Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 9 days ago


Attire: Coat/Shirt, Pants, and Shoes
Time: Morning of 23rd
Location: Castle Gardees
Mentions: Sadie, @Potter Alexander, and Lianna @FunnyGuy

The mention of Lianna's lost sight did cause a look of concern to come across Drake's face. For someone with no use of one of her senses, she seemed rather comfortable in her setting. Obviously the errant twitch or sudden outburst would be due cause for alarm. Something like a loud trumpet blarin- BBRRRRRRRRPRPPPP. As if on cue with his mental train of thought, a sudden burst of noise came from the prince and Drake couldn't help but slightly wince at the preceedings. Wasn't this supposed to be a regal and relaxing event? Why is so much happening? Drake at least appreciated the addition of some more sweets as he noticed more guests flooding into the main area.

Turning his attention elsewhere, he motioned towards Alexander. "The dinner last night was truly that bit of marvel? It would seem many events are turning more...exciting than expected nowadays." There was a pause as he took a brief sip of his tea. "But no matter, I appreciate your compliments, Sir Deacon. I do like to keep my ground when things get shakey. Best to be on solid footing when defending oneself."

His body shifted to direct itself towards Sadie, who had just excitedly inquired about Drake's possible attendance to this masquerade. He already had plans to go but to hear that she would go as well made him rather excited. He flashed a charismatic smile to ease her possible worries before taking her hand in his. "I would be delighted to go, especially if you plan to attend, Princess Camilia." His voice dropped a little low, as if to flare a hint of charm in his speech. "And thank you for such kind words. I will make sure to heed both yours and Sir Deacons advice." His voice returned to its usual cadence, and his gaze once again met Alexander's.

"Well I do appreciate your company, Sir. I do not wish to keep you any longer than you'd like, but if there is anything else you'd like to discuss before you take your leave I am more than happy to share some more words." He would give the man some due time, and he didn't want to outwardly shoo him away, but there was a part of him that wanted to enjoy some of his time with Sadie. He had a feeling at the party it might even be more chaotic than it is here so whatever social time he could spend with her he would gladly secure. Yet all the same, Alexander was not rude nor would Drake try to usher him out like an unwanted puppy. If anything he was curious if Alexander had any other notions to approach aside from complimenting the two of them. He kept a friendly smile on while gently holding Sadie's hand aloft until he would feel it pull away, then he would separate his fingers and let the Princess' hand return to its resting position should she choose to.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 9 days ago


Location: Sorian Beach
Time: Morning of the 23rd
Mentions: Charlotte @princess, Olivia @potter, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Ariella @Tpartywithzombi, Dali @Ojo chan 42, and Dr. John @Conscripts


Farim took note of the general atmosphere as he played his quick little game with Charlotte. The woman seemed a bit shy, and albeit he definitely pushed the normal acceptable social distance for having only met her twice now. He took the hint and scooched just a smidge furhter to give her a sense of ease. He was a flirt but he had compassion for treating women properly when he could. His immediate focus went towards Lorenzo, who spoke of another more promiscuous beach. Farim shined a smirk his direction, althought through his closed eyelids Lorenzo would likely not see it. The thought of suits even more revealing than what he had chosen or what others had chosen was certainly interesting, but he wouldn't let his mind wander too far into indency so early in the morning.

"Well that is an exotic idea, Lord Lorenzo. Maybe someday we can go work on our tan together there, hmm?" He jested in friendly banter towards the Duke. He spoke of fine white sand and bountiful coconut trees, a proper tropical paradise if Farim had ever heard of one. Definitely worth at least a courtesy visit. His curiosity about the place and its revelance to them had been immediately answered by Charlotte. "Well now that is certainly good to know. Do you often get home sick when you visit here by chance?" Her mannerisms were not lost on him as she twirled her hair and nervously spoke of something other than the fact he was practically breathing her air a second ago. He held back a chuckle, finding the woman quite the fun person to tease and socialize with.

The pleasantries continued as the nice woman who was friends with Charlotte spoke to him in sweet words, complimenting his appearance and inquiring about his home. He smiled wide enough to have his eyes close partially as he bashfully talked about his homeland. "Well you certainly are the flattering one. I do believe a lot of people from where I come from are hailed as 'exotic' so people love to stare at us like we stare at stars in the night sky. I will let you all judge whether I am the exception or the rule." He winked in Olivia's direction. "As for my home, the heat is much less pleasant than here I am afraid. With rolling hills made of sand that stretch as far as the horizon can go. On a clear day you could see for miles and see nothing but mixtures of yellow, red, and orange." A brief pause ensued, with Farim realizing he wasn't doing much justice for his homeland. "But! The beauties between the dunes are the ones that make the journey so worth it. Oasis sanctuaries with plenty of water and trees to offer shade from the pulsing heat of the sun, and caves that appear from almost nowhere and lead to sparkling gem-encrusted caverns that pull the attention of many coveting tradesmen like myself."

As he continued talking about his homeland, he would share distinct facts and opinions about the cities, the state of the commonfolk, how trades are in his land and what interests him. He did not spend too long, and would give them plenty of time to interject and ask as needed. Farim's body shifted back as he leaned on his hands and appreciated the view of the people and the beach around him. In the distance he swore he could see what looked like a seaweed covered man being assaulted at first but then hugged by some blonde haired woman with different colored eyes. Farim even spotted a few interesting pairs, far off he saw Ariella with his brother Dali and he sported a quick smirk. There was also a gentleman in a rather interesting choice of clothes. He swore the man could suffer heat stroke any minute but he figured anyone who dressed like that in this heat knew what they were about, so he wouldn't judge.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 3 days ago

Kazumin Nagasa

Time: Mid-late morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: Ruby @SausagePat

Pain...nothing but pain. Whether it be his groin still pulsing from the wicked surprised blow (reminder to find and curb stomp said person's crotch at a later date) or his now bruised body covered in light footprints and some sandal prints in there. It goes without saying that the seaweed took some of the damage at least.

Thankfully his suffering finally came to an end; a rollercoaster of wild events of which half Kazu was barely conscious of. Hell, he was barely conscious to begin with and might have very well passed out had he not heard the sweet screeching voice of an angel coming to his rescue.

His body was left halfway buried within the sand like an indent by the time the crowd moved off him fully. From there, he soon heard Ruby's voice; a soothing sound more than enough to soothe the pain in his body to let out a muffled laugh in response to her teasing jab.

Lifting his battered face from the sand only to give a wide grin, cheeks puffed up from the stand stuffed in his mouth." Wibh a shand shchup tuh tryy oft." muffled Kazu before turning his head to spit out the sand then with a pained groan moved to roll onto his back where he coughed up some more sand and water." Ugh...I had it in my hands...so close! You should have seen it Ruby!"

From there on, Kazu went on telling his tale of the sea in a almost hectic and energetic way." And there I was....about to touch finger with tentacle with Otto when..wham! Whoosh! oh and lots burbles and watery gags too..might have burped at one point, but hard to tell when being dragged." On kazu spoke, detailing his near deadly scuffle to Ruby; at times going off on tangents with details not needed or a bit too much like swearing he needed to go at one point or this neat little rock formation that he swore looked like a worm in a pot, course it could have been a sea creature.

" That bloody fish bastard cost me my catch!" Jumping to his feet merely to hop angrily in place." You hear me you shark bastard! That's right! I see you out there, one-eyed willy!" Angrily pointing at the shark just barely visible glaring back at Kazu with its singular remaining eye, blood still spilling from the stabbed one as bubbles popped angrily around its nose as if letting out a huff.

To Ruby and the others it would look like some mostly naked guy covered in seaweed shouting obscenities at the sea. Just as the angry cowlicked blonde planned to go rushing off at the shark, did a large net filled with various fish, some crabs and one or two lobsters even.

Pure silence followed suit as both stared at the net and with it came the biggest devilish grin possible as he stamped and hopped victoriously forward placing a foot on the squirming net." AH-HAH! VICTORY! Suck on that, Willy! Come at me so I can take that second eye too!" Laughing with arms raised high feeling his suffering had won out in the end, when a slimy tentacle popped up from the seaweed against the back of his neck making Kazu laugh and squirm as an octopus slithered its way up onto his head." Otto! Look, Ruby! Otto made it too."

Unable to contain his enthusiasm at not only getting to meet with Ruby again, but his venture out to sea proved a worthy endeavor in the end leading him to cheer vigorously. With a bit of mooning aimed at one-eyed Willy who with an angry flap of its body sent a large splash of water careening into Kazu getting knocked back only to be heard laughing as he slid back to a stop at Ruby's feet." Otto, meet Ruby, one of the bestest around." The little red octopus waved its tentacle in an unintentionally cute manner.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction: @princess Charlotte, @Potter Olivia, @Lava Alckon Hafiz Jr.

Lorenzo was closing his eyes tightly after they were assaulted by the direct light of the sun. The pain was more than enough to keep him from opening his eyes while he lay down to soak in the rays. Answering Farim’s reply, he simply answered. “You would love it.” His voice was slightly strained as he endured momentary pain. Despite the misery of it, the moment reminded Lorenzo that he needed to turn over to let the sun kiss the other half of his body.

The youth spoke amongst each other with Lorenzo not finding a place in their conversation. He only listened as he rolled over onto his stomach without making much of a disturbance. “Ahhhh!” The warmth of the sun embraced his moderately hairy back covered in beads of sweat. The duke felt fortunate to not have to rely on his “medicine” this morning as his time at the beach set him at ease. Perhaps he could make this a daily exercise. His back was to John Williamson, so he had failed to see the man who he would have definitely noticed due to his wear. But what if I left to take half a dose? He didn’t believe it would hurt. If anything, it should make his time at the beach even more wonderful.

. . .

Lorenzo’s stomach growled. Perhaps he was hungry. Perhaps it was something else.

. . .

Without warning, flatulence escaped him.

. . .

Without a word, he ignored that it happened.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Sjan-dehk & Kalliope

Date: Sola 22nd

Special thanks @Apex Sunburn

Piers were a liminal space for Sjan-dehk. Straddling the boundary between sea and land, it was where the creaking of ships met the clopping of hooves; where soft sea breezes met buildings of hard brick; where ocean brine mixed with earthy aromas. It was where familiarity coexisted in peace with unfamiliarity. And thus, they were one of the few landbound places Sjan-dehk felt comfortable being around.

Well, usually, at least.

Today, he stood at the foot of the pier where his Sada Kurau was moored, noticeably ill-at-ease. Nervous eyes flittered back-and-forth from within the shadow of his hat, searching the endlessly streaming crowds for a recognisable face. All the while, his hands smoothed imaginary wrinkles and creases from his clothes over-and-over again, and adjusted belts that were more than adequately tightened. Normally, he wouldn’t have cared about his appearance – not to this degree, at least – but today wasn’t normal. It was far from it, in fact.

For he had an appointment today, if he could call it that. Not just with anyone, but with Kalliope, the lady whom he had met yesterday. Back then, she had offered to give him a tour of Sorian, and back then, he had accepted it without putting much thought into it. Only this morning, after returning from his fishing trip, did he realise what he had gotten himself into, and it was then did his nerves start rattling.

That it was Kalliope had nothing to do with it. Really, it didn’t. What did was that he couldn’t remember the last time he spent time with a lady that wasn’t Shi, his youngest sister. He didn’t know what to do, how to act, or even what would be considered appropriate. Sure, he had done well enough – or at least, he hoped he did – the previous night, but he had the setting to thank for that. His Sada Kurau and the beach were familiar territory to him. The city? Not so much.

And so, he had spent his time up until now making sure all was as perfect as he could manage. His tunics were the cleanest he could scrounge. Pristine white peeked from underneath sky blue at his steep collars, and the sash tied around his waist was a deep crimson. He had eschewed his usual weapons; he carried only his twin sabres and a single pistol. That was Hai-shuun’s idea. Granted, whatever the carpenter had said was with reference to a date – which Sjan-dehk didn’t believe was what he had with Kalliope – but it did make sense. Having all those arms on him would make things awkward, to say the least.

His fingers fiddled with a whalebone fan tucked into his sash. That one was Mursi’s idea. When meeting a lady, it was the proper form to present her with a gift at the very start, he had said. To be quite honest, the meaning of such an act went completely over Sjan-dehk’s head, but he wasn’t going to argue with what was considered to be ‘proper form’. Besides, he hadn’t used the fan at all since the day he got it. Might as well give it to someone who might appreciate it.

His foot tapped an erratic rhythm on the cobblestone path, and his teeth ground against his cheek. Just as he was about to set off in search of her – how exactly, he didn’t know – he caught sight of her face through the thronging mass of people. “Kali!” He shouted and waved his hand over his head. “Over here!”

Kalliope turned her head at the sound of her name, a wide smile spreading across her face as she spotted Sjan-dehk amidst the bustling crowd. She waved back enthusiastically, her attire a casual fantasy ensemble that exuded charm and whimsy. Her knee-length dress, made of flowing fabric with a subtle floral pattern, draped around her in a loose and comfortable fit. The dress was cinched at the waist by a braided leather belt adorned with small charms, adding a touch of enchantment to her look.

Her feet were adorned with ankle boots crafted from soft leather, beautifully embellished with intricate embroidery and decorative buckles. Over the dress, she wore a lightweight, hooded cloak that added a sense of mystery and flair. The cloak featured a colourful lining and delicate lace trim, accentuating her every movement with grace.

Completing her ensemble were silver earrings shaped like delicate leaves, glimmering in the sunlight. Her hair was styled elegantly, with a floral headband adding a touch of natural beauty and charm.

Sjan-dehk’s breath caught in his throat as he watched Kalliope approach. She truly was an attractive sight; beautiful in a fresh, winsome manner that was akin to the charm of a patch of flowers brightening a drab street of grey stone and cold ceramic. That was all it was, he told himself. He was simply appreciating her beauty in the same way he could appreciate that of a majestic seascape or blossoming flower. There was nothing wrong with that.

As Kalliope made her way towards him, her eyes sparkled with excitement and in anticipation of their upcoming adventure. Little did she know that beyond the planned tour of the city, she was about to embark on a journey of friendship and the stirrings of a blossoming connection.

“Good morning, Sjan-dehk!” She called out, her voice filled with warmth and cheer. “Don’t you look absolutely dashing! I see you’ve dressed to impress today.” Her eyes twinkled mischievously, appreciating his crisp attire and the fan tucked into his sash. “A fan, huh? Well, I must say it suits you, my dear. Just remember, I don’t need fanning unless you want to see me pretend to swoon dramatically!” As she said it, she couldn’t help but playfully swoon.

Sjan-dehk’s laugh joined with hers, and both of theirs blended with the vibrant sounds of the city. In that moment, Kalliope felt a growing fondness for her companion; a realisation that this day held more than just a tour. It held the promise of a special connection, an adventure that could lead to something beautiful. For Sjan-dehk’s part, he couldn’t help but be swept up in her current. Her exuberance was catching, and it soon dissipated the nervous eddies swirling in his mind. So caught up was he in the moment that he forgot to give her the fan. Neither did he remember to compliment her appearance, as per Dai-sehk’s advice. He was simply too caught up in the moment, taking heart in the shrinking distance between them. To finally form such a connection with someone outside of his crew was refreshing. That was all it was.

“I hope you’re hungry because I’ve planned for our first stop to be food as I’m starving!” She exclaimed, linking her arm with his as she prepared to lead the way. “Shall we? And who knows what else might await us today? Perhaps we’ll stumble upon some hidden treasures that even I was unaware of! Either way, I hope to make it an unforgettable day.” Her voice brimmed with genuine excitement and the spark of a crush unknowingly flickered in her heart.

Sjan-dehk tensed up when she took him by the arm, but soon relaxed. As much as he could, at least; this was still very much new to him. Even so, he gingerly pulled her in a little closer as the pushing crowd flowed around them. “I could eat,” he replied and pushed his hat a little higher up his brow. “Last I ate was just before we went fishing, and that was well before sunrise.” Then, he titled his head towards the city with a grin. “My sails are yours to tack, Kali. Let’s be off.”

Kalliope couldn’t help but notice the slight tension in his demeanour, and it only served to make her grin all the wider. She delighted in the dance of emotions swirling within her new friend, knowing that their connection was growing stronger with each passing moment. When he pulled her closer, her heart skipped a beat, and she revelled in the warmth of his presence.

“Excellent! Then to get food shall be our first stop.” She led the way, her steps light and purposeful as she savoured the thrill of having Sjan-dehk by her side.

Barely ten steps had passed when Sjan-dehk finally remembered what he was supposed to do. Sneaking a glance at the lady beside him, he cleared his throat. “You look
” He trailed off and looked up over the roofs, searching clear, azure skies for the right words. “Good.” No, that wasn’t the one. He drew in a deep breath and tried again. He drew in a deep breath and tried again. “I mean, you look very pretty.” His hands fumbled for the fan, but eventually he pulled it free from his sash and presented it handle-first to her across his body. “And this is actually for you, but it slipped my mind until now. My apologies.”

His awkwardness in offering a compliment didn’t go unnoticed by Kalliope. Neither did the time it took for him to muster the courage to do so. Her playful smile grew wider, and she couldn’t help but tease him gently. “Oh, just good? I suppose I’ll accept that for now,” she replied with a mock pout, her tone filled with playful sass. “But I must say, you’re lucky I find ‘very pretty’ to be a most agreeable compliment.” She winked at him, enjoying their lighthearted banter.

Her attention was then drawn to the fan, and her eyes sparkled with delight. She took it graciously, studying the intricate design and its smooth handle. “Thank you, Sjan-dehk,” she said with a soft smile, raising the fan to her face and playfully fanning herself. “Now I have a secret weapon to combat the summer heat and make all the other ladies envious.” She chuckled, her playful demeanour never faltering.

As they continued their journey through the bustling city, she couldn’t shake off the growing sense of excitement and the subtle flutter in her heart. She was eager to show Sjan-dehk the hidden gems of the city and spend more time in his company. Little did she know that with every playful interaction and shared moment, her feelings for him were slowly evolving. If she weren’t careful, it would be easy for those feelings to develop into something more.

Kalliope led Sjan-dehk through the city streets until they reached a charming tavern called ‘The Dancing Dragon’. Inside, the warm glow of candlelight illuminated the lively atmosphere filled with laughter, animated conversations, and the melodies of bards. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting epic tales, and the bar offered a wide selection of drinks. Sjan-dehk found his senses overwhelmed by the new sights and smells that greeted him, but he couldn’t say it was an unpleasant experience. His eyes swept over the tapestries, taking in the stories told by their ornate needlework. There were heroic figures slaying vile monsters; noble kings and their ever-faithful companions; beautiful queens and princesses presiding over loyal courtiers and amongst loving subjects.

Well, he assumed that was what they depicted, at least.

Gentle tugs from Kalliope’s arm kept him grounded. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she guided him to a cosy table near the roaring fireplace. “This is the Dancing Dragon,” she exclaimed, her voice filled with delight. “It’s one of the many places where locals gather to share stories and enjoy the finest ale. It’s the perfect place to begin our tour and indulge in delicious food before our next adventure as I think they have the widest collection of local cuisine here, including my personal favourite, the pasty.” They settled into their seats, surrounded by the vibrant ambiance of the tavern.

“Exciting place,” Sjan-dehk remarked as he sat down. The music lilted about his ears, their light melodies complementing each other perfectly. He couldn’t help but tap a finger along with the cheery beat. All the while, he looked around them, still taking in the atmosphere. “Can’t say I understand what I’m seeing or smelling, though.” He turned back around to face Kalliope with a grin. “But that’s why I’m glad to have you here. I’ve to apologise, though. I’ve got a feeling that you’ll have to answer a lot of my questions before the day’s done, and I’ve already got one for you. What’s a pasty?”

Kalliope chuckled at Sjan-dehk’s comment, her eyes sparkling with amusement. The lively ambiance of the tavern seemed to amplify their conversation, creating an intimate bubble amidst the bustling crowd. She took a moment to soak in the vibrant atmosphere before answering his question.

“Oh, Sjan-dehk, you’re in for a treat!” She exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. “A pasty is a delicious savoury pastry, typically filled with meats, vegetables, and spices. It’s like a handheld meal wrapped in a flakey pastry crust. You’ll have to try one, they’re a local specialty!” She gestured for a waiter to come over to them when they had the chance, eager to place orders for their food and drinks.

Leaning in closer, she added playfully, “Consider it the first mystery of the day, and I’ll be your guide to uncovering all the culinary wonders of Sorian amongst others! Ask as many questions as you need, I’ll be happy to answer them.” Her eyes sparkled mischievously as she awaited his reaction, eager to embark on this culinary adventure together.

All thoughts of the decorative tapestries left Sjan-dehk’s mind once Kalliope spoke. He couldn’t say for why, but there was something about her that captivated him. Perhaps it were her promises of more discoveries; he always did like experiencing new things, be it seeing new lands, sailing unfamiliar seas, or just indulging in exotic tastes and foreign sounds. Or perhaps, as he largely believed, it was simply due to the enthusiasm which laced each and every one of her words.

His grin turned into a warm smile as he simply watched and listened to her. To see the genuine excitement across her visage and in her animated movements was comforting, in a way. He wondered if this was how he looked to others when he spoke at length about ships and sailing. If so, he couldn’t say he minded very much; in this very moment, Kalliope’s charm was undeniable and endearing.

“Well,” he said and leaned forward slightly. “I’ll be looking forward to what you have to show me, Kali, and something tells me that you’re not going to disappoint.”

An idea struck Kalliope like a bolt of lightning as she savoured the tavern’s lively atmosphere. Her eyes widened with excitement, and she looked back at Sjan-dehk with a mischievous grin.

“Sjan-dehk, I have the most splendid idea!” She exclaimed, unable to contain her enthusiasm. “Tomorrow night, there’s a magnificent masquerade party taking place. It’ll be an enchanting event filled with mystery, glamour, and endless possibilities. It’ll also be a fabulous way to meet more of the influential people of the city while learning more about us. How about we attend it together? It’ll be an experience you won’t forget!”

She leaned in closer, her voice hushed yet brimming with anticipation. “Imagine, dancing under the flickering candlelight, surrounded by masked strangers, each harbouring secrets and hidden identities. It’s a chance to step into a different world, even if just for one night. What do you say, Sjan-dehk? Will you be my partner in this grand adventure?” Her eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and hope, eagerly awaiting his response, and eager to embark on this enchanting journey with him.

As much as Sjan-dehk tried to stop himself, his face fell at her suggestion. He hadn’t the slightest idea as to what a masquerade was, but from the sound of things, it would be a formal affair that would involve all the stuffiness that came with them. His first instinct was to turn her down right away – and had it been anyone else, he likely would have done just that – but the look in her eyes gave him pause, and he gave it more thought.

She did raise a good point; this would be an excellent chance for him to get to know who was who in this city, something that would surely do him many favours in the near future. Getting a first-hand look at how the local nobility went about their business would also likely prove to be a boon, if nothing else. Of course, he had already attended the King’s court, however briefly, but he had his doubts that whatever had happened there was normal.

And besides, he couldn’t say that the idea of spending an evening enjoying the finer things in life with her was a bad one. It was rather appealing, in fact, though the reason why escaped him. Regardless, that very thought was enough to sway his opinion.

“Alright,” he said with a nod and a smile. “It’d be my honour to escort you to this mask–masquerade. But I’ve to warn you, I can’t say I’m well-versed in formal things. Even back home, I rarely attended anything like this. Couldn’t stand them, to be honest.” A sheepish smile came over his face at his admission, and he sat back in his seat. “So you’ll have to teach me how things work, I suppose, and I promise to follow your lead like a diligent student.” There was also the question of what clothes he should wear, but he supposed they would have time to deal with that problem later.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Castle Gardens
Attire: Alexander and Lianna
Interaction: Sadie @Potter, Drake @Lava Alckon
Mention: Mina @Tae, Callum @Helo, Wulfric @SilverPaw, Anastasia @princess, Violet [@Tpartywithzombitea]

“My goodness! I understand her response now. I do apologize for startling her so bad. Let me know if I can get her any cakes or tea please to help make up for it.”

Alexander had been ready to speak again when the abrupt sound of a poorly played trumpet filled the air encompassing the tea party. Now, this most certainly drew his gaze away from the table. His face sharply flung toward the awful sound, breaking his warm composure as he briefly sneered at Callum who had announced the arrival of additional treats. Prince of Onions
 I’ll- refrain. Yes, I will refrain. He had nearly meditated the thought as he mentally struggled to return his attention to the princess. However, this momentary distraction did bear fruit. So many had arrived since the start of his conversation with Sadie and Drake. So many opportunities to meet and greet others. And with this in mind, he willed his smile to return, continuing on as if he didn’t just skip several beats.

“She would almost die if the Varian Princess served her cake and tea.” Alexander couldn't help but laugh at the offer. However, he was quick to contain his fit of humor so he could speak more plainly to do well in showing Sadie respect. “She would absolutely love it if you performed such a gesture but
 that would mean getting closer to a particular group and I wouldn't want that for you.” He referred to the table of women that had pestered her after she had tripped on one of their dresses. “Not when you're being so generous to us. But perhaps I'll surprise her by bringing her to meet you both. Perhaps later.” Alexander was sure it would make Lianna's day. She wasn't a people person like he was but who could beat meeting and joining a princess for tea?

When his attendance at Count Calbert Damien's masquerade party was brought up, he visibly became ecstatic. His eyebrows rose and his smile nearly grew twofold.

“Yes, that is the plan. My wife and I would like to get familiar with some of the notables in Sorian and besides this tea party, that might be the gathering to do so. We'll be in the city for a while so I figured we should make acquaintances. You two potentially being the first of many.”

"Well I do appreciate your company, Sir. I do not wish to keep you any longer than you'd like, but if there is anything else you'd like to discuss before you take your leave I am more than happy to share some more words." Alexander caught the hint, seeing his time with the two reaching its expiration.

“No, no. We’ve spoken plenty, which is far more than I deserve in the presence of you both. It was indeed a pleasure
 and something to brag to my wife about too.” He gave Drake a curt nod before facing Sadie to perform a customary bow. “Your grace, and perhaps my favorite princess so far.” Alexander remarked before standing straight and departing from the table but not without flashing a warm smile to Genevieve, Sadie’s bodyguard.

Now free from the conversation, Alexander’s eyes were able to wander from face to face. Though he attempted to take note of only newer arrivals, he couldn’t help but return his gaze to the mysterious redheaded maiden. He’d have to ask Lianna about her before he engaged.

Among the newcomers was Prince Wulfric Danrose. A rung he needed to squint at to see clearly on the tower of a ladder. This tea party could grant him the chance to approach him but it was a risk to speak with him now. Alexander had to bide his time before their eventual confrontation. One he was looking rather forward to.

Then there was the obnoxiously boisterous Prince of Onions who he couldn’t quite make out, unable to recognize him as Prince Callum Danrose, though he did match the description.

The beautiful Princess Anastasia Danrose also graced the event with her arrival while looking quite stunning. Incredible. He was nearly entranced with the opportunity to speak to her. Everything seemed so perfect until his eyes landed on the form of someone that caused him to instinctively lose his smile and clench his well-defined jaw. Fear appeared to have gripped him as he stared intensely at the familiar figure. A woman.

Skin as pale as the moon, covered by a stark black gown. Raven hair that only accentuated the lack of color in her ghastly visage. A frail appearance about was weakness personified. Alexander’s look of shock morphed into one of disgust that would have made the sneer he shot Callum seem pleasant. Her
 He nearly spat but instead regained his composure as well as his footing as he continued toward his wife. The two had much to discuss.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tae
Avatar of Tae


Member Seen 3 days ago

Kalliope & Cassius

Night before Sola 23rd

Kalliope stood amidst the castle training grounds, her sanctuary under the dusky sky. The evening breeze caressed her auburn red locks, tousling them gently as she focused on honing her skills. The last rays of sunlight cast a warm glow over the open field, painting the world in hues of gold and amber.

She’d spent the day with the dashing captain, Sjan-dehk, and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy herself. Perhaps she enjoyed herself too much as her heart ached when they parted ways. This fact alone frightened her to the point she desperately needed a distraction. So here she was, working herself harder than she had in a long time.

Clad in her form fitting dark training attire, she moved with grace and precision, her body flowing effortlessly from one stance to another. Her swords gleamed in the fading light, reflecting her unwavering determination. Each strike, parry, and riposte was executed with calculated finesse, a testament to her years of training and the fire that burned within her.

As she practiced, her vivid green eyes glittered with intensity, scanning the surroundings with sharp focus. The scars etched upon her face, a constant reminder of her past, stood in stark contrast to her delicate features. They told a story of resilience and defiance, marking her as someone who had endured and risen above the trials of life.

The training grounds echoed with the rhythmic clash of steel meeting steel, accompanied by the occasional sharp exhale of effort. Kalliope's movements were fluid yet powerful, showcasing her prowess in combat. The dance of her blades seemed to meld seamlessly with the symphony of the evening, a melody only she could hear.

The dagger danced back and forth between his hands. He gauged the weight of it, and its balance. Not perfect, but seldom was that the case. It would do for the task at hand
and that is all that mattered in the end. He could see nothing. The blindfold made sure of it. Even with the cloth wrapped around his face, he kept his eyes closed. No cheating, because where was the fun in that.

Cassius flipped his grip on the dagger, letting its tip rest between his thumb and index finger. The anticipation in the room was palpable; or so he liked to believe. They were all watching him, waiting for his next move. He was right where he belonged in the center of attention. He lifted his arm into position, and aimed with only his memory and his instincts. With the flick of his wrist the dagger flew from his hand. He heard the thud of its impact. He could tell that it stuck since there was no clanging of steel against the wooden floor.

A gasp erupted from the crowd around him as the dagger hit its mark. There were only a couple dozen people in this tavern, but to him it always felt like hundreds. He removed his blindfold. At first, he was disappointed to find that he hadn’t hit the bullseye, but that disappointment quickly faded as he realized that his dagger was an inch or two closer than his opponents
Winning solved everything. Cassius looked up at the man who had challenged him. The look of furious contempt was clear upon his face. He smiled that patented smile at him.

“Sorry, friend
Tonight just wasn’t your night. A deal is a deal. Pay up.” Cassius’s words only angered his opponent more, but he knew better than to cause a scene. The man disdainfully pulled the coin pouch from his belt and tossed it at Cassius before turning to leave in a huff. He used his winnings to buy another drink, gulped it down, and then he himself stepped out into the evening.

He was buzzing, but the thrill of competition
even small ones such as this, always got his heart pumping. He needed something better than a good drink tonight. So he started the walk to his other favorite locale; the training grounds. For a quarter of an hour he walked and enjoyed the fresh air, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. Eventually, he reached his destination. He expected the place to be empty at this time of evening, but was surprised to hear the sound of steel. In the distance he could see a woman training. He wasn’t close enough to get a good look, but he could see her auburn hair and the way she moved with elegant finesse. As he continued his approach, he watched as her blades moved skillfully and her footwork highlighted a clear competence. This woman was a true warrior. Interesting.

Kalliope immersed herself in the rhythm of her training, the clashing of steel and the swift footwork becoming a symphony of skill and discipline. Lost in her own world, she was oblivious to the approaching figure until she heard the distinct sound of footsteps drawing nearer.

Curiosity piqued, Kalliope slowed her movements and glanced in the direction of the approaching stranger. Her emerald eyes locked onto Cassius, taking in his presence with a mix of intrigue and amusement.

A mischievous smile played at the corners of her lips as Kalliope decided to seize the moment. She adjusted her grip on her blades, their polished surfaces reflecting the setting sun's golden rays, and resumed her training with renewed vigor. Every movement became an embodiment of grace and precision as she showcased her prowess.

Her auburn hair flowed behind her like a fiery halo, framing her focused expression. The fluidity of her footwork accentuated her natural agility, while her blades danced through the air with deadly elegance. Each strike and parry displayed not only her technical mastery but also the sheer power and finesse that defined her as a true warrior. With each passing moment, she pushed herself further, infusing her movements with an aura of undeniable confidence.

Kalliope spun, twirling her blades with calculated grace, the sound of steel singing a mesmerizing melody. The training grounds transformed into a stage, and she relished the role of performer.

Time seemed to slow as Kalliope executed a particularly daring maneuver, abandoning one sword only to swiftly draw one of her throwing daggers. Her eyes never left Cassius, her movements inviting him to step into the dance of blades and embrace the thrill of the moment. In the blink of an eye she released the dagger, purposely missing Cassius by a hair's breadth as the blade embedded itself in a post behind him.

Finally, she came to a poised halt, her gaze steady and unyielding. The echoes of her movements filled the air as a declaration of her skill and determination. She gave almost a mocking bow, smirk still in place before she opened her mouth to speak. "I see that glint of curiosity in your eyes. Instead of standing there like an awestruck spectator, why not join me in a dance?"

It was a pleasure for him to watch her work. Her movements were more like the lively Caesonian Waltz than they were a brutish form of combat. She danced across the arena with technique that was as beautiful as it was deadly. Cassius was impressed. She looked at him, her emerald eyes locking onto his. She was stunning.

He could feel her taking him in with her gaze, and the dangerous grin that formed on her face was one that he could appreciate. Even from where he was standing, Cassius could see the scars adorning the left side of her face. A freckled face that otherwise seemed delicate, was made all the more beautiful by those scars. They told him a story, and were not unlike his own scar that trailed down the right side of his face. The more he took her in, the more magnificent she became to him. All from one glance he found beauty, charm, and more skill than most of the kingdom combined.

Changing her stance, the woman elevated the level of intensity in her maneuvers. This time, however, her emerald eyes were locked upon his. The blue in Cassius' eyes was dark like the sea in a raging storm. Inviting, but never without a hint of danger. Her eyes, however, were as alluring as the very gemstone they the color represented. Each technique the woman demonstrated was more impressive then the last. She was performing for an audience of one, and Cas was more than captivated while having the best seat in the house. His experienced eye allowed him to watch her as though she was moving in slow motion. He was surprised to see her cast her blade aside in favor of a dagger. It took him only a moment to realize what she was planning. As she released the dagger towards him, he did not flinch...for he could tell she was skilled enough to hit her mark, and he was confident that her mark was not actually him. At least not this time. He could feel the air being bent around the dagger as it passed his face.

Almost too close for comfort...just how he liked it.
As the warrior came to a graceful stop, her auburn hair swung and flowed around her with momentum. Finally
she spoke to him with playful intent. How enticing. Her invitation to join the dance was sweeter even than the wine that had been flowing earlier that night. He was impressed by this woman
but she was no Cassius Vael. He stepped forward with his devil may care demeanor on full display.

“I must admit, love. You are impressive. But, if you wish to dance with me here as the sun falls and the moon rises I must offer you that age-old warning
 Be careful what you wish for.” His words poured like smooth liquor, and his smile grew to be as mischievous as her own. “But I cannot refuse such an offer, for there is nothing in this world I enjoy more than dancing with a beautiful woman.”

Kalliope's emerald eyes sparkled with anticipation as she took in Cassius' confident demeanor. She couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of facing off against a skilled opponent. With a playful smirk, she stepped forward, slowly closing the distance between them.

"Well, well, Cassius," she purred, her voice laced with flirtatious confidence. "It seems we're destined to cross swords and test our mettle against each other. I must say, I'm intrigued to see what you're capable of."

Her fingers idly traced the hilt of her blade, a glint of mischief in her eyes. She let her gaze travel up and down his form, openly appreciating the strength and grace that emanated from him.

"But shall we make it even more interesting?" She proposed. "If by some twist of fate you manage to best me, I shall grace you with my name and buy you a drink of your choice. But if, as I suspect, victory falls into my hands, you will have the privilege of taking me to a delightful dinner."

She took a step closer, her presence radiating confidence and allure. Her eyes locked onto his, challenging him to accept her wager.

"Consider it an opportunity, my dear Cassius, to savor the taste of victory or to revel in the pleasure of my company. Are you brave enough to accept this thrilling wager?"

Her voice dripped with tantalizing invitation, her gaze holding an air of playful challenge. Kalliope eagerly awaited his response, eager to embark on this fiery battle and see where the flames of their shared connection would lead them.

"Oh, so you've heard of me." Cassius jested playfully. "It seems my reputation precedes me everywhere I go." With a wink he stepped forward, entering the space of the arena properly. He began to circle her with swagger. He watched her take him in, and he gladly returned the favor. Exploring her with his gaze, he sized her up...appreciating the curves and deadly elegance of her body. Truly, she was stunning.

He listened to her offer with a seductive grin
every word she spoke dripped with honey as though they were made for his ears. She, in both offer and in presence, was dangerously enticing to him. He locked his Aegean blue eyes onto hers as he circled, appreciating the true beauty behind all of her confidence and bravado. His allure and hers were almost one in the same. He had only known her for a brief moment, but he could already tell how much fun the two of them could have together. He let the thought linger a moment before responding to her offer.

“Oh we are destined to dance, aren’t we?” He took a bold step forward as he continued to circle. “Your proposal sounds like a dream come true, love. Win or lose
I win.” He spoke with playful arrogance, and sensual charm danced across his smile. “And I promise
so will you.” He took another bold step forward, closing the gap between them. Cassius stopped his orbit around his beautiful challenger. He motioned to his belt and the axe that hung from it. “I’ve always preferred an axe to a sword. They are virtually superior in every way. Practical, and useful in many
many more scenarios than a long blade.” He looked to her weapons. “But
those blades you wield are almost as beautiful as you are, love. You want to make things interesting, yeah? Then hand me one of your swords and watch as I best you with your own weapon.”

Kalliope's eyes shimmered with delight as Cassius playfully bantered with her. She matched his playful tone, her confidence unshaken by his boldness. As he circled her with a swagger, she held his gaze, appreciating the undeniable allure he exuded.

"Oh, Cassius, your reputation seems to have taken on a life of its own," she replied, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips. "But I must confess, I haven't had the pleasure of hearing about your exploits until this very moment."

Her tone remained laced with playful charm as she continued, "So, let's put your reputation to the test and see if it lives up to the tales. Show me what makes Cassius Vael a name worthy of remembrance."

It was his suggestion of using her own blade against her that really made her grin. He apparently favored an axe, but he was so confident he'd best her with her own blade that it only served to amuse her more.

"Very well, my confident challenger," she responded, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "I accept your proposition. But remember, should you falter, it will only serve as a testament to the superiority of my blades."

She reached over to her side, unfastening one of the intricately crafted swords from her hip. With a fluid motion, she tossed it to him. Before he could fully react, Kalliope's fluid movements shifted into high gear. Without warning or hesitation, she lunged forward, her blade soaring towards him with a swift and precise strike.

Cassius loved a challenge. He adored the opportunity to impress, but even more than that...he loved to hear a woman as beautiful as her say his name.

He was glad that she accepted his addendum to the challenge. The thought of using her own weapon against her made the idea of this little exchange all the sweeter. What a way to make an impression.

He watched as she reached for the weapon at her hip. His eyes never left hers. Under different circumstances he could get lost in those emeralds...but he held his focus and tried to will away the effects of the alcohol he had drank earlier. He had done far more serious things under the influence of much more alcohol in the past...but still, he hoped his buzz wouldn't slow him down.

As soon as she tossed the blade to him, she made her move. He was barely able to get his hand wrapped around the grip of the weapon in time to block her attack. Despite his face betraying him by revealing the initial shock of her trick, he quickly recovered his sarcastic grin. She wasn't afraid of playing a little dirty. He liked that...a lot. The sound of steel meeting steel rang out in the training grounds as Cassius just managed to pull off the block. Without hesitation, he spun around her and gave her a little kick to push her a few inches away.

"I like the way you play." He licked his lips in anticipation of her next move. "But you're going to have to do a little better than that."

Kalliope's lips curled into a knowing smile as Cassius blocked her initial strike and managed to create a small distance between them with a well-placed kick. She welcomed his challenge, his tenacity only adding fuel to the fire that burned within her. She was happy to allow him to make distance between them as it would allow her to pull out a few more tricks.

As the intensity of their spar heightened, Cassius and Kalliope found themselves locked in a thrilling display of skill and agility. In a moment that showcased her audacious flair, Kalliope decided to introduce a daring move into their intricate dance.

With a sly smile playing on her lips, Kalliope sprinted toward Cassius, her feet carrying her with a swiftness born of confidence. But just as he might have anticipated her direct approach, Kalliope's movements took an unexpected twist. She dropped to her knees, gracefully sliding beneath a potential parry, her body gliding effortlessly along the training ground floor.

In one fluid motion, Kalliope spun on her knees, her lithe form rotating with remarkable grace. She swiftly kicked out at the back of his knee, hoping to use the surprise to cause him to stumble and lose his footing.

"Watch your step, Cassius," she teased, her voice carrying a mixture of satisfaction and playful taunting. "It seems I have a few surprises up my sleeve." Her confidence radiated through her every word and movement, an undeniable presence that demanded respect.

Cassius was enjoying every second of their back and forth. Each maneuver picked up the intensity between them, but both were up for the challenge and skilled enough to rise to the occasion. It was beautiful to him. It was sensual.

Thus far, the two had been evenly matched. Their song of steel clashing rang out in the evening like a symphony of elegance and prowess. The perfect dance partners performing a masterpiece for an audience of none. The moment belonged only to them.

As his dance partner sprinted his way, Cassius prepared an impressive parry, but at the last second...the beauty turned the tables. She dropped low, sliding across the ground and spinning her body behind him. He felt the kick to the back of his knee and stumbled forward, forced to make a split second tuck and roll in order to avoid falling. He pulled it off with grace despite his buzz. Again...just barely.

As he rolled with his own momentum, he allowed his body to turn back towards her...and Cassius looked up at her with playful excitement. The look in his eyes demonstrated that he was equal parts impressed and aroused by her trick.

"Well, well...by my count, love...that brings us to even." He brushed a bit of dirt from his clothing and then stood slowly. Removing his jacket, he tossed it to the side and stretched his shoulders before returning to an attack position. "But not for long I'm afraid."

Cas charged the emerald eyed warrior, throwing a flurry of complex attacks her way. He was confident that she would block them...in fact, he was depending on it. As the speed of his gale of attacks grew, he waited for the perfect moment to occupy just enough of the woman's mind and reflexes before making his next move. With a sudden, stylish spin...Cassius flung around her and swept her leg, hoping to bring her to the ground.

Kalliope's eyes sparkled with both anticipation and a touch of mischief as Cassius charged at her, his flurry of attacks coming at her in a relentless storm. She gracefully maneuvered, her blades moving with precision to deflect each strike, showcasing her remarkable agility and finesse.

However, her eyes widened slightly in surprise as Cassius executed his leg sweep with unexpected precision, catching her off guard. Despite her formidable skills, she found herself momentarily unbalanced, the ground rushing up to meet her. However, Kalliope's quick thinking and agility saved her from a complete fall.

As she felt herself being swept off her feet, she used the momentum of Cassius' attack to her advantage. With a nimble twist of her body, she managed to hook her leg around his sweeping leg while also grabbing his arm, causing them to both lose their balance. In a synchronized display of skill and instinct, they tumbled to the ground together, their bodies entangled in a whirlwind of motion.

The impact sent a jolt of adrenaline coursing through Kalliope's veins, but she maintained her composure, quickly transitioning the fall into a controlled roll. As they landed, she managed to use her lower body strength to shift their positions, turning the tables on Cassius. With a deft maneuver, she found herself on top, pinning him down with an unexpected grace.

A sly smile curled on Kalliope's lips as she looked down at Cassius, a small dagger held to his throat, her emerald eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and intrigue. "Well, it seems you caught me off guard, Cassius," she admitted, her voice laced with a hint of playfulness. "But remember, in the art of combat, adaptability is key."

She leaned in closer, her lips almost brushing against his ear as she spoke. "Besides, I'm quite hungry and refuse to lose the opportunity of a free dinner."

Before he knew it, she was on top of him.

What a wonderful surprise he thought to himself, the astonishment was apparent on his face in the form of his crooked smile. He looked up at her with desire, their labored breathing acting as the decrescendo of the song that their blades had been playing so beautifully.

He felt her dagger at his throat as she spoke to him. Boldly, he pushed against it ever so slightly. She spoke of adaptability; her words laced with the same mischievousness that his usually held. The two were a match made in heaven, or perhaps one made in hell.

She had won
Well, at least in her own mind.

Cassius grinned up at her, savoring the fact that she had no idea of the truth. He would let her assumptions stand for awhile longer. The fun was always in the tease. As she bent down closer to whisper in his ear, Cassius could feel the weight of her body against his. Her words dripped with honey just like before, sending chills of anticipation down his neck. Time for the reveal.

“Oh, love
how I would adore the opportunity to take you out to dinner.” He reached up with a hand and gently turned her gaze to meet his. “But that wasn’t the deal
.was it?” His smile widened as he pressed the tip of his own dagger into her side just enough to make her feel it. “Because you didn’t win after all, did you?” With a wink he playfully poked the dagger against her once more. “I’d say this means we’re even.”

Kalliope couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration at Cassius' revelation. She prided herself on her ability to read people and her fighting skills, but he had managed to keep his true intentions hidden and match her skills. However, she was not one to dwell on defeat for long. Instead, she'd get revenge.

Her emerald eyes locked onto his gaze, and she leaned in closer, her voice dripping with playful defiance. "Well played, Cassius," she conceded, her tone laced with a hint of admiration. "I must admit, I underestimated your resourcefulness." She could feel the pressure of his dagger against her side, a reminder of his triumphant countermove. A flicker of competitiveness sparked in her eyes, and she shifted her weight, maintaining her composure even in the face of defeat.

With a sly smile playing on her lips, Kalliope had a plan. In one swift, unexpected motion, she pressed her lips against his, catching him off guard. The kiss was fiery and passionate, filled with the electric tension that had been building between them throughout their sparring match. She even nipped at his bottom lip some, savoring his taste as she discarded her dagger. Her hand teasingly trailed down his chest, traveling dangerously low. With a swift movement, she deftly grabbed hold of his wrist, twisting it and trying to force him to release his dagger.

She broke the kiss, smirking down at him. "I don't do well losing," she said in a sultry tone. "But I suppose we can call it a draw. You buy dinner, I'll buy drinks?"

He had certainly been in worse positions than this. A beautiful woman straddling him was a nice touch, even if there was a dagger nipping at his throat. Cassius looked up at this mystery beauty with eyes full of enjoyment and arrogant glee that he had pulled off his little trick. He had not had this much fun in some time, and that's saying a lot because fun was about all Cassius had these nights.

She spoke with a natural disobedience to her that he liked...a lot. He was sure that it pained her to compliment him so. He reveled in it. But just as he began to bask in his own glory, she made a move that he wasn't expecting.

Her kiss tasted like the best nights of his life. He gave himself to it, his passion unleashed with as much spark and electricity as her own. Every drop of tension that had been building between them during their brief but intoxicating time together came to the surface, and the feeling of her hand trailing down his chest and stomach sent chills through his body. A sensual smile curved at his mouth as she nipped his lip. The thought of taking her here and now in the training grounds playing in his mind.

As she made her final move, and twisted his wrist strategically...the dagger flung from his hand and she broke the kiss with a smirk. You beautiful bitch...he thought to himself playfully. He looked up at her once more, admiring her move just as much as he had admired his own. What a woman.

Breathing a little heavily from their match and the surge of passion that had emerged from her kiss, Cassius let out a small laugh and smiled at her. "I can live with a draw, darling. As you said...dinner is on me, drinks are on you. And perhaps afterwards, dessert can be on both of us and our clothes can be on the floor..." He winked, and gave her a promising look of pleasure. "But first...perhaps I've earned your name after all?"

Kalliope leaned back, the satisfaction of her successful maneuver evident in her smug expression. She relished in the sight of Cassius, lying beneath her, a mix of amusement and desire dancing in his eyes. She couldn't deny the allure of his boldness and his skill. It was a rare combination that piqued her interest.

"Well, Cassius, you certainly have a way with words," she remarked, her voice laced with a hint of smugness. "Dinner and drinks it is! As for dessert, better make sure we have some whipped cream and chocolate."

With a deliberate pause, she allowed the tension to build before finally revealing her name, savoring the moment. She leaned in closer, her voice a soft whisper that carried the weight of her presence.

"The name you seek, Cassius, is Kalliope Arden. Remember it well, for it may be the only thing you'll be able to think of when you're lying awake at night."

She withdrew slightly, a mischievous glimmer in her emerald eyes. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves, Cassius. Dinner and drinks will be an opportunity for us to engage in a different kind of sparring. Consider it a chance for you to prove that your charm goes beyond the battlefield." Her lips curled into a suggestive smirk. "And who knows, if you manage to impress me, maybe dessert won't be the only sweet indulgence we share."

Kalliope rose gracefully from her position, extending a hand to help Cassius up. "So, Cassius Vael, the audacious charmer, are you ready to take on the challenge of a night you won't soon forget?"

Cassius amused her, and he could tell that she was into him. Those dangerous emerald eyes held a lot of truths in their gaze. The smugness of her tone danced playfully through her lips as Cassius listened to her declaration. She was every bit as good at playing the game as he was, and he appreciated the fact that she continued to tease with her words and the pauses between them. He even let himself fall for her trick, as the anticipation grew within him as she was about to reveal her name.

He wanted to take a guess first, but knew that nothing he would come up with would be worthy of a warrior such as her. Her name probably held the kind of weight that the gods of old put forth. It would have to be something grandiose enough to capture her beauty, charm, and power all in one. Something as alluring as Cassius Vael.

He was right.

Kalliope Arden...He wondered if she knew how perfect a name it truly was for her. He tried it out on his tongue a few times before responding to Kalliope. He enjoyed the way it felt on his lips, almost as much as he did her kiss. He allowed her to help him up and once he was on his feet he began to brush the dust from his clothing.

"Kalliope Arden. It suits you, but you know that don't you? A dangerous name for a dangerous girl. Flows off the tongue like a smooth drink. I like it." He exclaimed playfully as he retrieved his duster from the ground and readied himself. "Dinner and drinks, whipped cream and chocolate...Cassius and Kalliope. The more I think of this outcome the more I believe that truly we both won, after all." He made his way over to her and put his arm out for her to take it as though he were a true gentleman, which they both knew he was not. "And darling...I am always up for the challenge. So, shall we?"

Kalliope watched Cassius with a mixture of amusement and admiration as he savored the sound of her name, rolling it off his tongue like a cherished melody. His appreciation for its significance didn't go unnoticed, and she couldn't help but be intrigued by his genuine enthusiasm. The sparks of their banter continued to ignite a playful energy between them, one that she found herself eagerly embracing. She tilted her head slightly, letting a hint of playful arrogance color her response.

"Of course," she replied, her voice laced with confidence. "Names have power, don't they? They shape perceptions, ignite imaginations, and conjure images of untamed spirits." She paused for a moment, savoring the weight of her words. "Kalliope Arden... it's a name that commands attention, isn't it? It carries the weight of legends and whispers of forgotten tales."

She let out a mischievous giggle, her demeanor leaving one to wonder if she were actually human or perhaps one of the mysterious fae. "I must agree, however, it seems we've both emerged as victors in this little encounter, and I can't say I'm disappointed."

As they prepared to venture towards their evening of shared delights, Kalliope leaned in closer, her voice a tantalizing whisper. "But remember, the night has only just begun. Expectations have been set high, and I hope you're ready to deliver on the promises of pleasure you've so boldly offered."

She released a light laugh, her emerald eyes sparkling with anticipation. "So, Cassius Vael, the audacious charmer, lead the way. Let's see if you can truly match your silver tongue with actions that leave an everlasting impression." With that, she intertwined her arm with his, ready to embark on a night filled with danger, desire, and the irresistible allure of the unknown.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tae
Avatar of Tae


Member Seen 3 days ago

Kalliope & King Edin

Time: Morning of Sola 23rd
Location: The Castle
Interactions: King Edin @princess
Mentions: Cassius @PapaOso

As the morning sun cast its gentle glow across the castle corridors, Kalliope navigated her way through the grand halls with purposeful strides. Her mind buzzed with a mixture of anticipation and annoyance, for she was about to face the one person she held in contempt yet served dutifully—the oblivious king himself.

The previous night had been filled with passion and pleasure, as she had indulged in the company of Cassius. Their connection was purely physical, and Kalliope made sure to communicate her intentions clearly. Though she enjoyed his company and valued their budding friendship, she had no desire to let their encounter evolve into something more. Especially after he called out a different name last night. With a quick note left behind, assuring Cassius that she would return promptly, she had slipped out of her room, her thoughts already shifting to the upcoming meeting with the king.

Her attire reflected her casual yet alluring disposition, a simple shirt and form-fitting pants that accentuated her curves. It was not meant to impress but rather to exude confidence and a touch of defiance. Kalliope took pride in her appearance, for she knew the power it held, even in the presence of the oblivious king.

Passing by tapestries and ornate decorations, Kalliope's footsteps echoed through the corridors. Her interactions with the king were always laced with a hint of subtle disdain, her sharp wit serving as a shield against his incompetence. She relished in the satisfaction of making passive-aggressive jabs at him, savoring the moments when he failed to grasp the depth of her words. It was a twisted dance, one in which she maintained a fragile balance between loyalty and contempt.

As she approached the grand doors leading to the king's chamber, a mixture of irritation and amusement danced in her eyes. She took a moment to compose herself, adjusting her posture and brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear. With a deep breath, she pushed open the doors and stepped into the king's realm, ready to face the day's challenges and maintain her delicate game of wit and subtlety.

The door opened ajar slightly, an eye looking straight into Kalliope’s. The sound of giggling women from within was dimly audible for just a moment before the door slammed shut again. There were some footsteps then hushed murmuring, King Edin’s voice audible amongst the crowd.
The tail end of the conversation could be heard by Kalliope as King Edin said, “...Let her in when I tell you.”

A few minutes passed, and the grand double doors swung open with a flourish, revealing the the sight of King Edin. Two women flanking him draped a cape around his back. He was dressed lavishly today and had a sparkling jewel crown adorning his head.

The opulent bedroom was adorned with a multitude of beautiful women positioned throughout, their eyes fixated on the captivating redhead, their gazes tinged with a mixture of admiration and envy. Hushed whispers reverberated throughout the chamber as the unexpected presence of a new figure sparked curiosity and intrigue as they wondered if King Edin had called for a new girl.

Breaking the silence, King Edin's voice cut through the air finally. “... Kallista.” he greeted, the clinking of ice cubes resonating in the drink of his hand.

Kalliope's eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she observed the eye from the crack in the door. She rolled her eyes as the door slammed shut and she could hear the murmurs along with the King's voice. Of course he was going to make her wait longer.

Finally she was allowed entry and she walked in to see the appearance of Edin, taking him in for a moment before looking at the jealous women. It also surprised her very little that he didn't get her name right, he never did. With a polite smile on her lips, she couldn't resist delivering an insult disguised as a compliment.

"Your Majesty, you truly have a remarkable talent for turning heads and making an entrance," she remarked sweetly, her tone laced with honeyed sarcasm. "That sparkling jewel crown is undoubtedly fit for a king of your stature, and the cape adds a certain... dramatic flair to your presence." The King smiled wide and nodded as she spoke, aware of these truths.

Her words seemed flattering on the surface, but there was an underlying hint of mockery that only the keenest ears could detect. As she curtsied gracefully before him, her eyes betrayed a subtle amusement, knowing that the king wouldn't catch on to her true meaning.

"I merely wished to give you my report now that I'm back." She began, but didn't go further as she wished to give him the opportunity to decide if he should clear the room or not.

“I see
 Well, welcome back, Kallista
 We’ll be keeping you busy and there’s surely alot to care you up on as well, dear. “ He eyed her up and down for a moment for no particular reason, then paused to raise his hands above his heads and clap them, “Alright! Ladies! Out!’The girls swiftly responded to his command, lining up by the door. The servants courteously held the door open as the room gradually emptied.

Once only Kallista and Edin remained, he raised an expectant eyebrow.

Kalliope maintained her composed demeanor, hiding her annoyance at the King's inability to remember her name correctly. She smiled politely and inclined her head in acknowledgment of his command, watching as the women filed out of the room, leaving her alone with the King.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," she responded smoothly, her voice holding a touch of coolness. "I am more than willing to serve and provide my expertise as needed after my allotted time off that was negotiated in my initial contract with you."

She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts. She was in a prime position she had a feeling many would wish for. How easy it would be to simply imbed a dagger in this man's throat right now. To watch the shock and terror as she listened to the symphony of gurgling sounds she knew he would make. What a beautiful melody that would be indeed. Alas, this was neither the time nor place for such things. Her voice took on a professional tone tinged with pride.

"As for the mission, I am pleased to report that it was a resounding success. The target was eliminated swiftly and discreetly, leaving no trace of our involvement. The guards were expertly handled, ensuring a smooth entry and extraction. The blade used was of the finest craftsmanship, leaving no room for error. To say the Kingdom of Xador owes you for ridding them of their tyrant is putting it lightly."

Kalliope maintained a calm and professional demeanor, focusing on the details of the mission while avoiding any unnecessary information that could raise suspicion. She kept her tone measured and her gaze steady, making it clear that she had successfully executed her assignment.

"I trust this outcome will be satisfactory, Your Majesty. I remain at your service for any further tasks you may require, again, after I take my time for myself."

King Edin was silent as she spoke, his expression unreadable until the very moment she completed her report. Then, his cheeks puffed out as he attempted to restrain his laughter, but then he broke into a fit of it anyway. He hadn’t expected she’d be able to pull it off but she had, and now they had managed to easily rid themselves of that moron. It was hilarious how everything was working out so perfectly for him. “ That’s
” He lightly hit his chest. He cleared his throat and then said seriously, “Good work, Kallista. You can take some time for yourself today as your reward, but at some point today you will be approached for a briefing of the events. However, as you may know, the Varian and Alidasht kingdoms are currently visiting
 Be on your toes.”

At the mention of Alidasht, Kalliope’s blood turned to ice yet she kept her demeanor unreadable. She had heard Alidasht was there, but she didn't want to believe it. Truly she had no issue with most of them, though she worried what they thought of her after everything. How had Hafiz poisoned their minds? Even the thought of Hafiz made her ill. No, she would avoid them as best she could. That didn’t stop the anxiety from creeping in and she felt the desperate need for another distraction. Thankfully she had one waiting in her room.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," she replied with a graceful nod, her tone carrying a note of subtle condescension. "I appreciate your recognition of my skills and the reward of some time off. I assure you, I will be ready for any briefing that may arise, even with the esteemed guests from Varian and Alidasht present."

With a curtsey befitting her station, she took a step back, her voice tinged with a hint of mischief as she bid her farewell.

"I shall endeavor to remain on my toes, Your Majesty," she said, her voice dripping with feigned innocence. "After all, one can never be too cautious in the presence of esteemed visitors, particularly those with... intriguing backgrounds."

She held his gaze for a moment longer, her eyes flickering with an unspoken challenge, before turning to leave the room, her steps light and confident.

In her mind, Kalliope relished the satisfaction of slipping in a subtle jab, knowing full well that the oblivious King Edin would likely remain oblivious to her hidden meaning. With that, she headed back to her room and the man she’d left there this morning.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction:@FunnyGuy Lorenzo @Potter Olivia @Lava Alckon Farim @Conscripts Dr.John
Attire:Dress, Bathing Suit Underneath, Light-colored beach sandals, Hair tied back in a low-style ponytail with a lace ribbon

Charlotte's expression perked up and she set her book down at Olivia's words. Oh wow. I think she fancies him. A smile crossed her lips as her gaze shifted between the two. She had to remind herself that Olivia had been raised differently, so it made sense that she was bold with her love interests.

"I do experience bouts of homesickness, but I have spent many wonderful summers here in Sorian. It's a second home to me." She answered Farim with a soft smile that wavered moments later. In that fleeting moment, a vivid image flashed before her eyes: a man with dark hair standing on the shore, turning towards her with a captivating smile, inviting her to join him in the embrace of the water. But as quickly as the memory appeared, it dissipated, leaving her anchored in reality. There was no one standing there.

She shook it off best she could and found herself tuning in on Farim's recollection of his home. It seemed like a dream to be able to gaze upon those long stretches of sand. She could only imagine how incredible the sunrise and sunset must be.Charlotte found herself daydreaming about what it would be like to swim in an oasis as well, but the reverie was disturbed as she noticed Dr. John Williamson staring at her from across the way.

It was hard not to get the image of him brandishing the knife out of her head, but she still wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.

He looks like he wants to talk.

She rose from her seat after a slight hesitation and stood, stating, "Excuse me. I will be right back." With that, she hurriedly approached the Varian doctor and greeted him with a gentle hug(It was important not to disturb his smoothie).

"Hello, doctor!" Charlotte greeted him in a friendly tone. As she let go of him, she smiled at him. "It's a really nice day, isn't it?"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Attire: Outfit
Date and Time: Sola 23rd, Late Morning
Location: The Castle Gardens: Tea Party
Mention(s): @Helo Callum, @Tae Mina and Count Sebastian, @princess Anastasia
Interaction(s): @Tpartywithzombi Violet
Does she know something?

He’d seen the thinning of her lips; perhaps memories of her attack haunted her, and she was attempting to repress them.

“I am well, and so is my family, thank you,” he replied. Yet, he didn’t intend to let her off the hook that easily. He would have to try being gentle while still prodding her to find out what he could from her. “I would ask you the same, but alas
I do hope this event grants you some respite,” he said softly. “However,” his tone was low, as if soothing a wounded animal. “I believe you will be most at ease once your attackers have been dealt with. Do you know who did this to you?” he questioned.

Their conversation was briefly interrupted by the arrival of his youngest brother. Wulfric eyed him, feeling slightly apathetic as Callum made his spectacular entrance.

So much about that promise.

But he had already known not to count on it. Callum had been retrieved late at night two days ago, beaten up. For some reason, he’d gone on to pick a fight. Now, he was, as per the usual, putting on his finely refined spoiled brat act, and making himself into as much of a nuisance as he could.

The trumpet, the claimed epithet, the serving of cakes, all for their father to notice and be upset at. Ezra
Just for the hell of it, maybe? The tea party certainly didn’t need any more confectionery. The tables were already laden with various treats; scones with a selection of fillings, brightly coloured macarons, the finest bite-sized cakes, and several samples of lokum.

Have you ever thought that you make everything about him as much as he does? Wulfric hoped his brother could feel the gaze burning into his back. They might need another chat.

Obviously, if this was what he resorted to just to annoy Edin, Callum needed something better to do.

Wulfric made a mental note of the idea, then locked eyes with the peasant baker. If nothing else, this ploy of Callum’s just might be enough for Edin to disregard Ezra.

But then again, knowing their father

One glance at Ezra proved the menace knew exactly what he was doing. Wulfric narrowed his gaze at the man, but left him be for the moment.

His distraction had lasted for a few seconds at most, and he turned back to Violet. “I hope that did not startle you too badly,” he said, referring to the horrendous noise his brother had produced. “Callum’s idea of entertainment, I’m afraid,” he commented mildly by way of explanation.

“Shall we go take a seat?” He issued the invitation to Violet, then glanced at the nearby group. If Mina, her uncle, and Anastasia were done chatting to each other, he was including them too.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tpartywithzombi
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Tpartywithzombi “Strong women are absolutely unpredictable.”

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Ezra‘s Bakery
Attire: Ezra’s Suit
Interactions: @Helo Callum
Mentions: @princess Anastasia, @mantou Wystan, @Silverpaw Wulfric

The effort it took Ezra not to laugh was mind blowing. Fortunately, he managed to maintain a straight face. He nodded to his crew to continue working at the bakery, and his glance at Faith told her to keep an eye on everyone. Once they loaded into the carriage, he couldn’t help but thank his lucky stars and the book in his house. It was as if the negative effects were becoming positive. This was his ticket in, and would be his new

The thought left his mind as the carriage stopped and the prince skipped out. Soon he returned with a trumpet? It perplexed him, but he figured it was more likely for mischievous reasons than chivalrous. Ezra shrugged; he couldn’t care as long if he didn’t get dragged down with him. Once they arrived at the tea party, Ezra gazed over everyone. The weapons checkpoint made him grimace when he looked at Wystan, but emptied his pockets and showed he was unarmed. The sly smirk would be lost to Callum, but definitely not Wystan. Then, his attention was caught by Callum’s racket, and he stared at him with confusion, but remained silent.

Ezra’s smirk was nearly lost in the fit of laughter he was unable to hold back. What the hell? He moved away, though he bowed when his name was mentioned, and gestured to the large amount of baked goods arriving from the carriage. Once the spectacle was over, he moved away and to a table to begin observing everyone eating his delights while waiting for his princess. The narrowed gaze by Wulfric wasn’t lost to him either; he returned it with as much venom as possible. Then Ezra smiled kindly at him and looked over at the entrance for his beloved.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ryn & Prince Wulfric
Part I

Date: Sola, 23rd
Time: Early morning

Wulfric's office was starting to show signs of chaos as numerous documents, notes, reports, and various other papers accumulated on his desk and coffee table. Thankfully, his couches and floors were free (for now). He’d spent a good chunk of the previous day meeting with the investigation team, whom he’d set to collecting the publicly available information on Black Rose. As expected, nothing obviously amiss had been discovered so far. Even so, it provided them with a good overview of the company’s ‘legal’ side of things, from its merchandise, to its travel routes and choice of transportation, to its profits and partners.

Pinned on a segment of his wall was a map of the kingdom where he’d marked the major areas of Black Rose’s activities. Mostly, it operated within their largest cities. It also dealt in international trade, but it was tricky getting reports beyond what happened in Caesonian ports. However, before dealing with any of the more remote areas, it seemed prudent to comb Sorian. Laid on his desk (under some more paperwork) was a veritable incident map, of all the incidents which had lately occurred in the city. There were two others potentially related to the party, or rather, to Delronzo. Those he’d designated to be thoroughly inquired into. Up to and including gathering rumors, as Hendrix had suggested.

Speaking of, he’d invited the man for a talk on business. It wasn’t purely for his personal interest anymore, given what had happened. Since he was going to be dealing with a successful merchant company, why not get the details on how such an institution operated from one of Delronzo’s rivals? With that in mind, he’d sent the count a letter last evening, requesting his presence this morning.

A gentle knock echoed through the room, interrupting the silence. On the opposite side of the door stood Ryn, cradling a towering heap of documents in his arms. Receiving no response, he tapped the door with his feet again.

“Yes?” there was the expected response, then. However, his visitor didn’t enter. Instead, there was another, firmer knock. Finding that slightly peculiar, the prince went ahead and opened the door himself. What greeted him was the sigh of Count Hendrix, though really, the man was mostly hidden behind his pile of papers.

“Good morning, Your Highness!” Ryn greeted the prince as soon as the door swung open. “I hope you’re in the mood for some ‘light’ reading.”

“Oh, how wonderful,” Wulfric greeted him, undeniably amused. “More documents,” there was a laugh in his voice as he said it. Despite the joke, though, he wasn’t put off; if anything, he was intrigued.

“Do come in,” he gestured the other man inside. He waited until he entered, then closed the doors behind them. Because apparently, they’d be dealing with more writing, he cleared the mess on his coffee table - just to give in to having one of his couches occupied, and creating another there. As haphazard as he appeared to be in moving over his collection, there was a system there, even if one that made sense just to him. One that changed and shifted as he reorganized, but it was there. “Feel free to use that,” he indicated the table he was swiftly clearing.

As Ryn shuffled into the room, he glanced around, absorbing the chaos that overtook Prince Wulfric’s study. It was a cluttered haven of papers, papers, and more papers. The sight both fascinated and overwhelmed him.

Cautiously, Ryn made his way toward the table that the prince had cleared for him. He deposited his own assortment of papers on the surface, causing the tower to teeter uneasily. “I see you have been very busy.” He picked up a few wayward leaflets with Black Rose’s name inscribed on it and handed them over. “Have you made any progress in the investigation?”

Wulfric turned around, narrowed gaze fixing on his work being handled by a near-stranger. Shortly, however, he relaxed his expression and accepted the papers. “Thank you.” He supposed they might be working together in some capacity, even if he did find the count dubious. To the second question, he merely said, “Not nearly as much as I would like.” He deposited the last few sheets, and gave the other man a thoughtful look.

“But you were questioning some of the party attendees,” he stated it as a fact, even though he lacked confirmation. “Is this investigation something which you intend to be actively involved in?” Yes, after providing Delronzo’s name, Hendrix had offered further help. But he hadn’t exactly expected the count to be so
proactive. It was strange that he was taking part in an unofficial inquiry with Leo and Charlotte.

Ryn blinked at the prince’s sudden glare, then chuckled, a smile accompanying the action. The situation reminded him of his sister’s cluttered office and her sharp reactions whenever he moved anything. “Please forgive me, Your Highness. My intention was to ensure that nothing goes missing by accident. I will refrain from touching anything else. I understand that there is order to this chaos.” Slightly shifting his weight, he straightened his posture and clasped his hands behind his back.

“However,” Ryn continued, keeping his tone respectful, “since you mentioned your interest in learning about business, if you can also find it in your heart to forgive my bluntness, I believe it’s crucial for you to develop the ability to handle minor setbacks with stride. Otherwise, you risk imploding and losing sight of what truly matters.” It was a lesson his sister learned the hard way when she ventured into her own fashion business, Cotten & Silk. It was an ability he too needed to refine.

At the initial apology, Wulfric had merely nodded. But as the count went on, his brows slowly raised in surprise. “You don’t happen to be looking for a position as an advisor, do you?” he questioned rhetorically. While he wouldn’t appoint someone so unknown on a whim, the prince could appreciate the incisiveness and the respectful delivery both.

“I could be persuaded.” Though that entirely hinged on who “Wulfric” was and who he might be as king. “Returning to your previous question, I have promised to aid Lord Smithwood and Lady Vikena, so yes, I will be actively involved in the investigation. I hope this does not pose a problem.”

Wulfric smirked, as there seemed to be an underlying ‘there better not’. “It does make for more people who could get themselves in trouble.” For his next words, he lost the levity. “If you three intend to do more, beyond relatively harmless chats, that is
You should be aware of the risks associated.” He arched an eyebrow pointedly, because he assumed that of the three, Hendrix was. “And if you still insist, there are precautions to be taken.” He rolled a shoulder in a minor shrug. “Which we can discuss whenever I have occasion to meet with your little unofficial team.” He waved away the topic, and laid a palm on the uneven tower of papers.

Ryn’s eyes flickered with a fleeting shadow, the light within them momentarily dimming, but he held onto his smile. He simply nodded in compliance.

“For now, I suggest we move onto what we’ve met for in the first place; your business.” He blinked as he realized something, and gave a polite smile on reflex. “But first things first. Would you like some tea? Coffee?
Breakfast?” It wouldn’t behoove him to slack on his host duties; he’d already been remiss in not asking prior, but he’d got somewhat distracted with their conversation.

The count canted his head. Instead of answering the rather straightforward question, he asked, “Have you eaten breakfast, Your Highness?”

For the shortest of moments, Wulfric pondered whether he had, or whether he’d only intended to have it without actualizing that. Then, something occurred to him, and he shot Hendrix a look. “Oh, you want to nag me if I haven’t, is that it?” he guessed, because the man was proving to be a veritable busybody. “Or are you concerned that you would be eating by your lonesome, thus creating an imaginary offense?” He didn’t know how well-versed the count was in the minutiae of the guest-host etiquette pertaining to being offered a meal when the invitation hadn’t specified that there would be one, given the man had formerly been a commoner. But somehow, it seemed less likely that this is what he was worried about.

“Yes,” was all Ryn said at first. Then, an idea struck him. He gleamed with newfound enthusiasm as he proposed, “In fact, this presents a splendid opportunity. Why not allow me the honor of showing you what my family business does firsthand?”

His gaze scanned the room, searching. “Might you possess an article of clothing or eyewear that you rarely wear?”

“Show me
what exactly?” The offer appeared spontaneous, but that did not necessarily mean it was merely a flight of fancy on the count’s part. It struck him as too unusual to be a trap, or rather, if it were one, it would be exceedingly unorthodox. A set-up for a scandal, perhaps? But there’d be at least a basic disguise involved. So, maybe it was just about putting him in different situations and seeing how he’d react.

While Wulfric was studying the count, Hendrix was taking an interest in his office. The prince didn’t know what the other man thought he’d found. Largely, what was around were filing cabinets, then a few bookshelves, then displays and/or storage cabinets for maps, alcohol, art, weapons, and some other memorabilia. If it was attire he owned which he was rarely seen in, then it would be, “...Armour?” he suggested reluctantly.

“I...” Ryn stifled a giggle as he imagined them doing what he planned to do while wearing armor. “I would recommend something a little more casual, but I understand why you would exercise caution. Would you like to bring your sword with you?”

“I will be armed,” Wulfric confirmed. “For a casual outfit, I suppose I could borrow it, if it doesn’t matter that it would be ill-fitting
” he trailed off, and gave the count another pointed stare. “But you haven’t answered my question. What exactly are we doing, and why?”

“Oh, but I have, Your Highness. I am going to show you what my family’s business does, and I am showing you because you expressed interest in it.”

Almost an hour later, the count and the heir apparent—an array of weapons on his person—stood side by side in the palace’s kitchen, sequestered from the hustle and bustle of the cooks, scullery maids, and kitchen helpers. “Now then, what shall we try to make for breakfast?”

Having donned his ill-fitting borrowed attire, Ryn led Prince Wulfric down to the kitchen, where low-ranking servants diligently carried out their assigned duties. These servants, largely confined to the kitchen area and prohibited from roaming the castle, had seldom crossed paths with Prince Wulfric or his portraits, rendering them unfamiliar with his appearance. Consequently, it never occurred to them that the “sellsword” accompanying the Varian merchant was, in fact, their own prince.

Upon catching sight of Ryn, those who had spent time with him at the taverns enthusiastically greeted him, reminiscing about the previous night and suggesting that they should meet up again sometime. Those who had sampled the products he had distributed the day before, gathered, eager to provide their honest review. He attentively listened to each of them, meticulously jotting down notes and expressing his gratitude for their valuable feedback. Satisfied customers promptly placed their next order.

Once he had concluded his conversation with the last servant, Ryn requested permission to utilize a section of the kitchen in order to prepare breakfast for themselves.

Ryn looked up at Prince Wulfric, smiling, as he waited for the prince’s answer.

Unexpectedly, it was their very own castle kitchen Hendrix had led them to. Wulfric had frankly expected they’d be going on an excursion somewhere outside.

He shadowed the count, observing him intently while he “guarded” him. Though, really, there wasn’t even any acting involved; all he was doing was to keep silent, not explicitly draw attention to himself, and let the other man handle everything else. Obviously, this situation being so unexpected played a large part in the prince being unrecognized. But was it really that simple?

He’d been certain he was universally recognizable - within Caesonia and the two neighbouring kingdoms, at least - but apparently, that wasn’t strictly true for commoners. True, he’d never seen any of these servants’ faces either. He was only familiar with the kitchen in general because he’d visited a few times as a child, for purely adventurous reasons. Despite that, he thought it remiss on the part of royal retainers for them to be unfamiliar with one of their employers. And no, he didn’t happen to believe that he should be putting forth the kind of effort Hendrix was demonstrating to ensure that they would recognize him. However, he was positive that if any of his siblings showed up here, they would be known on sight, strange clothes or not.

Either way, the count was proving to be remarkably thorough. Wulfric could immediately recognize that with his demeanor, it wasn’t only his business that would benefit. Potentially, the count could also use that kind of rapport for intel gathering, infiltration, or even to sway someone to his side. That, that was concerning.

At Hendrix’s question, the prince gave him a dubious expression. “Unless it involves skinning, cutting, dicing or slicing,” he withdrew a dagger to showcase, and after an unnecessarily showy twirl, sheathed it, “I don’t know what you’re expecting me to do here.” It went without saying, but he didn’t cook.

Ryn’s hands came together in an enthusiastic applause as he watched the prince display his impressive skills, marveling with words of admiration. However, as his gaze lingered on Prince Wulfric, the clapping gradually died down. He was too focused on Count Hendrix, not on what should matter to him more: his people. The only time he showed anything besides indifference towards them was when they did not instantly recognize him. But how could they? The divide between their worlds was vast; they were too out of touch from each other’s reality.

To these ordinary people, the royalty were akin to weather—an impersonal force of nature capable of bringing both prosperity and destruction. They were untouchable, unstoppable, and familiar only by the impact of their actions, but faceless in their essence. “To learn
” the count said solemnly before regaining his cheery demeanor. “And to cook breakfast, Adel! I’m famished! Aren’t you? What do you think we can make?” He extended his arms wide, gesturing animatedly to the surrounding environment and inviting “sellsword Adel” to consider the possibilities for their culinary endeavor.

The prince’s skepticism deepened as the count made a show of clapping, and of supreme delight. He had to wonder if the man had ever been a professional actor, or some other type of entertainer. He issued a prolonged sigh when it became clear Hendrix was determined to see through his idea of making breakfast together. And that despite his (perhaps too subtle) resistance so far. Admittedly, he was too curious to outright refuse, or to simply leave. He didn’t mind seeing through a demonstration, and besides-

-this was obviously not just about creating a meal.

“Learning, hm?” Wulfric tilted his head at the count. Fritz had fleeting moments of sober intensity, and that had been one of them. He turned around to take in the environment, leaning against the countertop as he did so.

That particular line of conversation reminded him of his meeting with Lady Saiya, of all things. She’d spoken on knowing one’s people, and letting them learn from one. They’d also briefly touched upon the different ways of caring for one’s subjects.

But what was it with the insistence that he form some sort of bond or familiarity or who knew what else with them?

“There is no nation without its people.”

“They’re your people, and you can’t even be bothered. Will you rule like him?”

“Won’t you try to see? Just

Well, if it was a simple observation, he supposed he could. His fingers tapped idly against the surface behind him in a nonsensical rhythm as he watched the servants go about their work.

The scullery maids cleaned, the assistants prepared ingredients, and the cooks handled the finer details while supervising and directing their helpers. The proceedings were smooth, and clearly well-practiced. Even subtle non-verbal communication was enough to convey meaning between them. Though, various orders often had to be barked over the din. The organization was slightly reminiscent of their knights’ and the militia’s, in a way, which was rather impressive. All in all, the servants were far too busy to mind the two outsiders amidst them - which was, in Wulfric’s opinion, a security concern - though the occasional glance their way proved that their invasion wouldn’t be tolerated indefinitely.

Eventually, he glanced back at Hendrix. Quite casually, as if he hadn’t been ignoring the count for the past fifteen minutes straight, he answered the question. “Eggs and bacon should be simple enough.”

It wasn’t. Just finding the cooking utensils - skillet, spatula, wooden spoon - took some searching. So did procuring the ingredients.

But finally, everything that would be needed was prepared.

Which was when Wulfric discovered that eggs were even more fragile than he remembered, and that small pieces of shell had this annoying habit of getting exactly where they weren’t supposed to. He even had to extract one or two bits out of their would-be meal. He gave up on the idea of his eggs being sunny-side up almost immediately, and scrambled them instead. He had absolutely no clue when they were cooked enough; he knew what the end result was supposed to look like, but the thing he was working on seemed practically alien. Far sooner than he expected, their colouration and texture went from ‘slightly orange, somewhat runny’ to ‘very yellow, unpleasantly gummy’. But it was what it was, and the prince took them out.

The excess oil didn’t want to shed.

He salvaged the situation as best he could with some napkins. Still, these eggs were very pitiful compared to what he was used to, and that was only judging by their appearance. He almost didn’t dare taste them, but he wouldn’t let mere eggs daunt him. He forked a piece, and brought it to his mouth.

” He didn’t say it, but his conflicted expression, as minute as it was, was telling enough.

There was a reason why cooking was considered an art, after all.

Part II coming soon...
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

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Ryn & Prince Wulfric
Part II

Date: Sola, 23rd
Time: Early morning

Ryn’s gaze remained fixed on the prince, eyes following his every move with a sense of silent fascination. Positioned at a comfortable distance, the count stood nearby, an ever-present shadow that faded into the periphery.

The prince’s bewildered expression and clumsy movements were a stark contrast to his regal demeanor. His lack of culinary prowess could not have been more evident. Every attempt was met with tiny missteps, transforming the task of cooking an egg into an insurmountable challenge for him. Yet, despite the adversity, the prince persisted. Never once voicing a complaint, plunging headlong into uncharted territory.

Judging purely from the state of his office, Prince Wulfric appeared to be a high-achiever who was both self-reliant and self-demanding—qualities capable of shaping him into a king who could create a better kingdom for the people or a tyrant, thus perpetuating the cycle.

In the kitchen, Prince Wulfric only reinforced this impression. After explicitly stating what his skills were, Prince Wulfric challenged himself by choosing a meal that did not utilize those skills. He did not bother to ask what Ryn’s skills were; he simply decided to take on the task of cooking all by himself. What stood out the most was that, from start to finish—from the moment he scoured the kitchen for tools and ingredients, to the moment he extricated the overcooked, unseasoned, and excessively oily scrambled eggs from the skillet—, the prince never asked for assistance or advice from anyone. “You’re not used to asking for help, are you?”

Despite Wulfric’s lack of cooking skills, and the eggs he’d cooked being what they were, he arched an eyebrow at the count. “Why would I need help?” It was a simple dish - or so he’d been convinced.

“Did you not? Correct me if I am wrong, because it seemed like you were struggling from step one. There’s no harm in asking where the tools and ingredients are, or how to cook a sunny-side up.”

Though his countenance was of one who would very much like to stubbornly deny it, the prince remained silent; they both knew he had been. It would be strange to say that he shouldn’t have struggled or needed help, but that was closer to his sentiments. It was also true that asking hadn’t occurred to him, since people usually either offered their help (freely or for a price), gave critique unprompted, or he simply ordered them to do what needed to be done.

Ryn took a bite of the scrambled egg. Contrary to its creator’s grim silence, the dish was palatable. “It’s a wonderful first attempt, Adel! We can certainly make use of this.” Ignoring the prince’s skeptical glare, Ryn took another bite, his mind already exploring recipes that could incorporate the prince’s eggs. When he found the one, he turned to Prince Wulfric, “I have an idea. Why don’t we work together this time?”

“I assumed you would make the ‘bacon’ part of eggs and bacon,” he informed the count dryly. That’s about the level of working together he’d expected. But by the way he spoke, Hendrix appeared to possess some cooking proficiency. Still, the prince remained unconvinced. “You want to incorporate that,” with his fork, he pointed at the overcooked offender, “into your idea?”

“In which case, you must learn to articulate your thoughts more clearly, Adel.” Ryn replied with lighthearted frankness. “We, the common folk, lack the ability to read minds.”

Wulfric huffed, because this was about reading intentions, not minds. “I stated the goal,and proceeded to pursue it in part. Is it not clear enough that the remainder should be done by someone else?” That someone else in question had been entirely content to study him, earnest and zealously intent. Had it been someone else, he might have thought it was for personal entertainment. But while Hendrix obviously wanted something, he wasn’t yet sure what that was.

“No, it is not clear.” The count gave a quick smile. “That’s what makes assumptions so dangerous
 and why communication is vital if you want people to work at top efficiency.”

Ryn regarded the plate of eggs resting on the table. Unseasoned meant that they possessed the potential to be transformed into something extraordinary with the addition of the right ingredients. Overcooked did not mean burnt or rotten. There was still room for improvement, a chance for change. “It’s not too late.” He said to the next king of the Danrose bloodline. “There’s still hope for you.” For a prolonged instant, the black pools of Ryn’s eyes remained locked on grayish blue before turning away.

Wulfric wasn’t aware of all the implications of those words, but he could very well tell when he was being judged. So, for that moment, as they locked gazes, he stared down at Hendrix, a sense of pride exuding from the royal. There was an air of cold, haughty superiority about the prince while the count formed whatever opinions about him that he would.

He stood there; unmoving, unflinching, unapproachable.

But perhaps, not truly unchangeable.

When the count moved onto their cooking mission, Wulfric eased his imposing demeanour. He was resolved to follow through, and wasn’t opposed to heeding Hendrix, since he was obviously the more experienced cook of the two. Thus, the two men began anew, this time with a more cooperative approach.

“We won’t be skinning anything, but I require your expertise in cutting, dicing, and slicing.”

Together, they gathered additional ingredients and neatly organized the kaleidoscope of colors on the countertop. At the heart of the culinary stage sprawled a slab of uncut bacon, its marbled fat glistening in the play of light. Beside it, a block of cheese displayed its proud golden rind and rich, creamy hue. A procession of produce encircled the central duo, each one a burst of life and flavor. Plump, sun-kissed tomatoes shared space with onions cloaked in delicate papery layers. Glossy bell peppers spanned a spectrum from vibrant green to fiery red, adding vivacious energy to the ensemble. While the verdant bundle of spinach and cilantro cascaded like elegant emerald ribbons. Amidst this medley, a cluster of mushrooms added an earthy touch to the composition. On the sideline, the quartet—the flour canister, oil cruet, salt cellar, and pepper castor—stood in unity, awaiting their moment to join the symphony of flavors.

After delegating the task of slicing and dicing all the ingredients to Prince Wulfric, Ryn measured flour and sifted it into a bowl. Adding salt, oil, and water, he kneaded the ingredients into a supple, elastic dough which were shaped into balls, rolled thin, and set aside. Ryn shifted his full attention to the prince and gave a few pointers as Prince Wulfric sizzled the meat and sautéed the vegetables.

Throughout the entire process, he injected abridged lessons about the economic and business aspects of agriculture in the Northern Kingdoms, using the ingredients as examples and highlighting the distinctive practices that set Caesonia apart from other countries—for better and for worse. Pausing in the middle of a lesson on occasion to share tidbits of trivia about the ingredients they were using or to impart advice on how to cook them properly.

Here and there, the count’s lessons turned into surprisingly in-depth discussions, since Wulfric was well-versed in economics. The prince argued the merits and demerits of particular models and practices. However, he also interjected with an idea or three on possible improvements pertaining to economy, business, and agriculture. Too, he shared the rare tidbit of his own experiences of coming across – to him – unusual meals, ingredients, or customs.

Abruptly, Ryn asked. “What did you notice when watching the kitchen staff?”

“They’re better skilled, and more used to working with each other,” he replied with a shrug, because that much was obvious. He turned half-way in their direction to regard them once more. They had advanced in their meal preparations; they weren’t making only the usual breakfast, brunch, and/or lunch. Today, they were tasked with supplying the Tea Party event as well.

“There is a particular order which I appreciate
” Wulfric gestured at the process unfolding in front of them. He expounded upon what, to him, was key: that each person acted in accordance to their role and skills; that those who could do more strived to prove themselves yet that the whole remained unimpeded by excessive, self-sabotaging competitiveness; that if there was a lack, someone else stepped in; the existent hierarchy; the efficiency of their operations, and the wondrous final products which emerged as a result of it.

It was unnecessary to follow Prince Wulfric’s gaze; Ryn already witnessed the seamless collaboration among these individuals the day before. Their livelihood and well-being depended on it. Although the prince’s acknowledgment of the servants’ efforts was appreciated, there were other matters the count wished him to take note of. “... Is there anything else you noticed or thought?”

“Each individual and their quirks,” Wulfric sighed. “Is that your point?” He guessed.

“Let’s see
” He tracked each of them, analyzing. He didn’t know any of them, but discerning people’s habits, traits, and motives was a common practice for him.

“The head chef,” he first settled on the older man with close-cropped graying hair and short trimmed mutton chops. “His work is very much a matter of pride to him.” That was apparent by how he regarded each meal, from its conception to its conclusion. Each success served as a testament to his expertise. “He’s confident, and feels secure in his position.” He was aware of the few talents surrounding him, yet was unthreatened by them. “But he’s somewhat rigid, and - how did Zarai term that? - a sexist.” In the few interactions he’d witnessed, the chef was attentive to his most immediate male underlings, but ranged from dismissive to denigrating of the female staff.

With the exception of one. “She’s the one he can respect, possibly due to her seniority.” That woman was old; thinned silver hair tied into a bun, face wrinkled, weathered, and dry. “She’s also the type of person for whom this is her life’s work.” Yet she wasn’t even the underchef. “She is more concerned with cultivating the next generation. Kindly, but can keep them in line. Knows how to conserve her strength, however
” She was tired, strained, and with a certain heaviness about her. Focusing visibly posed her a challenge. “The ailments of old age, I suppose,” he concluded.

Wulfric went on, picking and selecting a few people to focus on. “He likes to experiment, and is familiar with foreign cuisine. There’s some strife with his more traditional superior.” An energetic youth from Felipina with a warm brown complexion, his black hair pinned up and covered.

“She is meticulous and exacting.” A woman with a heart-shaped face and braided wheat hair, whose portly appearance and soft features were belied by her intense, singular concentration on a given task. “Good for fine, delicate work. Though, she struggles where speed is preferred over finesse.”

“He is evidently enamored with swords, and fantasizes of adventure,” he nodded at a young boy. Even after one of his overseers had already twisted his ear for the distraction, the small brunette still snuck an occasional glance over his way, marveling at his sheathed sabre.

“She is skittish, wary of the two strangers here
” The willowy, black haired woman happened to catch his gaze, and he immediately realized it wasn’t quite fear that was causing her furtive glances. “No, never mind.” He promptly went on to ignore her, lest she get the fanciful notion that she had a chance, here.

Wulfric fell silent then, because he’d frankly had enough of this exercise. While he had been attentive for the duration of it, he hadn’t exhibited much enthusiasm; now, he was simply bored. He was still idly watching the servants, more so for something to do, but wasn’t interested in attempting to dissect any more of them.

Prince Wulfric’s astuteness for discerning the characteristics of the staff solely based on their actions in the kitchen was truly impressive—a skill that held great promise for future business endeavors. Although he showed little enthusiasm and harbored a noticeable reluctance towards the task, he carried out what he assumed Ryn had asked of him. The longer he continued, however, his momentum waned, and he gradually abandoned his observations, descending into silence.

A laugh cut through the stillness that had settled between them. “I must confess, I did not anticipate you to delve into character analysis
 though, I suppose it’s an essential skill in this treacherous terrain we call court life.” He extended the plate of scrambled eggs back to its visibly bored maker. “Could you season this with a pinch of salt and pepper, and then mix it with the other ingredients? We’re nearly finished.”

“Oh, it wasn't that?” But if not analyzing, Wulfric didn’t know what Hendrix had meant him to do. He laughed shortly at a part of his comment, however. “This treacherous terrain is called life,” he remarked, darkly humorous. At the following request, he inclined his head. With exceeding caution, he seasoned the eggs, then mixed them in with the rest. He was rather looking forward to being done with this

Ryn carefully transferred the dough disk onto a hot, cast-iron skillet, where it sizzled and blistered, creating pockets of golden-brown and the scent of toasting flour filled the air. “One might think one would have a clearer view of the world from the ivory tower, but the truth is, when you’re so distant from it all, it becomes challenging to see and hear what’s happening. 
 Unfortunately, when you venture too close, scrutinizing every detail, you risk overlooking other crucial pieces of the puzzle.”

“Perhaps,” was as far as the prince was willing to concede him on that one.

The tortilla somersaulted through the air and landed back onto the skillet. “When the staff came to talk to me, how much were you paying attention to what they were saying?”

“To the general thread of the conversation, and

“Concerns about security? Rest assured, Adel.” Without diverting his gaze from the sizzling skillet, he pointed the spatula in a seemingly arbitrary direction. Beyond the flurry of activity, near one of the exits, a sentinel stood watch—a knight belonging to Lady Morrigan’s retinue. “My ‘freedom’ here is an illusion. Your cousin has taken great pains to ensure that. From what I could gather, she has taken it upon herself to be the vigilant eye in places that often go unnoticed by those upstairs.” A brief, subtle nod of acknowledgement passed between the prince and the knight before the knight withdrew deeper into the shadows. “
 Word has it that she doesn’t shy away from employing brutal methods if it means safeguarding her family.” Though the same rumors suggested less noble motivations were at play as well.

That last sentence, in and of itself, didn’t mean much to the prince. For one, violence in the name of safety (and other such lofty goals) was very much in line with how his family, and to an extent the country - nay, even humanity as a whole - operated. “You might want to be more specific,” Wulfric noted.

 so you are not aware
 I see.” For the first time there was a hint of disappointment in the count’s voice.

As Ryn continued to cook the tortillas, he started to list the names of the servants who approached him and what merchandise they sampled or requested. On the surface, the goods were mundane, spanning from kitchen utensils to an assortment of remedies. To the casual observer, there was nothing amiss. That is, until one paused to reflect. Why were these servants having to rely on a foreign merchant for the provision of essential items?

At first, Wulfric simply memorized what he was told. Eventually, a pattern emerged. Remedies for various ailments, from cuts, to bruises, burns, even torn or otherwise damaged flesh, and the like. “Hmm.” A frown marred his expression. It took him a bit to even begin to try and figure out the purpose of servants purchasing kitchen utensils - items which should be available to them at their workplace. Could it be they were being made to ‘replace’ something
? In a similar vein, they had to get treatment from outside sources, and in a seemingly secretive manner to boot. Combining all Hendrix had said and implied while accounting for Morrigan’s other profession painted a rather grim picture.

“I can see how that would be a problem,” the prince stated softly. His expression was tight, though his gaze was distant and indiscernible as he stared at nothing. He had witnessed Morrigan’s expertise several times. On criminals. If she was expanding her pursuits outside of those boundaries

At one point, Wulfric’s hand had found its way onto the countertop, fingers tapping away while he was lost in thought. So, quite possibly, Morrigan was tormenting their servants. If so, shouldn’t she be stopped?

But even as a part of him thought of the possible solutions: remove her, convince her, find someone else, run interference–

–Another part of his mind conjured the innumerable senseless brutalities he was aware of.

A maid fainted? Execute her. Looked the wrong way at someone? Gouge their eyes out. Broke a vase? Off with the hand, and be grateful it’s not worse. Declared a heretic? What else but the stake. Petty criminal? Flay them alive. They didn’t show reverence? Hang them. Bored of someone? Throw them away. Oh, but if they’re useless, best send them to the afterworld! Why would it matter? They’re roaches, the lot of them.

Care? What care? Oh, one got too close? You let? No, no, it’s a delusion, a trick! That filth, it must be cleared, it should be expunged, you will understand this one day.

Just what is this?! Treason! Treason! To the guillotine with that traitor! And don’t you dare ever–

Sometimes, it felt like multiple voices were whispering, Kill. Kill him.

Wulfric’s restless fingers had long come to a stop. Even as storm clouds gathered in his gaze, overcasting the crystalline blue, there was no change whatsoever in his countenance.

Yet It could sense it, even from the depths of the abyss. The nascent stirrings of a storm charged the air with tension. An electric current hummed and crackled, causing every hair to rise on end. The breeze twisted and turned with increasing vigor as it carried the unmistakable scent of petrichor and anticipation. Wisps of dark shades swirled together to merge into an ever-growing mass that swallowed the once grayish blue expanse. Thunder rumbled, a deep and primal growl that reverberated through It. As It inhaled the thickened air, It savored the tingling sensation that teased Its tongue. And grinned.

Suddenly, he affixed the count with a look. “Ah, not to worry,” there was quiet intensity in his words. “I happen to believe there is a difference between discipline and torture.” He smiled. “I will inquire into this
and deal with it appropriately.” If there was a hint of menace, it was as fleeting as a mirage. “Thank you, Count Hendrix.” His smile was still edged with sharpness, but he’d gentled his voice as much as he could.

Assuming this was the true matter the count had been leading up to all along, the prince made to take his leave.

“Ah-ah-aah.” A hand grabbed the prince’s belt, preventing him from taking another step. “Are you not forgetting something?” Ryn’s eyes twinkled as he pointed at the fresh tortilla stack, shredded cheese, and bowl of filling, waiting to be rolled into neat, tightly wrapped bundles.

The count’s hand was captured before it could make proper contact, his wrist held in a firm grip. There was a clear warning there as Wulfric turned around. However, a look of amusement soon overtook his features, and he released the offending appendage. “Are we still doing that?” he questioned. At Hendrix’s prompt, he went on to help finish their breakfast burritos.

Nonplussed, Ryn demonstrated how to assemble a burrito. “Of course we are. It’s said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day!” Each tortilla received a generous spoonful of the filling, followed by a sprinkle of shredded cheese. He folded the warm tortilla over the filling, then rolled it to ensure all melded harmoniously.

“Thank you for indulging me. I’ve learned more about you in this hour than I have the past 28 years.”

If that hadn’t been phrased so strangely, Wulfric might have said the same. “Well, there is something to be said about learning via interaction,” he retorted, ever so dryly. “Since we have only met the other day, I have to question what you thought you’ve been ‘learning about me’ from around the time we both happened to be born.” Though he was sure he also knew far more about the count now, it was equally true that he had even more questions. The uncomfortable sensation that Hendrix had managed to get more out of this conversation, even after Wulfric had gone along with something as ridiculous as cooking to try and figure out the other man, left him feeling slightly grumpy.

However, the surprisingly delicious breakfast did make up for the prince’s troubles.

“That’s precisely why I believe it’s important to see some things firsthand and not rely solely on the words of others
 that can lead to assumptions.” Ryn watched the prince enjoy the burrito that contained the scrambled eggs he initially deemed a failure. “It would be a shame to discard a potential future based on assumptions alone. Wouldn’t you say?”

His mouth being too full to answer immediately, Wulfric allowed a minimal eye roll. He had expected Hendrix to turn his words against him; after all, the prince had done the very same to the count with his own point about learning. When it was polite to speak, he met Fritz’s gaze. “Yes,” he stated. “After all, it does seem that my assumptions about you have also proven wrong.”

“Oh? For the better, I hope.” Ryn took a hearty bite out of the burrito and made no effort to conceal how delicious he thought it tasted.

Wulfric, who had done the same, simply gave a curt nod. He was hungrier than he’d realized.

The answer caused the count to beam. “Then we should do this again, Adel. Next time I’ll take you outside. Maybe you’ll discover something that Prince Wulfric wouldn’t be able to.” He took another mouthful of the burrito when he noticed a yellow clump on the prince. Ryn offered a napkin to him after making a wiping gesture.

A gesture he ignored, because he wasn’t finished with his breakfast yet. “If we must,” he sighed lightly. “But give me more room to plan for it,” he advised.

With his mouth preoccupied, Ryn could only nod in response. Meanwhile, his gaze clung to the stray scrambled egg with the same stubbornness as the egg clung to the prince. Retrieving the napkin, he attempted to remove it.

Wulfric had been peacefully eating, when that damned interfering man reached out much too far into his personal space - only to find the air in front of his hand obstructed by the business side of the prince’s dagger. Wulfric’s expression, for once, fully encapsulated the phrase what the fuck.

A juxtaposition to the count’s impassiveness. His stoic countenance turned into one of pity, then eased into affable nonchalance. He swallowed what he had been chewing. “Apologies, I didn’t mean to startle you. You have some egg on you.” Ryn pointed at it.

Slowly, Wulfric sheathed his weapon, and with equal care, removed the napkin from Hendrix’s grasp. He took a moment to finish his meal, watching the other man all the while, clearly bewildered. When he was done eating, he used the napkin himself, thank you very much.

“...Try not to get killed before then.” With that final warning, the prince departed.

“I’ll do my best.” Ryn cheerfully waved the prince off until he disappeared from view.

When his fingers brushed against the belt, Ryn sensed he had grazed something deep within Prince Wulfric. Of course there was discomfort, few welcomed the intrusion of strangers into their personal space, and the first prince seemed disinclined to tolerate such behavior even from acquaintances. Within that fleeting instant, Ryn detected something that went beyond unease. It was a feeling he had since their encounter in the entrance hall on the morning of the solstice, and grew stronger when the prince decided to equip an array of weapons and continued to wear them even within the safety of the castle. The feeling solidified as the prince’s mask shattered, revealing what had been there all along. A deeply ingrained paranoia, passed down from father to son. If King Edin was hiding behind peacock feathers, then Prince Wulfric was hiding behind weapons to protect themselves from “this treacherous terrain
 called life,” where “enemies” lurked around every corner and one’s own shadow could betray them at any given time.

Ryn released a heavy sigh, contemplating whether this was what their forefathers had envisioned for their lineage. A prince who did not feel safe in his own home, another who loathed his own blood so much he punished himself for it, and a king who indulged in excess as if to fill a void. After all the sacrifices made to keep the Danroses in power, were any of these people content with their lives?

He wrapped the fork Prince Wulfric left behind in a cloth, minimizing any risk of contamination. Now he had two samples from the Danrose bloodline. Yet, instead of a sense of accomplishment, only guilt remained.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 12 days ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: Charlotte @princess

"Good morning, Lady Charlotte." John returned the hug with his non-smoothied hand, as well as her smile with one of his own, small but with hints of excitement. "Yeah, perfect timing too. Caught up on my sleep and ahead of work schedules, so today is just good old do nothing day for me. Nothing but hunting for free food that is."

The same thing was the case the other day as well, but he and Charlotte all knew that didn't go so well.

Taking one subtle glance back at the group Charlotte arose from, John gave a shrug, lightening up his uptightness with a chuckle. "Sorry you seemed to be having an engaging conversation, so I didn't want to interject." Knowing his history with the Vikenas, both of them, he wanted this little interaction to be less serious than he normally is. "Anyway, you look good today. Do you go here often?"

Taking a sip of the smoothie in his hand, he gestured to Charlotte about his new-found snack. "You want some? I can get you one as well."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Tpartywithzombi
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Tpartywithzombi “Strong women are absolutely unpredictable.”

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Location: Tea Party
Time: Sola 23
Mentions: Prince Callum @Helo
Interactions: Prince Wulfric @SilverPaw

Violet's level of comfort continued to drain as she could feel the discomfort rising within her chest. Likely more eyes on her and she was certain more whispers as well. She couldn’t blame them, she would likely feel the same if she had to look at herself. Perhaps she should be thankful that she couldn’t.

She was taken aback by Prince Wulfric's remark about her attackers. Did he possess knowledge of the vicious attack she had suffered in the park? Or was he perhaps alluding to her death itself? The uncertainty of his intentions weighed heavily on her thoughts, adding to the labyrinth of emotions that entangled her mind.

Despite her mother's stories, Violet remained oblivious to the identity of her assailants. She only knew of the haunting result - her new form, a cursed existence. A chilling idea emerged within her, one she dared not utter aloud: seeking out those who had wronged her and taking her vengeance in a ghastly, vampiric manner. The scent of blood tickled her nose and she had to pull herself back.

“Attackers?” Violet said, her voice low in tone to match his. “ I wouldn’t think of a Prince being interested in the gossip columns and whispers of bored nobles.” She restrained herself from voicing the raw truth that danced on her lips, opting instead to hide behind a facade of deception while resenting the tales woven around her. Her true feelings certainly weren’t masked in her tone as she spoke.

Suddenly, a jarring trumpet blared through the hall, causing Violet to flinch. The sound invaded her sensitive ears, a consequence of her loss of sight. She winced, holding her hand up to her ear as if trying to shield herself from the auditory assault. Attempting to lighten the mood, she tried to jest about her heightened hearing, but the pain etched on her face betrayed the truth.

“ What-Sorry? 
 I can’t hear you after that assault to my ear.” she said jokingly. “ Since my eyesight has left me, my hearing has become rather sensitive. The doctor said something about when people lose their eyes sights the other sights kick in to compensate. “

The boy on her arm helped steady her before resuming his formation on her arm.

“I am not sure I’d consider blasting a very out-of-tune trumpet into your guest's ears as a form of entertainment, but I suppose to each their own.”

She took a short pause to nod, giving the attendant a nod as well as he lead the way to a table towards a shaded area of the event. The boy pulled out of her seat, touching her shoulder gently to guide her down to the chair. Violet sat under the shade of a rather large tree, feeling comfortable enough to collapse her parasol and rest it against her chair. The relief from having to hold it for so long felt pleasant. The boy seeing Violet had settled, moved back away from her just enough to see her but not enough to intrude on any conversation.

“ I am curious to know where you got your information from Prince Wulfric, regarding my injury that is." she said rather bluntly, bringing them back to their original conversation.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by SausagePat
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SausagePat The Sausage Fiend

Member Seen 8 days ago

Time: Late morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction: Kazu @samreaper

Ruby was staring wide-eyed at Kazu in awe at his tale. She knew that he was the adventurous type, and was he up to something already on this fine day! Ruby listened intently as he described his experience, nodding and smiling at his descriptions, like the rock that resembled a worm in a pot.

“Kazumin! ” she yelled as he began shouting outward to the shark. “Why are you out defeating sea creatures by yourself!?! I know you’re strong and all
 but those SHARK BASTARDS!!” Ruby screamed, assisting Kazu in his directed rage. “ONE-EYED WILLIES! They have no mercy!”

Screaming ceased and Ruby looked around to gather an idea of what was going on. She quickly rummaged through the water to pick up a sturdy rock as her weapon, in case of war. Kazu looked ready to charge, so Ruby also prepared herself. Then, the strangest thing happened. Her dear farm boy’s net was right in front of them, filled to the brim with varying sea creatures. Wow! Low and behold, the boy skilled in managing land was also cultivating a skill within the sea.

“You did it! You’ve gathered the fish party!” she screeched excitedly, performing a little dance in front of them. Kazu then pointed out the ‘Otto’ he kept talking about. As it made its way onto his head, Ruby smiled bright as she reached out to pet it. How does one show admiration for a sea creature besides touching it?

“Well, my dear Otto. You’re the reason for all this commotion, huh! I guess you may just be worth it.” she spoke joyfully to the adorable, tentacled creature. “And Kazu here, who strictly fought for his life to obtain you, is also the bestest. ” Ruby gave a side-eyed smirk toward Kazu, unable to contain her exhilaration. “Can you just imagine if I were an octopus? Propelling myself through the water, feeding on crabs and such, if that’s what they eat? And one day, in my peaceful journey through the seafloor, a wild Kazu appears to give me a bro fist! Ah, that would be a day alright.” she giggled, amused at the thought.

“Now, just what are we going to do with all these fish?”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Tea Party
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Drake ♄ @FunnyGuy Alexander and Lianna ♄
Mentions: @helo Callum ♄

♄ Dress
♄ Shoes
♄ Necklace
♄ Gloves
♄ Crown
♄ Hair

Alexander’s commentary toward how his wife would react to serving her cake and tea caused a bashful smile to creep over her features as she cupped her hands around her tea. Once he mentioned the group, Sadie’s gaze moved over to the boisterous four ladies. Her brows knitted together and she bit her lip. The four of them were gossiping now, though she couldn’t understand who or what. She sighed and nodded in response to his offer. When he replied he’d be attending the ball as well, she nodded politely. It would be lovely for them to get out and meet more people. Plus, she could imagine how good looking the two would be in their finest wear. Did his wife have something compatible with her chair? She frowned as she considered the obstacles she may have, but allowed the thoughts to come and go. This wasn’t her kingdom, unfortunately.

A loud trumpet caused her to jump and whirl around to find the cause of it. Prince Callum and
 Her heart sank. He was here? That rude man from the archery competition. Her heart sinking was reflected in her eyes. Sadie listened carefully to Callum’s greeting and words. Callum and Ezra, huh? She was unsure why Callum was creating a racket and had brought this man who didn’t seem noble, to a nobles only party. A sigh escaped her and she eyed the various treats by her. The guilt in her stomach caused her to stare longer than necessary. Maybe.. Maybe she’d be okay if
 Her hands trembled, but she hastily sipped her tea to hide it.

Her attention swiveled back to her main companion. Drake’s charismatic smile caused Sadie’s heart to flutter rapidly. Her smile was lost as she sipped her tea and took a longer sip than she had earlier. Hearing that he would attend the masquerade made her grin endlessly. She wondered what he would wear? Would he like her ensemble? She set her teacup down and pondered the situation. His lowered voice caused her stomach to swoop inside. She glanced at Genevieve who winked at her and gestured to her to continue conversing.

Once Drake addressed Alexander, Sadie’s mouth became a thin line. She was glad to have his company and to have met him. Nonetheless she wished to converse more with Drake and find out more about him. Luckily Alexander picked up the hint and resisted the urge to giggle. His complimentary caused another flush to appear over her cheeks, though not as much as Drake had caused her. As Alexander took his leave, his gaze towards Jenny was not lost. She glanced from her peripheral vision and noticed Jenny stared at him and raised her eyebrow inquisitive. The guards moved closer to Jenny and one of the men cleared their throats. Why was he staring at her?

With the man gone and it now only them, Sadie pushed it out of her mind. Her gaze returned to Drake and focused on him.

”Well, this certainly is becoming interesting isn’t it?” To hide her nerves, she giggled and hastily began eating her food despite the guilt gnawing at her.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Castle Gardens
Attire: Alexander and Lianna
Interaction: Mention: Violet [@Tpartywithzombitea], Sadie @Potter, Drake @Lava Alckon

Nearly in haste, Alexander returned to the table with his wife, this time taking the seat right beside her. He not only wanted to have a better view of tea party attendants, but he also wanted to sit closer to Lianna who now turned her head to face him. Even if she couldn't see him, she knew her husband and waited to hear what he had to say. She found him to be rather quiet as his words usually announce his presence.

“Violet Damien is here,” He finally spoke, his expression neutral as he stared at the woman that appeared to have fallen ill with some manner of plague. The deep disgust he felt for her continued to rise as he took in the sight of her from afar.

“Violet Damien
 You speak of her as if you have a crush.” Lianna cracked a smirk that made her troubled husband cease his tenseness. “Why does she trouble you?” Lianna's hand shortly searched for his as he accepted her delicate touch into his grasp.

“She looks like the only person I ever despised. I don't want to look at her but I-”

“You can't help it. I know
 Nostalgia is captivating.” She caressed his hand with her own. “Give me your gaze, Alexander
” And that he did, his expression calm as he admired her. “...and tell me how things went with the princess.”

He raised Lianna's hand and planted a soft kiss against it.

“Of course. It was rather lovely. Princess Sadie Camila is not what you would expect from royalty. Polite. Exuberant. Beautiful in so many ways. Yet, she's
 there's something more.”

“Too perfect.”

“She's unlike the others in demeanor but all the same. Some nobles forget they're people. And most royals forget they can cry, sweat, and bleed like everyone else.” Alexander took a humble sip of his tea.

“Then there's Drake. He's quite good at mirroring. A great skill for a man of his years and his tact is almost flawless. That man will be quite something in the years to come, even if he fails to keep the princess' heart.”

“So he's not like his father. I mean on the surface, his father is quite respectable. A duke fitting of his title and his charge over Sorian.”

“Yes, Drake is like him in that regard but I didn't sense any inklings of him sharing his peculiar affiliation. Then again, he could just be putting his best foot forward.” Alexander smirked at the possibility.

“True. What else?”

“I spoke of the love of my life of course. And in my telling of how amazing she is, Princess Camila offered to serve her cake.” Lianna looked rather surprised while Alexander chuckled. “Imagine it. A princess serving you cake. You'd be at the top of the food chain.” Now they were both giggling.

“Alexander! You can't be serious.”

“She did. I told you, she's beautiful in many ways. Her humbleness is something most aren't deserving of. Anyway, she is looking to attend the masquerade party this evening. Her and Sir Drake.”

 Violet will likely be there as well. It's her father's event after all.” Alexander's expression shifted as he glared from his wife to the woman now seated with Prince Wulfric Danrose.

“Yes. She might very well be.”

“And what will you do?”

“What I must. I will do what I must.” Alexander muttered under his breath before sipping his tea to hide the contempt that had returned to him once more.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @princess Charlotte ★ @FunnyGuy Lorenzo ★ @Lava Alckon Farim ★
Mentions: John
★ Swimsuit
★ Dress

★ Hair & Accessories

Olivia listened toFarim’s explanation with genuine interest. The way he described Alidasht sounded marvelous. Heat didn’t bother her, though she was unsure of how she would feel trekking through sand. The oasis she could imagine in her mind’s eye. How did the sands look compared to the sky? She tilted her head to one side while she listened. A smile painted across her lips. The way Caesonian looked was the polar opposite of Alidasht. It sounded exotic, perhaps like the man before her. Then, she addressed Lorenzo, "If you need water from all the sun, let me know and I can grab you a water bottle."

As he explained more about Alidasht, she interjected a few times. "How does the endless sand look compared to the night sky? I bet the stars and moon look gorgeous!" .... ”What’s your favorite meal? What gem stones do you normally find?

She tried not to overwhelm him, so she kept it short. The curiosity was burning inside of her though and she found herself enjoying his company. It seemed fine until she noticed a man staring at their group. A swoop in her stomach caused her to bite her lip and notice it was Dr. John. Wasn’t he friendly with Calbert? Olivia watched Charlotte leave and eyed her briefly before she joined him. Knowing that Violet Damien was alive after being murdered haunted her. Was Violet Damien the subject Dr. John wanted to discuss? Liv looked away to hide her concern and worry. Instead, she refocused on the beach instead.

As she focused on the beach, Liv heard what sounded like Kazumin. Her gaze fixated on what may have been him, but didn’t call to him nor wave. She could not act as though she knew him or was close anymore, not in public anyway. Her heart sank, but lifted as she noticed what may have been Ruby, assisting him. Olivia sighed and reflected on it, then tore her attention away. It would not be good to stare and reminisce while in the company of two people she was unfamiliar with. Hopefully Charlotte would return soon, and Liv could talk to her in private.

An unexpected noise drew her from her thoughts as she glanced at Lorenzo. She wrinkled her nose and moved away to sit closer to Farim. They were closer while marinating a respectful distance. She glanced at him with raised eyebrows, but remained silent otherwise. Hopefully he could continue sunbathing quietly.

Pretending nothing happened, Olivia pulled out a sandwich for herself and glanced at Farim. ”Do you want another one?”
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