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Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @princess Charlotte ★ [@Papa Oso] Cassius ★
Mentions: @SausagePat Ruby ★
★ Swimsuit
★ Dress

★ Hair & Accessories

The chaos that became the beach was too much for Olivia; not to mention poor Charlotte. Olivia had turned away from the princess bitch before she snapped on her and had taken several deep breaths. It would not bode well to lose her cool, especially with Calbert's approach.

”Use a spell, Persephone. Teach her who's boss.”
”You know enough magic. You’re intermediate. You can cause her a whole world of pain. Embarrass her. Even kill her. Put them out of their misery.”
”We didn’t teach you magic for nothing
 Use it Persephone!”

Olivia gritted her teeth and bit her tongue hard, enough to cause blood to surface. No. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!

She took another deep breath, in and out slowly, trying to meditate quietly as best she could. Her gaze turned to Charlotte who she knew she needed to console and also get Kazumin out of here. She wrapped an arm around her friend and conversed with Ruby. However, the woman rambled on quite insanely, much like she had the previous night. Stunned, Olivia watched her ramble and blinked. This woman was unlike anyone she had met, yet the neurotic behavior and her kind attitude towards them made her endearing all the same. That is, until she randomly passed out in the middle of Layla vs the entire beach.

”Ruby!” She dropped to her knees beside her and scowled when sand flew onto her from the Princess Bitch. Liv took another deep breath and checked her pulse. ”She’s breathing. I guess this is too much for her? Do you want to help me move her, Charlotte or Casser-Cassius?” If she could help move them out before Calbert came, she would be thrilled. Olivia flicked his knee gently to attract his attention to the matter and nudged Charlotte with her elbow to signal the approach of Calbert. Her mind raced from everything and she wanted to explode.

”Could we move
 Now?” She whispered urgently and frantically searched for Kazumin, all the while making sure Calbert did not see her panic.
Time: Morning. Idiot.
Location: Guest House > Beach

☌ Coverup
☌ Shoes
☌ Hair
☌ Sunglasses
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Farim ☌ @princess Charlotte ☌ ☌ @Conscripts John ☌ @ReusableSword Roman ☌ @Apex Sunburn Sjan-dehk ☌ @Tae Kalliope ☌ @PapaOso Cassius

Layla watched Farim’s movements carefully. Once he approached her, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Her eyebrows knitted together with amusement. He had made a move, polite, but nonetheless, marking her touchable. She cringed at the gesture and flicked his arm off of her with annoyance. Were his hands clean from these filthy misfits? Disgust showed on her face while she backed away from him. The scathing expression on her face would wound a man’s soul if possible. ”My goodness Farim, have you finally learned to count? I’m so proud of you. Papa Hafiz will be too.” She smirked at him and folded her arms. ”Do you ever get tired of mediating? Sounds exhausting. Maybe you should go apply for a meditator visa here.” She rolled her eyes and turned to face Cassius now with a haughty smirk playing upon her lips.

Layla’s burst of laughter caused some passerby to look over as he called her a prissy little rich bitch. She couldn’t stop laughing as he tried to lecture her. What did he, the bastard, know about love? Tears of amusement clouded her vision as he continued. Despite the amusement, his words did cut deep inside, as the visions of what awaited her if she failed flashed through her mind. This poor bastard boy, he acted as if he knew anything about love. His poor daddy hadn’t even been around. She continued the laugh though, which was genuinely amused, and did not show any hints to her inner reflection. The anger in his vision caused her to grin as she finally stopped laughing.

”Oh my god.” Layla paused and then began laughing cruelly once more. ”You have so much to say! Do you have a crush on Little Ms. Vikena? Look at that Charlotte, someone likes you! Too bad he’s sleeping with someone else. Once a bastard, always a bastard, huh, Casserole? I can read you from a mile away. A lonely nobody who is trying to fill a void and project your problems on me. It’s sad really. Get a therapist. Maybe your noble dad can buy you one?”

Her attention now turned to the red-haired traitor. Layla grinned at her with utmost amusement and pleasure, her arms now at her sides protectively. The gaze in her eyes became treacherous; like a ship in the middle of a storm. The snake inside her was poised and ready to strike. ”Jealous? Of not leaving Alidasht? Is this some delusional joke, Red?” Layla retorted with derisive laughter. ”It’s been long enough. I could go another hundred years of not seeing your ugly little face, Red.” Layla continued, her voice was now becoming quiet and menacing. The hint of madness in Kalliope’s eyes would be reflected in Layla’s, but far more murderously as well. If there weren’t people here, Layla would not have had a problem slicing and dicing this bitch.

”It’s adorable for you to stand here and accuse me of having no bite, girl.” She subtly took a step towards her and pinched her cheeks gently. ”I’d be happy to slice, dice, and gut you like a fish, Kali. I’d relish your screams more than Hafiz has and really, you have some nerve talking to me; someone of much higher status than you, in public. You know exactly what I could have done to you. But too bad, you ran away, off on your own like you always will be.” She leaned in with a glint of mischief in her eye and whispered: “But you’d like that, wouldn’t you? To be put out of your miserable existence? If I were you, I know I would. Zilal would be willing to assist too I’m sure; he hates traitors as much as I do.”

Once Kalliope took a step forward, as did Layla who malevolently smiled at her. ”Your stories are as boring as your face is, darling. No wonder you’re sleeping around and trying to win people over with spreading your legs. I know you loved my brother, but he’s gone now - you disappeared soon after too. What happened? Did he reject you and cause you to leave? OH! Is that why you left? You weren’t accepted? Oh man. Is this why you’re picking up men left and right here Kalli darling? What a love story this is: your boy toy Cassius is looking at Charlotte and so is boytoy number two here.” She gestured to Sjandeho who she blew a kiss tauntingly. “You should have seen the way he defended her; well both of them really. Doubt either of them would get that way over a skank like you. You’re nothing more than a little whore, a slut, and a toy for people to play with until they get bored. Don’t worry, when you’re done doing whatever it is you do now for us, you can always see if the brothels are hiring.”

“Like Hafiz would want to hear from someone like you. Please. You’re funny. You call me a puppet but from where I stand, I’m a princess and you’re... what? Please tell us all what you add to society.” Layla cackled and grinned at her with not a care in the world. There was a flicker of irritation in her eyes as Kalliope asked how her head was, but she was quick to smile and smoothly reply. “My head’s still pretty and crowned. Forever will be. How’s your family? Oh that’s right
 You don’t have one, do you? Maybe Edin’s your daddy now?”

For some reason the heterochromatic eyed girl had screamed and fallen, much to Layla’s dismay. The woman had collapsed beside her and Layla jumped back with surprise and disgust. At the same time, sand flew up and accidentally fell on the girl. Layla glanced at it then shrugged and returned her attention to Kalliope, Cassius, Sjandehk and Charlotte, who she smirked at when she had finished .Layla continued with a malicious smile as she relished the taunts and words. Layla looked ready to defend herself, whether it be physically or verbally. Like a cheetah waiting in the grass, she too, would strike once necessary.
Sadie ♄ Drake

Time: Morning
Location: Tea Party

The rather interesting fellow by the name Alexander made his way back to his wife, no doubt talking to her about what all had happened. But that was their conversation to have, so Drake did not stare for long. Not with the beauty sitting across from him. He soaked in the atmosphere and took note of the way she reacted to the varying events around them. Most notably was the vibrant shade her cheeks changed to as she talked to him, which were mirrored by the butterflies in his stomach. She definitely seems to enjoy my company. I wonder...no I mustn’t rush such thoughts.

Just as he was about to answer her, yet another display of fanfare and showmanship erupted throughout the gardens. Several sounds flooded the area as King Edin himself was present and flaunting just about every avenue of wealth of exuberance he could. Very apropos of him. Nonetheless, with a respectful reaction, Drake kept his expression with a faint smile and waited for all to be over before talking to Sadie once more.

”Well, it certainly is growing interesting by the second. Truthfully I am just happy to be here with you. It seems that perhaps with all of these boisterous actions the focus can be on you and I instead?” He smiled and took the last sip of his tea, and held his hands together on top of the table with fingers interlaced between each other. ”I hope you are enjoying yourself. Is there anything I can get you? Or have someone get for you, should you require me to stay near?” His words came with a light chuckle, his eyes meeting hers.

Sadie listened to Drake speak and wondered how someone could manage to have an angelic voice. How did she compare? Long, untamed curly hair and dimples, lithe frame with big eyes? She wondered if her voice was too squeaky. Was she eating too much? Not drinking enough tea? Sadie let out a quiet sigh. None of these intrusive thoughts would do well. Drake, a masterpiece, sat before her and was interested in her, and she couldn’t allow herself to be distracted. The butterflies fluttered in her stomach untamed and she did her best to ignore them.

Before she could speak, King Edin made his grand entrance. She watched the proceeding and kept a friendly smile on her face. His flaunting of wealth and power caused her stomach to churn. She knew that being a princess of an allied country in the public she couldn’t show such thoughts. So Sadie played nice, a smile on her face and clapped along. Once it was over, she turned her attention back to Drake. His words, like melted honey, rang through her ears. ”I’m happy to be here too,” she agreed and sipped her tea.

”I hope so. I’d like to converse with you!” She set her tea down and reached for another cake, avoiding eating any given by Prince Callum from the evil baker. Sadie frowned upon the idea of eating anything from him, even if she were starving. Something was not right with that man. Realizing she was once again distracted, she turned her attention back to Drake. ”I’m fine right now. Do you need anything? I can do the same for you. Is the sun too bright? I can get us a parasole.”

Drake could only smirk as she seemed to worry over his own comfort. He held his hand up in a gentle gesture to assure that he was okay. ”And risk shielding the world from that beautiful smile of yours? Never.” He felt rather corny being so forward with her, but it seemed like the right thing to do. For what else would someone do when faced with a natural beauty like her. He only hoped he could measure up to her standards. He certainly did his best, and her general demeanor suggested she was enjoying herself, but there was always that slight nagging doubt.

”All I really need is to make sure we are having a good time on this beautiful day. And that we take our time and really get to know one another. I’ve only known you for such a short time after all, it would be rude of me to not ask more about the person whom I so boldly proclaimed my adoration for.” He slid his cup to the side, and would let any nearby butler anxious to do something fill it up if needed. He made a quick motion with his hand at a nearby servant and turned his focus back to Sadie. He leaned in slightly and took a long slow breath as he looked her up and down idly. He tried not to linger too long on any of her features but it was proving to be difficult. To break up the slight pause, he figured asking more about her would do.

”I know you were thinking of making some necklaces for charity. What else do you like to do, whether for yourself or the fine people of Varian? I hope the little token we found together was nice and helped out in some way.”

Drake’s words caused a ripple of giggles to escape from Sadie. His words were like chocolate chip cookies melting in milk. Her cheeks flushed once more, if possible, as she grinned with joy. Her smile was too big, she wondered. How did he like it? The thoughts had to vanish from her mind’s eye though as she listened to him. It would not be good to become distracted, especially with that evil baker here. With all her might she focused on Drake.

”I am enjoying my time!” she chirped. Sadie finished her food and tea while ignoring the background noise. ”I hope you are enjoying your time too and not getting bored.” She noticed him slide his glass over and gestured for a butler to come over and refill both of their glasses. Quickly the butler did so, and also brought over some more desserts for them. While this occurred, Sadie noticed him glancing at her, and couldn’t help but mirror his movements. His eyes looked even more gorgeous up close. The butler said nothing and moved away hurriedly to give them privacy.

The silence was broken by his question next, and Sadie quickly leaned away. She sipped her tea quickly and listened to him. A soft smile graced her face. ”I feed the marine life and tend to the water to ensure there isn’t any plastic in it. I also like to help school kids study, and
” Sadie dropped her voice as a blush crept over her face and grinned shyly. ”I’m also a blacksmith. I create swords, daggers, bows and other weapons. I am working on creating special kinds of swords that are fire resistant, and the like. I also like to make silly things too.” She began eating her dessert before she rambled more and averted her gaze nervously. What if she had put him off? It was not ladylike to be a blacksmith, especially for a princess.

Drake found the knowledge she was sharing rather intricate and interesting. He nodded as she spoke of her recent exploits and saw the growing concern in her expression. She had a similar muted reaction when her face had grown a big smile. Drake surmised that she was simply trying to not overwhelm him, which in and of itself was a noble trait of her. You are simply too kind and too pure, Princess Camilia. With his cup renewed, he slid it back next to him and took a slow sip. He wanted his next words to be appropriate yet endearing. So after a brief pause he took her hand and looked into those eyes of hers that made his heart skip a beat.

”What a magnificent line of work you are in. An environmentalist and an expert in her craft. Not to mention looking after our future little lords and ladies.” He stopped to share a lighthearted chuckle and placed his other hand over top of hers as it lay in his loose grip. ”You impress me, Princess. You do far more than I do, that's for certain. I would be interested in learning a little more about how you make those crafts of yours and what sort of thought process goes into making such royal items. Naturally if they were made by you of all people they must be highly sought after?” He took a moment to look at her hands, veiled thinly by the gloves she chose to wear. Despite the cover he still could see where she earned some marks here and there in the forge, yet there was still a gentleness to them that he admired. There were two sides of this woman, a caring side and a hardworking side, that much was clear. He continued admiring her hands for a few more moments before checking his posture and looking back at her.

Sadie beamed when he kindly regarded her extracurricular activities. His hand fit over hers perfectly, as if they had been meant to be. She glanced away with her cheeks flushed. This seemed unreal; how could she, the clumsy, blacksmith, talks-to–much princess like her, have caught such a perfect man’s eyes? It didn’t seem as though it was a joke, nor did he seem to know Desmond. Just thinking of that name caused a lump to form in her throat and her attention to break. Still, Drake’s voice broke her reverie like a rock skipped over a still lake, and she glanced back at him. ”Thank you so much, Sir Drake.” Sadie’s voice was soft as she struggled to stay focused. ”I do arm my knights and swordsmen with my weaponry and I do sell them to the Caesonian army as well.” She paused and then added, ”I’d be happy to show you them! Maybe give you one of my swords for free. I’m trying to perfect a certain craftsmanship to them. You’d be the right person for it!”

His gaze on her caused her to look down and chuckle shyly. How did she continue this? Was she doing all right? Jenny caught her eye momentarily and gave her a stern nod. She took a deep breath and took a long sip of her tea to steal her nerves. In the background she could hear noise and commotion between the Caesonian royalty, but could not pick up what they were saying. Drake’s long hair was gorgeous, and she even wondered if her hair was comparable. She looked at Drake again, wondering how Victoria Edwards had raised such a gentle and sweet gentleman. The stark contrast between the two caused her a momentary giggle, which she recovered from quickly.

”Forgive me for looking so much. You’re just such an interesting person, and I can’t seem to help but act a fool when I take the time to truly look upon you and all the beauty that you encapsulate. How do you do it, Miss Camilia?”

”You must forgive me too, Sir Drake, as you look much like a statue - a good one!” She added the last bit quickly with a deep flush on her face. ”I’m glad you find me interesting. Some people in my kingdom call me the Quirky Princess, or that I don’t live up to the standards of my siblings, or my parents, because I’m
 different.” Her voice became hushed as she continued and downcasted her gaze. The hole in her heart threatened to open up once more. ”I also
 I also wonder the same.. Same about you.” She forced herself to meet his gaze with a soft smile as she pretended not to have let her words hurt her.

There was quite the occurrence around as announcements were made. Drake saw it all for what it was, political mind games for the public. Would this event even be real? Would it really be held out of Edin’s pocket? Or Prince Callum’s? It all seemed rather fortuitous that they suddenly felt so charitable. Then the King mentioned his son would abstain from alcohol. Ah. Another family affair. How foolish of me to think of anything but that. His eyes had shifted over to the Danrose’s for a moment and with a sigh he turned back to Sadie.

Her words truly flattered him, and he did his best to keep composure while still indulging in the floating sensation in his chest. He had felt like he was a rather dull and boring person all things considered, but she spoke to him and about him with such adoration he began to wonder if he was the only one who was lovestruck. ”Your words and offer are all so very kind. I would be happy to see this forge of yours and see just what kind of work you do. Particularly in that offer of a sword. I had been meaning to learn some bladework lately and it seems I have been granted a sign by an angel to do just that.” He not so subtly slid in another compliment, noticing her gaze at his features.

Sadie’s attention was stolen momentarily by the debacle between father and son. She wondered what was happening with them? They seemed so tense and vengeful. She wasn’t surprised, not with Edin’s antics, however she felt it was best not to air dirty laundry in a public event. So many nobles were here. She sighed and turned back to Drake. Her gaze softened and her shoulders relaxed, as she had been slightly tense due to the drama occurring nearby them. Her cheeks flushed as he spoke and she giggled into her gloved hands. A sign from an angel? Oh boy, did he really think of her that way? What if he finds out she wasn’t? Sadie dismissed the thought for now, before the anxiety sunk back in, and she resorted back to her old habits?

He fixed his hair slightly, pushing it behind his head and feeling himself look to the side In nervousness for but a moment. As he looked back at her he took advantage of the pause to sip on his tea, buying him a few precious moments to collect his thoughts. ”Not to speak ill of the others but I find it rather uncouth of others to place such rudimentary limitations on someone who, so far, has shown to be a proper example of royalty. I am sorry others are so unkind. I sadly know what it is like to be accused or judged. It seems to be the flavor of nobility nowadays, to be snarky or quick to judge.” His other hand placed the teacup back down and softly glided over the top of hers, as if to offer a small amount of comfort. ”When perhaps would like me to come see your work?”

As he continued to speak, she took advantage of the moment, and began eating and drinking hastily. A warmth spread throughout Sadie as he spoke kindly of her. Sadie had become accustomed to hearing the bad things people said about her, and had learned to tune it out. However, at night it would keep her up, so hearing someone else speak this way, caused a ripple of joy to overwhelm her. However, what if 
. She didn’t let the thought form and fought hard to stay present. Regrettably, he understood how she felt, which dampened the mood. Sadie frowned and took his hand gently, her expression now soft and her gaze upon him.

”Your words bring me comfort and joy, although I am saddened to hear you feel the same. Some people aren’t raised to be kind or weren’t given enough love and attention so they bring it upon others. It’s unfortunate, although hopefully we can change the minds and hearts of others around us. All it takes is to be kind. You are a sweet and kind man, I don’t know why they would judge you. Is it your looks?” She teased toward the end of the statement, and waited for his response.

He grazed his thumb over the back of her hand while taking a brief repose to gather his thoughts. Then a soft smile parted his lips while the most subtle of shrugs moved his shoulders mere inches. ”I am not certain. Usually when you do not play the game you are scorned by the players. I hold no such judgements of course but I do notice those who like to batten down others hopes and dreams.” He seemed to gaze off for a short moment, his eyes lowering as if in contemplation. For a moment he wondered if he really could be as optimistic as Sadie spoke about. He then wondered just what it is that prompted her to talk about such dealings. Who had hurt her in such a way she felt the need to feel this way too? Maybe there is more behind those cascading eyes and bright disposition. But this is neither the time nor the place
 His serious demeanor moved to a more warm look as he chuckled at her remark. ”Well if people are mean to you because you look good, then it’s even better we seem to know so much about mean people, dear Princess.”

Sadie continued enjoying her tea and desserts, despite the ongoing mental battle waging in her head. She sighed as he seemed to understand the “plight of nobles” as she had nicknamed it. They had everything they could dream of that peasants did not have; yet, they were the most heavily judged and criticized. His somber attitude was too real; it hurt her soul to see him looking melancholy. Sadie folded her hands after finishing her bakery and looked at him softly. His comments made her grin and briefly break eye contact to hide the blush creeping back up her face. ”Well Drake, your sentiments are well appreciated. I can only agree with what you said for you as well.” She paused to sip her tea and nearly choked as soon as she noticed Sir Gideon approaching them. Quickly recovering, she smiled sweetly up at him.

"Good day to you two. Drake, my son, I see you have found yourself rather exemplary company!" He turned to look at her with a charismatic smile which she returned, despite the nerves now rushing through her. "I trust my boy has been behaving himself? Being the proper gentleman he was raised to be? You let me know if he gives you any trouble, Princess." He gave a slightly jovial finger wag at Drake's direction, entirely meant to be light-hearted and not a serious accusation. He took the final sip of his tea and held it in his hand as he looked to the two with an eager desire to learn more of their budding relationship.

Time: Morning
Location: Tea Party
Interaction: None
Mentions: @Helo Callum, @Tpartywithzombi Ariella, @Lava Alckon Drake

The tea party was a grand addition to the Caesonian Kingdom. It allowed nobles to dine together and allow each other to flaunt their wealth. Additionally, there weren’t any filthy peasants around to ruin their good time. Victoria Edwards sat at a table with Duchess Antoinette, Countess Melanie Monet, and Count Landon Monet. They were well enough company, but if an opportunity to sit with those of even higher status came by, she would take it. Her guards were nearby and a clean rug had been laid out for her to walk on so she didn’t share the germs with others. None of them matched her beauty, her grace, nor her elegance. Some of these nobles were from Sorian, while others were foreigners. Their styles were bizarre to her. She laughed at some of the clothes people were wearing; what were they thinking? As Prince Callum’s shenanigans rose, as did her annoyance. Did Ariella truly run off with him? How could she throw her life away for that? She put so much work into Ariella for her to ruin her life for him. Victoria had to say something to him, hopefully when he was done mingling with others. King Edin hated his youngest son anyways; maybe she could have a word with him.

For now, her gaze was glued to Drake, her perfect son, and probably number one in her books right now. Her pride for him interacting with a princess so effortlessly put a smile on her face. He was being the perfect son, doing the right things. He was charming her well, but she supposed it didn’t take much for a ditz like Sadie to be charmed. After the tea party, she was going to pull him aside and ask how things went and if they had another date setup. She already wanted to plan more dates for them. Queen Rosa and King Alixandre were pushovers and wilted like flowers when you walked all over them; surely they wouldn’t mind. The haughty smile on her face reached the corners of her face, while her happiness oozed from watching Drake.

She would have to tell Ariella how much she was losing out here. Where had she even gone off to? To not be seen at one of the King’s events, especially after such a rumor came about, was dreadful. The queen very much did not like when her children were pulled into gossip in the papers and there would undoubtedly be questions. She was certain if it was true then it would be Callum who was sullying Ariella’s reputation, but surely Alibeth would accuse the other way around. Victoria knew it was within her best interests to find out the truth before any questions came about, though truly she just wanted to enjoy the party in peace.

Ariella would certainly hear it later.

Her gaze turned to the food and tea in front of her. Victoria turned to a guard and snapped her fingers at him impatiently. He blinked with surprise then turned to her. ”My lady?” He inquired nervously, as he knew how foul her temper could be if he hesitated so much.

”Make sure this food is sanitary. I don’t know if anyone else might have touched it with their filthy hands.” She ordered him as she leaned back and inspected her teacup intently. ”And make sure to bring more pastry to me along with tea. I don’t have all day.” She added, after noticing he was still standing there. The guard nodded and hurried off quickly.

While she waited, she turned to see if Prince Callum was still surrounded by the others. Once he was alone, she would pounce like a wolf.

”H-Here are your pastries and tea, My Lady.” The guard returned as he set them both down carefully in front of her. ”Fresh bakery as requested.”

She ignored him and he hurried off into the background, much like the ornamental piece she had told him to be around her presence. Victoria began to eat the cake and scowled when the crumbs fell. She snapped her fingers at her guards again who quickly began cleaning them off of her and making sure she remained looking perfect as usual.



Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @princess Charlotte ★ @SausagePat Ruby ★ @Papaoso Cassius
Mentions: @Apex Sunburn Sjan-dehk ★ @Tae Kalliope
★ Swimsuit
★ Dress

★ Hair & Accessories

Olivia smiled kindly at the man until she heard the name Damien. Her smile faded quickly, but returned soon after so she didn’t raise suspicion. What was this man doing here by Lottie’s side? She narrowed her gaze at him and decided the interaction was peaceful enough. If it turned sour then she would protect Lottie. Her mind raced from the latest reaction. It was all happening too much too fast. The sense of being constricted caused her to grit her teeth and focus on Lottie instead. Did this poor girl usually go through this much chaos in one day? Olivia had never seen someone so distraught and defeated. Livvy made it her goal now to try to cheer her up, and to make it up to Lottie as much as she could. She knew the girl needed calm and tranquility, so she remained quiet as Cassius began to introduce himself.

Olivia, who held a smoothie and hadn’t sipped from it yet from shock, now took the moment to do so. However, it turned out to be a mistake as she choked on it. Bastard son? As she coughed, she turned away with shock. When she turned back, Olivia faced them and recovered.

”Oh wow,” she uttered. This was quite the turn of events. As she watched him be kind and then.. Caring towards Charlotte, her guard only rose. Was this some ploy by Calbert? She didn’t want to interrupt, so she glanced back at Farim who she was impressed with for his reaction to the whole debacle.

Why the hell can’t we have a peaceful day at the beach? Is this what it’s like being the Vikena’s? What else is going to happen today? She sipped her smoothie and her eyes widened at the redhead’s words. Cassius was over here flirting with Charlotte while he’d slept with the other girl? Liv stared at Charlotte and knew the pain was overwhelming her, so she took her hand and squeezed it tightly. As fate would have it, the day only became worse. It was taunting them for sure as she now noticed Calbert coming in the distance. Frozen, like a deer in headlights, she squeezed her hand tighter as a way of signaling Calbert was coming. They had agreed on silent gestures to warn one another in public, and this was her way of reacting to Charlotte without alerting others. With a deep breath, she went to speak, but was interrupted by the bitchy Shehzadi.

”Aww.. Don’t you feel better being out in the open, Lady Slut Vikena?”

Furious, Olivia glared at the woman heatedly, who only glared down at her. She chose her words carefully, due to the approach of Calbert and the others in the background. ”I pity you.” Olivia’s words were genuine as she glared up at the woman. ”Who put the bee in your bonnet? Do you feel better bullying her? Does it make you feel good? Because you’re doing nothing more than bothering us and we’re not doing anything to you.”

The woman rolled her eyes and folded her arms. ”Yawn. You’re boring me, girl.”

Olivia wished the beach was clear. Taking several deep breaths, she moved in front of Charlotte and glared at her. ”Go. Away.” Her words were soft, but the look in her eyes was menacing as she continued. ”Go be your bitchy self elsewhere.”

Her temper was flaring as she tried to contain it and not use magic. The voices
 The ones she’d become accustomed to, were egging her on, and if someone didn’t stop her.... This was something she'd confided to Charlotte when talking about magic and showing her it. Her pupils dilated momentarily as she struggled to ignore it. Livvy clenched her fists, while anger coursed through her veins.
Time: Morning. Idiot.
Location: Guest House > Beach

☌ Coverup
☌ Shoes
☌ Hair
☌ Sunglasses
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Farim ☌ @princess Charlotte ☌ @papaoso Cassius ☌ @Conscripts John ☌ @ReusableSword Roman ☌ @Apex Sunburn Sjan-dehk ☌ @Tae Kalliope

Layla had pondered what the redhead had been doing for a moment before rolling her eyes. Did this girl think she could insult her, the Shehzadi? What a pathetic excuse for a human being. Those looks weren’t going to get her far if she couldn’t properly do anything with them. Then, Farim reacted, then shocked as Farim dared to lay a hand on her guards. Malik and Haazim had fallen, both perplexed and annoyed by the attack. Then, when Farim dared to look at Ali, Layla’s expression intensified: her eyes narrowed, her nostrils flared, and she scowled. If he so much as laid a finger on him

Struggling to remain calm, Layla addressed her dear cousin. "Ah, dear cousin Farim, always the valiant protector of misfits and outcasts, aren't you? How noble of you to rush to their defense," she said, her tone oozing with mock appreciation as she continued. "But let's be honest, your little band of misfits hardly deserves such loyalty. As for your threats, well, they're quite adorable." Layla laughed mockingly at him.

She took a step closer to him. Her expression turned icy, as if he’d hurt Zilal who she wished she had on her right now, but had left at home for the time being. "But mark my words, Farim. Your loyalty to these... misfits, will only lead you down a path of disappointment and regret. Enjoy your little charade while it lasts, but don't say I didn't warn you."

It was then some man in foreign clothing shouted something at Ali. This took her attention, as she watched both of her guards quickly stand back up and move to her side protectively. Ali was glaring at Farim now, ready to fight him should the need arise.

“Your words; why do you say them? Why do you think it is right?... Because you have guards? Good that a pretty
Noblewi–Noblewoman like you got them. But you are not the only one
I have two hundred. I look at them in the right way, one hundred will come. Please, do not make me do that. It is
A lot of trouble.”

Layla turned to glance over in time to see him sliding a pistol in a holster. Fury swelled within and her fist raised as if she wanted to punch him. Doing so however would not be in her favor, yet she almost wished for it nonetheless. She glared at him murderously. However, as her mind raced, a cool smile curled over her lips as he tried his best to tell her off. Why was this man wasting his time and breath? He could barely talk in her opinion. With a mocking tone, she batted her eyelashes and smirked with triumph. “So you think I’m pretty?” She looked him up and down, then winked at him playfully, knowing it would infuriate him more. ”How charming of you - what’s your fucking name anyway?”

Layla had ignored John completely, as she considered him a bug she could walk all over. He was nothing more than a ghost to her. Overdressed, boring, goody-two-shoes and duller than watching paint dry. Layla took one last glance at the group and laughed at them mockingly. While she began her exit, she passed by a familiar redhead and a charming man beside her. Kalliope spoke up as if she knew anything about her life, as if the little bitch hadn’t ran away from Alidasht, and knew everything about her. The truth was, she didn’t, nobody did, and this woman’s words were as dumb as the rest. What a group of miserable losers. Layla had simply laughed and waved her off as she walked away. She gestured to Haazim to keep right behind her however, and Ali and Malik beside her. She glanced at the fourth guard, waiting in the distance, and nodded to him to rejoin her, while leaving Ali out of the picture.

After checking on her guards, especially Ali who she gave a quick nod to back off, let out a sigh of relief. They were fine. With a mocking grin, she decided she was ready to go back over there and give Kalliope a piece of her mind. This bitch knew nothing about her life. A twinge of anger had risen inside of Layla now, as it pained her briefly. Kalliope had escaped. This time, she returned without Ali and only the three guards with her in tow. Haazim, Malik, and now Abdul, one of her longtime favorite guards as well. Layla was glad he’d been available to come, as he’d been her mentor for a long time in the art of combat.

Layla strutted over with the force of a hurricane. “Do you even know what my life is like, little girl? Oh wait! You left and are too busy being Edin's whore aren't you? You’re a coward for leaving the Alidasht. You - and the others - know nothing about me, little girl. Stay in your lane."

As she stood there, her gaze slid to Charlotte, who looked sad and pathetic as she had before. Charlotte was flanked by the handsome man Kalli had arrived with, the weird blonde girl with two colored eyes, and then the dumb redhead in green.

Kalliope’s words resonated in her mind: "So this is the girl whose name you said last night instead of mine? She’s even more beautiful than you made her out to be at dinner!"

She laughed so loud it disturbed a seagull nearby as she rounded on Charlotte. Did that man have a crush on the Vikena girl? This was amazing. Layla’s gaze slid to Charlotte’s and caught her eye.

”Aww.. Don’t you feel better being out in the open, Lady Slut Vikena?” Her gaze slid to Cassius and she grinned at him with a wink. He’d insulted her as well, but she didn’t mind flirting with him if there was a kindle between Charlotte and him. As she waited for their reactions, she noticed the jealousy between the foreigner and Kalliope's, then the man standing before her and Charlotte. What a dramatic group to be in. Layla cherished the moment as she smirked down at Charlotte and her sidekicks.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi City
Interactions: @Helo Bowyn ❄ @Lava Alckon Bardulf ❄ @FunnyGuy Mister Luum ❄ @Tae Brigette ❄ @Pink Khione Zeva
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, bow and arrow, rations, water flask, hygiene products, polearm, outfit

The situation became less ideal when Mister Luum announced his pick for the group. Her gaze remained glued to him. Taking both Bardulkf and Zeva caused her stomach to churn. It was not worth the argument, so she remained quiet. There was a silver lining; she remained with Bowyn, and they had an opportunity now to pick Brigette’s mind. The girl struck Rue as odd; her demeanor was sweet and kind, however something felt off. Rue could not place it, but she decided it was best to speak privately to Bowyn.

Her gaze moved to the cafe Zeva pointed out. There was no way Starfire would be able to come. She felt as though she’d been dunked in ice cold water; what if someone recognized the runaway pegasus? What if someone took her away? Rue knew their time was borrowed, yet the idea haunted her every day. Her wings fluttered quietly and Starfire turned to face her.

”Rue?” Star inquired. She came over and rested her head on Rue’s shoulder comfortingly. Their gazes met as Rue rested her head on her’s and patted her neck.

”We’re going to eat in the cafe. Please
 Please stay hidden in the woods. I’ll whistle for you when we’re finished. Just
 Hide yourself. Okay?”

Star huffed and glanced over at the woods. ”Whatever. Just bring me back something good. And don’t worry, I won’t do anything reckless.”

Rue smiled and moved away from Star after giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. ”Good girl. And if anything happens, if you get approached by anyone, I give you permission to kick their hineys.”

Star whinnied with amusement and took off back to the woods to hide. With her now safely away, Rue turned to Bowyn now and listened carefully. She sighed in relief at his agreement to not separate. The fact they were both wanted and were in one of the most dangerous cities had her on edge. His voice however, was enough to help soothe her. ”I agree, and I think we should both get disguise rings too. Just to be on the safe side
.” She trailed off as he continued speaking and gulped.

What if something happened to the trio without them? Would Bardulf contain himself or give himself away with his power? Would Zeva chicken out? Rue took steady breaths to calm herself. They would be fine. It would work out. Everyone would be safe
 Then, the seriousness of the situation reminded her what was occurring. She faced Bardulf and nodded in agreement to what Bowyn said. Rue would protect the human, no matter what, although she blanched at the idea of unnecessary violence. However, the human’s life was important, and Rue would not let him down, nor Bowyn and Starfire as well.

She was lost in thought briefly, until the mention of honey toast broke her reverie. Her eyes widened with anticipation as she eyed the cafe hungrily. Honey Toast! I haven’t had any in so long!! A brief smile cut through her tension as her expression lit up. Rue grinned up at Bowyn with an ear-to-ear grin. His conversation with Raze caused laughter to bubble from her.

"A klepto indeed. What a pair you both are," Rue replied as she watched with amusement. "Hopefully he can withhold his.. desires while we're in the city." She reached over to pet the stoat gently and smiled sweetly at Bowyn.
Time: Morning. Idiot.
Location: Guest House > Beach

☌ Coverup
☌ Shoes
☌ Hair
☌ Sunglasses
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Farim ☌ @princess Charlotte ☌ ☌ @Conscripts John ☌ @ReusableSword Roman ☌ @Apex Sunburn Sjan-dehk

The next morning arrived swiftly. Layla had read the worthless newspaper and laughed as she read the columns. The tidbit regarding the Duke had her in near tears. What a bumbling idiot oaf. Then the bit about Charlotte whoring around at night with a count made her giggle. Whoever some of these people were in the paper sounded pathetic. The wanted girl looked uglier than sin; why were they wasting time on her? She guessed it was a peasant by the looks of it. Someone as ugly as her could kill someone with her look. Maybe she had been jealous. Layla pitied her and moved on as she continued reading.

The morning events piqued her interest only slightly. Why would anyone want to go to a tea party? What were they, children? Was this kingdom so boring they resorted to tea parties? She rolled her eyes and stroked Zilal’s head. The beach event at least granted her access to an ocean. Why had it taken this pathetic king this long to allow people to wear open skin? Wasn’t he a pig or something? She sighed and thanked the Gods she did not permanently live here.

A knock on her door alerted her to the presence of her servants. She crumpled the newspaper up and tossed it in a trashcan. Ali entered and watched as the paper fell in the garbage can. He bowed respectfully without comment. He’d been forbidden to speak with her since her father left with Mayet. Silently, he set a tray of food on her bed and left. Layla pretended not to notice and focused on Zilal. Once he was gone, she began inspecting her food. There was plenty of chocolate, and also dozens of her favorites. A grin danced across her face as she began to dig in.

When finished, she readied herself for the beach. She snapped her fingers and Zilal immediately followed. She rounded up her servants and soon was taken to the beach in a palanquin. The loud music assaulted her ears and she winced. What the fuck were they playing? Was this a joke? Layla scowled in pain and pulled back the curtain of her palanquin. No, it was not a joke. As if the kingdom could not become any more dumb, they were playing music. Why ruin the vibe of the ocean? Layla scowled and waved off Ali as she stepped out of her palanquin. One glance of the beach told her it was filled with rodents. Layla sighed with disappointment.

Her entourage behind her, she began exploring the beach. Heads turned to face them with wonder and surprise. Most of these people had likely not seen anyone as beautiful as her and her entourage. Not surprising. They were pale as ghosts. Maybe the beach was to entice them to tan so they didn’t look so sick. She sighed in pity without glancing towards anyone. Soon she heard familiar voices, and noticed the group of people.

There sat Farim with some auburn chick in the ugliest clothing she’d ever seen; why was Farim wasting his time? She shook her head with disappointment at his choices. Was that Dr. John all dressed up? Her eyebrows rose behind her sunglasses. Did this man have an allergy to the sun? Then there was some man in strange clothing with dark hair. He was actually nice looking; tall and handsome. Beside him was a bear of a man that Layla couldn’t help but wonder if it remained that way below. Then
 The grin spread across her face. Charlotte, in a dress and lace hair bow? They all had smoothies too. Without a word, she strode over to the group.

”What a pleasant surprise,” Layla quipped. Her voice dripped with venom. ”I would expect you to find better company, Cousin Farim. This looks like a group of misfits. Are they all even noble? Why waste your time with them?” She glanced at the Doctor. ”Are you trying to win an award for the fastest time to get heat stroke? Shouldn’t you be smarter?” She wrinkled her nose and stepped away, in case she caught any sweat from him. Gross! Layla glanced at the auburn girl, and sighed at her with mock sympathy. ”Sweetie, you should stop shopping at Peasants R Us. That outfit looks like you sewed it together last minute.”

Then, saving the best for last, locked eyes with Charlotte. Layla snatched the ribbon from her hair and examined it. ”Aren’t you too old to be playing with lace, Charlotte? When are you going to grow up?” She paused, and noticed the doll hadn’t drank from her smoothie yet. Without waiting, Layla snatched it from her and sipped from it loudly. She wrinkled her nose in disgust and spat it out on the sand near Charlotte. ”Gods, even your smoothies taste bad. This can't hurt your looks anymore.” She pulled off the lid and dumped it all over Charlotte and cackled. Then, she took the cup and wrapped her lace around it and dropped it. ”Maybe you can attract flies because you’re nasty and will never have a lover.”

Layla laughed and watched the auburn girl stand up in fury. However, her guards were quicker, and soon surrounded her. ”Down, Auburn.” Layla commanded as she watched the lady’s face flush with fury. The girl froze and looked ready to say something, but she wasn’t sure what nor did she care. ”Touch me and you’re in trouble, no?” She grinned and addressed Charlotte next with a malicious grin. ”Guess you’ll have to undress, Charlotte! Maybe you can be Farim’s whore! We know you were asking for it at the ball”!

Layla sauntered away and left. the quad, while her laughter echoed down the beach.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interactions: @Helo Bowyn ❄ [@Lava Acklon] Bardulf ❄ @FunnyGuy Mister Luum ❄ @Tae Brigette ❄ @Pink Khione Zeva
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, bow and arrow, rations, water flask, hygiene products, polearm, outfit

Rue let out a deep sigh. Splitting up was not an ideal option. Leaving Bardulf left a pit in Rue’s stomach, while the idea of leaving Bowyn cut her in half. Her wings fluttered angrily and she glanced around at everyone. It didn’t help that in front of her was the godawful statue of the King Zanithel. Rue pulled her hood up and pretended to cough to hide the sneer that crossed her face. Although she didn’t despise the dark elves, she despised their reign and the awful things they did and were getting away with. Pegasus grunted and tossed her head, a warning to Rue that her emotions were affecting her pegasus. She took a deep breath and stroked her mane to soothe her, and she quieted down. Her hood being up caused her shoulders to slouch slightly. The bounty on her head loomed over her and she prayed to God there weren't any posters of her here.

Bowyn’s remark regarding keeping an eye on Zeva was one she agreed with; it would not do to let her romp freely after Bardulf’s magic. It didn’t seem as though she understood how dangerous and reckless their mission was, either. Combined with the city being infested with dark elves and trouble, Rue would have preferred standing on a beach under the hot sun

”I hate to leave either of you,” Rue whispered back to Bowyn, so the others could not hear. ”I fear leaving either of you. If I go with Bardulf, I can leave quicker on Starfire, but also chase down Zeva if she runs for it. I also don’t want to leave you.” Rue set her hand on his cheek and rubbed his face gently.

”I’m going to attract attention too on Starfire as well, so it may be best to keep me with Zeva anyway." Her voice dropped even quieter, barely above a whisper, "But I don't know if I trust Mr.Luum with Bardulf alone either." Rue sighed, then continued. I do want to buy him a disguise ring, and other supplies he feels comfortable using. I just
 I don’t want to lose you, Bo. Anything can happen here.” Rue’s wings drooped down as the pit in her stomach only rose. Her gaze kept shooting around to ensure they were not being watched.


Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @princess Charlotte ★ @FunnyGuy Lorenzo ★ @Lava Alckon Farim ★
Mentions: John
★ Swimsuit
★ Dress

★ Hair & Accessories

Olivia listened toFarim’s explanation with genuine interest. The way he described Alidasht sounded marvelous. Heat didn’t bother her, though she was unsure of how she would feel trekking through sand. The oasis she could imagine in her mind’s eye. How did the sands look compared to the sky? She tilted her head to one side while she listened. A smile painted across her lips. The way Caesonian looked was the polar opposite of Alidasht. It sounded exotic, perhaps like the man before her. Then, she addressed Lorenzo, "If you need water from all the sun, let me know and I can grab you a water bottle."

As he explained more about Alidasht, she interjected a few times. "How does the endless sand look compared to the night sky? I bet the stars and moon look gorgeous!" .... ”What’s your favorite meal? What gem stones do you normally find?

She tried not to overwhelm him, so she kept it short. The curiosity was burning inside of her though and she found herself enjoying his company. It seemed fine until she noticed a man staring at their group. A swoop in her stomach caused her to bite her lip and notice it was Dr. John. Wasn’t he friendly with Calbert? Olivia watched Charlotte leave and eyed her briefly before she joined him. Knowing that Violet Damien was alive after being murdered haunted her. Was Violet Damien the subject Dr. John wanted to discuss? Liv looked away to hide her concern and worry. Instead, she refocused on the beach instead.

As she focused on the beach, Liv heard what sounded like Kazumin. Her gaze fixated on what may have been him, but didn’t call to him nor wave. She could not act as though she knew him or was close anymore, not in public anyway. Her heart sank, but lifted as she noticed what may have been Ruby, assisting him. Olivia sighed and reflected on it, then tore her attention away. It would not be good to stare and reminisce while in the company of two people she was unfamiliar with. Hopefully Charlotte would return soon, and Liv could talk to her in private.

An unexpected noise drew her from her thoughts as she glanced at Lorenzo. She wrinkled her nose and moved away to sit closer to Farim. They were closer while marinating a respectful distance. She glanced at him with raised eyebrows, but remained silent otherwise. Hopefully he could continue sunbathing quietly.

Pretending nothing happened, Olivia pulled out a sandwich for herself and glanced at Farim. ”Do you want another one?”
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