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In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Night
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @FunnyGuy - Darius

Artemis followed Darius and held his hand tightly. Her head was ducked as she scanned the passersby. None of them were familiar, but if they were both here, then she would be the one who needed to hide and not the other way around. She kept calm for Darius’ sake despite her racing heart. Once on the balcony, she turned to him and let go of his hand. She stayed out of sight from the door and grounds nonetheless, aiming to camouflage with the shadows. Artemis hesitated. Was he okay to hear this? She had to tell him before she lost her nerve again.

”I’m sorry I spooked you like that. I’m not here to say goodbye if that’s what you are wondering. I wanted to apologize to you, actually. Do you remember the first day we had met and you had heard my song?” Artemis paused, allowing him time to reflect before continuing. ”I hadn’t meant for anyone to hear it; on the contrary, I was singing to myself to quell my fear. I had just escaped my masters group where I was to be sold to another one on top of the mountain. It was too treacherous for me to escape, so my only chance was before we got onto it. I was planning on dying in the forest that afternoon. I hadn’t any energy to go elsewhere, nor to fight off any beasts. I never really thanked you for saving my life, so I wanted to take the moment to do so.”

Artemis paused, then folded her arms and glanced around. She continued: ”I’m more than a mermaid; I’m a siren. I don’t know if your Earth has any of those or not, so if you need further explanation then please tell me. I was born with a spectacular gift. I can use my voice to enchant, compel, and lure people. As a result of my gift, I was highly valued. I was sold into the black market and was forced to use it on many Avalians. I hadn’t enjoyed what I’d done, and became numb to it. I was imprisoned and enslaved on Daka Island. It’s why I have animosity about being there. My scars and all resulted from being there.”

Artemis paused to allow her words to sink in so he could digest them. She didn’t bat an eyelash as she explained it, but the painful feeling in her chest was returning. Her brief spark of happiness was diminishing. She had to go somewhere before they found her and brought her back to that hell. Artemis’ skin was crawling. She continued, though, not wanting to leave him hanging. ”I would never use my gift on Myra and you. I don’t plan on using them in that way again. I’m not fond of having them, but there’s not much I can do about it.” Artemis hesitated and then fell silent. What would he say? Would he boot her out? She felt vulnerable and anxious. She hated this feeling.

On the other hand, she could bring up who and what she had seen. Artemis didn’t want to worry him; nor alert him that her previous masters could be here. She was too scared of him becoming involved and being hurt or something. For now, she kept quiet and waited for his response.

Time: Morning
Location: OH HQ
Interactions: @princess - Angel

Shay was stunned into silence as Angel spoke. Her expression faded into impassiveness. She had truly just met her match. Silently, she watched Angel climb into the front. Shay awkwardly held her painting and cleared her throat. Recovering quickly, she managed a smirk. ”I do think we’ll be great friends.” She watched as she suddenly hastened to escape the garage. Curiosity rose, but Shay didn’t question it. She didn’t want to be here in the first place. Shay laid back down and pulled the blanket over herself. She gripped her painting to her, unwilling to let go of it. She needed to destroy this today. She also wanted to summon a familiar.

”Breakfast would be great. Where to?” Shay’s stomach growled loudly in agreement, causing her to sigh. Her words were muffled by the blanket. Then, Shay paused and fell silent. After a moment, she managed to laugh. ”Who knew both escapees from Drake’s would wind up meeting?” Another beat, then she added as she rested her head down on the car’s floor. ”Angel, your car is the most comfortable place I’ve slept in a long time. Great quality.”
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @FunnyGuy - Darius

Artemis grinned at Darius as he approached her. She leaned against a nearby pillar and looked at him. ”I am truly enjoying myself. What about you?” She watched as a waiter passed by with water and snatched a glass. Smirking at his surprise, she turned back to Darius. Her smile faded. She needed to be honest with him - about what she was and her past. She couldn’t continue and accidentally enchant or compel him without him knowing why. Her song had compelled Myra and he to her when they had first met, though she hadn’t done it on purpose. Artemis had truly thought she’d die in the forest and was comforting herself. Still, he had done a lot for her. She had to come clean.

”I wanted to talk to you - do you think you can come outside with me please?” She tilted her head to one side and eyed him. She could feel a sense of tension in the air. She didn’t know what he was thinking. How much did he know about mermaids and sirens? Did Earth have mystical creatures or stories of them? She wondered if this would be difficult for him to swallow. Artemis sighed as she waited.

As she stood there, a sudden dark frame entered her peripheral vision. Artemis inhaled sharply and froze, her head turning to find it. The moment she had, the figure was gone. Her heart began racing. What was Raven doing here? That creature had truly left Daka? This wasn’t good, not in the least. Artemis bit her lip but remained calm for Darius.

”Sorry, something spooked me for a moment.” She laughed it off as if it were nothing and waited for his reply. Her mind was racing as her heart quickened. If Raven is here, then that means… He’s here. She ducked her head and began scanning the crowd.

To think she had been enjoying herself; how naive was she to think she’d be in peace?
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Grand Ball
Interaction: @Tae - Torvi, @helo - Bowyn

Belle watched Bowyn approach and bit her lip. She was glad to see his good spirits, but it wasn’t going to last. No, not after what she had to tell him. The news of Port 10, cleverly worded, confirmed her suspicions from what her previous partner had told her. Still, Belle hesitated on telling them. She remained silent as she watched him reply to his bird and glanced at Torvi. She looked equally worried, or ruffled. Belle wasn’t positive why, although she wasn’t letting the greeter out of her mind.

Yet, the threat to Torvi needed to be voiced. The dance had given the aura of being a safe haven, that everyone there was going to exit merrily. Belle bit her lip and pushed aside her remorse for Bowyn’s feelings. They would have to find another way or time to cheer him up after this fiasco.

”Thanks for letting us know about our cousin. I can’t wait to see them, it’s been a while.” Belle replied casually, her voice not betraying her rising worry. The voice had been silent - perhaps occupied and assailing someone else. Whatever the reason was, she would take advantage of the silence before it possibly returned. ”I heard the same thing as well. I won’t let it go to my head, but just this once.” She allowed herself a small jab before her seriousness returned.

She glanced at Boreas then up to Bowyn and Torvi, her eyes now giving way to her inner worry. ”I heard an ot so kind thought to you, Torvi.” Belle replied quietly and tapped her temples while making direct eye contact with them both, as not to openly voice what was happening. Announcing she was hearing threatening voices would cause passerby to overhear and possibly eavesdrop. She had no idea who it was and didn’t want anyone tipping them off either. ”Right before the dancing. Have you heard anything peculiar?” Belle tilted her head questioningly, her eyes set on her friends. ”Possibly you know, unwelcoming of sorts?”

Time: Morning
Location: OH HQ
Interactions: @princess - Angel

Shay sighed quietly as she listened to Angel’s story. From one victim to the next, huh? She bit her lip and withheld her sympathetic response for now. As she continued listening, she glared ahead. So she was going to answer her somehow about the location. But how did Op. Humanity does not know where Drake was located? This boggled her mind. How could she safely reply? Her only view of location was running like hell from it after tricking Eric. She winced as she remembered him. That poor man; he was probably dead, or close to it. She had been unconscious upon her arrival and then running like mad after escaping without getting caught. She wouldn’t have won that fight easily. Still, she did know the general location and through tracking spells, could possibly find it again; however, that was not something she was planning on doing. She didn’t even know if she wanted to become anymore involved.

”Thanks, Angel, I’m Shay and I’m aware now. Also, I’m sorry to hear about your family. I lost all of mine, too, including my relatives and grandparents.” She replied and paused, allowing her words to sink in. Shay couldn’t bear to think about Holy Saviors. She wanted to burn them all in their unholy worshiping grounds. She clenched her fists and pushed it out of her mind. ”As for knowing the location, I don’t know it well. I was unconscious upon my arrival. When I was escaping, I wasn’t focused on it; instead I was running during night-time and trying not to get caught.”

She didn’t know if this girl wanted to know so she could specifically hunt them down. She was skeptical of her. Still… Shay needed an ally within this stupid place. She had to tell them what Alexander was doing with witches… It made her sick to her stomach. She moved onto the girl’s next phrase. ”And that’s great news about the magic. You guys don’t miss anything, do you?” She stopped twirling the thread with her telekinetic spell. It landed on her lap and she set it in her pocket. Shay wiped dried blood from the back of her head with a sigh and folded her hands to help hide it. ”So now what?”

Shay hesitated on telling her. What would happen to her if she did - it would certainly be her death sentence. Nonetheless, it was important, but she needed to develop trust and possibly friendship before giving it up. She fell into silence and began surveying the scene around her. She was on edge, waiting for something bad to happen.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: n/a

Artemis had been relaxing as she watched the second dances. Unbothered, her partner hadn’t shown up, so she continued eating. It had been years since she felt at ease and somewhat at peace. She had been devouring the pasta, along with the vegetables and fruits. She had eaten meat; something she felt on the fence about enjoying. She sighed nonetheless and watched as the dances came to an end. She was grateful she hadn’t been forced to dance again. Though she had enjoyed her time with Cade, she hadn’t been up to doing it again. Putting on a charade was exhausting, but something she was used to doing.

She sat up after finishing her plates and scowled as a young eleven man approached her. ”Miss may I have this -”

”No. Get away from me.” Artemis snapped, not bothering to glance at him further. She ignored the look of dismay and confusion on the Elf’s face. Sadly, it didn’t stop him from trying again.

”A human such as yourself should not be sitting alone, miss. My friends can help you.” Artemis, with her back to the Elf, smirked. So he thought she was human, huh? How many others did? And why didn’t this bumbling idiot realize she could be a demon? Smirking and turning around, Artemis confronted the Elf.

”Human, huh? Maybe you should think twice before you speak, Elf. I’ll show you what a damsel can do to you and make the Demon fighting pits look soft. Be gone with you or I’ll have your head.” She flashed her teeth and a devilish grin crossed her face.

The Elf’s eyes widened as he hurried away. She began chuckling and threw some glares at the companions who had been waiting with him. A group of Elves and possibly some Demis - she didn't look too closely. She glanced around and began trying to find Darius and Myra. She didn't want to admit it, but she was starting to enjoy herself. Artemis smirked as she moved across the dance floor and toward her companions.

Time: Evening ---> Morning
Location: Art Exhibit - OH HQ garage
Interactions: @princess - Angel
Mentions: @Ducky - Remy

Shay had stayed awake and silent as the two entered the car. She hadn’t replied to them, too exhausted to even think. She had been clutching her painting for dear life and wasn’t letting it slip from her fingers. The red haired hunter picked up food and Shay had wolfed it down. She had been so hungry, and the adrenaline had caused it to intensify. Shay had remained awake and under the blanket until arriving at the garage. When the two had left, Shay remained alert for another ten minutes before finally crashing for the night.


When Shay woke up, she was briefly confused. Where was she? As panic surged through her, her mind quickly began recounting the details of the night. She let out a slow, sigh of relief and did not remove the blanket. She looked down as pain throbbing in her arms alerted her to the source. She had been clutching her painting still, albeit loosening over night. Shay groaned in pain and slowly flexed her fingers individually, remembering to hold the painting so it didn’t crash and make noise.

The door opening caused her to jump and peek out. The familiar voice of Angel however, managed to soothe her nerves. Still on edge nonetheless, Shay stretched out and remained hidden under the blanket. She had been listening to people coming and going and was afraid to be seen. As a precaution, she only kept her head visible. She stared at her curiously, her eyes still adjusting to her new surroundings. She still held onto the painting and kept it invisible to the hunter.

”What would you like to know? My tragic life story, or the thrilling events of being in New Paeonia, also known as hell - or all of the above?” She rested her head up against the side. "Tell me this, please. As much as I appreciate your hospitality, how do I know you won't rat me out or send me to die after I tell you what I know?" She didn't want to come across as too scared, but she was. She was terrified. What if this girl sent her to her death, or she was found? Shay didn't know what to do. OP Humanity wasn't kind to witches, nor did they trust them. She wanted to find a familiar and also visit Maeve's store - but where would she go? How did she know nobody would turn her in? The helplessness sinking in, mixed with her anxiety, was too much for her. She started to nervously twirl a piece of thread with telekinesis spell to help soothe herself.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Belle & Kuroi

After Belle finished dancing with the mysterious Light-Elf, Belle found herself buzzing with the newfound information. The rebels were here. She couldn't be sure if it was a trap or not, seeing as some demon had been speaking to her in her head. Belle sighed heavily and shook her head. She took a few deep breaths and followed her paper towards her next partner. Not sure what the hell she’d be in for next, she braced herself. As she moved through the crowd, she swatted away a few butterfly papers that had obstructed her vision and glowered at the owners. Nobody said anything, thankfully. She thought she saw Baraian through the crowd but hadn’t been certain. She was going to need to find him after this…

Belle inhaled as she began approaching her partner. It looked like… ”Kuroi,” Belle whispered as she fought to keep her emotions in check. She stared at him and swallowed hard. She had to remain in control, because God only knew if that demon would be listening to her thoughts or something. Belle pictured Gaia in her mind’s eyes, and her emotions quickly dissolved.

”Evening,” she greeted and curtsied quickly. She straightened up and bit her lip. Belle wanted to apologize and make it up to him, but how? She needed to ask him, because only he would know. Whatever it took though; she hadn’t meant any ill-harm to her comrades.

As Belle approached him, Kuroi had merely been standing there in the midst of all the scurrying to find everyone’s second partner. He hadn’t expected such a heartwarming gesture, and although it was appreciated, he was dumbfounded at the kindness that had just been shown to him. He felt bad for snapping at the girl, even though he wasn’t irked at her in specific, he was disillusioned with how rapidly his life had gone downhill in the matter of seconds. The vulpine hadn’t noticed his second piece of paper turn into a butterfly and fly off, only for it to land on his head. He slowly turned around at the sound of his name and gazed upon a familiar looking face greeting him.

Kuroi’s expression grew stone cold as he returned the bow without saying anything. He offered her both of his hands, waiting for her to accept his invitation to dance as he stared into her eyes with the most tense expression one could possibly deliver. As one could imagine, this young fox was not happy. Hearing the governor’s yelling from not too far away also made his blood boil - he was constantly fighting back his urges to give Roshmi a proper reason to send him to jail. Regardless, he pushed his negative emotions aside and waited for the young woman to take his hands.

Belle didn’t need the power of empathy to feel the tension and anger radiating from the vulpine. She had faced this kind of anger before, but this time it hurt deeper. She was ignoring the governor’s yelling, though she wanted to throttle him. As she took his hands, she moved an inch closer so she could keep her voice low enough for only him to hear. ”Kuroi, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.” She continued as she stared at him. Her eyes were shining with regret and sorrow. ”There are many things about this world I do not know, but one thing I can tell is the deep shame and mess you’ve been brought into. I want you to know I'll do everything I can to clear your name. I’m on your side and I’m sorry, which is something I usually am not. Seeing the innocent fawn being bullied, made my anger boil, and I wasn’t thinking. I can understand if you don’t want to speak to me again, but I want you to know I will do what I can for you to bring you peace from here on out.”

Belle’s voice was hardly above a whisper and the worry was lighting up her dark, icy blue eyes. She glanced around quickly, then back into the vulpine’s stony gaze. Was this demon listening to her? Did he know what was happening? Had it heard her reply? God, Belle didn’t know, and she needed to talk to Torvi and Bowyn, then the Elves and dip after these stupid dances.

”And I need you to keep things on the down low, okay? Is Baraian here and is he okay?” Belle didn’t want to worry or trouble the vulpine further, so she kept what was happening to herself. She managed to catch Elleta’s gaze and stared at her piercingly to alert the woman that something was wrong. She glanced at her with concern as her expression changed, then turned back to her partner. Belle turned away and went back to Kuroi and awaited his reply. Her stomach was churning, but she was in control of her emotions. Belle took a deep breath and waited.

The vulpine stayed silent as he began to dance around with her, listening to her words as he looked down at her with a rather cold expression. Once he had finished and a few minutes had passed, Kuroi spoke, “I am aware your intentions were noble...yet your intentions did more harm than good, to me at least. There is little to nothing you can do for me, all I can do now is clear my name by being open about my presence here. If the governor or any of his lackeys attempt to take me, then I’ll give them a proper reason to put me in jail.” He snarled, gritting his teeth angrily.“Regardless, I am here merely to enjoy myself as best as possible...until the guards get called, that is.”

He spent the rest of his time in silence, dancing with Belle until she spoke up, or until he was called upon by the guards. Whichever came first, Kuroi was already ready to fight if needed to. He already had an assortment of weapons hiding under his garbs ready to be used at any moment. Something told him that tonight would be a hard night to swallow, be it if he was suddenly spotted by the governor or just by this encounter alone.

Belle listened to Kuroi and withheld a sigh. She understood his anger and needed a name cleared. It was something she had fought for after the Hunter’s gang had nearly murdered her. So, part of her could sympathize with the vulpine. However, she could not handle pointless conversations. This would go nowhere and it was proven when he became silent. With a sigh, Belle broke away from Kuroi after a few moments.

”Then I wish you the best of luck. Should you need any assistance, you know where to find us. I have faith you will achieve your goal.” She strode away and began trying to find Torvi and Bowyn. She needed to tell them about the demon speaking to her in her mind. As she joined Torvi, she eyed the crowd for anyone who might be suspicious.

Once Belle broke apart from her, Kuroi offered a deep bow before turning his back on her and moving elsewhere to give himself some time alone. He grabbed a drink from one of the servants and took a seat at the edge of the room, crossing his legs as his eyes watched the various races dance with one another. Taking a sip from his alcoholic refreshment, he couldn’t help but ponder about what the two women had said to him. How peculiar that both of them happened to be humans. Were the gods mocking Kuroi? Or were they trying to communicate something to him.

Despite his mildly feminine aesthetic, the vulpine definitely needed a woman’s touch to ponder over the events that had just happened in his life. It helped to view these issues from someone arguably in worse of a position than he was. Regardless, Kuroi drank his alcohol as he pondered on what to do. Eventually, his eyes fell upon the governor who was barely within his gaze.

Everyone knew how dangerous an angry fox could be.

Time: Sunset
Location: Art Exhibit --> University Parking Lot
Interactions: @helo - Elias, @princess - Angel
Mentions: @funnyGuy - Sean; @Tae - Sorrel; @Ithradine- - Volfango

Shay watched as the fedora man came over to her and yelled at the red haired warrior to ease up. When the woman released her wrist, Shay pulled her arms back and covered her legs with them and glowered. She stared at the woman begging her to inform her of where Alexander’s clan was and managed to snicker. This girl, was she really thinking she could take them on alone? She was clearly part of operation humanity, but why was she indicating to go alone? Shay shook her head at her as she struggled to stand up. Black dots danced across her vision and she swore she saw her mother before her, scolding her for using dark magic. It only caused her heart to shatter more.

The warrior’s voice echoed in her mind; meet you up front, black Toyota… Shay had played this game before. Meeting someone, or going with a stranger, had been the end of her. And who was to say after she gave the information, they wouldn’t just kill her? No. She wasn’t going to die after giving it up. She didn’t know anymore. The exhaustion and strain of her light and dark magic was beginning to take its toll. Her patience was waning thin as she flinched at the sudden howling. Shay glared at the wolves, but also couldn’t help but marvel at them. What an interesting way to live; half human, half werewolf. She didn’t know where else to go but this girl’s fucking car and hell was breaking loose.

”Corium,” she whispered and disappeared from sight. She retrieved her painting then quickly made her way out of the school. The noise was causing her flashbacks to her 21st birthday; yells, screams and cries; gunshots echoing. Shay felt tears streaming down her face as she made it outside. Her breathing was quick and rapid, and she felt an aching pain in her body as she moved. Unfortunately, fighting vampires usually resulted in pain, and due to the heat of it, she hadn’t noticed. Her mind raced as she watched small drops of blood hit the ground around her. She had injuries and blood was dripping from her head. Shay muttered a healing spell as she moved and continued forward.

Once she found this girls’ car, she hurried toward it and pressed her hand to her head. Shay watched as operation humanity pilled in and moved into the back of the car quickly. Once inside, she curled up into a ball with fear. She held onto her painting with her legs, refusing to let go of it. Then, she pressed her hands over her ears to help drown out the noise. At the moment, the past was mixing with reality and she couldn’t tell which was real. Shay trembled and began waiting for it to end. She whispered a silencing spell to help dispel the noise, unable to listen to it anymore. It cost her more energy, but she was willing to bear it if it meant she wouldn’t listen to the chaotic misery.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Corvina & Bowyn

Cora bit her lip as she listened to Bowyn speak. His discouraging words made her sink slightly into herself. Her smile faltered, as did the light in her eyes. It was a quick admission of guilt as she pulled up her impassive expression once more. She was afraid to admit it had been from Risa, and how she had met her Cora remained silent as she allowed him to speak his mind.. She did need to heed his advice though; she didn’t know this world, or who to follow. While she trusted and believed in Kenia and Malachi, she was wary of others. Those two had gone out of their way to protect Rei and her, while Risa could possibly thrust them into untold dangers. The actions of Princess Risa were indeed reckless and bold. She sighed quietly.

His next statements were enough to quelm her rising doubt and uncertainty. She was able to see the honesty in his words. He was quiet as not to allow anyone else to overhear. She could understand his point of view too. Through his words, she was able to decipher and pick up on his reluctance to join the rebellion. Something had to have happened to him in the past. She had seen his friends earlier and couldn’t help but wonder if they were elves or actually humans. His reluctance could have come from protection, and not just for himself and his bird. Once he finished speaking, she managed a gentle smile, but it wasn’t as bright as earlier.

”I regret to inform you that your previous statement is indeed true.” Cora stole a quick glance over to Risa, who was having quite the crowd. She turned and swallowed hard. She didn’t know what to think right now concerning the fairy. She sighed and looked at him. The friendliness and warmth was there now, as she remained open to the conversation. Despite the reluctance of agreeing, she has indeed made an acquaintance and she was happy for that. She thought about revealing herself to him but decided against it. It was best to keep the list of who knew her true identity to a minimum. Life could change rapidly, and sometimes friends could become enemies.

”I will keep your words in mind. Thank you, Bowyn. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and also your bird. I wish you the best of luck. If you do not come, I will understand.”

Bowyn nodded as she admitted what he’d suspected, her message had come from the princess that, he could only assume, reveled in the attention she was receiving tonight. It didn’t take much for Bowyn to realize he’d soured Cora’s mood a bit, and it tended to be a usual occurrence for those who spent too much time around him. At least she seemed to heed his warning some, though stealing the prospect of hope from others didn’t bring him any pleasure. He was, however, unsatisfied with her vague statements. He remained unsure of how deep into the rebellion she was or how well she actually knew Princess Risa or the fairy’s intentions. He still had his suspicions about Cora, suspecting his dance partner was yet another disguised human but, if she was, at least she had the sense to keep such things secret. He wasn’t interested in uncovering Cora’s personal secrets, but the larger questions he had; about who really led this rebellion and what their end goal truly was, those were the answers he needed.

“Was it Princess Risa who abducted all these humans? Ripping them away from their own lives for something as petty as regaining her crown?” Bowyn asked the question he most wanted to know in a voice so quiet it was almost inaudible. This was a dangerous topic, he understood that, but he needed to know who and why. “Because I have met humans, they are good people. They don’t deserve such a fate and I do not wish to see them suffer and die for nothing. I have little in the way of options for them. So, if this port is truly our best option, I will be there, but if you have any cause to doubt your information, or the source of it, I need to know. My kind are much less forgiving than most.” He continued with his quiet tone, though his words held the weight of his situation. He knew the dance was coming to its end, there wasn’t much time left for his answers and he wasn’t going to waste time trying to make more friends. If her information proved useful, they’d likely meet again anyway. If not that he didn’t need anymore attachments to strangers so willing to throw themselves into a lost cause. He needed to make sure before he tried to lead Torvi and Belle anywhere that it wasn’t on a fool’s errand.

Bowyn’s inquiry of Risa made her eyes widen. Shock and confusion rose. Aklenroth had brought them over, right? Why would the princess have done that? She frowned as she listened to him and furrowed her brows. She sighed and began to qulem her worries. Kenia and Malachi hadn’t lied to her; she trusted them. Cora’s sunny disposition was rising up once more. She wasn’t going to allow this fairy’s doubt to spoil her night, nor Rei’s absence. After a few deep breaths, Cora felt calmer again. She didn’t respond to Bowyn’s commentary and instead, chose to remain silent. She smiled as he mentioned having met other humans. While it was not confirmed, she couldn’t help but suspect his two light-elf companions were actually humans.

”The humans should be the top priority of being kept safe and out of harm's way. They did not ask to be here and were snatched from their world. That’s something both sides should take into consideration. Humans did not ask to be here.” Cora’s statement was bold, but honest. She wasn’t as angry as she had been previously about being here; though, some part of her felt resentment. While nobody would have been looking for her, she had truly disappeared - all the humans had. What was happening on Earth with all the sudden disappearances? These questions had been in the back of her mind, though she never gave them anymore birth. There wasn’t any answer, and it would only drive her nuts thinking about it. To her, this was ehr new life and second chance for her to do good. She had made plenty of mistakes in her life on Earth; both pre-Linnet and post-Linnet. She was determined to do better this time. Cora nodded to Bowyn to signal she understood.

”Thank you for the insightful dance, Bowyn. I would heed your own advice and allow you to make that decision for your humans and yourself. It seems that at some point, we’ll all be affected by the danger of the rebellion. Whether or not the risk is worth it, is up to you. I wish you the best of luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.” Cora winked at him and curtsied. Then, she stood up and began to follow her butterfly paper to her next partner. She caught sight of Malachi and Kenia. She kept an eye on them as she walked through the crowd and worked to keep her doubts at bay. She was going to feel awful if something happened to Bowyn and his friends. She wasn’t sure if she should have told him. Cora bit her lip and took a deep breath and thought to herself, ’Trust yourself Corvina, for you are your best asset.’

Bowyn studied her reaction, his question had surprised her and he knew she did not have the answers he sought. He was no closer to determining whether the location she had given him was a solid option or not, but for now it seemed the only option he had. All he could do was present it to Torvi and Belle and let them decide. “On that we agree.” He said as she spoke about the humans and their tragic circumstances. “Good luck to you as well. He added as his dance partner left him with more questions than answers. He could only hope his next encounter proved as useful though he doubted he was that lucky. In a room full of enemies and empty-headed aristocrats he doubted the odds were in his favor to be paired with another that held any insights or even a common goal. As much as he would have preferred to share what he had learned with his friends before the next dance, it seemed that there would be no break in between. So, Bowyn followed the enchanted paper towards his next partner and tried to bring back his earlier façade that he dropped. As with most things in his life he went in with little hope for the best and all the expectation of the worst.
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