Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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24 Hour Time Skip Warning

Temporal Transit to Saturday (k)night?

Consider what your characters have been doing for the last couple of days and come prepared for a ball game bonanza.

Any questions please let us know.

As always, if you feel that you are not ready to skip. PLEASE speak up!
Hey guys, sorry to break it to yah but with the fact I've gotten the super cold here atm and my uni schedule absolutely dogpiling up now, I might have to take a break and return to the RP at a later date, if that's okay?

Thats 100% ok. People have left and rejoined before.

We make it easy to join back in, life gets crazy sometimes. Most of us have had somthing throw spanners at us casually when least expect it.

Isabella Daphne Belle

location = Sushi Place (Team Sushi)

Isabella spotted Henry come in and was ordering with what seemed like a lot more confidence and speed than some of the customers she had watched. Sushi probably would be different to Massachusetts however she was interested and happy to try new things. The man had an ego the size of a room, his tea? He really was so stuck up he might be a flagpole.

"Doodles, it's a coding notebook. His reaction and gesture made her gold eyes narrow and infuriated her, it was a public restaurant not his private property. "I think I'll stay here. I got quite the liking for Sushi at MIT." Seeing Henry arive bring herself to full height being a fraction taller than the jerk before softening and waving over to join her sitting down.moving her bag and bits and pieces out way. Every college she went to was in a state or City by the coast so Sushi and seafood was an easy option to get. .

Least he was acting like a gentleman and determined not to let one jerk ruin her lunch, the waiter she hered make an.. Well yeah it probably did. She was a little more showy today and dressed up a bit. "Separate cheques please." She added confirming his not date answer, given limited time in Delta, dating had not been a major priority still trying to settle in.

Her train of thought was interrupted as someone called out about tips , bar mitzvah and such events, it certainly was a lively lunch vennue and a busy one. "Sit down before you dare to interrupt his light or some grievous slight I'm guilty of." lightning her mood abit, humour got you through many things. Unsure what to say, she barely Knew Henry and had offered an healthier lunch, but it seemed a start anyways. "Brunettes your type then." Joking at the assumption and implications, it got any awkward out the way early on or the ones who were stuck up.

Casting a glance round to see if food might be early. The photographer was still about. Maybe there was some event or big thing happening? Turning her gold eyes to Henry thankfully having escaped wearing glasses so far, one more thing to worry about."Well, if Professor jones told you as much as me. Il introduce properly. I went NYU undergrad , MIT masters, Dancer since i was a kid, Latins my favourite, but i can do most least pretty well bar ballet and tap we never got on. Also, i like sweet coffee, so i will end up borrowing from your undergrad lab." Isabella trying to break the ice. "I also am a little crazy moving here as I'm scared of gators..."

"Thankyou." Noticing a slightly rushed person brought over chopsticks and the other items needed so ready for food to arrive on various tables for popular lunch service.


Jackson "Jack" Maxwell Rodriquez

location = Chef's Drive-In

The rather well dressed woman was rather quick to wait at the table, barely having time to put the menu back before he had been approached by the rather extroverted woman. "Gracias señorita, my morning is better now thank you." Giving her a confident smile and a bit of charm, his father had disagreed on many things with Jackson but confidence and a little charm where never a bad thing.

"Black coffee, stack of pancakes with syrup please, I just escaped the Delta times labyrinth this morning and find self in need of your excellent Coffee." A little much yes however this was Delta City and little or lot much was order of the day and the norm. The city was lively, vibrant and plain crazy half the time but boring it was not.

Casting a glance over at the rest of the place, the blonde seemed to be serving, nothing of note beyond that and a normal day in Delta City. Then things where less normal, abnormal... No insanity berg had struck. Seemed the waitress and man had a past and a showdown. Certainly not a dull morning for sure!

A shout of Danny shook his thoughts, wait Danny.. Diamond hotels. He met him when they were putting out feelers, the man was calm, professional and respectful. Far better than some who were frankly like vultures on a carcass who probably left a trail of slime as they moved around.

Hopefully this drama did not impact his breakfast, then he heard some commotion and his breakfast was paid for, he never asked but who turned down a free breakfast? An idiot.

Getting up leaving his jacket to save a seat, he always had been confident and in good shape though he still could scrape a physical fitness test, pride had him wanting to regain old form and excel. After a year or more of different priorities, endurance was his strength not benching hundreds of pounds though. "Thankyou Danny, no hard feelings before, Business is Business after all and you paid for breakfast.

That Helicopter for breakfast run though, you'll be a local legend for weeks."

Offering to shake his hand, they had met before and things were definitely a little tough, professional, polite and respectful but he could drive a point home and had a good eye for business realities. A rival yes, an respectable one though.

There seemed to be some business going on and he waited for a gap not wanting to pry, things that "Did not exist" he was used to ignoring instead waiting for the right moment to intervene to thank him. Whatever the women had going on, or Danny and the waitress had going was their problems not his. "Good morning señorita's. Sorry for intruding, I'll leave you to this lovely morning."

A man was hungry. He just wanted breakfast but he could be polite too.


Isabella Daphne Belle

location = Sushi Place (Team Sushi)

Isabella left the study building, winding her way through the brightly lit lobby and its various shaded walkways that linked to other parts of the technology campus at Delta University. It was one of most modern and newest areas as a large plaque proclaimed the man who donated the land and money for its construction. Least rich person using money for a mostly good cause.

Henry was an interesting character though he might need the patience of a few hundred saints if he thought she might learn to play chess at a more complicated level than a beginner. She could make a computer think, react and even learn from mistakes and adapt its own probability calculations just not play the game personally very well.

The project seemed to have a lot of potential and Professor Jones, while somewhat wizzardy would never put her into a bad situation that did not benefit her and and PHD work. Henry could be interesting to get to know, rather... Carefully chosen in his words and actions potentially but he seemed polite and raised no red flags.

Reaching her little suzuki samurai it was a fairly short drive to the sushi place. Just the lunch time traffic was rather busy and finding a place to park was somewhat more challenging nervously parallel parking on a street close by. "Come on... Only once more." finally getting into line on the 6th try easing off the clutch that all the city driving had been heavier on.

Glancing in the mirror before leaving with a quick touch up on lipstick, Isabella liked to look least presentable and dress nicely as first impressions counted for alot and never know who you bump into. Chucking some coins in the meter before heading to sushi place, not the only person to decide it was qn favourite for lunch. A taller more pale looking man was eating inside with a camera and various additional kit with him. Another customer seemed to match his extra eye with a missing eye and black eye patch though the pirate look ended their well dressed sharp outfit and was unlikely to raid and rip bodices of duchess's in steamy ship board forbidden romances. Both were about her height so maybe people were just taller here and fit in rather well.

"Number 1, 12, 17, extra rice... Oh and one of those please" Finding a Japanese probably not imported drink by the front counter placing her order with a harried and flustered looking young man who may be fairly new. "Of..of course miss, Chef is preparing a fresh salmon batch so your order be around 10-15 minutes." The teanager? Maybe finding some more confidence.

"I can wait. Thank You." Directed to a table and ending up near the photographer and the city's smartest dressed pirate. It certainly was a strange gathering through the city... Well not shy about being different, the man with a camera was more in his own world like she got when working on a problem. Finding her note book in hand bag, Isabella started doodling out an idea she had in the car heading over, rolling the fountain pen between her fingers trying to make sense of it.

Careful not to drip ink on the table or her dress, ever try getting ink out... Its painful. Her best ideas always came at strangest moments taking a drink from. Whatever Japanese drink it was choosing it based on the berries on label. Rather nice in fact for a random choice made on a label and what looked interesting.

"Oops... Sorry. Got caught up in my work." Accidently tapping one of them while picking up a dropped coloured pen she was using to sort and link her ideas together while waiting for lunch.


Jackson "Jack" Maxwell Rodriquez

location = Chef's Drive-In

Jackson finally escaped the clutches of the Delta Times offices, multiple waits, secretaries, forms and things to do just to run some job adverts, an press ad for the upcoming events and convince an archivist who perhaps was older than the building to find the old copies and photos he was researching into.

Breaking out the busy, maze-like labyrinthianium offices that the Delta times called home into the bright sunlight of downtown stomach reminding him he skipped breakfast this morning. The smell of the food vendors warming up only made it more prominent, hot dogs, coffee, mexican, you wanted fast food downtown was great... When the places had grills hot anyway.

"Thanks for the new winch and clutch so fast, Bring wife, get you a beach side with a nice bottle on the house." Catching someone he knew as heading to car and owed a favour for helping fix the old truck got when renovating, plus handy for collecting large volumes from Industry Easts bulk suppliers saving the carriage fees and delays."Next Friday Jack, make that a decent red and steaks are good."

"Consider it done, just drop me a call what time you want." Waving off and reaching the gleaming black and chrome Chevy dropping his briefcase in the rather spacious boot. It was pretty stupidly large but the Impala never let him down and the V8 ran like a Swiss watch.

Cruising out of downtown, Sushi was an option he had picked up a liking two in Asia but this morning tastes were less fish and more fries. Opening up the gas on the main road remembering an old place that did a great food, a bit less shiny but solid food and strong hot coffee. Perfect, well once he swung by feeling indulgent going for the full service fuel station on the way, a generous tip later the tank was full and the windscreen even cleaned.

A short run later Jackson pulled into the weed split parking lot, though the gleaming shape of a helicopter? That was not normal for this place. The Diamond sure, the high end hotels and fancy 7 figure apartment blocks but it certainly stood out here. He had skipped breakfast or lunch more than a few times here before, especially when they had completely stripped out the hotel gas supply and replaced it, meaning no hot food for anyone!

Mysteries could wait.

Ignoring the rather odd addition to the local area, hunger was a strong motivation finding a booth in the care worn diner. Glancing round at the mornings patrons in an old habit locating the exits and internal doors, a business looking man, some locals and others traveling through on the road. The rather well dressed owner he assumed was busy directing people so not too long to wait. Honestly it seemed pretty normal. He missed the one he probably would regret not spotting later though!

Coffee, black as a night sky in the countryside, nice stack of fresh warm pancakes... Maple syrup. Yes. That's what he needed.

"Miammi Rebellion!"

hearing the shout and seeing a woman, with... Hopefully no trouble, Jackson was hungry and really wanted a coffee. Please be no trouble anyway! A man needs a coffee after dealing with beurachracy on an empty stomach and early morning. "Una mañana tranquila por favor ... One quiet morning please". Slipping into Spanish without thinking of his second language, thanks to his father he grew up bilingual.


Cleared for time travel.
Please take gate 1988 and keep your arms and legs within the wormhole.
Isabella Daphne Belle

location = University

Isabella did not mind waiting merely finding a nearby table to take notes on ABC code and get some reading done Professor Jones suggested, he was somewhat eccentric but he knew his stuff and she respected him. He was a good PHD supervisor, plus she shared his love of hot sweet drinks he seemed to have for every meeting on tap had warmed Isabella's opinion a little.

The game was definitely miles beyond her understanding of chess so it was far more productive to do her own work for now. "Interesting, definitely accurate. Makes a good cup of sweet tea that's for sure." The game resumed and she turned back to her code notes, a mess of cursive corrections, various colors, personal shorthand plus anecdotes and page references that anyone else would ve hopelessly lost. It all made perfect sense to Isabella.

Glancing over the game her gold eyes could not see the strategy, sure she could understand most of how they moved but how all this worked and interacted was over her head. It was definitely advanced though and a very complicated and interlinked system. Knowing it was one and decoding it was entirely two different things.

She noticed a few glances her way but was used to that, a minority still saw computer science as a very much boys club. bright red 50's inspired dress, to tell the truth she did that deliberately, it was fun to tweak their noses a little. Plus the heat and humidity was plain ridiculous. Still Delta offered her a full ride and a PHD was very expensive otherwise.

Finally they shook hands and Mark left after a rather long game, was it a long game? Well it seemed it anyway, it might be a short game for what she knew of the two students. "Bye Mark, See you in the lab I'm sure." Waving him off, he was not a friend as such but she also got on and never had questioned her abilities.

Listening to Henery, yup her professor was a wizard and sent her on an merry adventure with half facts, just minus an magical apple or some other strange object. ""Il hear it out." Giving the opportunity and fair chance. A computer that played chess, well that had fixed rules, limited movement range and a set board meaning closed parameters and environment. The rest was code, maths, and probability etc."Possible." thinking to self and making a few notes on a spare page of her note book including an book to check later.

"Oh now i see, that would be a good way to test my multi step learning and adaptive feedback algorithm theory in a closed parameter environment with an fixed and evaulable..." Relishing she might have lost him at the start in her forgetting he was still an undergraduate a second. "Though honestly... My dad tried to teach me chess, i'm more of a grand unmaster. It does sound like an interesting project to test out."

Isabella brushed a platinum hair out her eye that was irritating and taking the paper with thanks. Writing her own number, Academic post box of sorts on campus (95% was usually fliers though) putting her fountain pen back in hand bag, lunch. Had time. Flown that fast? A quick check of the clock said yes. "Theirs meant to be a great sushi place, healthy light lunch too. Shogun Sushi?

I've got plenty of time before the Latin Dance event starts up, and most professors basically siesta."
Isabella did not hide her hobbies, you needed something more than study plus dance helped keep you fit, kept you social, had fun and beat stress. Perfect. Being good at it helped.

Putting her book, pad and various pens away, take it or leave it, just being friendly as she smoothed out dress and checked self a second in the window everything was as it should. Isabella offered it as campus food, pretty good but still campus food.



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