Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Most Recent Posts

@PrinceAlexus I'm so glad you applied as Battlestar and as the best class. You're accepted!

@Izurich at the end of the day it's your choice, but if this is still a story you want to tell I encourage you to do so!

There's no such thing as not good enough, only one way we get better

Thanks, the "Not Galactia" is off on a an adventure to new stars and even more trouble!

"What's your technology on that giant battered relic"

"We get nuked in face and punch people. Then have a endless supply of alcohol and cigarettes on board."

Hello. I was interested...ao wondered if this was OK.

The othe universe I know is warhammer sn I cannot find even a escort under a km long ...or a cruiser under 5km... so ... unless I make Necron warship. And having interia less drive, plus all that would be a tad crazy.

A plan is forming OOC of course. Cant wait for more posting^^


Yup. Just because your blight born does not mean you cannot be a well dressed blight born :)
@amorphical Great post! I'm sure Olivia will have tons to feed on in the tavern haha Also, her coat is so fabulous! I love it lol

Sya's goal.
Her simple but she just wants a fancy fur lined / fur cloak to help hide her eye and keep the wind off... blight born not feel cold like others but wind is annoying.

She likes / wants nice things. Maybe a nice fur hat, some good boots and such. Even blightborn want to not deal with the cold all thr time. Maybe a fancy dress or some frivolity like a fancy scarf or so to help cover her eye, but look more stylish.
In 3 Word Story 5 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
Into the fresh
Banned for swearing in your profile pic
Rider on a Black Lunarian.

Persephone Laconia

Persephone was tired, it took effort to keep her head up and her thoughts sharp as they were blunt right now. The voice she heard was low, like a rockslide on the hard ride here kicked up by Agmars hooves and in a dialect that had maybe once something akin to an Lunarian, in a very very remote form and long mutated beyond any close relation now. “Yes Lunarian.” She replied, his accent and understanding of the common tongue was very much rudimentary but years of travel she had grown used to having to decipher various dialects and regional differences.

The woman just replied with a nod, the fact she was right that the Lunarian force had made it here and not been forced to turn back or got stuck on the pass, ambushed or just had an accident. Was honestly a relief. Even with people regularly travelling the main passes, accidents happened and things went wrong. Lunaris was not a tame or kind land that would cut you a chance or show you mercy. “Thank the moon's light” Persephone said with relief, her ride was not in vain. The information at the keeps was correct.

Accepting aid from a blightborn was difficult, all her training and life in the service of the Lunaris Throne of the last few years had been the major threat to the kingdom among the other regular older threats to be countered. Blightborn were powerful, they could kill even veteran experienced paladins in combat, Paladins who took years to replace and few could rise to that rank and status amongst the Royal Guards members. The standards were too high to just replace one. Blightborn just had that level of power, the Kings own elite Paladins had to be called to tackle some threats and in force.

She tried to push forward but realised she would have to accept help, he was right. “Presume, I can barely stand so yes.” Persephone fell onto the sled with a soft bump and pulled her furs close so as not to get dragged onto the ground, she saw her horse calm. “Look after Agmar. His tack is double buckled.” Persephone asked the guards, hopefully someone would see him to a stable and her bags to the inn. Aurailan guards were not her favourites but they were meant to be professional.

At a certain stage you had to put aside your feelings for the mission, the goal, and the objective. Right now that was to eat, get warm and find comrades, she found the right place so all she had to do was the next phase. Lunarians were proud, but unlike their Aurelian alternatives pragmatic and survival trumped your feelings.

Persephone swallowed her pride.
Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Syraeia let the scene playout as Lord Coswain, the Prince, Princess and others engaged in a game of diplomacy, aka lies, deception and trickery. She was not that well educated but knew to stay out of the game between people with titles, it rarely ended well and they said lots of words that meant very little. A simple but fairly accurate understanding of the events, especially as she knew both Kingdoms had regular skirmishes, influenced and tried to use the Borderlands for their own ends against each other.

“Of course my Prince, I have two rooms available, Lord Coswain is welcome along with his party.” Syraeia said politely and schooled her face to avoid showing frustration at Royals being so... Royal. Nobles never thought like that though. “Would you like to partake in our hospitality while you're here, your highness's?” She asked a little bit cheeky but with effort to show that this was also her little domain, however humble vs a Princes realm. "The stew is hot and spicey, a perfect cure for the cold."?

She could not really look away when he made eye contact, her own eye almost glowing the faintest blue beneath her hood which she preferred to wear when working up front. She dropped when working In the back and so with Sunni and Na'ri.

The Prince suprised her with his more direct question to her, this was a more... direct matter he seemed to need to attend to than the grand standing and such going on. "My Prince, he was here, kitchen. If he left it was by the back door. He came to get some food, and a personal matter. After that i do not know. He was working on a building but that was before his meal." She chose her working carefully, their where things she was happy to say and was thankful for the Prince, but she did not break confidence or lie either.

"If you may excuse me highness's, i need to update staff and ensure rooms are apropiate." She finished with a carefully worded way to try and not be caught between whatever Sunni had going on and whatever the Prince wanted.

As things turned to be between the Prince and his wife, Syraeia noticed that the rather beautiful Na'ri who had somehow ended up taking a job, was a rather attractive and charming woman who stood 8 inches taller than Syraeia small stature. A figure like a dancer and skin that looked perpetually vibrant with life and energy. Honestly she wondered how she ended up here but was too polite to ask, Dawn Haven was a place for fresh starts and not dragging up old wounds. Syraeia respected her privacy and as long as no trouble followed her, she would offer what work she could for the talented dancer.

Certain questions went unsaid however and the arrangement did benefit in more than one way. Some things are better left in the dark.

“Na'ri, your timing is perfect i could hug you ” after letting her make a rather more charming and polished introduction to the Prince and the action giving them a minute or two gap. “I need to make sure the rooms are worthy of the guests, The Lady in furs is renting the best room, and one for her coachman, and we have Lord Coswain plus 2, with 2 rooms, one for his female squire.” She explained quickly, quietly and kept the borderlands out of her accent so she could be easily understood. “Your in charge, keep them happy, Coswains party, 1 wine, 2 ale, food. They have coin, so better stuff, Royal Guard, they never travel light on coins. Just do what you do best, be you. and don't let them disrespect you, they are knights and nobles but this is our roof and hearth. Same with Lady, she can afford best room, so I already gave her my better stock and personally took care of her.” Syraeia gave her a smile that reached her large eye, glittering almost in her hood's shadows as she finished. She herself was having to learn a lot but Sunni had also taught her if she wanted to be respected as the Inns keepers, she had to act like one. Na'ri worked for her, so she was responsible for her too. “It we have a good run, I might be able to pay you extra while things going well with all rooms booked out, and wealthy soldiers about.” Despite her strong desire to hoard gold like a jealous dragon he told her, the rule is that the gold must flow and sometimes that means losing a little of your own, to keep the larger picture and greater profits.

And she did give her a quick hug out of character for the blightborn innkeeper, Syraeia had been put in an excellent mood by Sunni, and her…”not flirting” with the blight born high born lady earlier… she was not flirting, no …. Her own interests, well quite honestly she no longer knew, her life and very existence had changed so much, a romantic relationship was before this a thing that she had deemed impossible. Na'ri and Sunni would probably work it out of course... they where too smart.

Royal Guard of Lunaris

Dawn Haven

Adonis Coswain was too experienced to react to Prince with any fear but a respectful nod of his head. They both knew how the game was played, the rules and little gestures that must be returned. He was not a full Paladin of the Royal Guard but their was a reason he was sent, he was loyal and determined but his fervour and such had been tempered by the hard forge of experience, combat and time at court in Lunaris. He got results and was reliable.

“Many thanks to the moon for your generous lands and gifts.” He said with a smooth tone never wavering and remaining calm as a mountain in a winter blizzard entirely immune to the harsh buffeting storm. When he suggested Octavia ask what preparations were to be made, he had never really interacted with the Princess at all before this, he had worked with the King and Queen several times among others at court, from personal protection to other more interesting jobs and the odd less savoury task but Octavia was new to him.

At the mention of firewood, construction and so, well it was a bit of a downgrade for a Royal Guard Officer but he had done it before, he was used to doing what you had to, Lunaris did not have luxury very often of choice. “Just like Morning star pass then” He said with an easy confidence and glance at Hector who he had served and shared a siege sap with at that harsh campaign.

Morning star pass was an older conflict between Lunaris and Auralia, the battle was for a desolate pass and neither side had won more than blood and treasure wasted. Coswain had arrived and was soon put in charge as newly minted Squire Captain of driving a sap to the fort's walls, fighting, digging, labouring in the rocky earth.

The battle had already cost 2 captain's in that trench alone. The ending was as frozen as a Lunaris lake, the Fort was heavily damaged but remained in Auralian defenders hands. Lunaris had held its trenches and siege works of rammed earth uncut stones and basket work of ugly but solid and durable construction that could withstand every assault thrown at them. however ugly they proved resolute and the soldiers behind them as unmovable, Auralia for their enemy, you had to respect their tenacity to hold and attack. No one considered that a victory who had served or seen in that forsaken pass.

“Some physical work is good for the body” Coswain said and Hector gave a knowing look to his comrade, having served together for many years. “My Prince, Princess, it seems you have made an Officer do some work for once” He said respectfully but with a little humour and a soldier's rougher tone. “I have skills and a younger assistant. We will aid where and how able” He gestured to Daphne who gave a nod as she stood at parade rest posture. She had little to add and decided the game of words and such where way too much of a ballet of of mental acrobatics for her to want to be caught up in.

“I'm sure the Tavern mistress shall provide for us and ensure we have a warm dry bed and a good meal.” He was unsure about the hooded woman he assumed ran the Inn here. She kept her face hidden but her skin looked normal, stature was tiny but that was not abnormal either. He would not voice that though and he kept his thoughts off his face and posture. As he turned to direct and address the slight and short woman who ran the Inn as he assumed from Princes request.


@The Savant
@Girlie Go Boom
@The Muse
<Snipped quote by The Muse>

Whaaaat?! Nononono you got it all wrong. She just in awe of seeing the princess AND prince and blown away by the honor of hosting BOTH royals in the inn. That's all

Crush? What Crush? Pffft. I laugh at such accusations. Hahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahaha. Crush... so laughable. Hahaha. Ha. Ha?

Wait till she leaves her in charge downstairs to do a quick run of checking the rooms if she needs to make them suitable for their class of guests. :)

Her middle boss is also a tiny 5'1 so everyone else working their towers over her lol
@Girlie Go Boom

Ph yeah, would she mind if her boss was a blight born?
Or is she one of the more appecting people of the town?
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