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Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
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Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
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Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
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Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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Died laughing maybe :)


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Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Swan songs to Hesphestus Manor Art show . Saturday Evening . Park View district .

Victoria unsteadily but happily greeted Ethan and ignored her major wanting alarm that she was openly kissing him in a public event with any number of potentially unfriendly persons. And add Siobhan and Paige.. Well she definitely had a few threats to watch tonight. Ethan set her down gentley and she reached out, grabbing his arm. For abit stability, she never had admitted how bad she had been before but it was pretty evident she was unsteady, her balence was shakey... "Your never late, never early... But arrive exactly when you mean to? " Teasing abit, she was glad he did not stand her up, that would be... Mortifying especially with said company tonight, plus she did go dress shopping just for tonight.

His later conversation, well that shook her and her playful little touches to accent and turned to face him, almost falling at the thought, she grabbed hold of a nearby wall and looked rather scared by the idea. She really did not feel ready to be a parent... Leaning part her weight on Ethan, well quite abit... She really was definitely gonna need to go to hospital for a propper check... Maria would know what.

Trying to stay as quiet as possible, she really wnated to avoid a public scene. "Arm Implant, but...oh god... " mumbling a bunch of things inteligabley in a hybrid of mumbles, English, Russian and so... Victoria finally felt a very very large penny drop. "Never planned anything either. It was... A act of passion. I'm always so careful... Bar... Crap. " as he grabbed her drink she really did not have much will to resist that one."If I'm.. Pr... Yeah. Il try and get in Sunday at hospital. I've been feeling... Off... Recently. Mocktail...i really do not want to advertise this. Especially round some guests. If so.. I think we... Talk. Seriously. What to do... I can hide it for a while. But... Not forever. " the last part, a almost low hiss, her logical mind restored ernough to relise they needed to be sure, and discreet of possible. She took ethans arm for support and genuinely... Well she genuinely was into this for reals... Even if she expressed it badly. She was handling the idea... Well not fallen apart yet, and would talk it over with Ethan.. Perhaps Maria or her sisters help if needed.

A little kiss on the cheek... She was not running away. She almost wanted to but had made her choice... And was sticking by it.

A glance from Victoria on someone listening in too much, well pure ice was a understatement. She could have frozen there souls if they could freeze. Smiling slightly, she tried to make most of it and saw Reya and Marcus... Theybwhete adorable. Once they relised it... It was a good distraction from her own worries and knot trying to tie her stomach like a net, resting a urge to hold her hand over it... Too obvious. "Marinalia Hides her talents at times. She shy at times despite her looks... I knew, but never expected her to publicly... Xia is really good for her. She might not like me.. But sure. Why not, Siobhan I may not be liked... But her talent is evident. . That's more fun, there too damn cute to each other. I suspect she gonna be not swapping teams again... " adding her own observations, she saw Marinalia... Real Marinalia on show tonight, a happy, cheeky and a little flirty self that for past few months was a ball of nerves and baggage.

Victoria noticed Reya, her brother and there questions... A short warning glance to her brother... If she was pregnant. It was her business. Reya would have help denning him on his way in a nice smelly bin. "Sorry, My Handsome Date distracted me, so sister keeps him out of trouble! Egg, oh... Long story. He a good egg Don,t worry, its good. My sister and her mum love there egg puns. Panda... Not bamboozling me are you? " laughing after a long kiss from Ethan, yep taken.. Famous and panda, s... OK that cheered her up abit. "Please.... Or Reya can have her bin. " Colder but she if she really was... Well she really was protective of her kid... She had no idea what to do or how to feel or think but hell would be a vacation from her wrath at someone who hurt them. Seeing Marcus join in, she could not help but notice they where well matched... Hold her had... Come on... Hug her... Do somthing man... "She is, your lucky, I've rarely known her sing in public, Il be OK, I've been far worse. Im just need a alittle support and il be OK." Downplaying her medical hiccup, she really did not want to be seen as some invalid, long as she held on to Ethan, or a object she would be able to ride out the bout of weakness. "Enjoy the party, and if your rich t tickets... You can have nicer than beer. Umm. See ya, I have to introduce Ethan to Maria and Siobhan. Have fun you two, talk later, your good eggs."

Ethan gave a false layer of confidence and with more than a alittle support glided her way over to the group, Though slowed Ethan a faction so she could appear a elegantly dressed woman, deep blue cocktail dress highlighting the intense raven black hair and pale alabaster, or porcelain skin. Maria answered first, blushing almost and laughing at his flattery in a good way. He was a real charmer... Though Victoria gave her a look that made her relise they needed to talk later. "Oh you know how to charm a lady. DR Maria, mother, but thanks for thr compliment... If I was Vika, s age and single" Teasing him, Maria was worried but played along and could tell he was sharper than normal... Perhaps even sharp ernough to keep up with Victoria and visa versa. "Thanks Prince Charming though I'm on the wrong team you two alright? Vika...? Xia, if you can put up with my crzy family tonight. Maybe a quick nip to the caribian, peaceful. Beach, just us.

Vika... No matter what. Got your back OK. "
genuinely concerned for her younger sister, Marinalia saw Siobhan and co, saw Milo, and saw things all quite did not add up. Glinting slate eyes where flashing about, she was rather worried. Maria leant over for a quick word with Victoria and whispered a second before she gave a concerned glance. Right now was not time for arguments but biological or not, Victoria was a daughter, and needed help. Marinalia felt bad Xia was caught up in her family chaos, Victoria well she needed help tonight, and if... Well she might need a few aunts to help out. Though she did go a alittle pink at idea of a very quiet beach and oh so not wearing much... She would be honest, she was a suprising wealthy woman. She could treat her beuterful girlfriend to a trip home. She might not be up for everything but definitely would not mind a alittle further. Somehow all the blocks just felt like They where slowly falling into place.

"I'm a doctor. Good on drinking move, mocktails are fine, but hospital next. I Don t trust the chemist's stuff and Victoria is not average. Il help you, if your not gonna run." Adding a quietly to Ethan, handing Victoria a mocktail version of one she liked, Maria was neutral on Ethan but if stood by her, she would help him, if not. Well he can talk to there lawyers if he wnated to leave her high and pregant. Gold eyes glancing across the room, she saw Siobhan and Co together, excusing herself, she headed over to them, part to hand in her bid and suprise Alexandria, and to makesure Victoria would not be tonight's joke.

Walking over, she swapped from concerned mother to hardened Dr, and gold eyes glittering with intent. She really was not up for some gossiping vultures who she gave a fierce glance as she passed. Arriving after there quiet discussion just before leaving. Handing over a sealed bid for the snow decent painting of Corona park"Agh, Alexandria, I'd like to give you this, one has intrested me, and I'd like to place my bid.

An excellent event miss Siobhan, alas the gossips seems to be busy, I have ernough on my plate tonight without a few sniggering ladies to deal. With. I hope the drama is not the theme of evening and your art is tonight's highlight.

Have a nice evening, elegant ladies, and a handsome gentleman."
polite, but a very different Maria, her gold eyes would make anyone bar a hardened soul like Paige jump at determination hidden beneath. She really, really had ernough problems. To deal with tonight without gossips. A potentially pregnant Victoria, Maria was not in the most forgiving mood and her accent was tinged with a upper class edge not quite present before.

@Zaxter996@Zaxter996@Majoras End@Almalthia@RoccanIronclad@King Tai
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Swan songs to Hesphestus Manor Art show . Saturday Evening . Park View district .

Marinalia remembered her day at work before. They had seen her earlier leaving with Xia from a alittle lunch prior, well mini date and or so? Was it a date, a lunch with a girlfriend... Well in the most exact sense of the word. Her mind was plain swimming with coniations and versions anyway. Well work... A certain Katy Perry song had been played a few times, it was hard to escape that particular cat was out the bag alot faster than she hoped. That and a few Suprised people who never expected her to either lean that way, or disappointed glance from a cute finish guy who had fancied her. Someone might get a laugh from the song. At least she did not mind the artist...

It was not like she had hidden things though she had to admit, lunch holding hands on the way out and so... She should have known... Or part of her wnated to be honest about things. What was the real point in lieing to work all the time? Not like she was doing anything wrong.

Her wandering thoughts where soon distracted away by Xia in a rather pleasant way, and her reaction... Well she knew she would be safe tonight, or at least have back up this time of they wanted to start a fight or argument. Contently with her slate grey eyes twinkling into hers, she really was feeling more natural than she expected about all this. Marinalia still blushed a little pink at the complement. "Thanks, I may have to go shopping. Your my guest. Your far more welcome than they are. Don, t be took good."
. Smiling, she was a tad cheaky and headed to see what trouble awaited them, or suprises.

Meeting Maria, well she as at the party and wanted Xia to feel welcome plus her mum... Well she was kinda important in her life to say the least. Turning round, Maria,s black dress glittered with many little crystals. Maria smiled with a very English accent quite warmly toned. She was glad to know Xia seemed far nicer than a few of Marlins past mistakes. "Miss, making me feel young there. Not complaining! Nearly be Mrs in a few weeks. Beuterful is my daughter tonight, you two have fun. Leave the pretenchous arty types to me girls." Happy she met someone nice, even if abit Suprised by her change, long as she was happy. She was not one of these ones obsessed entirely with one goal of grand children and huge families." Thanks Mum, but I get my looks from you. Im sure I can handle a few but a alittle interference is more than welcome. " shrugging, some of the society types she did not want to deal wrih tonight, and get some time with Xia, not like they lacked it but... They had no reasons to be running of early, or work to get back to tonight. Victoria had not always been so sure but it made sense somehow, after getting over the suprise.. Well they worked. "Just looking out for my older sister, I'm glad Marlin met you, and I think we may see each other fairly often at this rate. " Victoria accent was tinged with Russian but no threat and a alittle bit of a joke. Yep well they certainly where not exactly using the spare room last time.

Victoria was watching events a alittle nervous, they where not exactly friends about and she always was conchous of who was allies or potentially not, being more frail she had learned to use any advantage you had. Spotting Marcus and Reya she gave them a wave but Milos, s suddon Aperence Suprised her. Well not in a sens ebut she was not sure how to deal with this situation, things had been messy... And she had tried to avoid the mess till she could make sense of it all. Slightly unsteady on her feet a second, she might by kissing the floor in heals, but thankfully she chose flats. Holding onto a chair she closed her eyes a second and called before carrying on and kept a free hand on a solid object. She still had bad spells, though they often... Annoyingly tired to stress and emotions or tiredness. Oh Marcus.. They did not exactly start on a good footing. "I Don t bite, hey, Mali, oh Marlin said you where pretty good.

Welcome to our home, I'm Victoria and my sister is the one in backless white number"
The girl was definitely cute, and they looked happy, wait she recognised her from the night club? Marcus was failing to chat her up or so, luckily he got past that phase. "Don, t worry, I'm taken tonight . This eggs all yours miss... Have fun." in truth greeting a few people was a good distraction from Paige, whom she really decided was not one to antagonise too much and Siobhan who well, a distence might help. Cursing slightly, she could not hide her little instability as much as she liked to. Victoria gave Ashton a friendly wave and endeveres to talk to her later, well maybe once this rush calmed down and Hannah Solo was more distracted. She did not reconise the others quite, the village was not quite that small.

Without really intending, she caught Milos gaze a second, even behind the blaxk hair, and a new blue cocktail dress in a pallete she could not pull off before, well she could not hide some of her frailties and sipped a glass of a decent German white wine, her off hand resting against a chair, Paige was definitely dating him, that probed Siobhan words... She was not just playing games on that point.

Meanwhile, Paiges display and overt threat had Made Marinalia a little nervous, not for other things but she really did not want to ruin there first propper date with some past event blown out of proportion. Xia did help her calm down but put a alittle more pressure on her hand drawing some balence off her. The stunt was fancy, and showy... Impressive even with her nerves. Being polite as she could be anyway. Situation between the sisters and the friends was somewhat a tentertieve truce. "Bravo, I've not seen that done many times. Quite different to what I was taught. "

The Siobhan floored her... Well floored her by a good mile with that slight... Huge suprise. She never expected that! Feeling a arm round her waist and a alittle brushing the skin of her well toned back in the rather not so conservatively cut dress making her mind wander a fraction."umm, well I never quite fully apcepted the fact till I met Xia. But explain a few train wreck choices... " deciding a partial honesty, she really did not trust to her admit her true answer to anyone bar Xia or Family. She knew she had moments, especially when drunk she had ended a alittle friendly with female friends but passed it off as being well, drunk and abit silly. "That makes tonight a alittle easier. This Cities a village I swear Siobhan! Of course, you are tonight's main attraction, or is the art? " adding slightly playfully. She did not know why Siobhan did that or if she was true or not but played along and hid her doubts beneath a layer of distractions. "a contenous point, but I Don,t begrudge you two, fairs fair, you want your handsome boyfriend , he can come. Maybe lunch first, Joel might not think I was so well intentioned. Though as you say... No threat! " Well Marlin was a alittle unsure how he would react and all but kept that locked behind her a upper class English accent and fell into her best heiress layers of politely handling it without drama, even of suprise made her far less eloquent than Siobhan.

Turning back to Xia, she let the suprise go and dropped her somewhat layers of protection round her feelings and thoughts, slightly Suprised and rested against her girlfriends arm a second, well she was Suprised she was even able to think like that so easily, but a few things did start to make sense. Retuning the low whisper "no clue at all... Hopefully just Gossip. Paige is cold but fair... Begrudgingly... Milos decent, should keep things somewhat in line." shaking her head, she had ernough feeling strange and had a kind and rather attractive women on her arm, what's the worst they could do? Maybe not that as a question.. The art did not apeeal, well not all of it. A particularly winter scene however of the park reminded her of home... She was a wealthier woman than she let on by a good margin because her grandmother was a very capable woman who left her some very reliable investments. She never met her. But Marinalia had definitely looked after her namesake. That one she would have to put a quiet bid on. Retuning a small wave to Milo, she kept her distence deciding not want a repeat of her previous confusion.

Maria noticed despite what people sometimes thught, things definitely where a alittle tense, and also noticed the slightly coded glance, nod and so to one painting. It did remind her of the Olympus Estate back in England. Noting that one down. Well that would definitely suprise Siobhan, in a intresting way.

Victoria saw the crowds gathering, the art show was more popular than she thought, even in a area where there was not the same facilities for transit and parking. A woman in a rather daring but attractive dress, another and a date in a Indian inspired outfit. It certainly was a wide range of people for sure who had come, and everyone was dressed to impress. Swing Milo Paige and Siobhan laughing away after leaving Marinalia who looked... Confused but happy, well that was a real enigma... Sliding slightly to the side out way of the rush, she reconised the canes snow flake guard and very distinct design. Was he giving it to her, or some form of taunt? So many enigmas, she was going to have a headache before the wine gave her one. Looking over to Marcus, she relised she was lost in thought a second. "Sorry, just needed to get out of traffic. I'm just a alittle less steady on my feet. Not drunk. I just need a few minutes to regain my balence. " explaining a tad embarrassed her health acted up now, she did not want go give up and resort to a cane, but really did not want to look like a alcoholic... Brushing over her social worries, she decided to try and forget those for now.

A little thought to go say hi, but... That would be... Well she barely knew where she stood and was not exactly among friends. Her self preservation decided that better off having a quiet word without them so directly involved. Impossible to utterly avoid but maybe if the patrons disgraced Siobhan abit... Then there was the... Late like any rockstar Ethan... She one what she was getting into, but still. She did not do her makeup, buy a new dress and more just to make small talk...

Marinalia shaken out her confusion a second by the. Sudden arrival but noticed someone... Yeah the drink girl they saved. "I remember her.. She was drunk, we finally met properly. " thanks to her, well somthing happened. Following Xia over, she might least be more friendly, the woman with a strange name. Admitly the fact they where holding Hands, and rather obviously, there was not much hiding the fact they seemed protective of each other in diffrent ways, Xia was more fire but Marlin did hide a rather defensive streak for family or those whom she valued and was close to. Approaching the woman in the striking pearl dress, a rather dramatic cut to the front, and not much behind. It definitely was dramatic. "Hey, or you might not remember me. Metal. Club night? You where a alittle ready for home.. That dress looks stunning by the way. I may have got arrested that night!

Hey Ashton! No crying into a bar tonight needed, welcome to our home. Happy memories this time, this is my kinda... Well. Is Girlfriend Xia. Long story either way... "
The words still did not quite come out but a small peck on cheek from Xia and there comfort with each other and a arm round marlins waist. Ashton was a strange egg, but she was unlike many here genuine and meant well even if she made a mistake. She could least try and show it was not all risking drama bursting out or overly Confusing apologies. She genuinely wnated to just have a good time, Xia to... And maybe end the night with a cuddle, maybe a alittle more, she would just have to experiment. This all was new for her. Not that it was any distrust in Xia, she was one who first invited her to bed that night things turned cold.


Interactions and mentions
@RoccanIronclad@King Tai@Almalthia@Zaxter996@Rodiak@Majoras End@Pilatus

Good for a potential IC intro.

A ooc intro have a basic description of things to make sense of things such as the setting or so. Does not have to be fancy. A small template, or list of things to include on the CS.

A quick section of rules or needed info.

Maybe the odd picture and a title.
Pretty easy :)

Oh and tagging. Is [ @ name ] (no spaces)



I had alot of fun with a medical charceter in a fairly combat ordinated one, ans someone else was so what a technical engineer.

It can work, just needs right balence and being more of can fight. Just not be helpless but the primary skill can be a non combat. Also not outnumber the combatants.

Some of our most fun quests involved not completely direct solutions and required combat but also to use those with other skills just than blowing up the door or stabbing someone.

Right details, right situations and plots that allow options for other skills to be used.

Don, t worry, just enjoy the rest, there's alaywas a new idea coming up and if you do not see one, fill thr gap in the market :)

Its due for replacement when our Mexican admin overlord returns from the taco quest to find the crystal sombrero.

Yeah. This subsection is dead and awaiting the corpse cart to haul it off to there graveyard.

However there's plenty of fun to be had in the other areas, casual is one of the busiest areas but plenty of good stuff in other zones too.


Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Swan songs to Hesphestus Manor Art show . Saturday Evening . Park View district .

Family floor
Marinalia was relaxing on the second floor, a glass of wine they had left over, not too fancy but was rather nice and meant she did not have to put up with Siobhan and the others for a bit by going down to the bar in the conservatory. Tapping away on the laptop by the TV, they had a camera feed and she used it to keep a eye on her home and get a idea what was going on before she came down. Preperation always was a advantage in hostile teritory. Siobhan was not freindly just coldly civil... Paige.. Paige was a confusing one... Was she the cop who captured Bob. Alexandria was pure business. She was not a problem and may dealings had been direct, polite and efichant.

Thinking back, she remembered the kiss, the Swan songs, little lunch and there shopping trip. She could not help but smile at the thought. It was one thing that was making her happy for once, and she was willing to protect that. Xia definitely was a rather good thing in her life for once. Thry had a alittle silly argument and so over the tickets, all silly and eventually won, Xia was very much helping her, it was only fair to be kind in return. Well that and... But she was not quite ready for that... Maybe a cuddle or abit more... That would come with time... They had kept in regular phone contact and so, Xia had quickly ended up on her favourites mode.

She had swung by, and helped Xia out by stopping by a shop for some genuine food even a box of hot Jamaican chicken chunks to toss her cave man cousin so he stopped starving on cold beans. He was a jerk, but hey, he was her jerk cousin, and we'll, blood was sometimes thicker than water.

Firday had least been fun though for some reason many trails where closed she just made her own way about. Well until she saw a clearing a car raced by the road.. The colours seemed familiar to one she saw in the paper one day. Sol had a local rally team or some race team? The name Joel seemed to come to mind regarding that one... Deciding it was safer to go round, the car was alot faster and driving like a mad person. She swore she spotted some team tents on one of the hills as she rode over a small ridge on her way back to her stream short cut.


Downstairs. Art event
Her phone chimed on the table, vibrating away she saw a message saying Xia was close and slipped her heals back on, luckily she was not exactly very far away from home tonight! She was short, but heals... They where not worth the pain. Walking slowly down the steps finishing off her wine glass before she left. Better face the musical. Smiling with one last check of her makeup, dress and so she headed down the curved staircase elegantly as possible for a slightly nervous woman, heals clicking on the stone and a genuine smile spotting Xia in the cheeky red dress, snug on top on top but a few miles of leg and a little slit exposing the top of her thigh. That definitely one dress she would not mind sering on her again... Or off added a cheeky part of her brain that was was starting to chine In more than normal.

The... Couple from Swan songs, well ones who kinda refused each other, hugging together... Well they might not be now, but they probbly would be. They where going to a art event together... That screamed date even in a strange way! Giving them and others a polite wave as she came down. Her dress was adorable too and definitely not I want to be friends, giving a passing compliment as she walked into Xia's arms. "cute dress, enjoy the party! And Marcus, thanks... It was fun. "

Hugging Xia, who even with Marlin in heals was atchually about a more equal height even if she wore them to. It was nice to be able to kiss her without having to stand on tip toes like other she dated. Kissing her publicly and longer than before which she still found felt odd, but right.. This would take some time to getting used to, but would be fun learning. feeling soft hands against her back. "hey Xia, I'm so glad you chose that dress. It's gorgeous on you. It might not be a perfect date, but I'm sure we can have fun. Or at least afterwards... " smiling slightly nervously, and glancing over the bar seeing the taller women, her eyes flashing slightly a mix of fear and a gleam of confidence to, this was her home... Not there's. "Thanks for coming, fine... I'm scared. The artist is dating my ex, my sister scratched up her friends car, and I suspect she one who arrested man who attacked me at swansongs a while back and mum helped arrange it not knowing. My life is never simple.... Drinks? The art is not open quite yet?"

Looking back and giving the couple whom they met at the music event a wave before threading her fingers into Xia's, the pressure telling that she still had nerves, though her mother's lessons kicked in, forcing herself to be calmer as they approached the bar to a knowing smile from Maria, gold eyes telling them apart, but in facial features and figure the apple fell very close to the genetic tree, noting the slightly daring choice Xia made, but glad to see her daughter willing to back her choice with actions. "Xia, my mum, Maria, Maria my Girlfriend Xia. Victoria of course, and by the bar our artist miss Murphy, Paige from luna sportsvand her agent Ms Alexandria" slightly nervous, Girlfriend well after that snowy weekend they definitely where not friends... Thank you cold snap and one warm bed! "A little awkward, Don,t worry Im just glad Mali met someone nice in this snake pit of a city. You both look beautiful tonight." her compliment was genuine, Marinalia long white down exposed alot of one well toned leg, and Xia well she was all leg, with a nice contrast of the dark red going to her neck in a distinctly oriental twist a little short perhaps, but hey they happy and everyone else could just deal with it.

Victoria, well seeing as believing. She had not been entirely convinced at first but seeing them kiss in the far distenxe by the doors, and Marinalias hand firmly in Xia's plus she looked rather attractive if you leaned that way. Thr arrival of Paige and Siobhan had dampened her mood a alittle, and her showy move with champagne was. Showy, was all it was, the obvious threat was met by cold indifference and somewhat annoyance at how they where treated in there own home.. "Hey sis, already ahead of you. Told you not to worry. Xia, just be nice to her, she had a rough few months. " handing her a rather vibrant fruit cocktail, not knowing Xia's preference she left that one open and was slightly protective but also just happy Marinalia finally had got past her run of bad romances perhaps. It would take some getting used to but hey do had moving to America..

Seeing Paige, Siobhan and the fact other guests where arriving too, that see g Paige with a rather sharp blade made her think that it might be a long night, not that she had any issue with retiring early, home was only upstairs. Maria glanced over noting the risk, seemed her freind was just as combative ad her daughters, maybe more... Giving Alexandria a we gonna need a drink by the end of this one look before it was over. Maria was less intimidated by the display and was not the subject of her message, fancy, very fitting of decour and required some skill to perform. "Thanks Vika. My favourite. I'm sure we all want a... Peaceful evening tonight. I'm sure your work is as good as Aelxandris planning.

Sorry Xia il make it up to you later... Tonight perhaps. I'd not of asked if I expected this much trouble. Its not your problem. "
with a small glance at Paige, this was her home. A nervous wreck or not it was hers, the drama... Well the last section said very quietly to Xia and then suprising her self by kissing her while everyone was distracted slighty by the stunt with a teasing little sparkle in her deep grey eyes. Least it might break the tension that you could... Well cut with a knife.

Breaking the embrace seeing the other guests coming in, gmand a alittle pink and giggly she gave a alittle tug to go to the seats once Xia had her drink.

Victoria looked over seeing a handsome guy, well he looked very much like the women in cute dress, oh.. It was Marcus from the club! So he finally got the nerve to ask someone out after all! Smiling, she remembered that night, even if it went all kinds of fucked up. "Hey, hopefully no gorilla's in suits tonight. " it had been a while, she could make light of the whole drama palava of the club night while she waited for Ethan, she did not know some of the others and gave a few polite hellos and a few she knew far too well as she sipped a decent glass of German White wine. Another look at door, she really... Really wnated someone to throw in a distraction from Hanah solo and Joels new girlfriend resisting the urge to ask of he was uncharacteristically late for the start line. Maybe he finished first in the wrong environments. Marinalia,s Little PDA certainly made her smile, her sister was back to her old self more, and wondered if she really had finally found her princess given half the prince's in Sol where... Well her experience was not exactly inspiring.

Maria gave a small glance round before getting a top up on her cocktail before going to find a seat, well drama was not lacking already, thr young couple where cute, her Brother? They where too similar was rather handsome, though a tad young for her as she adjusted her engagement ring slightly to stop clipping part of the glass where it had spun inwards a tad.

@Almalthia@Pilatus@King Tai@Zaxter996@Majoras End

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Swan songs to Hesphestus Manor Art show . Saturday Evening . Park View district .

Victoria hered the sound of the engine in the courtyard out front easily though the area they where in faced towards the gardens, large roofs of canves and so now covered the majority as Siobhan art show was so large. They had decided to use the garden after all. Heading to her office, well she had a link set up to all the cameras and could watch all the entrances to see whom it was had the nice car. Did not takw long to see a bright orange lambo... But the people walking out of it where her two favourite people... Paige, and Siobhan... Both of em just like that awful wensday what felt like a age ago. Not that they stood out bar the car, dressed... Nice, red, royal blue... And more complicated when she had told Marilania what her research had found. She arrested Bob. Siobhan was dating Joel, and Milo according to insulation was dating Paige? Add Marinalia deciding to fall for Xia, life definitely would not be boring tonight for sure.

Gah... What kinda rom com over complexity was that?

Closing the door, luckily it was rather quiet after that, she dialed Ethan, remembering the number off by heart as since the intrest at work and all, she left that one a alittle less obvious, not out of shame but caution. How would she handle the art event? After... That was raiser... Though ernough people to distract long as not a sore thumb. If a few worked it out, vwell that could be dealt with when it came around. Pushing call.."Hey Ethan, my dark and exciting friend. Turns out Siobhan... The artist dating Joel Nicolsi is here... But now she brought the woman who dating my ex, and to top it all off I cannot keep my dislike as I suspect she one who... Helped bring the filth who hurt my sister in. " somewhat ranting abit, Victoria calmed down abit, and thanks to a alittle advice worked out how to settle her mental mess, cold logic was not working that night. " would not say no to a alittle stress release after if yous get my gist... Oh come on, we both know we fucked up people, why I like you ... Vodka disagreed, and its far more fun... See you soon, my grey Prince. " teasing a alittle, there relationship made no real sense at times hut it worked... And they both where somewhat darker and a alittle... Intense at times. Grey, well not prince charming like Marinalia joked but not black, both there lived where shades of grey.

Marinalia was looking a alittle nervous talking to Maria, probbly about the whole date thing more than event. she was almost regretting it, then thought back to swan songs, Xia had made her happier and let her face her fears, even performing on stage though her shaking hand never left Xia,s for a while after. Sol had thrown her one good chance and ruined it, well not let it happen a second. "You look Gorgeous, so relax. I know... It's.. Just be natural. You said yourself your happy with her, so enjoy it, forget about the guests. And if he turns up... We cross that bridge later. " A short hug from Marinalia before Maria left, well she was right, course she was it was mum, and a late night call to Marla last night. "Thanks, but I get my looks from you, so take some of the compliment. Yeah, I never had chance to worry before, it was spontaneous or well, just together. Siobhan will have a suprise... Serves her right. 8am is not a Saturday friendly work start. " happy, and offering Maria a hand up as she wnated some more wine first, her long backless white down showing a enviable figure with a high split of well toned and tanned leg. Waving them off she waited to know if she meeting Xia upstairs or down. Though hopefully, she might stop over, she might need her help getting to sleep of it went bad down there.


Heading down the curving marble stairs, Victoria and Maria left a still nervous, but more reassured Marinalia to wait for her date, though the team switch had Suprised them both, Marlin was ever so slowly returning to her old self, a fact that had worried Maria seeing her in a shell of her own making. With a click of expensive red soled heals and black dress glittering Maria looked very much elegant, longer and suited her age much as she disliked being seen as old.

Victoria gave a quiet whisper of "so not dating " she recognised the description from Marinalia talking about how some couple had been nudging but not ernough to leave Port. She did have a cute dress on. Oh it was th guy who tried to hot on her at nightclub... Must have a thing for petite ladies... Giving them a wave, she recognised them both but left the couple be before reaching the main floor. "Drinks? Ethan works to his own schedule. He be here." she apecpted he was, well him. They both could be a alittle selfish? Determined? Victoria was not sure what word fit. Though feeling smaller next to Maria in heals that would be nothing vs the main bar.

The couple Marinalia would definitely reconise, though from the description of events, she had been pretty harsh on the guy, a brief wave in passing interrupting.. Nope. They needed to set sail. She did wonder if Marcus would reconise the slightly gothic lady, now dressed up in a moder blue cocktail dress and so.

And because Victoria had upset the fates or so she thought that momment, two very tall women where waiting, one blonde and a red head, both dressed up and very tall... Damned heals. Maria seemed to take it in her stride though, far more used to such situations. Noticing the unknown woman, she seemed fierce and seemed to get on with the red headed artist. "Congratulations on a excellent event, Alexandria was not joking when she said she could peform miracles nore about dressing excellently.

And, i quite enjoyed Marla's addition, if only I was my daughters age and single... Courgette Martini please Barman. Dr Maria Olympus."
a twist, she ordered a rather less famous cousin to the classic, a upper class and rather gentle English accent for the present. Apart from the suprising and beutetful gold eyes, it was obvious whom was her daughter. The glittering ring on her certain finger, diamonds definitely ran in the family and all the women had at least one signiture diamond peice.

Victoria mentally shook her head at how tall Siobhan was, Paige, Alexandria, jeez. They definitely did not have height issues. The "man eating harpy Sucubus" masked her previous emotions and looked round looking how they had do rapidly changed her home and built the large tempaory extension, and brought everything together in a matter of days. Knowing what she did, she was not sure how to react to round Paige, well suspected anyway. It add one more peice to her puzzle of what was going on in Sol city. Luckily being tiny, she could evade there gaze slightly. Her accent retained it's pretty much permanent Russian twinge. "Rasberry gin and tonic please, with ice

And the men where quite handsome Maria. Don t worry, I'm just waiting for my date tonight. "
Looking back, she hoped Ethan would arrive soon, and being well... Ethan no doubt he had the best tickets. As she turned back the blood red Ruby necklace and nice, but still costume jewellery bracelet of red and gold contrasted with the ice blue diamond on her finger. Her blue dress did suit her, the darker tones worker with pale skin and contrasting deep black hair.

Wondering of Milo or Joel would turn up... That could get... Awkward potentially. Though Xia might throw them for a loop for a few minutes. Though it was her home, so that gave her abit of a feeling of confidence about the situations presently. "fashionablely late I'm betting" saying that very quietly to herself, she never planned to walk into the worlds most awkward bar scenario with. A slightly wobble, fractional but Maria was alot more intune with Victoria than the others and steadied her without making too obvious pretending to pull her over for a quiet word. Well not but it was a handy cover none the less. "we get though it, at worst you can take a break upstairs until, or Ethan can handle himself quite fine you seemed to imply. "

Mentions and mermento's

@Zaxter996@Majoras End "second chances at love"
@Almalthia@Pilatus@king Tai "the Drama team"
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