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Nicely done. You should look at princess' profile now!!!! ;)


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In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @Tae - Kenia ✦ @princess - Malachi ✦ @Helo Bowyn

Mention Torvi & Belle

Coras had been staring at Risa with a mixture of admiration and fear. How would this young woman survive the night? She would surely attract the wrong attention. She shook her head, unable to fathom the bravery. She bit her lip and didn’t comment. She wasn’t sure what to say or do. There was so little she knew about the fairy, anyway. She showed Malachi her papers as well and grinned. Who would she dance with? What were they going to be? Cora saw so many different species, she was astounded. Fairies, elves, demons, orcs; almost everything. Her mind wandered briefly to Rei and then pushed him back out of her mind. She couldn’t risk being upset right now and spoil the moment. She had to focus on finding allies.

That’s when a loud voice boomed through the ballroom, indicating dancing would begin. She watched with wide eyes as the papers transformed into butterflies. She inhaled sharply and turned to Malachi and Kenia with surprise and quickly became impassive afterwards. ”I will see you later. Let’s meet back here after the dances. See you soon!” She began to follow it. She didn’t know how she liked being away from the Elves. Right now though, she needed to relax. She took several deep breaths and remained impassive. Once she finished following the butterfly, she found herself looking up at a tall, blonde fairy. He was unlike any other fairy she had seen: blonde and pale. The other fairies she had seen were much different. She quickly broke eye contact and glanced at the table. She noticed he sat with two female Light Elves, both blonde. The one was rather short, however, while the other was much taller. Neither of them looked friendly but maybe it was because they hated dances. She couldn’t blame them. Cora noted them anyway, in case they were all allies.

Realizing she may have been rude, she cleared her throat and smiled sweetly. ”Hi, you must be my dance partner. It’s nice to meet you.” She waited for his next move. She wasn’t sure what to say or do; did she introduce herself? Did she risk exposure? The Earth mannerisms were dying, it come out but logic was filling her mind. She had to be patient, calm and collected, as if nothing was new to her. As she waited, she began to replay the memory of dancing in her mind’s eye as she waited. She chewed her lip, but held her head up high and smiled sweetly.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Grand Ball
Interaction: @Tae - Torvi, @helo - Bowyn

Belle sighed as she stared at the paper in her hands. Balls included dancing, but she had been hoping to avoid it. She didn’t know who the Light Elf was on the balcony addressing them. Belle had listened to his words, though she couldn’t help but wonder who he was. Next, she had turned to see Terneus enter. She remained impassive, but noted the cut on his face. Belle could have guessed who had given him it, but wasn’t certain. She’d have to ask Kuroi and or Baraian later. Speaking of them, where were they?

Her attention turned to an elf handing them slips of paper with a number on it for their dance partner. She scowled and caused at him, which in turn caused the elf to scurry. She turned to Torvi and Bowyn, nodding at his offer. ”Yes please, I'll take water. Thank you.” Then, she turned to Torvi and pointed to the back of the room. There were a variety of empty tables. One of the tables was occupied by two demihumans, but theirs was far enough away. Belle knew at some point, she would have to socialize to find allies and it made her groan. ’Found one.” she gestured and began walking towards it. Her heels clicked quietly against the ground and she couldn’t help but feel a few stares. Most of these elves were taller than her, but perhaps she could lie and say she much younger and hadn't reached her growth spurt yet.

As she approached the table, she glanced over her shoulder upon hearing a stream of whispers. A fairy with pink hair entered wearing an elaborate dress. She stared at her and couldn’t help but stare. Whoever this woman was she had gathered quite a bit of attention. She glanced at Torvi and shrugged. ”Do you know who she is?” Belle whispered as she sat down at the table. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Rosemary and Elleta hovering nearby, which in turn caused Belle to scowl. 'I don’t need a fucking babysitter,' Belle thought dryly and regretted not asking for mead. She wished she had her gun so she could shoot herself and get out of this ball. The opportunity to find allies was tempting though, which was the only silver lining of the evening. All the wealth had caused her stomach to churn. It reminded her of how she turned to thievery in her childhood to eat and join the gang (The Hunters) to survive. She scowled deeply. All the wealth in the world, yet undistributed. Avalia wasn't too different from Earth in that sense.

She sighed again and watched the dance and began wondering who the hell she’d dance with and how long it would take. She turned to Torvi. "I'm glad to have your company, by the way." She offered a rare smile and fell silent. Belle surveyed the dance floor, occasionally glancing at Terneus and then to Ilan and Regulus. She tapped her fingers on the table and remained outwardly collected and calm. Regulus was masked, so at least he wasn't’ entirely recognizable. There were all sorts of creatures here, so it made it easier to blend it. She swallowed hard. She needed to protect herself, but they had helped her. God, she hated this. It was much easier to feel numb than it was to care. The more you cared, the more you had to lose...

Belle rubbed her temples, then folded her hands. She was going to shut off her emotions for the rest of the evening and focus on her comrades. It would be easier if she could hide in the hoods with Bowyn and Torvi and forget the rebellion. But what would that make her? It would make her a coward and Gaia, the Hunters leader, hadn’t raised a coward. Calculating, selfish and ruthless; but definitely not a coward. So then why was she so afraid? Running away would only temporarily rid herself of the responsibility.. She yearned to tune out the aching throb in her chest and drown out her stress with mead. If she could only refill it herself, she wouldn’t need to get up and possibly socialize. Belle sighed quietly once more and awaited Torvi’s reply.

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @Tae - Kenia ✦ @princess - Malachi ✦ @Inertia Rei

Ambience: Prom Queen

Cora had been excited upon the day of the ball. Dances always excited her, even from a young age. There was something about the art of dancing and being in these situations that comforted her. Being on stage, regardless of her status, was a place of comfort. From a young age she had been performing; be it ballet, gymnastics or her passion, ice skating. The dreaded feeling of bouncing around homes, finding and leaving families, would melt away. She had been ten years old when Linnet’s family had adopted her.

By that time, Cora’s drive and ambition to perform hadn’t been sated and they could sense it. They enrolled her in as much as they could while she studied and watched as she blossomed into a talented young lady. She had found herself at rivalry with her foster sister, however. While Linnet had a loving and doting family, she was not as talented as Cora. She won beauty pageants, dancing competitions and ballet. She had finally convinced her adoptive parents to enrol her into ice skating. From there, Cora’s childhood took off at a rapid pace with skating. Her dream had then blossomed into becoming an Olympic figure skater. This was something Linnet became jealous of and resented her for as they grew up.

The last straw, however, had been Cora befriending Gale: the equally talented and tall ice skater with creamy brown eyes and blonde hair. Their bond was remarkable, surprising everyone who had thought Linnet and Gale would have become best friends. Flash forward to high school senior year, and the two had become the “it” couple. Cora, the Olympic hopeful valedictorian alongside Gale, the equally talented and athletic individual. That prom night, they had been crowned Prom Queen and King unanimously. Nothing had upset Linnet more than watching these two who were destined to become great.

Cora’s mind was not focused anymore on the Inn. No, she was back in her high school, arm-in-arm with Gale. It had also been a masquerade dance and the two had coordinated their outfits together. Both were silver and blue, their favorite colors. The two were expected and catered to practically; surrounded by friends. She had been the happiest there; in the following weeks, their athlete applications had been filled for a prestigious school near the stadium. Everything was perfect… until May.

Cora stared at her reflection as Kenia finished her hair. She beamed and twirled around in her dress. Cora had been delighted when she found it and rather excited to find a matching mask as well. She sighed and tried remembering she was a different person now. She was a rebel now, hiding among Elves and attending a ball. It would be littered with good and bad citizens as well. She had no idea how to feel or prepare, other than nervous and excited mingled together. Cora could sense Kenia was sad but was trying not to show it. The woman’s story about her children was no doubt in her mind. Cora herself wanted nothing more than justice for her. She wondered what Malachi’s story would be and if it was equally tragic. Her heart ached for her Elven ‘parents’.

Finally ready to go, they arrived at the ball soon after getting ready. Rei was staying behind, which dampened her mood. She felt anxiety and worry leaving him but they couldn’t change his mind. She knew he could defend himself however, so it comforted her. As they entered the ball, Kenia looped her arm through her’s and she grinned. With her head high, she held Kenia’s arm back. They were given numbers after entering the ball and coming inside. Cora sighed and stuck them in her dress pocket. Her boots clicked quietly on the floor as Kenia directed them towards Malachi. She beamed when she saw him and giggled at Kenia’s comments. She couldn’t help but quickly hug him. She had been relieved to see him and that nothing had happened while he had been here. She turned to look over to see Terneus and snickered derisively under her breath. Oh joy,[ Cora thought with an eye roll as she turned back to the Elves to await their next move or decision.

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @FunnyGuy Darius @13org Myra
@Eviledd1984 - O’Ner

Artemis lounged on the chair with her feet up as she surveyed the residents entering the hall. Her gaze flickered over the Elves entering. With disgust in her eyes, she scowled as the governor light elf entered. She despised the rich and wealthy who trampled over the less fortunate. As her scowl deepened, she turned to watch Airdan leave and sighed with relief. Upon noticing Darius’ disappointment, she kept her comments to herself and bid him goodbye with a stiff nod. Her attention turned to O’Ner. She smirked at his disguise and chuckled.

His offer to buy her a drink made her bite her tongue. While she didn’t trust people to do anything or bring her stuff without it possibly being tainted, she knew she had to conserve energy. There was going to be a point tonight she'd have to dip her feet in the fountain or pond outside to recharge. The traveling had fatigued her. Besides that, she was healing form years of abuse, torture, and starvation. When she told Darius, she knew she'd have to be careful with the details. So with a heavy sigh, she replied, ”Yes, I would love some food and water. And please, don’t be shy with the food. I have a lot of catching up to do.” Her stomach growled in concurrence. She sighed and resented not being able to grab it herself.

Her attention turned to Myra, who was peering at O’Ner with a quizzical expression. She smirked as she watched the encounter, chuckling. The demoness was too adorable. After Myra sniffed the air and figured out who he was, she settled back down. Artemis chuckled and rested her head on her folded palms to survey the others. Her gaze landed on Darius as she grinned. ”So, what do you think?”
Here's my witch. :)

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Elleta's Residence ---> Roshmi Grand Ball
Mention: @FunnyGuy - Umber
Interaction: @Tae - Torvi | @helo - Bowyn | @dreamingflowers - Ilan

Bella turned to Toriv and Bowyn and chuckled. Boreas looked so adorable that Belle had to struggle to remain nonchalant. ”You clean up well, Frosty.” She shuddered at the mention of the moth fairy and scowled. ”Gross. I’m moving on from that comment.” She turned to Torvi and nodded in regards to her comments regarding magic. While Bell hadn’t grown up the same way, she was too used to her gun and missed it. Hell, even a baseball bat would help her feel more comfortable. She could kill to go back to Earth and grab her gun and return. She sighed in dismay.

The sound of clicking filled her ears and she turned to watch Rosemary and Elleta walking down the staircase together, laughing about something. Belle watched them with surprise. She had been used to them being in rebel clothing that she hadn’t expected their extravagant outfits. Rosemary wore a light pink long-sleeve dress with pink heels. Her usual blonde bun was now laying around her in ringlets. Elleta, on the other hand, wore a sparkly grey dress with frills and mid length sleeves. Her hair was in a bun and she wore a gold headpiece. Both women had on black masks with gold lace around it. As she watched them approach their trio, she noticed a gold bracelet on Rosemary's arm as well. It took a second for it to click, then when she realized it, smirked. ”Nice outfits.” Belle told them with a smile as they approached them.

”Thanks. Same for you.” Elleta eyed her and looked to Rosemary, who seemed to be communicating telepathically with her. Belle watched, eyebrows raised, as Rosemary nodded. She then gestured for Bowyn and Torvi to follow her outside where a horse drawn carriage was waiting.

”There’s a carriage outside. Please follow,” Rosemary addressed them and left swiftly. Belle bit her lip, knowing whatever was happening next, had to do with the Golden Death. They weren’t sure if they wanted to expose Belle yet, so they wanted it to be private.

”I have something for you, too.” Belle swallowed hard and watched as Elle disappeared into the bathroom, then returned, carrying a gold necklace. Bellea watched with surprise, then swallowed hard. She wasn’t a fan of wearing necklaces. She sighed though and remained silent. ”I know what you’re thinking.” Elleta paused and looked at Belle. ”I sense your frustration and anxiety. This is to help us pick one another out in the crowd.” Another pause, then Elleta adjusted her mask properly on her face. She sighed as she added a gold bird pin to Belle’s mask. Belle stood there silently, knowing it was best to remain silent. She was happy to at least have a bird related theme to her ensemble, despite not coordinating with her initial ensemble.

”And the necklace I am providing you was my mother’s. She was killed by Aklenroth’s army many years ago when protesting the injustice. Not only did my mother die, but they sought to slaughter my entire family. I was hiding among the Golden Death for years until I finally resurfaced many years ago. I am an old woman, Bell, but I am not a fool. I know you’re struggling deep down and I’m sorry if this added more pressure to you - but we can’t lose you. You’re the leader and our friend.”

Belladonna remained silent and nodded. This was true. She also felt touched that Elleta was entrusting her with her mother’s necklace. The Elven women’s words radiated a warmth through her that she wasn’t used to feeling. What the hell was she feeling? Belle had no idea and it perplexed her. It had been too long since someone had been that sweet and loving to her. She didn’t know how to act or what to say, so she kept it simple. ”Thank you, Ell. I appreciate it. I won’t leave you guys.” The words held conviction, but the emotion wasn’t sound. Elleta studied her and then pulled her into a gentle hug. Belle stared with shock, frozen for a moment; then reality kicked in and she hugged the taller elf back.

”Come on. Let’s go.” Elleta’s warmth remained, but the seriousness the elf carried with her, had returned. Belle nodded and followed her to the carriage where they joined Bowyn, Torvi and Rosemary. The ride was silent from then on. Belle didn’t know what to say or how to act. She was choked up on the inside and felt as if her airway might close. Her eyes were frozen on the scenery outside, not looking at one another. This woman was risking everything to protect and train her. Hell, the entire Golden Death was placing their trust and hope upon her. The weight on her shoulders could have crushed an elephant.

Once at the Ball, the carriage was drawn away to a safe spot after everyone had exited it. Belle stared with awe at the hall, unable to tear her gaze from it. Elleta took her arm to pull her away so as not to look suspicious. Bell snapped her attention from it and glanced at Torvi with wide eyes. She wanted to see the reaction she held as well. While she remained impassive, the awe had been there briefly. Now, she wiped the astonishment from her expression and took a deep breath. Time to be an Elf and not a human, she thought. It would be easier for her to act disgruntled by the humans and appear as if they were beneath her. It was all she could think of to do to blend in at the moment. All she could do was think of Katniss Everdeen and sighed once more.

Their party arrived at the door and were greeted by an older light elf. Belle stared at him then away with a sigh. What the hell was she supposed to do? The Elves couldn’t have prepared her for this. She tore her gaze away finally and stared at the inside as they made it inside the hall. Belle paused with awe in her eyes. ”Magnifique,” She whispered under her breath. Belle had never seen anything so beautiful and grand in her life. No, she was used to her rundown neighborhoods. Lysandra… Lysandra would have loved this building.

For a moment, heartbreak filled her. The woman was an architect junky. A brief second and Bell was back in the living room, settling down to watch the movie. Brief anger rose inside of her as the reality sunk inside. Now instead of a delinquent, she was a rebel leader masquerading as an Elf with suffocating pressure on her. Her anxiety was beginning to crawl back up. Bell shook her head to settle her emotions down and took several deep breaths. She forced herself to look away, then turn to the Avalians as Elleta went to speak.

”Please find a table and settle down by it. I suggest going near the back or middle to be safe. Stay calm, quiet, and be cautious.” Elleta patted her head gently and moved away with Rosemary to begin looking around. The women seemed to be focusing on some other guests who had already arrived. As Belle watched them leave, her eyes trailed to the front where she saw Ilan and Regulus. She smiled and ducked her head so that nobody would see. She recognized Morgayne flying over to them and handing him a large mask to cover his face. They seemed safe and sound. A wave of relief washed over her. Later she would have to go greet them - but for now, she'd listen to Elleta's instructions. She turned away and looked at Bowyn and Torvi.

"So, where shall we go?" she inquired, allowing them to choose.
I posted Charlotte. She is after Funny Guy's post.
I finished my CS. :)

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