Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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K lit. Tysm erybody! K imma go with Naz being in town as a taga long stowaway with the royals to dawn haven. Ever since then she just been doing odd jobs till she found some instruments lying about and started just fooling around with it. Next thing you know shes breaking out into song and dance. So yeah, she'll be the minstrel. Good for her heart and hot soup for the soul lol

The Inn always needs some entertainment at times, good vibes!
Even more useful if she can pour the odd tankard of ale :)

Yup. I'm sure we can find a place for ye in the story!
Banned for making my MTG addiction flare up.

Banned for heretical false saints.
In 3 Word Story 5 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
An extra brain
Banned for going there.

Banned for appearing offline
Rider on a Black Lunarian.

Persephone Laconia

A Lunarian Heavy Is not a tame horse by nature, but even the trained animals backed off from the giant of a man though it scraped the ground with a large steel shod hoof as it stopped backing up unable to move far. Its mane was deep black as rest and tied and braided though that had grown wild from riding and was snagged with debris, of travel.

Snorting before it tossed its large head the Horse had nowhere to back up, something about its senses picked up the man was not normal in some sense the horse understood as a basic instinct. The man was not a man, the man was a question and the question meant danger.

“Calm, calm Agmar” The woman repeated in a accent from the Capital, a defined and clearly Lunarian tone and choice of words as she turned a minute later having partly calmed her mount. When she turned, she shook slightly but leaned weight and forced self to stay upright with will and determination. Only…she had to look up, very much up. 5'10 and even clad in furs and such she was tiny compared to the giant of a man in an accent, thick one she could not place its location.

“She only arrived a short time ago, Probably from the mountains. Was gonna let her have a few minutes before we asked why she here.” The guard Said unsure, they did know Lunaris was that way but they had no real reason to head to the border and horses like this were not a local breed, Lunaris never sold many of this breed at all. “Not local this beauty. Not the first, Officer sort. Older guy, fancy armour” Gesturing to the tall back horse and waving in vague gestures at the town. The guard still had hours left on shift , his compatriot was leaning against a barrel with a freshly turned spear shaft he was oiling and waxing clad in unform and latest auralian armour, though still was getting used to it. “Syraeia might make you pay her for that deer, head on in, get warm, first snows tonight.” The Bearded former mercenary joked and was cheerful despite the snow who had joined the Princes settlement for a fresh start and to get away from his old life of fighting for gold. He was a rough round edges sort but also knew every dirty and wrong trick going and how to spot them. He had willingly offered his services in exchange for a new life to protect Dawnhaven.

Guard duty got pretty boring though, 2 months and they checked papers and so for most part. This place was so far from each capital they barely made it onto the maps. Even professionals got bored so they got to know the towns folks and traders over time.

He was obviously tainted by the blight, no one could be so clad and survive these conditions as a regular mortal being. She was guarded, cautious and her tone was neutral. “Valors edge, I am from Valors Edge border Fort. Vindacus pass. Came to seek comrades and assistance.” She said with almost a report in order and kept her rank and such quiet, deciding it was better to tell the truth, but to choose which truth to give.

“Persephone Laconia, snows come, safer to head down than up.” Persephone was honest to and admitted that Blightborn, the Lunaris, Auralia, Borders and more were at its mercy and all had to work together against both blight and winter, as much as uncomfortable thought they could not stand alone like their ancestors.

“I need to find the Inn, Lunaris comrades, a place to start.” She said, her own more eloquent speech was dogged by mental and physical tiredness. Looking at the sad form of the deer that lay on a dragged cart, it was a sad and starved carcass. “Poor Burcher with that one. You? Anything i need to know about the place?” Persephone looked and thought how it would take work to get safe meat from it. She asked after the giant and what he was, maybe it would tell her more about Dawn Haven and how it operated.

The first goal was to gain intelligence, to gain information and get the lay of the land, with that she could plan her next steps going forward. Anything could be used, small or large, and that led to her next goal… her mind still worked in that way even in this state.

"let her in Jameson, she would never make it back in this state. Least to get a meal and a rest if uncessful." The Bearded man barely paused his work honing his spear and looked up adjusting his helmet to keep the snow off his neck. She was Lunarian but also was a Lone rider and not a whole mounted Paladin company. With winter looking they had bigger enemies than their ancestral rivals. His other guard liked to investigate things too hard at times and this woman was dead on her feet. He was a older soldier and trusted his instincts as well as gut feeling, she might be a problem but thay was a problem for people above his station in matters that did not relate to his job.

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

A more cheerful Syraeia left the kitchen and with a new energy when she went over to greet the woman. She had a purpose, maybe she was happy, but a purpose for now, a goal, an aim and a path that was certain. She could work from that. Her life had a trajectory again and that could easily turn into something more.

Remembering Sunnis' words and her own. “I am still a Cursed Emberkin. I admit, I feel… my.. instincts are closer.” Being honest and falling back on an old term of her local borderlands dialect her voice falling into a borderlands tone barely above his own hearing. “Talk to them, and i'll put them to work tonight or tomorrow If they are willing.”Syraeia said a little more firmly than like, she would only take them freely agreed.

Sunni has freaked out a little, when her sleeping form, seeming to appear to not to breathe, but that was not even high on on her mental strange list anymore. The boys needed to know what she was, and make their own choices. She would treat them like the young men they wanted to be in that regard. Sunni had to understand she knew she was different, her rebirth had changed her and she would not lie or hide that fact about her to him.

Even the Prince and Princess could not break that mood, though they did dampen it abit. The guards well she narrowed her eye at the situation… they can talk it out over a drink… and she can bill them for it.

Her attention was drawn back to the blight born woman, though Syraeia hearing was enhanced along with eye and blushed at the compliment, it was rare someone would use that word about a blight born, an cursed woman who she honestly was unsure if she even breathed anymore when she slept.

Part of her wondered why she would call her beautiful of all things, but she never really had met many Blight-Born… they had to survive, and for many that meant trusting no one, moving often and paranoid levels of alertness. “Thankyou” She said so softly only the woman would hear if she tried, blushing slightly at the compliment.

The Prince and others were still keeping busy it seemed… two rooms, Food and board potentially …a good night. “Il sort all that out for you personally. for now eat, warm up and enjoy my hospitality.” She did not need to quite know she was one of two staff…one part time. But it sounded good.

“I live up above the quest rooms, so if you need help, please do not think it's a problem. I am close by.” She said, giving them her full hospitality. The look she caught was a little, well a look she did not expect to be directed at her l that was for sure. She was not sure what to do about such things… but returned a soft smile. “Breakfast is mostly cold, but the fire warms up quickly. If you have any items you prefer, let me know.” .

She gave the woman a genuine smile as she nodded confirming their order as two men entered and seemed to look the ladies way. OK, this lady made her curious, also another of her own kin who honestly was interesting. Whatever God, curse, or magic had decided to make each and everyone of them unique from feral Beasts, monsters to those with precautions like herself who could seem to be unaltered. And a woman of means to? How did one of her kin maintain their status? More questions.

Her other thoughts were put to side for now but kept poking their way in more and more… well she had an inn to run, and what looked like orders. She could unpack that later in her room in private.

Soon she busied herself with the Orders Sunni had left for her, he was gone, he must have headed out the back. She could not judge though and honestly she was about as messed up as he seemed to be. He could be a idiot but Sunni was kind to her and his words had warmed her, she was not ready to admit more but felt more… human? Or was it just… less of a monster?

Humming as she moved to get food out, luck favoured as the Royal drama kept people busy while she could run between them getting the orders to tables flowing around with effortless precision. One thing she mastered as she almost danced around the floor of the tavern moving between barely pausing as she did with a song on her lips as she worked in the kitchen, an song she remembered from the great Hall feasts of youth.

The Royals, the guards of Lunaris were making a powerful tense energy, if she thought too hard she could almost…sense it on the edge of her ..something. it was a change that she was extremely confused by. Her vision had grown sharper and the night was akin to day now since she had proper food, safety and warm clothes.

Instead she chose to focus on her orders, Food, drinks though she passed by the woman in furs more than once to make sure she was happy… her own curiosity was too hard to fight though as she kept a closer tab on the woman, with a smile reaching her eye.

Rider on a Black Lunarian.

The first snow flakes drifted in front of the woman's eyes as she rode, dodging a broken cart that lay by the road with a wheel cracked through the thick hardwood bound with iron. It was empty and pushed to the side resting partly into a ditch of a cold and narrow stream. It was more forgiving than the mountains but the terrain was still a place that could claim your life if you showed disrespect for it. She had ridden from Valors Edge, the lowest and most distant of the keeps of Lunaris. It would take time to reach Dawn Haven and be a hard ride even for a veteran Lunarian. The weather would likely take some days to reach the lower lying settlements.

The woman who rode up to the guards stood on the edge of Dawn Haven was clad in thick protective fur, and high quality material of her uniform. The ride through the high mountains would be far worse however and the woman and horse reached the gate tired and hanging on the saddle with her depleted strength. Good time was made but she barely had rested on the trip down in her desire for urgency.

The keep was inna bad way, they needed help if possible, and beyond the ability of her own escort she was assigned to aid them. Valors edge was the final keep before the border and in a bad state of repair, Lunaris had not had time to get the far keep in good repair before winter's bite reached them.

“Tavern, Coswain, Lord or Lady. Persephone…" She said tiredly and was caught by one of the guards who let her rest, tiring her horse up, noting the heavy packs and quality of her gear. She was someone of rank. However the woman was in no fit state to make it further. Her travel cloak fell away revealing a cap and shorter red hair.

The horse was too tired to fight as they tied it off, a tall back Lunarian breed built strongly for distance vs speed. “Takes a long ride to tire a Lunarian Heavy” The guard said to his compatriot on the watch as he stroked its neck and calmed the beast known for being fierce and very selective of their master or mistress. “Relax, I grew up a stable master's son” The guard said as he spoke softly to the animal and complemented its strength and fine black coat. You had to treat them like a fine woman and take your time as the horse pulled to try and reach its rider.

Internal scene.
@The Savant
@The Muse

Outside. Rider at the Town "gate" (going on in background)
@The Muse
@The Savant
God.. my post header looks so bad compared to the rest QQ

Sorry for borrowing the header I panicked.

Nor problem. :)

Il reply when I can, day or 2.
Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Syraeia just let herself be held and did not remember the last time someone willingly held her out of kindness. The warmth in her heart that was so dulled and dampened sparked a little, there was a little hope and feeling things might not be so bad. He was much taller than she was, heavier and larger in multiple ways than the slight woman.

She did not speak but rested against him and returned the gesture, tears dripping from her eye and a smile though it was a fragile one. “some things are hard to open, i had to carry on, one foot at a time. I not even sure how I made it out of the borderlands” That time was a rather vague patch of memory, survival, nothing was too low, just had to make it to the kingdom's borders.

“Give me time” She said with a soft tone, her life was more stable, with her body healing, maybe her mind would begin to become stronger and process the horrors of the past. “Long as they do not mind working for a well, me. I will not force them if they are not comfortable or willing. Some have good reasons to fear my kin.” Syraeia gestured to her own singular large eye, ears and the cursed rebirth that had left her a blightborn. She hoped both would be of an open mind but if one of them was and the other could not handle it, was better than none at all. The two children probably had a harder life than they should have though and likely had faced worse than Syraeia, but you did not know what horror they had met in their young lives.

Noticing more people, things were waking up and there were tables not making coins that would be rectified. “Money to be made, lady not get nice cloaks being idle back here.” She tried to lighten the mood and pulled her hood back into place, you could tell she was a blightborn from the front but the side or behind looked like any other woman unturned.

An amazonian woman repeated her requests clad in armour with a symbol that she did not recognise totally, but knew it was important in Lunaris. The other two seemed to be older men, armoured too and bearded with higher quality armour and chainmail etc. “I need to see to tables but i'll serve you once I find out what the lady wants” She said politely, though a little hesitant of the armed soldiers due to their reputation. They did not look like regular Lunaris soldiers.

More akin to those they saw on the roads, keeps and the ones that escorted and interacted with highly ranked nobles or the most wealthy.

Reaching the lady moving through the Inn and throwing another log and another on the large fire pit that burned, the brightness was not most comfortable but they needed warmth and light did her customers. Syraeia was more practically dressed in a hooded cloak over more practical clothes with boots and a treat to herself she had insisted on taking a small base metal charm of a decorated smith's Hammer rested around her neck on leather cords. “Hello, my name is Syraeia, this my Inn, Food, Drink? We have a spiced stew, ale, wines and a few rarer items in stock.” Eyeing her up that she looked like had more money than the labourers and builders.

The red eyes… well Syraeia knew exactly what those meant, but also knew the price that those took on you, your life and your soul. Letting her hood slip a little to expose her cyclopiam features to the woman alone and giving a small nod of attention. “My best guest room is available still, this is a safe place for our kind” Adding that barely as a whisper to the woman.

“Now, would you like to start with wine, ale or something more exotic” Syraeia said deliberately louder projecting her voice. “The salted venison is fresh in, and of quite refined quality.” She said, more confident than she felt at times, but coins… she had been poor, she had been destitute. She would not be, and would run a successful Inn.

Syraeia looked around the Inn and saw potential growing in the evening. Even with the soldiers, they tended to be good drinkers. It was going to be hard work but a little closer to her goals, unlike Sunni she did not hoard like an obsessed Squirrel gathering up nuts by the mountain.

However reborn, some things did not change and her mother had always made the best of their poor income. They never starved or looked raggedy. They still had pride.

Syraeia forgot about replying to the letter the Princes man had left, that topic was too raw for her to face before a busy work day, she needed her head in the game.

Then… she should not have thought that as the Prince came in! The Inn went silent as the Royal couple and she paused giving a respectful nod. “Welcome to the eye of the Beholder Your Highness”. She was a little annoyed though that the timing had broken her flow to get a potential double of room rental and a customer who probably had gold...

The Prince came in, Princess at his side commanding and carrying his title as it almost was a formal sceptre and symbols of power. His posture, his voice and just carried the authority and weight of his family.

Daphne looked up from the bar and glanced over, deciding that the situation had gone to shit, even deeper shit than the last day had gone. This did not seem to be working out.
“Boss?” She glanced to Coswain and Hector who nodded and stood up from the table they were discussing plans given they were in a town that under construction.

All three stood quickly with a surprised expression but soon schooled themselves to a calm expression and a parade rest stance. “your highness.” Replying politely with a nod of the head. “Princess Octavia” to their lord's daughter.

Hector gave a nod and kept a subtle gesture giving Daphne a little more confidence, he understood why she was somewhat upset and frustrated, she wanted to achieve her Knighthood and a failed mission to the Princess own household would dog her career for years. “Lord Castelian Coswain, Master Warmsith Hector, I am Daphnne, Lord Coswains senior squire.” She said politely and smoothly, doing any introduction if needed.

She was well trained, just was still not used to working with Lords and Royalty. Squires tended to not be deployed like this but the guard was pushed thin. “Your Highness.” Coswain said smoothly with a little charm and an easy confidence of experience of 20 years service. “We would be most grateful of Accommodations and your hospitality. As for time, I fear if this winter closes the passes as they say in Lunaris scholoral academy. Regardless of my wishes we will have to wait till the snow melts. The lower passes below Vindacus like the Royale Secundi may stay open but are prone to avalanche and collapse further up in the peaks during a harsh winter.”

He paused with a voice of a confident yet respectful tone, calm and without a waiver projecting his voice clearly yet without any hint of a shout. “We will help where we are able to serve in what we can, we are able hunters, and enhance your guardianship of this land. A deep Winter can be a Harsh and dangerous time in Lunaris my Prince. There is strength in fellowship and fidelity around the hearth.” He finished with an almost actor's end, bringing it to a close with a strong ending and tone of voice.

He saw that the Prince and Princess, well it seemed they presented a united front, maybe the talk of them being worlds at the wedding, was no longer correct.



@The Muse
@The Savant

Il remember to include you in my next post at the tavern.
Thr mysterious lady in furs.
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