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Time: Morning
Location: Ezra ‘s Bakery
Interactions: @Helo Callum
Mentions: @princess Anastasia, @silverpaw Wulfric, @mantou Wystan. @Inertia Auguste

After giving the Danrose’s their gifts, Ezra had appeared to leave the castle. A quick pitstop made possible by Victorie had given him the leverage he needed. The objects he’d found were so small and minor that nobody would really notice. Ezra was unable to believe how perfectly his night had gone. The trip to the castle was successful; the seeds were planted and soon the fruit of his labor would come to fruition. Afterwards, Ezra had gone home. He’d drank and ate food he’d stolen on the way home, pulverized townsfolk who had asked him for help, and tended to his paintings. The victims hadn’t been able to receive a clear look of his face; for some reason, it was disguised in fog. All in all, it had been a great evening, and Ezra had allowed himself to unwind after it. His sleep was punctured throughout the night of his beautiful princess.

The next day hadn’t been a waste either. Ezra had closed his bakery to the public. This time he’d specifically begun baking and cooking once more. He’d practiced some of his fine art as well, on a… willing subject. That was an understatement, but he hadn’t cared. In Between baking and torturing, he had reports given to him on the whereabouts and frequency of the Danroses and their disgusting homeless watchdog. The information served him well, and he’d make use of their travel routes and habits. Of course, he already knew the princess’, his soon-to-be-wife, but he had to track further and investigate.

The next day came quickly; Ezra had been bored waiting for it. He was in the middle of his baking once more, crafting new delicacies for the king. The bumbling food loved his bakery, but who could blame him? His shop was rising to newfound fame. He crafted all his bakery with extra care, but some of them were different from the others. Ezra was in the back when he heard a familiar voice call to him. It was then that Ezra thought he’d lost his mind. As he exited from the backroom, he found none other than the worthless son, Prince Callum, standing before him. It took Ezra a moment to collect himself and then grin, trying to hide the mischief in it as well. Behind him, some of the workers glanced over with interest, but stayed out of the way and earshot or eyesight of the prince, working hastily to fulfill their needs.

”Good morning Prince Callum. It is an honor to see you here. You can have as many cakes as you want on the house! What flavors would interest you? I can prepare a carriage for you as well if you would like.”


Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @princess Charlotte ★ @FunnyGuy Lorenzo ★ @Lava Alckon Farim ★
Mentions: John
★ Swimsuit
★ Dress

★ Hair & Accessories


Olivia stared out at the ocean waves with her head in the clouds. The soft, rolling waves helped relax her, though staring out at them caused her stomach to churn. Behind her, the music played and helped convey a sense of relief in her. Had she not been who she was now, it was unlikely she’d be here. Their family normally stayed away from large gatherings, due to the hatred her parents had for the wealthy class. Beach trips had been adorned with frustration in her youth. It had been a chore lugging their belongings to and from their home and the beach, trying to find a space away from nobles, being mocked for their poor attire, and having their belongings stolen.

Liv remembered losing her favorite stuffed animal she’d brought everywhere; a pastel blue bunny with long floppy ears she’d named Blueberry. The hazy memory came back to her and all she could recall was reddish hair and knew the laugh had been wicked. These experiences had given Olivia a bad taste in her mouth. On top of that, she’d nearly drowned in the rift currents after a noble boy threw her mother’s jewelry in the ocean, claiming it had been “worthless”.

”...Olivia, my offer still stands,” ... "But I'd like to relax here before we embark on our mermaid adventures. Can't go without Kazumin anyhow."

Charlotte’s voice broke through her reverie and brought Olivia back down from the clouds. Whether it was the warmth of the sunshine or her new friend’s voice, Olivia was unsure. However, as she turned to face Charlotte, a smile was plastered on her face. She took a deep breath, glanced at the ocean, then turned back to her and nodded. This had been one of the few past experiences she confided to Charlotte, hoping to help bridge the gap between their lives and the understanding of who she was and was becoming.

”Offer is accepted.” She replied with a genuine smile as she sat beside Charlotte on a beach towel. ”I’d love to relax here too. Can you hand me some food please?”

Unexpectedly, the food the Vikena's kept and prepared had been something Olivia started cherishing. Her appetite was nearly unstoppable, and she ate as much as she could. She had gone months without eating properly and had eaten as much as she could. With a sigh, Olivia leaned out on her palms and stretched her long legs out and grinned to herself. The clothing she wore was out of her league and had taken her time to get used to. Shopping with Charlotte had been nerve wracking at first, due to having to change her style and undergo more of a makeover; yet, Liv couldn’t deny how cute the clothes looked, although she hadn’t been a fan of having Charlotte pay for so much. It left a hole in her heart, something she knew she’d have to pay forward in any way she could.

This had not been the adventure she thought she’d have, but she was forever grateful to Charlotte, Fritz, Kazumin, and of course, Devan.
Olivia, Charlotte & Kazumin
Part 1

A third voice reverberated through the stairwell into the basement, the sound of light footsteps against the wood echoing in the air. Finally, a figure appeared by the doorway, her dark hair cascading down from her head and a somber expression on her face. "Hi..." She greeted softly. "If I am interrupting, I can go, but I come bearing cookies."

Persephone listened to him speaking and bit her lip. How did she reply? This was a serious situation, and on top of that, she’d attacked Calbert’s home. The price for her head was likely to be more expensive than the Sorian castle. Before she could respond, Kazu began rambling quicker than she could react. Persephone’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened. Her mind scrambled to respond to him. Thankfully, a third voice joined, causing her to jump and turn around with fright. Then a grin split over her face when she saw Charlotte. She smiled when the scent of cookies wafted over and then her eyes sparkled with interest.

”Charlotte! Hi!” She exclaimed joyfully. Thankful for the interruption, she stood up and gestured for her to join. ”Please, join us! I’m so happy to see you.” Persephone then realized Charlotte hadn’t seen her new look, so she playfully flipped her hair and posed charmingly. ”What do you think? Good coverup? I was thinking - my new name should be Olivia - for the eyes,”

As expected, Kazu had a similar reaction, albeit more intense with his mind flushed with adrenaline and worry. Such that the blonde jumped in shock made worse by Percy’s own jumping prompting him to let loose a childish scream. ”Gah! Charlotte? Wha-wh”- His confusion amplified all the more as he witnessed Percy, who looked unsettlingly like a noble lady now taking a flattering pose on top of it. His mind well past fried now from all the going on, surprises and memories from earlier along with tiny glimpses from last night pop up as brief flashes like a cut-up film being shoved in all jumbled up.

Pushed past his breaking point which led to Kazu just letting his body go limp in a defeated manner. ”Wasn’t there a giant rooster too? … Actually never mind. Just.. just don’t mind me.” Staggering to where the plate of cookies were and plumped down to tiredly munch away.

Charlotte had set the plate down for them to enjoy. She stepped toward Persephone and paused. “I’m… perplexed.” She confessed. This was more than simply putting on a wig. Her face was not the same, though it still held some familiarity.

”Magic.” Olivia answered and picked up a cookie. She quickly devoured it and was careful not to spread crumbs on the floor. ”I didn’t want to be seen near a window and ruin my cover, nor your family’s.” She paused and considered her statements. It was bizarre but this was probably not the weirdest part of her day. ”I’m sorry, I know this is a lot to process.” Her voice was softer and her expression melted like her cookie in milk.

Waiting to gulp down the mouthful of cookies before chiming in. ”It is definitely a lot, but it’s nothing new for me. Just give me a moment for my brain to cool down.” Finished with a tired goofy chuckle before grabbing another cookie to idly chew on.

Olivia glanced at him and bit her lip. She ignored him and turned back to Charlotte.

Charlotte lapsed into silence. She seemed deep in thought for a full minute, her eyes scanning the room around them. Then, she met Olivia’s gaze. “Can I see it…? With a hint of apprehension, she leaned in and elaborated in a hushed tone, as if she were uttering a forbidden word, “The magic?” It had been mentioned enough to her today that at this point, she just honestly wanted to know for certain this concept was real.

Her eyebrows rose inquisitively. She tilted her head to one side and eyed Charlotte. Teaching her magic was risky. For one, it could cause Charlotte to become addicted to the magic. Then secondly, the after effects were concerning; Olivia was aware of how bad her sleep would be over the next few days. The effects of the entire day hadn’t fully hit her yet, nor had she processed the emotions raging inside of her. However, a voice in her head, the one she battled, began to egg her on, and a grin split across her face. How nice would it be to have a magic sister, someone she could. The words left her mouth quicker than her brain could fully process them.

”Sure, but later. Nothing crazy, and not around him.” Olivia replied softly, so Kazumin could not hear her. Why did I say that!

“Okay… How about something small? Does it hurt you to use it?”

”That would be wise to start small. Yes, it can hurt you, and cause long term irreversible damage.” Oliva answered Charlotte honestly while she considered the prospects. ”You must be aware that all magic comes with a price. For example, my nosebleed is a result of using it.” Her voice and body language was calm and serious, unlike her goofy cowl-lick companion.

Olivia took a cookie then nibbled on it. ”The more magic you use, the more negative effects it has on you. It isn’t easy, for instance,” she gestured to her face, ”this spell was painful and would only be achieved by someone with… intermediate skill.”

Charlotte took a step forward and began to move her head purposely, tilting and swiveling as she examined Olivia’s face from different angles. She paused and met her eyes. “I can recognize parts of your old face when I look for them, but you certainly look like a different person. You look… rather beautiful actually… Not that you didn’t before.“ She thoughtfully tapped her chin. “Is it permanent?”

Olivia watched Charlotte’s movements like a hawk. Though she trusted and enjoyed her presence, she was on edge. Partially from the day, and also from the effects of the magic. The whispering in the background was hushed, but the moment Charlotte approached her, they grew louder; demanding attention, demanding the girl stay away, but Olivia ignored them. She didn’t have any reason to distrust her. It was becoming apparent, albeit slowly, that she had misjudged this noblewoman. Her words drew a sly smile from Olivia’s face. She flipped her hair behind her and struck a haughty pose to mimic the oldest Alidasht princess from the ball.

”Well duh,” she teased, ”Of course I’m beautiful,” A giggle escaped her. She then nodded in response to her question. “Permanent and quite painful, and not something I wish to do a second time.”

A sudden scoff rang out into the room and it sounded suspiciously annoyed only to be immediately followed by a heavy chomp into a cookie. ”Tch…Percy was already beautiful.” He scowled with a dismissive wave of his free left hand aimed at no one in particular. ”I don’t know anything about this magic nonsense, but it feels like it's going to make y’all dependent on it. If you ask me, I’d say to chuck that book in a fire and be done with it.” Pointing at both of them in turn with both his pointer finger and a half-eaten cookie that he then took another big chunk out of.

Her gaze moved to Kazumin. She grinned and ruffled his hair in appreciation of his compliment and ignored his warning. Little late for that one, dear Kazu, but not that you would know. Instead she turned away so he wouldn’t see the guilt in her eyes.

“My cousin agreed to tell anyone who asks that Percy is a family friend who was sent here with him.” Charlotte turned to Kazumin as she informed him. “So if she looks different now, she can simply start a new life without worry. From what I understand, she’s had a rough ordeal, so maybe I can help her here a bit and of course you too, Kazumin. Anything I can do, I am here to help.”

Olivia stared at Charlotte. A warmth spread through her, as if she were sitting in front of a fire at home after a long day of farmer’s work. She stared at Charlotte as if she were looking at her with new glasses and dissecting her appearance. Olivia wanted to speak, but the words fell short in her mouth. The length they were going to protect her was more than she could’ve ever wished. She would have never asked them for this, and she realized in that moment, that this would become a friendship she’d cherish. Her vision blurred and she realized there were tears forming in her eyes. Before she could respond, Kazumin interrupted rather… dramatically.

”Start a new... Wait….” Charlotte's words filled his mind still buzzing broken and fragmented thoughts and memories trying to piece itself together. Her words unintentionally triggered the on-growing panic that had been festering just beneath the surface. His new friend seemed to still be speaking, but whatever she was saying fell on deaf ears (no pun intended) for the words start a new life had drowned out everything and from it a horrifying misunderstood reality. Next thing anyone knew, Kazumin had jumped to his feet, nearly stumbling forward in his haste.

His sudden movements caused her to flinch and tense up. Whether it was the magic or the day, it was unknown. Either way, she looked ready to flee at the next provocation. Instead of action, he instead began to misunderstand the situation. ”Kazu-”

The cowlicked blonde took tentative steps forward with tears welling up anew on his panic stricken face. ”No one told me about her new life! You…you’re gonna live some...some new life with this.. This cousin of Char?!” His breathing grew haggard and worsened as so too did his panic now being infused with fear.

”Kazumin-” She interrupted and waved her hands. ”Wait-” But the farmer boy continued on, drowning out her words. The voices grew louder, and her pupils dilated while struggling to remain calm. You are misunderstanding the situation and I do not have the energy for this. Please be quiet.

”Y-you can’t! Please d-don’t leave.” His words came out in shaky, choked sobs; signs of Kazu trying to hold himself together, but the shaking and panic became more evident with every second. His hands reached to grab hold and cling onto whatever the closest part of Percy’s dress was. "Please…I-I’m sorry. I’ll stop causing you trouble.. Just don’t... Don’t leave me alone.” For the first time, Kazu let his vulnerability out; a side that only his family and Percy knew. His fear of being abandoned is overwhelming.

Her eyes widened at the outburst and she bit back a groan. Despite how close she was with him, his dramaticness was wearing on her. Biting back a washpish retort, she took several deep breaths. Fortunately, Charlotte intervened more patiently, and Olivia’s gratitude rose. This gave her the time to simmer down and push aside the negative aspects of the magic slowly consuming her.

Charlotte’s expression fell apart. She took a deep breath as she listened to his words and considered how to best fix the misunderstanding. Her extreme weariness was ever evident.

Finally, she moved forward purposely and began to assure him. “Kazumin…I didn't mean it like that. I was not suggesting that Percy should leave with my cousin, I just meant that we can utilize it as a cover story if anyone asked where ‘Olivia’ came from. There’s no reason to separate you two.“ She then moved forward and gently took his hand and then Percy’s. “...We could maybe all be friends.” She gave them both a smile.

With a deep breath, her voice came out relaxing. ”Kazumin. She is right. We’re all going to stay together. People are going to wonder who I am and where I came from. It’s not a stretch for Calbert to think I came here and I am disguised. This identity is my coverup so I can remain alive and unwanted. Calbert will not let go of the crime I committed today.” The end of her sentence came out bitter.

Instead of letting it increase, she placed a hand on his shoulder gently and smiled at him comfortingly. ”As Ms. Charlotte here proposed we can all be friends.” She caught Charlotte’s smile and returned it, then pulled Kazumin into a firm hug. ”You can't get rid of me that easily, duh.”

Kazumin could do nothing but sit there on his knees, his previously panic stricken and tear streaked face now blank. How was one to react after allowing the ladies to explain. For as happy as he was that Percy wasn’t leaving after all or the warmth of their comfort, but the semi-tired blonde found himself feeling immensely embarrassed due to his jumping to assumptions so quickly.” …Friends…right…” His words came out hollow as he just stood there staring into space past his friend’s shoulder wishing nothing more than to disappear right now though it was not the crying and more so stupidity and shame he just put him through.

Charlotte picked up on his change in demeanor and frowned. Though she wasn’t certain of his particular thought process or what could aid him best, she still wanted to show him comfort. She knelt down to level with him. “I’m so sorry I made you so upset… You’re lucky to have each other. I am truly moved by how much you care about her. It’s rare to find a bond like you two have… I also understand how painful the idea of losing those close to you can feel.”

Olivia nodded in agreement and pulled Kazumin to his feet. She wrapped an arm around his shoulder and grinned at him mischievously. ”As if you could get rid of me that easily!” she exclaimed and ruffled his hair. Then her gaze fell on Charlotte and her expression softened. ”Thank you for understanding. I do hope we all become that close too. You have a great heart and mind, Charlotte. You deserve the world.”

Their words were certainly comforting though unintentionally added to his embarrassment. Being treated like a little child in need of comfort over his reckless assumptions along with earlier incidents before passing out; all of it humiliating. Then Percy went and added further fuel by ruffling his hair. (her usual smirk coming off creepy with her make-up adorn face appearing foreign) There was a limit of humiliation a person could take and Kazu had endured twice that, Percy’s little brother treatment inflating it all the more. What could the exhausted and exasperated farmer do but cover his face beneath his hands where a muffled long drawled out groan could be heard as he screamed into his palms needing some form of outlet.

Charlotte cringed at the sudden scream. She looked at Persephone, signaling her with a head shake and hand wave to back off. “Sorry. I will give you your space.” She quietly said to Kazumin and rose to her feet. Then, she turned to face Persephone. “Well if you are going to look the part of Olivia the noblewoman, we’ll have to take you shopping. For now, tomorrow you’re welcome to borrow some of my clothes and Kazumin is welcome to use my costume trunk if he wants to lay low as well.”

Olivia jumped at the unexpected yell and tensed up. She frowned and moved away from him. Due to being on edge already, her nerves were already heightened. With a scowl, Olivia decided it was best to focus on Charlotte until he recovered. She smiled at Charlotte’s words and took her hands gently. ”That would be great, thank you so much. I will pay you back some day. I promise.” Olivia squeezed her hands and let go.

”Acting noble at first will be strange for me, but I’ll get the hang of it. I grew up being a farmer and seamstress my whole life.” She sat down and looked up at Charlotte with a radiant smile. ”You are a great person, Charlotte. You have a kind heart.”

“Ah yes it may be, however, I did attend charm school. I have a plethora of knowledge for you two… Luckily, you’re a hard worker and will learn in no time.” Charlotte explained to Persephone. “No need for a compliment. My father had always advised me as a child that kindness should be the baseline standard in our interactions with others.”

Being given the chance to have a moment to vent some of his pent up frustration that had been building from the events of the past few days. While he still had plenty to air out., for now he was relieved and content enough to finally function and think. With one last small groan, Kazu peeled his hands from his face letting loose a big huff of air. ”Okay, fine fine, I’m cool. I’m fine.” He said in a calm tone as he slid his right hand through his hair, smoothing it out with a relax sigh.

”Yeah..cool as a cucumber." He followed this up with a double thumbs up to the ladies with his usual grin. ”Sorry about that, ignore my being stupid. Ahem…so… guess a lot has happened since I’ve been… out of it, so to speak.”” Kazu stated, with an awkward chuckle while nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interactions: @Helo Bowyn ❄ @Lava Alckon Bardulf ❄ @FunnyGuy Mister Luum ❄ @Tae Brigette ❄ @Pink Khione Zeva
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, polearm, outfit

Rue relaxed when Bowyn wrapped his arms around her shoulders. She melted into his body and rested her head against his shoulder. ”She seems young,” Rue offered her response to Bowyn’s commentary. ”Time will tell.” She did not want to immediately discount the elf because of strength in numbers, but her anxiety over Bardulf’s identity hindered her ability to empathize with the elf. Rue had sympathy, yes, because she was clearly young and naive, which Rue noted by her rambling.

She sighed in distress and glanced towards Bardulf. He seemed stuck in his own head and then randomly yelled out. In reaction, lightning struck the ground in front of him and crackled off his body. Rue jumped a foot and moved behind Bowyn out of fear. Starfire whinnied and moved away from the human and over to the two fairies, deciding to protect them in case of any further danger.

”Why did he do that?” Her Pegasus glanced at her with annoyance and ruffled her wings.

”It seems he was triggered by something.” Rue replied as she patted Starfire's neck and soothed her until she relaxed. Last thing they needed next was a pissed off Pegasus.

Rue inhaled and collected herself after a moment. Then, she moved over to Bardulf and embraced him into a tight hug. ”Please calm yourself. I understand it was an accident, however if you do this in front of the wrong Avalian, we’ll be in trouble; and your life is too important. We can talk about this once we find suitable shelter. I'm here for you.” Rue let go of him and squeezed his hand.

A quick glance toward the new elf told her it was noticed by her as well. She shot the new elf a cold and wicked glance, one that promised vengeance if she dared speak out about their human. She held onto her polearm loosely, but looked ready to strike if needed. ”You will not speak about this to anyone.” Rue told her firmly and twirled her weapon effortlessly in her hand. It was evident that while she was sweet and compassionate, Rue would not hesitate to protect the group, but especially Bowyn and Bardulf.

Time: 7pm!
Location: Sorian Park Dinner Under Fireworks
Interactions: @Mole Prince Felix, @JJ Doe Fritz, @Tpartywithzombi @Rodiak Zarai/Matthias
Aesthetic: Dress, Hair, Flower Crown, Purple Flats

Sadie nodded in agreement to what Felix said. His honest words caused her to think for a moment. Considering her past, he was wise to be cautious. It was curious that he’d given her the note, especially so boldly in front of everyone else. It was something to think about while being cautious. Sadie continued to smile as not to alert others to what she felt or thought. Sadie did not want to ruin anything for the others!

”Of course! Very wise words from our future king.” She wrapped an arm around her brother and pinched his cheeks teasingly. Then, she looked at the others with a grin. ”Did everyone enjoy their food? The night? The fireworks were beautiful! Just like everyone here.”

She giggled and ruffled Lukas’ hair and looked at Matthias. ”Your son and you are so beautiful! You are a great family. I am thankful you are here.”

Sadie turned to address Count Fritz. ”What a good dragon you are.” Her voice went back to being light and teasing. ”Shall I dub you The Varian Dragon?”

Her gaze traveled to the pummeled yet beautiful Zarai and her heart sank. ”We are so glad you came to join us. Please let me know if there’s anything at all I can do for you. I would like to visit you tomorrow or this week! We should go clothes shopping!”

Unfortunately, John and Roman had left. She didn’t know what was going on, but she hoped they were all right!

Sadie stood up and clasped her hands together. ”This has been a great evening! Thank you all for attending! Would anyone like to take the carriage with me back to our guesthouse? If so follow me, ” She then went to the carriage, and anyone that followed also was given a ride back to the castle.

Time: 7pm!
Location: Sorian Park Dinner Under Fireworks
Interactions: @ReusableSword Roman, @Mole Prince Felix, @Conscripts John, @JJ Doe Fritz @Tpartywithzombi @Rodiak Zarai/Matthias, @Blizz Lyra
Aesthetic: Dress, Hair, Flower Crown, Purple Flats

“I doubt his honesty, as flattering as his letter may appear to be. I would only advise caution, dearest sister.”

“Of course! But I do think it was a very sweet letter. How romantic, huh?” Sadie admitted to Felix with a smile, though she felt cautious herself. After a past like hers, romance could be frightening, especially from one she did not know well yet. Sadie wanted to keep the mood light so she added, ”It’s like something out of a fairytale book.”

She glanced over at the sweet little Lukas as he stacked pillows with Matthias and Mary. “Matthias, you’re such a good father, it really warms my heart! May I help build the castle?” Sadie took a moment to stack a pillow as well with a giggle.

It was such an endearing and hilarious sight to watch Count Fritz pretend to be a dragon with Lukas. While they were playing, she decided to address Lyra’s words. “ No disruption at all, Lyra. Please sit and enjoy some food with us.”

"Oh, of course. He certainly has a way with words, doesn't he? But, they all find their way with words when they see a prize they want. Mind yourself around men like this, Sadie," Lyra said, "Men are rarely worth your hand in marriage, especially as a princess. So many men these days only want the status of a wealthy woman's name, and not the love in her heart. Most are more trouble than they're worth." She said.

“You’re right, Lyra… We must carefully guard our hearts. Not everyone is as nice as they seem… However.” She gently took the brunette’s hand and said with a smile to Lyra,“It is okay for us to look for the good in others with some caution of course, don’t you think?”

As she glanced over, she saw that Lukas had been triumphant in his battle. Sadie applauded and came over to give the sweet child a kiss on the head. “Lukas! You’re my hero! I can’t believe how brave you are!”

Time passed as everyone enjoyed their food. Roman had stepped out to speak with Violet during it, and Sadie hoped everything to be alright. The fireworks sparkled and exploded in the night sky above them as they had enjoyed their treats. Sadie was completely enchanted by them. As the show began to finish, she looked upon everyone as it had been nearly an hour since they had sat together.

“Is everyone having fun? I hope the food was great! ” She asked softly and could not help but look back at the adorable little Lukas. “Lukas, I’ve felt so safe in this castle you’ve built me! Thank you so much. Are you having fun? …Do you wanna play hide and seek with me?”
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interactions: @Helo Bowyn ❄ @Lava Alckon Bardulf ❄ @FunnyGuy Mister Luum ❄ @Tae Brigette ❄ @Pink Khione Zeva
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, polearm, outfit

From everyone’s attacks, the owlbear was now defeated. Rue let out a relieved sigh, unaware she had been holding her breath. Bardulf had taken shelter behind her after attacking the owlbear; Mr Luum, after stepping away, had returned and melted the owlbear’s face off; the young elven girl had contributed, and Bowyn had used ice to entrap it. The situation had occurred quickly for her, and she had been quietly rooted to the spot. The danger had her adrenaline pumping while her mind’s eye saw the bodies of three dark elves falling to the ground. As a result, the mixture of excitement, anxiety, fear, and will to fight had melted together and forced her to remain still. Rue hadn’t meant to sit there silently watching, yet she seemed frozen herself.

She stared at the owlbear, contemplating why it had attacked unexpectedly. Had this elven girl been too close to its territory? Did it have a family it was protecting? She had seen owlbears at the arena, trapped and used for training purposes and also fun for the enforcer’s. While she hadn’t been close to the creatures, she had learned they had been stolen from their families. Her chest tightened. She hadn’t been able to save them. Rue clenched her fists and turned away. There wasn’t any use in sitting here deep in thought; they had a human to protect in a hostile city up ahead, with a reckless young elven woman who could betray them and their innocent human.

Rue tore her gaze away from it and met Bowyn’s. He would be the only one who would've understood her actions and thoughts. Despite the ice they both wielded and the cold they desired, he always created a warmth in her that nobody else could. An apology was in her eyes, before it disappeared, replaced with sorrow for the animal they had slain and pride for Bardulf’s quick reaction. Leaving the owlbear behind without profiting off it and allowing someone to take their victory nauseated her, but protecting their human overwhelmed the need to pull it. Still, she could pay her respects to the creature. She moved over to the owlbear’s carcass to murmur a quiet prayer for it.

Finally, she joined Bowyn and Bardulf with her usual limp, and wrapped an arm around Bowyn’s side. Then, she set her hand on Bardulf’s shoulder. ”You don’t need to apologize, Bardulf. This is new for you, and that was quite a big owlbear. I’m proud of how you reacted, and I hope you can find the pride for yourself within you.” Rue then let her hand slip from him and turned to Bowyn as she gestured with her head towards the elven woman.

”I don’t know how I feel about her right now. I’m not sure if I want her around Bardulf.” Rue remained cautious and kept an eye on the newcomer, while beckoning Starfire to join her. The pegasus joined and huffed at the stranger, letting it be known she would not tolerate any tomfoolery towards the group.

”Stay close to us, Bardulf.” Her voice was quiet enough for only them to hear.Rue held onto the polearm and eyed the situation with a narrowed gaze.
Time: 6pm
Location: Guest Dining Room

Attire: Her dress
@Rodiak Nahir, @13org Mayet, @Lava Alckon Farim, @Helo Leo. @princess Charlotte, @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @Inertia Auguste, Ariella@Tpartywithzombi Nahir @Rodiak

Layla glared towards Charlotte. What could she possibly have to say? The stupid girl would have been wise to hang her head in shame as always. It was obvious as she spoke that she was still a shaking little mouse and could not ever hope to stand as strong a woman as the Alidasht women. She did little to hold back sounds of restrained laughter as the girl proclaimed her pride in her moron of a father. Layla could not believe she even had the nerve to look at Mayet and her and speak. She simply narrowed her eyes at Charlotte once they met hers.

Apparently, the vampiric doll had the nerve and turned to talk down to her uncle. The way she had spoken to him reminded her of one reprimanding a child. Layla felt fury rise in her and she looked at Mayet in disbelief. It was clear from the look on Mayet’s face that the feeling was shared.

"I think you aren't well aware of how serious your father's offense was against us, both on the welcoming ball and now, Lady Charlotte. For you to speak about decorum, civility and respect after everything your father has done towards us is laughable, to say the least. I will warn you and your father one last time..."

"Do not try my patience."

”And don’t you dare ever look at Mayet like that again.” Layla added ferociously.

Hafiz responded accordingly and with cunning. Layla was not a stranger to her uncle’s manipulative tactics. Though perhaps there had been a split second of sympathy, it was more fun to watch it directed toward someone other than herself. Due to the subtle threat toward Charlotte that went over his head, it didn’t seem as if he was intelligent enough to notice. Layla decided she couldn’t blame him for that, because from what she understood, she wasn’t even his real daughter.

Then, Duke Lorenzo was stupid enough to keep trying his luck with the Grand Vizier. Layla wondered if he had ever said anything remotely intelligent in his life. Somehow the Prince of Caesonia agreed with him, which was another bizarre story. Is everyone in this Kingdom on drugs?

Luckily, her father put a stop to the petty arguments and called for the food. Layla could not be bothered to be surprised that the duke thought hummus was whipped peanut butter. Furthermore, the notion of him leading grace was absurd. Thus, she turned to Mayet fondly. Her eyes sparkled with pride at her youngest sister. “Let’s start a new tradition. Idiots who cannot hold their tongues should lose them.” she whispered to Mayet, so the others couldn’t hear.

Then a burst of inspiration came from her. If they were to indulge in this ridiculous grace, she had other plans. Layla gazed up at Zilal and whispered to him and watched as he slithered off her chair. The snake disappeared onto the floor and under the table carefully to avoid people’s feet. Then, once he found Charlotte’s chair, he began to slither up the back of it silently until wrapping around by her head. Once he was positioned and the vampiric doll’s eyes were shut, he would unleash a loud, menacing hiss and then return quickly under the table and back to her side. Layla had learned the trick in her earlier life from Hafiz, so she knew he would also find it amusing.

Time: Evening
Location: Sorian Park Dinner Under Fireworks
Interactions: @ReusableSword Roman, @Mole Prince Felix, @Conscripts John, @JJ Doe Fritz @Tpartywithzombi @Rodiak Zarai/Matthias @Lava Alckon Drake
Aesthetic: Dress, Hair, Flower Crown, Purple Flats

Sadie kept her gaze on John as he spoke. Her gaze seemed to twinkle like the stars above them with a radiant smile pasted across her face. When he mentioned having “hiccups” her gaze became down casted briefly. ”What kind of hiccups? Is anyone messing with my kingdom?” Her voice was teasing, but there was a ferocity at bay. Nobody messed with her subjects! She pretended to crack her knuckles, which would’ve looked intimidating if it wasn’t her. Her glare contrasted her sweet disposition, which melted away like cookies in milk when she softened.

A familiar voice spoke up, and she turned to find Count Fritz. She nodded in response to his bow and dipped her head respectfully. Behind him, he was accompanied by Lady Violet Damien. A chill ran down her spine, unrelated to the cool night air. Her gaze lingered on Violet and took note of her odd appearance. Red eyes, limp hair, giant scar…. What happened to the poor dear? Contemplating the matter without more information was futile, so she smiled broadly. Sadie pretended not to notice the cane either (what was with that?) and extended her hands to her. The woman spoke, and her voice was void of any emotion or thought. What on earth?

”You will not be a bother. You’re free to join us, Violet.” Sadie glanced towards Count Fritz curiously, then folded her hands. ”Fireworks are a delight, and the more the merrier! We have plenty of food here for you, if you’re interested.” Sadie gestured to her collection and moved over to provide her some space.

Her attention diverted to Roman. As he described the afternoon with the other blacksmiths, she smiled kindly. ”They’ll definitely turn out well with you as their teacher! I will stop by tomorrow. How does that sound? I am working on a new invention I think they would enjoy. I am trying to create a fireproof sword.”

Shrugging it off, she went to return to the others when an arm wrapped around her shoulders. Her heart rate accelerated by the unexpected movement; however, the speaker caused her to relax once she recognized it. ”Yes I wanted to see the fireworks. You are welcome to join us. As for my sibling, Prince Felix-” she broke off and gestured to him with a broad smile, ”-is my brother. The rest are part of my kingdom.” Sadie smiled and bent down to pick up food to eat. ”How nice we can all enjoy the evening together! Make sure to eat and drink, everyone!”

In the background, Sadie noticed an unfamiliar gentleman moving towards her. She turned to catch his eye and smiled pleasantly, despite not knowing him. As he spoke, she listened with a head tilt and her eyebrows rose. The man was delivering her a …letter? For her? Oh my! Sadie’s cheeks rivaled her dress when she picked it up. She quickly unraveled the letter and began to read it. As she read it, she nudged Felix with her foot to join her.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interactions: @Helo Bowyn ❄ @Lava Alckon Bardulf ❄ @FunnyGuy Mister Luum ❄ @Tae Brigette ❄ @Pink Khione Zeva
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, polearm, outfit


“So you thought, lead the owlbear toward others, let someone else sort out your mess. Great plan, typical elf logic."

Throughout the journey, she remained at Bowyn's side, and after a couple of miles, she hopped onto Starfire’s back. Mister Luum insisted they give the human a scenic view of Avalia. It was a decision Rue initially was torn on; the longer they remained in the public view, the sooner Bardulf could be spotted. Now they were being rushed by an Owlbear with a human. Rue watched the scene unfold with a frown and folded her arms.

Without waiting, Rue used her polearm to push Bardulf away from the danger. Then, her gaze traveled to Bowyn. "It’ll be okay.” She assured him with a mischievous grin while slipping off Starfire’s back. Her Pegasus whinnied at the danger and pawed at the ground aggressively.

As the owlbear charged towards them, Rue sprang into action. With a fierce determination in her eyes, she lunged forward, her polearm extended in front of her. She stood her ground, ready to face the beast head-on. When the owlbear readied itself to pounce, Rue raised her hand, and a shimmering wall of ice shot up from the ground. The ice was thick and solid, rising to a height and width of nearly ten feet. It would buy everyone the reaction time they needed.

"Get ready while you can, everyone.” Rue’s voice remained calm, but firm, and didn’t offer suggestions to deviate from it.

The owlbear charged towards the ice wall and slammed into the wall with a deafening roar, but the ice held firm. The beast snarled and clawed at the wall, but it still could not break through. Rue stood behind the wall with her eyes fixed on the owlbear. Rue steadied her rapid breathing and watched the owlbear intently. Its eyes moved sideways and it began to slowly stalk its way around the wall with a low growl. ”The ice won’t hold for long – it’s too warm here. Hurry!”

Rue took on an attack stance once more and readied her pole arm. Her gaze became colder than the ice she’d created and she moved a step in front of Bardulf.
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