Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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@King Tai

Started a post. Waiting on the Sio response before I decide the ending though. :)

Start is done though!
I have av potential charceter that would be nice to have a drawing of. It might be in a diffrent RP but ive never found a image to match her lol
I'm gonna catch up on some of these posts and I should have a new post up by tomorrow evening.

Great :)

Welcome back to to the world of today :)
Hopefully the fridge was not too manky and bad.
<Snipped quote by Almalthia>

She's okay but she's fed up with the city's slow process of getting the power back on. Already a few uncomfortable nights with minimal sleep. But we hope to have it up tomorrow.

Hope to see you back soon and powered up again.
Stay safe!

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Swan songs to Hesphestus Manor Art show . Saturday Evening . Park View district .

Victoria sat and watched Milo seem to approach Paige with a fierce look and after a short while a rather intense kiss, a rather defenitely not hiding anything kiss. They seemed well matched, hopefully they heeded her warning about the coming troubles. If they did not, well the Mayor's office had ignored the companies official warning about trouble. "private contractors" where not always so welcome or trusted. There experts where very well trained, they knew trouble was coming and where bracing the the cyber gates, and physical guards. Defense contractors rarely had many friends to begin with. Ones with a darker reputation had far fewer.

Victoria really had had way too much to be quite... Well it had been alot. She really was not thinking quite straight and gave a cool glance round. Yeah, this was not her most freindly room. Yeah, maybe time to rest... Plus her very well masked annpyence about pregnancy rumours, she would not give anyone any real joy or pleasure to see disunity. Victoria was a alittle peaved how ot was announced but she had to adapt and take things as thry came. Some lessons she had not picked up... That one she had. Always present a united front. Turning to Ethan she gave him a quick but passionate kiss, before giving her apologies. No one could really argue with the potentially pregnant, stressed lady calling it a early night. "Sorry Ethan, Im gonna go rest. I've had... It's been alot to take in, and alot to think about Sunday, later in the week... Hopsital, British and Russian consulates, work... forgive me for making a mistake with our relationship earlier...

I'm on the left by the way, 3rd floor if your staying. I wanna make things work... Somehow. Night Rocks tar! Or is prince charming? "
Smiling, she got up and bid Maria, Marlin and Xia goodnight. A extra kiss of cheek for Ethan thanks to a few little egging on from his band mates.

Getting up, she was still a alittle unsteady and aranged with Dira to set her up apointment just incase. She was half British, half Russain, Ethan was American. She really needed to talk to someone how all that stacked up. She had duel nationally thanks to her mother and fathers ancestry. A title, that might get creative... If it solely followed the UK line anyway.

Heading up, she big a wave to various folks including the twins and others milling about she knew. Vanishing upstairs, she checked on the sleeping Fluffy in the old drawing room before heading to her suite, swapping her dress into a far more comfortable nightwear and curling up in a bed... Well large... But when you where 4'9 it was like a Palace of comfort...


Dira bid her freind goodnight with a hug, and a promise to meet for coffee and keep in touch. She had missed Victoria. A suprising person to say the least. Of not created abit of trouble... It seemed she had retained that talent. Her sister too from aperences...she did seem rather happy with the woman... Oh she really was throwing a few people some questions to say the least. Her.. Girlfriend was rather attractive woman, and they seems comfortable at least.

Looking over, she saw her goal... She artist but things where... Strange... There was a very large tension. It was like the cold War was back on fashion. Gliding over, long brunette hair elegantly tied back and a little black dress admitly clearly single, but ernough not be totally blatant. A click of heals on the marble, and a heavy accent as she had spent most of her life at home in Moscow. Working for the consulate was good though, her English was pretty close to perfect just thicker accented and a few people took a alittle translation. Some of thr phrases still took a alittle getting used to. She definitely was attractive, and the foreign accent she found made people take attention.

Aproaching the artists table, she spotted the sterner looking woman with her rather... Passionate boyfriend, a stressed red head and her agent. Finally.. The woman who least was business. Then she could enjoy the evening. "Excuse me miss Murphy, Alexandria yes? Sorry to interrupt however business is business. I have a bid to place on behalf of the chief of Consulate. Please contact me should it be successful. Ask for Dira Zukov, Russian Consular assistant to ze Navel Attaches office. My card is with the bid.

Enjoy your evening miss Murphy. Zis home is quite beautiful venue. "
a alittle of her accent bending her words. Heading over she found a certain pair of twins... One was especially cute... Blonde... Smiling, she walk over with a alittle more swing to hips and a mischievous smirk.. If you gonna have to work the evening do, you might as well have fun doing it."Hello. Vou want to let your sister talk with the artist vhile you get us ladies a drink yes? Good.

Vie Don t bite.... Not in a bad way anyway. "
teasing, Dira was a flirt at times, she would sort out business for her boss but did not mean she could not have fun. Plus fetching a drink for her twin and others was good manners. It beat being dragged over, and smoothed the cracks. There was ernough drama tonight. Vika did not deserve her maybe pregnant, maybe not so publicly advertised. That earned Ethan a clear glance from the Russain woman, she was Victoria, s friend and friends stuck together.

Looping a arm round Ryan's in a you Don, t have much choice but your not arguing anyway manner. Victoria always called her a flirt... It was true... Victoria always was the more reserved one of the pair but still, definitely had her moments, and was not shy about showing her feelings when she wnated to.

@Majoras End@Almalthia@RoccanIronclad@King Tai@Pilatus
Welcome. Don,t be sacred we all just crazy as each other :)

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Swan songs to Hesphestus Manor Art show . Saturday Evening . Park View district .

Vika/Milo . The showdown at the Romus Coral

Victoria was a alittle lost by the pace of everything that was happening around her, just so much to process. Maybe tonight was a mistake but it really was not though. Maybe if her whole situation was a alittle more private and alittle more control... But that was that and she had to deal with it. Victoria was definitely a alittle shakey watching Maria and Siobhan exchange words and Fluffy had escaped upstairs, someone must have left the door open or so. She was asleep by the living room fire before.

Then someone approached... A awkward someone and followed Milo with a small nod to a quiet corner with a glance to where Maria or her sister was, she really did not know how Milo would react to all this stuff so was being cautious about the situation. His expression made her a alittle nervous, but also defensive and had a small thought to guard her stomach region, was he gonna hurt her. The potential child out of spite? Old Milo never would. But when you put someone under such extreme stress, add being listed in some strange things... She was not sure what kind of person he was by the end of it all. "hey. Long time lots of awkward.

Yes, Im still a alittle frail, honestly a lot scary given my situation etc... Thanks... I thought you... Well would of cut your losses. "
Victoria took it and admired the detail before twisting and pulling a fraction revealing the hidden aspect. That definitely was not gonna be welcome in airports... In fact is probbly was illegal in the UK... Luckily it was not in US. Locking it back and resting her weight onto it slightly less worried about getting a close up view of the restored marble flooring. "I did remember. Its beuterful in a slightly sad way. I just.. Given how it all ended that night. You hurt me, you drove me off. You kicked me into the cold. Maybe I reacted badly to it all. But I've been..."pushed off" a few times for a "normal" woman. It seemed... Seemed it was all over again. I never hid I was vulnerable."

Victoria was rather honest, even nice guys had hurt her, and contrabuted rather more to her heavily compartmentalised mind set, hospital, and losing her mum. It seemed cold but she could box stuff off, much to maybe her own detriment, or seeming cold and uncaring. His comments and reaction did rile up her emotions abit... He did relise he just have her a sword he made right? One she knew from his work would be sharp and weapons qaulity. "Mistake or no.. Life is what it is... If Im... You did mean somthing. That's why it hurt and I cried half that night. That's why I talked to you now and warning you.

I might be safer if but one mercy... rumour seems to be... Intresting. I do still... Look Milo. These events are not random. I know your smart. I work in security, defence now.. We see patterns and predict threats. Just be careful. Things are coming to a... Unknown end but never good. Somthing big. No one does this for no reason. Dangerous people who will kill to get what they want. Just.... Be careful. Much as everything I Don, t want to read about your funeral or being hurt.

Just... Tell Paige.. I know what she does. Multiple targets, decoys.. Chatter and rumour seems to lean to a large hostile opposition, and we'll equiped and trained combatants."
Victoria was rather mixed, she had... Well they had ended but did care ernough to not want to see him dead or hurt, somthong very bad was coming and all signs pointed to alot closer than it was far away. Her emotions where hard to hide and a tone that told she really was serious in her warning, and genuinely was somthing that had her concerns.

Before anyone could interrupt Maria tapped her gentley on shoulder and looked between the two Suprised, but also concern. She knew what was between them ernough to know it was risky. Sorry to interrupt Milo, but it can, t wait forever... Vika, we need to talk a alittle. You Don,t have to do this alone, and we need to make a statement regarding tonight. Before they make it up themselves. Maria cast a glance to Milo, he seemed... They seemed... Eh. She sensed that this was not over. Not quite yet. They still have issues outstanding but tonight would not be the time they ended.

Vika/Maria . Media mayhem and more

Maria before that had a rather intense Alexandria, who seemed to be taking her dog as some great barbaric beast of a hell hound, or cerberus. Yes she would have been upstairs but with the noise and requiring medication so she had to stay with Maria. Somwone must have left a door open when a musician or so was setting up on balcony. She had agreed, well had to agree to putting her up but blimey. Etteiquete be damned at times, dogs and events where not always the ultra tight rule back home. She even took Fluffy to a nice restaurant, long she behaved the host had been most welcoming anf even provided water and a alittle food for her. Mantianingbher calm, even at the fact she dig so deeply. She did even go to checking whom Fluff was registered to... And how much deeper. Her fiance? Victoria,s mother and more? "Alexandria. I brought her here because she is on regular medication, and required calculated dosages, a thing I am fully qualified and certified to perform, unlike many dogs sitters.

She was resting upstairs sleeping earlier, the door was closed to stairs. Unless someone had left one open I suspect. Il take her upstairs of course, besides too many people for her down here."
the background digging, well that was strange. She researched if they owned the dog.. Why was that even relevant whom Fluffy was registered too or other things. She was planning a event not the GCHQ or MI5. "been digging I see. My Fiance as well perhaps? My job or so... However right now I have my family which is a far deeper concern. I shall be attending in 5 minutes once I have got the facts Victoria would like to be released at this time. "

Turning on her heal she took Victoria upstairs, and put Fluffy in the old drawing room for now with a few toys and some water. Taking with Victoria, she confirmed her story, and there little suprise for the press comfrence. Victoria had been very unwilling but decided there was no other way to break the problem so waited to the side nervously once they reached the side room and let Maria take over the first section dealing with Marinalia and Joel. "... As for Marinalia, I will be handling this. Please leave her and her partner there privacy. As for the current rumors it seems we have a classic situation, one person sees things differently to the other, and had a different idea what the relationship was, things failed as many do and what one saw as a friend, the other a boyfriend. And well. Misunderstanding has escalated quite badly... Sorry folks. No love triangles today. Joel and Siobhan I wish good luck, and with his recent signing. Well long distence relationships can be harder but I know they can work of they are comitted to each other to do so, such as my Finance and myself.

... No they met recently, but both have my approval and wish them well as a couple. And no. I just want to see my daughter happy, with a supportive partner. Next please.

I am not going to speculate mrs Black. Though I can say Marinalia seems far happier, and that Joel. I belive things have turned out better in the long run. As I said. I wish them good luck, and they seem well matched.

Now. As for Victoria, she has decided to meet you all tonight and put a few rumours to bed. However please respect this Is not a easy time for thr fnaily. Victoria, will take over. "
Victoria was slightly nervous, leaning one hand on the stick with Maria keeping a arm round her shoulders, the natural Russian accent bleeding in more heavily making her sound very much like her twin citizenship. Deciding it might slightly distract she let the Russian come through without fighting it. "Hello and добро пожаловать or in English, welcome.

OK... OK. One at a time please I cannot answer you all at once. Lady, in the purple dress, with excellent fashion sense.... Thankyou, Yes, that is correct. There is a fair chance and no, this is entirely unplanned or intended. And yes I will stand by whatever happens. No, I'm not going to be doing this often so please make the most of it.

... Sorry, I'm not at liberty to talk about my job. Safe to say, I am capable of looking after myself. Yes he is my date for tonight, sorry ladies I got there first.... Things are pretty new, its alot to take in but yes I aim to try my best to makw this work out whatever future brings.

... As I said. We have yet to discuss alot of things, and I would hope you please give my family and us a alittle space at a tricky time. No.. Mrs Black, Im glad she is happy regardless which gender she calls her partner. Joel was cute, but that's beside the point. As Maria said. They can do as they like. I'm not going to speculate when they met. Even though I have a clear idea.

Last questions... I'm hungry, and it seems good will be served soon.. The cane, oh... Just a gift, and us trying to get some closure. I'm not comfortable saying much more on the matter. Oh. Mr Jamerson,.. Cheeky. Buts let say I predict after that storm... 9 months the hospital be busy... And no, I'm not after being famous. I never even wanted to do this bar the fact the situation forced me so. Thankyou and goodnight. наслаждайтесь вечерними дамами и джентльменами"enjoy the evening ladies and Gentlemen.

A rather shakey afterwards Victoria walked back the party, yielding to there endless demands for a photo. Least she looked good in a nice dress, and luckily of luck. The cane was in a rather fitting blue finish. The hand made snowflake guards... Sighing, maybe she made a mistake or no but she had to follow through now. There was no turning back regardless. And she would follow the path.

Marlin/Xia . The Siobhan question

Marinalia watched Victoria and Maria Vanish off to do there thing. She really did not want to deal with the press tonight so let Maria act on her behalf. She knew she might get clipped by the bus. Seen as a over thinking woman who put too much stock into things. But it beat being seen as a liar or some kind of player of hearts. Much as what Siobhan might want to be presented. She really hoped she did not lose Xia thanks to all the ugly stuff going on and so.

When Xia helped wall of thr idea she suggested to go see jeol.. Thankyou! She would rather spend her time in a beech.. Perhaps in the shade as she really would not do so well in the intense sun all the time. Though a small wiggle of nerves... Bikini... She could always hide her scar at times with a lose skirt or so. Brought out her nerves, Xia did not mind but she still was concous of it. "yep. After all this snow and cold... A sunny beech, cocktail in a large fruit and some swimming in crystal clear waters sounds tempting." honestly, it really did... And of they checked the regs, she might be OK to rent a Helicopter... Probbly not but maybe. The view from the air was always amazing plus it let's you get to places no one else could without a multi hour trek... Pure undisturbed freedom.

What to do was a tricky question... She wnated to run but really did not want to be seen running from her own home and hiding upstairs while Siobhan and Co walked about like they owned it. It was difficult and she was not sure how to answer. "its your night as well as mine. If you want to chat to the artist or so it's fine by me. Il just wait by thr bar or so.

We... Kinda. Well Itt began harmless ernough. But then devolved... Victoria was abit of bitch about it at the Gala. But blood was thicker than water and backed her none the less. Maria has backed us up regardless and joined in. We might not always be in right but we always do stand together. OK we kinda caused problems but not all of them.

Victoria has her own issues with them. Right now we have one very sensetive issue of her maybe being pregant. Talking it out... It was tense ernough before. It would take alot to make us see eye to eye.

Hope this does not end things. You been about the best thing that's happened since I arrived in this snake pit they call a city. But if you want to ask her... Just... Well. Let me talk it out with you after."
rather overly honest to Xia, yeah the situation was a right mess. She at least knew most of the truth. She knew she had flirted heavily with a few guys before. But maybe she was trying to compensate for.. Well live up to what expected. She did fall rather naturally into Xia s arms. "Please do stay tonight. Or go to yours.. OK... I kinda missed someone to cuddle il be honest... A very pretty woman in a very tempting red dress. "

Laughing and going a alittle pink. It kinda was fun having someone close, and comforting. She really did not do that normally but Xia... Well had broken down her whole walls alot quicker than many and built up a fairly strong trust level. She might be a while off everything but slowly was getting used to a alittle more with Xia as time went on.

Letting Xia decide if she wnated to chat with Siobhan, she merely joked along with a few others present, and glanced over noting Victoria and Maria being away for a while at the press comfrence. To say the sisters and drama where freinds... They where soul mates. She'd go over if Xia asked her, but that would probbly mean marlin holding back... Alot. She still more than a alittle defensive about some of the comments she hered, a few refrencing her choice of date that earned a glance like a polar storm in deepest winter. That was her choice... Not there's.

Wandeting round the exhibition, her work was pretty good and she did like some of her subjects more than others. The winter scene was by far her favourite and wandered abit back to that one explaining how it reminded of her home. She did quietly add she had Maria bid for it. Marinalia had not really kept a secret from Xia she had more means than she let on all the time. She was with Xia because she wnated to be, and did not really care if she was rich or not.

Vika/Ethan . The dream team

Victoria and Maria returned after the press comfrence and a quick check to find Fluffy was now safely in the old drawing room. It was not ideal but it seemed she could escape the living room and the third floor... That seemed too far away.

Walking down, she had the stick thouch on stairs merely had a arm lopped into Maria's for some stability unto the ground floor. She hated, well liked. Well both it was mixed. Milo had managed to get it perfect height and grip. The man was too good at what he did! Maria was with her. They had a quick chat after the press briefing, trying to reduce a few of her fears.

As the meal was starting she made it back to Ethan, well if he doubted her. He might less when he read the articles coming up. She had broken her rule and publicly exposed self to the press as being with him and also dealt with the pregnancy issue for now. She could always send a statement either way after they had worked out what they did if she was if that. There where too many questions to give anyone any real answers. Though the revealing winter storm did keep the gossips and Mrs Black whose unhealthy gossip desires slightly sated. She never hered of her but meant to be some society reporter or so. Not that she really read those things. She might have to just to see her interpretation and whom to use as a tool for the announcements.

Reaching Ethan she returned with a mock tail and had to politely refuse some champagne offered by a wait or sadly. She really liked that brand too... The table was getting busy and everyone seemed to be enjoying the meal. A safe distence from Siobhan at least. Giving him a quick kiss and sitting down next to him, she did not really care who saw at this point. Vs the rumours she was expecting it was nothing. Leaning the stick by the side. Yeah that's awkward... Her entire night was. "Hey Prince Charming. Hope your chat with artist went well.

Sorry, I had to help Maria. The press. I had to admit a few things and break my no media rule. They know... Us... And I had to admit the obvious. Might as well try and influence the direction they go in and stem the most lurid theories.

If you gonna ask... Just check the morning papers if you want hard evidence. Im not getting back with him. Honestly... He scared me some how seeing him earlier so... He was so... He was not the man I knew. Somthing bubbling underneath. I have no words for it. Like he I Don t know... But different. It was just strange."
Victoria was forced into another bout of honesty, but she had handled the media without his help. Maria yes. But she decided to let it stand that she could least deal with some of the problems that arose thanks to the unsueal nature of there relationship.

Being polite she greeted everyone else. She hoped that would be ernough to sort it out tonight as doubted her nerves could take another battering by media twice in a few hours. If only she could have a drink. She really, really wanted one. Talking back and fort abit with his badmates, they all seemed to be fairly cheerful, if abit more lively than others. Victoria on the whole was still nervous and resting a alittle into Ethans shoulder. She knew what he said about handling it but rarely did you find out your maybe Pregnant, hold a press conference and have to deal with super awkward ex meetings in a single night. What else could happen... Seriously.. "I thought it was men meant to be drawn by a sirens call... " Joking a alittle, she chinked her glass, though she was growing a fraction peaved by people asking if she was drinking etc.

Marlin/Xia . Cocktail chuckles

Marinalia found there table with Xia, the meal was not bad.. If it was she had a freezer, microwave or a phone to order pizza. Sometimes owning the house had a park or two. Victoria looked somewhat stressed. Between Ethan and Maria it was not likely she would be able to smell alcohol too close for the next year or so. Though despite her worries, she really would do fine, it would take time but Victoria was well capable of the challenge. A alittle overwhelmed right now but she had taken alot in a single night.

Holding her hand under the table. There wwas quite a few people about she recognised and waved over to a few. Reya and Marcus was plain cute. Her bother was a laugh and there where a few others she recognised. A small joke with Maria with brought round a fresh round of cocktails for them. The mock tail for Victoria of course with a diffrent coloured umbrella to the alcoholic ones. "Thanks mum, Xia yours is the one that's half rum. Cheers my caribian cutey!" Under the influence of a few cocktails, Marinalia ended up a alittle more silly but flirty and resting her long split side leg against the several miles of leg Xia had. She knew that Siobhan probbly would not like it. Maybe Milo or so but really who where they to say about who could date who. Milo was now with his old friend, and from sounds exs best friend? And Siobhan was with Joel. Was she really that vindictive to ruin someone's unrelated relationship over it?

Mentions list
@RoccanIronclad@Almalthia@King Tai@Zaxter996@Majoras End

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I'll try to have a post up as soon as I can. Things are a bit hectic for me this week and I'm finding myself more tired than usual along with caring for a pregnant woman lol. I'll have something up between now and saturday/sunday. Sorry for my delay.

Congratulations :)

Post when ye can. Summeries and so always possible :)

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Swan songs to Hesphestus Manor Art show . Saturday Evening . Park View district .

Marinalia was Suprised by Ethans statement, hell no she had not intended that plan not that it has a certain, well joke that a trip she could honestly say was a spur of momment idea, was in the same place. She had not even known much about the Rally, it was a motor racing sport, that much she learned from her grandfather who had rather the penchant for the various sports himself. Shaking her head and laughing. She decided to makesure it carried just ernough as to end a rumour should it start. "Rally? .. Oh grandpa will know exactly. First I hered Ethan, if they want to be paranoid, anyway sunny Caribian, I can think of far more enjoyable ways to enjoy the warmer climates. I can still be a minx... Or so they think that and just enjoy a beach and a cocktail while they stress out.

Anyway, I've fallen for the fairer sex. Hard to miss ya think! "
laughing and teasing Xia and Ethan slightly and kissing her girlfriends cheek with a hand linked into hers. She could imagine Siobhan glaring at any blonde in the crowds, she did not dislike her but she really thought seeing tonight she was Still after Joel? A small pang thought what might of be, but then again she was growing slowly more confident in her new self, and feeling... Well slowly walling off her nightmares and contracting there hold over her.

Watching him leave, yep. Well he was here for the art after all, even Marinalia had bidded via proxy for a painting, Maria was better at handling those situations and had far more experience. Grandma has ensured she was well set up, and those had grown steadily with careful management and investments. "Enjoy, umm be careful OK. Not sure how they react to the drama Llama running around tonight. "

Victoria gave a small smile and leaned up returning the kiss, lost in thought a situation, slightly concerned how milo would take the situation. Casting a alert glance to the trio, she did not fancy seeing Ethan hurt. Her emotions growing alittle less stable recently, it seemed there where reasons. Ethan could handle himself but Still she was concerned. "OK, see you soon, inheritances are important, Don, t worry I'm in a box of good eggs. " a small sad expression a second. She knew too much about inheritances, anyway Ethan was not exactly chained to her. Anyway, she was not quite that freaky in private.

Both sisters ending up laughing at the Panda story, her brother was a real goof ball. Seriously lost Panadas, she could see why Reya wnated to try using a bin to teach him! Or not... It was quite fun.. "what a pandemonium. I think your sister thinks you returned the wrong panda. " laughing at Reya, despite small best Sister and you do as I say routine, it worked. He was well trained. "" Yep, valid for one bin. Anyway I'm pretty sure you'd do it with or without. Oh and thanks for distracting me. genuinely glad she had other things to think about bar the knot in her stomach, well more accurately but that was what she wnated to forget about till tommrow rather badly. Sipping a mock tail, least it was not the bar basic of a Coca-Cola or so...

The lack of support from Ethan meant she leant against Marinalia a tad or a object, everyone knew she might be, and we'll she always was a alittle unsteady, but refused to admit she needed a cane, she would try to do wothout it. For a minute or two talked to a taller Russain Brunette after a quick hug with her bending slightly in rather impressive heals who she greeted in rapid Russian, and seemed to know quite well, who turned slightly concerned but also teased her freind to. "Coffee, definitely. Il stop by the consulate some time this week. Sorry, Dira is a old friend, cannot stop us when we start!" smiling. She was glad, Dira Zhucov was a old friend, trying to live up to a proud family, she and Vika had spent quite a while in Russia when she was there over a coffee or bottle of wine."Decaf, of course Vika, text me or so. Sister and... Ooh. Coffee is a must! Sorry, I have to do a alittle errand for my boss. Ladies, gentlemen." with a heavy accent and a small flirt at Ryan, her friend vanished into the crowd dressed in a pretty little black dress to sort out a bid. The rapid exchange almost making it seem Victoria was more natural in Russain than English, she spoke both equally but Russain was her forst tongue her mother taught her, English by her father.


Maria waved off her daughters, she would deal with the problem or take the flak for them. Adult or not, she would deal with part of thr drama or try. Victoria and Marinalia sure knew how to get into a sticky situation. Reacting to her glance, she did not have a sister known for being somewhat of a bitch at times, or the ice queen and not be used to things. They like all sisters had argued and was less effected by the subzero glance that most. Effected but not so as many others. The old adage of a mother and there kids. Was rather true.

Her upper class English gaining a very sharp edge, well it would cut diamond. She let her say her chunk so what, deciding not to cut off the rather fierce red head and learn more before reacting. Winning perse... No, but one could blunt the assult at very least. A alittle emphasis on Miss and her age"Miss Murphy... A mistake we both have finally come to relise and rectify our younger ages where not ready to apcept what we did. I lived a full a intresting life, I have few regrets.

One could say things, but I shall hold on that. As for Victoria, from what I know. “Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point.”The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing., Passion, overwhelms reason, I would know, life lessons. Keep a... Non. A fan girl maybe, Victoria has more than adequate resources than to need to ensnare a man's. Anyway. Marinalia seems rather taken with her date, your man is quite safe yours is he not."

Marlin, that was a tricky one, ans to press assult on that would end up a mistake, she made a mistake but Victoria, well lust was powerful, ernough to overode good sense in even the most practically minded. Curt, cool but barely breaking emotions. "Quite. I'm sure we can say someone mistook emotions and saw more than there was. It is quite easily done as I'm sure you have experienced. Naturally, we all know the rules. Have a good evening Miss Siobhan. "

Turning away. She hered a low growl as a large but Yong German sheoard padded to her side, almost confused by Ethan smelling Victoria on him rather strongly, and defensive of her mistress. Barimf her teeth at those who seemed hostile to Maria, she soon was reigned in despite ability to sense the hostility round her mistress."Calm, I'm alright Fluffy. Follow, good girl.

Ethan, excuse me, I have a few problems to rectify. "
Falling in behind her, and staying close, Fluffy was not used to the mass of noise and smells but seemed to have a strong link with her dog. Leaving the younger ladies to it, she found a one of the press, and managed to lay out a rather convincing case for a young woman who saw more into somthing, a man who did not return her feelings and a case synonymous around the globe occurring Dailly. A small... Well comment wishing Joel and Siobhan luck, and that her daughters choice to date the fairer sex or not had hers and the families full backing. Diplomatic. And it might irk her a fraction. Turning to the issue of Victoria, a cool rebuttal and statement that the facts where fully unknown and that any child of there was any one, would be regarded as a private matter until the parents chose otherwise. Confirming the facts but walling off the more lurid... Fairly balenced, she did have to put Marinalia abit out there, but miss Reading emotions beat the other answers. The issue of her girlfriend was here nore there, so she might lean one way or other, it was 2018 not 1918.


Victoria felt slightly bad given how he seemed not to run or suddonly get angry at the whole booty Call momment. She thought it was a more casual relationship but... Well it seemed she was rather mistaken. It seemed books and covers came to mind. He really was a show off but hey, she did not mind the rather overly sensual gestures, her little dark aide enjoyed his sharp mind as well. He might be faster than her at some things, though her europeen back accounts attested to her skill at coding and security. She never really let on exactly how wealthy she was, more than ernough though to be independent and comfortable regardless of what happened and a job that would allow her if... Of pregnant though she seemed to lean towards correct assumptions. She could always do it from the office of she had to leave Black Shield, a small smirking thought, if Cerberous 2 was completed, earn more than before to say the least.

Seeing Ethan return, she was starting to have the penny drop and the gossip made her feel slightly vulnerable. There where alot of emotions flowing though her right now. The only little peace was she had to stand on tip toes and nudge his head down to kiss him on the cheek, though it was not like a normal man would be near her height. "ummm sorry, about earlier... Seems I've made more than a few mistakes. I guess we... Differed on how we saw things. Im... Wanting this to work out. I should not have.. Well treated it so casually. " A slight glance, her quick glance showed she was naturally worried, about scaring him off, the situation, the future, if she even would be able to be a decent mum, and more. They would need a rather long chat. They really had alot to deal with. Being a single mum really a fear, despite the fact Maria had been there done that and knew she would back her whatever. "so... Umm serious bit first, il book in the morning when they open, and then, well go from there. But I think it's forgone answer.

Right now my charming Prince, joke all you want but I'm hungry, and would love some Morozhenoe tonight that Siobhan will never serve. Oh.. Russain ice cream. Forgot. My mum was a Russian, Волгогра́д, oh.. Volgagrad... Sorry... I'm forgetting to translate. I really miss you mum...could really do with some help about now. I Don,t even know that I'm doing..."
Smiling with a sad little tinge a second, one loss did deeply hit her, even her partitioned mind would ever really truely apcept that loss.

@Zaxter996@Zaxter996@Majoras End@Almalthia@RoccanIronclad@King Tai
Was gonna post today but will have to postpone to tomorrow

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