Kazumin Nagasa

Time: Early morning-> late morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @SausagePat Ruby
Mentions: @princess Charlotte/Calbert, @Potter Olive, @FunnyGuy Lorenzo, @Lava Alckon Drake, @Rodiak Zarai, [@Heartfilia] Crystal
Attire: To Be Revealed
(Narrated by Patchy)
Mhm, no better way to enjoy such a gorgeous hot summer day than with an ice-cold glass of freshly squeezed lemonade and piping hot ramen. Oh?! I see you’ve all returned. Well, now that we all have had a chance to get a snack and relax *urp* ..ah, pardon me!
Ahem! I think a brief recap is in order! Let’s take a peek at what happened before.
Shots of seaweed monster flailing and screaming, other people screaming then shifting to Kazu burning like a fiery bull and ending on Ruby’s face in the midst of screaming.
Oh…dear. Things look pretty dire and tense at the moment. A good chance things will only spiral and become worse. What will become of these two and just when they finally reunited after so long, though before we let things proceed….
I daresay we could stand to have some answers. How did our cowlicked friend end up like this? To find out, let’s turn the tides back and..well nothing else to say but to dive in!
-Earlier that same morning-roughly 45 minutes ago-
A rush and flurry of bubbles as Kazu swam beneath the surface, his lightly tanned skin almost glistening beneath the rays shining through the otherwise dark blue waters. Illumination was very much needed for the lone farmer who looked around with wide eyes filled with awe at the beauty of the sea surrounding him. Or at least of what he could see.
He had not come down here purely to take in the splendors of the coral reef and colorful fish and other sea-life. No, this freckled blonde had come down here with a purpose as the hand-made spear sharpened by his own hand was firmly held while around his waist, a rope was tied leading to a semi-large net nearly filled to the brim with fish.
Even now, Kazu could feel the assortment of fish squirming and flapping about within the net, the weight of it felt. Stopping to inspect the net for any tears before giving a satisfied smirk as he floated in place.* Ah-hah! Just wait till Char and Olly check out my catch. Gonna get all the pats and pudding.” An almost wicked playful smirk cornered his lips.
*Starting to get heavy though so this should just about..oh shit!* His head turned with excitement, eyes sparkling at the sight of the octopus crawling along the seafloor.* Oooh! An octobuddy would be awesome!* Giggling inwardly to himself as he swam towards the octopus making sure to slow down once he drew close not wanting to scare the slippery little creature.
Adrift in his admiration, Kazu failed to notice a shadow loom by from above as it rushed by. And just as the clueless farmer had succeeded in coaxing the multi-tentacled octopod into his hands…
Out of nowhere Kazu found himself being pulled and dragged along with a sudden strong tug that caused him to gasp out in shock. His head quickly shot around to be given the sight of a shark, its rows of teeth wrapped about the net sack of fish.
A sight all too brief for in the next instance had found himself being struck by something long and slimy repeatedly. To his dismay the shark in its haste and confusion had dragged them into the nearby field of seaweed leaving both in confusion and with every passing second Kazu was left stuck and being dragged until Kazu’s eyes closed, everything turning black.
Already his lungs were burning and aching as his eyes now obscured by something that had gotten stuck to his face was narrowing and darkening.* Shit! Shitshitshitshit! What kind of bad luck shit is this?! The hell did I come out here for again anyway!* The words screamed in his mind, using this mental activity to keep himself from panicking, but the lack of oxygen and lightheadedness began to take its hold on Kazumin.
* This…can’t be…where..* The thought trailed off as his eyes closed; on the verge of passing out…
How frightening! Well this is quite the perilous predicament our friendly cowlicked lad has gotten himself into. How will he..or I suppose it more precise to say how did he escape? Or far more pressing is why? What could possibly propel the young man to venture out on his own?
Answers it seems that lies a bit further. Those of you still with us may choose to follow; let us turn back one last time.
-Even earlier, roughly 1 hour ago-
Eyes opened followed immediately with a loud and somewhat long tired yawn as Kazu, sitting cross-legged on the sand shifted and scratched at his dis-heved head of blonde hair, the cowlick soft and springy as ever.
A clearing cough could soon be heard coming a short distance behind him, the mere sound of it making Kazumin cringe.
Sir Hugo stood there waiting for his charge to acknowledge his presence after being ignored since the moment they left the estate beneath the veil of the waking morn.” For as lovely as this view is. I am still uncertain as to why you saw fit to drag us to this beach well before even the cries of roosters.” Irritation clear and heavy in the skilled knight’s words and tone before letting out a small yawn of his own, covered by the back of his palm as a proper gentleman should.
Sounds of teeth grating followed by a snort as Kazu finally gave in and turned his head to look back over his shoulder to peer at the man with an annoyed glare of his own.” I don’t ever recall dragging anything, oh Mr. Babysitter.” He enunciated with a smirk, pleased at reminding the man exactly what he was.
A title that did not sit well with Sir Hugo in the slightest, his face turning a faint shade pink as his hand started reaching for the pommel of his sword out of instinct only to stop himself short.” YOu will be advised to be careful with your words, farmer! To others, my task may be to protect you, but we both know why we are here. Maintain that foul tongue around me and those of distinguished standing then know this for I will not hesitate to slice that wicked muscle off. (a deed most would assuredly thank him for) An amusing thought that brought a rare smile to the harden soldier’s lips.
Lips that to kazu spoke nothing but blah blah blah like a person with a mouthful of gum, a look of indifference on his face. Yet again, Kazu yawned while scratching at his right ear with his pinky, the mostly sharpened wooden spear rubbing against his side as he did so.” No need to get all worked up. Here, I apologize, Mr. Hugo…sir!” Adding the sir on after pausing with a clear cheeky intent behind it.
A manner of response that left Hugo glowering at the freckled man sitting there sharpening the spear once more with his pocketknife.
“ Keep that up and you’re gonna start a beach fire which is the right idea, but far too early my good sir.” Waving his left hand holding the knife in a playfully dismissive way.” Fine! I’ll tell you if it will get you to stop pouting and riding my ass…fuckin hell that bastard.” Muttering that last bit under his breath cursing Asteroth for chaining this boring ass guard-dog onto him.
Giving the pointed tip of his makeshift spear a few more slicing licks of the knife and clicking his tongue all the while; from the corner of his eye catching Hugo looking about ready to jump him for wasting his time.” Pfft…for some knight you look like a brat about to throw a tantrum!” Giggling and sticking his tongue out at the man.
“ You..dare?!” Starting to take a step forward only to be met with the pointed tip of the spear hovering few short inches from his face.
A wag of his now free left hand being done three times consecutively.” Tsk tsk tsk. I swear, you and just about everyone in this blasted city are all about getting to the point. Look, before you. What do you see?” Moving the spear in a wide arc motion to signify the beach and crashing sea cascading non-stop broken by the cries of waking gulls.” That my friend, is mother nature blessing us with her love and beauty.” Nodding his head as he turned to face the sea, taking in its endless splendor where he then took a deep breath.” Ah, that crisp salty air. Soothing..well as long as you don’t have sensitive lungs I suppose?” Rubbing his chin in a pondering manner at this.
An agitated huff came from the knight behind him. A clear indication to get on with it as the faint clink of the sword adorning his waist being partially unsheathed.
An exasperated shake of the head as he turned to stand part-way facing him and the sea.” See, that! Precisely my point. It’s always about the game. If it's not something to benefit you or the lord then it’s meaningless. That ball from a few days ago? Nothing more than a political ploy to show off their prized tools and see what other tools that can be used.” Kazu expressed his annoyance at how things were like and done in these rich cities.
“ These past few days have been nothing but drama and drama and a bunch of negative talk…ugh.” He leaned his body to the right while holding his stomach with a gagging sound miming he was sick.” We’re all sick of it or at least I am. It’s all over, the news and in the air..BAH!” Spitting his distaste to the side.
Wiping off his mouth while letting his shoulders sag a bit.” LIke that thing with Zai and her fu- messed up face. Did you hear how they made her stay in a wheelchair? For an injured face?!” Shaking his head incredulously; laughter brimming just beneath the surface.
A metalic clink as the sword was lifted another few inches from the sheathe.” You will speak of Lazy Zarai with the proper respect. To speak a lady’s name so casually...
A snap of the spear pointing at Hugo once more though not in a threatening manner.” You mean like a friend? Because that is exactly what we are and as such I shall refer to my lady friends how I like, thank you. Mind, I never do so insultingly. So no need to fret that single-focused brain of yours and…I’m sorry but I can’t take you seriousy in that get-up.” Motioning his hand over Hugo to indicate his outfit.
An outfit picked by a soldier through and through as Hugo had come out wearing a light tunic with shoulder and knee guards along with his noble sword beseeched unto him by the lord.
“ How you’re not baking in that I don’t know. Might explain the smell of fried bacon and short temper.” Speaking the last bit to himself through pursed lips and hands on his hips.
A growl rumbled from the knight who was scowling with fiery eyes.” Has my warning fallen on deaf ears? And I will not accept such insults from one dressed in such..such an uncouth manner!” He spat out in disgust.
The camera finally pans out on Kazumin standing there with the spear resting across his shoulder wearing only a loincloth held up by a semi-stick string that flapped about gently whenever a breeze blew through which had Hugo look away whenever it did or when the blonde turned his back to him.
A dismissive scoff from the practically naked farmer.” Well duh! I’m about to go catch fish and clothes would just drag me down. The net is gonna get pretty heavy itself and besides..I like the breeze.” A sly evil smirk on his face as he peered back with a mischievous glint." Settle down. I brought another suit, hidden over behind that big boulder over there so you will quit with the looks." Motioning towards said boulders near the edges of the beach.
Laughing a bit while jumping away just as Hugo had been in the midst of moving in to swipe at him.” Alright, alright! I’ll stop, besides, a few minutes from now I shall be venturing off into the depths and shant return without a mighty haul!” He exclaimed while raising his spear to the sea.
A cool pose for him but a view of cringy sandy cheeks for Hugo who wanted him gone yesterday.” Then do so. I still know not what foolishness any of this has but as long as you keep out of the way and do not disturb the peace then take as long as you need.” The knight stated, anxious to be rid of him.
The man’s words and response had Kazu lowering his body in a deflated manner.” Ugh..way to spoil the mood.” Sputtering his lips as he turned to his so called bodyguard.
“ Just you wait, Hugo my knightly friend. On my return, those on the beach shall rejoice and cheer as they gaze upon my grand haul. For as difficult and taxing these past few days have been for everyone. Whether it be alidasht arrival disaster or the mysterious after-party debacle or Calbert’s vicious attack and the murders and some giant rooster for some reason and what have you, nothing will stop me from giving everyone exactly what they need.” Nodding his head, a determined and proud expression on his face.
A raise of sir Hugo’s brow as he listened to Kazumin’s words; disbelief strongly etching his features.” And what pray tell is that?”
The widest shit-eating grin one could feasibly make as Kazu stabbed the butt of his spear into the stand and stood mightily while pointing up at the sky almost as if pointing at the sun. In this moment he almost appeared to dazzle beneath the endless blue expanse.
“ A BEACH BONFIRE PARTY!” Screamed Kazumin letting the winds and crashing waves carry his proclomation.
Hugo stared deadpan at the moron screaming like an idiot.
An airy huff left Kazu’s nose as he folded his arms across his chin, a smug grin on his face.” Your disbelief is noted and warranted, but I do not speak of just another party..non non.” Wagging his finger with each non.” No, this will be a grand bonfire that all is welcomed with the sole rule to leave all troubles and drama out of it.” LIfting his head to show a genuine warm smile with no deviousness or trickery in it.
Turning his head to scan the beach, a sad look now in his eyes.” Things have been hard all around. For you and lord Asteroth and my friends…. And my actions have only made things worse.” Closing his eyes to savor a gentle breeze cooling his heated skin.
“ So it’s only fair I make it up to Olive and Char who I owe immensely to give us a party. And I mean a real party…one that we can all just sit around and talk, tell tales…no drama..no judging or any noble games shit.” Pausing as he peered out to the sea.
“ An evening where we can all just have fun. So to Calbert and his whole family mess and other nefarious forces… know what I say? To hell with them cause tonight they can all fuck off!” Swiping his spear at the air as if swiping away the phantoms that sought to ruin the day.
An impressive and admirable display but a childish one at that.” A.. noble sentiment, surely. But, you speak nonsense. Wasting time around some trifling bonfire is nothing but that..a waste of time.”
The kind of reaction Kazu expected but he remained steadfast and continued grinning.” A waste of time… maybe. When this day comes to an end…” Turning to look at him before finishing.” Tell me what you think.” Giggling as he stepped towards the water till he was on the fringes of the shores, the water splashing over his feet only for it to prove to be freezing cold.
Jumping back and nearly falling over multiple times while trying to pull away from the water.” Gah! Christ that’s cold!”
Seeing this had Hugo rolling his eyes.” So it seems the brazen farmer’s mettle proved weak in the end. Mayhaps be better to head back and return at a later time? I will even be sure to request Sasha to get you a blanket to warm your small…” Momentarily letting his gaze linger at his waist without going any further, an amused smirk.
The multiple obvious jabs certainly did not go over Kazu’s head who glowered back at the man in turn.” That’s just because of the cold water, damn it! And like hell I’ll turn back! Just watch me!” He growled, stamping back to the water edge.
Twisting his upper body pointing the spear aggressively at Hugo.” Next time you see me will be as the hero of the beach. A legend from the sea offering its plentiful gifts with a grand bonfire where roasted fish and booze shall be shared among all, equal!”
Turning to face the sea once more, its endless expanse like a massive, impossible to defeat monster and grinned. He could only hope most of his friends would come to the beach and if possible, a chance to make it up to Duke Lorenzo and Lady Charlotte, not to mention repaying Drake for those scrumptious pudding that even now lingered on his drooling tongue.
“ It must be hard…. For them all to have to endure so much due to the selfish whims of the parents.” A slow exhale from his nose as he thought of what Char and Percy was going through or how humiliating things have been for Zarai being treated like a poor woe is me little girl..more akin to a doll. He still had no clue what to do about Crystal whom he figured had no inkling of what was actually going on and then there was Violet…. What Charlotte said in that moment still chilled his heart, colder even than the water bubbling around his ankles.
What followed were flashes of angry faces, his and Asteroth’s, one that seemed to grow in intensity as unintelligible words were flung rapidly between the two. An argument, the most hectic of young Kazumin’s life when a particularly loud crashing wave snapped him out of his thoughts.
“ Right! I’ve wasted enough time! Those fish won’t catch themselves. As such, until my return, I bequeath upon thee, Sir Hugo this one decree. You shall have the honor…of guarding my sandcastle!”
Pointing at the dismal and pitiful looking sandcastle off to the side that Kazu had made, having wound up coming to the beach early, a bit too early. The small three towered castle looked to be barely standing and..one tower and half the middle collapsed upon it being pointed out.” …. So its a work in progress! You try making sandcastles in the dark?! Bah…just don’t let any brats or bullies kick it down!” Exclaimed Kazu, acting like this was an important role and duty.
Instead coming off more like an insult that had Hugo bubbling once more.” You….” Acid dripping.
And that was the cue.” I’m off! Whoowhoowhoo!” Whooping as he ran onward, pushing past the freezing cold water and with a deep gasp, the cowlicked blonde jumped and dove under.
His eyes closed during the transition, bubbling water going black.
Bursting open with a loud gasp, Kazu woke with a start from a sudden, sharp twist of the shark turning upwards.
Consciousness and memories flooding in all at once; a reminder of what had brought him out here. And after giving such promises, like hell he was going to let some damn measly shark stop him.
His determination renewed allowed his body to call forth a burst of energy as an idea came to mind. Thankfully the fact the spear remained clutched in his right hand and while whatever obscured most of his vision, he could see fringes of the shark’s face.
Gritting his teeth and gripping the spear, his left hand grabbed hold of the rope, the only thing holding the net and him together, though already fraying from all harsh pulling and bites from serrated teeth.
Much like him, the sea creature was confused and snapping angrily which made things difficult for what Kazu aimed to do. The pressure of rushing water holding him back leaving him little choice but to bide his time; a miracle that it was making for the surface for he only had seconds of air left.
Then shortly before breaking the surface, a moment came where the shark stopped and that slack was just what Kazu waited for.
Putting nearly every ounce of strength into swinging the spear up, pushing through the water and weight of seaweed stuck to his body and through great effort the spear pierced through the shark’s eye.
Had they not been underwater a painful wail would surely have been heard had sharks been capable of doing such.
Hooray! What a wondrously strange and heartwarming story. Young Kazumin persevered! Ah, but alas his catch had been lost. What strength he had left must have been used swimming back to shore.
There he sought to be safe, only to be accosted and attacked. Whatever cruel hand tossed the ball crushing his hopes even further. The poor lad.
There seems to be more behind our cowlick friend’s reasons. Tales for another time, I’m afraid and with that we have finally caught up! What joy!
Now to let things unfold and we all can only hope will ultimately lead to a happy ending.
-The present-
“ -ck! Come out now or I’ll just kick all y'alls asses!” He spat out through huffs, pointing along the crowd, still clutching the popped football, barely standing on his feet. On closer look, one could see how exhausted he was (somehow beneath the bruises and marks) and some water was still in his lungs. It was only his furious rage at being hit in the groin keeping him going.
A shadowed figured had started walking through the crowd, just a little longer and they would be revealed, the source of his awful groin suffering when…
An all too familiar voice cried out a short distance away and instantly all sense of anger and hostility melted away. That angry, painful looking face softened into a big smile as he saw a beloved friend he hadn’t seen in months.
“ RUBY!” He cried out delightedly with seaweed covered arms held wide open as preparing for a hug.
A hug that would not come as things would become hectic upon Ruby’s shouting. The straw that broke the camel’s tense back, not that Kazu would know what would happen for, a strong wave crashed against his back sending him sprawling forward face first on the sand and..unfortunately right under the crowd of panicking humans now stampeding all over his back.
The thick layers of seaweed, proved to be the saving grace in the end as he was left there lying covered in sand and footsteps.
Slowly lifting his head with a groan, fresh bruises and bit of blood trickling from his nose yet sporting a big sandy grin.” Lovely day at the beach, eh Ruby.” He mumbled deliriously to no one, his head thumping back into the sand.
Ouch, well not quite the reunion or ending one could expect or hope for. Still, we have yet to see how this day ends so there may be a chance for good ol Kazu to turn things around. Until next time.