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Komatsu Bay



The fan of ice from Io, cutting through the shoji, caught the Varjans inside by surprise. They were instantly struck down by the attack, hit in their heads and chest and leaving only one survivor. "Damn monsters! I'll kill you all myself!" The Varjan Warlock, Merneptah and the one plotting the scheme, wore armor typical of the Scarce Legion: Thick and blue, his helmet having long horns that curved upwards. In his hands was a simple golden staff with a blue gem on the end, suspended in the middle of a circular decoration.

As Skarsneek rushed at him, Merneptah teleported away before the male Goblin could attack. He reappeared in front of Io and shoved the Lich into the rain, stumbling into the mud. The Warlock stepped outside and raised his staff, lightning striking it amongst the rain. He then aimed his charged staff at his own manor, unleashing the stored lightning unto the structure.

Right towards Skarsneek!


~ @The Irish Tree (LIL) ~

The barracks erupted in complete chaos as the summoned Minotaur wreaked havoc in the barracks. Varjans either fled or tried to put up a fight against the ten-foot tall behemoth. Of course, no one there was prepared to fight such an enemy so it was doubtful any of the Varjans could hurt the summoned monster.

Liliana chose to assist her summon by targeting any Varjans that wielded bows or throwables. But just as she was about to attack a Footman archer beside a wall, a javelin suddenly stuck into the wall in her path and the warrior Fairy crashed into the shaft and knocked her out of the air.

Liliana was dazed and her invisibility dispelled. She was scooped up by the only one in the barracks who noticed her, the Varjan Champion with the javelins. "You tiny pain in the ass! This was your doing, wasn't it?!" He yelled at the warrior Fairy. Liliana could feel the fuming air radiating from the holes on his helmet, the only openings in the headwear, as he squeezed her in his hand.

None of the other Varjans were with him, however. Their attentions were all occupied by the summoned Minotaur.

Shizuyama Wilderness


Kerry flew over to the watchtower and investigated alone. The watchtower was a closed building made of wood standing tall enough to oversee the valley. Near the tower's base, there was a small, makeshift archery range with training dummies along with bows and arrows ready to use. Presumably, Setsuna training the Varjan invaders with what she learned from Takamori. Other than that, there was not much else here.

Up until the watchtower doors flew open and out came a group of Varjans. Four Footmen with bows quickly surround Kerry along with a couple of Wardogs. An ambush!

The Footmen nocked arrows into their bows and aimed at the Hornet, while the Wardogs worked on keeping her still for the archers by trying to latch onto her legs with their jaws.

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (CRL) ~

Seeking out a blacksmith to renew herself, Carroll was pointed to a refugee swordsmith who had set up shop behind one of the pagodas. He had been maintaining the weapons of what little remained of the Shizuyaman warriors in Terauchi Temple.

Carroll could hear a hammer striking metal as she approached, finding the swordsmith's setup behind the pagoda. The smith was a young man with an Eboshi hat on his hat, together with the grey hakama and a white kimono top as his attire. Next to him was a very simple and crude tatara furnace, with wood and charcoal nearby, and he was hammering away at a piece of metal on his anvil until he noticed Carroll coming to him.

"If your blades need work, Lady Yokai, then let me be of use." He greeted.


~ @Enkryption (ALI), @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

Let’s talk, you and I, because I’m missing a lot of details, including how I got this scar on my side, and a no-sense bitch like you won’t waste my time with superfluous details...

"You don't remember how you got a wound?" Sorae raised an eyebrow, incredulous. Unaware that the Alice she was speaking to was not the Alice she knew. "Did you change your memories too when you changed your look?"

"Anyway, I believe you got that from pursuing the students of the Heavenly Strike. The aforementioned technique being an attack that strikes quicker than the eye could see. You can get the details from that storyteller fellow, Katsuhiro." Sorae explained. "From what I heard, you've been beaten back by the students twice now, so you and half of the taskforce trained a bit for your rematch against them. Not sure what the results of that training, though."

"Since it appears you've lost your memory, it appears all that training was for naught." Sorae finished. "If I were you, I'd just get strength from numbers. The students can handle one yokai, or two non-coordinating ones, but any more than that and they'll be overwhelmed."

Eula had also returned from comforting Carroll. "Welcome back. You sure you're not needed anywhere else?"






Kazenosuke's House


"Your lord couldn't come, because he was...how did he put it? 'Busy dressed up as a Miko.'. I have no idea what that means, butt he was sure that you'd be troublesome to deal with unless we said that,"

Kazenosuke's eyes widened in surprise at hearing the phrase. His grip on the hilt relaxed as a genuine smile formed in his face. "Aha... Ahahahahaha!" He laughed heartily. "I can't believe Takeshi would share that secret with you. Willingly, too. No amount of pleasure would coax that incident out of his lips."

"So Takeshi's alive and well, and willingly working with you. Oh man, his dad's gonna kill him..." Kazenosuke remarked as he approached the sitting Vivian and leaned on the log. "So what's this about Takeshi mounting a counterattack? Did he find a thousand soldiers hiding under a mountain or something? What about his father? What happened to the army that was greeting the Varjan invasion in Sanjo Beach?"

"And for the record, Takeshi's not my lord. His father is. I am friends with Takeshi, no sworn oaths or anything like that." Kazenosuke closed his eyes after the correction, and took in a breath of air. "...And tell your other friend to stop hiding in the shadows. I'm not gonna fight any of you... At least, not yet."

Ayane Sake Brewery


~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD) ~

(Currently in collab)

Terauchi Temple


~ @The Irish Tree (MAT) ~

"Don't forget Lord Takeshi's code phrase that I told you in case you need it!" Were Ayu's last words to Matsuri before the latter left the temple.


Night had already fallen and Matsuri still haven't found a single sign of the shinobi Kageho. Even her enhanced monster vision was hampered in the darkness of the thick forest, where the moon's dim light was of no help. But before she could decide to leave or keep searching, she sensed the presence of a group heading in her direction.

A dozen of armed humans who were clearly not Shizuyaman arrived at the clearing. Most wore fur pelts and armor and held torches to illuminate the night but five wore very loose hooded robes that were dark blue in color. The robes appear to be too big that they manage to completely obscure their wearer. In a way, they looked comical in such an attire but when they move, they appear to be sliding across the grassy soil than actually walking.

Their intimidating appearance clued Matsuri that this group might be Varjans, the invaders that attacked Shizuyama. They also obviously outnumbered the fledgling Inari, so combat with them would be extremely unwise. However, fleeing from this place might also mean abandoning Kageho, the shinobi hiding in this area.



Komatsu Bay


With the heavy rain and Shizuka's conjured mist, the three taskforce members were practically undetectable as they made their way to the estate. They spotted a couple of Varjan patrols in their way but not even their lanterns could penetrate the mist and the rain enough to discover the presence of the taskforce.

Drenching wet, the trio reached the lit up estate. There were occupants inside, judging from the shadows that could be seen through the shoji; All of whom oblivious to the taskforce's presence. Thus, the infiltrators were granted a trove of information via the conversation happening inside.

"Has Lord Serek'uar acknowledged my message to him?"
"Yes, Lord Merneptah."
"...And what is his response?"
"Err... the same, my lord. Lord Serek'uar believes that the fleet forming in Akamagaseki will never attack the blockade."
"Damn it. He's a fool. There are already monsters here. If a port in this island falls, that monster fleet will undoubtedly try to make contact with it."
"What do you plan, my lord?"

"I plan to attack that monster fleet. Not to destroy it, just a small but destructive raid to keep that fleet from doing anything. To do that, I may need to pull some strings to convince Lord Na'kra-- Wait." The main voice suddenly stopped. "I sense monsters..."


~ @The Irish Tree (LIL) ~

"Hey, this is my blanket!"

"Was that you?! You think you own this ass?!

Liliana's antics were causing misunderstandings amongst the Varjan ranks. Misunderstandings that turned into tensions. Tensions that turned to shoves. Shoves that turned into fights. Within a minute, the barracks erupted into one huge brawl not unlike ones that could be found in a particularly rowdy bar.

As fists flew and butts were kicked, a javelin flew in the air and impaled one of the brawling Varjans. The javelin-wielding Varjan drew first blood, but this act of murder managed to stop all the brawling. "You dunces! Can't any of you idiots figure out that someone's playing tricks on us?!" He reprimanded basically the entire barracks with his raspy voice. Now there was no doubt that this Varjan was the one calling the shots here.

The shorter-than-most Varjan Champion then plucked his javelin from the corpse and barked out his orders. "Start searching the perimeter. Culprit might be using magic to hide. Someone go to Merneptah in his oh-so-new manor and tell him to come 'ere and see if there's a monster skulking 'round here."

The Varjan garrison organized themselves and began searching with a couple heading out into the rain to warn the local Warlock. The many heavy boots stomping the floor seem to be irritating the Varjan Champion, though. "And for Caldeyrons' sake, BE QUIET!"

Fort Tanabe


~ @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @Restalaan (GRI) ~

Hinami, with monstrous strength and a mighty bo staff, destroyed the supporting beams and pillars of one of the watchtowers. She only needed to destroy a few before the remaining supports could no longer hold the structure. The loud cracking of wood splitting signaled that the tower was about to fall. The archers manning the tower all screamed as they fell alongside the watchtower.

Meanwhile, Gringor climbed the other tower with a speed that worried its occupiers. The Footmen with bows shot arrows at the High Orc, to no avail. When Gringor got close, though, the Footmen brought out their spears to try and at least push the High Orc into falling. While Gringor could very well defend himself, it turned he did not need to. Arrows from Takeshi and Kikyo flew and hit the Footmen who were too focused on Gringor to notice. The couple of Footmen who still remained fled from the ascended Gringor by flinging themselves from the watchtower and hoping for a soft landing.

With the archers and the watchtowers gone, the Shizuyaman warriors that hid behind Atsuha's protective barrier saw the opportunity to finally rout the Varjan garrison. They released their war cries as they charged the remaining Varjans in the fort.

But the jailors were not done yet, a Varjan Warrior unlocked some cages that were smaller than the others; unleashing a pack of vicious Wardogs against their enemies. The Shizuyaman prisoners clashed against the Varjan remnants backed up with their hounds.

A Wardog quickly pounced on Hinami, but it was quickly slashed away by Takeshi. "I'll regroup with Atsuha. Kikyo, stay here and handle the Varjans from this side." The young lord ordered before heading away.

Kikyo simply glared at Hinami before readying her sword. "Get ready, yokai." She said as she and the Jiangshi faced an incoming group of two axe-wielding Varjan Brigands and two Varjan Wardogs.

As the battle continued, Atsuha found herself surrounded by four of the Wardogs. They circled her carefully, using her blind spots to bite on her arachnid legs. "Atsuha!" She then heard Takeshi call her name. The young lord came to her rescue by throwing a kunai at one of the dogs, only to be quickly pounced on by another. At least Atsuha now only needed to deal with two of the canines.

Shizuyama Wilderness


Takamori led Kerry out of Terauchi Temple and into the wilds of Shizuyama's Onrai region.

As they traveled, the master archer decided to speak his mind. "Since you said you didn't snag a native, I assume you shared beds with a fellow taskforce member then? That Shizuka guy seem to be the only choice, but I doubt it's him you got. Regardless, I suppose I should be glad you're not tainting our island. That tea party that Mad Hatter threw is still suspicious, however."

The duo soon found themselves in a cliff, one side of a wide valley path. On the other side of the valley, there was a lone, very noticeable watchtower. "Look there." Takamori pointed to a setup by the cliff's edge: Quivers of arrows and a bit of supplies needed to maintain them. "Arrows. Varjan and Zipanguese. We can pick up the trail again by the practice targets."

However, there were no practice targets nearby. That was, until Takamori took one of the arrows in the setup and shot it all the way to the watchtower on the other side of the valley. Upon a closer look, Kerry would see that there were straw dummies at the bottom of the watchtower, and that was what Takamori shot. The distance was almost half a league away.

"Fly to the watchtower, yokai. Find out where they went. I'll catch up with you."

Terauchi Temple


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

"I've heard that a lord's wife has gone missing. Do you think that if we found her, it might help alleviate the people's worries a bit?"
Eula 039

"She's not a lord's wife, she's a killer's wife." Sorae approached Eula with a correction. "Finding her will alleviate my worries, at least."

"You're not part of the group that went with me back then, so I guess I'll need to explain everything to you." Sorae sighed before beginning. "The reason I couldn't participate in the battle of Sanjo Beach was because me and my clan were attacked by fellow Shizuyaman warriors at the time of the landings. I was the only survivor. Your fellow taskforce members and I have been investigating my clan's massacre and our searches led us to a man named Sogen, a friend of our clan, as the culprit. The girl who is missing is his wife. We found her hiding with a bunch of Sogen's hired thugs and we need to get her back if I am to have justice for my family."

"We should start searching immediately but if you have any questions, go ahead and ask away. I'll answer them while we look for clues."

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (ALI & CRL) ~

"Hey, has anyone come through here with a sword wound? I've lost track of my companion. She would have had a talking weapon."

The peasant refugees stopped their weaving to speak to Alice. "You're gonna have to narrow down your search more, madam yokai. Almost half of the people taking refuge in this temple has a sword wound." She answered the first question.

"Talking weapon? Haven't heard anything about that." The second peasant woman said. "If you're talking about the companion you were with, I believe she was hanging out with the metal yokai earlier. They stayed in your taskforce's barracks. I saw the metal yokai come out, but not your companion."






Shizuyama Wilderness


"That said, if you'll indulge me my lord...do you have a favorite food?"

"A favorite food? Interesting question..." Takeshi pondered at the Shoggoth's question for a moment. "I've always had a fondness for fish, but I wouldn't call it my favorite since I've been also eating it all my life." The young lord then shook his head. "That's not true. If I had to pick something to eat, it'll be some nice, roasted tuna with a side of stir-fried vegetables."

The trio continued to travel until they happened a wood-walled encampment. The sight surprised Takeshi and he immediately took Nyla and Kirei behind a low rock near the encampment. "Since that is not a Shizuyaman encampment, I think it's safe to assume it's a Varjan one." The young lord peeked at the encampment again, noticing some rocks that could allow one to jump inside as well as some gaps in the walls that were large enough for a person to slip into.

"We're no doubt outnumbered, and Nyla dislikes direct confrontations, so we'll have to do this quietly." Takeshi told the two taskforce members. "We can also circle around but we might run into their patrols and alert this camp, forcing us to face them anyway. What do you two think?"

Kazenosuke's House


"I imagine you have your reasons for not being at the beach, and won't pry into that matter. But I would like to know whether we walked out here to find a comrade, or a future enemy."

"I'm afraid it is my duty as a Shizuyaman not to be comrades with a yokai. And I very much doubt you want me as a future enemy." Kazenosuke replied, his hand still on the sword-hilt despite Vivian assuming a vulnerable position by sitting on a fallen log.

"And again I say, there's absolutely no way that Takeshi would willingly work with yokai. Have you captured him? Holding him in Terauchi Temple?" The dancing swordsman jumped to conclusions. "Perhaps I should slay you two here and mount a rescue. Then the real counterattack against the Varjan invasion can begin."

Kazenosuke was unwilling to believe Vivian's words. Not surprising as he was a man raised to suspect and be cautious of yokai at all times. However, both Vivian and Varã remembered Takeshi's phrase that can make the dancing, stubborn swordsman listen to them.

An invisible Zeka shortly arrived to the scene as well. Likely confused or surprised that other monsters, presumably other taskforce members, have already beaten her here.

Ayane Sake Brewery


~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD) ~

(Currently in collab)

Terauchi Temple

~ @The Irish Tree (MAT) ~

"Sooo, what should I do?"
Matsuri Okita

"Well, Lord Takeshi gave the taskforce a mission to recruit a select group of people who can help mount a counterattack against the Varjan invasion." Ayu helpfully answered. "Let me recount to you Lord Takeshi's exact words as best I can..."

After listing the people that Takeshi Oja wanted recruited, Ayu continued. "As you already probably know, this island is, at best, suspicious of yokai like you. However, we do need their trust if we are to help them fully. So I also recommend going around this temple and helping out any refugee that needs it to boost the yokai's image. Sure, they may not trust you but I wager that they're desperate enough to accept aid from you."

"...Oh and, I guess I have a fox's nose now,"
Matsuri Okita

"Huh? Are you formerly human?" Ayu noticed before pinching her temples. "Well that could be a huge problem with some of the people here. Best keep that a secret, alright?"



Komatsu Bay


While Liliana has gone to the barracks, the rest of the taskforce group remained on the roof planning their course of action. Since they have now lingered long enough in this occupied fortress, the scent of death and decay finally reached their noses. Varjan patrols could sometimes be spotted passing by and fortunately, these patrols appeared to not bother looking at the roofs of the houses.

A water droplet soon splashed on Io's hood. Looking up, the moon on the night sky was gone. Covered by a thick layer of clouds that heralded rain. And rain it did, a downpour fell on Komatsu Bay which forced most of the Varjan patrols inside buildings. Many of the patrols opted to shelter in the barracks where Liliana went.


~ @The Irish Tree (LIL) ~

The warrior Fairy flitted inconspicuously across the dirt streets of Komatsu Bay. Now that she had spent a bit of time in this occupied fortress, the stench of death and decay made itself known to her senses. As she flew quietly, she would sometimes spot a lifeless corpse simply left to rot in the open. Varjan patrols would pass by and barely notice, as if it were completely normal to be there.

When Liliana reached the barracks' walls, a drop of water almost sent her crashing into the soil. Looking up, thick clouds have covered the moon and darkened the night further. More drops of water came down as the rain settled in. The sudden downpour forced nearby Varjan patrols to head inside the well-lit barracks. If a fight broke out inside, Liliana can expect more Varjans than to be expected.

Inside the barracks, the invisible Liliana went unnoticed by the dozens of Varjans inside. As they covered themselves with blankets and fur pelts to protect from the sudden cold, none of them appeared to be high-ranking. However, she did spot a Varjan much shorter than everyone else around him. He looked like a typical Varjan Brigand with no chest armor, a face-obscuring helmet and leather-reinforced trousers. He had a 'quiver' of javelins on his back and he seemed famous amongst his peers.

Could he actually be the one?

Terauchi Temple


Kerry found Takamori in the more clear parts of the temple grounds. He was with a couple of peasants, the latter wielding bows and shooting arrows at some makeshift targets made of straw and black paint. At least, trying to. Some shots were way off the target while some didn't even make it to the required distance. Still, Takamori egged them to keep shooting until he noticed the Hornet.

"Yokai. You're looking positive today." Takamori noticed Kerry's unusually high spirits. "Had a good time last night? Finally charmed a Shizuyaman to share your bed?"

"Anyway, I found a lead regarding Setsuna. But I'm not sure if you are ready for her." The master archer told the Hornet. "I know I make her sound beyond human, and honestly that's not far off the mark." He remarked about his traitor daughter. "Setsuna is fearless. She may not be an initiated warrior of Shizuyama, or hail from any of the island's warrior clans, but she is a born killer."

"Some recent refugees saw Varjans training in an archery range not far from here. I suspect Setsuna is there."

Terauchi Temple

Alice, Carroll and Eula had remained in Terauchi Temple for the time being. The conjured tea party was long over and the refugees even cleaned up the spontaneous feast without help from Alice. As soon as it was over, however, the doom and gloom of their situation returned almost instantly. Terauchi Temple might have been repaired, but the Varjans' oppression still weighed on their hearts.

Revuel was in the medical tents, using magic to heal wounds. Refugees still kept coming to Terauchi Temple, often tired and injured.

As the three walked through the temple grounds, they would overhear a conversation between two peasant women knitting baskets.

"But they have Lord Oja!"
"Nobody can break him. Not even the Varjans!"
"I guess we can hope... Wasn't it Lord Oja who fought off a pirate raid in Port Izumi?"
"Yes! And he escaped the trap that Lord Ichimonji set for him in that bandit island. Lots of people tried to bring him down, and they wound up dead!"
"Even so, everybody's luck runs out sometime."
"It's not luck. He is the most cunning Island Lord we've ever had. If he were a little more ambitious, he could have conquered all of the Zipanguese Isles."
"Maybe you're right..."
"Mark my words, we haven't seen the last of Lord Oja."






~ Town Borders ~

Nathaniel revealed that Lady Imre always could have fought. They only hired the Eon Tower since they did not know the strength of their assailants. The explanation only served to tell Einer that, basically, he was the only one that needed protecting in that carriage the entire trip.

His pride wounded and his insecurities reinforced, Einer was silent when they entered the clinic, the doctor fixed him up and he was discharged, ready to rejoin his fellow Reavers. Lady Imre and Ruecian were glad that that he recovered fine, but attention was the last thing Einer wanted right now. His silence at their words might have piqued curiosity, but Lady Imre's business fortunately diverted attention from that.

After that, the Reavers and their clients were all on their way back to where they started. Einer sulked on the inside, but he has recovered enough to be able to play some relaxing music during their ride. When it was time to say goodbye to Lady Imre, Einer bowed his head at her sympathies. Good thing too, or else he would have just glared noticeably at her.

”Alright, a job well done, team. Glad it seems like none of you are slacking on your training! Unless you guys have stuff to do somewhere else, I say we head back to the Tower. Got use some rest, especially Einer.”
Ruecian Valeniquen

Einer was now composed enough to talk again. "Indeed. I think I need to... relax for a bit once we get back." Just endure for now, the musician thought. Once he found his answer, then all of this will be in the past.

Lady Kyouko's Estate

"Nah, nah. If you need even a thief's help, then who am I to turn you down? Hopefully, we can resolve these issues before any actual fighting starts..."
Zeka Willows

"That makes two of us." Lady Kyouko replied.

"And...I wanted to repay the help you gave him a long time ago. If he hadn't known then...that Inari that saved me might have never been able to help. Please Lady Kyouko, let me fight! Or even just cook and clean...those people need help, and even an amateur fox is better than nothing."
Matsuri Okita

The Ryu closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh. "I'm not sure where your faith in your father being alright despite not knowing where he is comes from, but I don't think I can change your mind in this issue. And I suppose you are old enough to make your own decisions. Very well, I shall send you to Shizuyama as well."

"Now then, follow me, girls." Lady Kyouko then led Zeka and Matsuri into her estate then into the courtyard, where a large stone platform lay. The platform had engravings on it, marking a reusable magic circle. "Last warning, girls. The island of Shizuyama is anti-monster, in fact that stance made them allies with Varjo and The Order for a long time. Despite their deteriorating relationship, the people of Shizuyama will regard you with suspicion and fear. But please, they're good people. Just be patient with them." The Ryu then hurriedly added. "Err, best if you keep your ancestry secret, Miss Matsuri. Shizuyama does not... take kindly to 'traitors', if you know what I mean."

"Alright, stand in the middle and I will teleport you to Terauchi Temple in Shizuyama. That's the home base of my operatives there. Meet up with them and join the taskforce I've already sent there. Oh, and please assist the Oja Clan as much as you can." With Matsuri and Zeka in the middle of the platform, Lady Kyouko clapped her hands together and glowed with magical energy. The engravings on the platform also glowed.

White light then enveloped the two monsters' visions.

Shizuyama Wilderness


"But, she didn't really explain why it is that these lands despise the yokai so much. Was there some type of past war or enslavement? I mean, I figured after the Great Change, that would cause at least some changes in the social systems here. Do the people here even know about it?"
Kirei Kannazuki

Takeshi looked at Kirei as if the latter had spoken blasphemy against something very holy. He supposed Kirei simply did not know the history of Shizuyama and thus, could not understand the island's stance on yokai. But the young lord remarked about the employer first. "Your employer, Lady Kyouko, seems to have a worrying amount of information about our affairs. Well, I suppose she does have base of spies that we never found out."

"Anyway, to answer your question: Yokai used to live in Shizuyama thousands of years ago, way before The Great Change. While the yokai didn't rule over the island directly, humans still lived under their oppression. Every day, a human must worry whether they would live through this day or meet their end, or worse, in the hands of a fickle yokai. And these yokai were everywhere, they stalked the roads and sometimes, they even stayed in people's homes... and no one could do about it."

"That is until my distant ancestor, Lord Minato Oja, gathered to him the greatest warriors he could find in the isles of Zipangu and began his campaign to expel or exterminate the yokai in Shizuyama. In, I think, over a decade, they succeeded and there was no yokai presence in the island since then. Well, until now." Takeshi finished. "We honor our ancestors and remember their suffering under the yokai. That is why we despise yokai. And besides, The Great Change may have transformed the yokai into alluring creatures, but they still kidnap men. Steal or tempt them from their parents, break families apart."

Realizing that Nyla was with them, Takeshi quickly apologized. "Err, no offense."

"Part of me still feels like your father is still alive, Takeshi-dono, so I'd let that lift your spirits, if only even slightly. If you don't mind me asking, what type of man is he?"
Kirei Kannazuki

The young lord was now deeply suspicious of Kirei. Such a specific remark could not be a coincidence. His hand subtly slid to his sword's hilt. "...How did you know I thought about my father?"

Kazenosuke's House


~ @AzureKnight (VRA), @The Irish Tree (VIV) ~

"I don't suppose we could talk? That is, if you're not as vehemently against yokai as the Varjans."

"Lord Takeshi wants to know why you didn't join the battle at the beach. And I want to know why you were speaking with that despicable, murderous man in the mask!"
Varã Riemsianne

Kazenosuke's hand immediately went to his sword's hilt when the two yokai appeared. He was ready to draw even as they approached and spoke to them. While the red demon was certainly louder and more annoying, the dancing swordsman stayed his blade for now to listen though his sword hilt was still gripped just in case this was all a deceitful trap. He decided not to engage until he, himself, was engaged.

That said, he was not going to indulge these yokai's questions immediately. "I suppose we can talk, but I think I can summarize our talk in this next sentence: No, I won't be your husband." He replied rather cheekily to Vivian.

"And who I talk to is none of your business, little miss." Kazenosuke responded to Varã. "And what's this acting like a messenger from Takeshi? You do realize that he and his dad would've struck you down the moment they saw you."

Takamori's Dojo


~ @AzureKnight (LAV) ~

(Currently in collab)

Ayane Sake Brewery


~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD) ~

The Claremont sisters found the brewery in the middle of the night. The sake brewery consisted of two wooden buildings, one for the actual sake brewing and one served as the brewers' living quarters. The former building was open filled with all sorts of tools and equipment related to sake brewing. As the two monsters arrived, they overhear two of the peasant workers talking.

"Ten, my lady."
"Not enough. The Varjans will drink that in an afternoon."

The conversation was interrupted when they noticed Umami and Ripcord arriving. "Oh, hello there! Little late for a visit, is it not?" The peasant woman greeted. The sisters' attire aroused suspicion from the woman, but guessed that they weren't Varjans. "Would you care for some tea now that you're here?"

It was odd how a sake brewery would offer tea for visitors.

Terauchi Temple

When Zeka and Matsuri's regained their sights, they were no longer in Lady Kyouko's estate and the stone platform. Instead, they were in a large wooden chamber held up by four pillars. On one side was something that seemed like a shrine with candles and statutes. On the other other side was a set of sliding doors, one of which opened and a human woman with black hair and green robes entered the chamber.

"Hello, there. You must be sent here by Lady Kyouko, right?" The no-nonsense woman greeted the two. "I'm Ayu and this is one of the pagodas of Terauchi Temple. I'm going to assume you're going to be part of the taskforce. All of the members are away at the moment, but you can talk to me and I can answer any questions you got."

"Oh yeah, I haven't told Lady Kyouko yet but the Varjans have landed in Shizuyama." Ayu added. "They've defeated Lord Oja's army and are now rampaging unimpeded across the island. The taskforce managed to rescue Lord Oja's son, though, so this island might have a chance yet."



Komatsu Bay


"Miss Ayu, I think you should stay with Shizuka. If anything goes wrong, you might be able to send a message or something, and be our eyes on the outside. At least, that's what I think. I'm not the best planner, but we're all a lot tougher than a normal person. If you got hurt, Takeshi would be super sad."

"But... Shizuka's going inside. How will that work?"

"She was talking about you."


"I... would've liked to participate in this mission alongside you." Ayu replied to Liliana, a little saddened that she would be staying in the sidelines. "But I suppose you're right. And besides, I think I've done my fair share of fighting back in the temple attack." The spy sighed.


The merchant Shizuka closed off the cart after the taskforce has embarked. Darkness enveloped the inside of the cart with only bits of light entering through the few tiny holes, the holes themselves too small for an eye to see anything outside. Not even Liliana's smaller eyes could see.

However, they did hear Ayu and Shizuka the merchant conversing as the cart got moving.

"How bad is the occupation of Komatsu Bay?"

"A few people fought back. The ones left alive became prisoners... or slaves-- Oh, damn! Varjans! Taskforce, get ready. They might search the cart."

"You said they don't do that!"

"At the fortress gates! I've never seen them this far out here. Ayu, you better skedaddle. I always arrive alone and your presence might make them suspicious."

The cart then continued moving. The taskforce could hear several voices, Varjan and Shizuyaman, as well as axes hitting wood.

"Please... my hands hurt..."

"Keep working!"

"You there! Stop!"

"Sake! Sake for Komatsu Bay!"

"Haha, sake! Hurry up, then!"

The cart moved again and the wails of the Shizuyaman prisoners died down... for now.



"It's the sake merchant. Open the gates!"

The taskforce heard two tall doors sliding open, and the cart was moving again.

"...I can't believe this worked."

Shizuka the merchant opened up his cart and allowed light for the taskforce. Moonlight, to be exact, it was already night when the taskforce successfully infiltrated the fortress town. They disembarked the cart in a grassy alleyway at the edge of the town. Wails and moans of pains could be heard faintly from the other areas of this occupied fortress.

"This is where we part ways for now." The merchant said to the taskforce. "I'll try to get as many Varjans drunk as possible, so they'll be unprepared for your attack. Stay safe, taskforce." Shizuka the swindler bid his farewell, but not without a final suggestion. Pointing to the building they were hiding behind, he suggested. "You can climb to the roof this building to get a better layout of the town."

From the roof of the small house, the taskforce could see that Komatsu Bay was roughly divided into two. One half was elevated than the other thanks to the natural terrain. In the elevated part, there were a few houses as well as a fancy estate where the town's ruler presumably lived. The lower part was where most of the buildings were located, and there was noticeable barracks smack dab in the middle protected by four watchtowers.

In the horizon, they could see the dock and the bay itself. Both filled with Varjan galleons and ships, but at least the docked ones appear to be unmanned.

Ayu's plan was to target the Varjan leaders of the garrison. They might need to search both the estate and the barracks.

Fort Tanabe


~ @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @Restalaan (GRI) ~

Atsuha successfully infiltrated the seemingly one-entrance fort, evading the gazes of the Varjan guards which were mostly focused on the one entrance.

When she approached the prisoner cages, though, her words earlier rang false. The Shizuyamans imprisoned in the fort were... singing lively tunes to each other. Some were even laughing loudly at missing the lyrics or the beat. All in all, they were in a happy mood. One would think their Varjan captors would be annoyed by this but even that was not true, strange as that may be. A few Varjan Brigands were even tapping their weapons to the rhythm as they patrolled.

All that changed, however, when Atsuha unlocked their cages and dropped weapons in front. Picking up the weapons, the freed prisoners assaulted their Varjan captors while the alarm was raised. Atsuha fired off the signal, which was clearly seen by Kikyo, Hinami, Gringor... and a newly-arrived Takeshi.

"Hey guys, what'd I-- what's that?" The young lord disembarked his horse while looking at the light.

"Your spider friend snuck into the fort and that's her signal to attack. Come on!" Kikyo drew her sword and charged in with Takeshi following close behind.

As the battle of Fort Tanabe commenced, the attacking group saw that the two watchtowers situated near the only entrance to the fort each contained two Footmen archers who were raining down arrows on the freed prisoners. The arrow fire prevented the Shizuyamans from advancing, allowing the surprised Varjan garrison to begin rallying and regrouping.

"We need to take down those towers!" Kikyo pointed out as she slashed a Brigand on the back, her first kill of this battle.

Atsuha saw this too, but she also noticed that a cage she missed contained a large bear agitated by the fighting. Could this be utilized, or perhaps this was not the time to take advantage of a wild, scared bear.

Terauchi Temple

The temple's residents all heard Alice, Kerry and Eula speak their pieces. The refugees all looked to Sorae for her reply, who simply shook her head and turned away. "Tsk. You think this is the first time we got speeches like from yokai? And what has the Automaton gain from speaking the truth?" The Tokinomiya lady began to walk away but not before saying her final words for the time being to the peasants. "...Do what you want."

With permission sort of granted, some of the refugees felt brave enough to sit on the summoned tables and begin helping themselves to the many treats of the tea party. Their faces lit up at the sweet tastes, which encouraged more of the peasants to join them.

~ @Enkryption (CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

"...This one has blackberry jam..."
Eula 039

"That's "first impressions" out of the way... I didn't want to be talk of the town so soon,"

"I believe you are one of the first monsters to ever set foot on this island for... millennia, I think." Revuel Arvida joined Carroll and Eula in their long table, pulling up a chair to sit in which somehow managed to support his and his armor's weight. "It will be difficult not to be the talk of the town. As well as the entire island, if I may add."

"From what I've heard, you are a member of the taskforce who apparently has suffered an unfortunate case of amnesia. In short, this is your first time here, isn't it? Hah, I recently just arrived here myself." Revuel said. "I'm surprised that despite the memory loss, you and your friend seem to have elected to stay here to help. I commend your kindness, but do you have any questions as to where you are or what the situation is?"

"And what of you, Miss Automaton?" Revuel turned to Eula. "Are your... systems holding up fine?"


"Stirring speech. That's so you." Takeshi remarked as he caught up with Alice and Kerry.

"Listen, I'm needed elsewhere so I can't hang out and catch up with you. We'll do that later, alright?" Takeshi then patted Alice on the back before looking at Kerry. "I leave her in your care, Miss Kerry." And with that, Takeshi whistled for his horse, hopped in and rode away.


The natural hot springs near Terauchi Temple was located in an elevated position overlooking the temple. A red-leaf tree provided cover for the spring as thin wisps of steam rose from the waters. The warmth emanated by the spring invited Alice and Kerry to bask in it, to sink their bodies in the comforting waters of the hot spring.







Otomo Port

"You sure you need someone like me in your posse? A thief is kinda out of their element on a battlefield."
Zeka Willows

"On the contrary, I think thieves are invaluable in the battlefield." Lady Kyouko offered a counter opinion. "Swinging weapons and slinging spells are only half the battle, you know?"

"But I digress. My scouts have told me that while the Varjan armada are moving to surround the island, I haven't received any reports of an outright invasion or battle. At least, not yet." The Ryu continued. "Regardless, missions undertaken by the taskforce should be more covert in nature rather than direct fighting." She stated with confidence. Unfortunately, none of the people present right now knew the true situation in the island.

"Of course, you are free to decline if you are feeling apprehensive about all this." Lady Kyouko said. "Worry not, nothing will be held against you by doing so."

"I'm...Matsuri Okitsu, Ma'am. A little while ago, my Papa- I-I mean my father came to you about a sickness I had. I'm all better now and I wanted to ask a favor of you. Please, let me go to Shizuyama too! My father was born there, a-and I don't want to think about it being conquered by anyone,"
Matsuri Okitsu

"Oh my, a descendant of a Shizuyaman native." Lady Kyouko was genuinely surprised at Matsuri's words. "Hmm, I do recall someone coming to me for aid for their daughter but I was unable to help. Please forgive me, but I am glad that you gotten better." She bowed her head at the young Inari for a moment.

"But now that you have introduced yourself, I am now hesitant to actually send you to Shizuyama." Lady Kyouko frowned. "Your father has found a solution for your mortal sickness, so I doubt he'd want you in a potentially dangerous situation so soon. A sentiment I sympathize with. Where is your father anyway?"

Shizuyama Wilderness


"Lord Oja. As Lady Kyouko requested me to ensure your saftey...I will be tagging along."

”Make that three. I would much like to continue discussing the situation of the island with the young lord, captain-ly duties and all that. Plus, I feel that he'd benefit greatly having my blade at his side.”
Kirei Kannazuki

Takeshi nodded. "Very well. Let us be off immediately." Despite his words, the young lord still felt troubled about his decision. He realized he was probably too rash about it, and it would definitely be something his father and his colleagues would disapprove of. Thinking about his father, Takeshi remembered last seeing him surrounded by Varjans. He was probably dead, wasn't he?

Takeshi closed his eyes to bottle up the emotions. He can mourn later, Shizuyama still needed saving.


The trio trekked out of Terauchi Temple with Takeshi leading the group. They passed through the dirt roads of Onrai without incident, allowing them to take in the rural landscape of this fertile region. The Varjans probably have not reached this far yet, but it would only be a matter of time.

Takeshi was still quietly contemplating about deciding to request aid from the yokai taskforce. Was that really the right decision? If he didn't, then his home island was doomed. But perhaps, that was better than this...?

"So, Sir Kirei." Takeshi started to distract himself. "You said you wanted to know more about Shizuyama's situation. What do you want to know in particular?" The young lord asked the taskforce's sole human. "What about you, Miss Nyla? Curious about anything regarding your charge?" He also asked the Shoggoth.

Kazenosuke's House


~ @AzureKnight (VRA), @The Irish Tree (VIV) ~

Varã and Vivian followed the river per Takeshi's directions and soon found a humble peasant house nested in a depression in the forested land right beside the flowing river. The house was pretty unremarkable, but there were some simple fishing equipment laying about near the river. Although, what would catch the two taskforce members' eyes immediately was the group of men in front of the house.

A group of three Varjans, two were the typical Varjan Warrior kind while the third was unique... and familiar. He was the Varjan that Varã fought in Sanjo Beach. The one who killed Sidonus. Of course, this Varjan was unfamiliar to Vivian. But his apparel of an iron mask and armor of overlapping plates made him stand out as someone important.

There was a fourth individual standing in front of the masked Varjan. He was a young adult with silver hair wearing simple, but unique, clothes of white and red. This was probably Kazenosuke.


"Come now, there are already Shizuyamans joining us. Our peoples need not be enemies." The Varjan said. "We have confirmed reports that yokai have already reached and infiltrated the island. We should be together against them rather than each other, should we not?" After a few moments of silence, the Varjan continued. "Or maybe, you care little for those traditions. Perhaps, you covet Lord--"

"Leave. Please." Kazenosuke bluntly stated.

The Varjan snickered at the response. "I shall relay to my warriors not to cross you, so long as you do otherwise." He then turned to leave. "If you ever make up your mind, you know where to find me. Or Lord Serek'uar."

Kazenosuke was then left alone by the Varjan group. The warrior was deep in thought from the conversation with the Varjan, and could not sense the two monsters' presence hiding behind the trees.

Takamori's Dojo


~ @AzureKnight (LAV) ~

(Currently in collab)

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD) ~

"Indeed! You are correct! We are newly minted members! We serve Boss Kyouko, and have come to repair, restore, and revolutionize this kitchen! Umu!"
Ripcord Claremont

"We're ready to work! Rice will more than do as payment! We'll take meat and veggies for raises!"
Umami Claremont

Janus had to cover his ears a bit from Umami's sonic chirping. "A shapeshifting monster? Like a Doppelganger, but the race cannot do it to this extent." The spellcaster remarked about Umami. "And the maid appears to be another Shoggoth. Two Abyssal monsters in one island. I wonder where this path will lead..."

"Anyway, you two needn't work to eat. Well, not exactly like that but..." Janus started again for better clarity. "You can help yourselves to any supplies we have. All that is asked in return is to help the people of Shizuyama from the Varjan invasion. As long as you do that, you can eat as much as you want."

Janus then surveyed the newly-cleaned kitchen. "I suppose cleaning the kitchen counts as helping. A pretty good job, but I'd wager that aesthetics is the least of our problems right now. Why don't you two go talk to some villagers out there? If you can help them out, then I assure you that Lady Kyouko will be most pleased."



"I read that the warriors of Shizuyama follow a path of honor."

"It is one of the many differences between us."

"Hmm. Then why do my men report that Takeshi Oja fights alongside yokai?"

"My son will never resort to such a thing."

"War brings out who we truly are."

"It has made you a dog."
"Unleashed by The Order, to rape and pillage at their command."

"...Your son strays from your island's sacred traditions. He will become what you hate."
"Unless you rejoin The Order, and their fight to restore peace to the world."

"You don't want allies. You want soldiers, to die in place of your own."

"Consider my offer. Help your son regain his honor, before his cowardice goes too far."
"...And before I bring you his head."

Komatsu Bay Outskirts


"Even I could fit in some of these containers, if it came to that. With the sake in it, if necessary to keep your cover. I do not need to breathe."

"No need to hide in the barrels. My cart's fully covered, you can all fit in there with the sake." The merchant Shizuka said to Io.

"As to going inside the barrel, I won't suggest it. Too risky, competent soldiers would check all of them, and sake barrels aren't that hard to open either. Not unless one of you could fuddle them during the check. But what I can do, is climb up those walls from another angle while they're inspecting Shizuka there."

"Don't worry, they won't search my cart." Shizuka then let out a devilish chuckle. "At least, not anymore."

"It's the same sake delivery I always sell them. They looove my sake!" The merchant then imitated the voice of a stereotypical Varjan. "Sake, good! Give sake now!"

"And the garrison is too big for an inspection to distract enough soldiers for an opening." Ayu added. "I won't stop you from trying to sneak in through another angle, Sir Skarsneek, but you might get spotted."

"Plus, I bet it'll work! If this Shizuka's as brave as our Shizuka, then his name isn't Shizukan't! ...Or...I guess that doesn't really work. Forget it. But pleaaaaase Mr. Shorter, more-fun-to-poke Shizuka? Won't you help us?"

"Hey, hey! Stop that! Only my mother gets to do that." The short merchant shooed Liliana away from his pudgy cheeks. "What's she talking about anyway?"

"Shizuka is also the name of the swordsman." Ayu reluctantly revealed.

"Ohhh!" The merchant then approached the swordsman and patted the latter on the arm. "Nice to meet a fellow Shizuka. I have a feeling this is going to be a beautiful friendship." The azure swordsman could already see schemes forming behind the swindler's eyes.

"If we were poisoning it, I could prepare a spell that could cause an outbreak of zombification from the sake, perhaps..."

"I don't mind spiking their drinks, but rather not to anything to poison the water supply here. If there are any innocents there, they'll be affect as well. I'd rather you not create a small army of undead, it doesn't paint a good picture."
Shizuka Kannazuki

"Yeah, there were a few people there who fought back." Shizuka remarked. "The ones left alive became prisoners... or slaves."

"What are you and they specifically supposed to do inside the fortress port anyway?" The merchant asked Ayu.

"The initial plan was to sneak inside and search for the garrison's commander and captains. Then we get rid of them, make a ruckus, and hope the Varjans get demoralized enough to leave on their own. Basically, a sudden, daring attack on their morale to break them." Ayu iterated the plan to everyone. "But as long as we get rid of the garrison, I can go with any plan the taskforce offers."

"But let's not waste any more time here. We can discuss the plan further as we move to Komatsu Bay." Ayu declared.

"Ah! Let's have a drink first!" The shorter Shizuka attempted to delay to try cancelling the plan. "Talk this through." He smiled sheepishly at Ayu and the taskforce.

But to no avail. "Now, Shizuka!"


The taskforce along with Shizuka and Ayu approached the merchant's cart: A surprisingly fancy cart with lanterns and gourd bottles strung on it and a single horse to pull it. Like what the shorter Shizuka said, all sides of the cart was covered with straw and was large enough to hold several barrels of sake. There were already two inside, and the rest of the space was for the taskforce.

"When we get close to the port, you all can hide in the cart with the sake." Merchant Shizuka said as he inspected his cart for a bit. "All set! You sure you wanna go through with this?"

"We can't hesitate now. Not with Terauchi Temple in danger." Ayu answered. "I'm with you, taskforce. Just say where I need to be."

Near Fort Tanabe


~ @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @Restalaan (GRI) ~

"Spider lady can climb those rocks?"

"If I can climb into the fort without being seen, I should be able to create an opening in which everyone else can enter. This plant I have on my person produces special petals that can induce drowsiness and delirium in people. With the guards incapacitated, I feel that should make it somewhat easier for you to enter and recuse the prisoners."
Atsuha Hangai

"Yep! Since my sister's a spider, she can climb on just about anything! Grin-san and I are pretty strong too, so um, maybewe could climb up too...?"
Hinami Hangai

Kikyo closed her eyes for a moment before pulling several paper talismans on her and checking them one by one.

With a satisfied nod, she replied to the taskforce. "Good plan, yokai. We can definitely do that. But don't use your special petals because if it goes wrong, the prisoners are dead." She then continued, speaking to Atsuha. "Instead, try to free the prisoners and arm them. Then launch a signal and attack the Varjan garrison. Me and your fellow yokai will attack once we see the signal. That way, we'll crush the Varjans between us."

She then handed Atsuha a paper talisman. "This ofuda will launch a ball of light to the air. That'll be the signal."

"Any objections to my plan?" Kikyo then surveyed their surroundings again. "Damn it, where's Takeshi? Should we wait?"

Terauchi Temple

Eula and Kerry would see magic from an unknown source repair the temple anew. Fires were put out, rubble rose to the air and reattached themselves to their buildings in an almost dance-like manner. Broken wooden beams were mended, the tiny splinters on the ground returning one by one to reform the wood. Refugees emerged from shelters and laborers stopped working to watch with awe and wonder as Terauchi Temple seemingly repaired itself.

Revuel had just finished lifting the last of the wreckage with telekinetic magic in his area to a suitable corner for salvage, only for the pile to float up and return to their original places in the buildings. The spellcaster was both glad that all was repaired anew and annoyed that his work was all for naught, leaving a neutral expression to his face.

"I'll take my tea, now."

Takeshi, too, was in awe at Alice's power. He whistled as the magic finished and approached the Mad Hatter lying flat on the ground. "Not bad. Is the jingle necessary?" He said before chuckling. A hand then extended from him for Alice to take. "You can't drink tea from there. Come on, time to enjoy the fruits of your labor."

The tea and tarts that seemingly appeared from thin air were approached cautiously by the refugee villagers. They looked enticing and scrumptious, but they didn't survive the Varjan invasion and made it to Terauchi Temple by being carefree. "Is... is this safe?" The villager closest to the tea party asked.

"Of course not." Sorae approached and looked at the tea and tarts with utmost disdain. "This is magic from Wonderland, one of the most terrifying ones out there. Partake, and you will be lost forever." The warrior woman warned the refugees.

Heeding the warning, some of the villagers began to back away.






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