged by someone so opinionated - or rather, it was an excellent way to turn his own words against him, Wulfric had to admit. “Is that so?” he drawled, amused.

Cassius leaned into his personal space, and disgruntled at the invasiveness, Wulfric shifted his body in the opposite direction to a nearly imperceptible degree. The bastard’s words were insulting, yes, and the mock toast was presumptuous, but it was the overly familiar, self-indulgent closeness of a stranger which set the prince’s teeth dangerously on edge. Having had enough, he placed a gloved hand on the other man’s chest, and firmly shoved him away. It was a move which took in account Cassius’ height, weight, position, and even his combat training. Wulfric had indeed garnered that the man must have been a warrior from physique alone. Before Damien Jr. could have any ideas, he returned the hand to his side. That preemptive movement, and his prior swift, precise, and calculated push spoke of a certain level of training on the royal’s part as well.

“How fortuitous that I have disabused you of your foolish notions,” he replied coolly. “I am just a boring prince, and you yet another seducer,” he paraphrased the accusations they’d levied against another. What exactly did the man expect when he adorned a superficial facade; to provoke a genuine reaction? “Do you take the arrogant approach to make a point? Or do you take on the guise you claim to find dull in others because your own existence bores you?” he questioned rhetorically with a shake of his head.

“No matter,” he stated, as if answering himself. “We seem to be in agreement that this interaction will only bring dreadful disappointment, so please, do us both a favour, and take your leave.” He waved a clearly dismissive hand, fully expecting Cassius to do just that.

A smile that was steeped in mischief formed across his lips as the prince pushed him.

Glad to know it’s so easy to get under your skin. Cassius thought to himself amusedly.

The shove was measured and competent. If Cassius hadn’t already clocked the man as adept, the display of skill in that push would have revealed all he needed to know. The urge to test the depths of Prince Wulfric’s expertise grew in him, but Cas knew that now was certainly not the time. Perhaps under different circumstances, this interaction could lead to some recreational sparring, but for now, it was best to keep things from growing too tense. Though a little good old-fashioned antagonism couldn’t hurt, right?

“Do I revel in the game of seduction? Of course, love. Why would I not? Life is far too fleeting not to explore its beauty when the opportunity arises. However, I find it amusing that you assume my gesture was anything less than genuine. It humors me because I was almost certain that you would be more perceptive than that. The way you carry yourself, the majesty of your wonderfully intricate ensemble, the aura of competence surrounding you…these things gave me hope that you would be more than, well, this.” He declared audaciously. “As rare as it may be, even I have been known to be wrong once or twice in my life…and certainly I was imprecise about you.” Cassius could not contain the small eruption of laughter that had been building as the prince spoke. It came out even snarkier than intended, but oh well…they were already in this space of quarrel, and Cassius loved every second of it.

“It’s not simply your obtuse presumptions that make me laugh…it’s how inaccurate you truly are.” He continued with an air of candor to his tone. “To be forthright, your highness, despite my tendency to come on strong from time to time, my words held nothing but truth. There was no ploy nor was I trying to manipulate. It was simply one beautiful man admiring another bit of allure in the room. It’s a shame that your doctrinaire keeps such a hefty stick up your backside, Wulf…oh sorry, Prince Wulfric. I know your type tend to get a bit huffy if you aren’t addressed properly. You know, that need to be reminded constantly how special you are.”

Cassius held his positioning and took another sip from his wine, taking a moment to savor it frivolously. “But...since you so wish to be rid of me, I will grant you that favor, my Prince…but only because you asked like such a good boy.” His full arrogance was on display in his smirk as he relished this little entanglement. “But allow me to give you one final bit of advice before I go. Call it an act of good faith from one disappointment to another…do not ever push me again.”

“True or false, I am not interested,” Wulfric denounced flatly. He had told the man as much at the start. Yet, Cassius persisted with his explanations. Though, he was now mixing in venomous insults along with honeyed if back-handed compliments, shifting towards a verbal spar.

The prince had nothing but disdain for the man and his words. ‘I expect you to do as I desire; if you do, you are great, if not, you are lacking’ was the essence of his message. He was putting on airs as if he were the king himself. The comparison to Edin certainly did no favours to the self-proclaimed lover boy. “I couldn’t care less what you think of me. Believing I might was one of your numerous mistakes.” He scoffed, lightly amused. “And you say you have met royalty?” Cassius acted as if he knew all, but he knew nothing, nor was he willing to look beyond the most obvious surface level of observation. Wulfric acknowledged that neither did he, not for the bastard, as he had no wish to. However, he was at the very least aware of this, whereas Cassius did not seem to realize.

A shame because you cannot fulfill your ardent desire to replace that stick with something else? Of course, the prince absolutely did not make any vulgar allusions; it would be akin to trying to douse a fire with oil. But how droll the man thought he was, how dearly he cherished his crassness. Though, he was as articulate as he was crude. Was it a waste, or strangely fitting? A born and bred bastard, yet a noble, employing bawdy remarks befitting of a backstreet whore hand in hand with loftier phrases beseeming his status. Either way, Wulfric felt the faintest temptation to take a blade to his tongue.

“Life is fleeting,” he agreed curtly. His voice had the striking quality of a frigid morning in the deepest, most haunting of winters. Cassius might not make much of his own life, but what if his games endangered that which he most cherished? But no, even wondering such a thing about an incorrigible gambler who thought solely of gains and never of losses was pointless.

“Too fleeting for trivialities.” Like you are was the blatant implication. He was denigrating the man more so than he was his hobbies. Everyone had their forms of entertainment. It was merely that the ones he favoured and the one which Cassius proclaimed as supreme did not align. Nothing more, nothing less.

Finally, the man was taking his leave, not without more unwanted comments, of course. “The first sign of judiciousness on your part,” he commented on the decision to get lost. When the bastard dared threaten him, the prince stared him down. A feat he managed effortlessly despite being shorter. He wasn’t afraid, nor did he bother with a threat of his own. “If you do not push me, I will have no need to retaliate,” was all he said.

Cassius had been more than glad to take his leave then and there; having satiated his craving for a bit of strife for the moment. He chuckled to himself as he turned to walk away. The assumptions Prince Wulfric made about him were fair…very fair, and yet they were wrong in so many ways. It mattered not, however, because the end result had been delectable to him all the same. Just as he took his first step away from the prince, the man could not seem to help himself from trying to get the last word.

Good. Cassius thought to himself, keeping his body slightly skewed and not turning to face Wulfric directly as he let him continue his denigration.

The disdain in the man’s voice was ever so clear as Cassius took in each remark, his arrogant smirk growing larger and bolder by the second. If a bit of flirtatious repartee was enough to bring out such contempt from the royal brat, Cassius couldn’t help but mull over all of the ways he could get under Wulfric’s skin if he so pleased. There was one way he could think of that was very tempting indeed…perhaps too tempting. Even he knew that it would probably be a bad idea, but Cas’s eyes lit up from the bit of chaos settling on the tip of his tongue. Finally turning to face Wulfric as the man finished his remarks, Cassius smugly looked him in the eyes.

“No retaliation necessary, your highness. We are all here to have a fun evening, after all. It was lovely to meet you, Prince Wulfric. I look forward to our next little talk.” He said, a bit of insolence dripping from his voice. “Oh…and speaking of lovely…tell my Annie I said hello. It was such a pleasure getting to know her the other night.” Cassius raised a hand to his lips, blowing a kiss to his new friend and finally began walking away without giving the prince a chance to respond.

Time: Evening
Location: Damien Estate Ballroom
Mentions/Interactions:@SilverPaw Wulfric

“A seducer type, then…Your ilk think they are ever so unique and inventive, but is spewing tried and true lines as if you are following a script supposed to be appealing…

It was like music to his ears. All of it. The snark, the absolute pretentiousness that coated every word, and the air of conceit that could only accompany an aura of true royalty. This man was such a snide little prince, and the smile on Cas’s face only grew wider with each catty remark. It was all simply outstanding.

The truth is, Cassius lived for contempt just as he did for admiration. It was never really about what someone thought of him as much as it was about leaving an impression. Thus far, the impression that Prince Danrose had picked up was exactly the kind of judgment he’d expect from a self-important constituent of the royal family. As he smugly allowed Wulfric to say his piece, Cas continued to take in the intricacies of the man’s costume. Every minute detail was a masterwork on display. From the cold steel of the mask with its razor sharp beak to the cascade of raven black feathers, it truly was even more beautiful up close. Yet Cas could not help but feel let down all the same.

How disappointing.

As amused as he was by it all, he had hoped that the person beneath such an extraordinary ensemble would be someone more…thrilling.

His smirk was unmistakably smug as he listened to each and every word that poured from Wulfric’s lips. The fact that both men were clad in such dramatic accoutre only elevated the moment for him, making him savor the exhibition of it all. Taking a sip of wine, he let out a playful sigh and leaned in to an intimate degree so that only the Prince could hear him. “And here I was thinking that you had the potential to be interesting. If only I had known you were a prince, I would never have been so hopeful. You are all the same, you know? Pompous, judgmental…but mostly just boring” His voice was but a husky whisper as the last statement slipped from his lips arrogantly. Cassius clinked his glass against Wulfric’s gently, feigning a toast. “But you’re not the only one feeling generous tonight, your royal highness…so allow me to do you the honor of giving you one chance to change my mind.”

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Mentions/Interactions:@princess Charlotte / Calbert @Tae Kali

Cassius had remained at the beach even after the others dispersed to carry on with their days. It had been difficult to enjoy the beauty of the view around him with such a tumultuous and strange chain of events like the ones that played out before him that morning. From the moment he arrived with Kalliope, drama had ensued. One thing after another kept the atmosphere feeling a bit tense, and yet somehow the group found a way to enjoy themselves for a while despite that tension.

He was glad to get to know some of the others more, and was honestly relieved to get a bit of a redo in the form of his mostly pleasant interactions with Charlotte. Perhaps he got a little too comfortable near the end and spoke more lewdly than he should have… It wasn't anything intentional but he could tell that the behavior irked her a bit, otherwise things seemed better than the other night at the very least. He still didn’t understand why it mattered so much to him to rectify that situation, but it did, and he would take the small victory and let it go for now. Plus, he had other matters to attend to. He was expected to return to the Damien Estate for a meeting with father dearest. He wasn't quite sure what to expect from that little rendezvous, but as he sat near the edge of the water letting the waves wash over his feet he didn’t care. For now, he was simply content living in the beauty in front of him and feeling the warmth of the sun on his skin.

Time: Evening
Location: Damien Estate Ballroom
Mentions/Interactions:@SilverPaw Wulfric

The doors of the ballroom opened for Cassius and he stepped through with all the flair in the world. Every ounce of natural hubris and presence that he possessed was only compounded by the luxurious nature of his masquerade attire. These were by far the nicest clothes he had ever had the pleasure of wearing, and despite the fact that he was usually more concerned with function over fashion…he also couldn’t deny being a man who appreciated any opportunity to show off. Black always looked damn good on him, and the gold trim was a nice touch that played off the lightly sun-kissed nature of his skin. He had to admit…Calbert did an excellent job with this ensemble. The attention to detail, down to every little accoutrement, was perfect. His father, or perhaps rather the tailors in the man’s employ, did not skimp on the fitted work of art that clung to his body in a way that highlighted every muscle and curve of his form. Yesterday it was no less true that he was the son of a Count, but tonight…tonight he absolutely looked the part.

His mask was elegantly designed and held the motif of a wolf. A bit on the nose…or snout in this case, but even Cassius appreciated his father’s attention to detail on the matter. It was an obvious callback to his time serving as a mercenary with the Iron Wolves. Calbert had clearly done his research. Cas assumed a man with his father’s resources and connections would look into his bastard son’s background, and though the mask was clearly connected to his previous line of work he could not help but wonder if there was more behind the choice. Something about the mask carried the same kind of natural intensity that he sensed lurking behind his father’s eyes. The man had been nothing but welcoming to him, yet he could not shake the feeling that there truly was a complexity to Calbert Damien. There was more to him than he presented to the world, but Cassius had zero doubt in his mind that he would find a way to peer beyond the façade and see the true nature of his father; he always found a way.

Cassius could feel eyes on him as he made his way through the very middle of the room, moving and weaving gracefully through the crowd with allure. He moved with intent, not acknowledging anyone specifically but rather letting his eyes meet those of every person he passed. He was basking in the feeling of knowing that many were drawn to him. He could feel their gazes linger even after his eyes left theirs. He had a way of captivating an audience, and would never deny the intoxicating nature of that fact. Instead, he reveled in it.

He continued to work his way through the crowd until he eventually reached the far side of the room. Planting his back against the wall he turned to face all the beautiful people in their extravagant masquerade suits and gowns and admired the atmosphere of it all. With a beckoning motion he called over a server and had a glass of red wine poured for him. He let the wonderful aroma flood his senses, savoring the sweet finish as he took a nice long drink. The superb wine, the fancy clothes, and all of the gorgeous people…Cassius wasn’t sure he’d ever truly feel at home in nobility, but the perks were definitely one thing he could grow accustomed to.

As Cassius allowed his eyes to explore the room further he began to scan the individuals in the crowd with the intention to take each of them in one by one, but quickly his attention was pulled to one figure in particular. There they were, clad in an absolutely ravishing raven influenced ensemble.The outfit was as elegant as it was fierce; truly majestic with a mystique to it that commanded attention. The mask alone was enough to haunt a child’s nightmares, but the imposing nature of it all paled in comparison to its elegance. Whoever was beneath that costume intrigued him, and he simply had to know them.

Downing the rest of his drink, Cas motioned for the server to pour him another before sauntering over to the raven clad individual. He approached with absolute confidence, charm dripping from his voice as sweet as the taste of wine that still lingered on his tongue.

“What a sight you are, love. I hope I’m not intruding, but how could I resist the chance to see all of this in all its glory up close?” Cassius took in the full view of the costume as he spoke, his eyes traveling up and down the person's figure in the process. “It’s beautiful…absolutely beautiful. And judging by the way you carry yourself I’d wager you’re rather beautiful underneath that magnificent mask, aren't you?” With a wink and smile, Cas gave his best formal bow to the mysterious stranger and introduced himself. “My name is Lord Cassius Damien, I would love to make your acquaintance.”

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Mentions/Interactions:@princess Charlotte / Calbert, @SausagePat Ruby, @Potter Olivia, @Tae Kali, @FunnyGuy Renzo

Cassius had been keeping tabs on his father’s advance even as he lifted Ruby and walked over to the blanket with Charlotte and Oliva. Amongst all the chaos that played out since his and Kalliope’s arrival at the beach, his father approaching had been present in the back of his mind. This would be their first real interaction in a public setting such as this, and he was definitely curious to see how things would unfold.

Honestly, he still wasn’t quite sure how the Count was going to view him once the newness wore off and all that was left was a man unwilling to be anything other than himself. He was certain that there was nary a chance he would be the ideal son his father dearest might have hoped for, but that didn’t bother Cassius one bit. Despite the man’s niceness towards him and the warm, if not peculiar welcome he had received from both Calbert and Liliane alike…there was just something about the man that gave him pause. The way his father looked at people was reminiscent of a general looking at the pieces of a battle plan as he prepared for war. It hadn’t taken Cassius but a few interactions to see this, but that was only because he knew the type. He wasn’t so sure that everyone saw past his father’s charm. Sometimes it takes a bit of a scoundrel to see through the bullshit of a man such as Calbert…but still…he wondered if his instincts were correct, which they usually were, or if he was simply projecting the shrouded pieces of himself on the man without really giving him enough of a chance. Either way, he knew that particular mystery would be solved in time. Until then he would simply enjoy the ride.

Cassius bent to gently place Ruby down on the blanket, making sure to brush the sand from her face delicately before looking up to watch his father make the rounds with his advisor, greeting the different groups on the beach and inviting them to some party at the Damien estate later that evening. His attention turned towards Charlotte and Oliva with curiosity as words formed on the tip of his tongue to answer Olivia’s offer of a sandwich, but they never escaped his lips as he took in the sight of the girls now that Calbert had made himself known. Both of the women were reacting to the Count’s arrival, their change in body language was obvious to him as someone who had spent his life learning how to read others. He could almost literally feel the tension in the air as Calbert finally made his way to their little group.

Charlotte’s hands were trembling.

Was she…afraid?

Just what had his father done to elicit such a reaction? Cassius felt pulses of discomfort shoot through him at the sight of Charlotte like that, especially at the very thought that his own father could be the cause of such a shift in mood.

"It's so nice to see you making friends, Cassius. Do take your time and have fun, but I'd like to speak to you once you're through…I'll be awaiting you at home" Calbert addressed him first, Cassius responded to his first comments with a charming nod and ironic bow. Before he could speak, the man continued. "I see you've met Lady Charlotte Vikena... Though I suspect this isn't your first encounter.” Cas raised an eyebrow at the little remark. He must have heard about their first meeting the other night. It didn’t surprise him given how things had played out, but still…as his father’s tone soured a bit, Cassius had to fight the urge to smirk. Had he already disappointed his dear ol’ dad? "As I said, we have some things to discuss. ".

”Of course, father. I look forward to the conversation.” His words came out mostly genuine, despite the little tinge of sarcasm that painted almost everything that escaped his lips. ”And, I’m also quite looking forward to this masquerade of yours. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Cassius continued to watch as his father turned his attention to Charlotte and Olivia. Charlotte’s eyes kept their gaze to the ground, and Olivia began stuffing her face with her sandwich. Both were clearly tactics of avoidance. The interaction only lasted a handful of seconds, but it may as well have been hours in the way that it informed Cassius about the girl’s feelings toward his father. An ungodly curiosity stirred…a need to know why they seemed so frightened of the man grew furiously within him, but he held it at bay. For now.

Once his father left, Charlotte was finally able to go address the situation with the man that he could only assume was her own father.Cassius took in the sight of the man once more. If that was indeed her dad, the dichotomy of their individual patriarchs was vast. As he watched Charlotte comfort the man, Cassius let his mind drift to Olivia…who had buried her head in her hands and was clearly in need of a bit of comfort herself, or even just a distraction. He would try his hand at a bit of both. Sitting down on the other side of the blanket a few feet from her, he spoke.

”Lady Olivia, despite all of the…let’s call it FUN that has unfolded this morning…I wanted to say that it truly has been lovely to meet you. I’m not used to all of this. Well…I’m used to the chaos. I quite like it from time to time in fact. What I’m not as used to is the concept of being noble.” A fun smile formed on his face as he continued in a hushed tone. ’I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I feel like a bit of a mutt surrounded by show dogs. But that’s just what life is sometimes…and as far as mutts go, I’m quite capable of playing with the fancy dogs if I must. Who would I be if I didn’t love a challenge? What about you, are you used to all of the song and dance of noble life? Something tells me perhaps not.” His tone was pleasant and playful as he spoke, but as finished his sentence his eyes fell to the sandwiches and he could feel the slight growl of hunger in his belly. Before you answer, is your offer from before still on the table? Those sandwiches look like an absolute dream at the moment.”

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Mentions:@princess Charlotte, @SausagePat Ruby, @Potter Layla / Olivia, @FunnyGuy Renzo, @Tae Kali

Cassius allowed his eyes to linger on the face of his father for a moment. The Count looked charming and influential as he made his way down to the beach, hair blowing in the wind and all of that distinguished poise carried on the surface for all around him to bask in. He still didn’t know the man that well, but Cas had a way of seeing people for who they truly are…and he could sense that there was far more to Calbert Damien than that. There was something in his eyes, something ominous yet inevitable.

His attention was torn away as he realized he never answered the girl he had been introduced to a moment ago, Ruby, as all the nonsense with Layla had overshadowed her words. He felt bad, because Ruby had picked up on his sarcasm, which he admired, but as Cas began to fully process her words his mind became stuck on one thing as it replayed in his memory.

“Listen here, Casserole.. if you’re going to put the moves on Charlotte, you have to commit to Charlotte. Nobody wants a fickle fizzbucket.. Get it together, ya hunk! “

First off…Casserole?...Had she actually called him that? He couldn’t help but smile as he realized that she truly had. He has been called so many things throughout his life, most of them far worse than “casserole”, but there were few he had ever found to be quite so humorous.

Next, he thought about her statement itself. Cassius would never deny that he had a tendency to “put the moves” on those around him that he found to be beautiful and or interesting. Of course, Charlotte was beautiful…and something about her had clearly piqued his curiosity, but this wasn’t him flirting…at least he didn’t think so. He had flirted at their first encounter, and that had not gone well. Not at all, in fact. But if not that, then what was this? He didn’t get the chance to ponder the point further, as the very woman whose words stirred the thought in the first place cried out suddenly and fainted, her body crumbling to the sand below. Charlotte reacted quickly, pulling Ruby into her lap. Then…thanks to Layla, came the sand.

There it was, just a hint of the fire that Cassius saw in Charlotte the other night, present in her eyes as she scowled at Layla with the realization that the vile woman had kicked sand in the direction of Ruby.

"How dare you."

Cassius watched the scene play out in front of him…witnessing that very flame in Charlotte surge to life, flicker, and then diminish as she lost her nerve. Even as the contempt in her voice lessened, the weight of her words and the resolve behind them were clear. He could tell that she was the type to always stand up for those she cared about, even when she had shown that perhaps she wasn’t willing to do the same for herself. His eyes remained on her face as she spoke, and eventually, as her own gaze turned to him once more…he found himself lost in the remnants of sparks and embers that lingered behind her eyes. Not unlike his father, there seemed to be far more to Lady Charlotte Vikena than most would ever assume. It was then that she spoke to him

"Excuse me... Lord Cassius…Could you please assist us in carrying Ruby over to the blanket?"

There was a veiled hesitation in her plea, yet she asked him all the same. As their eyes were still fixed on one another, Cassius replied to her request with a nod and kneeled next to Charlotte at Ruby’s side…his gaze only breaking away to look down at Ruby as he began to lift her gently. In the moment, he had no sarcastic quips, one liners, flirtatious bits of banter, or anything other than a desire to help the fallen woman and in turn help Charlotte.

As he stood to begin walking Ruby over to the previously mentioned blanket, the middle-aged man that he saw as he approached the beach came to address Layla and whoever she was arguing with now. Cassius had stopped listening to the bitch after turning his back to her. He didn’t care how royal or important she was…she had shown that she wasn’t worth his time, and he knew that Kalliope could take care of herself if the need arose. Only seconds later, though, the air in the vicinity shifted. Something had happened. Cas could hear the man groveling and begging for Layla’s forgiveness as he turned to face the crowd again with Ruby still unconscious yet safe in his arms. His eyes trailed to find Charlotte and Oliva once more as he spoke to them just loud enough for them alone to hear.

”What the fuck is going on? Is it always this…chaotic? Don't get me wrong, I love a bit of chaos, but this has been a very peculiar morning.”

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction:@princess Charlotte / Calbert, @Tae Kali @Potter Layla

"Oh, Cassius, dear…So this is the girl whose name you said last night instead of mine? She’s even more beautiful than you made her out to be at dinner!"

Kali’s words caused the smile to slip from his face as his heart sank down into his stomach. Normally, such a jest would have elicited a hearty laugh and some form of charming one liner from Cassius. Nothing was off limits, and he enjoyed few things as much as a bit of banter and back and forth. This felt different, though. It felt unfortunate. He had wanted so badly to reset the impression he made the other night, and perhaps he had been on his way to doing just that…but the way the air around Charlotte shifted and changed in the seconds following Kalliope’s words was all the evidence he needed to see that the opportunity was gone.

He wasn’t angry with Kali, in fact even now he could find the humor in her calling him out like that. It was a bold move from an even bolder woman, and he respected it. He only wished it had been at the expense of him alone and not involving Charlotte after all she had already gone through in the moments prior. Well…perhaps he was a little bit vexed after all. Still, maybe out of instinct or because he didn’t know what else to do, he momentarily turned his attention to his company from the night before and feigned a version of his normal grin as if to say You got me. Then, as he turned back to face Charlotte his eyes met her face just as she spoke.


Cassius watched as the gears turned in Charlotte’s mind and the moment of realization set in. Once again he felt the need to apologize…or honestly to say anything at all…but he wasn’t used to the kind of shame he was feeling at that moment and so all he could do was look at her with regret-filled eyes.

"Please excuse me, I-..."

Her words felt as though she might be dismissing him, but Cassius didn’t get the chance to know for sure as the woman turned the attention of her verbal assault back to Charlotte once more. Cas impulsively stepped to put himself between Charlotte and the woman antagonizing her.

”Aww.. Don’t you feel better being out in the open, Lady Slut Vikena?”

The woman’s gaze shifted to meet Cas’ eyes with a flirtatious wink and smile. Her derogatory remarks towards Charlotte caused his blood to boil more than he could have expected, and for some reason the woman’s flirty gesture towards him only fed that fire. All of the mixed emotions that were bubbling beneath his surface, the confusion, the shame, the regret…it all began to manifest into anger. He had managed to keep his mouth shut during her initial onslaught, which was a miracle in itself, but despite the situation clearly being handled by the others…he could not bite his tongue any longer.

”You prissy little rich bitch. Let me guess…mommy and daddy gave you everything a girl could have hoped for, didn’t they? Well...everything except for their love, of course.” An arrogant grin formed on his face as his expression held nothing but contempt for the woman. ”All the gold in the world couldn’t make up for the fact that despite all of that ambition in your eyes, you’re still nothing but an insecure little girl so afraid of being alone that you would hurt everyone around you with your petty spite before they can get close enough to strike you first…all so you can maintain the illusion that you have some semblance of control.” Despite his anger, the words did not come out venomously, but instead they dripped with a beguiling sense of poise. Cas was thankful that many years of conflict had prepared his instincts to maintain a bit of mastery over his external emotions even when on the inside he was full of rage. ”And you want to know what my favorite part is? It doesn’t even matter if I’m half right about these things…because even if there’s just one ounce of truth to my words it is going to eat you up at night that someone who is seeing you for the first time caught you slithering in the tall grass before you could get a chance to read them first. You don’t think anyone can see you behind all of those masks you wear, but darling I always see right through them…and what lies beneath is far more sad and way less interesting than you delude yourself into believing.”

As he finished his words, Cassius turned away from the woman as though she wasn’t worthy of his gaze and looked back to check on Lady Charlotte. Upon doing so, his eyes met those of his father’s some distance away…who unbeknownst to him had been approaching the group.
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