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In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: Roshmi Grand Ball
Mention: @princess - Malachi; @FunnyGuy - Umber, @Tae - Azriel; @AliveFalling - Aklenroth
Interaction: @Tae - Torvi, @helo - Bowyn

Belle’s eyes widened as she faced Bowyn. She had gone to speak to him and implore him to leave when Torvi came over. Unexpectedly, she was suddenly picked up by the latter and tossed over her shoulder. If the situation weren’t dire, Belle would have started cracking up; unfortunately, that luxury was not available. Stunned into silence, she watched as she was removed from the premises. She watched as Elle, Rosemary and Morgayne came running over to protect them, their faces wild with concern, fear and pride. Belle said nothing and she heard a voice speaking - the greeter’s. Torvi halted and Belle managed to wiggle free and onto her feet. Out of the corner of her eye as she moved, Belle watched as people were bounced off of an invisible forceful. Oh God, they were trapped…. It was all her fault. The guilt began rising up like an ocean after an earthquake and paralyzed her.

Belle watched with a mixture of confusion and dread; her stomach began churning. This was definitely - Belle stopped mid-thought and her jaw dropped. Gawking, the blood drained from her face. She watched as the frail elf began transforming into a horrible, tall demon. She felt her heart quickly stop, then restart as adrenaline began pulsing through her veins. The voice… The voice that was screaming ‘hail Aklenroth’, had been the one in her head… ”I think we found our demon,” Belle whispered to her friends, a vague attempt at humor. ”Torvi, oh my God - She broke off and watched as a winged female flew into the air.

Baffled, Belle watched her throw something into the air then strike it immediately. She felt frozen, unable to breathe or move, as a rift opened up and some horrendous, hellish creature climbed out of it. A nearby Dark Elf was its first choice of victims as it turned to face everyone. Its voice was enough to send her skeleton back into the grave. Belle felt tugging on her arm and glanced over to see it was Elle. Belle grabbed her friend’s arms and began racing toward the back to get out of the way. People began clambering to escape the demon at pandemonium began.

Belle cried out as a large demi-ram barreled her into a nearby post, close to the demon. She cried out as her grip loosened from the others. ”Belle!” she heard Elleta scream but it was no use. The crowd had lost its mind in fear and panic. She ducked into a ball and covered her head and desperately wished for the insanity to end. People were screaming, crying, and all Belle could think of was the assault at the mall.

Her mind raced: she was seventeen, carrying a milkshake and bags in the other hand filled with new clothes and jewelry when the rivalry gang, The Heartless, attacked. Gunshots filled the air, screaming and crying - people shoving one another to get out of the way…

”.....No, no, no, I’m here… I’m here.. Here in Avalia… At the ball… 5421. F-f-five things you can see...” Belle whispered frantically, her eyes swelling with tears. ”Tables.. Tables and chairs… Glasses… Pe- I mean, Elves…” The footsteps were louder than ever, the guests were frenzied and trying to escape to no avail… ”F-feel. The ground… My hair, my dress… my…” People were kicking chairs and everything out of their way to escape the demon. The ram who had barreled her over was yelling for his friends or family, she thought but she didn’t know...The demon roaring nearby her….

....A middle aged man was gathering his children into a store, when the eldest was struck. Blood began pooling everywhere, their families screamed and cried, now joining the fray of wails and sobs; the teenagers laughing moments earlier, now hysterically screaming as they ducked behind furniture…..

”No, no, come on.” She began shakily focusing on her water and watched as the glasses nearby began to tremble. Her breathing now rapid, Belladonna began focusing harder on the water and watched as it came flying toward her. She formed a shield around herself of it and watched as objects began to repel from it. The creature was nearby her, ready to take her. She couldn’t move and was breathless with fear. Her visions distorted from the fall. Her mind was screaming for her to move, while her body felt paralyzed and numbed from it.

She glanced around and saw with blurry eyes, a familiar red haired woman running from her and towards the demon with orbs of light in her hands.”Rosemary, Rosemary-” Belle began to say as she stood up shakily, trembling uncontrollably. Her knees unbuckled, mildly injured from the brute demi-ram. Bell caught herself and held onto the post and onto her ankles in a half-attempt to sit up. Her ears were ringing and her vision was obscured with stars. ”Rosemary no,” Her voice was barely above a whisper. The elf began fighting the demon with orbs of light magic while Elleta began pulling Belle further out of harm's way. She could barely notice Morgayne flying towards the demon, summoning vines with thorns and wrapping them around the monstrous feet and hands of the creature. She kept ducking and dodging it, whilst attacking it with plants. Elleta then moved some tables in front of her, then ran off to assist her friend. Rosemary briefly glanced at her and then light formed in her hands. Belle ran to join them when an invisible field knocked her back onto her feet. Winded and dazed, Belle began trying to move forward again when she realized she was in a light shield formed by one of them. It dawned on her, it was Rosemary’s forcefield.

”HEY! Let me out!” Belle yelled frantically, her panic accelerating. Belle began to punch at it, only to grab her hands with pain. Her voice wasn’t heard above the ruckus. Her vision blurred from the pain as she watched a large, clawed hand, reach down and grab at the red haired elf. Elleta began furiously attacking it with light orbs to no avail; Rosemary began fighting desperately and realized her fate. Her last move was to cast Belle invisible. Within seconds, Rosemary was gone and shattered in the beasts’ mouth., blood pulling everywhere as it dropped her lifeless dying body onto the floor. It landed with a thud. Her invisibility wore off moments later.

Belle’s scream was lost in her throat. She gripped the wall as she watched while the light barrier around her dropped. Her eyes couldn’t stop staring at the lifeless, blurry figure of Rosemary. No, no, no, she wasn’t gone, no, she was alive! This was a mistake - it hadn’t been Rose! The wail formed in her throat but couldn’t escape. The water in nearby glasses began to topple over and spill, as if they were filled with blood. Glasses shattered from the sudden pressure inside of them. Orbs of water formed around her, threatening to engulf anyone who came too close. ”ROSEMARY.” She hobbled forward, unaware of the pain in her legs. Her heart, momentarily still, was now pumping harder than ever as she raced forward. ”Rosemary hang on, I’m coming -”

”No.” Belle rammed into a tall centaur and was again dropped to the floor. She scowled as she hit her back and was winded again, and this time, she felt a rush of pain in her body. Cursing fluently, she watched as Regulus came to stop her. He offered her hand but she pulled it away and climbed to her feet, disoriented.

”What the fuck is your problem!” Belle wheezed at him as he grabbed her arm and forcefully pulled her away from the scene and behind the same pillar she’d just body slammed into. She couldn’t notice his grief-stricken expression, nor how Morgayne was pulling Rosemary's body out of the way as she healed it with her hands lit up. All she felt and saw was rage and red.

”Get away from the ballroom, Belle. Get out and run. Don’t stop running. Find the others and move.” He paused as she glanced around, searching for someone. ”Don’t waste this chance, Bell.” He turned and suddenly spirited away at full speed. Belle stared around and watched as small drops of red filed her vision. She touched the back of her head which felt wet. Belle then drew her hand away and saw it was covered in blood. She glanced around for a familiar face, but there weren't any…

”Torvi, Bowyn,” she whispered and glanced around. Flashes of the dead citizens in the mall hung in the back of her mind. Had she been any better than these villains in the past? The destruction in the mall mirrored some of her projects, as she had called them. No, and her stupid proclamation had only wasted precious time for her friends to escape. Do better, be better… She had failed there, hadn’t she?

Belle began to stumble around, looking for an exit or an ally. She felt lost and frozen inside. Her vision was still recovering, and she felt disoriented. ”I’m so sorry…” Without meaning to and losing her balance, she bumped into a tall blond elf. Thinking it was Elleta, she perked up; then noticed it was male. Her mind registered who he was as her body fought to form words. It was as if she had been dropped into the ocean with a boulder strapped to her chest. Her heart felt heavy and lifeless, and it was reflected into her eyes. Hagmer… She stared at him with tears in her eyes and blood dripping all over her body and dress. ”I want to go home…” Her voice broke and the tears began streaming down her face silently.

Time: Morning
Location: On the Road
Interactions: @princess - Angel, @FunnyGuy - Sean

Shay had to bite down on her tongue as Angel went off on the Operation Humanity soldier. She buried her head against the blanket and struggled not to laugh. This man, this poor man, she thought with glee. Angel and her were going to become the best of friends. Shay couldn’t believe her luck in finding soemone similar to her. However, that glee suddenly faltered; this girl had been kidnapped and traumatized by the devil as well. Her silent laughter paused as she bit her lip. Guilt rose inside of her for a moment, then washed away as the man’s voice signaled the end of the traffic stop.

Her glee returned again. Now they could find some fucking food and possibly chat more. She could kill for some food right now. Her stomach was growling in such a way as if it hadn’t eaten in a month. She was thankful he’d turned up the music so he hadn’t heard it. She sighed with relief once he was gone and waited for Angel’s signal to return to visibility. Shay sighed and stretched ehr hands out and loosened her grip on the painting. She wondered if she’d have any muscle left after gripping this goddamn painting for so long.

God, Shay could just kill for one normal fucking day.

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Night
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @Tae - Kenia ✦ @princess - Malachi
Mention @FunnyGuy - Darius ✦ @Tae - Elsea ✦
Ambience/Aesthetic Shade + The Devil Within

Cora rejoined Kenia and Malachi with tremors in her hands. She hugged both of them tightly, lingering more with Kenia. After she let go, they went to sit down. She wasn’t planning on telling trembling Kenia what he had said in fear of upsetting her. Now wasn’t the time or place. She was still reeling from her encounter. She jumped at the sudden image of Risa appearing on the screen. Cora felt her heart ache for Risa’s nervousness, but felt pride when she gained confidence. From there, the girl’s speech rolled on like a thunderstorm. Cora smiled faintly, then covered her mouth her hands to hide it. This princess was brave and admirable. She felt respect for the woman, whom she was glad to call her friend. Suddenly, the image flickered and Risa screamed. Cora briefly saw a gruesome image although thanks to Malachi, she hadn’t seen much of it. Wide-eyed and horrified, she turned and buried her head against his chest. Breathing unevenly and trembling now, Cora hugged him. Was this a possible fate for them? She hoped not. She let go when she felt Malachi begin to move and stared at him. Her vision blurred as she whipped her teary eyes.

”Yes, I think we should go right now.” Cora began to say when a man jumped on a table and began shouting his support for Risa. Others joined it, as the chants grew louder. The tension was tangible and could’ve been sliced through with a knife. To her surprise and horror, Elsea joined the shouting and jumped on a table and revealed her humanity. Her heart sank and crushed as she began fearing for the woman’s life. Next, a smaller and blonder girl stood up to yell similar proclamations. Cora stared at the two humans, then up to her elven parents. Cora commended them for their courage, although it was foolish to do with Aklenroth's forces undoubtedly here. She planted her feet and refused to let her eagerness overwhelm her. This was not part of the plan… Now what did they do?

As Cora moved to begin distancing herself from the chaos, she bumped into a red haired green-eyed Elven woman. The woman's black dress caught under her shoe and caused her to trip. Cora cried out and slammed into the floor as the women turned to face her. Briefly, her ears slipped and she quickly pulled her hands up to adjust them. Her hair had hidden most of it, but it had been enough for the women to notice. The woman stared at her with shock and quickly lent her a hand to pull her up. ”Thank you Miss, I am so sorry.” She quickly said and stared at her with a frown.

”That is quite all right my dear. It was my fault more than anything.” She turned to face the others with a friendly smile. ”I think we best all be leaving now, as it should abruptly… make a turn for the worst. Have a great evening, ladies and gent.” The woman disappeared into the crowd. Cora rubbed her eyes and faced the others with confusion. As she went to s[peak, she felt a cold chill run through her spine as the woman whispered for only Cora to hear, ”Until we meet again, Little Phoenix.” Cora whirled around to stare where the voice had come from, but saw nothing. Cora’s jaw dropped and she quickly began turning in each direction to find it, but there was nothing.

”What the hell?” Was she imagining it? Her heart rate quickened up as she stared with wide eyes and pale skin. ”I want to leave right now.” Her voice cracked as she felt frustration and anxiety beginning to rise. She moved closer to the elves for protection and sniffled. She missed Rei and hoped he was doing all right. He wasn’t missing anything here.

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: Roshmi Grand Ball
Mention: @princess - Risa, @FunnyGuy - Darius, @Tae - Elsea
Interaction: @Tae - Torvi, @helo - Bowyn

Ambience: Uprising

Belle’s eyes widened when Torvi provided her information. If the greeter was one of Aklenroth’s goons, then perhaps he was the mystery voice inside of her. Though it had been quiet, Belle hadn’t let her guard down. She started to agree with leaving, when an image appeared from an orb on the walls of the ballroom. It was the asme fairy princess from earlier who had garnered some much attention. Belle watched as the nervous fairy, riddled with anxiety, began to speak. She watched her then clenched her fists when she admitted to having a hand in them coming. Belle gritted her teeth. She wasn’t sure if she was upset or somewhat happy to be here. Her mind wandered to Elleta and the Golden Death. She felt tension rise, but as she looked over at Torvi and Bowyn...

Here, she had friends. Friends who accepted her for her actions and self; who trusted and also liked her. She hadn’t been sure if it had been genuine, though the past few days had proven ehr otherwise. She was slow to trust, but it had been easy to fall into line and befriend them. Would they accept her if she knew her truly? Would they accept her for being a coward on Earth and ratting out her gang, for selling drugs and the like; from breaks in and assaults to rioting and looting…. She had told herself it had been to survive. It had been, otherwise she’d have starved and died in the streets. Her mother hadn’t been well enough to care for her. Just thinking of her mother sent waves of fury and rage coursing through her. How could that woman have lived with herself? Her mind raced. Her own actions though had been forgiven, but she hadn’t quite forgiven herself. How could she lead when all she knew was violence and criminology? She glanced down at the floor with shame and guilt rising, then back up emotionless. Here, she could make a difference, to owe up to everything she had done, the lives and businesses ruined… Do better, be better, is what Lysandra had always told her to remind her of being good and doing unto others. Besides, she was going to hell anyways….

By the time the fairy had finished, Belle was trying to catch up, having been caught in her reverie. She stared with horror as the image changed to reflect a dead one instead. Judging by the Princess’ screams, it had been someone she knew. Whoever it was suffered a gruesome fate. She felt her stomach churn as if it were on an amusement park ride and faced her friends. Their lives were in critical danger. Akelnroth would definitely respond. She glanced around as her heart began racing. People were in panic mode and also delighted by the rebellion. Belle swallowed and turned to her friends. She watched as Torvi embraced Bowyn and kissed his cheek. Though she was silent for the moment, Belle agreed with her friends’ statement. She felt awful inside. When Torvi spoke and hugged her, Belle managed a giggle. ”Yeah, definitely. She pulled the wrong ones over.” Belle teased and turned to Bowyn. ”Bowyn, I’m also really sorry. I am so sorry you’re in danger now.” She faced them both and glanced around. Her head whipped out the side as she heard some tall man yelling about fighting Aklenroth. She grimaced and turned to face the others.

”Let’s go out the back door - less people.” She began to say, when a red haired female jumped up on a table. Belle watched with wide eyes as she tore off her mask and elf ears. Another human! Giddy with excitement, Belle watched her and chewed her lip. She listened to the woman and locked her eyes on her. She clenched her hands into fists and glanced around to see Elleta shaking her head. The woman did not know that she had been identified already, or about the voice. She’d have to explain it to her later. Belle swallowed. The Golden Death was here, and they looked to her as their leader. Either she’d embrace it, or leave it, and it didn’t seem as if it was a viable option to leave. Running away… Running away would make her a coward and Gaia hadn’t raised a coward. Belle gritted her teeth and looked at her friends. Her heart sank as she realized this might be the last time that she saw them. ”Both of you need to get out.” Belle’s tone became serious as she began to back away. ”I have enjoyed both of your friendships, and I wish nothing more for you to get to safety. Take the back door, and get out now.”

Belladonna took a deep breath and took her shoes off as she jumped onto a table away from her friends. She tore off her elf ears and mask. She set them by her feet and held her head high. ”Humans against Aklenroth!” Belle shouted as she raised a fist in the air. Some heads turned to face her as she let out a grin. Elleta, Morgayne, Rosemary and the like were staring at her with wide-eyes. There was a mixture of pride and also fear in their eyes, but they weren’t intervening. Elleta looked poised to move if anyone attacked her. She could feel the eyes of people watching her, but most importantly, the Golden Death. ”Down with the Lich! We may be different species, but we all have one thing in common: our hearts beat the same. We should be able to live with peace and harmony, and not in fear and hatred. Humans, I implore you to stand up and fight! Side with the Princess and bring harmony and peace to Avalia!” Belle stared at everyone and kept an impassive expression on her face. Her heart hadn’t beat this hard since the gang. She was prepared to fight and defend if necessary if it meant that Bowyn and Torvi would be able to escape. Besides, she was a leader wasn’t she? What kind of leader would bail on the rebellion?

'Oh mama, we all go to Hell....'
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Night
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @FunnyGuy - Darius & @princess - Risa

Artemis’ gaze narrowed when Darius spoke. Did he know she was a siren because of his knowledge from Earth, or was it the demon inside of him? She bit back a scowl and folded her arms. His hunch was correct; but did share dare tell him? She’d have to if they approached her. How would she explain that she’d escaped her new master? They would be furious; perhaps even kill her on the spot. With a sigh, she opened her mouth to begin explaining when a digital picture appeared on the walls.

Momentarily confused, Artemis tilted her head to one side and began gathering strength in case of any attack. Instead, she was staring at Risa and felt dread rise inside of her. Oh honey, what are you doing?’ Artemis wondered and clenched her fists. As she spoke, Artemis felt her mouth run dry. She was so brave, and she couldn’t be prouder of her; this also begged the next fear: the enemies. They were here and her speech would likely provoke them. Her bravery was admirable. Where were they hiding? God, Artemis hated running or moving quickly on land. She scowled and pushed it aside for now.

Artemis began to make her way through the hall, then into the ballroom. She rudely pushed people out of her way as she hurried outside. A few Elves and demis yelled at her but she didn’t listen. She scowled as she bobbled around and kept losing her balance. Her legs were shaking and so was the rest of her body. Any time she lost her balance, she quickly scrambled back up and seized the opportunity of the crowd’s disarray from Risa’s speech and Dionaea’s dead body. Artemis’ eyes teared slightly and she had to keep rubbing her face on her arm. Her vision continued to blur. What kind of devil had killed her so cruelly? Through the fray, she could hear Lord Asshole's announcement as well. No! She couldn't be trapped inside! Her heart pounded so hard she thought it might jump from her chest. Her mind buzzed as a sudden familiar voice filled the air:

"Why not take a chance! I stand with Princess Millinia! Down with the Lich King!"

She skidded to a halt and whirled around with confusion. What the hell was he saying? He didn’t side with her! The human liked Aklenroth and Kol; not to mention, he was possessed by a Demon. Her eyes widened as realization dawned on her. God damn it, why did she have to keep choosing over one another? Shook her head and momentarily faltered. Her heart, if it could beat anymore, was going to simply be ripped out. Artemis shook her head and turned to the doorway. He could take care of himself; right now, he seemed to be doing fine. She shook her head as tension rose inside of her. Besides, Myra would need him. She turned and began heading back to the door as guards passed her to begin calming the escalating riot.

As she neared the door, Artemis found her way blocked by a few guards. She skidded to a halt and glowered as she collected her balance. The Dark Elves grinned at her maliciously, but she glared ferociously back. The few of them blinked as she intently stared them down. ”Sorry Miss, nobody’s allowed outside-” The Dark Elf on the left began saying when Artemis punched him in the face and knocked him onto his feet. He cried out in pain and stumbled as the two others moved to detain her. She moved back and assessed them both. Her eyes were shining with hatred and fury. She was going to kill these two if she had to in order to go outside; like hell she’d be stuck in here - there would be a stampede soon as well that would end her. Artemis would not let that happen, especially with Shade being here. Was River here too? She refused to face them right now. Her stomach felt hollow. How could she face them without her master at her side? She couldn’t; it would mean her detainment again or death. Neither option was suitable.

”You will let me out and you won’t remember me.” Artemis growled as she compelled them both. Their eyes glazed over and they allowed her to pass. She quickly ran outside and disappeared into the night.

Time: Morning
Location: On the Road from Operation Humanity Base
Interactions: @princess - Angel, @FunnyGuy - Sean

Shay smirked at her ‘dont drool’ comment and held back her laugh. She was about to relax more when the sudden blasting music caused her to jump and nearly smack her head. She scowled in pain but bit her tongue. Angel’s phone rang, and suddenly Shay was being ordered to become invisible. Clearly Angel was being followed like a dog who had run away. Shay quickly whispered the spell under her breath as not to waste time. It rendered Shay and her painting invisible. The vehicle stopped, but Angel didn’t lower the music. She couldn’t help but crack a smile. They were way too alike; it was something she would have done too. Angel’s tension was tangible and Shay wondered if she’d lose her temper. Shay bit her lip and felt a pit of guilt rise inside of her….

It didn’t take long for the follower to interrogate Angel. As she spoke, Shay had to stifle a laugh. Who was this dude? She bit her tongue to remain silent and waited for Angel’s response. Oh, Shay was definitely looking forward to it.

Time: Night → Morning
Location: OH HQ --> Town
Interaction: N/A

Mention n/a

Nikolaus’ mood was dominantly joyful. His night had gone well. He’d been off and playing video games and eating leftovers from the kitchen. Though he desired more, he’d managed to charm one of the cooks into providing him with snacks; something he hadn’t been allowed to have. So Niko sat in his dorm room, accompanied by a copious amount of junk food. The doritos, chips and salsa, Twizzlers, ice-cream, and caramel-fudge donuts had been thoroughly enjoyed. Niko had hid all of it in a gym bag so that nobody would rat him out.

He’d been laughing as he thought of Angel’s envy; then remembered the art galleria and felt his mood shift. He’d been worried and tried to sneak out, but Trotter wouldn’t let him. He’d been pissed off the rest of the night and binged the rest of his food as a result. He’d hid and tossed all of it too, before anyone else had seen. Nikolaus had stayed up the rest of the night and began falling asleep around dawn when he’d awoken again. He sighed as he sat on the edge of his bed, wondering what tedious training he’d be up to today. He’d been working on his strength and amplifying it with weights. He’d even been lifting furniture and rope climbing with weights attached. Nikolaus hated it; but the stern, cold look in his eyes…

He scowled as he went to get ready. He turned the volume up on his music enough not to bother his sensitive hearing, but enough to block out noise. Once finished, he donned a t-shirt, jeans and boots. He sighed as he left and began walking down the hallway. One thing that brought him continual satisfaction was the scowl he wore that caused people to move out of his way. The Golden Boy, the Chosen One, whatever the hell people called him; he didn’t quite care. All he cared about was that people left him alone. He sighed as he started towards the gym. The training was brutal and he wasn’t in the mood for it. The tiredness and fatigue from eating the junk food had weighed him down. He didn’t need his dad breathing down his neck that he wasn’t doing well enough and to suck it up. Then an act of rebellion filled him - not showing up. He smirked to himself as he went to the check out area instead.

”Where you headed to?” The guard inquired as he signed his name out and the time.

”To Alexei’s, I feel like a shot of vodka would do me well right now.” The guard chuckled and shook his head disapprovingly. There was amusement in his eyes, nonetheless.

”Does your- “ The guard began to say, but Niko's cold glare cut him off. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, slightly disturbed at upsetting him.

”No, and I’ll give you 50 dollars to keep it to yourself.” Niko took out the wad of cash from his pocket and glared. The guard complied and allowed him out. Prior to doing so, Niko reminded him that would be back in two hours. It wasn’t much of a worry since there was a tracker embedded into his wrist. Still, they had to keep tabs on their assets. The pure thought of it caused his veins to boil and his muscles to tighten. Two hours: that was more than enough time to miss the excruciating parts of training. With a small smile, Nikolaus left the nightmare he’d been born into. Soon he was in his car, and heading towards town. The temporary escape was just what he needed.
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