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Time: Evening
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @JJ Doe Peter
owl mask
dress and accessories

Olivia’s skin tingled when Peter touched her chin. She slowly turned to face him. Their gazes caught each other’s, and Olivia wondered why her heart skipped a beat. His voice soothed her like an ocean breeze whisking sand away. She took several deep breaths and nodded. He was right. If she didn’t relax then her magic was no good. The noise in her mind briefly paused too.

”You are right.” She took another deep breath. The chatter around the ballroom heightened once more and the ruthless nobles around them continued their verbal assault on the peasants near them. Her cheeks flushed with anger. Her eyebrows rose as he spoke and she cocked her head to the left. What was he going to do now? When he began to lead her, she followed him willingly. The curiosity rose and drowned out the noise behind her once more.

Then her gaze lit up. She watched as he stealthily removed and added nobles of their treasures. The nobles were never the wiser. Olivia laughed with shock and covered her mouth with shock and awe. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. In her time of thievery she had not been that stealthy. Maye, just maybe
 Liv’s thoughts trailed off as she continued watching. Olivia glanced around and noticed nobody noticed, not even the Devil himself and his cronies. How was he doing this? She needed to find out. Her skill could use some polishing.

Maybe, just maybe....
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Flying above The Righteous Tern
Interactions: @Helo Bowyn ❄ @Lava Alckon Bardulf ❄ @FunnyGuy Mister Luum ❄ @Tae Brigette ❄ @Pink Khione Zeva
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, bow and arrow, rations, water flask, hygiene products, polearm, outfit

The Great Sea

Rue glanced over her shoulder and a soft smile graced her lips. To see Starfire enjoying Bowyn’s company, and to give him the taste of the sky meant more to Rue than anything. Her pegasus had been happy to oblige and stretch her wings. Though Starfire had not complained about the ship verbally, she had stomped her feet and huffed. The last time the poor thing had been on a ship was on her way to Daka Island. Thus, to help all of them escape, Rue had come up with the idea of flying over the ship which had eased all of their worries for the moment. Starfire didn’t often talk about her past, but Rue knew from the scars and attitude that this was not an easy journey for her either.

While it was not the same as her flying, it was still a relief. It was as much freedom and privacy as they could afford right now. Trying to speak with Bowyn amongst the others had been challenging and Rue had been quieter as a result. Rue flew gracefully in front of them and watched the sea. It was enjoyable to fly over the ocean although she missed her snowy forests at home.

As Bowyn spoke, Rue slowed down but continued flying so Star could continue to follow her. ”Yuu are most welcome! We are both happy to escape. Trust me, Star is not fond of ships either.” She replied sweetly. Then, she fell silent and considered his words. ”He did well; although he seemed shaken by it. Due to his outburst I am thinking he was traumatized by bears in his human world. I hope next time we face a creature he doesn’t melt down and expose his power. We are lucky so far that it was not a dark elf who saw him.” She briefly closed her eyes and enjoyed the breeze and salty air on her face.

Then, she reopened them and added, ”We’re a band of misfits but I hope we can learn to trust each other. I do not know how I feel about the elves yet.” She then turned to smile over her shoulder at them both, enjoying the view of both her loved ones and turned back to face forward.


Time: Evening
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @JJ Doe Peter
owl mask
dress and accessories

Now that they were in the ballroom, Olivia paused and glanced around. The carnage she’d left prior was gone. Her gaze scanned the ceiling and marveled at how quickly they had fixed up the mansion. She didn’t think she would be surprised though; this peacock would sooner die than admit any faults or cracks. She nudged Peter and pointed at the ceiling with a giggle. ”Good as new,” she whispered and covered her mouth with her hand. Olivia pretended as if she had told him a funny joke as innocently as possible. They were, after all, in the lion’s den.

As she took in the surrounding people, she began to inspect the crowd. People are everywhere, and as she searched for Charlotte, she had difficulty spotting her. With the crowd spilling in she knew she could not risk using magic, especially with a nosebleed. She gripped Peter's hand tightly once her gaze caught hold of Count Dickface. Olivia abruptly looked away and glanced at Peter worriedly. ”Do you think he’ll recognize me?”she whispered as she moved out of the way of stuffy nobles and scoffed at them.

Bite your tongue. You’re noble. Act like one
. Liv pulled Peter and her out of the way of a bigger group passing them and glanced at him. Her mask obscured her face well despite the anxiety written across it.

Time: Afternoon > Evening
Location: Damien Estate

☌ Crown
☌ Mask
☌ Hairstyle
☌ Dress
☌ Shoes
Interactions: [@]Rodiak] Zarai
Mentions: @Tae Kalli ☌ @princess Charlotte, ☌ @FunnyGuy Lorenzo

The beach escapade had been cut short. Despite the passion she had for the sun’s rays, there was only so much of it she could withstand. The wandering eyes caused her to smirk haughtily while she strode along it, paying no mind to these bumbling vampires. The trip was not without hazard; a few stumbles at the beach had caused her temper to flare. Since she did not desire for the world to see her tripping, it caused her trip to end abruptly. In her palanquin, she drew the covers shut on each side and rested her head back against the walls. Kalliope’s voice r nag throughout her mind and the sight of the bastard red whore caused her stomach to churn. The guards remained silent since they knew she did not want conversation and were not fans of the viper’s bite. It would have been nicer if it was quiet; the lame music echoed in her mind and the sound of laughter and screams irritated her aching head. She sighed and began trying to meditate to push it out of her mind. If she could just

When Layla returned to her room, she fell back onto the bed with a loud sigh. The beach scene ran through her mind repeatedly and she struggled to push it out of her mind. Farim’s words to her caused her to roll her eyes and wonder what the fuck he was talking about. The trip had been worth it, she told herself. Charlotte looked scared of her. This thought caused her to chortle until her stomach ached; what a fool. How did she achieve so many friends? The laughter at her expression continued, until she remembered the Duke’s humiliation, and the laughter slowly died. Fury rushed through her once more and she sat up with a groan. How was he allowed to live, to breathe, and be allowed near other nobility? Surely this was some sick prank upon them. Who trusted this bumbling, good-for-nothing jester of a duke to be left in charge of a city? How did Kalliope, the King’s whore, remember her fall at the ball? Layla scowled deeply and wished nothing but harm to the little whore. She shook her head and decided they would have their karma soon enough. She wrinkled her nose and clenched her fists, grabbed a silk robe and change of clothes, then abruptly moved to the bathroom.

With hot water she both despised and loved, Layla scrubbed her skin until the thought of the Duke’s mustache on her legs was gone. Her mind clear now, she smiled softly. The masquerade was tonight; a chance to mingle and watch from afar. Tonight would be different from the beach. While she finished her shower, she sang quietly, knowing she would not be heard by her guards. She slipped the robe on and glanced at her masquerade outfit with a grin. Her heart rose inside her throat and she abruptly pushed it away. It would not do her well to linger on these thoughts; not when she had to prepare.

Over the next few hours, Layla prepped for the event and was finally ready. She stared at her reflection in the mirror and grinned. There would only be one soul who matched her beauty, her grace, and her ensemble. With a grin, Layla kissed Zilal’s head and stroked him gently. ”I can’t bring you, my love, but I will return tonight.” He flicked his tail and curled back up, though she knew it brought him sadness not to go with her again. ”I’d bring you, but I can't stand hearing people complain about you. You’re much better than these people. You know that.” He flicked his tail again and she smirked at him, and then left her room. On her way out, she ushered her guards to bring her palanquin, because there was no way she’d walk to the Damien estate in these heels. Of course, it brought her joy to make such an entrance, and she’d be damned if anyone ruined this chance.

Once she arrived, Layla ignored everyone until her gaze found her.
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi City
Interactions: @Helo Bowyn ❄ @Lava Alckon Bardulf ❄ @FunnyGuy Mister Luum ❄ @Tae Brigette ❄ @Pink Khione Zeva
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, bow and arrow, rations, water flask, hygiene products, polearm, outfit

Rue laughed at Bowyn’s jest. She patted his arm apologetically because she knew her comment had slipped out. However, he wasn’t offended, so she remained quiet. Flying sure beat running and she hated having to try to do so. Without her Pegasus at her side, Rue couldn’t help but feel lost. She shifted on her leg and sighed. If losing a leg was all she lost from the arena, then Rue considered herself lucky.
Afterwards, she rested her head against his shoulder and glanced around. The shop wasn’t too busy; there were customers everywhere. A glance toward Bardulf reassured her that he was well; so far, at least.

Rue sighed as she waited for her order. A loud, cheerful laugh echoed throughout the shop and caused her to look over. Sitting near the group were three dark elves, two male and a female. The girl had a buzzcut and hair to one side with pink tips, tee-shirt under a leather jacket, pants and boots and likely had an array of weapons hidden; the dark elves sitting across from her had similar looks with black hair, gleaming amber eyes, except one had longer hair and the other had short hair. Their outfits were bulky and similar to a soldier’s uniform. Rue couldn’t help but stare at the group for a moment as memories flashed through her mind. Their laughter echoed and for a moment, the cafe melted around her and into the barracks at the arena.

”Heidi in your shadow! You can’t see meee!”
”Yeah H, you’re invisible. Congratulations. They’ll neve spot you in the arena.”
”Ya’ll are going to get us fucking killed.”
”I will not! Don’t be so mean, J!”

”I don’t think this top goes with these pants, R, do you?”
”...I guess I never thought about that
 Um, it looks nice on you.”
”She’s too fucking nice to be here. Yeah H, we’re worried about looking fashionable as we face our deaths. Better we die in fashion huh?”
”You’d be better off wearing all black and blending into the shadows. Invisible Heidi. That’ll throw off Shadow for sure and won’t piss her off at all. Maybe we can start a fashion line for gladiating, if we don’t fucking die in here first.”
”Always the tone of encouragement, J. Never stop being an optimist.”
Rue broke into laughter and nearly dropped the bucket she held. This caused the trio to look at her with shock; then the room erupted into laughter and the four of them didn't stop.

Rue didn’t notice at first, but water obscured her vision. She looked down and turned away from the others. The aching in her chest became tight and for a moment, she thought her heart was going to stop. Pain coursed through her veins. Rue looked around for Starfire but of course she wasn’t there. In the background, the trio had gotten up to leave, jovial and unaware of her having been staring at them. Rue’s breath caught as the group moved by, and she stole another glance. Their resemblance
. She bit her tongue and took several deep breaths. They had died. They weren't coming back. Nothing would ever change that fact.

Rue outwardly looked calm, but inside a storm raged. She had to be strong. She couldn’t let Bowyn or Bardulf down. Outside, Starfire waited for her patiently, although she was likely grazing her heart out. The idea caused laughter to bubble inside of her, but she didn’t let it out. Rue stared at the floor, blissfully unaware of her surroundings, and remained lost in thought. The memories continued flooding her mind. As the pain subsided, Rue clenched her fists. She would not let anyone else die on her. Not now, not ever again. Rue would not allow that to happen. Determination filled her and she finally glanced at Bowyn and let out a soft smile.
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi City
Interactions: @Helo Bowyn ❄ @Lava Alckon Bardulf ❄ @FunnyGuy Mister Luum ❄ @Tae Brigette ❄ @Pink Khione Zeva
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, bow and arrow, rations, water flask, hygiene products, polearm, outfit

Rue watched the interaction and sighed. The amusement of watching Raze successfully steal from Zeva caused amusement to rise. Despite the amusement, Rue noticed the spectacle had caused heads to turn. In turn, they were now being paid attention to, and would be throughout their trip. She pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head. If they made it more than two miles without being arrested, then she would be shocked. While the group moved forward, Rue paused, and noticed Mr. Luum and Brigette conversing. She continued forward since she could not hear what they were saying anyways.

Rue glanced up at as Bowyn joined, and listened attentively. When he was done speaking, she nodded. ”Sounds good. I’ll grab some more supplies, then we can follow them. I don’t trust them nor this city, and I would rather lose a wing than allow Bardulf to be harmed. I can take to the skies and rooftops for an aerial view and whistle if I hear any noise. I’ll ask Star to return, too.”

Upon nearing the bakery, Rue held the door open for everyone, then joined them. Her gaze went to the menu and she began examining it hungrily. Her mouth watered once she laid her gaze on the precious honey toasts. A smile tugged at her lips as she ordered. While she spoke, she gently took Bowyn’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

”Four honey toasts, please, three Blas Buns, two Cinnamon Hot Breads, and five Cacao cookies.” Rue paused and looked at Bardulf. ”Would you like anything?” Her voice lowered to a whisper. ”I can help you order if you like anything or need to know its name.”

While she waited her wings fluttered with anticipation. Her stomach growled as her eyes fixated on the honey toast with intensity.
Time: Morning
Location: Tea Party
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Drake / Duke Edwards ♄

♄ Dress
♄ Shoes
♄ Necklace
♄ Gloves
♄ Crown
♄ Hair

Sadie smiled when Duke Edwards joined their table. The smile was polite and cordial, much like the way she had been raised. However, the addition of his father now incorporated a new vibe to their table. Now there was the added pressure of the Duke joining them. Undoubtedly, this entire interaction would reach her parent’s ears and further increase the importance of not messing up. The churning in her stomach intensified like a hurricane at sea. The anxiety she held at bay was threatening to overwhelm her. She had to stay calm, and remain prim and proper. Sadie swallowed and began bouncing her leg under the table. It was both a mechanism to release her anxiety and pent up energy.

How Drake addressed his father seemed pleasant enough. Despite the innocence, Sadie wondered what if there was a double meaning. Nonetheless, it was not her business, so she remained silent. While the two discussed their lives together, Sadie wondered what her parents were up to right now. Were Felix and Beatrice enjoying their time at home? She hoped they were. Sadie, despite enjoying time with Drake, was becoming restless with the tea party. Those two were better suited for these events, of maintaining conversation, and acting prim and proper. Sadie went to chew her fingernails before remembering the gloves and why she had worn them. With a quiet sigh, she folded her hands around her tea mug.

Finally, introductions were in order, and Sadie faced them both. A smile greeted them both from ear-to-ear. ”It’s so nice to meet you, Duke Edwards!” Sadie chirped in response, quickly and eloquently. Well, it would have been, if she hadn’t nearly knocked over her mug in her haste to respond. She recovered quickly and released the mug in order not to upset it further. ”Yes, we met at the beach the other day while I collected seashells. For charity purposes, and also, because I enjoy crafts.” She gestured to her tiara and necklace with a continued smile. ”Your son is quite lovely, Mr. Edwards. You’ve done a great job raising him and teaching him everything.” She dipped her head respectfully and remained quiet afterwards.

When he spoke of intruding, she waved him off gently. It was as if the notion was nonsense and not to allow it to sully their time together. ”Yes, we’ve heard of the masquerade. I plan to attend tonight. We are both meeting there tonight!” She laughed delightedly, and remained cordial and peppy as normal. The butterflies were now threatening to drown her in her anxiety. The expectations, the rumors, the gossip, if she ruined her parent's names; the list continued growing in her head. Sadie moved her hands to the edge of her chair and did her best to remain outwardly happy for them both.


Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @SausagePat Ruby ★ @PapaOso Cassius ★ @ReusableSword Roman ★
Mentions: @princess Charlotte
★ Swimsuit
★ Dress

★ Hair/Accessories

Olivia looked up at Cassius when he addressed her. She listened and nibbled on her sandwich. Upon him calling the bullying by Layla “fun”, she let out a musical laugh. What an understatement. When he mentioned being used to chaos, Olivia had difficulty hiding her frown. What happened in his previous life? She didn’t have time to ponder further; he continued speaking, and it would be rude of her not to continue listening. He spoke of feeling like a mutt amongst the nobles, and for this, Olivia relaxed – enough to remain on guard, but not be as tense. Gratitude pulsed through her at his words; he’d put the way she’d felt her entire life into one sentence eloquently. Despite him clearly being noble, he’d lived as a peasant it seemed. Perhaps they had more in common than she’d initially thought. When he inquired about her feelings, she shrugged noncommittally. To live her life as this lie, she couldn't afford to mess up in front of anyone but Charlotte.

”Certainly. Go ahead. They are delicious. Lottie and I made them this morning.” Olivia replied and moved over to hand him a fresh sandwich. With a coy smile, she continued. ”Don’t tell anyone, but I think I’ve eaten most of them.” A faint giggle escaped her, and she commenced eating her food once more.

Olivia looked up once Roman joined them. She didn’t know enough about him to form an opinion. He was a blacksmith from Varian; that was the extent of her knowledge. He had stood up for Charlotte and the rest. Thus, he seemed safe enough to converse with Cassius. A smile tugged at the corner of her lips at his words. The urge to trash nobles was on the tip of her tongue, but she swallowed and digested them instead. She nodded in agreement though, because denying it after witnessing Layla would be travesty. ”Yes, I am thankful that Ms. Ruby over here is all right. That was dramatic.”

She smiled when he addressed her and stood up carefully. Bowing and handshakes were important as nobles. Being friendly, kind and cordial was as well. ”Ms. Olivia is correct. I’m a family friend of the Vikena’s, particularly Devan,” She pointed at Charlotte’s cousin who’d been napping on the beach towel. ”It’s an honor to meet you, Mr. Roman!” Olivia bowed kindly to him and then returned to her spot. Olivia patted the spot beside her for him to join her, should he feel inclined. ”Would you like a sandwich too? They are delightful!”

He continued speaking, and Olivia’s head began to spin. Whatever he discussed with Cassius went above her head. However, he spoke of belonging to a guild, and the idea of his resources interested her. How she longed for a more functional bow. Although Liv knew she would have to lay low with using bows, she decided to store it in the back of her mind. Olivia remained quiet during their discussion and busied herself with adjusting her hair bun and fiddling with the trinkets inside it.

Ruby’s unexpected outburst caused Liv to jump. She whirled around with concern etched on her expression. She realized early on this girl was dramatic, but this was still a shocker. Olivia sighed with relief seeing that she was awake. She chuckled and shook her head at Ruby. Regardless of the girl’s intentions, she replied to her with sincerity. ”It’s good to see you too, Ru.” Olivia dubbed the nickname ‘Ru’ to Ruby. Olivia busied herself with eating her sandwich as she listened. It was challenging not to speak out of turn, and Liv sensed constriction in her head. A scowl formed briefly, then disappeared quickly.

When Ruby mentioned being slap happy, she laughed genuinely. What a sweet way to state the recent actions. ”We are doing better, thanks Ruby. How are you?” She nodded and gestured to the picnic basket. ”Charlotte and I made sandwiches and other finger foods here. Please feel free to take them.” Olivia reached over to the basket, pulled out several sandwiches, and then distributed them to Cassius, Roman, and finally, Ruby. ”Now that the witch is gone, let’s eat.” Olivia giggled and glanced over at Charlotte to see if she wanted to join them. Silently, she met the girl’s eyes, and as if telepathically, her gaze said: We’re here when you’re ready! Then, Liv turned back to the group.


Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @princess Charlotte ★ @FunnyGuy Lorenzo ★ @Lava Alckon Farim ★
Mentions: John
★ Swimsuit
★ Dress

★ Hair & Accessories

Olivia sought to distance herself from the madness. She sat on the blanket and adjusted one of the umbrellas to shade her. This had been too much drama for her. Briefly, she forgot that Count Asshole steadily approached them. Distracted, she took a sandwich from the picnic basket. For the moment, she concentrated on it and blocked out everyone else until she finished. While she consumed her sandwich, Liv watched Cassius set Ruby down beside them.

Now finished with her food, she reached over and moved sand out of Ruby’s hair. Olivia knew she owed Ruby from the other night. These ladies had saved her life and for that, she owed them. At that moment, Liv knew she would protect them with her life. During the confrontation with Princess Bitch, Charlotte noticed her struggle to use magic and had aided in calming her down. She offered her friend a sandwich once she’d settled down beside her and looked at Cassius as well. ”Would you like a sandwich, Sir Cassius?” she offered quietly.

Unexpected yelling caused her to jump and whirl around. Now what the hell is happening?” The scene before her was bizarre and unimaginable. Lorenzo clutched the legs of the Shehzadi and begged for mercy. Bewildered, she watched the arrangement and looked at Charlotte with confusion. ”What on earth?” she inquired. She wanted to stand up when the familiar voice of Count Asshole reached her ears. Despite her disguise, Olivia tensed and stared at Charlotte with fear. It was lucky that the Count did not see her expression.

While he addressed everyone, Olivia took deep breaths and relaxed as best she could. His footsteps became louder and finally, he had approached their blanket. Charlotte had briefly glared at him then stared at the sand determinedly not meeting his gaze. Olivia stuffed her face with her sandwich to reprise her from having to answer. Once she finished chewing, she briefly met his gaze and smiled sweetly.

”Nice to meet you,” she replied courteously. Charlotte had taught her basic mannerisms thus far, so she went with a safer answer. On the subject of speaking with him and providing her name, she did not commit and smiled at him until he’d walked away. She was unaware of how she’d been holding her breath, until her lungs screamed for mercy.

Olivia took several deep breaths and turned around. Charlotte now addressed the Lorenzo-Layla situation. Much to Olivia’s relief, the Princess Bitch now left the scene, after extracting herself from the Duke’s clutches. Could they finally have peace? She sighed and buried her head in her hands, overwhelmed.

Time: Late Morning. Idiot.
Location: Beach

☌ Coverup
☌ Shoes
☌ Hair
☌ Sunglasses
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Farim ☌ @princess Charlotte ☌ @Conscripts John ☌ @ReusableSword Roman ☌ @Apex Sunburn Sjan-dehk ☌ @Tae Kalliope ☌ @PapaOso Cassius

Layla laughed as the foreign man tried to defend Kalliope again. Her derisive laughter echoed and the venom dripped from her mouth. “Blah, blah, blah. It seems you thought princesses were soft and delicate. I do not know if this is news to you, but I don’t care. You bore me as much as your voice. I know you are hoping to get laid by Kalliope. You don’t have to make this whole big show. A woman like her will just say yes.” Her gaze slid to Kalliope and she laughed once more.

“Enjoy your man with wandering eyes. He’ll have a new woman on his arm within the hour.” She rolled her eyes when the two finally left. Kalliope had given her vigor; then unfortunately, let the fire die.

Unfortunately, this left her facing Dr. John. She cringed when he lowered his glasses. Layla pondered knocking his glasses off his face but resisted the urge. “Duke Lorenzo and his daughter have been embarrassing my family and I from the moment we arrived. If Caesonia treated us better, perhaps I would be more welcoming. I do not need a personal assessment, especially from you.” She reassured him. A scowl and narrowed gaze greeted Dr. John. She also failed to answer his last questions, nor did she care to humor him with a response.

As if the Caesonian gods wanted to continue the scenario, Duke Lorenzo arrived. To her surprise and amusement, he started defending her from the monotonous Doctor. Layla smiled ear-to-ear and enjoyed the irony. His brash reaction to step in front of her caused her expression to briefly falter. The shock in her eyes was unmistakable, and for a moment, a genuine smile tugged at her lips. As quick as it had come, the smile was gone, replaced by the scowl and haughty smirk she now adorned. His words caused laughter to bubble out from her. He thought she was more refreshing than a strawberry smoothie. By the Gods, this show was becoming far more entertaining. Who would have thought the court jester could perform so smoothly?

As her valiant defender turned to face her, his hand instead collided with her face. Layla stumbled far more than what was expected. Her gaze became cloudy, and shock filled her like lightning striking a tree.

You didn’t listen to a thing I told you, did you? DID YOU! Maybe you should have!

This wouldn’t have happened if not for you, Layla. You only have yourself to blame.


Once the shock wore off, Layla’s guards had righted her. Unfortunately, Layla discovered the Duke now hugged her legs. His speech was unintelligible momentarily. Then, she registered the pain, and disgust overwhelmed her. This deranged man was now touching her and people were watching. Layla didn’t know if she would rather be eaten by a shark alive or left to bask in the Alidasht sun all day. Either option worked. Her cheeks flushed, then her gaze became cold and distant as she slowly turned to face Lorenzo.

Layla took several deep breaths and looked down at him. Before she could speak, a self-important and arrogant man addressed them. Her gaze slid to him now, and she temporarily forgot about Lorenzo clinging to her legs like a kid. Her gaze, still cold and distant, lit up with fire upon hearing him. Was this Caesonian’s version of Hafiz? While she contemplated this, her meditator cousin had come over to speak to her in their native tongue. At first, she snorted with derisive amusement, until she turned to face him. The fire in his eyes reminded her much of her father’s, and for once, she did not answer him with a sassy retort.

As this arrogant pig continued speaking, Layla noticed he’d sent his servant to give Fairm and her the invitations to his masquerade. She bit back a laugh and glanced at Farim, who she noticed wore a similar expression. “Seems like we found the Hafiz of Caesonia.” she remarked quietly in their native tongue. She rolled her eyes and accepted the invitation. Layla then avoided meeting his gaze. “Does every kingdom have one?”

Slurping reached her ears. Layla gazed around to find the troublesome cowlick blond from the ball. The ridiculousness of the situation caused giggles to erupt from her uncontrollably. What the fuck was going on with this beach? She turned away and decided he wasn’t worth her time. Briefly though, she appreciated the idiocy of his actions. Unfortunately, once she returned to reality, the Duke was unfortunately still holding onto her. Bemused, Layla scowled and looked down at him.

Charlotte’s voice reached her ears. Layla turned to face Charlotte who pleaded with Lorenzo to let go of her. Instead, the duke rambled about being in hell and then pleaded with her to spare them from the evil Calbert Damien. This man is Hafiz of Caesonia. What is he doing to these idiots?

Sadly, Layla’s patience wore out and she turned to gaze down at the lunatic. His mustache tickled her legs. She shuddered and knew the memory would be engraved in her mind. She scowled at him and shook her leg like a dog trying to free itself from its leash. This incident would likely be in the news and Layla hated associating herself with this rabid dog and his daughter. Was he sane? Did he have any illness? Gods, this was disgusting!

Layla held her hands up to stop her guards from intervening. If they did, it was likely they’d injure this insane man. “Get. Off. Of. Me.” Layla commanded firmly. Her words didn’t leave any room to disobey. “I appreciate your gesture but you need to let go of me. You’ll pay me back by doing that. She extracted herself from the Duke forcefully and glowered at him. Then, she took another deep breath, and shook her head. Her expression softened, although the cold gaze remained in her eyes. “I think you must be cursed, Duke Lorenzo. No good deed goes unpunished, does it? Keep your distance and think before you act, Duke.” She turned to glance at Charlotte. A scowl greeted her and decided to ignore the doll for now.

Finally, her gaze turned to Farim. In their native tongue, she addressed him. “I don’t have all day for our good talk. I won’t wait around for it longer than I need so either we do this now or we don’t do it at all.” Regardless if he followed her or not, Layla strode down the beach while her guards followed closely behind. Ali joined her and presented her with Zilal and a smile graced her face. Like a scarf, she wrapped the serpent around her. He booped her on the chin and she giggled.
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