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Both are accepted! We'll see these girls soon!

"You'll be helping me with an experiment, and in return, I'll help you recover this man of yours. I'm at your disposal, milady, please give your command."

Iskah returned Vanessa's handshake. She had a bad feeling as to what kind of experiment this Dark Mage had in mind, but that was a problem for the future. "Thank you very much, Miss Vanessa. You have no idea how much this means to me."

"Now then, shall we sta-- Hey, wait!" Iskah was surprised when Vanessa immediately grabbed her staff and was already heading out of the inn. The Lizardman hastily paid for her drink before taking her sword to follow Vanessa.

It was still midday when the two exited the Singing Satyr Inn. "Well, before I give you any commands, I think you should first know about our objective." Iskah began to explain. "Aun used to be a carpenter here in Falkran and he fell in love with a Lizardman. Another Lizardman. They... Let's just say it didn't work out. That other Lizardman was destined for another. Instead of moving on since there are plenty of other Lizardmen like me, he decided to enlist with the Lot Knights of Ortus: A celibate order of knights duty-bound to protect the citizens of Ortus. Have I mentioned that Aun is not a citizen of Ortus?"

"Lot Knights can renounce their oaths and live normally again, but Aun is... I guess still in love with Jessica. He had already refused my challenges and... I kinda got kicked out of their castle for badgering him too much." Iskah finished. "I'm not entirely sure how to get him out, but I think making him fight me in a spar will be a huge first step. You know, before it's all too late..."
Kazenosuke's House


”Camael and I alone will crush you! The others won’t even need to get involved, they can sit back and watch you whimper as my flames cook you! If you fight as badly as you tell jokes, this won’t take long. Prepare yourself, vagabond!”
Vară Riemsianne

"Whoa! This is the first time I've seen such a yokai!" Kazenosuke was actually taken aback when Vară transformed into a more fierce appearance, making the swordsman instinctively unsheathe his sword from its scabbard. "Looks like I've bitten more than I could chew! Haha!"

Kazenosuke first spun his sword but jumped to the side to evade Vară's fiery downward strike. The burning embers that spewed forth were all shattered against the twirling blade. Vivian moved to intercept him and strike with her sharpened, icy leg but it met Kazenosuke's spinning sword and stumbled her, allowing the dancing swordsman to land three, quick slashes on the Glacies. Fortunately, Vivian's monstrous physique protected her for now.

Kazenosuke raised an eyebrow when the shadowy rats emerged from Zeka's black fog to overwhelm him. The dancing swordsman smirked as he spun with his blade and scabbard stretched out, reminiscent of a ballerina should Vivian see it. Once the swarm was dealt with, Kazenosuke kicked one of the still-hot embers into the dark fog... which missed Zeka, but it was close.

Unknown Forest


~ @The Irish Tree (MAT) ~

"My ears are ringing!"

"It's not the shinobi! Look! It's a monster!"

"What was that?! I can't hear you!"

One of the Firethrowers was pushed into the inferno by Matsuri's firework, joining the flames he started and never returning. But when the little Inari looked again, the Varjans were further thinned out. Now, only two Firethrowers were left out of the original five and several Brigands were left standing.

Still, Matsuri was noticed but fortunately, both the remaining Brigands and Firethrowers were covering their ears and disoriented from the little Inari's Bang-Bang Bomber. With this happening, Matsuri now had enough time to--


Someone seized Matsuri's arm from behind, a Brigand had somehow sneaked up behind her. He was clad in mere fur pelts and had a one-handed axe in his other hand. "You annoying fox! I'll rip your ears out and wear them as a necklace!" He raised his axe to swing against the little Inari.

But Matsuri possessed the physique of a monster, she was quick enough to do something about this. Or will she be too consumed by fear and be frozen by shock?

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD), @AzureKnight (LAV) ~

”Err, however, it he couldn't come back with me currently as through less than good news - we've found evidence that his daughter has apparently betrayed her people by siding with the Varjans. He's further investigating the matter, but he'd assured me that you could call on his bow at anytime.”
Lavinia Isabella

"You've done well, Madam Lavinia. Although, this is the first time I've heard that he has a daughter." Takeshi remarked, breaking from Kirei for a moment. "However, it is good to know that Lord Takamori is alive and willing to join us. Still, we should help him find his daughter if we can. If what you say is true, then she is a danger to the people of Shizuyama."

”My goodness, I didn't know we had spelunkers as part of our merry little group. We could you possibly be off to, dressed like that.”
Lavinia Isabella

"I'm quite curious too." Ayu also chimed about Ripcord, putting a hand on her hip. "Not only are most mines in this island over at Ginirokaze, what are you planning mine and what are you gonna use it for?"

Despite searching, Umami would find that Terauchi Temple did not have any sort of request board. Only the words and gossip of peasant refugees who were brave enough to speak to the yokai they were taught to fear all their lives and ask for their aid.


”Milord, I'd like for you, Ayu-chan, and Janus-san to understand that I'm quite confident in my smithy skills as well. If you ever need weapon repair, armory resupply, or general tools, simply come to me and I'll work my literal magic. The metal I generate is leagues above most of what you'll come across; You won't be disappointed in my work. Heh, although I'm more comfortable with making weapons that household tools, if I'm being honest. ”
Kirei Kannazuki

"I see. Not a mere warrior but a magical blacksmith as well who can conjure metal at will. You have quite the repertoire of skills, Sir Kannazuki." Takeshi remarked. "But I would not underestimate the skills of our local smiths as well. You might be better than them at the craft, but you are far more useful in battle than they are. That said, your abilities have been noted and I'll definitely call upon you should need arise."

Takeshi joined Kirei as he greeted the Claremont sisters, keeping quiet as the siblings did not seem the social sort. Before the interaction could go any further, Kirei sensed something's chi coming fast to the temple.

”Appears we've more company Milord. I can tell it's another yōkai, so she's likely an ally.”
Kirei Kannazuki

"A member of the taskforce, I assume?" Takeshi commented as Tomi descended from the sky.

"You are not Shizuka, but you bear the same scent? Who are you? Actually... where are we? I do not recognize this temple. Well—I do, but also... not? It feels different. Are you the task force?"
Tomi Oro

Takeshi would have answered first, but it appeared this golden Dragon was asking Kirei directly and would only accept answers from him.




The Singing Satyr Inn

Iskah was in the middle of another swig when the doors to the inn flew open, almost making her spit out her drink. All eyes were on this newcomer, a seemingly-human woman in a scandalous outfit that exposed a lot of skin topped off with a witch hat. A Dark Mage, to those who knew. And Iskah knew, thanks to the memories of the Lizardman she mimicked. Despite the rude and flashy entrance, Iskah admitted she was beautiful. Well, all monsters were but this Dark Mage definitely took care of her appearance.

To Iskah's surprise, however, the Dark Mage approached her table and took a seat on the opposite side. Her heart started racing, there was no other reason for this Dark Mage to meet with her save for this reason: She was here to help out with Aun.

"So, you need someone to help pull your hubbie outta some celibate knighthood, hm~? I could lend a hand, after all, I'm very good at handling a staff... But why don't you tell me more about this alleged reward first, alright? Oh, and I'm Vanessa by the way, nice to meet you, Iskah."

"Err..." Iskah had honestly hoped for a more... charitable individual to help her. Not someone who was already discussing payment. She also spoke about knowing how to handle a man's 'staff', which was something Iskah didn't need or want help with. Another woman who can potentially steal Aun from her? She was already dealing with that Salamander Katelyn!

But, the Lizardman supposed beggars cannot be choosers. This was someone who was willing to help and Iskah was not going to turn her down. "Well, not only will there be monetary compensation..." Iskah figured she and Aun could fill up some Mana Cages to sell for money. "...I will also assist you with my utmost if you fancy a man in our venture."

"Err, if you're interested in that kind of thing. If not, then I guess I can help you with an experiment or something?"

The Singing Satyr Inn

Iskah took another swig from her tankard after being finally finished with spreading her fliers for help. She had been handing them out for more than a week and today, the papers have ran out. Yet, none have responded so far which greatly concerned the Lizardman.

Well, 'Lizardman'. In truth, Iskah was a Doppelganger mimicking a Lizardman. She answered the unrequited love of a man named Aun, who loved a Lizardman yet the Lizardman did not love him back and found another instead. Alas, before Iskah could meet Aun, he had already fled his home in grief and pledged himself to the Lot Knights of the Kingdom Of Ortus. An order of knights who swore duty to their kingdom above all else, which meant no romantic or sexual relationships for the knights lest the blessing that comes with being a Lot Knight be revoked.

That said, Lot Knighthood is not eternal. Lot Knights can leave the order anytime they want which Iskah hoped Aun would do once he saw her, in the form of the Lizardman he fell in love with. She traveled all the way to the human kingdom of Ortus to challenge The Incubus Knight in battle, as all Lizardmen would do to their potential husbands. Contrary to her expectations, Aun, now named The Incubus Knight, had declined her challenge. It seemed Aun took his duty to this foreign kingdom very seriously to distract himself from the grief.

Iskah badgered the Lot Knights' home castle everyday for Aun until they finally got tired and had her thrown out the Ortusian capital. She was free to return, but Iskah knew she will only be thrown out again and with Ortus' war against The Order intensifying, she realized she will need help goading Aun out of the Lot Knights before it was too late.

With money loaned from a traveling Gyoubu Danuki, Iskah commissioned a stack of fliers asking for help with her love life. She had only been spreading them in the relatively-unknown Falkran and the surrounding towns and she realized she probably would have better reception in cities, especially with ones with Eros' temples or an office under The Demon Lord's army.

Then again, traveling to and from such places would take too much time that she didn't have. The Lizardman can only wait in this town and hope someone will answer her call, just as she answered Aun's.
~ OOC Thread ~
~ Eon Tower ~

Another morning, another day wasted in the library poring through books that lead to nowhere. Einer was beginning to doubt that what he sought was not in this Eon Tower, or perhaps in the entirety of the Magus Association. Already, the bard was drafting a resignation letter in his head. But no, Einer decided it was too early for that. He would give this place one week to give him a lead. Or at least... something that could point him in the right direction. If not, well, he was not particularly close to any of his fellow Reavers so him leaving would surely not cause any commotion.

Einer got up from his bed and remembered that this Tower was due an inspection from the church. And it wasn't just any Church folk from Flugell, the inspectors included a woman named Tethys Aria Zaerado which surprised Einer. This Tower was more than meets the eye if she was coming here personally to see what was up.

Einer joined the rest of the Reavers in meeting with the Church inspectors. The bard had no intention of making himself stand out so he tried his best to stand behind the others. No reason to grab their attentions, not yet at least.

”That aside, why do we start having the Tower’s new recruits introduce themselves.”
Grisha Pensworth

Well, introductions shouldn't be too bad. To help him be more conspicuous, Einer allowed the other Reavers go first. First was Asterope, whom Einer briefly wondered where she went, then Renee and Lanus then Shavis then this new guy whom Einer haven't met yet then Leon, who seem to be already starting something with Tethys.

"Before anyone assists anyone, let me introduce myself first as Einer Devaron. If that is a familiar name to you, then that is because I am from Flugell just as you three are." Einer bowed at the inspectors with his lyre on hand. "If, ever, you meet with my family back in Flugell, err, may I request that you keep my presence here secret? I do not wish for them to worry about me."

Einer then looked at Alexandra Vander. He didn't know her personally, but the swordsmanship of House Vander was renowned in Flugell. The house was respected by the Devarons, amongst others, and felt he had to acknowledge it. "Now, while the presence of the Lady Zaerado was a pleasant surprise, may I also acknowledge that a member of the famed House Vander has also blessed us with her presence today?" The musician internally cringed at his words. That wasn't exactly being conspicuous.
Komatsu Bay


"What the--?! Let go of me!"

Underestimating Io, Merneptah was caught off-guard when the Lich latched onto him and started draining his spirit energy. The lightning spell aimed at Skarsneek was interrupted as the required energy to cast it was stolen away. Io swelled with power as she absorbed a high amount of spirit energy from a spellcaster. She would feel as if she could tear the land asunder with a single spell.

Merneptah swatted Io away with his staff, just in time for him to block the first strike of Shizuka's Gale's Fang technique which negated the attack. Still, the attack was powerful enough to break the staff into two. Merneptah was sent stumbling back and upon noticing his shattered staff, he angrily threw the two pieces away before holding up his hands. Two ethereal khopesh swords manifested in his palms, and those who can sense energy would feel that this spell took the last of Merneptah's magical reserves.

"You all are little more than worms and maggots!" He pointed one blade at Shizuka and Io and the other at Skarsneek.


~ @The Irish Tree (LIL) ~

"Don't go thinking the minotaur's the only one that'll kick your butt!"


The bite made the Champion release Liliana and the warrior Fairy used this chance to blind her Varjan opponent with a spell. "I can't see! What the hell did you do to me?!" The Champion flailed around, grasping for anything to stabilize him. He was defenseless against Liliana's onslaught.

At least at first. The Champion then suddenly blocked one of Liliana's swings with a javelin and kicked her away with surprising coordination. "My butt's not so easy to kick, as you'll see. You think blindness will deter me?! I'm a hearing kind of warrior, you know? I don't need to see you to defeat you!"

Unfortunately for the hearing-focused Champion, his environment was anything but quiet. The screams and shouts of the battle raging behind him prevented him from detecting an enormous being loom behind him. With one swing of his humongous axe, the summoned Minotaur sent the Varjan Champion flying and crashing through the wall of the barracks. When Liliana looked though the hole, she saw the unconscious, perhaps even dead, body of the javelin-throwing Varjan Champion.

The summoned Minotaur continued wreaking havoc on the hapless Varjans, who were routing and running away. In a few moments, the summoned monster would disappear back to where he came from so Liliana need not worry for his safety. Perhaps it is time to reunite with the others?

Shizuyama Wilderness


"Now unless you want to end up like your two friends over there, where's Setsuna?"
Kerry Maros

"Somewhere where you'll never reach!" One of the Footmen archers answered before shooting arrows at Kerry. Spurred by his comrade's bravery, the other archer also fired.

They missed, of course, thanks to Kerry's mastery over flight and speed and soon, two arrows landed on both the Footmen's necks. Courtesy of Takamori, who strode to Kerry with heavy steps. Also incredibly unamused judging from his contorted face. "What kind of fight was that?! I didn't peg you the type to play with your food!" He immediately scolded Kerry.

"Is that what you'll do when you fight Setsuna?! You're gonna mouth off while letting her think of ten different plans as to how to escape from you or maybe even kill you?" Takamori was livid, his eye even twitching from abject anger.

Shizuyama Wilderness


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

"Hmph. I said nothing about sending peasants to die. But if she wants to get herself killed fighting those students again, then who am I to stop her?" Sorae remarked as Alice left.

"Whatever. Let's go." Sorae then led Eula out of Terauchi Temple and into the wilds of Shizuyama, where the stone paths turned to damp dirt. "Look there." She pointed at the footprints on the soft soil left behind by the Varjans who attacked the temple during the last assault. "Mostly large Varjan boots, right? But look at that set..." Sorae pointed to a set of footprints differently-shaped from all the others. They were smaller and only led out of Terauchi Temple. "That's probably Kana. Let's follow it."

The tracks led Sorae and Eula a little far away from Terauchi Temple, towards a small cemetery situated on the side of the road. The other side of the road being several fields of rice paddies. However, the duo saw a group of Varjan Brigands in the middle of the road, appearing to have captured someone. Sorae quickly led Eula behind some gravestones so they could get a better look.

"The Varjans have somebody... Damn them! It's Kana!" Indeed, the small Varjan group have captured a peasant woman who was apparently the wife the duo were looking for. The Varjans laughed as they tied up their newly-captured villager, oblivious to the presence of Eula and Sorae watching them. "We need to deal with the Varjans before they take her away."

There were about three Brigands and two Warriors in the group, but there was also one Firethrower standing silently to the side. "You said you'll have trouble fighting, right? You wanna sit this one out while I take care of them?" Sorae asked her Automaton companion.

Fort Tanabe


~ @AzureKnight (HIN), @Restalaan (GRI) ~

The Wardogs arrived before their masters and Kikyo was ready to battle them . However, Hinami greeted the canines with her three-sectioned staff. The Jiangshi's powerful strikes made short work of the Wardogs, the animals whimpering as they fell.

Then there were the oncoming Varjan Brigands, but Gringor came upon them in return. With one horizontal slash from his axe, he dispatched one of the Brigands. The other ducked in time and attempted to retaliate against the High Orc but Kikyo used Gringor to launch herself into the air for a downwards strike against the surviving Brigand. The result was a head rolling away from its body.

The fighting soon died down as the last Varjan had a sword thrust into his back. When the imprisoned warriors realized they won, they raised their weapons and cheered. "Here's to Lady Kikyo and Lord Takeshi! I knew they wouldn't forget us!" More cheering occurred after and Kikyo approached the prisoners to ask them about their conditions.

Shortly after, Kikyo returned to Hinami and Gringor. "I've got some strange news, yokai. These men said they weren't treated badly by the Varjans. They were treated more like guests, just in cages." The warrior woman grimaced as she wracked her brain for possible answers. "The Varjans are glad to torture and enslave other Shizuyamans, but not these warriors? What are they planning...?"


~ @AzureKnight (ATS) ~

"Are you alright? Let me inspect your skin, you might get infected!"
Atsuha Hangai

The Wardogs let out pitiful whimpers when Atsuha summoned branches that jutted from the soil to impale them in their abdomens. No more Varjans approached the two and in fact, it seemed the garrison of this prison had been wiped out by the prisoners with the help of Kikyo, Hinami and Gringor.

Atsuha had quickly run to Takeshi's side to inspect his wounds. "Haha! Come on, Atsuha. I'm way tougher than what you give me credit for." The young master attempted to reassure the Jorou-Gumo. However, inspecting his left arm revealed bleeding bite wounds. "Uhh, I've had worse...?"

"What about you, Atsuha? Are you alright?" Takeshi asked. "Sorry that I couldn't get here earlier." He also apologized before looking at the prisoners gathering around Kikyo. "What of the prisoners? Did they give you any hard time when you were rescuing them?"

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (CRL) ~

"I understand, if you can't, of course. After all, I doubt you have much experience with Wonderlandian metals and smithing."

"Of course not, but the same could be said of a normal sword from a normal Shizuyaman warrior." The swordsmith replied. "For me, every blade is unique. As recognizable as a person, lady yokai."

The swordsmith then grabbed Benihime to examine it more closely. "Although, your weapons are... more unique than most. I have not heard of weapons that were also your arms. Truly, the weapons of the yokai are as exquisite as they are exotic." Putting down the scissor-blade, the swordsmith then grabbed both and brought them over to the side of his shop, silently urging Carroll to follow him.

Benihime and Nozarashi were brought to the smith's sharpening setup. He first put the two swords leaning on a post before asking a passing peasant to fetch him a bucket of water from the well. "I hope Shizuyama's sharpening techniques will serve your Wonderlandian blades just as much as it does our blades. Unfortunately, our equipment here is limited. Please, do understand." Once the bucket of water was received, the swordsmith took a low chair as well as a wooden plank held up by thick sticks of wood. The assembly of the latter looked sturdy.

Rectangular blocks of differing stones were put inside the water pail. After some time passed, the swordsmith took two of the blocks and placed them on the plank. He then took Nozarashi and placed it on the block, also taking a handful of water to wet it. Then began the process of the actual sharpening, the smith sliding Nozarashi against the stone. His movements were precise and quick but also delicate and respectful.


~ @Enkryption (ALI) ~

Asking around as to the whereabouts of the storyteller Katsuhiro, Alice was pointed to a corner in the temple grounds. There, Alice saw a silver-haired musician surrounded by children and their parents. Apparently, he just got done regaling a lighthearted tale for the young ones. A simple, happy story to at least distract them from their bleak situation.

After the parents have taken their children away, Katsuhiro took notice of Alice. "Greetings, madam yokai. Hmm, you look familiar but I don't think we've met before. What can I do for you?" He greeted Alice, not recognizing the latter. "Nothing too physical, of course, but if you are interested in Shizuyama's legends and history, then I am more than happy to assist you there."







Going to say accepted here for formalities' sake.
Kazenosuke's House


"Dude, how did you do that? In all my years as a professional thief, no one has ever caught me....without having to see me. You're human, right?"
Zeka Willows

"A hundred percent human, my little mousey friend. A human who had to train all his life spotting sneaky, cheeky yokai like you." Kazenosuke answered Zeka.

"Speaking purely from a position of numbers, we can't even fight a warband with how many we have. I've never had someone I can call a friend, but...in the stories I've played part in, a bond between two can overcome virtually anything this world has to offer. Perhaps, the bond you and Takeshi share is one such instance. Oh and, don't worry about yokai, I imagine we'll all leave once this conflict concludes. For whatever comfort that is, at least."

"Pfft... bwahahahaha!" Kazenosuke laughed as if he heard one of the best jokes in his life. "Liberate a port, huh? For who? Definitely not one of the other anti-yokai factions in Zipangu. 'Cause I assure you that right now, coming to our aid is just asking for a death sentence."

"So most probably, yokai reinforcements. In numbers that could repel the Varjan invasion, so a lot of them. Hahahaha! I seriously doubt you're leaving after you're done with the Varjans. Oh man, Takeshi really did just put the people and the island above its traditions." Kazenosuke snickered again. "Good for him, making decisions independently and all that. However, you yokai should keep a close eye on him then. Once the people of this island realizes what he's doing, I bet someone'll stab him in his sleep."

"But we're getting off-topic here, you're here to recruit me for Takeshi's group. Let's get to that." Kazenosuke then crossed his arms. "Before I go, though, I want to know one thing: Are you even worth helping? Sure, Takeshi might be the best warrior in Shizuyama, but he can't be everywhere at once. Basically, I want to know if you three measure up to him. I don't want to join a group where I have to do everything."

"But how to measure that? Hmm..." Kazenosuke pondered for a moment before snapping his fingers. "I know! How about a spar? You three against me. What do you think?" The dancing swordsman issued a challenge. "Those are pretty even odds, no? You win, and I join you. Lose, and you go tell Takeshi that I wish him luck with whatever he's doing to this island."

Unknown Forest


~ @The Irish Tree (MAT) ~

When Matsuri's Never-Ending-Starry Night popped off, the Varjan group flew into a panic. They scattered and tried to get away from the bright lights as much as they could, while also frantically searching their surroundings for any hostiles. Some of the Varjans began to bark orders, other demanding the ambushers to show themselves.

Matsuri inserted an illusion of herself in an obvious hiding spot to bait the Varjans. Upon discovery of the illusion, the robed people in the group raised their arms at the hiding spot. From their arms shot blue jets of flame that quickly set the hiding spot in a blazing inferno. The illusion bolted off, and the flame sorcerers tried to shoot it with their blue fire.

The illusion worked, but these five Varjan Firethrowers were quickly burning the forest down. The fires were spreading from tree to tree, bush to bush. Matsuri was quickly running out of places to hide. But she should still keep an eye on the Varjan group, though. The Inari saw a couple of Varjan Brigands suddenly get pulled into the grass with none of their teammates the wiser.

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD), @AzureKnight (KIR) ~

The Claremont sisters returned to Terauchi Temple with the brewer crew safely. The crew gave their thanks to the sisters before parting ways and joining the rest of the refugees.

"Hey, you two." Ayu greeted Umami and Ripcord. "Good job bringing those people here. Ayane's Sake Brewery is real famous here in Shizuyama, so having the crew safe will be good for morale. Even if the ruling Oja Clan doesn't drink." Ayu casually revealed. Thinking about that, the Claremont sisters recall that Lady Kyouko seemed to have not drank a single drop of alcohol in all the time that they have served her.

"Speaking of the Oja Clan, Takeshi has returned with Kirei and Nyla. It seemed the Shoggoth got a little too homesick and requested for a teleport home." Ayu pointed to the pagoda where the sisters first arrived with Vivian. "Say, don't you two personally serve Lady Kyouko too? Any of you feeling homesick?"

After sending Nyla back to Akamagaseki, Janus, Takeshi and Kirei emerged from the pagoda that contained the teleport chamber. "My sincerest apologies, Lord Takeshi, but please understand that the taskforce is purely voluntary and Lady Kyouko has allowed all members to leave and quit anytime they want." The spellcaster said. "Rest assured, however, that I, at least, will see all this to the end."

"I understand." Takeshi said, solemnly. "Thank you, Sir Janus."

"Of course, milord. Now if you'll excuse me, I am needed elsewhere." After a bow, Janus walked away.

The young lord let out a sigh, before bringing out his sheathed sword. "I suppose that's for the best. She did attempt to replace my sword, after all." He remarked to Kirei.


Tomi flew back to the taskforce's headquarters: Terauchi Temple. Having seemingly took a nap for a long time, she would undoubtedly be greeted with earfuls from the taskforce's captain. She would probably be asked where she went and what she did in the meantime. It would probably be wise for Tomi to prepare some alibis.

Upon flying over the temple, however. Tomi saw that it was technically the same: Refugees crowding the temple grounds, monks distributing food and medicine and people continuing to stream inside in search for a safe haven. But something was off, Tomi felt as if this wasn't the Terauchi Temple she knew.

Getting a closer look, she saw there were non-human people amongst the peasant refugees - her fellow taskforce members. However, none of them were familiar to Tomi. In fact, she saw none of the people she knew. Perhaps they were simply away at the moment?

The Dragon's eyes soon rested on a human man near a pagoda, dressed in white robes while also having white hair. He appeared to be talking to another human man clad in opposite colors, having black armor and short, black hair.



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