Artemis & Cade
Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Artemis listened to Cade’s words intently, not allowing herself to skip a beat. She was silent as she pondered an appropriate answer. She didn’t want to commit to choosing a side, especially when she was staying at Aklenroth’s castle. Mentioning that, too, was off the plate. She decided to answer as honestly as possible, albeit leaving out the rest. ”I am sure you’ll become a great warrior, Cade. I sense the qualities it takes to become one inside of you already. I’d continue working hard on your skills. Most of all, don’t allow your nerve to be your undoing. I am confident you can make Avalia proud, especially your brother, who I can assume is smiling down at you proudly. And your comment on the food was spot on, and I am sure I will meet you at the feast soon enough after this nonsense dancing ends.”
Artemis smiled at him and slowed her dancing. She eyed the food again as fatigue began to creep in. The dancing was slow already, but she wanted to conserve energy for the next one, so she slowed down. She did not, however, show the weakness in front of Cade. She didn’t know how to properly explain it. Maybe she could say she was recovering from being sick? Yes, that would work - after years of abuse, it would make sense; although nobody would know that…
Artemis pasted a genuine smile upon her face as she awaited her partner’s answer. She briefly glanced around then continued to wait. Her hope for demis had been slim, but this feline was proving her doubts wrong. She smiled for a second, then quickly erased it. She had learned not to show emotions or allow herself to feel for years out of self-preservation and protection on Daka Island. So, the momentary feeling of joy was gone and then hidden the next. She was too afraid of someone taking her pure joy away from her. Too many times she had let her guard down and she would not let it happen again. Not when they were surrounded by the enemy and the godforsaken Lich-bitch.
Cade watched, and continued to dance, as Artemis seemed to study his words. He had no sense of fear that he had spoken his sentiment to the wrong person, as he believed her to be a creature of good intention. His trust in others had never let him down before, and so he simply waited for her reply. Once she did speak his tail flicked with joy to hear another believe he could accomplish his goals. To think of his brother watching over him with pride was not something he often thought of, but it was one that brought comfort. He often thought of the kind of cat Shadow had been, his sense of honor and bravery, and allowed those memories to inspire him. Cade had done very little while his brother still lived to be proud of, he’d been a selfish layabout of a cat, but as he really thought about it, he had little doubt that his brother would be proud even to see him try to do better. To hear such praise, from one who hardly knew him, was the exact sort of kindness that fueled his faith in others.
“Thank you, that is the finest compliment you could have given me.” Cade said, with a smile one only has when touched by another’s kindness. He paused for a while before he spoke again, letting himself enjoy this moment for a handful of seconds. “Your take on nerve is interesting though, it takes a great deal of it to become a warrior. I’m not sure I see how that would be my undoing. I have not yet known the glory of true battle, it is my lack of experience in such things that I worry of, and look to with excitement for all I have to learn.” Cade spoke easily of both his hopes and fears, his eyes shone brightly as he thought of the future, of learning to put all he’d trained for to good use.
Cade noticed her frequent glances towards the tables of food and nodded with understanding. His movements in their shared dance slowed to match hers. “It doesn’t take a great observer to see that you’d rather be eating right now. If you wish to end the nonsense dancing early to grab a snack, you’d find no objection from me. I made sure the food was my first stop upon arriving here, I mean, who really wants to dance with an empty stomach?” Cade offered with a lighter tone. It seemed a bit backwards to have such a display of food laid out, for it’s aroma to fill the room, and expect people to simply allow it to grow cold. There were very few quests he supported more, than one to stuff one’s own face after all.
Artemis smiled genuinely at Cade’s words as he took in her compliments. She remained quiet as she listened to him reply. To make someone feel good, had caused her mixed feelings. One was joy and pride. Instead of partaking in evil schemes and wrongdoings, she was not only doing good, but being good. Artemis had not been sure if she was capable of such an emotion after what she had been through. She was beginning to prove herself wrong - maybe she could be better. Still, self preservation had kicked in as well and was going to continue to guide her. She wanted to live, to be herself and enjoy freedom, yet her uncertainty and fear were mixed in as well. The more who knew her, who knew what she was, and associated her, were possibly in danger. She had escaped the black market and disgruntled a high-ranking and vindictive Dark Elf. Artemis hoped the master she was supposed to be serving had not attended.
As Cade commented on ending the nonsense dancing, she sighed with relief and nodded. Her stomach gave her away by growling. She pretended not to notice as she released herself from Cade’s grip and smiled broadly. ”That would be great, Cade. Thank you. Shall we go?” She gestured to the table and waited for him to accompany her. While people were beginning to slow their dancing and finish their chatter, she didn't want to be the first person to make a beeline to the food. She cleared her throat and waited somewhat impatiently, though outwardly she remained cool as a cucumber.
Cade had no qualms about being the first to start eating again, and grinned when Artemis agreed to his suggestion. ”Absolutely, I am always ready to eat.” He said, as he headed towards the table of food once more. He did, however, make sure he remembered to continue his attempts at properly using the provided silverware as he grabbed a few more of the varied meats to eat. He did manage to wait until Artemis had grabbed some food as well before he began eating, in his attempt to make it appear as if he had some semblance of table manners. ”I do hope our paths are destined to cross again, Artemis. I have greatly enjoyed your company.” He added as he noticed the dances around him begin to end; soon it would be time for them to find another dance partner.
Artemis grinned as she followed Cade to the food table. She began picking out as much as she could. She was eager to eat until she couldn’t anymore. She sat with Cade and began using the silverware as well. Part of her felt like being rebellious and eating with her hands, but resisted the urge. She smirked slightly as she watched him use the silverware. His words brought out another rare smile from her. ”I hope so too, Cade. I have truly enjoyed your company as well.” Artemis then continued eating. Part of her wondered if she would see him again and if so, what side would she be on? That was definitely something she would have to figure out eventually.