Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Forest; Near Guava Village
Interactions: Viola@13org, Phia@princess
Equipment: A pack with some supplies, seeds (in his pockets), a small knife, a mask that hangs from his belt, a weapon with a shifting charm that is either a sickle or a glaive, and a shield/drum with an unbreakable charm.

"Perhaps we check at Riverbloom too…”

Cyrus shook his head at this suggestion. “It would be unwise for us to return to The River Fairy Kingdom in its current state.” He said and Phia seemed willing to lead them to her village and her questions continued as they walked. He wondered if Phia was happy living so far removed from her people and what sort of folks resided in her village if not fairies. He didn't ask, they would be there soon enough.

“Alive and well, that is something.” He spoke in a quiet voice to Viola and glanced toward Phia as she continued her questioning. The memory loss was unexpected but Ophelia was alive, it seemed even living happily, which meant one lost sibling was at least accounted for and doing well. This was a small joy he hoped they could both share.

"Could you tell me more about your siblings? ...Where did you last see them?"

An uncomfortable question, one he wasn’t sure how to answer without knowing how much Phia knew. The unmistakable cry of a Roc in pursuit of prey cut through the quiet forest, and to hear it this close was enough to leave Cyrus’s ears ringing from the intensity of it. While the appearance of a Roc had saved him from trying to answer uncomfortable questions, it seemed that was the only favor the big bird would be doing for them.

The wind suddenly picked up, and mighty gusts were generated by the Roc’s massive wings as their flapping pushed through the treetops and an enormous shadow covered the ground. Cyrus could see the massive bird of prey that flew above them. Her talons gripped and crushed a tree trunk before hurling a treetop down at them.

Cyrus moved quickly, jumping out of the way of the falling mass of leaves and branches, his wings flapping to make use of the momentum and kept him upright. He took cover near a tree as he reached with his magic towards the remaining treetops near the Roc. Branches twisted and moved, reaching out toward the bird’s feet, attempting to grab at and entangle them.

To Cyrus, the best outcome would be for the bird to simply realize the prey it had chosen was not worth the effort, for it fly off and seek something else to hunt. It seemed worth a try, luck had been in his favor recently, and he did not wish to harm such a magnificent creature if there was any other way.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 3 days ago

Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: Gaurav

Interactions: Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet


Pleased to see things were going well and as long as nothing else interfered like a certain bubbly fairy then training could begin. Menzai was going over his observation in his head wanting to double-check, when sounds of wings flapping soon struck his ears. Their flaps were drastically different from typical birds; far heavier and seemingly with an ominous weight to them.

By this point, everything Dante and Darius said were muffled; barely noticing their words for his senses were focused on the wings. Far too big for normal birds; this thought had him looking skyward where he could see a looming darkness in the sky. It was a small part of whatever was creating the shadow. A shriek rung out that was all but deafening for the wolf's heightened hearing.

All Menzai could do for the moment was cover his ears as dread filled him.* It couldn't be! What is a Roc doing in these parts?!* He couldn't be certain, but all the familiar signs led to this conclusion. But, worse of all, the location it was heading was in the direction Phia's sent flew off.

If it truly was a Roc, then the situation was dire as such a monstrous creature that was terrifying as it was beautiful. Typically, one that requires all the hunters and even then tended to end in failure. Thankfully they kept to their territory so Roc sighting's were a rarity so the fact one could come out here...

This wasn't the moment to think on that as that would be for later. All that mattered right now was keeping the humans safe and finding some way to hopefully scare the creature away before it could find the village and cause numerous amounts of damage.

Menzai turned his attention back to Dante and Darius, his face partially shadowed and serious." That...if my guess is correct is a Roc." He answered in a strained voice filled with worry." Training is cancelled for the day. We must hurry to its location." Turning towards the trees in the direction it seemed to be heading; on the surface looking composed but inside his heart was beating furiously with concern.* Phia...please be safe!*

Shifting his head to look over his shoulders." Dante, Darius, I shall lead the way. We cannot afford to waste any more time!" The urgency of his voice a clear indication of how drastic this was as Menzai jumped up onto the nearest tree, making sure to keep at a height for the brothers to remain in their sight and would move at a steady fast pace, constantly checking back to ensure they wouldn't lose track of him.

Menzai did not have a plan yet, but once they get an understanding of the situation then they can go from there.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Breakfast time!
Location: River Port; Malachi’s mom’s house
Interactions: Malachi@princess, Jun@JJ Doe, Enstille@GingerBobOh, Kenia@Tae
Equipment: A halberd, (always with him) hunting knife, and half-plate armor (left in the room).

If there was a more beautiful combination of words other than ‘meat and eggs’ then Zion struggled to think of it. But breakfast was being further delayed by the commotion of the others, so against feline instinct he ignored the food, and its enticing aroma, for now.

Jun persisted with his ill-advised escape attempts. What the little guy, who hardly looked like he’d survive an arm wrestling match, thought he was going to do alone against the dark elves baffled the lion, but the fact that Jun kept trying told him enough about the man. Jun was not quick to give up, even when his cause seemed fruitless, one day he would make a fine warrior. Zion was sure of it, and once a cat’s mind was set that was that.

Zion was then treated to the sight of the human trying to escape while being trapped inside a glass sphere, like some sort of confused hampster. Enstille too had started the day practicing his own abilities, and now they all got to watch a spectacular magic show. Then the sphere popped as a knock was heard from the front door. Zion clapped for the display Enstille had put on while Malachi chased Jun down with a water-filled spray bottle. Zion immediately felt bad for the poor human and the likely confused elven woman who now stood at the door with her basket of treats that had been knocked to the ground by Jun. Zion leaned his halberd against the wall and made his way toward the front door.

“Malachi, you are too hard on the man. Look at him, practicing his stealth first thing in the morning. Wonderful dedication Jun, I barely even heard a floorboard creak.” Zion gave a nod of approval, stealth was a wise choice for the small human. His attention then turned to the newcomer, who he studied for a quick second before offering a wave in greeting.

“Please excuse Malachi, he is a grumpy old elf, that is probably why such lovely company avoids him.” Zion flashed his teeth as he bowed his head to the female elf at the door before walking outside to help gather up the spilled bread and pastries she had brought. Zion was glad Jun had not harmed the real food.

“Welcome and apologies for our clumsy friend here, I am Zion. What brings you to our door?” He asked as he, awkwardly, tried to brush the dirt from treats he’d picked up off the ground before placing them back into their basket.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Port
Interactions: Malachi @princess, Zion @Helo, Jun @JJ Doe, Enstille @GingerBobOh

To say Kenia was expecting someone to come practically falling out the door, knocking her basket of goodies out of her hands, would be a lie. In fact, it actually served to irritate her quite a bit. Well, well, isn't this a delightful turn of events? Kenia thought sarcastically. Just when I thought my basket of treats would bring joy and warm welcomes, it decides to make a grand entrance as a splattered mess on the pavement.

Her sassiness grew as she observed the person responsible, his clumsy panic not soothing her frustration. Oh, look, the culprit looks genuinely frightened. How touching. Perhaps I should applaud their talent for turning my basket into an avant-garde art installation. She thought once more, but kept her expression friendly as she looked up to the one wielding the spray bottle.

Kenia's heart oddly skipped a beat as Malachi's eyes met hers. She felt a mix of curiosity and amusement as she observed his stoic expression. She took a moment to gather herself before stepping forward, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

"Well, well, aren't you a charming host?" Kenia remarked, her voice laced with a hint of sass. "Here I am, bringing delightful baked goods to greet my new neighbors, and I'm met with such warmth and hospitality."

She then looked to the Demihuman man who was far more friendly and couldn't help but smile at Zion's playful and charismatic response. His lightheartedness lifted the tension in the air, bringing a touch of warmth to the situation. She appreciated his efforts to diffuse the initial awkwardness caused by Malachi's grumpy demeanor.

Chuckling softly, Kenia replied, her tone teasing yet friendly, "Ah, grumpy old elves, they do have their charm, don't they? It seems I've stumbled upon a den of characters this morning."

She glanced at Malachi briefly, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes, before turning her attention back to Zion. "Well, Zion, it's a pleasure to meet you amidst this delightful chaos. I must say, your warmth and hospitality are far better than your friend here."

Kenia glanced back once more to Malachi, addressing him as she helped Zion gather the treats. "But fear not, dear sir, I'm not here to infiltrate your kingdom of chaos and spray bottles. I come in peace, armed only with tasty treats and neighborly intentions."

She carefully wiped away any dirt before placing the treats back in the basket. "So, here I am, with a basket of slightly adventurous pastries, ready to be the welcome wagon after hopefully giving you lot enough time to settle in. And I must say, stumbling upon a den of characters like you all has definitely made my day more interesting."

With a playful wink, Kenia extended her hand to Zion. "Thank you again for your help, Zion. I'm Kenia, and it's a pleasure to meet you properly. Let's see what other surprises this day has in store for us, shall we?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Online

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Mention(s): Tanithil @Lava Alckon
Interaction(s): Captain Drosis @Blizz, Amisra @Tae
Arlen grinned, clasping his hands together excitedly. “Both!” he exclaimed, clapping once. “Just imagine! Drinks in bed,” he sighed wistfully. “We could be like those super rich guys, all fancy silk, wine glasses in hand…then just get it on when we wanted!” He giggled. “We’d be the envy of all ‘round,” he smirked. Arlen nodded faux-sagely as Amisra agreed Tanithil might feel left out. “Yess, this would be perfect to rope Tani in. Then he’d finally see what’s fun in two is funner in three~” he winked at her.

When Amisra ran her finger down his arm, Arlen’s smirk turned noticeably sultry. When her hand completed its trail, he took a hold of it, and lightly brushed his fingers against hers. He shivered when he felt her breath against his ear, and let go. He leaned in to rub his cheek against hers in a friendly nuzzle. Then, he let her back off, still smiling.

Sometimes, their teasing did get awfully close to crossing the line, which was when Arlen had to remind himself they were strictly friends. It would be weird for them to become involved…probably.

He had no problem admitting it; he enjoyed playing around.

How that’d end up with someone he literally lived with, though? He wasn’t sure, but from what he’d heard, many folks preferred something serious in that kind of a situation. Amisra seemed like the type who would. Probably with Tanithil.

But those two were pretty damn oblivious about it. It was as if they were playing a convoluted, decades-long game of chicken. It was quite entertaining, actually; like his very own drama show. And as long as it was all in good fun, why not?

Arlen was distracted from the semi-serious line of thought by Amisra’s next suggestions. “Drinks sound good.” He sighed at the mention of their captain. “That man can be a real spoilsport, huh?” It wasn’t a serious complaint, though. He knew work needed doing, and they’d have a week in this place anyhow.

“Let’s go see what he wants,” he motioned in the direction of the tavern, clearly intending to go along with her. He didn’t think it needed saying, but obviously he’d help her out if it was something he could assist with.

They traversed the busy streets towards The Seagull. Vanarosa place was always so lively. It felt like second home; second to the one he’d had with the crew, of course. It was standard practice to rob strangers, and try not to be robbed by them, but that was just how it was here.

The tavern their captain favoured was a fairly humble building. Medium sized, with a slanted roof, built from uneven slats of wood. The white and blue paint was chipped. The sign – a painted seagull, of course – was faded till it was barely recognizable anymore. There actually were crowds of those food-stealing bastard birds flocking around, usually.

It wouldn’t look like anything special to strangers, but Arlen was fond of it too. It was a great place to unwind.

It was easy to find their captain once they entered, what with his presence, and the group of their mates he was surrounded by. Arlen casually strolled to the table, taking one of the vacant chairs from another table with him. For good measure, he helped himself to an unattended drink too.

If someone just left it there like that, they clearly didn’t want it anymore.

He sat himself with the group. “You wanted Amisra for something?” he asked, clearly curious about what Drosis would assign her with.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Forest near Guarav Village
Interactions: Cyrus @Helo, Ophelia @princess

Even though Viola was already expecting, seeing how Ophelia didn't react at all, even when she mentioned how her sisters all had similar hair colors made it even clearer that she had no idea of who she or Cyrus were. Was there truly no one else who remembered who Ophelia was at her village? Did they truly not remembered or cared about the tragedy that befell the Millinia family?

Hearing Cyrus' thoughts about Riverbloom, Viola couldn't help but agree, nodding silently at his words. Going there was risky. Especially if someone recognized them. Besides, Viola's opinions regarding Riverbloom and it's people wasn't exactly the most amicable.

"The city still stands, despite our family's downfall. This should be more than enough to assure us where their loyalty lies..." Viola said with piercing eyes.

While Cyrus had mentioned all of them being alive and well, the moment his eyes met with Viola's, he could see that there was still many doubts in Viola's mind. Knowing Ophelia was alive was definitely a good thing and it was somewhat noticeable despite Viola's hard to read emotions. But together with that, Cypress would also see something... different deep inside Viola's eyes.

From the moment they had met after Viola fled away from Daka Island, Cypress would notice, especially as they spent a bit more time together, that whatever they did with Viola, had a deep effect on her, especially on the way she thought and saw the world. Negative feelings seemed to be always present with Viola, sometimes stronger, others weaker, but always there on the back of her mind.

"Alive... Yes... I guess we are." Viola replied, with a very discreet, but still somewhat sad smile as she looked to Cyrus.

Still, Viola kept her thoughts to herself, especially when she heard her asking about her siblings and the last time they saw them. It would be both very difficult and problematic to try and answer that question...

Fortunately, their conversation was quickly cut short by a sharp cry coming from the sky, the unmistakable cry of a Roc. Judging by how loud it was, the bird was very close. Their best bet would to do just as Phia said and be in silence, hoping the creature would pass by them in pursuit of whatever it was hunting.

Much to their dismay, the violent winds that suddenly started blowing at them were a clear warning of what the Roc might be hunting. The moment the trees moved due to the winds, that fear was confirmed with the huge bird looking down at them. It's wings big enough to completely block the sun, in a truly terrifying sight.

With the Roc using it's powerful claws to crush a treetop and send it hurling towards them, Viola only had enough time to use her wings to fly away from the branches that came crashing down on them. Seeing Cyrus twisting tree trunks to try and grab the Roc's leg, Viola quickly moved to the the same tree Cyrus was, taking cover with him.

Touching the trunk of the tree Cypress was using his magic on, Viola let her Blood Rose delicately dig it's thorns on her skin, with it's vines tightening around her body ever so slightly, just enough to barely break the skin. The Blood Rose didn't need that much blood to perform that amount of movement, both because Viola was using the branches Cyrus was controlling as a support for the rose's vines and because it was just fed with the blood of the boar they hunted.

Following her commands, it's thorny vines climbed the tree and the branches Cypress was controlling, shooting towards the Roc, trying to pierce, grab and hurt the Roc as they got near it, trying to discourage it from continuing the hunt and showing it that they weren't worth the risk it would put itself in, should it try to hunt them.

"Leave." Viola commanded as the vines continued shooting towards the Roc.

Time: One week after Zora arrived into Avalia.
Location: Riverbloom, Daisy Bakery
Interactions: Aurora @mole, Rowan @GingerBobOh
Mentions: Barrock @Conscripts

"Your company is already a wonderful reward, sister! Although... This Cake is honestly quite tasty!" Zora said, laughing as she heard Aurora's praise.

While Zora had her different opinions than Rowan and their views seemed to clash quite a bit, it was simply impossible to dislike Aurora. Zora's initial impression of the woman only seemed to reaffirm itself with each passing day. Kind, understanding, sweet. Aurora seemed to deeply care about her, despite only meeting her recently.

The moment Zora heard Rowan's reply though, she couldn't help but to laugh.

"There were many like you back on earth, Rowan. Many were those who tried to tame me, to control me and to use me. To bind me to a 'higher purpose', to a path I was seemingly 'destined to follow'... None of them were successful." Zora said with a smirk as she looked to Rowan.

"What makes you think that you can?" she asked with a defiant smirk, looking to Rowan before she took the final bite of her cake.

"There was no deal, no bargain, no promise. I am bound by no restraints to your goal and purpose, besides the fact that this will also be my new home. My purpose, my destiny... Both are my own to decide what to do with." Zora said, looking to Rowan with a piercing stare.

"Regardless... Since this will be my new home as well, it is in my interest to make it a safe place for me to live... and thrive. So you have my word I'll do my best to bring peace to the land... Besides, I won't simply let Aurora's good will and kindness go unpaid." Zora said, with a rather mysterious smirk lasting only for a moment, before she turned to Aurora with a smile.

It was difficult to know if the peculiar usage of words was due to her exotic accent or if she really meant something by them.

With the conversation changing to Rowan's spartan methods of training, Zora's expression returned to normal, with simply a mischievous smirk remaining.

"Worry not about my safety, Rowan. While I am confident about my abilities with my sickles, as I am sure you have already noticed in our sparring sessions, I have many other ways to defend myself than just with violence..." Zora said with a wink and a mischievous smirk.

Just after she said that, her attention was drawn to a confusion going on just outside. More specifically the single dark elf that was purposely looking for trouble harassing an orc who had not done anything. As the orc approached, despite the offensive words from the dark elf, the tensions got higher and higher. The very moment all the onlookers seemed to be sure that there would be bloodshed though, the orc, much to their surprise, simply walked away.

"To be so proud of his own ignorance... Pathetic child.." Zora said with a heavy sigh, clearly looking and speaking about the dark elf and not the orc.

"I need to say... Watching his face after after the orc simply ignored him was quite amusing." Zora said laughing as the dark elf tried futilely to regain whatever drop of dignity he had left after such an embarrassing display.

Zora herself was no strange to prejudice and discrimination, but she couldn't help but to admire the orc's patience and self control. Even though he didn't say anything, his actions spoke much louder than the prejudice carried by the venomous words of the dark elf.

"Although if you ask me, the dark elf deserved at least a punch in the face..." Zora said with a shrug.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Darius by@FunnyGuy and Dante by @Alivefalling

Time: Morning
Location: Gaurav Village
Interactions: Menzai @samreaper, Cyrus @Helo, Ophelia @princess and Viola @13org
Equipment: 2 shot glasses, 300 Amas total, Flowers from Phia, Dante’s cellphone, and Dante’s knife

Darius and Dante’s question was answered by Menzai who appeared to be even more serious than when he scolded them. To think the guy had levels to his seriousness. Judging by his decision to pursue it, it was obvious that the creature he referred to as a “roc” was capable of threatening the safety of others in the village. With little words and direct guidance to follow his lead, Menzai took to a branch of the nearest tree and started moving with haste.

“Well… Let’s go!” Darius exclaimed, not being a victim of hesitation.

“You got it, boss!” Dante chimed in as they dashed in the direction Menzai had begun to run. The two brothers ran quickly before slowing to a pace they could both maintain. Despite their speed, they were falling more and more behind Menzai by the second.

“Damn, these shoes are trash! No traction! No arch support!” Darius complained, yet he was mostly correct. The shoes he wore now were not made to endure too much wear and tear and were beginning to reach their limit after the several physical training sessions he put them through. Dante, however, endured as he was used to conducting fast-paced movements in boots. It didn’t make him faster, just less likely to complain about what his shoes were made for. Despite Dante’s lack of complaints and Darius’ more focused conditioning toward running, the two needed a boost if they were going to make any headway. But how?

The brothers succinctly looked at each other.

“Let’s FUCKIN’ DO THIS!” They both shouted simultaneously the same idea in mind as they ran alongside each other.

At that moment a large chunk of earth rose under their feet as they focused on making it fly forward. Darius grinned at their prospect as the chunk of earth was traveling faster than their previous running speed.

“Hahaha! Surfs up mothafucka! Woooooooh!”

“Fuck yeah, bro!” He focused harder on propelling the chunk of earth feeling a strain on his magic as he did so. Darius shot a smile at Dante as sweat began to bead on his forehead. He was feeling the strain as well.

“You getting tired on me, soldier?! You can’t let me beat you here!” Even now, Darius was continuing their competitive streak.

“Look here morning dew, I’m not the one breaking sweat.” He let out a short laugh causing Darius to chuckle himself.

“Good, because we might have a fight on our hands! Once we get there-”

“I already know.” his voice filled with a tone of stoicism as he crashed his fist into his palm and cracked his knuckles.

The two continued to follow Menzai through the forest before they see something large and brown moving up ahead.

Almost there!

And then the beast came into view, yet it didn’t matter what it was, Darius and Dante’s minds were set. The moment they broke through the trees to see the roc, a massive bird of prey with a face billowing with feathers vibrant in color. The twins shared one more look at one another as they headed at the roc.

“YEET!” The two roared before dismounting off the rock from either side as it continued to fly forward at the roc until it struck the beast in the chest! Dante rolled as he hit the ground, while Darius took the fall on his forearms and shins. “Darius and Dante coming in for the save!” He shouted before noticing Phia amongst those being targeted by the bird. Surprise party gone wrong, I guess?

“I think you picked the wrong friend this time Phia.” He teased before looking at the towering beast before everyone.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 10 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Mentions: Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Amisra @Tae, and Odds and Ends Shop @princess

Tanithil was fairly intrigued by the wares laid out before him. He looked at each product meticoulously and thought for awhile before speaking. Ismael was right and they had every concern to wonder why such a popular item might be sold with a "funky" effect to it. He smiled and thought how the first outfit would make him look rather scavvy and scandolous. Just the thing that might get a rise out of his friend Amisra. But alas, she also likely scold him for spending "her hard-earned amas." so he shelved the thought for now. He softly picked up the disguise ring, the spyglass, and the compass with the strange eye. After placing the items on the counter, he eyed up the saleswoman and began his pitch.

"Right, miss. So I have these three items here for about 560 amas iffin my maths is right. But my friend brings up the excellent point. You say the ring is buggered, but kinda paused after that. What's exactly goin on here with this?" He motioned towards the ring before picking it up and hovering it over his finger. "Perhaps it best if I just try it on and see the quirk for myself?"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 12 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: River
Interactions: None
Mentions: None
Equipment: Longsword and Plate Armor

After that ordeal with the dark elf in town earlier, surely nothing would happen from now on, right? Well, he was surprisingly correct, for the most part. He just ventured to where he was supposed to go, did his business and quickly, as he physically possibly can, left. Now he could breathe relief for a moment, having something to live for a bit before the next inevitable menial labour he needed to do to keep his belly fed and equipment in check. In a way, it wasn't too different from his old clan's way of life: living on what they have until they inevitably have to raid for more. But at the very least, the self-exiled orc would not be causing any terror upon others. It's a civilized alternative to life, even if it was ultimately frugal and unfulfilling.

Speaking of a fed belly, Barrock remembered that he hadn't had a meal yet.

He didn't want to waste his money on the expensive shops and restaurants in this city. In fact, there was nothing here that could be considered cheap to him, being quite a prosperous town and all. The orc would simply get his own food instead, and to that it would be fishing.

Sitting down by the riverside near the town, Barrock set up his little 'picnic' corner - a lone fishing pole and a nice flat area to sit, contemplate, reflect. With any small thing in this world instinctively triggering every desire to rage, to tear down whatever those annoyances are, these moments of silence provided much needed respite to combat such cursed roots.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 24 min ago

T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Riverbloom, The Daisy
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @13org , @GingerBobOh
T A G S : @13org , @GingerBobOh , @Conscripts

E Q U I P M E N T :

A small pink blush flushed on Aurora's cheeks when she heard her brother speak. he rarely corrected her, and she knew if he did, it was often for a very good reason. She felt humbled and a little ashamed by her words. She had not meant to be so hard on her dear brother. Perhaps, her care for Zora was clouding her judgment.

"Yes, we should resume training, my dear brother." Her head was slightly dipped, as if to concentrate on the plate in front of her -- despite not being able to truly see it. "Zora is very strong for a human, already." A shy smile spread on her timid lips. "The cake was quite enough. I am so glad you enjoyed it, Zora." Her face peaked from her robe towards Zora.

Aurora's head dipped back to her plate as she took the last bite of her cake, not minding too much of the banter between Rowan and Zora. They had their differences and needed to work them out. As well, she agreed with her brother that Zora was here for the greater good. It seemed that she may be afraid of the responsibility associated with it. Zora was brave, after all, but putting an entire world's affairs into the palm of someone's hands could easily frighten anyone.

As she put her fork down, a chime from her earring echoed the commotion that was happening outside. Her milky eyes turned to her Rowan. His inner glow was warm with energy and a sense of courage and excitement. She heard the movement of Zora, and her white eyes flashed toward the human. Her inner glow showed similar arousal as her brother's.

"Is that a quarrel I hear?"

Like the other two, she pushed herself from the seat. Her right hand grabbed hold of her staff as she listened intently. But as soon as the quarrel started, it died, once again.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interactions: Rue@Potter, Bardulf@Lava Alckon, Bridgette@Tae, Mister Luum@FunnyGuy, and Zeva@Pink Khione
Equipment:Sword, hunting knife, a backpack with supplies, and a stoat named Raze who naps in the pocket of his vest.

Finally, Mister Luum stepped up. The light elf seemed to barely break a sweat as he seared off half the owlbear’s face with a concentrated blast of light that, even without looking directly at it, left Bowyn seeing spots and his eyes stinging from the intensity. He stayed alert, they had made a lot of noise, if there were more owlbears in the area they could be on their way. Bardulf was smart to want to leave. Even though that would be the smart move, Bowyn found it difficult to just leave the owlbear carcass behind.

“Owlbear carcass equals a hefty handful of amas.” Bowyn remarked, his eyes studying the carcass. “Of course someone went and ruined a good bit of meat and hide.” He added glancing at Mister Luum. Bowyn’s mind raced thinking about exactly how much usable meat was left. Hide too, plenty of that could still be used, and the bones were perfectly fine.

He wondered how much weight a pegasus could pull because it really would be a shame just to leave all this to rot in the open. To be wasteful like that, to kill an animal and not even use any part of it; was not something a fairy was supposed to do. To just let useful meat or potential amas be left behind, for someone who’d spent his whole life surviving on scraps, just went against his every instinct. But with the human, whose safety had to be his first thought, it all seemed to amount to too high of a risk to justify it.

Bowyn only sighed and started to follow Bardulf, he was just going to have to do yet another thing a fairy wasn’t supposed to do and hope it all balanced out in the end. “You did well Bardulf. Nothin’ to apologize for.” He gave the human a rare compliment, Bardulf had fought without exposing himself to unnecessary risk, and Bowyn liked that. It would not serve their cause to lose their human to an animal attack. Bardulf was needed for fights far more important.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Further off from Guavav Village than before - LOST
Interactions: @Helo Cyrus @13org Viola @Alivefalling Dante @FunnyGuy Darius @Samreaper Menzai
Equipment: Staff with unbreaking and shift enchantment(shifts into dagger), Her bag, Water Purifier, Flask, some shiny pebbles
Attire:Dress, which she decorated with flowers and hung little charms off the ropes, A small antler headdress with flowers and jewels, amulet with Millinia Crest, wooden butterfly earrings, various bracelets

Phia swiftly evaded the crashing trunk, her nimble movements allowing her to escape unscathed as dirt billowed into the air. She protectively landed in front of her two companions. Her gaze fixated on the giant bird overheard, though aware of the branches and thorns from their attacks reaching out toward it.

Her voice, soft but resolute, cut through the tension.

"I believe that's a Roc... Beautiful, yet undeniably deadly," she murmured, her tone laced with both admiration and caution. Though not extensively educated, Phia possessed an innate fascination with creatures, accumulating knowledge over time. "She probably came from the mountains. Poor thing must be ravenous to go over here over the woods... Unfortunately, it looks like we're her choice of breakfast. " Phia was not one to take situations seriously often, but she knew this was dire. It was massive and had the capability to easily cause destruction and gobble down masses, especially since it was desperate.

Contemplating their options, Phia entertained the idea of evading the Roc altogether, seeking refuge under the cover of a large leaf or any possible hiding spot. Yet, a deeper concern gnawed at her thoughts. If they managed to elude the bird's grasp, the looming threat remained that it would target someone else. The vision of innocent children playing in the woods or the Guarav village she called her home flashed through her mind, stirring a sense of urgency within her.

But the worst-case scenario seized her attention—the plain where Menzai and the boys were located. Her heart skipped a beat as she imagined the Roc descending upon that vulnerable plain. A vast, open expanse like that one would only provide an advantage to the deadly creature. The idea of those three getting hurt made her heart ache so much that she thought it might break.

Phia clutched her staff and looked over her shoulder at the other two. Phia's gaze hardened, a steely determination emanating from her. "I'm going to try to talk to her...If I get high enough, I might be able to communicate. And if that doesn't work, I will get her to chase me somewhere else. Please continue your attacks to distract her and try to stay calm. It will be alright. " She informed them intensely. Speaking with an animal that large and different from her usual could prove futile, but she had to try. "Even if we dissuade her from us by attacking her, she will only choose a new victim and I cannot allow that. "

A flicker of tension creased Phia's expression as she contemplated the daunting altitude at which the Roc soared. She had never really flown that high up and the idea made the hairs stand up on the back of her neck. Even as she felt a rise in her throat, she swallowed hard and fluttered her wings to start gaining some height.


Phia felt the color drain from her face. "Oh no." She whispered with dread as she looked over her shoulder to see the two humans as they hopped off the rock. Her eyes followed it as it hurdled into the air toward the Roc. She did a double-take before Dante pulled her attention back to them.

“I think you picked the wrong friend this time Phia.”

She stared at Dante with widened eyes, lowering herself back to the ground as her brain fumbled for words for a moment before she moved over to give him a tight hug. She responded slowly, not letting go until her speech was over. "Dante. I understand that was a joke and I want to laugh, but I cannot. I hope this does not hurt your feelings. Please understand this is a dangerous situation... We can't let that bird get any closer to the village. "

Menzai most undoubtedly would be following. She tapped her foot as she considered whether or not to leave the humans on the ground alone. They had already hurdled rocks at the creature. But that was worse, wasn't it? What if the bird targeted them? She shook her head. "I'll be back. I think you two should take cover by those two fairies there. You can trust them... Tell Menzai when he gets here I have a plan." She told everyone and began to flutter her wings once more to rise into the air, however, she made sure to move slowly under the protection of the foliage so as to not alert the Roc too early on.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Interaction:@Helo Cyrus @13org Viola @princess Phia, @samreaper Menzai @FunnyGuy Darius @Alivefalling Dante

The roc emitted a screech that pierced the air, its ear-splitting call reverberating and threatening to deafen anyone within range. Vines and branches seized hold of its legs, further impeding its movements, when suddenly, an immense chunk of earth crashed forcefully into its chest. Enraged, the roc fiercely flapped its wings, unleashing hurricane-force winds that surged ahead, wreaking havoc upon anyone and anything unfortunate enough to stand in its path. The gusts were so potent that mighty trees snapped and crashed, their thunderous descent echoing through the surroundings.

Undeterred by the attempts to make it flee, the roc summoned its inner fury, ripping free from the entangling vines and branches that had held it in place. Seizing the moment, it ascended into the sky, soaring higher and higher before executing a breathtaking loop, deftly navigating through the dense canopy of trees. It left behind a trail of devastation of falling and broken debris from numerous trees, causing further damage and destruction to the already beleaguered surroundings. The creature turned surveying the newly opened area below to search for its prey.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa, The Seagull
Interactions: Arlen, Amisra
Mentions: Ismael
Equipment: Sword, ring, and some amas.

The captain spent the next stretch of time minding his own business. The mates around him talking about money, swapping stories and drinking like mad. Drosis was content to tune then out and just enjoy his food. By the time Arlen and Amisra came by, he was about to leave and look for them.

”There you are. Yes, I need you for something. Both if need be.” He began, ”Ismael being human makes his presence here a problem. Moment the king finds out, he’ll have this place turned upside down. I need you to keep an ear open for what the king’s guards say. You hear anything about humans, or a human being here, you come and tell me. Warden Luumis’ll be informed soon as word gets out. And she’ll spread it to the rest of the world. Your job until we leave is to keep that information as it is- Undisclosed.”

”That means tailin’ guards that act unusual, and spying on them when they look like they’re reporting anything. I’ll leave it up to you how to deal with them if the secret gets out, but don’t let them go.”

Captain Morr leaned back in his seat. ”Are either of you up to that task?”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 3 days ago

Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: Gaurav

Interactions: Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy , Phia @princess , Viola @13org , Cyrus @Helo

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet


The somewhat slow and steady pace proved more and more frustrating with every wasted second allowed far too many opportunities for things to spiral out of control. He could not blame the humans for being incapable of keeping up with a wolf demi-human and especially considering Menzai was one of the fastest with only one coming to mind capable of outspeeding him, but it did not make things any less frustrating. The knowledge of Phia being within the Roc's vicinity only added to Menzai's whirling mind and to make matters were the two unknown scents, unmistakably fairies near her (most peculiar was the faint similarity they had with Phia) that left the agitated wolf perturbed.

Yet, even through all the conflicting emotions bubbling within, Menzai through immense effort forced himself to remain level-headed and his sights focused on reaching the area above all else. Doing so while also adjusting his pace to ensure the brothers didn't lose sight of him.

Periodically stopping for very brief moments to check back to see Dante and Darius gradually falling behind which only further added to his annoyance. There was little else he could do as the situation offered no time to offer instruction and advice and could do little else but push onward. At least some bit of relief was offered in the way of the brothers finding a use of earth magic to speed up though a quick glance was telling enough of their inefficacy. Their breathings were out of sync on top of using too much magic with the amount of strain their bodies were being put through. He commended them well for their efforts but did so in a way that would result in tiring themselves too much even before reaching the Roc; a good sign they were nowhere near ready to take on such a terrifying beast.

Eventually, the area where the fairies were situated lie just ahead, affording Menzai to Quickly dash ahead, disappearing from the brothers sight in the blink of an eye.

Appearing suddenly atop a branch in a crouched position, the partially panting wolf instantly moving into surveying the area to get an understanding of the situation. His eyes immediately homing in on Phia; scanning her over multiple times for any wounds or injuries and found none to his relief. Satisfied on her condition, he then turned his gaze to the unknown fairies, a male and female who were currently trying to keep the Roc back.* Whoever they are, it doesn't seem like they called it here.* A possibility in his mind crossed out, at least for the time being.

Just when he thought to make his way to join them, did he feel a rush of wind on both sides that threw him a bit off balance. Realizing shortly after that Dante and Darius had flown past him and were...." WAIT! STO-" He cried out at the top of his longs only for an ear-shattering shriek that could be heard for miles drowned out all noise.

Every living creature who heard it fled in pure panic while the villagers of Gaurav had all been stunned or knocked down from the terrifying, deafening sound. None, however, got it worse than Menzai who, being in the immediate vicinity suddenly found himself knocked back against the trunk of the tree he had been standing on.

What had happened, he could not say as he had apparently passed out nor for how long though he surmised the blow to his back brought him back to consciousness. Not that it did any good as his vision was heavily blurry and his mind disoriented as blood trickled from his canine ears. The intense dizziness and confusion. Attempts to reorient himself brought him to his knees coughing and hacking up saliva as his ears flicked and turned trying to get some semblance of what was going on, but heard only a shrill ringing, everything else was muffled.

Whatever was going on, it was clear the Roc was not done for he still felt some powerful gushes of wind forcing him to dig down and cling to the tree to prevent from being sent flying. Menzai was essentially blind in everything but touch while his dizzied mind held no concern for his sake, but that of Phia and the brothers, hell even the two unknowns as they had been seemingly helping.

Menzai would have normally sprung into action immediately had his body not been so thrown out of discourse. His efforts to gather his senses proved fruitless due to his body refusing to listen to him as if his mind and body had been severed. A most frustrating state to find himself in.* Damn it! What's going on?! Phia! Dante! Darius!" His inner monologue screamed, cursing his helplessness and at the worse time of all things.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interactions: @Helo Bowyn @Lava Alckon Bardulf @FunnyGuy Mister Luum @Tae Brigette @Pink Khione Zeva
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, polearm, outfit

From everyone’s attacks, the owlbear was now defeated. Rue let out a relieved sigh, unaware she had been holding her breath. Bardulf had taken shelter behind her after attacking the owlbear; Mr Luum, after stepping away, had returned and melted the owlbear’s face off; the young elven girl had contributed, and Bowyn had used ice to entrap it. The situation had occurred quickly for her, and she had been quietly rooted to the spot. The danger had her adrenaline pumping while her mind’s eye saw the bodies of three dark elves falling to the ground. As a result, the mixture of excitement, anxiety, fear, and will to fight had melted together and forced her to remain still. Rue hadn’t meant to sit there silently watching, yet she seemed frozen herself.

She stared at the owlbear, contemplating why it had attacked unexpectedly. Had this elven girl been too close to its territory? Did it have a family it was protecting? She had seen owlbears at the arena, trapped and used for training purposes and also fun for the enforcer’s. While she hadn’t been close to the creatures, she had learned they had been stolen from their families. Her chest tightened. She hadn’t been able to save them. Rue clenched her fists and turned away. There wasn’t any use in sitting here deep in thought; they had a human to protect in a hostile city up ahead, with a reckless young elven woman who could betray them and their innocent human.

Rue tore her gaze away from it and met Bowyn’s. He would be the only one who would've understood her actions and thoughts. Despite the ice they both wielded and the cold they desired, he always created a warmth in her that nobody else could. An apology was in her eyes, before it disappeared, replaced with sorrow for the animal they had slain and pride for Bardulf’s quick reaction. Leaving the owlbear behind without profiting off it and allowing someone to take their victory nauseated her, but protecting their human overwhelmed the need to pull it. Still, she could pay her respects to the creature. She moved over to the owlbear’s carcass to murmur a quiet prayer for it.

Finally, she joined Bowyn and Bardulf with her usual limp, and wrapped an arm around Bowyn’s side. Then, she set her hand on Bardulf’s shoulder. ”You don’t need to apologize, Bardulf. This is new for you, and that was quite a big owlbear. I’m proud of how you reacted, and I hope you can find the pride for yourself within you.” Rue then let her hand slip from him and turned to Bowyn as she gestured with her head towards the elven woman.

”I don’t know how I feel about her right now. I’m not sure if I want her around Bardulf.” Rue remained cautious and kept an eye on the newcomer, while beckoning Starfire to join her. The pegasus joined and huffed at the stranger, letting it be known she would not tolerate any tomfoolery towards the group.

”Stay close to us, Bardulf.” Her voice was quiet enough for only them to hear.Rue held onto the polearm and eyed the situation with a narrowed gaze.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi
Interaction:Brigitte @Tae, Bardulf @Lava Alckon, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, and Zeva @Pink Khione
Equipment:Fancy Ring, Cold Ring, Oak Wood Staff!, Brown Leather Fingerless Channeling Gloves (not worn), Transmission Bracelet, 560 Amas.

Mister Luum gazed upon the owlbear carcass for an entire minute, surveying the parts affected by his attack. All the while, his ears picked up all that everyone had to say. He found Bardulf's apology much needed considering he had to clean up the mess the human was tasked with dealing with. He didn't care much for the excuse since the apology is all that mattered to the middle-aged elf. Mister Luum made a waving gesture toward the human as he finally stood up, quietly signaling him to continue on the path. The confident faux smile he wore on his face at the moment was passable.

“Go on ahead. I just need to take a breather and maybe give as good of a prayer over the beast's body as our pleasant Rue did.” He gave them a swift nod to continue on the path to Roshmi City before his eyes locked on Zeva. He had faith no other mishaps would befall them the rest of the way.

“Brigitte, get to work on the owlbear! Get as much as you can carry from this beast while I have a word with our new friend.” Mister Luum said excitedly and loud enough to grab Zeva's attention. His eyes studied the other elf before he took an exaggerated step forward.

“Aye, Mister Luum.” Brigitte responded as she quickly got to work, actually finding quite a bit of interesting stuff within the animal. Quite the hoarder, this creature was, but she supposed she shouldn’t be surprised with it likely often attacking travelers for food.

During the fight, Brigitte had tried to divide her attention between making sure Mister Luum was protected and the human was protected. She didn’t want to interfere too much, however, as she knew the group needed practice fighting together and Bardulf needed the practice of learning how to utilize his magic. She shot off a few shots of her bow, but nothing substantial. She mostly stood aside, preparing to grab the bandages quickly in case anyone got an injury and she needed to be a field medic.

“Elf to elf, introductions are in order, don't you think? I am Mister Luum, esteemed adventurer and entrepreneur. I hail from our motherland, Illuminata… yet I have not been home in quite some time. A very long time.” He briefly turned his head to face southwest and let a shallow sigh escape from his breath. “But enough about me. You appear to be quite interesting. At least to me. So tell me, who are you, and what path did fate place you on that led you to me and my friends?” Mister Luum asked this but quickly glanced down at Brigitte to check on her progress and then returned his gaze to Zeva once more.

“All done, Mister Luum.” Brigitte finally said, carrying an impressive amount of stuff from the owl bear. It likely was quite humorous seeing this soft-looking girl carrying more than the normal person could.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Forest; Near Gaurav Village
Interactions: Viola@13org, Phia@princess, Darius @FunnyGuy, Dante @Alivefalling
Equipment: A pack with some supplies, seeds (in his pockets), a small knife, a mask that hangs from his belt, a weapon with a shifting charm that is either a sickle or a glaive, and a shield/drum with an unbreakable charm.

The Roc was not dissuaded. Even as Viola added the thorny vines of her Blood Rose to the frey it seemed only a minor annoyance to the massive bird. As vines and branches reached for the creature's limbs, it let out a cry that left Cyrus, and likely everyone else nearby disoriented from the sheer force of the sound. So he wasn’t sure exactly when others showed up, but a pair of what he assumed, by their shape and lack of wings, to be a couple of very fit elves, managed to hurl a large rock at the bird’s chest. He had no clue how they’d managed that feat but Cyrus was thankful for it as it quieted the Roc. From what he could hear, these elves knew Phia, and the group now had a bit more help.

Then the winds picked up. Gales with force stronger than any storm he’d ever seen snapped at the trees and sent them flying all about. The Roc then began swooping at the trees, clearing away at the coverage that kept them all protected from any direct attacks from the mighty bird. Phia took off to speak with the Roc, to attempt to encourage it to seek food elsewhere. With the increase in the Roc’s aggression, it seemed like the smart move would be to try and outmaneuver the beast, to keep moving towards the deepest parts of the forests until the Roc could no longer find them. But that was his sister’s plan, and he understood her need to protect her village and anyone else who might be in the forest as well. Phia was so much braver than the child he once remembered who had been afraid to fly too high.

So Cyrus lifted his arms and pulled every shattered bit of the trees towards himself. With the winds that the Roc was producing even the smallest twig was difficult to accurately control. Wooden shrapnel tore at his skin, and his light clothing provided little protection against any of it. Several lacerations littered his body, but nothing so devastating to draw his focus away from what he was doing. Shaped almost like a wave, a wall of shattered trees now stood, covering them from front and above. The winds the Roc produced constantly tried to blow apart the fragile shield, but Cyrus kept pulling it back together.

He looked at the pair of elves that had joined them and nodded for them to take coverage with him and Viola, but Cyrus did not dare move his hands or try and shout. Every bit of his focus remained on his will, on keeping control of the bits of trees he held with that will, and on the Roc. Cyrus did not wish to harm the Roc, but if the creature moved to harm Phia he was prepared to fling every bit of wooden shrapnel he held back at the bird. He had not found his sister just to lose her again. There were no actions he would not take if it meant keeping what remained of his family alive. Cyrus knew without asking, without looking toward Viola, that she would do the same. That was what family did; protect each other no matter the cost.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago

"By wonky, it be havin' a jolly little quirk that be present in all the disguises. No need to fret, mate. It works just like it should other than that." Melian told Ismael and glanced at Tanithil next. She cast a squinted eye towards Ismael, then turned her gaze upon Tanithil.

" 560's amas be speakin' true. Ye can give it a whirl yerself, or I can lend a hand, if ye fancy. The mirror be right over yonder." She gestured to a mirror for them to use.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 10 days ago


Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interaction: Brigitte @Tae, Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, and Zeva @Pink Khione

Bardulf continued walking along the path, for once not really looking where he was going or thinking of his surroundings. All of his focus was entirely internal as he fought a draining battle with the suddenly loud conscious inside him.

It wasn't even mine. Mister Luum finished it off, and the group did it together.
The only thing we did was likely scare our friends. Whatever the hell you're "supposed" to be, I don't like it.

Bardulf would stop in his tracks, his head shooting up and eyes forward, as if starting at a ghost. There was nothing there, not even an apparition. Bardulf was merely seeing slight flashses in his mind's eye of the fateful night where his life truly took the darkest turn. He had tried to repress it, to ignore it and move on from it. But the feeling of watching his wife fall before that beast that dwarfed his own size was simply too devastating to let go of. His body felt weak, and he began to tumble to the side. He heard voices and even footsteps behind him, somewhat blurred by his lack of awareness. But as soon as he began to think about the others, about Rue, Bowyn, Brigitte, Mister Luum, and this new elf girl whose name was slipping his mind, the voice in his head rang clear once more.

Shut up...


Bardulf's rage became tangible. He was frustrated on so many levels. This persona of his that came bubbling forth was no apparition or possession. It was merely his own contempt for being unable to protect what was most dear to him. Even now, with all these powers, he barely kept his own against a near carbon copy of the animal that haunted his nightmares. Bardulf's senses finally began to return, his breathing heavy, hair hunged over his face. His anger wouldn't stop, as the normally stoic man felt the emotions come to a critical point, he noticed a shift in the air. Spark of energy seemed to dash around, his hair began to almost stand up on end. Not out of fear, but because the amount of static in the environment began to skyrocket. A few clouds overhead began to rumble, and before Bardulf could react...


A bolt had pierced the heavens and landed onto the ground in front of him. It nearly caused him to fall back from the sudden shock of it all. The energy from the bolt seemed to almost cling to Bardulf, as latent sparks flew from his body towards the ground or into the air. Wherever the energy could find paths to travel, it leapt. He found this sight surreal, as the raw power coursing in his veins seemed to shocked his entire system into overdrive. He took a step forward and launched a couple feet in a mere moment. He had done this earlier with the owlbear, but now he began to truly understand what it felt like to adapt his powers into himself, as well as the risk of letting himself loose could hold for his group. As his ears began to ring from the crack of thunder so close to him, the voice called out one final time.


Bardulf took one final look at his hands, now turning around to face Bowyn and Rue, who were likely closest after the whole spectable. His face was now calm, serene. He showed no signs of anger or discord for now and pulled his hood back up as he walked towards them.

"I'm sorry, you both. And to the rest of the group. I am still....struggling with who I am, and what has happened to me. I realize in my haste I neglected the very thing we all agree on, which is to never waste a kill. To always make sure everything returns to nature whole and properly. Do you both want to....take care of it? Or shall we go?" Bardulf approached the two and stood before them, the energy from before having dissipated as he brought his mood down to earth and controlled himself.

For their sake, I need to be better. Stronger. In control. I can't just run away and I can't just hide. This is my fate, and I will need to see it through.

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