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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 9 days ago


Attire: Coat/Shirt, Pants, and Shoes
Time: Morning of 23rd
Location: Castle Gardees
Mentions: Sadie, @Potter Alexander, and Lianna @FunnyGuy

Drake's posture took a more relaxed turn as he noticed Sadie had begun to feel better about the situation. Truthfully it wasn't worth getting riled up over the opinion of someone he did not even know, but for her to face such scrutiny was something he wouldn't abide by. Sadie had only made a small mistake, something everyone was guilty of at some point in their lives. He took a sip of his tea as the help continued assisting Sadie with her requests, prompting him to smile sweetly at them interacting. She seemed abuzz with bright joy now that the awkward scenario had come and gone. Seeing her pause mid-bite of her pastry was rather adorable to him. Despite all of her antics she simply had this picture perfect way of catching the light in a way that was magnificent. Truly he was blessed to be in her company.

The sound of footsteps quickly shook him from his borderline unattentive state as he noticed the man from earlier approach and introduce himself. Again? I sure hope I haven't met this person and simply forgotten. How terribly uncouth of me. He nodded in agreement, standing to meet the man and offering a firm handshake. He would sit back down shortly after as Alexander commented on the previous altercation and how she should be recognized for her high standing. "You sir, have a keen eye. She certainly is worthy of all the praise in my honest opinion. Thankfully the whole foobar is behind us and it seems they are minding their own for now." His tone was somewhat hushed, no wanting to call their attention once more as they continued the conversation.

He took a look towards the table he strolled from and began to piece together who this couple was, if only vaguely. He recalled a few names showing up in some guest lists of posh events he had been a part of. The Deacons. He wasn't entirely sure about who they were and what their standing was in terms of etiquette but so far the Alexander gentleman had provene to be rather personable. He motioned towards the woman and looked up towards Alexander. "I apologize if my earlier outburst seemed bold to either of you. I wished to speak my mind but shall refrain from being outright belligerent. Is Mrs. Deacon doing well?" He asked with an equally platonic expression adorning his face. As he began to ask, he couldn't help but notice Sadie's gaze and subsequent excitement at the newest guest to enter the gardens. A well-dressed woman he believed to also be of Varian nobility. He took note of the rather large and prominent man she was with, and wondered if that was the Count Sebastian he had heard of. His eyes remained locked with Alexander's, but his mind buzzed every so slightly with questions.

It would seem this event is going to be a rather large gathering after all.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 9 days ago


Location: Sorian Beach
Time: Morning of 23rd
Mentions:Charlotte @princess, Olivia @potter, and Lorenzo @FunnyGuy


Farim paid attention to the trio as they shifted and reacted to his presence. His smile stayed wide, but his eyesbrows instinctively raised at Lorenzo's initial statements. He couldn't help but chuckle lightly as he waved his hand over the sun. "Trust me, Sir. There is no blocking the almighty sun. But I shall keep note to not give you too much shade this fine day. I hope you end up as bronze as myself by the end of the morning." He stepped around him, before hearing him ask about if anymore of "him" would be coming. He turned around and placed his hands on either hip before smirking. "I do not know, Sir Duke. Are any more of you coming?" His quip wasn't meant to be harsh, only to imply that such a question was rather silly. "I am not tied to the hips of my other family members but if you are scared of them...I shall run, how you say....interference." He laughed lightly and turned to look at Charlotte, who was flashing a rather cute smile and handing him a well made sandwhich.

With an elegant bending of the knee, and a crossing of his legs, he sat right next to Charlotte as he took the sandwhich from her hand. He took a rather eager bite as the various ingredients filled his mouth. He closed his eyes and relished in the blending of bread, meats, cheese, and veggies. With his other hand he gave an enthusiastic thumbs up and swalloed the chunk of sandwhich, turning to speak to her. "That was simply deli-oh!" Not realizing how close he got, he was mere inches from her face before his eyelids lowered and a smirk pulled on the corner of his mouth. "My apologies. Personal space is a big thing here I presume." He pushed himself only a mere inch away from her to give her some breathing room, but he wouldn't be surprised if she moved to look for more room for herself. He took another big bite of the sandwhich, the pure joy evident on his face as he savored the flavor. "This really is a nice sandwhich, Charlotte."

Leaning forward, he looked at this new friend of his, Olivia, and held his half-eaten sandwhich up. "Miss Livvy, I implore you to try one of these." He realized her bow was not met with one of his own, so from his seated position he gave a bow with the top half of his body, still likely pushing into Charlotte's bubble without meaning to impeded for too long. "I like your beach here. It reminds a little of home but with nice water instead of neverending dunes." He chomped another chunk of his meal and quickly swallowed it before addressing the group as a whole. "Do you all often come out here?"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tpartywithzombi
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Tpartywithzombi “Strong women are absolutely unpredictable.”

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Location: Tea Party
Time: Sola 23

Violet's carriage arrived, pulling up to the gardens as an attendant came over and opened her door. She still struggled to see, her eyes only showing the shapes and shadows of the figures and things around her. Reaching towards was she assumed was the door she reached for a hand as the attendant helped her out of the carriage.

The sun hit her pale skin for a moment, causing it to turn red in color as she quickly pulled out her parasol again. Biting back a sting she pretended to flush out of the gown as the red faded back into her pale skin.

She smiled at the attendant “ Could I bother you for an escort, I am hard of seeing.” Her red eyes glowing under the shadow of her parasol as she looked in the direction of the man. “Certainly Lady Damian” he walked over and wrapped his arm around hers, escorting her towards the event.

They fell behind Mina and Sebastian as a sudden unease fell over her. She steadied herself from the slight loss of balance. Looking around all she could see were a few figures appearing to be a man and a line of a few guests. The unease grew stronger as she felt the nerves build in her stomach.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Castle Gardens
Attire: Alexander and Lianna
Interaction: Sadie @Potter, Drake @Lava Alckon
Mention: Mina @Tae

To simply stand in the presence of the two nobles gave Alexander a sense of pride. He hadn't been shooed away or simply ignored after beginning his engagement with them. He could not wait to share how the conversation had gone with Lianna but he also knew this was just the beginning. Pleasantries only meant the two weren't particularly rude. It was conversating as a peer among these folk that would separate him from any other random new face that wished to greet them. For Alexander did not wish to simply be a man people liked but one they respected. To be a great man would be his goal. His accomplishment.

Being so close to Princess Sadie and Count Edward's son made their rungs of the envisioned ladder seem so much further from him than he initially thought. Their expressions and words held warmness but he could almost taste the unfamiliarity with him in their tones. A natural thing. Alexander aimed to persuade them to his favor but he would not force it. He had too much pride to do so in this situation. The man wasn't desperate and he did care deeply about what his true first impression might be.

“I'm glad you're fine, your highness and your humbleness is… well I've heard tale of you but to see it in person is quite refreshing. Some nobles forget they're people. And most royals forget they can cry, sweat, and bleed like everyone else.” Alexander shrugged as he commended the princess on the sliver of character he witnessed so far. She had the power to ruin those women's lives or at least threaten to do so. She didn't even have harsh words towards them. Not even a whisper.

His face turned toward Drake who he found to be a charming man so far. It was no surprise he sat so comfortably across from the princess. He not only had station but a handsome face and a confident air about him as well. As long as he kept away from his father's extracurricular practices, the young man would become quite something in the future.

“My wife…” Alexander turned slightly so he could see her for himself. Lianna was in the middle of carefully lifting her tea cup to her lips. Alexander couldn't help but smile and watch for a moment, as if his love for her carried his spirit from very being. “She's perfectly fine. Lianna is a bit shy but she also wanted to make sure the princess was well.” His eyes darted to Sadie he withheld a chuckle. “You gave her quite the scare. Especially considering how interesting that dinner with Alidasht turned out two nights ago. She's without sight so… she thought the worst had happened.”

It was while he spoke that he noticed the princess's silent yet enthusiastic greeting toward someone out of his purview. Despite his desire to look, he kept his attention on those in front of him. Alexander wouldn't dare let that woman distract him again. For now, he'd keep his back to them. “Happenings like that make me wonder how the masquerade party will go this evening. And Sir Drake. Keep that fire about you. We should all maintain a high level of decorum but we shouldn't shy away from a little confrontation. You maintained tact in my opinion”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction: @princess Charlotte, @Potter Olivia, @Lava Alckon Hafiz Jr.

Lorenzo couldn't say he didn't enjoy Farim's company despite dreading the mere presence of his father. He did not know how a man like that could raise someone so unlike himself but Farim was a shining example of the possibility. The duke chuckled at Farim's reply about the sun tanning his skin as dark as his own. That is the goal! The thought only intensified how humourous Lorenzo found the idea. Learning that his family wasn't accompanying Farim helped as well, allowing Lorenzo to return to his state of peace once more.

“I have a feeling only the friendliest of Caesonians are coming to the beach today. So, yes, more of me will be here to pretend they're in Vermillion.” Lorenzo said almost pompously. “Farim, if you'd like, maybe you can accompany us to Veirmont Beach. If you enjoy Sorian Beach, you won't want to live anywhere else if you visit ours. The white sand is like fine powder! Coconut trees are plenty… and there may or may not be a freer section of the beach that a rare few know of.” Made the effort to open his eyes so he could shoot Farim a sly yet painful wink as the sun assaulted his eyes. “Gods that's bright!”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Attire: Outfit
Date and Time: Sola 23rd, Late Morning
Location: The Castle Gardens: Tea Party
Mention(s): @Helo Leo, @JJ Doe Fritz, @Potter Sadie, @Lava Alckon Drake, @FunnyGuy Alexander
Interaction(s): @mantou Wystan, @Tae Mina and Count Sebastian, @Tpartywithzombi Violet
After his mystifying meeting with the ever-strange Count Hendrix earlier this morning, Wulfric spent some time in his office. He scoured the additional papers the count had lent him, comparing and contrasting the details of his business with that of Black Rose’s. Even with another point of reference, nothing about Delronzo’s company seemed amiss. So, either his legitimate fronts were actually legal, or else Marek was fully accustomed to making it seem as if his business was without issue. For a moment, he considered that the same might hold true for the count.

But no…

The prince frowned, because after their most recent meeting, he no longer thought it likely that Hendrix was some sort of Varian counterpart to Delronzo. The count was odd and secretive, certainly. Yet, it didn’t seem as if he was the type of man who would also deal heavily in the Black Market. Perhaps, he had contacts there, however. Either way, with how fixated Hendrix was on him as the heir apparent, the count’s motives and concerns struck him as rather political.

For another hour or so, the prince dealt with more paperwork.

Then, after standing, stretching, and getting changed into an appropriate outfit, he made his way to the Tea Party. He didn’t intend to delay there for long, but as the first prince, he should at the very least show up to greet the guests.

Since he made his way into the gardens through the castle, his entry point was different than most others’. Even so, Wystan was, as usual, a diligent presence one could not miss, stationed in the most optimal area to intercept the guests for a search.

As Wulfric strolled his way over to the guard, Count Blackwood and his niece made their appearance. As was her wont, Lady Mina promptly made herself into a nuisance as she attempted to flirt with the watchdog. So, she was up to her usual antics. How unfortunate.

“Good morning, Wystan,” he greeted the harried man as he approached.

“Lady Mina, please do not hassle our guard,” the prince rebuked her lightly, his smile polite, though he raised a pointed eyebrow at her. “Even overfriendliness,” his tone indicated he knew exactly what she was up to, “can hinder his duties. And indeed, we would not want any sneaking of weapons,” he retorted to the part of her comment he’d happened to overhear. He expected his words would be enough for her to stop bothering the royal retainer.

He gave an approving nod to her uncle, who had complied without issue. “Thank you, Count Blackwood. For one known to enjoy his solitude, I am certainly glad you have decided to attend. Welcome.” He gave the man a bow, and followed with one for his niece as well.

Having arrived just after the Blackwood pair, it was his turn to hand over his weapons. The prince removed them without fuss or ceremony. The sheathed sabre, the holstered pistol, and the dagger from within his jacket were all taken off and laid aside.

His gaze passed over the attendees. He caught the glances of several, and offered each a polite nod. To Lord Leo, who was frowning heavily at the violinist, apparently taking issue with the music. To Count Hendrix, who was – for some reason, now wearing a pair of glasses – familiar in his watchfulness. To Sadie, who had just waved enthusiastically to Lady Mina. She was seated with Lord Drake, while an unknown man stood nearby, conversing with the pair.

“I do believe Princess Sadie wishes to call you over,” Wulfric commented to Mina, a light note of fond amusement in his tone.

The suggestion that they make their way over was on the very tip of their tongue, when a carriage pulled up as close to the gardens as it could. Out of it emerged Lady Violet Damien. Even after learning that her murder had apparently not been of her, meeting her in person was startling.

The woman stumbled out of the carriage, her gait faltering even with assistance. The sun seemed to pose a problem to her downright deathly pallor. Her irises were a vibrant blood red, but wandered around aimless – sightless. She was expressionless and inert; if she were lying down, eyes closed, he would sooner believe her to be a corpse. Most conspicuous of all, there was a barely healed scar across her face. Just as if it had been left there by an axe lodged into her head.

The faintest thread of an unlikely possibility creeped into his mind.

“Lady Violet,” the prince greeted her with surprise. “So, it is true.” A cool smile formed as he tilted his head at her curiously. “That initial report of your death…was a mistake,” he murmured.

But had it been?

“Thankfully,” he added. Only those few in his immediate vicinity would have heard all he had said to her.

Though he appeared at ease, Wulfric remained subtly vigilant.

Because this…yes, this was something very peculiar indeed.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction:@FunnyGuy Lorenzo @Potter Olivia @Lava Alckon Farim
Attire:Dress, Bathing Suit Underneath, Light-colored beach sandals, Hair tied back in a low-style ponytail with a lace ribbon

Charlotte's attention momentarily shifted back to her book, her fingers carefully adjusting its position on her lap. However, it was the warm sensation of Farim's breath against the skin of her face as he spoke that instantly drew her gaze upward. Suddenly, she found herself locked in an unexpected face-to-face encounter with Farim as he chewed his sandwich. Her first thought had been that he had rather lovely eyes. Then the next thought had been that this was an intimate position and they were in a public space. Her cheeks reddened and her eyes slightly widened as she gave him a slow nod to his apology. She cleared her throat as she discreetly slunk back in her chair, fiddling with a lock of her hair with averted eyes, "U-Uh yes. Our chef Gilbert taught me everything I know and he's rather well-versed in the art of sandwich making... Do enjoy."

She leaned a little to the side yet again he was a little close for comfort with his bow towards Olivia. Charlotte instinctively shifted her position, leaning slightly to the side in an attempt to create some space between them. Her grip on the book tightened, her knuckles turning a shade lighter as she turned to the next page with heightened intensity, the rustling of the paper audible to all in the moment. "This is a nice beach, but Lorenzo is right... " A soft smile found its way onto her lips. "There's nothing like Veirmont... We frequent here during the summer or when the King summons us, but our primary residence is in another part of Caesonia, where we spend most of the year."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Ezra ‘s Bakery
Attire: Ezra’s Suit
Interactions: @Helo Callum
Mentions: @princess Anastasia

Ezra’s gaze on Callum was akin to a hawk hunting a mouse. His gaze didn’t waiver, and his expression remained polite. While the prince continued speaking, Ezra was careful to nod and smile bashfully, as if this was far too great of a request for a peasant like him. As Callum inquired about the different bakeries, Ezra was quick to answer, and point out all the different flavors he had created for them. ”I greatly appreciate it.” He paused and listened as the Prince continued speaking. When he was finished, Ezra dipped his head respectfully. ”No, I do not have a busy morning. That sounds like a delightful event. I’d appreciate the advertisement, too. We have to pay bills somehow, right?” Ezra bowed again, and lingered behind the counter to hide the deranged smirk appearing on his face. Once he straightened up, he was back to normal.

The comment regarding Anna, his angel, the love of his life, and the most precious thing in the whole world to him, made him smile; except, he was careful to make it like a schoolboy crushing on a classmate. ”Wow! That would be great. Thanks Prince Callum!” He gestured to the other workers who began packaging the cakes, cupcakes, and other bakeries to be taken. Ezra then glanced at Prince Callum -- perhaps he had underestimated how useful he could be to his plans. Maybe he wasn't entirely useless. It was a ticket to the Princess if he played his cards right which he intended to do. ”Do you have a carriage or some other means of transportation planned?”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @princess Charlotte @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @Lava Alckon Farim
Mentions: John

Hair & Accessories

Olivia giggled at the idea of Lorenzo becoming bronze by the end of the day. While they conversed, she ate her sandwich hungrily, and began thinking of how to join. His retort to Lorenzo made her choke a bit on her sandwich, so she turned away and lost track of part of the conversation. When she had regained control of herself, he was now in Charlotte’s airspace. In turn, she had moved away to create some breathing room. The uncomfortableness Charlotte displayed was clear to Olivia, who decided now was her time to create a diversion and allow Charlotte to breathe.

”Don’t mind if I do, your excellency. These sandwiches are delightful.” Olivia replied, turning so she could grab another sandwich. His question regarding Veirmont caused her to pause briefly. Their family hadn’t visited there before due to being too poor. She allowed Charlotte to answer and nodded along in agreement. She didn’t confirm nor deny the information given, and she wasn’t offering anymore either.

Eager to switch the subject, she locked eyes with Farim and smiled at him. Olivia wished to distract him from Charlotte, and knew most people loved discussing themselves, so she decided to turn the conversation to him next. ”Sand dunes, huh? What’s it like in Alidasht? Is everyone as handsome as you?” Olivia didn’t move from her position, but turned her body to face Farim and Lorenzo as well, trying to create a middleman between them and Charlotte. ”I’d love to hear about Alidasht’s landscape and culture. Do you mind sharing more about it? It would be much lovelier to hear it from you rather than the books we have in the Sorian Library.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Tea Party
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Drake @FunnyGuy Alexander and Lianna
Mentions: @Silverpaw Wulfric @Tpartywithzombi Violet

Just who were the Deacons? Why was he interested in them? Sadie racked her brain, but there weren't any answers came to her. The fact they came from another city was a reasonable explanation. Still, Sadie wanted more information, but it wasn’t the kind that Alexander would willingly explore. As a result, she’d have to play her cards right. While the two men conversed, Sadie enjoyed her tea and cake, often finishing one item and moving onto the next. She eyed them both as they spoke and analyzed their expressions and tones. ”That is true. I’m glad you pointed it out.” Sadie offered to Alexander, regarding how nobles may act, but didn’t elaborate further.

Once the conversation turned to his wife, Sadie glanced over at her. Knowing his wife was fine relieved her. She had felt guilty over nearly landing on her, and Lianna’s subsequent outcry. His wife’s ailment was one Sadie wouldn’t wish on anyone, even her worst enemy. She frowned and studied the woman, which explained why she’d be so fearful. ”My goodness! I understand her response now. I do apologize for startling her so bad. Let me know if I can get her any cakes or tea please to help make up for it.” His comment regarding the Alidasht dinner was stashed in the back of her mind. What happened there exactly? All Sadie knew were rumors and gossip.

Once the topic of the masquerade came up, her expression light up like lights on a Christmas tree. Sadie had brought over a costume and wanted to add a bit of her pizzazz to it. After the event, she’d go back to the Guest House and begin working on it. Her gaze shot to Drake as her eyes shined with joy.

”Did you plan to attend?” she inquired to Drake, then returned her attention to Alexander as well. His compliments of of him filled her with joy to see it noticed by another.”He did remain tactful. What a diplomat.” She shot Drake a smile of appreciation and nervously fiddled with her cakes and teas she sought to distance herself from the commotion earlier. The confrontation was not one of Sadie’s strong suits, and she didn’t want to continue the conversation anymore. ”Are you going to the masquerade, Sir Deacon?” She inquired.

While waiting, she gazed around at the other attendees. Violet Damien, wobbly with a peculiar appearance and large parasol was here, along with Prince Wulfric. That was odd. She’d have to check on her later today when possible. Sadie’s attention returned to her table as she gestured to the cakes and tea. ”Aren’t the cakes and tea great? This is a delightful event.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Tpartywithzombi
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Tpartywithzombi “Strong women are absolutely unpredictable.”

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Location: Tea Party
Time: Sola 23
Mentions: @SilverPaw Wulfric Danrose

Violet's ears perked up as her name was mentioned. She looked in the direction of the voice and offered them a smile realizing it was Prince Wulfric.

“That initial report of your death…was a mistake,” he murmured.

She felt her lips press together as she bit back her tongue.

“ If only that was the truth Prince Wulfric… “

“Yes…A mistake indeed.” She offered him a forced smile, her lips pressed together to hide the secret that lay behind them.

“ I hope you and your family are well, I appreciate your family for hosting such a lovely event. It is a nice escape from all the day-to-day…." Violet had a lot of practice in the art of small talk. Although her mind and body wanted to scream what happened to her to the world all she could picture in her mind was a mob with pitchforks and torches chasing her down.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Callum’s bedroom to Ezra’s Bakery
Interactions: Ezra @Potter

Cal clapped his hands together in excitement as Ezra accepted his offer. “You heard the man, let’s grab that carriage, we’ve got treats to deliver.” He addressed his guards and assisted them with loading up the freshly purchased treats. He even held the door open for Ezra, grinning the whole time. Then Ezra, Cal, and a handful of guards headed to the tea party, making a single stop along the way for Callum to purchase a trumpet. He spent most of the remaining carriage ride attempting to figure out how to make the shiny brass contraption produce sound.

The royal gardens were filled with people, the sort of people who were content enjoying everything Edin offered them and turning their heads to the king’s every depraved action. The weapons checkpoint was new, it gave Callum a slight grin as he thought about how Edin was already showing the guests how little the crown trusted them.

Cal had no weapons to turn over to Wystan and he gave the bodyguard a nod and a polite smile. The youngest prince had only a trumpet and a small stack of boxes from the bakery carried under one arm. He wasn’t sure if they’d let him with the trumpet though. He paused, noted Wulfric speaking to someone, and while his brother was distracted now, he’d certainly take the trumpet from Callum if he saw.

He’d just have to start his grand entrance now.

With the trumpet pressed against his lip, a strange sputtering of air, and an entirely random finger positioning upon the trumpet’s valves; he attempted to play the instrument. The sound it produced was loud and obnoxious, a collection of off-key notes that did not belong together.

“Beautiful people of Caesonia, The Prince of Onions and Ezra Turner, master baker, the greatest in Caesonia, have arrived!” The peace that existed in the royal gardens was abruptly ended by Cal’s shouting. “And we have brought an extravagant collection of cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and…oh is that brownies I smell?” He then placed the trumpet down for Wystan and offered himself up for a pat down.

“Keep that safe for me, sounds like I’ve got a lot of practicing to do.” He patted the trumpet. If Edin hated the sound of a well-played trumpet, he had a feeling the constant sound of him attempting to play, in the middle of the night, might just be downright unbearable. Once he was allowed in, Callum began serving the variety of treats he carried with him to the guests.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 12 days ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: Charlotte @princess
Mentions: Olivia @Potter, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Farim @Lava Alckon

John remembered the ball a few days ago, he confessed being a fashionably boring person, wearing pretty much the same clothes everywhere until the day he is put into the ground. He wasn't kidding. With the exception of the coat, which John opted out due to the uninterruptible sun at its zenith, he looked quite similar to previous day's appearances. How this man, especially one who had lived in the cold north was able to withstand such heat in such stuffy clothes, science would have a field day. But one thing was for sure, it did not seem like he was interested in the water.

Having caught up with his sleep schedules, it was the first time John felt energized. He could finally embark on his lifelong mission: free breakfast. And today, the beach offered them. Its alluring aroma did not break him out of his composure, but it sure attracted him from stall to stall, enjoying a teensy bit of everything before moving onto the next, and then finally settling in with a large refreshment of strawberry-banana smoothie.

"Ah, good stuff. Good stuff." With a kid-like grin, he began trailing the shorelines but never really going close to the water. It was then that he noticed more familiar faces around here: Charlotte and Lorenzo. They were in the middle of a conversation with another woman and a man he thought was familiar. One of the Alidasht nobles? A pretty interesting one judging from his mannerism, and her visible discomfort. Noting that, John simply stood at a reasonable distance, waiting for Charlotte to notice a familiar face. It shouldn't take too long considering how out of place he looked.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by SausagePat
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SausagePat The Sausage Fiend

Member Seen 8 days ago

Time: Mid -> late morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @samreaper

Commotion ensued shortly after Ruby’s cry strewed along the beach. She felt an uncanny sense of comfort as the beachgoers panicked with her. It is hard to say whether this was because she felt that her worries were heard, or because deep down she thrived on chaos, the one constant she knew in her life. Either way, she invoked a rather interesting scene just before her.

At this point, Ruby was able to catch a glimpse at the water and to her surprise, there was no wild creature looming behind her, only several visitors pummeling by as they took her concern seriously.

One such visitor was covered in a layer of … seaweed? What did they do, fight the ocean’s creatures barehanded? the thought passed Ruby’s mind as she coined this young man her new hero. It was then that the face of this victor was visible. The beautiful man from across the beach earlier. Her long distance vision has been known to fail her, but how could she have not recognized her old friend? A bit of embarrassment filled her mind, both for not sooner discerning her dear friend, as well as admitting to herself just how charmed she was by him.

"RUBY!" a loud cry came from his mouth.

She was prepared to embrace him, seaweed covered arms and all. But just as he came to approach her, a large wave washed over his back and he was soon implanted into the sand before her.

“KAZU!” she squealed, hurrying over to help him. There were still a few stragglers running along the shore, thanks to Ruby’s own announcement. “Get off him! There is a man under there!!” she shouted at them.

Kazu said something under his breath and relief perfused Ruby’s mind as she at least knew that he was conscious. “I guess the beach decided that you needed a wash, seaweed boy.” she remarked to her friend.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Tpartywithzombi
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Tpartywithzombi “Strong women are absolutely unpredictable.”

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Ariella Edwards & Yosri Dali Kadir

Ariella woke up early, her mind heavy with the events of the previous night. Hoping for a restful sleep, she had expected the morning to bring clarity, but instead, it only added fog to her thoughts. As the day began, her handmaids meticulously attended to her, tending to every aspect of her physical appearance - plucking, shaving, trimming, and moisturizing - all under the watchful eye of her mother, who insisted on such rituals.

Throughout the entire process, Ariella's mind was consumed by one thought: her mother's newly imposed rule forbidding her from venturing anywhere, particularly without wearing shoes.

This restriction threatened to sever her deep connection to nature, something she cherished dearly. Defiance welled up within her, a determination to preserve that connection at any cost. Even if someone were to forcibly remove her feet, she would likely find another way. That fact was not going to change.

The afternoon spent with Callum reinforced the importance of staying true to herself. It seemed he understood the significance of that connection. Ariella had temporarily set aside her magical studies out of fear, but now she saw them as a refuge from the suffocating societal expectations imposed by her family. She felt fortunate that her family believed her story, sparing Callum from any repercussions. However, the morning paper had cast doubt on their encounter, falsely claiming that he had been the gentleman she had accompanied through the gardens. Ariella knew her family would never believe that she had been alone with a prince. She had chosen not to disclose the truth to protect Callum, even if it meant enduring less pressure at home, or what she hesitated to call "home."

With the sun barely peeking over the horizon, Ariella discreetly slipped out of her manor. Today's agenda was uncertain, but she had set her sights on the beach. The irresistible thought of spending an afternoon with her toes in the water, without societal judgment, tugged at her.

Lost in her thought she walked, oblivious to her surroundings, until she collided with a large stranger. The impact jolted her, her foot entangled in her dress, and she stumbled. Grasping for support, she instinctively reached out and found herself steadied by the stranger's arm. It was only when her balance was restored that she fully realized what had transpired.

"Oh! I am so sorry!" Ariella exclaimed, her voice tinged with panic as she tried to the identity of the person she had nearly knocked over.

"I got you" Dali said surprised as the woman that had bumped into him, came to a crash. Destination, face first on the gravel road. Luckily she managed to find the arm he had moved towards her, in an effort to catch the red haired beauty.

The morning had been such an temptingly beautiful one, Dali just had to get out for a morning walk to the beach. That, and he probably get an playfull lecture from his brother at breakfast, for the rather special herbs he had mixed into his brothers water pipe. Dali hoped Farim was able to smell colours and taste scents at one point. His stif brother needed to relaxe every now and then. So , deciding to postpone the lecture or even make him forget it, Dali left his room.

The wind blowing in his back, the gods walking besides him. His every step closer to the goal they had intended for him to find today. And it seemed his goal came in the shape of a lady. One with the same features of his beloved mother. Green eye's as piercing as emeralds, and blazing hair. As red as dragon fire.

Her face had collided head first with his bare chest. He was not really dressed for formal occasions. Since he did not plan to attend one. He walked on bare feet, his shoes stuffed in the small duffle bag he wore on his back. Years of traveling like this had made it a habit to walk as such. It felt better, closer to the gods in a way.

"Inshalla, your feet are walking a few steps ahead from your mind" he smiled and helped her find her balance, before letting go of her. The lady in question wore fine clothing, the best of silks and took great care of her appearance. She reminded him a little bit of a well loved doll.

Ariella let out a nervous laugh “Ah..Yes…that is actually quite common for me.” she continued to nervously laugh “ So sorry about that, I must be half asleep still”

"no need to feel sorry,sayida" he called her lady as he felt he should. He had gotten some etiquette lessons, and he had remembered some of them. Not much, but somethings he did. His mother would scold him for behaving improper. He laughed silently, since he normally did not care for such things. But her appearance reminded him to much of his mother, not to remember her words.

"sayida, are you alright? You bumped into me with quite a step to your pace. You didn't hurt your nose?" and without thinking he went to check her nose. Touching it to see of she would show a sign of pain. If she did, he would take her to a doctor. He was a Fakir, it was quite normal for him to help. Dali just forgot to remember, here… he wasn't really a spiritual leader to her people. He was probably just a strange man touching a ladies nose in her eyes.

Ariella looked at the shirtless man as her eyes widened, her normally pale complexion turning a rather bright shade of red as she realized who she had just bumped into. Although she had not met him yet, she assumed this had to be the last of the brothers from Alidasht.

“Oh-I am…um..” she stumbled on her words as she caught her balance once more. She froze as all of a sudden the strange large man was checking her nose. Her eyes crossed as she stared at him confused, too stunned to even move.

As he continued to inspect her nose her eyes darted around before talking a small step back. She offered him a smile so as to not be rude but the strange nose inspecting , bare chested, shoeless man was not what she expected to run into this morning.

“ Thank you, I am quite alright … I think my nose will live another day” she said and shrugged jokingly “ But i'm not much of a doctor.” She let the silence dance around them before a moment before she spoke again “ I wasn’t expecting anyone up this early, You must be Farims brother?” she asked uncertain however his attire seemed very Alidasht to her.

Dali pulled his hand back from her face, and adjusted his dufflebag. Pulling it back up his shoulder. He smiled as she mentioned his brother. Ah the headache he must feel waking up. The mischievous little brother in him, lived on.
"I do hope my brother has not told you to much about me" he said and took a step back. He gave her a slight bow, like that of a showman and took of a hat he was not even wearing.
"Yosri Dali, Kadir. Fakir of the free gods of Alidasht" he introduced himself and straightened his back again. His dufflebag had slid doen his shoulder yet again, and so he hoisted it back up.

"and what is the name of the desert rose I had the honor of meeting this morning?" he asked. The wind had pushed them together their was a meaning to their meeting here. "was the beach calling you you as it did to me?"

Ariella offered him a half smile as she awkwardly chuckled “ Actually, No mention of you. However he was rather occupied the time I saw him. “ Ariella couldn’t help but notice just how different all of the brothers were. Munir - Handsy , Farim - Political and Dali… well she hadn’t quite figured him out yet but his personality was certainly more free spirited then Farim. However, the three brothers certainly shared their way with words.

“ Ari -” she paused “ Ariella Edwards - Lady..Ariella Edwards.” she had a slip of the mind forgetting her titles once again. “Yes, I was heading towards the beach for the festivities. I couldn’t be bothered with sitting around sipping on tea, but I am always drawn towards the water. I couldn’t resist.”

She smiled seeing his bag that he continued to struggle with. It dawned on her that she hadn’t prepared anything to bring with her. Her mother had her so consumed with looking her best that the idea of the event being on the beach completely left her mind. Letting out a long exaggerated sigh she dropped her shoulders and looked back behind her.

“ I completely forgot to grab my stuff for the event as well…” she said with the sound of disappointment in her voice. “Oh well… I suppose it's just less to worry about” She turned her attention back to Dali. “ Are you here as well for the courting season? Or just enjoying the events?” she asked curiously as she hadn’t seen him around before.

"Water is the lifeline that keeps this entire world alive" Dali replied."To be drawn to it is only natural. The djins of this ocean must be calling to you" he touched his forhead again in respect for the djins of this place.
"there is an event here today? How intresting. I jsut arrived yesterday, so I was not aware of it"
Ariella mentioned having forgotten her belongings, so every helpfull Dali wanted to help her. "I have a blanket large enough for multiple people to sit on. If you would like, you are welcome to take a seat with me and family, if they appear today" Dali laughed audible as she mentioned the courting season.

"I am here, to flee the high expectations and to be out of sight. If I do happen to find the right person this season, so blessed be. The gods will surly hold someone for me. And if not, that is their will. Inshalla" he motioned with his hand towards the beach.
" Ariella Sayide. Will you walk with me to the oceans blue glitters?"

Ariella blinked a few times Is this guy for real? it wasn’t bad per say but he was certainly quite the character. “ Yes, there is a beach event although I'm not sure how many may be there or what may even been planned but I guess we are about to find out.” she offered him a friendly smile.

“ It seems we are here for the same purpose. "She smiled again before nodding in agreeance “ Sure, maybe walking beside you will help me avoid bumping into any future guests” she joked.
"I shall valiantly deter any unwanted future guests" Dali jokingly replied
Ariella started to walk towards the event but with each step, her feet screamed in agony. She stopped abruptly. “ Sorry, one moment.” she said while reaching down for her shoes and aggressively tore them off her feet. Her mother be damned, she wasn’t wearing heels on a beach. “ Sorry I hate wearing shoes'' Ariella then started to march, this time with a more determined pace as she headed once again towards the event.

Dali followed her for a few steps, until she excused herself for a moment. She stepped out of her shoes. Dali asked himself why she had worn heels to the beach in the first place. He sighed as he had long ago stopped to try and understand the thoughts of highborn ladies. "as you can see, I am much the same. Though decorum demands I wear shoes, but when I can" Dali gave the young lady a small wink before continuing on his step. The djin felt closer to him this way, walking connected to the earth. The wind blowing softly as the djin he was closest to, rusted in his presence. There was a meaning to their meeting, Dali just had to figure out what it was.

"so, if I may ask. Are you here to participate in this courting season?" he asked her and smiled his eternal smile. Really, if he stopped smiling, one should become worried. She had asked him the same, so he assumed he could just ask this from the lady he had just met. "as Fakir, I enjoy these seasons. Young love, lots of troubled minds that need a moment to calm. It means I can help a lot of people feel better about themselves. Talk with new people and meet intresting new friends. That is all I want in life" he said and felt the need to stretch himself for a moment. "to help people and to make new friends"

Ariella shrugged “ I suppose we are all looking for companionship but I don't believe in just picking someone based on similar interests. I want..I hope for a friend an actual companion in life. “ She paused “ Thats not to say I wont find that through the courting season however many of us are forced to be here for one reason or another. “ She stood up straight and adjusted herself “ I am sure you will make many new friends here, Lots of lovely people will be attending this event I am sure.” she offered him a smile as they approached the beach. She caught a glimpse of all the faces chatting and already enjoying their time.

“ Well looks like we have arrived, I am going to dip my feet in the water before socializing” she offered him a curtsy with her shoes still in her hands “ It was a real pleasure meeting you, I am sure we will speak again amongst all the events”

"are you leaving me already?" Dali feigned sadness as Ariella said her goodbye to him. "what am I to do? In a strange place in a strange country. The first person I meet that is not family, decides to flee my companionship, a mere fiveteen minutes after we met"he placed his hand over his heart in a very dramatic way and tilted his head slightly back. Oh how Dali could be the drama queen when he wanted to be.
"please, do allow me to accompany you to the waterside" he said as he tilted his head back.
"you can introduce me to all your interesting friends sayida" Dali smiled as he followed her onto the beach. He looked around himself, trying to see if he found any familliar faces. He could swear he could see his brother in the distance. They would meet later,for now he was keen on meeting new people

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