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Working on an Olivia post now.

Just out of curiosity, how many Pageless are at the park?

Before Ashley was even fully aware of them, several events transpired in rapid succession. First, the partially healed Leroux was able to fire off a melody at the burly vampire, while Ashley’s own arcane bolt struck the skeletal centaur-thing and distracted it enough for Wukong to finish it off. This was followed up by Leroux’s blade sphere slicing the vampire in twain, thus releasing Breacher and Valkyrie from their blood prison. The sinister nun lingered for a moment more, before blinking away in a burst of blacklight. In a matter of seconds, the smoke and flames that had so filled the chamber dispersed and extinguished to reveal that the G.E.M.I.N.I. strike team had apparently succeeded in securing the foyer, but that wasn’t all their absence revealed…

Ashley fell to her knees as she realized with increasing horror that none of the hostages had survived, the Knight of Tomorrow’s breath catching in her throat as she understood with utter, agonizing certainty that these twenty-four innocent men, women, and children would not see another... “N-No…” she whimpered, bringing a hand to her mouth as tears streamed down her cheeks. “T-They couldn’t… I couldn’t save any of them…” Squeezing her eyes shut, the young esper’s body trembled as she continued to weep for those who’s lives had been so cruelly taken, who’s futures had been so irrevocably turned to ash. All their rich possibilities, all their untapped potential, all their hopes, all their dreams, all now amounted… to nothing… “W-Why…? W-Why do I even have these powers, if I can’t help anyone with them?” she sobbed.

But you can a voice echoed in her mind. And you will

“W-What…?” she whispered.

You are still young, merely a student. You have much to learn, and experiences like this can help you…

“H-Help me? H-How?”

All the emotions you’re feeling right now, the sorrow, anger, pain… They can fuel your growth in ways you cannot even imagine. I know you’re hurting, but remember, while life may be painful, pain is nothing more than weakness leaving the body… You have great things to accomplish, Ashley, you’ve seen them, but to do so you need to be strong… Tell me, Ashley, what is the source of your anguish? the voice inquired. Who has caused you to feel this way? Who is really responsible for all of this suffering?

Justin… Ashley hissed, her voice dripping with hatred.

Yesss… the voice confirmed, seeming quite pleased with Ashley’s answer. He is the one who caused all this to happen, and you can be the one to make him regret it, to make him experience all the suffering he’s inflicted on others. You are the Knight of Tomorrow, the voice continued. You are the one who decides what tomorrow brings to those under your care… Hope? Or horror? The choice… is yours

“Yes,” Ashley agreed, her previously distraught countenance now filled with a look of fierce determination. “It is…

Rising to her feet, the Knight of Tomorrow deactivated her visor and wiped the tears from her eyes. The emerald eye shield quickly flickering back into place, she made her way down to the first floor to do what she could for her teammates. Of primary concern was Agent Wukong, who had suffered some fairly substantial injuries from both the flames and the undead spider centaur. “Here, let me patch you up,” Ashley offered with a kind smile as she reached out a glowing hand and allowed healing energies to flow through it and into her fellow agent. “There, does that feel a bit better?” she inquired.

We may have gotten a little beaten up, Ashley conceded as she glared up at the obnoxious portrait of the master of this wretched manor. But not enough to stop us from ending your thrice-damned life!

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)


[Bronze Touch][Heal] = -48 mana

She was already gonna live in the library and hard ever leave for any reason anyway. Since she has a body too weak to fight in the frontlines.

Weak body = weak eyes = meganekko

Connie sighed in relief as her first nightmare pulse found its target, taking some pressure off of her grateful friends, but before she could get a clean shot at the second wendigo, the beast charged towards her. Gasping in terror, the masked girl prepared another spell and instinctively conjured several defensive tentacles, even as Ronin got ready to leap to her aid, but none of this would ultimately prove necessary, as the antlered monstrosity suddenly fell to the ground, a burning weapon impaling its heart. This attack heralded the arrival of an oddly cheerful girl, who quickly took an interest in Connie, much to the timid girl’s dismay.

Connie couldn’t help but cringe slightly as the new arrival approached her, asking if she’d like to play some games. “O-Oh, u-umm, h-hello…” Connie replied hesitantly, her trembling fingers nervously playing with her hair. While the girl certainly seemed friendly enough, and indeed had a bubbly demeanor similar to MDP, Connie couldn’t help but feel that there was still something very… off about her… For all her overwhelming hyperactivity and frequent disregard for personal space, MDP was still a gentle and unthreatening soul. This girl, on the other hand, was unnervingly creepy, and Connie couldn’t help but feel a chill run down her spine as the girl continued to babble, now inquiring about her big sister.

“Y-Your s-sister?” Connie repeated with a frown.

However, before the awkward conversation could go any further, Miko mercifully turned the new girl’s attention to herself, by telling the strange blonde that her sister was indeed in Penrose, and that she should continue looking for her, rather than remain here.

“That sounds like a most prudent course of action,” Gaia agreed with a serene smile as she approached the group, placing a reassuring hand on Connie’s shoulder as she did so. The verdant maiden had also conjured Nature’s Blossom, but while the enchanted staff indeed served as a suitable guard against any potential threat the newcomer might pose, it had the added benefit of supporting the botanical beauty’s trembling legs, which had become significantly weakened after expending such a vast quantity of mana on the fire flowers. Thankfully, her emerald tresses shielded any signs of her weakened state from all but Connie, and her timid friend was far too focused on the unhinged-looking blonde to notice. “I wish you the best of luck in your search,” she bid the bizarre newcomer, positioning her staff so that it was between the blonde and Connie. “Who is to say? Perhaps morning’s light shall find the two of you happily reunited?” Hopefully, Gaia wouldn’t need to fight the deranged girl, but if it came to that, she was fully prepared to defend Connie to her last breath…

“Thankie wankies, Penny Wenny~!” MDP told her girlfriend as the Mechanical Monarch swiftly dispatched the incapacitated wendigos she’d brought along with her. A moment later, an exuberant smile spread across the Princess of Dreams’s face as the new girl said she’d be happy to become friends with her. “Yaaaay~! Magical Dream Princess made a new friendy wendy today~! (giggle!)” the whimsical girl cheered, before wrapping her new friend up in a big hug. “Like, it’s super duper nicey wicey to meet you, too, Ka’ris Wa’ris~! (giggle!)” she added cheerfully. “Like, Magical Dream Princess thinky winkies your namey wamey is, like, super duper adorable worable~! (giggle!)”

It was then that the sound of many flapping wings drew the trio’s attention skyward, where a sizable flock of sinister-looking crows was making their way towards the industrial district.

“Golly wolly… There’re, like, sooo many birdy wirdies up theresie…” MDP observed as she watched the flock’s swift passage towards the far horizon. “They don’t look particularly wicularly friendly wendly, though…” she added with a frown.

A moment later, she was startled by an alarmed exclamation from Penny. Before she could ask for more details, or even fully realize what was happening, her robotic girlfriend was already racing down the street, propelled by glowing hover thrusters. “Like, Magical Dream Princess wants to helpy welpy too!” the whimsical girl called, even as her trio of plush hearts morphed and merged into another rainicorn pegasus that she quickly mounted. “Come on, Ka’ris Wa’ris!” she instructed, as she grabbed the floating girl and pulled her along.

Like, Penny Wenny seems super duper worried… MDP thought with a frown as her multicolored mount shot off after the Mechanical Monarch. But, like, with Penny Wenny and Magical Dream Princess working together wether, everythingie wingie will, like, totally wotally turn out okie dokie~! she reassured herself as a big smile returned to her cute face.

“Like, hold on super duper tight, Ka’ris Wa’ris~!” MDP advised. “Mister wister rainicorn wainicorn is gonna go, like, super duper mega wega fasty wasty nowie~!”

No sooner had she given her warning, then the prismatic pegasus shot forward like a lighting bolt, causing the world around them to disappear into a featureless blur.

“Weeeee~! (giggle!)”

Slowly. Steadily. After what seemed like an agonizing eternity, Ashley made her way out of the cramped, dark garbage chute, and into the light and openness of a corridor. Slowly, cautiously, she made her way towards the sound of combat. He team was nearby, and she had to assist them however possible. Her body ached, but she dared not risk expending mana to heal herself. That could come later, after Justin had been dealt with. For now, every last ounce of mana would be devoted to attaining that goal.

The corridor opened ahead, into the foyer, or rather, above it… Her grueling ascent had actually allowed her to reach the second floor, with its abominable blood fountains and its disgustingly ostentatious portrait of von Carnage himself. But what could be found above mattered far less than what could be found below… There, her team struggled against three monstrous assailants. Portions of the floor were ablaze, while thick clouds of noxious fumes obscured much of the rest. Even so, a quick glance over the situation after running to the balcony railing told her what was most important, told her who was most in need of her unique abilities. Two members of her team were in desperate need of healing. The first, Wukong, had been set ablaze, and was now pinned to the floor by the nightmarish skeletal centaur-thing that had popped up beneath Ashley herself only a short time ago. It looked far more injured than when she’d seen it last, but still seemed more than capable of ending her simian ally’s life. And then there was Leroux, mangled body splayed on the ground near the broken remnants of the organ, her blood and entrails spilling out. Ashley wanted to help them both, but she knew that she was only capable of so much. She had to prioritize, and she had to do it fast…

One of the basic concepts of math is the order of operations. Unless things were done in the proper order, and unless you knew what that order was, you wouldn’t solve the equation. However, failing to solve the equation here wouldn’t mean failing a test, but failing her teammates, something Ashley Avenir refused to do. Always one to study all the relevant material for a test, she had been sure to thoroughly familiarize herself with all the aspects of this mission, and most importantly, the aspects of her fellow agents… Ashley knew that, through some unique attribute of their esper form, Wukong was capable of surviving a fatal situation for a brief amount of time. Leroux was not so fortunate. Therefore, she would be the first ally to receive healing. However, that did not mean Wukong would be left to fend entirely for herself…

Even as Arzendale unleashed a tsunami of blood upon Breacher and Valkyrie, the Knight of Tomorrow sprung into action. Glowing particles coalescing between the prongs of her instrument, she fired a neon green lance at the prone Leroux, bathing her in restorative energies. Immediately after the beam had dissipated, the young esper took careful aim and snapped off an energy bolt at Centrocious’s sole remaining head. Even if it was too soon for her to heal Wukong as well, the Knight of Tomorrow could still ensure the simian esper would have a tomorrow by killing the monster that was preventing her ally’s escape.

The order of operations had been chosen.

Time would tell if it was the correct one…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)


[Bronze Beam][Heal] = -72 mana


When her first day at Marrywell finally drew to a close, Olivia returned to her room, only to find that she was once again the sole occupant. According to the sheet she’d been given, her roommate was apparently named Suzuya Kuzunoha, but she had yet to actually meet her. As she readied herself for bed, Olivia pondered what kind of person Suzuya might be. There were seemingly endless possibilities, but, ultimately, the bespectacled girl just hoped her new roommate would be a friendly and accepting person, much like Helmi, Chinami, and Charlotte had been. Since no one else was around, Olivia decided to transform and chat with Xolys for a bit. However, the incongruous pair had barely been talking for ten minutes, when Suzuya made her appearance. For some reason, she was transformed as well, and Olivia recognized her as the fox girl from the previous night’s battle.

Predictably, Olivia was quick to begin introductions, and, while somewhat brusque, Suzuya still seemed to be a friendly sort (even going so far as to compliment Xolys!). After the Master of Xhar’doth gently informed her that her roommate looked exceptionally tired, Olivia profusely apologized for rambling, and prepared to turn in for the night herself. It was then that the azure-clad beauty realized why Suzuya had elected to sleep in her transformed state- she had all those fluffy tails! Indeed, the fox girl looked incredibly comfy, wrapped up in all that bushy fluff, and it wasn’t long before the wholesome sight had given Olivia an idea. Up until now, she had never been able to sleep while transformed, but now that she was here at Marrywell, she and Xolys could cuddle and snuggle for the entire night!

Changing her sparkling gown into a glittery silk robe with a simple sweep of her hand, Olivia wrapped herself in her blanket and snuggled up close to Xolys, who had assumed a smaller, more compact form, so as to actually fit on the bed. With the eldritch creature’s myriad tentacles curled around her in a loving embrace, Olivia had blissfully drifted off into the best night’s sleep she had ever experienced.

The next morning found Olivia fully rested and ready for whatever the new day held in store. Bidding Xolys a reluctant farewell for the time being, Olivia returned to her mundane form and set about her morning hygienic rituals. After that was breakfast, and a delicious one at that! Indeed, Olivia had never imagined a school cafeteria could offer such rich fare, and in such plentiful portions! Then it was time for the day’s first activity- a patrol though the city! Olivia could barely contain her excitement. Not only would she get to tour historic London, but she’d be able to make some new friends at the same time!

There were only two small disappointments. The first was that Xolys wouldn’t be able to accompany her, but Olivia quickly came to accept this admittedly small concession, since even she realized that the Master of Xhar’doth’s presence amongst of a group of mundane schoolgirls would be a rather alarming sight for any passersby to behold. The second disappointment came when team compositions were announced. Although Olivia had been hoping to be assigned to the team led by Chinami (and also including her roommate), she discovered that she would be joining Lucette’s team instead. On the bright side, Helmi would be with her, as would the new Magical Girl, Nessie was it? Buoyed by this knowledge, Olivia had cheerfully set out, eager to get to know her teammates even better and see all that her new home city had to offer.

One of the things it had to offer was a park, and as they strolled along its picturesque pathways, Lucette took the opportunity to give a small speech, illustrating that this was what they, as Magical Girls, were fighting to protect. The silver-haired girl went on to take a seat and ask if there were any questions. Nessie, perhaps unsurprisingly, was the first to speak up, inquiring about the Pageless. As it happened, Olivia also had some questions pertaining to that subject, and she decided this would be an excellent time to voice what she felt was the most important of them.

“I had a question about the Pageless, too!” Olivia spoke up once Lucette had answered Nessie’s inquiry. “Or, rather, about your personal experiences with them,” she clarified. “You’ve been a Magical Girl for quite a long time, right? So, um, what was the cutest, I-I mean, most interesting Pageless you’ve ever encountered?”
I should hopefully have an Olivia post up sometime tomorrow.

As MDP skipped over to where Penny was fighting the wendigos around the car, twirling her wand like a baton and leading her three oversized plush hearts in an impromptu parade, she returned the robotic girl’s wave with an energetic one of her own, before gasping in happy surprise as a new magical girl made her appearance. “Wowie zowie~!” the whimsical girl exclaimed with a delighted giggle. “A new friendy wendy for Magical Dream Princess~! (giggle!)” Picking up her pace, she soon found herself beside Penny and the new arrival. “Like, hi~! Are you, like, a new magical wagical girl~?!” she asked excitedly. “Magical Dream Princess thinky winkies you look super duper pretty witty~! (giggle!) She just wuvs your sparkly warkly crystal wystal thingie wingies~! Like, do you want to be Magical Dream Princess’s friendy wendy~?! Do you~?! Do you~?! Do you~?! Oh~!” she gasped as a new thought entered her ADHD addled brain. “Like, this is Penny Wenny~!” the bubbly girl added with a big smile, while gesturing to the Mechanical Monarch. “She’s, like, super duper amazing wazing, and she’s also Magical Dream Princess’s special wecial wuvy dovey girlfriend wirlfriend~! (giggle!) Oh, and, like, Magical Dream Princess capture waptured some of those meanie weanie reindeer weindeer thingy wingies, Penny Wenny~!” she noted, turning to her girlfriend. “And she was, like, wondering if you could pretty pretty please make them go bye bye for her~” she requested, blushing slightly as she struck a coy, girly flirt pose and batted her eyes.

Okay, cool.

So, is Suzuya, like, unconsious while her Grimoire has control, or does she still know/remember what happens while transformed?

Just wondering, since it would be amusing for Olivia to have a conversation with her, while transformed, but then she has no memory of it when she changes back.

The corners of Connie’s mask drooped into a frown as she watched the two remaining wendigos press their attack on the twins. Thankfully, the two sisters seemed to have things under control, but she still wished to assist them. “I-I’m g-going to h-help Ronin and Miko!” Connie told Gaia as she rushed over to where her two sword-wielding friends were having their battle.

“That’s a good idea, little sister,” Gaia replied with an approving smile. “It should not take me more than a moment to finish these four off,” she added, as she tossed a trio of seeds in a triangular pattern around the nightmare wracked wendigos. “Then I shall join you in assisting them.”

Reaching out her hand, the verdant magical girl sent swirling tendrils of emerald energy to infuse each seed with potent nature magic. An instant later, they burst into three, cannon-topped flowers. Although similar in appearance to the earlier pod launchers, these were much larger, and their cannon bulbs glowed with an orange radiance. Before the wendigos had a chance to emerge from their nightmarish prison, they were consumed by a three pronged firestorm, which swiftly set their ragged fur ablaze and completely melted their frozen hearts.

Meanwhile, Connie waited patiently for an opening. I can do this… I can do this… she told herself as she watched the two sisters dance about, staying mere inches ahead of their opponents’ wicked claws. When an opportunity finally presented itself, she fired a focused nightmare pulse at each wendigo, the crackling bolts of unhappy thoughts plunging deep into the twisted monsters and trapping their minds in hellish prisons of their own making. “R-Ronin! Miko!” the masked girl called. “N-Now’s your chance! M-Mia said you h-have to d-destroy their h-hearts!”
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