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In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Dusk
Location: Edena
Interaction: @FunnyGuy Darius @13org Myra

Artemis had beamed at Darius’ reaction. She had kept her gaze pointed towards her friends however her eyes had been on Airdan. There was an aura round him that she could not shake. While she naturally distrusted Elves, something in her gut told her something was off about him. Artemis decided she would keep an eye on him though, making sure to note anything suspicious. No matter; tonight was not the night for it. This was her first chance back in Roshmi and she was going to enjoy herself. She turned to watch Darius take out the memory glass. She smiled faintly, having not seen one for what felt like a decade. She wiped her eyes, pretending it had been something else. Her heart ached for familiarity in her life, but it would never go back to how it used to be. She wasn’t positive she could find herself to be happy again. However, this pair were beginning to aid her in that process.

At the same time Darius mentioned celebrating with meat, he pulled the memory glass out. His words caused her to grin and playfully kiss Darius on the cheek while hugging Myra and him to her. She let go after the picture, giggling and waiting to see Darius’ reaction. She pulled away and leaned her back against the Amora with a grin. She appreciated the human's kindness and helpfulness. Not to mention, his delightfully goofy personality. Myra, too, was a delight to hangout with. She truly hoped nothing bad would happen to them. The demoness hopping up and down was the cutest thing she had seen in quite awhile. For now, she would allow sparkles of her old personality to shine through and maybe, just maybe, find the happiness she had missed.

For now, her guard would slip down just enough to have fun, but not enough to where she couldn't defend herself. She bit her lip and glanced at Darius now, keeping an eye on Airdan. She needed to tell Darius the nature and origin of her species and power. What she wouldn't talk about yet was being a slave. Those memories were harder to come to terms with and discuss. The amount of abuse she had suffered would surely throw this human over the top. She knew he might ask, yet she was hoping he wouldn’t. One look at her was descriptive enough. Tonight was a night she was hoping to have fun and be herself at, but this damn elf was her nerves, simply by chaperoning them. She sighed quietly and pushed it out of her mind.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: 4pm
Location: Amora, headed to Roshmi
Mention: @Tae Azriel @Alivefalling Aklenroth @Eviledd1984 O'Ner

Interaction: @FunnyGuy Darius @13org Myra

The past two days were interesting to say the least. Artemis had been able to eat what she wanted whenever she was hungry. Since she had been starving the past few weeks, it had been difficult to hold back from eating too much. Her energy level was improving gradually, and the color was returning to her skin. She had strayed from the room often. The Garden of Edena had been her favorite spot. Despite the warnings, she had sat in the pond frequently, or the tub. It had become her favorite spot to sink in the water and let go of her stress. Though she hated being on Daka, her newfound freedom was hard for her not to take advantage of. She wasn’t letting anyone tell her what to do or where she couldn’t go, though she remained cautious. She had been sneaking around the castle as well, though she made sure not go anywhere too forbidden. Her mind had been searching for something that wasn’t quite there. Her mind had raced frequently regarding it, however she managed to push it away. Right now, she had to take care of herself. Who knew if it was true, anyways? The Dark Elves had manipulated and toyed with her mind often.

Instead of focusing on the past, Artemis had started to focused herself on regaining her health and to assess her reflection when possible. Her hair was starting to grow thicker. Her scales on her legs when on land were glistening more now. She was finally free and was starting to reflect her joy outwards. She ahd been laughing with Darius carrying her around too, since her strength was still low. Her ability to move was impaired still, and she was thankful for the human's help.

When they had to meet Aklenroth’s forces, she had been subdued and quiet. Artemis' expression was stoic and impassive, and her arms folded. The floating Demon didn’t scare her, though she knew the other two weren’t thrilled with it. She had been around demons often. However, the female Wraith was off putting and kept her distance from her. Aklenroth’s General, O’Ner, despite being an Undead, didn't faze her. For her, it was another day on Daka being surrounded by evil. However, her eyes had been glued to Aklenroth, unafraid of staring him down. Artemis had only let her gaze move away to keep an eye on the Wraiths. She didn't trust them. Once they had been dismissed, Artemis let out a relieved sigh and stalked out rather quickly. She had taken the time to unwind again in the tub and regain more stamina.

It was to her dissatisfaction that this damn Elf would be staying with her group and mentoring Darius. When they were in the Moon Elf Kingdom, Artemis had been bristling with both relief and tension. She had been glaring at the Elves as she followed them. With her dress covering her legs, it was hard to tell what species she was exactly. Her ears were round like a human’s, though she didn’t display any human characteristics. She had given off a haughty aura, smirking at the Elves recoiling from Darius and Myra. When they were in the shop, Artemis had taken her time to find something that suited her. A rare smile had painted her lips. She had also found a hairpiece to match it. When it was time to leave, she wished to stay, but decided it was better to be on Daka than with these lonesome, filthy Elves.

Day Of the Ball

Finally on the Amora, Artemis was finally letting go of her tension. She lounged on the seat she was on, admiring her reflection. Her dress and mask were something to marvel over. She hadn’t partaken in anything fancy in years. Artemis had removed her mask a few times to admire it, too. She couldn’t remember the last time she had owned anything that was her’s. She swished the dress and beamed over the sparkling beads on it. To Artemis, it reminded her of the stars in the sky at night. She loved how it covered her scales, too. While Artemis wasn’t afraid of anyone, she wasn’t going to advertise being a mermaid. What if the slave captors were at the ball, or black marketers? She would be damned if she ended back in that hellhole. Right now, she was unrecognizable. Instead o her hair matted and tangled, it was combed out and in a simple up-do. The the longer layers were pulled back with a fancy headpiece. Artemis had gasped when she found it and beamed with excitement. How she adored swimming in the ocean, underneath the stars. The reflections over it on the sea had been one of her happiest place. She hoped she would be able to swim freely soon, but there wasn't an ocean on Daka...

Her attention turned to the group. She watched their interaction and had been silent. However, when Airdan spoke of her being a slave, she had emitted a low, menacing growl. As if she would appear as their slave or anything akin to it. Artemis shook her head at him and turned to face Darius and Myra. She had been about to speak, commenting on how cute Myra and Darius would appear as a demon couple, when Myra repeated the word ‘couple’. Artemis stared at her, wide-eyed. Was it her imagination, or had Myra actually spoken? Her shock quickly turned to excitement.

”Myra, oh my goodness! You spoke your first word!” She hugged the demoness gently with a grin that spread from ear-to-ear. ”You have a beautiful voice, honey, and I’m glad we were able to hear it. I am really proud of you.” She fell silent to allow Darius to react. She didn’t want to intervene in the explanation. Artemis fixed her dress over her legs more so and kept an eye on Airdan while watching her friends. The smile hadn’t left her face. Her brown eyes were shining with joy for the first time with company in awhile. For the first time, she was beginning to feel peace and tranquility. It was odd for her to call someone friend, but she knew she could trust these two. Their kindness was a debt she would never stop repaying them, especially for saving her from dying in the forest.

While she waited, she glanced outside the amora windows and grinned down at the city. Finally, she addressed Darius with a grin. ”See for yourself, Darius, the beautiful city below you is a sight to behold.” Artemis felt her heart break at a few memories she had of being in Roshmi and let out a deep, mournful sigh. Her mind raced, dashing her smile ever so faintly. Would it be a joy to be back? Would she find any old acquaintances? Artemis sighed. She hope that her past wouldn't come back to haunt her. She wanted to enjoy the ball. Tonight would definitely be interesting, too: she knew Aklenroth had something up his sleeves. Artemis tried to qualm her racing mind and focus on the present, but her nerves were starting to creep up. She clenched her fists and turned to Darius and Myra once more, trying to continue enjoy their company.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Ball Summary ----> 4pm Ball day
Location: Roshimi City ----> Elleta's Residence
Interaction: @Tae - Torvi, @helo - Bowyn


After the encounter with the creepy stranger, Belle had returned to her normal and less mean side of herself. She had been about to speak when Elleta had pipped in and said they were staying at her house. Belle hadn’t spoken, out of fear of giving her away. So, after Torvi and Bowyn agreed to come stay the night (because who knew if the creep would show up again?) and gathered their belongings, the quartet headed to her house. The woman had laughed at his childish remarks after he had left. Belle was silent now, her temper slightly flared. She sighed and tried to shake it off. The day had been long as hell, and she was anxious to head to bed. She couldn’t help but wonder about Kuroi, Ilan, Baraian and the others. Were they safe and had they headed back to Ra-Monde? She bit her lip and remained quiet. Elleta, despite being tired, had used light magic to conceal their group and their pathway to her home.

Once they were at Elleta’s house, which was in the richer area of Roshmi, they found Rosemary (who had ducked out when the creeper had as to ensure they were safe to head back to Elle’s) and Morgayne hanging out on the couch. To Belle’s relief, some of her clothes and ball dress and mask had been brought too. She managed a delighted smile, trying not to show any surprise. Morgayne gave her a thumbs up, and Belle couldn’t help but hug them both. She couldn’t understand why she had been so concerned and decided to ignore it for now. ”Bowyn, Torvi and Boreas; this is Morgayne, also known as Morg and Rosemary. They are not threatening at all. They’re friends of ours and they will do everything they can to help, and protect you, before and during the ball and afterwards if you should so choose. Rosemary and I can teach you both the elves customs and dances, and also their stupid traditions tomorrow. There are guest rooms at the right of the hallway that you both are free to use.” Elle finished speaking and came to hug both of her friends, then headed up the stairs to her room.

After chatting with Rosemary and Morgayne in code, they assured her that no one had been in trouble. She sighed in relief, but bit her lip when they said they couldn't find the others. Morg saw her concern and assured her they were most likely going to be at the ball. Regulus, on the other hand, might remain at Ra Monde but she wasn’t certain. Belle thanked them for the tidbit then changed into her night clothes. She was staring at the bathroom with surprise and awe. The world kept taking her by surprise. What was scaring her more was how she was beginning to feel what felt like concern and worry for others. She had been too used to feeling cold and distant toward others that she wasn’t sure what to do. Belle scowled at the wall and headed out impassively passed the group and into her room. She had made sure to say goodnight to Torvi and Bowyn as well prior to stalking off to her room.

Ball Preparation - Elleta's Residence

The next morning, Belle was woken up after a restful nights’ sleep. Elleta and Rosemary had prepared food for everyone while Morgayne had gone out to hunt for others. She returned without news once more, though she assured a worried Belle it would be okay once more. She said nothing to the fairy, who had also noted in a quiet voice that “everyone knew they were all-right and are looking forward to seeing her at the ball”. Belle thanked her this time for the information, but her temper flared briefly and caused the sink to spout out water. Luckily, the Elves hadn’t noticed, and Morgayne had been busy eating her food. The thought of being the rebel leader crawled back into her mind which began to ache. The pressure upon her was gnawing at her inside. She chose not to say anything, and began to clean up the mess she had caused.

Afterwards, Belle trained with Elleta and Rosemary because these Elves didn’t take days off. They invited Torvi to join as well, and worked with the girls on their magic. They showed them defensive and offensive strategies and focused on ways to shield themselves. Afterwards, they practiced more with knives and weaponry, much to Belle’s delight. They had discovered Torvi’s nature, which Belle found incredible. A viking? That was amazing! She was in awe of her friend. Belle grinned at Torvi with genuine joy in her eyes. They quit training afterwards, not wanting to exhaust the humans. They made sure to prep Belle and Torvi, and also Bowyn if he had accepted their help. They showed the girls the customs, proper dancing, and also their mannerisms. Elleta had snicked when she showed them, obviously not one for tradition. She also warned them of the danger that posed and who to watch out for; this seemed plain to them but Belle couldn’t help but appreciate it.

Now, as Belle stared at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn’t help but imagine. What if the Gang hadn’t tried killing her? What if she hadn’t testified? Would she be here?” She couldn’t help but snicker at the way her life had gone. One day she was a gang member and leader, then a delinquent and then rebel, hiding from the gang. She shook her head and began to braid her hair while looking out for the others. The dress was beautiful; though she wasn't sure how she felt walking around in it. What if something happened and they needed to flee? The heels would have to either go or be used as a weapon if anything. And her magic...

She glanced at the dress and tights once more, then back up. What's wrong with being confident? Come on, Bells... She heard Embry's voice in her head and gritted her teeth, though the words helped. With a deep sigh, Belle smirked at her reflection. She then put on her mask and strode out of the bathroom with confidence. Her mind briefly wandered to the fate of Kuroi, Ilan, Baraian and Regulus. The Golden Death too, had been informed of her safety thanks to Morgayne. The sudden thought caused her stomach to churn and her mind to begin running frantically for any shred of hope and peace. The Golden Death would be looking for her and guarding her. She gritted her teeth and cast it out of her mind for now. She was clinging to the 'normalcy' of the past day still.

"Torvi, Bowyn - are you ready?" Belladonna called. She began to look for the others and heard the Elves and forest fairy upstairs, so she sat in the living room to wait for Torvi and Bowyn
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Darius & Artemis

Time: Night
Location: Edena
Interaction: @13org Myra | @FunnyGuy Darius

Artemis could only stare at Darius with wide eyes. The poor boy was being hoodwinked by these devils here. She stared at his eyes then his hair. As he tried reassuring Myra, she pursed her lips. His voice was panic stricken but he was trying to hide it for their sake, especially Myra’s. He kept referring to a “it,” and a “crystal” he had crushed to “give him a weapon”. Whatever weapon it was, it was not a friend to Darius. She stood up and smoothed her dress down. Arms folded and impassive, she stared at Darius. Skepticism was boiling inside of her but she needed to be calm for him. He was being possessed by something, but what? She didn’t know for certain, but being on Daka had taught her enough about the dark side of the magic in Avalia. She knew it wouldn’t bode well for him. His best interests weren't in the king’s hands. She bit her lip and felt a surge of fury. The only person she had found who seemed genuinely good-nature, was being turned into a weapon to be used against the rebellion.

”I’m sorry, what are you talking about?” She would start out small and draw out details from him. She was thinking of enchanting him to tell the truth if she had too. The protein she had eaten was giving her more energy and she was beginning to feel slightly better. Her happiness though, was dampened by whatever this human was talking about. ”What crystal are you talking about, and what are you seeing?” Her voice was calm and slightly enchanting, though she wasn’t focusing much on it. She went over to the sink when she felt slightly faint from rushing up so fast. Her body and mind were still recuperating from the past abuse she had suffered. She turned the water on and leaned her elbows into it to hydrate herself more. Then, she fixed her gaze on Darius and waited for the human to respond.

"It was small and red. It let me… it let me see some stuff that I still have mixed feelings about. I wish I hadn't seen what I saw, but I wouldn't still be here if I hadn't…" Darius could tell that Artemis may have known more than he did about the item, so he'd try to share more since it meant he wouldn't have to explain too much on his end. "Anyway, I have to speak to Aklenroth about why he would give me this thing before I agreed to remain in Avalia…" Darius moved towards Artemis by the sink and leaned against the wall beside her. "You seem bothered. If there's something you want to tell me, I'm all ears."

Artmeis looked at him and bit her lip. Crystals often contained dark magic, or even demons inside of them. She had seen many people with obedience gems, while others were consumed by the crystals. She had watched herself lose friends and even family from these horrible things. She sighed and rubbed her cheek with her hand with stress forming inside of her. When he finished talking, she spoke up. Artemis was going to be blunt and to the point. He needed to know the truth. They would likely punish her and it scared her to death but she couldn't watch him go dark either. The humans weren’t supposed to be here and those fucking Elves brought them. God, she hated elves. Still, Darius had helped save her and she felt she owed him for saving her life.

”He did that so you would stay and become his weapon, or for lack of a better word, tool.” She stared him in the eye with sympathy now. Her heart felt like shattering again. She didn’t have any luck. All she wanted was some peace and that wasn’t happening. This boy needed her help whether or not he wanted it or knew. ”He tricked you. Aklenroth didn’t want to lose you so he could use you against the rebellion. They are likely to have many humans of their own, so having one on his side would be in his best interests. He’s not interested in you; Aklenroth doesn’t care about anyone but himself. I’m telling you this because you need to stop while you're ahead and don’t let it consume you. It is clearly already changing you, judging by your hair, eyes and body. I have been on this island long enough to know what takes place here. Darius I know I just met you, but please take my word for it.”

Her eyes filled with sadness as she jumped onto the counter to feel more of the water along her arms. Despite her panic, the water was soothing her. She wanted nothing more than to take this boy and the cute demon away from this land of bullshit and have some peace and quiet. "Fuck…" Artemis had seemed to confirm some of his suspicions. He frowned before taking letting loose a sigh. "This is a lot you know?" He went over her words as he folded his arms at his chest. Concern flooded his face.

Artemis stared at him with a furrowed brow and pursed lips. While he didn’t seem to take it well, he did appear to believe her. The catch though would be helping him without getting herself killed. She sighed heavily and looked at the concern written on his face. ”I’m… I'm here for you.” Though it was awkward, Artemis opened her arms to try hugging him. It had been so long that she almost forgot how to hug someone. To her surprise he hugged her back. It was not a very affectionate hug as Darius seemed distracted by his thoughts. It was more so a reflex for him to hug her back. Fortunately for Artemis, the awkward gesture was quick and she was able to let her arms drop from him. Being kind wasn’t something she had done in years. Her heart was filled with coldness now, but the light that was Darius was shining through. Innocent people being hurt was something she hated to watch. However, she could care less about most of Avalia’s citizens. Only a few species or friends came to mind. Her cold heart couldn’t take losing someone else, especially someone who was genuinely good. Artemis could care less about the war and serving the lich bitch. It could all burn for all she cared, as long as her friends and loved ones were safe.

”I.. I am sorry about your circumstances… I think we should sneak out or catch an amora out of here and go to the city or south to keep us safe. It’s much nicer there and pleasant. You need to get that crystal thing out of you.. Someone in the city could probably help you because nobody here will care except Myra and us.” She was careful with what she said and kept her words calm and gentle. Her gaze didn’t leave Darius, though she scanned the room for security purposes as well. They were filled with sympathy and concern, which was something she hadn’t felt in years. It felt odd to her to feel it and she was slightly uncomfortable but trying her best for Darius.

"No…" Darius didn't even look Artemis in the eyes. His thoughts had jumped from moment to moment since stepping foot on Daka. Skar, Myra, Aklenroth, the crystal, the vault, Kol, Edena, Artemis… He shook his head as a way to assure that he agreed with his own answer. "Leaving seems easy when you say it, yeah, but that's throwing everything out the window to what? Making it out of the castle at best? Humans are wanted and Aklenroth is the only person with a way for all of us to get back home. They need someone who isn't just going to kill them for cash… amas I mean. And like it or not, that's me right now. People think Aklenroth is lying, but he was about to let me leave with no problem… Sure, he's not a good guy, I'm not stupid, but we both want the same thing. A human-free Avalia." Darius said plainly.

Artemis sighed as she listened to Darius. This boy... She rubbed her face again. She didn’t know if it was true that the lich bitch would have let him leave, scott free. There was always a catch with these situations. She turned to face him and leaned against the counter for balance. Artemis was starting to feel lightheaded from standing for so long. ”Your goal is to go home, which I think is admirable at best. You could, and I don’t want to say it, find the elves of the rebellion and ask them to take you home. Aklenroth doesn’t have the DROMS as far as I know but the rebel elves would. I don’t think he would have let you leave that easily. You’re a human and valuable in this world. I can see why you are choosing to stay here, since you would be hunted down and marked a traitor. But do keep what I said in mind, please. I am sure you are smart enough. I will also try helping you out."

Then, Artemis fell silent and studied him. The poor boy really thought he could help the humans. Most of them, were, if not already, sucked into the rebellion most likely. What if they wanted to stay or were kidnapped by the black market? Artemis massaged her temples. The ball would be a wonderful place for bloodshed and finding humans/allies. She didn’t know what to expect, but it would be a good start for Darius. She didn’t respond and avoided eye contact. How long would it be until Darius was no longer himself until ‘The Crystal’ consumed him? Artemis wondered what it would be like when, or if, Darius and or Myra, left. Thus, she’d be alone, but free to do whatever she wanted whenever she pleased. It sounded like a dream come true. She glanced over at Myra and then back away. For now she would stick with them. It was better to not get too attached anyway. Certainly being alone was what she preferred and used too….

She then moved to sit on the bed to appease Myra’s keen interest in it and sighed with relaxation. ”Myra love, this is amazing. You have great taste." Artemis then gradually pushed herself back up and moved to lay on the sofa. Her movements were cautious and slow, and her eyes kept darting around the room. "Also, Darius, I was wondering if I may use the tub, please? I need to be in more water. I'd like privacy." She kept a distance from them as well, unsure of what to do or say next. Would she wake up the next morning? Artemis sure hoped so. She didn’t trust anyone in this castle and wanted to leave as soon as possible. Hopefully they could catch an amora to Roshmi tomorrow and get the hell out of here!

Time: After Sunset
Location: Campgrounds
Interaction: @helo - Liam

Luna hadn’t slept well that night. Her mind was reeling from the past 24 hours. She could only dream of Vie-Et-Mort and the castle. Her eyes were teary in her sleep, and often she’d wake up and look around with confusion as to where she was. She kept thinking the vampires were going to find her and bring her back to that hell. Marceline had stayed with her and comforted her each time. The vet-wolf had reassured her that she was safe and with Liam’s pack. She had given Luna a sound machine to help draw out the noise in her head as well. Furthermore, Marcy had also hugged her and held her each time she woke up crying and helped her back to bed. Finally, after what felt like eternity, Luna had fallen asleep. She woke up a few hours later and found Marcy was cooking breakfast in the trailer. She was humming something that Luna couldn't quite understand. Luna’s purple eyes met Marcy’s soft, doe-brown eyes and the woman smiled pleasantly. ”Well good morning. How are you feeling?”

Luna stared at her and rubbed her eyes and managed a shrug. ”I’m alive,” Her voice was flat, although she tried to smile. Marcy nodded, able to understand what she was saying and trying not to say. She brought a plate over and set it down beside Luna and then brought over a folding table. She undid the table and set her plate back on it and smiled.

”I cooked you a nutritious breakfast. I hope you enjoy it. Also, if you need me, I will be in the kitchen." A knock outside startled Luna and she almost jumped through the roof. She clutched her knees with fear and tensed up. Marcy sniffed the air then smiled when she heard Lima’s voice. She had been halfway to the kitchen before pausing, her eyes narrowed and her muscles taut as if ready to fight whoever was out there.

Liam let himself inside. Judging by the sound she'd been hearing, he had been outside all night protecting her. Luna had thought she'd seen someone sitting outside all night. Guilt rise inside of her. She felt horrible for what these wolves had gone through for her. The scent of smoke wafted through the air but she didn't mind. She almost wanted a cigarette too but knew it wouldn't help her. "Hey, little wolf, how you feeling today?” He asked.

Luna stared at him as her heart rate began to slow down and sucked in a deep breath. She took a moment to examine her body. The bite marks from the vampires were faded to bruises now. She touched her neck to make sure it wasn’t still bloody but didn’t find any traces of blood on her hand when she examined it. She swallowed. Her wrists, ankles, and neck all hurt but they weren’t as bad as the previous night. ”I’m… I’m okay…’ Luna tried to lie but it fell flat and she rubbed her eyes. They were bloodshot from crying and lack of sleep. She rubbed them again tiredly and looked at him. ”How are you and the other wolves? I’m sorry you all became injured. I’m really sorry.”

She cleared her throat. Her voice sounded stronger now and her throat didn't feel as swollen. She swallowed again nervously and began picking at her food. While she wasn’t hungry, she didn’t want to upset Marcy’s feelings. ”Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it, both of you.” She stiffened when she heard the other werewolves rising outside. All she could think of were the wolves-turned-vampires at Desiree’s castle of hell. She shuddered at the memory and continued picking at her food.

Time: Night > Morning
Location: Viet-Et-Mort
Interaction: @helo - Noah
Mentions: @AliveFalling - Marceau

Desiree had listened to her father’s words. He was right, and she had already begun to think of how to take down Operation Humanity. Luna would have been useful as a hybrid but that didn't work. So, she was going to plan of a wya to destroy Operation Humanity once and for all. Once it was put into action, the hybrid-humans were going to be her’s and she was going to make her dream come true.

The next morning, Desiree was delighted to see Noah return. She smiled at him softly, like a child seeing its favorite toy after losing it. ”Ah, Noah, my favorite boy. How are you?” She came over to greet him with a gentle hug and let go, arms folded. Her brows furrowed, indicating her concern and disdain. She let out a deep sigh and examined him. He’d definitely beren out killing and she’d need him to reign it in. Op. Humanity would lose their grip.

”We have a problem: Luna escaped. I need you to go to the woods and track her down since the scent should still be there. Though with this rain, it might be a little difficult. Anyways, she was with two alphas and some other werewolves. Find her, spy on her, then please report back to me. The wolves killed Henry, Ophelia, Pauline and Travis. We need to avenge their deaths, Noah, it would only be right. Do whatever you need to do and manipulate the bitch into thinking it was an accident or a misunderstanding. Whatever it takes to break her fragile mind and bring her back. I will reward you handsomely once you accomplish your goal.” She paused, allowing her words to sink in and take a dramatic effect.

She continued. ”And also, stay far away from the hunters. Those bastards are going to make it difficult for us but we needn’t approach them yet. Also: make sure to clean up your mess. Jade informed me that you left a few messes behind. Please make sure to clean up after yourself next time. Godspeed, Noah, and please find that bitch.” Desiree waved him off and excused herself to her tower to begin contemplating her next move while watching Ember Grove from afar.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Dusk
Location: Roshimi City
Interaction: @Tae - Torvi, @helo - Bowyn - @Dezuel - Elthrael

Belle glanced at Torvi as she spoke up and nodded in agreement. Her eyes flicked back to the stranger and she raised her eyebrows as he spoke. She began giggling at his first comment and sipped her water while she waited for the narcissist to finally quiet himself. Elleta stared him in the eye, unfazed with her eyebrows raised. His English grammar was lacking. While this was not Earth, she found it hard to believe this was how this man spoke. Finally, once he stopped talking to take a breath, she spoke up. “First, it’s “there are plenty, not 'be plenty'. Also, we could do without you. It seems everyone else in Avalia can as well, since you are spending your time waiting around here for us by yourself."

Elleta then commented and folded her arms with a blank expression. If looks could kill, then this stranger would have been dead. “You couldn’t handle me with all the amas in your bank, boy. You are probably alone with you and yourself at night, just wishing you could find someone who could stand you and haven’t been successful. I do pray that you someone finally takes pity on you and gives you the worthless fate you deserve. And I’m not a cherry, I’m the cake you wish you could afford and have. I think the demons on Daka would be a kinder fate than being with a loathsome cockroach like you.”

Bell glanced at her then had to duck her head to remain expressionless. While she could not see Rosemary, she knew the Elf was nearby. She didn’t know how, but she could sense her. Elleta kept her gaze fixed on the scene, but now and then her head would tilt to one side. As he commented on her beauty and memorizing her, she had to bite back laughter. What a comment to make to someone he just met. This.. man was not right in the head. He was definitely sick. Lucky for her, she’d dealt with enough creeps and had taken care of them too. The gang had its fair share with the local scumbags. “You can memorize all you want, you’ll never have me. I could be much younger and you are preying on me. How disgraceful.”.

When he pulled his disguise off, Belle grimaced. So not only was his personality shit, but his appearance was an eyesore. She didn’t hide her grimace either. No wonder he came in here trying to hit and pick up random women from different species. Beside that, his fake sneeze was shameful. She wondered if they had acting lessons that this moth could partake in to save the pitiful show they were forced to participate in. She smirked nonetheless and commented, ’Wow - a moth fairy. What a dreadful surprise. Fortunately for me, I crush moths. Fly too close to the light and it will sting you. I’ll give you a hint: I am the light.” Elleta rolled her eyes at Elthrael, disinterested and bored. She drummed her fingers lightly on the table and Belle had a feeling she was communicating through it with Rosemary nearby. While they could not hear or see, she knew these powerful Elves were in sync with one another.

Belle listened to him speak and began eating more of the berries that Elle had ordered for her. She wished the restaurant had human food, such as onion rings and pretzels. She could kill for bagel bites, too. She sighed and faced the stranger with an expression of boredom and disinterest. When he mentioned having met a human, she kept her expression neutral. She didn’t know who it was, but perhaps the red haired women who had been in the sky. Either way, she’d find the poor women and console her for having met this pitiful excuse for a fairy.

She remained silent and folded her hands together after finishing her food and wiping her hands on a napkin. When he allowed a pause for breath, she commented, ”Sounds as if you’re heartbroken or butthurt after something. Maybe you faced rejection? Seems you’re the one here with a problem and not this fox-demihuman."

It was Elleta’s turn to stare at her now. Belladonna had not acted so cold in her presence until now. She was bringing her persona from being Little Blue in the gang and wasn’t minding how it felt to be cold and brutal. Belle then added as he poked his nose into Bowyn’s life and narrowed her gaze. He was antagonizing them in hopes of having them leave so he could interrogate Bowyn. She wasn’t letting that happen. This mothball was the least of her worries. She wouldn’t let anything happen to Bowyn or Torvi.

Elleta bit a cherry off the stem and raised her eyebrows. At that moment, Bell felt a tap on her shoulder and forced herself not to jump nor look startled. Rosemary was nearby them now whilst invisible, and she had a feeling she wasn’t alone either. The Golden Death was not abandoning her or leaving her alone to suffer with this miserable mothball. He continued speaking, and Belle wondered if being lost in the woods would be better compared to this nonsense they were enduring.

Belle started laughing at his comment. What a horrific metaphor. She stopped laughing enough though to assess his body language. While he was relaxed, he was also on high alert. She grinned at him nastily, her eyes shining with malice. ”That comment would have been better off being spoken in a dumpster, which is where you belong. Perhaps you're lonely, without friends and feel the need to antagonize strangers and put your nose in someone elses business. Such a shame." She turned to listen to Bowyn while keeping an eye on the stranger. She nodded in agreement to his wordds, then turned back to Elthrael. She glanced at Boreas and knew instantly if worse came to worst, she’d cause enough trouble to allow Bowyn to escape. She turned back to the mothball, eyebrows raised as if to ask, Well?

It was in that pause that the bartender finally spoke up, having heard enough. ”We all have had enough of your nonsense. You haven’t ordered all day. I thought you had friends coming. I’m going to ask you one time only to get out of the bar and leave these women alone. Got it?” Belladonna turned to face him with her arms folded and waited for what occurred next. Her left hand was in her pocket, ready to grab her knife and defend if necessary. She nodded to what the Bartender and Bowyn had both said.

Time: After Sunset
Location: Campgrounds
Interaction: @Tae - Sorrel @Alivefalling - Cyrus @helo - Liam

Luna tore her gaze away from the other werewolves in the trailer and onto the man kneeling in front of her. She bit her lip and gripped the blanket tightly, as if it might help ward him off. His words however were soft spoken and gentle. She nodded at what he’d said and touched her throat gently, trying to speak after he had finished. Luna glanced once more at the other two wolves, both of whom were injured. The woman, Sorell, wasn’t doing so well and she felt partial guilt for it.

”Thank you, Liam,” She turned to look at him. Her words were raspy, but becoming stronger now as the medication relieved her swelling. ”I appreciate what all of you have done for me.” Her voice carried to the pair across from her. Luna didn’t respond to the revenge aspect of his comment. She didn’t want to see the Vie Et Mort vampires ever again, nor go back to that hell. She wiped her eyes quickly, hoping no one would notice. Luna fixed the over-sized t-shirt on her and looked at Liam.

”I... I don’t know what else to say, or do... I’m… I’m sorry.” Her voice cracked and she cleared her throat as discreetly as possible, despite it being noisy. She was shaking. What did she say or do now? She had no idea what to do with herself. They were definitely going to hunt her down until they found her and pulled her back into that nightmare of a castle. She couldn't go back; she couldn't bear it. Her heart was frozen and filled with anger, though her mind was clouded with grief and devastation. All she could keep thinking was, How could she and why was I so stupid to believe her?
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