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Ortusian Wilderness

"I guess that means we made the right call in pushing on, rather than staying back in that village. Wouldn't want to waste time if your hubby's the kinda guy who'd throw his life away at any moment, for the silliest of reason. Humans... Hah... Always so wasteful and careless with their lives... Even though they only live for such a short time. I never could understand that."

Iskah was about to speak in response, but sighed in resignation and simply decided to hang her head in contemplation. "Yeah, humans make a lot of things more complicated than they need to be. But hey, that's why we're here to show 'em how it's really done, eh?" Rie was the one who replied instead.

"Now, you asked earlier if I had any Zipanguese spellbooks or scrolls, right? Well, I'm glad you asked because..." Rie stood up and quickly went over to her fancy cart and started rummaging through her merchandise, her two short feet dangling over at the side. "Ah-ha! Here we are!" The Danuki returned to the bonfire, arms full of rolled-up scrolls and stacks of small papers tied with a string. "Because that's exactly what I'm planning to sell! I heard Ortus is magic-starved so I decided to get as many of these as I can."

Iskah frowned and had to comment. "You... do realize that Ortus intentionally starved themselves of magic, right? Ever since they broke off from The Order and the Chief God, they also broke off from the other gods. Magic, as a whole, is seen as an extension of The Order and the gods so the field is casted off too." The Lizardman said. "Only the Lot Knights seem to practice any sort of magic in the whole kingdom right now, and I don't think they're looking to buy spellbooks anytime soon."

"...Ahhh, I'm sure I'll make a killing anyway." Rie dismissed Iskah's remarks and faced Vanessa. "Anyway, wanna take a look at these? Got a specific spell or set of spells in mind? Oh, and no discounts!"
Ortusian Wilderness

Fortunately for Iskah, she had already dismounted the summoned horse around the same time as Vanessa did although she was a bit surprised when the extra equipment she acquired for the steed did not vanish along with it. In hindsight, however, she should have seen that coming.

Iskah went about collecting the fallen reins and saddle as Vanessa sat down next to the fire and talked with their tanuki monster host.

"I don't think I've ever run into one of your kind. You were called a ... Goober Danyucky? What's someone like you doing so very far away from the far east? Oh, mind if I sit here? Thanks."

"That's Gyo-ooh-boo Da-nu-kee, you half-naked, cow-tits caster!" Rie corrected, annoyed at the name butchery. "And yeah, yeah, sit wherever you like. Just don't expect any discounts from me."

"And like what I said to your Lizardman friend, I'm here to sell exotic, Zipanguese wares to the proud citizens of Ortus. A people who have barely made any contact with the monstrous side of Zipangu, but are now opening up somewhat. It's an untapped market, and I intend to get there first and make bank before anyone does." Rie said, making wild gestures with her hands all the while. "And let me tell ya, I took a big risk entering Ortusian territory without security. Fortunately, the worst I got from the humans here, so far, are weird faces."

Iskah soon got done putting away the equipment, and the Lizardman joined the bonfire. "So! You wanna nab yourself a Lot Knight, huh? Aiming high, I see, but you ain't the first monster who makes attempts at them."

"Yes, I know." Iskah responded, curtly.

"Do you also know that those monsters' hearts get broken because those Lot Knights are quite reckless with their lives?" Rie asked, the tone of the conversation suddenly grim.

"...I know that too."

"I should've guessed so, considering you got help." Rie gestured at Vanessa.
Komatsu Bay


Io surveyed the manor and found that while a huge part of the building had been destroyed by the Warlock's earlier lightning blast, there were still some rooms intact. The destroyed part was mostly the entrance, the main hallway and a couple of miscellaneous rooms. The bed chamber and the kitchen were still there, and they had plenty of windows to leave the manor with. The manor only had one floor, and the taskforce stood their ground in the kitchen. Utensils and implements were all still neatly organized here plus a bit of ingredients.


The sounds of electricity crackled from the entrance, Io's magic circle setting off on somebody. But before anyone could go and investigate, the wooden wall to the kitchen exploded and sent dust flying everywhere.

Na'kratz entered the room with breakneck speed, picking up Shizuka and hurtling him toward Skarsneek. With the two taskforce members momentarily occupied, Na'kratz was fast enough to immediately tackle Io into the opposite wall. He then grabbed her on the neck to steady her with one hand and started punching her in the face with the other.

The Varjan had pieces of his armor missing and his claw gauntlets not on his fists. It appeared these had absorbed Io's trap somewhat, but Na'kratz seemed to twitch involuntarily as he struck the Lich with insensate rage.


~ @The Irish Tree (LIL) ~

One section of the Varjan defensive line, focused on the manor, suddenly noticed something bright and warm coming from behind them. The Warriors turned around, and were too late to react to the small tide of lava washing over them. They shrieked and screamed as they thought the lava was real and would melt them agonizingly, pushing each other as they attempted to get away. Fortunately for them, the molten rock was magical and only immobilized them as the rock hardened around their legs.

Liliana started knocking out the immobilized Varjans and thinned their numbers before a seemingly-trapped Varjan Warrior suddenly caught her sword. He was faking to catch the warrior Fairy, wrestling her to the ground and tumbling over to a puddle in the mud. Both covered in wet dirt, the Varjan Warrior dunked Liliana's under the water with the intent to suffocate her.

Fortunately, Liliana needed not to save herself. An arrow struck the Varjan Warrior's neck, falling over and releasing the Fairy, before the familiar shape of Ayu appeared. The spy woman then pulled Liliana up and wiped away some of the mud. "I know I was told to stay behind, but I got worried. Things are getting pretty intense, huh?"

Shizuyama Wilderness


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

"We are not barbarians like the Varjans are. We simply seek information. We are searching for the killers of Clan Tokinomiya. Do you have any information about such persons, or an idea as to where we could find information?"
Eula 039

You don't know her, yokai! She's insane!" Kana pleaded with Eula.

The captive was silenced when Sorae brought her naginata to her neck. "Answer her question, Kana. Do not try my patience any further." If Sorae's gaze could literally pierce, Kana would have been impaled by now.

"I swear, I know nothing!" Kana replied.

Sorae raised an eyebrow. "You swear?" She repeated. "On your life?"

"Yes! On my life!"

The last Tokinomiya then used her free hand to pat down Kana. Sorae then smiled an evil grin as she fished out a piece of folded parchment from inside Kana's clothes. The captive's eyes widened as she realized she had sealed her fate with that swear. Sorae flicked open the folded parchment to reveal a map, not detailed but full of symbols. A coded map likely used by persons of espionage.

With the sudden oath broken, Sorae sweeped Kana off her feet. "No, no, NOOOO!" Sorae stepped on the captive to stop her from squirming away before raising her naginata for a downward thrust.







Iskah was getting quite uncomfortable from her passenger teasing her during the ride. She would have protested, but Vanessa was her only aid in her problem so she couldn't just mouth off. The Dark Mage's antics had her flustered, but the Lizardman only had eyes for the celibate Aun.

"Don't worry about me, I'm good to keep moving for another few hours, and the same goes for our friend. After all, as long as I still have magic energy, he won't get be tiring anytime soon."

"Alright. We'll be moving on then." Iskah replied, sounding disappointed. She had no problem living in the wilds, but she preferred the comforts of civilization. She also did not fear the humans of Ortus, despite the distrust. Her worst antics only lead to her being escorted out of the capital, after all.

On the other hand, it was also good that they try to reach the capital as soon as possible. The horse picked up speed again after leaving Sinjid and once again, the duo was in the wilderness with only the vast expanse of green before them. Now bathed in an orange light as the sun dipped below the horizon. Iskah and Vanessa continued to ride for some time after the sun had gone and night had settled, but they knew they had to stop for the night to get some rest.

It was quite the coincidence, however, that the duo ran into an unusual sight along the road. "Ho, ho, fellow travelers and fellow monsters!" Iskah and Vanessa were hailed by a girl on the side of the road. Said girl wore Zipanguese clothes, had a pair of brown-furred raccoon ears on the top of her brown hair and a brown-furred raccoon tail. With her was a fancy merchant cart full of bits and baubles as well as a tent sitting cozily in front of a small bonfire.

"A Gyoubu Danuki?" Iskah stopped the horse. "A long way from home, aren't you?"

"Brave and daring Gyoubu Danukis seldomly stay in their home isles, don'tcha know? And Mana Cages are all the rage right now in Ortus, don'tcha know?" The raccoon monster replied. "What about you? Can this humble merchant ask about others' business?"

"I'm going to the capital to seduce a Lot Knight." Iskah honestly answered.

"Wowzers. And I thought I was brave and daring." The Danuki replied, surprised. "Anyway, I'm Rie. Pleasure to meet ya! Now then, nights are cold and lonely. Typically, monsters like us have husbands to warm us up. But since none of us have one, why don't we keep each other company for now?"

Accepted as well!

I'll write the new characters in when the time comes~
Komatsu Bay


In the face of being surrounded by a mob of Varjans led by someone far more dangerous than any of them, the taskforce retreated to the flaming building whose fires were dying down from the rain.

"Cowards! Come out here and fight!" Na'kratz yelled at the retreating taskforce. He then barked orders to the rest of the Varjan mob. "You all! Surround the manor and make sure none of them leaves! I'll go in there and deal with them myself." The Varjans obeyed the command and moved to form a ring of shields around the manor. Na'kratz marched to enter the manor, but his boot then bumped into the unconscious form of Merneptah. Disappointment and rage filled Na'kratz and ended the Warlock's life with claw thrust to the neck.

Na'kratz then, bravely, entered the ruined manor at the frontmost door. Or rather, where the frontmost door should be if it was still there. If the taskforce had any traps for him, he wanted them sprung immediately.


~ @The Irish Tree (LIL) ~

Liliana encountered nothing but rain while on her way to her allies in the manor. However, she soon hit an obstacle in the form of Varjan Warriors and Brigands surrounding the aforementioned manor. The structure seemed it was in flames recently, the rain probably putting it out far earlier than it's normal lifespan. The smoldering embers were still visible even from where Liliana was.

Her friends were likely inside the manor judging from the ring of Varjans around the building. Taking on all these Varjans may be possible for the warrior Fairy in order to give her allies an opening. Or, she could use her diminutive size to sneak past the encirclement and rendezvous with the taskforce. From there, they could plan their next course of action.

Shizuyama Wilderness


"Can you live with that?"
Kerry Maros

Takamori smiled and looked at Kerry, amused. "I've already suffered your aid, yokai. I can suffer this easily." He then looked away again. "Although, I will be extremely disappointed in her if she doesn't give you the fight of her life."

The master archer then turned towards the Hornet, a pose that indicated that his next words were as serious as possible. "Listen, Miss Kerry. I don't know the best time to say this, so I'll say it now: Lord Takeshi's collusion with you, yokai, has gone very deep. Once we rescue his father, there is no doubt that he will be sentenced with a harsh punishment. Perhaps he could've gotten away with exile if he were not heir apparent, but as Lord Hideo's son, Takeshi is likely to suffer something worse."

"Whatever happens, can you promise us one thing? Just one thing from the taskforce." Takamori asked of Kerry. "Do not intervene in Takeshi's punishment. Do not rescue him, or come to his defense or anything like that. Let us not make this any harder than it has to be. I'm sure Lord Takeshi himself will agree."

Shizuyama Wilderness


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

”Subject secured, Sorae,”
Eula 039

Sorae was about to strike down the final Varjan Warrior when the latter was hit in the back by Eula's stunning bolt. "So you did. Good job."

Meanwhile, the bound woman Kana struggled with all her strength to escape Eula's gentle grip. Even as the Automaton took her to Sorae, she continued squirming and writhing. Not once did giving up enter her thoughts. "Let me go! Let me go! Don't you know she's going to kill me?! She's crazy, I tell you!" Kana shrieked at Eula. "I don't know anything! I swear I don't know anything! I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! Please let me go!"

"If you continue whining like that, I might just do exactly that." Sorae simply said that in jest, but the bloody blade of her naginata seemed to gleam at those violent words. "Now then, yokai. If you please, put her down so we can... get some explanations."

Fort Tanabe


~ @AzureKnight (ATS & HIN) ~

"Go to port, heard from weak Goblin got big fight."

I do believe Shizuka-san and co will be just fine. He's the captain for a reason after all! I believe we've had enough excitement for now; Heading back to Terauchi Temple sounds like a fine idea."
Atsuha Hangai

"I agree with Atsuha and besides, Komatsu Bay is very far from here. It might all be over by the time we get there." Takeshi said, but Gringor was adamant in heading towards his next fight and took off by himself.

The young Oja sighed, but made no effort to follow the High Orc. And neither did the Hangai sisters, leaving them and Takeshi with each other. Which, actually surprised the young lord.

"I just that bonehead doesn't get into too much trouble..."
Hinami Hangai

"I hope trouble doesn't get into him..." Takeshi half-joked by reversing Hinami's sentiments. "I'll be honest, I thought you two would actually go with him. You sisters seem pretty close with Gringor and Skarsneek. I mean, I suppose that's just a given since Skarsneek is married to one of you." He noted with a sad smile.

But before anyone could point it out, Takeshi wiped it away with a sudden jovial grin. "Well, let's not waste any time then. Let's go join Kikyo and make for Terauchi Temple. "I'm sure Gringor can take care of himself. The worst thing that can happen to him is he gets to Komatsu Bay with Shizuka and the others already celebrating."

The trio then joined Kikyo in escorting the rescued prisoners back to Terauchi Temple. Takeshi had to break away from the sisters to talk and catch up things with Kikyo. The young lord expected a dressing down from the warrior woman, but they actually had a pleasant conversation regarding their childhoods. "Did you really tell the yokai about that time you dressed as a shrine maiden? You made everyone present swear never to talk about that ever again."

"Ah, well, how else would the yokai prove that I sent them?" Takeshi laughed.

"...I'm sure there were other ways."

Despite the light-hearted talk, an ominous chill went down the spines of the Hangai sisters as the two conversed.

Shizuyama Wilderness

~ @Restalaan (GRI) ~

Gringor traveled to Komatsu Bay to join the taskforce there, leaving behind Takeshi and the Hangai sisters in Fort Tanabe. Dusk had already fallen while he was on the road, and Komatsu Bay was still far away. It would likely be already night by the time he reaches the port.

Turning on a curve since the dirt path circled around a hill, Gringor happened upon a usual yet unexpected sight. A horse-drawn cart carrying several boxes had gotten two of its wheels stuck deep in the mud. There was a person attempting to push the cart out of the mud. But the cart's weight and the boxes it was carrying were too much for the strength of this poor fellow.

However, this 'fellow' had a unique appearance to himself. He wore a all-black outfit with red-lensed eyewear. He wore a sword on his hip and another one on his back. It was strange to witness who was basically an armed mercenary doing something so trivial as to be pushing a cart out of mud. It appeared this kind of problem was universal.

"Hey, you! Astolfo-lookalike! Help me out here, will ya?" The unfortunate man noticed Gringor.

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (CRL) ~

"In the future, you’ll be able to repeat and refine. A sword always needs sharpening, after all."

"Heh, 'the best grindstone is experience' as my mentor says." The swordsmith chuckled. "We sure could use her skills right about now..."

Soon, the work was finished and the swordsmith presented the sharpened Benihime and Nozarashi to Carroll with a bow. At least, sharpened to his ability. "Many may disagree with your help, but many also count on you to save us, Madam Yokai. Bring peace to our island, and bring ruin to the invaders."


~ @Enkryption (ALI) ~

I’m bereft of my former memories and understanding of it, so I’m starting back at square one,

"A loss of memory, I see, but you seem untroubled by it." Katsuhiro noted. "An unusual response to such a happening, but I will trust you know what you are doing."

"But I digress, forgive me." Katsuhiro then grabbed a small candle and lit it before placing it between him and Alice. "If you are to start from the beginning, then you must begin by knowing the legend behind The Heavenly Strike."


"When Shizuyama was first settled, strange and terrible thunderstorms assaulted the island quite frequently. Whenever these storms struck, they heralded the arrival of Raijus; Yokai that wielded piercing lightning. These violent creatures tore through villages, causing death and destruction wherever they went.

Moving too quickly to be stopped, the people knew only one man who could possibly stand against the lightning beasts – Kenshiro, the fastest swordsman in all of Shizuyama and was said to have never lost a duel. With years of practice, he had created the Heavenly Strike, an attack that struck quicker than the eye could follow.

Kenshiro lured the lightning yokai to a desolate beach in the western edges of Onrai, where the sand would slow their movement. Their clash turned the sand to ash and bleached the leaves of trees white. Kenshiro's Heavenly Strike cut through them faster than they could move. As the final beast fell, the strange thunderstorms cleared and Shizuyama was safe again.

Kenshiro then began a life of seclusion. Few students found him, and only the bravest and most skilled proved worthy of learning the Heavenly Strike. When a storm approaches, a sword is placed at Kenshiro's Rest by a student who knows of its location to remind the defeated Raijus that the Heavenly Strike lives on."


"Unfortunately, the students of The Heavenly Strike have joined up with The Varjans and betrayed Shizuyama. They must be stopped, not only to protect the innocent but to protect Kenshiro's name and technique as well." Katsuhiro finished. "I heard the yokai of the taskforce have already been repulsed by the students twice now. I suggest seeking out Lord Takeshi Oja for this. He is possibly the best swordsman in this island we have. Maybe he can deal with them, with help of course."







"So, tell me, you're after a man who got snubbed by another woman, took up a life as a celibate warrior and who has, on multiple occasions, either turned you down or refused to even meet with you. What exactly do you think adding another, unaffiliated and neutral party to this next meeting of yours will do? Are you hoping that the pleas of a pair to see the man will convince his brethren to bring him to you? Or are you hoping to use me as a distraction so you can slip into their unsullied sanctuary and find your dream-muffin, hmm?"

Iskah took the reins to the summoned horse, and Vanessa rode on behind her. The steed was surprisingly obedient and sped out of Falkran quite smoothly. This was contrary to the memories of equines that Iskah inherited. Vanessa's magic was clearly at work here. Speaking of the Dark Mage, riding behind Iskah allowed the Lizardman to... gauge Vanessa's endowment quite accurately, much to Iskah's chagrin.

The two monsters rode on, with the midday sun and blue sky hanging above them and the fields of green before them. The landscape did not change much for the first few hours, but Vanessa could feel the shift in the air. As a monster, a Dark Mage no less, she was sensitive to the Demon Energy of her surroundings. And the farther they were from Falkran, that energy became thinner and thinner until it was barely there. It was one of the signs that one was leaving the Demon Realms and entering the lands of humans.

Iskah took a moment before answering Vanessa's question. "The... latter plan, I guess?" She answered sheepishly. "I'll be honest, I haven't thought about it too much. I've already tried sneaking and ambushing and flat out just sitting but as you can see, none of them worked. Which was why I thought things might be different if I had a partner or even a team. More creative plans, and all that." Iskah continued. "I'm also not a spellcaster, so I'm glad someone like you took up my offer. Now we can use some magic to help us. Although, I'm pretty sure the Lot Knights have all sorts of wards for people like you."

The trip took a few more hours and the sky turned to a burning red as the sun began setting. The path that Iskah and Vanessa rode on soon took them to quite an urban and developed town. From what Vanessa could feel, this place was devoid of Demon Energy. Which meant... "We're in Ortusian lands now. This is the town of Sinjid. One more town past this and we're in the Lunar Capital." Iskah informed the Dark Mage. "Despite no longer being part of The Order, the Ortusian people still regard monsters with suspicion. While they at least don't attack on sight, it's best not to cause any ruckus."

Iskah slowed the horse down to a trot as they entered Sinjid. Indeed, all the people that could be seen were humans, most of whom stared at the two monsters atop a horse entering the town. The shops and the taverns were open for their evening patrons and for travelers looking for a place to stay the night. "We can keep going if you like, Vanessa. But we can also stay here for the night and rest up. Our friend might need a break, afte all." Iskah patted the summoned horse on its mane.

"See, teleportation isn't the only way we can speed ourselves along. This lil' guy can speed us along just fine. You know how to ride, Iskah?"

"I-I know. I just... haven't actually done it for real." Iskah said as she approached the summoned horse, impressed at the Dark Mage's spell.

The Lizardman studied the steed for a moment before realizing something. "Umm, we'll need to outfit him with a saddle and reins and all that." Iskah said to Vanessa. "I can find a set real quick. Just stay here for a moment." And with that, Iskah started to walk off in search for riding equipment.

If the the summoned white horse did not need equipment to be ridden, or perhaps the beast simply dislike wearing anything, or maybe even the equipment could be conjured like the steed, Vanessa should probably stop Iskah right then and there so they could begin their journey already. Otherwise, the Lizardman would not take long before returning with the needed materials and begin mounting them on the horse.

Regardless, this could be an opportunity for Vanessa to ask for details regarding their mission.

"So, are we going to head on over and pluck your man right now? Is it far to these Lot Knights? I could always speed us up a little in that case."

"Uhh, Falkran isn't far from the Ortusian border but Wayland Keep, the headquarters of the Lot Knights, is in the capital. And that's pretty far from here. Maybe a week or nine days of travel." Iskah replied as she and Vanessa walked. "If you have teleportation spells or something like that, then we can certainly use them. Just... don't teleport inside the capital, much less Wayland Keep, since that's gonna get us in trouble."

"What did you have in mind in getting Aun out of the Lot Knights, Vanessa?" Iskah asked out of genuine curiosity. "He's not getting more celibate, I-I think, but with the war between Ortus and The Order getting hot again... I-I'm very worried he might do something he-he really shouldn't to." The Lizardman was sullen as she continued. "And... I'm fairly sure I'm not the only one chasing after Aun. But-but I don't think we need to worry about that right now."
Komatsu Bay


"For example. Who is Lord Serek'uar? Is he the one leading this bloody invasion of these lands? Where is he keeping Lord Oja and what are his plans? Speak, wretch, and I might let you live a bit longer!"
Shizuka Kannazuki

"Lord Serek'uar is the most powerful Sapphire Prince in Varjo! Second only to the Weaver Of Fate!" Merneptah, surprisingly, answered pretty honestly. "And he has your precious Island Lord in Castle Kaneda! Hideo Oja is likely an ally of Varjo by now, and he will soon convince the rest of this backwater island to bend their knees to the Caldeyrons!"

Skarsneek attacked first and Merneptah fell for the feint, attempting to block the fake strike and getting hit by the real attack. "Argh!" Despite that, the Warlock still stood and he retaliated with a fast swing of both his ethereal blades. They looked like they would hurt but fortunately for Skarsneek, he was protected by Io's barrier spell. It may have been a spell against projectiles, but it worked anyway.

Shizuka was next and Merneptah, once again, fell for the trick attacks. The Warlock blocked the sheath with one of his swords and was about to slash Shizuka with the other, but the latter drew his blade faster. Shizuka's lightning-infused slash tore through Merneptah's armor and sprayed blood to a direction. The ethereal swords faded into nothing as the Warlock fell face first into the mud. Shizuka may have overdone it, but Merneptah still had a bit of spirit energy. Meaning he was still alive, but barely.

However, the taskforce trio would not have a chance to interrogate him. The fighting in the manor had attracted some patrols who rushed forth to aid their leaders. The conjured fog has lifted and they all stood in awe at the sight of the taskforce and the fallen Warlock. They knew what to do, yet their resolve wavered. Their arms were drawn, but they hesitated using them.

That was, until, the trio heard chanting coming from the patrols' backlines, which grew louder and louder until they could make out what the chant was.




The Varjan crowd parted to reveal a warrior in armor of overlapping plates and a steel mask that showed off a terrifying visage. This figure was familiar to the taskforce members present. Skarsneek fought him in Sanjo Village. Shizuka and Io saw him attempting to sway Kazenosuke to the Varjan side.

"Well, well, well. Look at what we have here." Na'kratz greeted the trio with arms stretched out, showing off his claw weapons on his gauntlets. The chanting continued as he spoke. "A bunch of misfits trying to take a fortress-town by their lonesome by eliminating the leadership. Smart and bold, I'll give you three that." The taskforce trio could feel danger emanating from this one warrior. "Well, the leadership is here. What are you waiting for?"

The rain continued to pour, but the water could not put out the fiery morale the Varjans currently possess. It will be up to the taskforce to do that.

"Oh, it's the Goblin from Sanjo Village. I thought the locals would have carved you a new one already, but I suppose the Shizuyamans are weaker than I expected." Na'kratz recognized Skarsneek.


~ @The Irish Tree (LIL) ~

The Champion tried his best to listen for his opponent. But did not hear Liliana preparing her 'Heavenly Strike' technique at all, until it was far too late.

"Heavenly Strike!"

He heard the call out, and his body reacted accordingly. But it was all for naught, Liliana zipped from her position to just past the Champion in a fraction of a second. "Urgh..." The Varjan stood still for a moment before collapsing into a heap. This fight was over.

The summoned Minotaur continued wreaking havoc on the hapless Varjans, who were routing and fleeing from the perceived monstrosity. Meanwhile, Liliana heard the chanting of a crowd coming from the manor area. The sounds were far away, but she was close enough that she could make out what was being said.




Perhaps the warrior Fairy should head there to investigate, and maybe help her allies.

Shizuyama Wilderness


"Only a fool asks questions before the fight is over, yokai. Otherwise, your enemy can use their answers against you and gain the upper hand." Takamori lectured Kerry. "And whether or not you fight her isn't your decision to make. Maybe it's not even hers to make. If she's working for the Varjans, there's a good chance you and her will confront each other sooner or later."

"She's also claimed the lives of innocent Shizuyamans." Takamori's anger was gone, replaced with sorrow. "...Her life is forfeit."

Takamori said nothing more as Kerry woke up one of the surviving Varjan Footmen. "W-Wha--? Please, don't hurt me!" The Footman dangling on the edge held up his hands before Kerry and Takamori. "I'll do anything you want!"

"How about you answer our questions?" Takamori replied. "Setsuna? Where is she?"

"She's... she's a captain now, in our army. Has her own unit and everything. Some of the Varjans couldn't believe they were taking orders from a local, but the higher-ups have made their decision." The Footman answered, surprisingly honestly. "She's never in one place for too long. Trains the guys in one fort, then heads to another."

"Do you have anything else? Hearsay? Rumors?" Takamori pressed.

"There's a... there's a recurring topic with her, from what I've heard." The Footman continued. "Something about her teacher, and some hot springs."

The last words made Takamori suddenly walk away to ruminate, staring at the valley with his mind elsewhere. It was doubtful he cared much about what Kerry would do to their Footman captive. "Look, that's all I know. I swear!" He begged the Hornet.

Shizuyama Wilderness


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

"Preparing to incapacitate Varjan caster, Sorae,"
Eula 039

Sorae nodded. She waited a moment for Eula to align the shot perfectly so she need not worry about the Firethrower and just focus on the chaff.

When the warrior woman charged with a yell, the Varjan group immediately noticed. The Firethrower was the first to greet Sorae, and the first to fall thanks to Eula's precise stunning shot. Sorae made quick work of the Brigands, felling them with a single slash each with her naginata. The two Varjan Warriors required more work, but Eula bore witness to Sorae's unique ability. Whenever she stood on one leg like a crane bird and her naginata withdrawn, the Varjan's swings seem to go through her which allowed for some very devastating counterattacks.

Meanwhile, the tied up woman was left all alone. Her arms were firmly bound to her body, but her feet was still free. She used this opportunity to haul ass, running away from the fight as quickly as she could. Since this woman was apparently the objective, Eula should probably go after her.

Fort Tanabe


~ @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @Restalaan (GRI) ~

"Simple, they fought hard, lost and captured. Then treat them well so they can join, since they're stronger. Same for orcs, losers that don't fight, not fun. Those that fight good and lose, still losers but fun and have worth."

"I think my nee-san calls it reverse...psy-chology? It's where you act the opposite of how you normally would towards a person to get them to do what you want! My nee-san always did it when clients didn't pay a good enough fee for our services!"
Hinami Hangai

Kikyo was silent at Gringor and Hinami's words, merely looking away. It seemed their answers gave her some very unpleasant thoughts. "...Let's go rendezvous with Lord Takeshi. I must inform him of this."

"Honestly, you're always so reckless. You're well being is important for the survival of these lands, plus you should respect that it's our job to look after you!"
Atsuha Hangai

"Ah, man. If I had a gold coin every time someone said that to me, I could probably hire an army to defeat the Varjans!" Takeshi laughed at his own joke, patting one of Atsuha's arachnid legs seemingly without a care in the world. "But seriously, I appreciate what you're doing. I really do."

"Though, oddly enough, the prisoners didn't seem worse for the wear. Given the Varjan's track record, you'd think they be covered in wounds and on the verge of starvation..."
Atsuha Hangai

The smile on Takeshi's face disappeared, as confusion set in. "...Pardon?"

"She speaks the truth, milord." Kikyo arrived with Gringor and Hinami. "It doesn't make any sense. The men said the Varjans didn't hurt them. They were fed, instead. Good food too." It was no wonder Atsuha heard them singing before she rescued them.

Takeshi was beginning to piece together what was happening. "Let's just be grateful they've been rescued."

"Why? Why would the Varjans feed them and treat them differently?" Kikyo pressed the issue.

"Maybe they were expecting something in return." Takeshi said out loud the obvious part.

Kikyo looked away and was silent for a moment, before speaking again. "These men will be indebted to you. You have their gratitude, and mine too." The warrior woman bowed at Takeshi, who smiled back. "I'll lead the freed prisoners back to Terauchi Temple. You're all free to join me if you wish." Kikyo said before taking command of the liberated warriors.

Takeshi then joined the taskforce members present. "Let's hope Shizuka and his group are doing well. Once they've returned, we can begin planning a rescue of my father." He said to them. "But that's for the immediate future. Right now, do any of you wanna go somewhere or should we all head back to the temple?"






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