Avatar of PatientBean


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7 days ago
Current Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.....
18 days ago
It's Valentine's Day but it's not too late for anyone to express their undying love to me
2 mos ago
2025: Time to enter my Villain Era
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2 mos ago
New Year, Same Me. Because since when was I the problem?
3 mos ago
Happy Holidays! Because I HAVE to be that person :)


Well now that I got the customary "post once" requirement out of the way....


Welcome to my safe space. Well, about as safe as one space can be, I guess. If you are here looking for something, I am very sorry to disappoint you, but I made fresh cookies! Come sit a spell.

I guess I'll do some more in-depth stuff about myself. My name is Nick and I am 33 years old living in Illinois. I am a therapist and clinical responder (which is a fancy way of saying I go out on police calls to provide mental health assistance). Been doing therapy for a few years now and I absolutely love it!

I am a gay, cisgender man. I came out last year in January (smack dab in the middle of a pandemic. Timing was always my downfall). There is still much I am learning, but I am proud and happy to be who I really am and not have to hide it anymore!

I am an avid gamer, especially roleplaying games (cue surprised and shock noises). I also enjoy writing and reading, especially mysteries. I am not new to roleplay, I promise. I have been doing it for years now in different formats. I am experienced, even if it doesn't seem like it.

I use humor as a coping mechanism for sure, but I also like laughing and enjoying myself. Life can be pretty sad and upsetting for the most part and I don't want to add to it.

Whew! That got deep!

I will be poking my nose around in spaces and hoping to jump headfirst into this. Some interests I have in terms of roleplay settings include superheroes, DnD, science fiction/fantasy, mysteries, thrillers, horror stuffs, apocolypse, and espionage. And I am a fan of most things pop culture. If you have any suggestions or possible roleplays you think I would love, please let me know.

Otherwise, stick around! This is gonna get wild!

Most Recent Posts

Interactions: Elijah (@Theyra), Elena (@Qia), Loni @FernStone)

Quill spun on her heel as the entity whispered its threats behind her before she turned back in time to see it slit one of the woman's throats who attempted to do the same to her. Quill had faced death before. It wasn't an unfamiliar feeling, though this was just as intense. Thankfully it was short-lived as it appeared weakened from attacks against it. Quill watched as one of their own put an end to it. It gurgled out a passing message.

This wasn't over.

Quill let out the breath she had been holding, unsure if there would be any more danger coming at them. When she was sure it was safe (or relative to that) she turned back to the backrooms of the bakery to search for a first aid kit. She wasn't paying so much attention to anyone else at that moment. Once she found it and ensured it had some of the supplies she would need Quill grabbed it and ran back to the woman who had been injured. The customer fighting her was a lost cause.

Quill set the first aid kit down and got to work. "Admittedly I am not the greatest, but I have watched a lot of Grey's Anatomy and Scrubs so I can manage until a more professional person sees you." Quill observed the injuries, cleaning them up as best she could before wrapping them. As she worked Quill's eyes fell on the young girl with her. Quill made eye contact and smiled warmly. "Your mom is very brave. And so are you. You know what that means? It means being scared and still doing the scary thing and this was pretty scary huh? Can you make sure your mom takes care of herself later for me?"

Once finished, Quill stood up. "Ok that should hold for now. I'd ask how you are but I think I know the answer." She turned to Elijah and the others with her. "So all this," Quill said, gesturing to the destruction in the bakery, "is in my wheelhouse. I can get it cleaned up and taken care of if need be, but I am going to need someone to fill me in. I came here to find someone and found something else."

Location: New York City, Repair Shop
Skills: N/A

Verity listened, reminded of the Covid-19 pandemic. It was, admittedly, a horrendous time. People acted like animals, flocking to stores to stock up on supplies, as people are want to do when crises hits, never once thinking to ensure others garner supplies of their own. Truly when tragedy hits it's every man for himself.

Verity didn't admit this openly, but the pandemic was good to her. People were staying home to work or just to keep safe which meant TV watching and streaming increased. People used money given from the stimulus to buy subscription services because...what else were they going to do when they were home keeping safe? It meant shows like hers soared in ratings and, thanks to commercials and product placements, it meant her income grew. It didn't mean she didn't care about people's safety, but a small part of her hoped the lockdown lasted a bit longer.

But even then once it was lifted she still did all right.

"Well we got through that pandemic all right, more or less, so we'll get through this one, if that's what it ends up being." She didn't want to voice any other worries she had. As Gus came in asking for one of them to call the police, Verity took out her phone. "I tried before and didn't get through, but I can try again." Verity dialed 9-1-1 again, but didn't hold out hope she would reach them.
Sabine Bassard

Location: Headmaster's Office
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day: School Uniform (Sweater Variant)

Sabine was about to answer when everyone else showed up and Headmaster Coulson allowed them all inside. It didn't take an empath or someone to read minds to fully understand the intense feelings in the room. Sabine could feel it inside of her as she focused on her own heartbeat. She remained by Leah and April's sides as Coulson went on about recent events. It was as Sabine anticipated, thanks for helping clean up a mess we should have been aware of. And that word.


When Coulson uttered that word Sabine tensed up, most likely visibly to those who knew her well enough. She gripped her right wrist with her left hand and put pressure on it. "No, do not freak out here of all places. You're fine. You do not need therapy. What happened, happened. You're fine! Sabine closed her eyes and tuned Coulson out, though the words were still being heard. Her mind raced.

And a new voice woke her up. Out of an unlikely source.

Victoria. Sabine had admittedly never interacted with the girl much. Sabine didn't care to if she were being honest. Still, the girl's words were...dare she admit it?...inspiring. And truthful. Sabine watched as Victoria painstakingly laid it out in the open: about her own struggles, about how the school had let them down, and how they were expected to be pleased with the crumbs offered.

"Ok Vicky, pop off queen." Sabine uttered this, more for herself though she was loud enough for people to hear.

The others reacted as much as she expected as the subject of teams was brought up. This was one of the things she was worried about the most. The hard work she put in, the end goal in sight only to be taken away because of a situation she didn't put herself in. While she enjoyed how much Danni wanted them all to be together, it felt...othering. She would love to be teamed up with April and Leah and Danni and Dorian, hell even Percy and Maddie would be okay.

But what about Zelda? Sabine wouldn't call her a friend but she was still part of her team.

"I think teams can be discussed at a different time, perhaps when we aren't all crammed in one small room while talking about a traumatic event we were all witness too. I do hope your words ring true Headmaster, because everyone in this room played a part in quelling this otherwise catastrophic event. I didn't see the Avengers step up to help until after the fact, as thankful as I am that they showed up." She glanced at Leah, knowing She-Hulk has taken her on, whether for now or for a while. "So maybe we can all decide as one who's on whose team and ensure we don't forget about anyone else and how their feelings should come into play. She looked over to Danni, hoping he caught on to what she hinted at.
I assume I am still a part of this though I wasn't tagged either

Edit: Actually it looks like I was though I got no notice. Ah well, time to make a CS!

Fleur followed the wet footsteps closely. If she was correct, what happened in Teacher Ot's office was not good. Someone was significantly hurt and things were destoryed or stolen. Teacher Ot could be dying somewhere. Fleur would not admit it openly, of course, but there was also some sort of thrill. She enjoyed a mystery or figuring things out, making sense of something that could not be immediately explained.

And then she saw the blood.

That compounded with the eerie silence of no one being around led her to believe things were not all right. Saur seemed to agree with her as he nodded at her, a subtle message that her and him were on the same wavelength.

Soon they came up to a door and a clock. The door itself had images on it, none of which made sense to her right away. Still, it was here and the trail led through it, which meant it could be opened.

"Hold on, let me see something." Fleur called upon her magical ability and cast Detect Magic. With her training in the Occult, she found it easier to get a sense of magical artifacts and spells.

Squaring on the door, Fleur closes her eyes for a moment to center herself. She immediately found that its magical properties cried out to her, desperate to reveal its secrets! In her mind, she heard an ancient, wizened voice make a simple request:

"Tell the time."

Fleur's eyes were drawn to the large, grand clockwork contraption whose hands busily stand over mirrored icons of the door across the hallway. Her magical connection to the door had not waned, though for the moment that appears to be all that the door is willing to communicate to her.

"There's magic at work here. The door is connected to the clock. I heard something suggest telling the time would be the answer. I don't suppsoe anyone knows the current time so we can adjust it? The symbols must be connected in that way."
@wanderingwolf Thanks, I'll get something up later
@Mixtape Ghost N Thanks I hate it

Interactions: Two Mind-Controlled Customers

If someone had told her that there would be an attempt on her life later and that it would involve the world's best food (donuts), Quill would have told you that it was a good way to go, at least. What she hadn't expected was to partake in a freak show amongst the baked goods. Whatever that....thing was, it was not human. As it swiveled its head like a fucking owl, Quill, besides herself, raised her brows in surprise. "The fuck..." was all she uttered when the lights dimmed and things went from bad to worse.

She looked at the others and decided she rushed into things too quickly. But that was how life was sometimes. Before she could move to center herself she heard whispers. It was like she was hearing them in the back of her brain. She took a step forward before she felt a tug on her back followed by a strong grip, wrenching her arms behind her. She turned her head to see a woman, a regular average Joan apart from the dead look in her eyes, like her soul was wrenched from her body. Another came in front of her and, with a handful of doughnutty goodness, attempted to force-feed her like some sort of deranged mukbang.

She was not about to go out like this.

It wasn't their fault so Quill determined she would handle it as gracefully as she could. With some baked goods in her mouth she whipped her head back, slamming her head into the customer behind her. She heard a cry and ignored the pain seeping into her skull as she felt the woman's grip loosen. Taking the moment Quill pulled her arms free, though she only managed to get one as the woman had a death grip on her shirt. Still, one hand meant one fist as she clenched it, sending it forward into the woman facing her's face as she stumbled back. Quill swiveled, facing the woman behind her and backhanded her, sending her back. Now free she held up her hands. "Ladies, I don't want to fight you, but I will if I have to."

The women merely hissed and launched themselves at Quill. Quill dodged one but felt the other (the one she punched) grab hold of her and scratch her face, leaving a mark on her cheek. Quill reared her fist again, decking the woman before grabbing her and pulling her forward in time to kick high enough to connect Quill's boot to the woman's cheek, sending her flying to the side. The other woman got close and Quill spun on her heel and back-kicked her backward, sending her into the counter. Quill needed to knock them out somehow. The woman knocked into the counter slumped down and the other took a running start at Quill again.

Quill jumped back as the woman landed and stumbled forward. Quill grabbed her and spun her around, holding her arms around her neck and squeezing. The woman tried scratching Quill's arms, but her jacket protected her. She felt the energy lift before the woman's head slumped and she fell to the ground when Quill released her. Quill quickly checked for a pulse and felt one.

Quill let out a breath before she felt a hand grip her hair and pulled her back. Quill let out a yelp as she fell backward and landed on the floor, the final customer not finished with her yet. The woman put her hands around Quill's throat and started to choke. Quill had moments to think about what to do. She didn't want to seriously harm this person who had no control over her actions, but Quill wanted to survive more. So Quill used some force and poked the woman's eyes. The woman let out a gutteral yell as she stopped choking Quill and put her hands over her eyes. Quill pushed her off and sent the woman to the ground in front of her. Before the woman could stop screaming and get up for the next round Quill kicked her across the face as the woman's head shuttered before she stopped moving. Quill felt for a pulse on her too and found one, albeit lighter than the others.

Quill felt the scratch on her cheek bleed and felt a headache coming on. She took a few deep breaths while she kneeled on the ground.

She survived the encounter, but how did the others fare?

Great! Okay so you can let me know if this applies. I have a feat called Oddity Identification. It says when I become aware of a magical effect or see a spell being cast, I can determine if it twists minds, fights against fortune, or reveals secrets and similar effects fall to your discretion. I can use Identify Magic or Recall Knowledge to learn more about the effects and use my Occultism skill with +2. I'd like to see if it's possible to reveal the door's secrets this way.

She does!
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