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3 yrs ago
Nicely done. You should look at princess' profile now!!!! ;)


Most Recent Posts

Time: Morning
Location: Tea Party
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Drake ā™„ @FunnyGuy Alexander and Lianna ā™„
Mentions: @helo Callum ā™„

ā™„ Dress
ā™„ Shoes
ā™„ Necklace
ā™„ Gloves
ā™„ Crown
ā™„ Hair

Alexanderā€™s commentary toward how his wife would react to serving her cake and tea caused a bashful smile to creep over her features as she cupped her hands around her tea. Once he mentioned the group, Sadieā€™s gaze moved over to the boisterous four ladies. Her brows knitted together and she bit her lip. The four of them were gossiping now, though she couldnā€™t understand who or what. She sighed and nodded in response to his offer. When he replied heā€™d be attending the ball as well, she nodded politely. It would be lovely for them to get out and meet more people. Plus, she could imagine how good looking the two would be in their finest wear. Did his wife have something compatible with her chair? She frowned as she considered the obstacles she may have, but allowed the thoughts to come and go. This wasnā€™t her kingdom, unfortunately.

A loud trumpet caused her to jump and whirl around to find the cause of it. Prince Callum andā€¦ Her heart sank. He was here? That rude man from the archery competition. Her heart sinking was reflected in her eyes. Sadie listened carefully to Callumā€™s greeting and words. Callum and Ezra, huh? She was unsure why Callum was creating a racket and had brought this man who didnā€™t seem noble, to a nobles only party. A sigh escaped her and she eyed the various treats by her. The guilt in her stomach caused her to stare longer than necessary. Maybe.. Maybe sheā€™d be okay ifā€¦ Her hands trembled, but she hastily sipped her tea to hide it.

Her attention swiveled back to her main companion. Drakeā€™s charismatic smile caused Sadieā€™s heart to flutter rapidly. Her smile was lost as she sipped her tea and took a longer sip than she had earlier. Hearing that he would attend the masquerade made her grin endlessly. She wondered what he would wear? Would he like her ensemble? She set her teacup down and pondered the situation. His lowered voice caused her stomach to swoop inside. She glanced at Genevieve who winked at her and gestured to her to continue conversing.

Once Drake addressed Alexander, Sadieā€™s mouth became a thin line. She was glad to have his company and to have met him. Nonetheless she wished to converse more with Drake and find out more about him. Luckily Alexander picked up the hint and resisted the urge to giggle. His complimentary caused another flush to appear over her cheeks, though not as much as Drake had caused her. As Alexander took his leave, his gaze towards Jenny was not lost. She glanced from her peripheral vision and noticed Jenny stared at him and raised her eyebrow inquisitive. The guards moved closer to Jenny and one of the men cleared their throats. Why was he staring at her?

With the man gone and it now only them, Sadie pushed it out of her mind. Her gaze returned to Drake and focused on him.

ā€Well, this certainly is becoming interesting isnā€™t it?ā€ To hide her nerves, she giggled and hastily began eating her food despite the guilt gnawing at her.

Time: Morning
Location: Ezraā€˜s Bakery
Attire: Ezraā€™s Suit
Interactions: @Helo Callum
Mentions: @princess Anastasia, @mantou Wystan, @Silverpaw Wulfric

The effort it took Ezra not to laugh was mind blowing. Fortunately, he managed to maintain a straight face. He nodded to his crew to continue working at the bakery, and his glance at Faith told her to keep an eye on everyone. Once they loaded into the carriage, he couldnā€™t help but thank his lucky stars and the book in his house. It was as if the negative effects were becoming positive. This was his ticket in, and would be his newā€¦

The thought left his mind as the carriage stopped and the prince skipped out. Soon he returned with a trumpet? It perplexed him, but he figured it was more likely for mischievous reasons than chivalrous. Ezra shrugged; he couldnā€™t care as long if he didnā€™t get dragged down with him. Once they arrived at the tea party, Ezra gazed over everyone. The weapons checkpoint made him grimace when he looked at Wystan, but emptied his pockets and showed he was unarmed. The sly smirk would be lost to Callum, but definitely not Wystan. Then, his attention was caught by Callumā€™s racket, and he stared at him with confusion, but remained silent.

Ezraā€™s smirk was nearly lost in the fit of laughter he was unable to hold back. What the hell? He moved away, though he bowed when his name was mentioned, and gestured to the large amount of baked goods arriving from the carriage. Once the spectacle was over, he moved away and to a table to begin observing everyone eating his delights while waiting for his princess. The narrowed gaze by Wulfric wasnā€™t lost to him either; he returned it with as much venom as possible. Then Ezra smiled kindly at him and looked over at the entrance for his beloved.
Time: Morning
Location: Tea Party
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Drake ā™„ @FunnyGuy Alexander and Lianna ā™„
Mentions: @Silverpaw Wulfric ā™„ @Tpartywithzombi Violet ā™„
ā™„ Dress
ā™„ Shoes
ā™„ Necklace
ā™„ Gloves
ā™„ Crown
ā™„ Hair

Just who were the Deacons? Why was he interested in them? Sadie racked her brain, but there weren't any answers came to her. The fact they came from another city was a reasonable explanation. Still, Sadie wanted more information, but it wasnā€™t the kind that Alexander would willingly explore. As a result, sheā€™d have to play her cards right. While the two men conversed, Sadie enjoyed her tea and cake, often finishing one item and moving onto the next. She eyed them both as they spoke and analyzed their expressions and tones. ā€That is true. Iā€™m glad you pointed it out.ā€ Sadie offered to Alexander, regarding how nobles may act, but didnā€™t elaborate further.

Once the conversation turned to his wife, Sadie glanced over at her. Knowing his wife was fine relieved her. She had felt guilty over nearly landing on her, and Liannaā€™s subsequent outcry. His wifeā€™s ailment was one Sadie wouldnā€™t wish on anyone, even her worst enemy. She frowned and studied the woman, which explained why sheā€™d be so fearful. ā€My goodness! I understand her response now. I do apologize for startling her so bad. Let me know if I can get her any cakes or tea please to help make up for it.ā€ His comment regarding the Alidasht dinner was stashed in the back of her mind. What happened there exactly? All Sadie knew were rumors and gossip.

Once the topic of the masquerade came up, her expression light up like lights on a Christmas tree. Sadie had brought over a costume and wanted to add a bit of her pizzazz to it. After the event, sheā€™d go back to the Guest House and begin working on it. Her gaze shot to Drake as her eyes shined with joy.

ā€Did you plan to attend?ā€ she inquired to Drake, then returned her attention to Alexander as well. His compliments of of him filled her with joy to see it noticed by another.ā€He did remain tactful. What a diplomat.ā€ She shot Drake a smile of appreciation and nervously fiddled with her cakes and teas she sought to distance herself from the commotion earlier. The confrontation was not one of Sadieā€™s strong suits, and she didnā€™t want to continue the conversation anymore. ā€Are you going to the masquerade, Sir Deacon?ā€ She inquired.

While waiting, she gazed around at the other attendees. Violet Damien, wobbly with a peculiar appearance and large parasol was here, along with Prince Wulfric. That was odd. Sheā€™d have to check on her later today when possible. Sadieā€™s attention returned to her table as she gestured to the cakes and tea. ā€Arenā€™t the cakes and tea great? This is a delightful event.ā€


Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @princess Charlotte ā˜… @FunnyGuy Lorenzo ā˜… @Lava Alckon Farim ā˜…
Mentions: John
ā˜… Swimsuit
ā˜… Dress

ā˜… Hair & Accessories

Olivia giggled at the idea of Lorenzo becoming bronze by the end of the day. While they conversed, she ate her sandwich hungrily, and began thinking of how to join. His retort to Lorenzo made her choke a bit on her sandwich, so she turned away and lost track of part of the conversation. When she had regained control of herself, he was now in Charlotteā€™s airspace. In turn, she had moved away to create some breathing room. The uncomfortableness Charlotte displayed was clear to Olivia, who decided now was her time to create a diversion and allow Charlotte to breathe.

ā€Donā€™t mind if I do, your excellency. These sandwiches are delightful.ā€ Olivia replied, turning so she could grab another sandwich. His question regarding Veirmont caused her to pause briefly. Their family hadnā€™t visited there before due to being too poor. She allowed Charlotte to answer and nodded along in agreement. She didnā€™t confirm nor deny the information given, and she wasnā€™t offering anymore either.

Eager to switch the subject, she locked eyes with Farim and smiled at him. Olivia wished to distract him from Charlotte, and knew most people loved discussing themselves, so she decided to turn the conversation to him next. ā€Sand dunes, huh? Whatā€™s it like in Alidasht? Is everyone as handsome as you?ā€ Olivia didnā€™t move from her position, but turned her body to face Farim and Lorenzo as well, trying to create a middleman between them and Charlotte. ā€Iā€™d love to hear about Alidashtā€™s landscape and culture. Do you mind sharing more about it? It would be much lovelier to hear it from you rather than the books we have in the Sorian Library.ā€

Time: Morning
Location: Ezra ā€˜s Bakery
Attire: Ezraā€™s Suit
Interactions: @Helo Callum
Mentions: @princess Anastasia

Ezraā€™s gaze on Callum was akin to a hawk hunting a mouse. His gaze didnā€™t waiver, and his expression remained polite. While the prince continued speaking, Ezra was careful to nod and smile bashfully, as if this was far too great of a request for a peasant like him. As Callum inquired about the different bakeries, Ezra was quick to answer, and point out all the different flavors he had created for them. ā€I greatly appreciate it.ā€ He paused and listened as the Prince continued speaking. When he was finished, Ezra dipped his head respectfully. ā€No, I do not have a busy morning. That sounds like a delightful event. Iā€™d appreciate the advertisement, too. We have to pay bills somehow, right?ā€ Ezra bowed again, and lingered behind the counter to hide the deranged smirk appearing on his face. Once he straightened up, he was back to normal.

The comment regarding Anna, his angel, the love of his life, and the most precious thing in the whole world to him, made him smile; except, he was careful to make it like a schoolboy crushing on a classmate. ā€Wow! That would be great. Thanks Prince Callum!ā€ He gestured to the other workers who began packaging the cakes, cupcakes, and other bakeries to be taken. Ezra then glanced at Prince Callum -- perhaps he had underestimated how useful he could be to his plans. Maybe he wasn't entirely useless. It was a ticket to the Princess if he played his cards right which he intended to do. ā€Do you have a carriage or some other means of transportation planned?ā€

Time: Morning
Location: Tea Party
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Drake ā™„ @FunnyGuy Alexander and Lianna ā™„
Mentions: @Tae Mina ā™„
ā™„ Dress
ā™„ Shoes
ā™„ Necklace
ā™„ Gloves
ā™„ Crown
ā™„ Hair

Drakeā€™s gentle approach and tone helped to immediately set Sadie at ease. She accepted the handkerchief and began to rub off any excess dirt on her dress. Glancing up, her tiara slid down and she quickly picked it up and began examining it for any filth. She wasnā€™t sure if she found any, but with her shaking hands, she continued to inspect it. Drakeā€™s next comment caused her to chuckle slightly, albeit a little nervously. She didnā€™t glance back at the women and quickly readjusted her crown as a reminder for herself. Sadie could feel glances on the back of her head and had a feeling his words had reached their table.

Without pause, Drake remained elegant and gentle. Sadie took quite deep breaths and smiled genuinely as she listened to him. His voice was a melody she couldnā€™t listen to enough. She nodded in agreement when he told her heā€™d make sure the rest of the event would be good for her. Thankfully, she hadnā€™t seemed to embarrass him. Gratitude filled her and she found herself staring at him with a silly smile on her face that she knew Genny was enjoying from her spot nearby. Before she could reply, he ushered over a waiter to give her tea. A delighted smile crept across her face as she glanced up at him.

ā€That would be wonderful! Thank you!ā€ She accepted the tea and looked around with excitement when he mentioned the pastries. While half her mind begged her not to, Sadie couldnā€™t turn down the sugary delights. He beckoned over another waiter to provide Drake and her both samples of each pastry and sandwiches. ā€Thank you so much! You two are the best. The BEST!ā€ The two men chuckled and moved away to serve others and give them privacy. She began to snack on the food and despite the war waging in her mind, she sought solace with Drake.

Sadieā€™s attention was now diverted as he took her hand and rubbed it gently. She glanced down with surprise, a pastry halfway to her mouth before realizing how ridiculous she probably looked, and quickly set it down. Her cheeks flushed again. What did she do? Her mind raced with answers and she uncertainly glanced at them.

Then, a voice broke through their moment, and she glanced up to see the man whose female companion heā€™d likely tripped over. ā€œPrincess Sadie Camille.ā€ The man greeted with a customary bow, while taking a seat near them, but not in between them. ā€œDrake Edwards, a pleasure seeing you again though we haven't been formally introduced. Alexander Deacon of Javaria.ā€

What does he want? Sadie felt his eyes focus on her and quickly moved her hands to hold them together. She smiled respectfully once heā€™d introduced himself, but didnā€™t interrupt and allowed him to continue speaking. Out of the corner of her eye, her entourage watched intently.

ā€œI do apologize if I'm intruding, but I wanted to ensure you were alright. Not just from the fall but also how rude those women were to you. You would think they would recognize your standing, and not just because you're a princess, your majesty. ā€

He looked upon her and her cheeks flushed once more. ā€It is an honor to meet you, Sir Deacon. Iā€™m glad our paths have crossed.ā€ She replied, her voice soft and kind. ā€I appreciate you checking in on me. I am doing fine, though so thank you. Are you and your female friend all right? As for those ladies, well, it happens sometimes.ā€ Sadie shrugged it off, unsure of how to reply to the end of his comment. She wasnā€™t sure if the quartet could hear or not, so she didnā€™t want to start fights. Sadie, despite being royal, wasnā€™t one to boast her status either so she decided not to elaborate further on it. It would be best to look forward to the rest of the day! ā€I do hope you enjoy your time here. Itā€™s great to meet people from other cities!ā€

It was then that Sadie noticed Mina and waved at her excitedly. Mina! Mina Bina! I haven't seen her in forever! And her uncle too! Not wanting to shout at them, she stuck to her wave and smile, then turned to face the others.


Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @princess Charlotte ā˜… @FunnyGuy Lorenzo ā˜… @Lava Alckon Farim ā˜…
Mentions: John
ā˜… Swimsuit
ā˜… Dress

ā˜… Hair & Accessories

"You know," Charlotte whispered sincerely, "...It warms my heart to see you so relaxed and with a smile on your face... I want you to remember that it's going to be okay."

Olivia smiled at her and nodded gratefully, after accepting her sandwich. A warmth spread throughout her, and she quickly squeezed Charlotteā€™s hand gently. Liv felt similar for her friend who had a tortuous day on the 21st. She began to munch her sandwich hungrily, only stopping to glance at the screams from the water and then turning back to face the others.

Soon, Oliviaā€™s attention was soon stolen from the Vikenaā€™s. A dark skinned male with light blue eyes and long wavy hair joined them. Liv had seen many handsome individuals, but this one took the cake. She admired his features and was for a moment, lost in a trance. This must have been one of the Alidasht. She remained silent as he spoke, and her cheeks reddened once he had addressed her. She folded her arms and waited politely for her turn to speak. Lorenzo and he exchanged pleasantries first, and she glanced over at him to ensure he didnā€™t mistake her relation. Whether it was Farim or the importance of the Duke addressing her, Olivia couldnā€™t decipher why her stomach was churning with butterflies.

She let out a quiet sigh of relief after Lorenzo spoke, so she glanced at Charlotte next. How would she handle this, Olivia wondered, after what happened at the dinner? She tried to scoot closer to Charlotte and accidentally crushed her hand. She bit her lip to restrain herself from swearing (unlady-like, Charlotte had told her) (how disappointing!) and took deep breaths to calm herself. Releasing her hand, Livy leaned back in her chair as if nothing had happened and bit her lip to keep from cursing. She eyed the man cautiously, and hoped for the Vikena's sake, the other Alidasht did not show up. She would defend them if so, but she saw no reason to become defensive yet.

ā€My name is...ā€ she paused briefly. ā€Olivia. You can call me Livvy.ā€ She began focusing on eating her sandwich and tried to ignore the butterflies and nerves inside of her. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Though she was unsure of the customary Alidasht bow, she dipped her head respectfully, hoping this would suffice. Once she brought her head back up, she glanced at Charlotte out of the corner of her eye to ask silently, if she had been correct to do that.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interactions: @Helo Bowyn ā„ @Lava Alckon Bardulf ā„ @FunnyGuy Mister Luum ā„ @Tae Brigette ā„ @Pink Khione Zeva
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, bow and arrow, rations, water flask, hygiene products, polearm, outfit

Rue turned to stare coldly at Mister Luum with a downcast gaze. He wasnā€™t exactly wrong, but she wouldnā€™t tolerate a stranger endangering their human. If she had to kill to protect the group, especially Bowyn and Bardulf, then she would. Seeing death and bloodshed had caused her to grow numb. She paused twirling her polearm to settle it beside her, then flapped her wings to gain momentum. Higher and higher she flew until she seated herself onto Starfireā€™s back. Instead of replying back like Bowyn had (which she admired), Rue kept her thoughts to herself and watched intently, her polearm now resting at her side.

As the conversation continued, She predicted what Mister Luum would say, so she wasnā€™t surprised heā€™d invited the suspicious elf along with them. With a sigh, she watched the scenario play out, and glanced at Bowyn with irritation. As he addressed the elf girl, she chuckled lightly, despite the morbid subject. ā€You may end up losing your parents and those dearest to you. Perhaps a limb. Your life?ā€ she added, hoping it might disway her, despite her seeing Bardulf.

Speaking of which, his voice broke her reverie, and she turned to face him. Sympathy for the young human captured her heart. She reached down to put her hand on his shoulder and rubbed it comfortingly. ā€Iā€™ll be ready when you are, Bardulf. Like a snowflake from the sky, Iā€™ll catch you.ā€ Rue told him gently. His remark on moving away caused her to glance around suspiciously and ready her polearm in case of any danger. ā€We need to get out of here now. Bardulf, please stay at our side.ā€

Now Zeva spoke up, and Rue glanced in her direction menacingly. She listened to her and glanced down at Mister Luum and Bowyn. Rue pinched the bridge of her nose. It was unlikely she would become their foe, but it would be wise to keep an eye on her, but both options irritated her. When she stumbled, Rueā€™s expression softened, noticing the signs of dizziness. However, Bowyn beat her to it, and she sighed in relief. Rue remained quiet and out of the conversation, and glanced around to see if anyone else had seen Bardulfā€™s magic.
Time: Morning
Location: Tea Party
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Drake, @FunnyGuy Alexander and Lianna, @Mantou Wystan
Mentions: @Mole Felix, @JJ Doe Riona, @Lava Alckon Drake
ā™„ Dress
ā™„ Shoes
ā™„ Necklace
ā™„ Gloves
ā™„ Crown
ā™„ Hair

On Sola 23rd, Sadie was now preparing for the Tea Party. She finished getting ready and stood in front of the mirror. She adjusted her seashell crown and took a deep breath. ā€How do I look?ā€ Sadie inquired as she turned to glance at her lady-in-waiting and bodyguard, Genevieve.

ā€Wonderful, mā€™lady. The seashells you collected yesterday go nicely with the ensemble.ā€ Genny replied promptly, a smile curling her lips. Sadie dipped her head in respect and then hugged her.

ā€Thank you Genny!ā€ Sadie chirped, then spun in the mirror to watch her dress twirl and giggled. She stopped and readjusted her tiara and bit her lip. ā€Is this--are you sure that my outfit is appropriate for meeting-ā€

Mā€™lady,ā€ Genny interrupted as she came over and fixed her dress and smoothed out her hair, ā€You look dashing. Have I ever lied to you?ā€ Sadie bit her lip and shook her head as she stared at the floor. Genny titlted her chin up to force Sadie to look in the mirror at their reflections. ā€You look radiant. Now letā€™s go before you make yourself late.ā€

Soon after, the duo arrived in Sadieā€™s carriage to the Tea Party. Genny helped Sadie out of the carriage and nodded to the guards to follow behind her. With a deep breath and her heart fluttering, Sadie moved to greet Wystan at the entry. She paused, watching as he patted participants down and tilted her head to one side. Given the circumstances lately, it did not surprise her.

After the watchdog was finished, he took one glance at Sadie and then gave her a deep bow. ā€Your Royal Highness. Please, you may proceed.ā€

Sadie beamed at Wystan and could barely contain her excitement. ā€Wystan!ā€ Sadie exclaimed. She pulled him into a hug unexpectedly and swiftly let go of him after. ā€So good to see you! Thank you!ā€ The bodyguard collected himself fairly quickly, and thanked his foresight that day to ensure that his weapons were double-wrapped around his torso.

ā€Likewise, Your Highness. Please enjoy the gathering.ā€

ā€Thank you! I will. This is a great day for an event like this; I hope you can relax after your duty to join us!ā€ She bounced passed him with a smile on her face. She glanced back to ensure that Genny, and her guards, Eric, Holland, and Mikhail were behind her, and then continued forward.

Once inside, Sadie glanced around at the guests. She searched until she found Drake Edwards. Her smile graced her face from ear-to-ear, and the air seemed to become warmer and the sun shone brighter than it had moments earlier. Standing a distance away were Genny, and three of her guards. In the back of her mind, she could hear Genny urging her forward (ā€Go on, Sade, go on!ā€)

Sadie took a deep breath and swiftly approached him, but not without fault; she accidentally tripped on the hem of a ladyā€™s dress near her and crashed to the ground. The table was near a man and woman in a wheelchair whom she didnā€™t recognize. Sadie gasped in surprise, then humiliation and pain washed over her. She quickly began clambering back to her feet as pain radiated throughout her body. Soft hands helped her up, and she knew it was Genny. A quiet fell over the party as everyone turned to glance at her. A blush crept up her face and tears were at the back of her mind, but she didnā€™t let them fall.

ā€Iā€™m so sorry!ā€ Sadie blurted out, looking at the man and the woman in the wheelchair she had nearly toppled over. She turned to face the woman and the dress sheā€™d tripped on. ā€I apologize as well. Are you all right?ā€

The woman and her friends sneered at her, and the lady rolled her eyes. ā€Weā€™re fine, but I doubt your pride is.ā€ She replied bitterly, and the ladies laughed boisterously.

Sadie bit her lip and frowned in response, but then let a smile grace her face once more. ā€Iā€¦ I am okayā€¦.. Thank you. I am glad youā€™re well.ā€ Sadie then marched forward and averted her gaze as she sat beside Drake, trembling slightly, and noticed from her peripheral vision, Genny glared at the woman with so much heat and force that it would have killed her if possible. Her guards even walked past them purposely and moved to stand a distance away from Sadie, but remained protectively nearby. ā€...Do you want me to still sit with you?ā€

Soon after, a familiar voice can be heard addressing the unsavory group of women. ā€Ladies, my sincere apologies. However in consideration of all our guests I will have to remind you that this is a formal gathering and proper decorum is encouraged. Please mind your volume, thank you.ā€
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: One week with freedom
Location: Near Riverbloom, by the river
Interactions: @Conscripts Barrock ā‹† @GingerBobOh Rowan ā‹† @Mole Aurora ā‹† @13org Zora
Mentions: @AliveFalling Zalthraxis ā‹† @FunnyGuy Kyros ā‹† @princess Deyanira
ā‹† Outfit
ā‹† Dagger
ā‹† Backpack
ā‹† Swords- Unbreakable and Returning Enchantments
ā‹† Whip-wrapped around her body
ā‹† Armpit Fragrance, water flask, lighter, rations, cookies, hygiene products, amas

One week ago, Violetta had been in the dark fairy facility, dreaming of being let out to terrorize Avalia. Though hunting down fairies for the experiments was fun, she was invigorated to hunt down an escaped dark fairy. Didnā€™t this dumbass know how lucky they were? Fortunate? Loved? She couldnā€™t understand the desire to run away. The hunt would be as exciting as would be the capture and torture. Violetta sat on a tree branch outside Riverbloom, swinging her legs and fantasizing about the possibilities. Ripped wings? Loss of fingernails and toenails? Perhaps sheā€™d scratch out their eyeballs so the toy would lose their ability to escape again.

She hummed to herself peacefully. Then, her attention was caught as she spotted a spider crawling down the tree passed her. A smile spread across her face as she stretched out her hand. The spider paused, turning to face her, and then hesitantly extended its front legs forward. ā€There, there,ā€ Violetta cooed to the spider as she began to pet its head gently. ā€You donā€™t have anything to worry about. I wonā€™t hurt you.ā€

ā€Your energy is dark. Why is that?ā€ The spider inquired as it studied her, but didnā€™t flinch away from the soft pets. All eight of its legs were now on the palm of Violettaā€™s hand. The power of holding such an innocent creature only excited her. One wrong move and the spider would be toast.

ā€Don't worry your pretty little head.ā€ Her tone was soft, but carried a malice behind them as she readjusted her position to rest her back against the tree trunk. The spider mustā€™ve noticed, because it did not continue. ā€Now, my lovely eight-legged beauty, have you seen anything strange nearby?ā€

ā€Like what?ā€

Violetta stifled a sigh and dramatically rolled her eyes. ā€Any fairies who lookā€¦ unusual?ā€

ā€No. I have not. I do see many fairies here, itā€™s Riverbloom.ā€

This time, Violetta couldnā€™t suppress a sigh and stared down with agitation at the spider. When she went to snap back, her transmission bracelet rang, causing her to jump and nearly dispel her new friend. The spider clutched onto Violettaā€™s fingers and wrapped itself around her. A quick glance was given to the spider to reward it for not leaving as she answered her call. Her heart race accelerated. Which one of the three would be calling her? She was giddy with anticipation. As she answered, she smiled and fixed her position to look more professional. The spider turned to watch curiously.

ā€œGreetings, I want all missions you are actively following to be held. I have direct orders to send you both to different locations as scouts to either infiltrate or execute groups who have allegedly summoned humans. Violetta you will head to Riverbloom and Helio you will make your way to Roshmi. I will send others once I receive a successful word from either of you and if any of you see the female red or white hair dark fairies like yourself within these groups make sure they are also captured or killed. Do not fail me.ā€

Violetta listened intently, her eyes glued to the hologram. Her eyes widened as he spoke. Humans? HUMANS? Violetta gasped, but then remembered she had to answer, so she saluted Zalthraxis and exclaimed passionately, ā€Yes, father!ā€

The spider shifted uncomfortably on her palm and stared at her. ā€What was that about?ā€

ā€Donā€™t worry my friend!ā€ she exclaimed giddily, and began to glance around with a malicious grin on her face, as if a human might pop out of the bushes now. ā€We have some humans to hunt down! How cool is that? An actual human! I wonder what they look like? Sound like? I wonder if they like pain!ā€ Her excitement was palpable, and Violetta could barely contain it as she giggled joyously, as if it were Christmas. ā€My friend, my precious eight-legged beauty, the love of my life, have you seen anything strange nearby?ā€

The spider shifted once more and began to make a beeline for the tree to escape this deranged fairy. ā€Hey! I am talking to you! I didnā€™t dismiss you.ā€ Letta grabbed the spider and held it by its back legs furiously as her expression morphed into downright fury. ā€Did I SAY you could leave? Did I tell you it was alright? Were you listening to me? Iā€™m not done with you!ā€ She raised her other hand and began to engulf their area into darkness. ā€You canā€™t escape if you canā€™t find your bearings. Now you tell me what you know about this kingdom and whatā€™s happened and if you saw anything strange or I will suffocate you, never to see your worthless spider friends again.ā€

The spider screeched as it tried fruitlessly to escape. Letta watched with amusement as it struggled and cupped her hands around it to further shroud the creature in darkness. It sank its fangs into her but she ignored the pain. Instead of shrinking away from it, Letta relished it and grinned with malice. The spider stared at her with horror when it found she was not affected by it at all. Letta began to crush her palm around it as it shrieked and screeched to escape to no avail.

ā€Fine! Fine! Iā€™ll tell you what I know! Stop!ā€ The spider screeched finally, pleading for mercy.

Letta grinned as she relinquished her grip on it. ā€Thatā€™s a good little spider,ā€ she purred, her darkness ebbing away while her expression melted like cookies in milk.

ā€Thereā€™s a groupā€¦ Theyā€™re outside Riverbloom. Thereā€™s two light elves and a strange looking lady with them. They have beenā€¦ practicing something. I donā€™t know anything else! I was trying to find a place to spin my web and started to watch them! They werenā€™t far from here!ā€

Violetta smiled maliciously and petted the spiderā€™s head once more. It shrank away, but froze otherwise so as not to get yelled at. She continued petting the spider as it quivered in her palm. Then, with a giggle, she declared, ā€You are the BEST!ā€ she giggled and continued, ā€I will reward you with your freedom!ā€ She raised her palm to a tree branch. The spider quickly began hightailing it out of there.

Letta watched with a grin as it finally moved onto the branch and then slowly took out a dagger. Watching it intently, she waited until it began to crawl away to strike. A quick stab to the back of the spiderā€™s back caused it to shriek in pain and shock. ā€Itā€™s timeā€¦ To sayā€¦ goodnight.ā€

Violetta cackled with joy and stood up on the branch. It had been a lullaby her parents had sung to her as an infant. She swiped the spider away from the branch and watched as it fell. ā€Iā€™ll miss you!ā€

Rejuvenated, Violetta sprang off the branch in search of these of newfound toys.
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