Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Battlestar Warpite

Galatic Old Lady

Coruscant System

The alien projector made a strange light in the briefing room, it's light glittered against the glassware on the side and the flags in the room with the banners and signs of the Colonial Navy, the battlestars personal flag and others proudly displayed.

It span rather slowly in the centre, automatically cycling between data Items previously shown. They lazily floated above the delegation in the room's centre. The long U shaped table was covered in a growing collection of data, printouts and their own forms of documents. A marine stood by the phone and spoke softly into the handset letting the CIC know the Commander would still be busy and to refer any requests to the Col for now.

The Major nodded to the Admiral he worked out from the sheer complexity of his uniform and its quality. “I'll keep it short, we are busy. We here will need data on the planet's deep facilities, power and such infrastructure Admiral. Using that we can monitor somehow and prepare to mount a campaign of resource denial.” He was a Marine, he did not do all the fancy fleet talk and just said it was. Officer yes, but he did not waste time with bullshit.

It was surprising to say the least when a woman turned into a humanoid bird, her whole body and skin colour changed! He had seen a lot but this was entirely Alien … From this alien. “I agree maam, if we are to execute this, we may only get one shot, a second attempt will be expected. it will be planned between all of us for maximum strategic effectiveness” He managed to hold her gaze despite being so alien. It was hard but he managed.

He also followed the theme, a theme which he could propose. “A medium term proposal if you allow, We here” He gestured to the Officers, Marines and so. “Have various capacities and abilities in marine, troop deployment, special operations and more. We need to work out how best we can each aid this war effort. Ladies and Gentleman, we are the thin wall between the enemy and the rest of the galaxy. Major York, we and others if you agree, can find a ship we can gather on for that. Or an inter-service boxing tournament. For our exercise of course. " He finished swallowing his pride, they may have to take leadership of others for the greater good and the wider campaign. He was a well read marine however, compared to his rather large stature. He probably could have used his books for a decent weight set. He however gave a very marine challenge, a Marine would never normally refuse a chance to test themselves.

Commander De Rio took the information from the build ships commander, he knew exactly what was needed of him, they Had warships but this plan needed builders, logistics and more to sustain the fight. She could appreciate the fact he could take a second line role and do it well. “Thankyou kindly, we will run these by the Engineers and see what my Senior officers think on the matter. But it sounds like a strong proposal and a force multiplier..” Being able to jump and take extended runs to gather material could be a useful role to fulfil. “We are a stronger sum of our parts Captain Hammond. we can always use your abilities and hope to work well with all of you.” She supported the position of the Manticore Navy and also aimed at the room.

Lara was surprised by the fact they seemed to get on, they managed to get on and make…productive discussions and some rather loose but plans to face the danger. “I propose officers. We will leave you to work out how to decide what is appropriate candidate profiles, myself and my office is available if you need it.” She said to the woman who had turned into a bird, but wore a rather striking outfit.

The Tall blonde woman stood, her red dress standing out brightly in the darker uniforms and rooms light. “Ladies, Gentlemen, and persons. We have a multiverse fleet, Ships that work together. I suggest that we have an officer exchange on ships we team together. We need to quickly integrate and we can help bring each other to closer alignments.” It was a longer term proposal but one she believed in.

Getting a nod from her Commander who looked toward the woman and held a short non verbal conversation. “Battlestar Warspite will happily accommodate, and provide our VIP berthing to the allied officer or officers.” The ship had some…limited larger ones usually reserved for government figures and yet to be converted to other uses as the crew was too busy right now. “This ship is old, I know you're all thinking about it, The Galatic old lady needs some TLC yes, but do not doubt her proud crew, all 3500 of them. They will do their jobs well.”

“Can we agree to meet again at an undetermined point, perhaps rotating among the larger ships… We need to land shuttles, and some of yours, are gonna be a tight fit on our smaller allies bays. Warspite is welcome to host larger delegations.”

Lana sat down with a small curtsey gesture and nodded to Commander Del Rio who was happy to let her diplomat take work off her too full plate.

As they had talked the Nav and Vipers had guided The Warspite out of the worst of the debris field moving to more open space where the far larger warship could operate. 500 metres wide, 1400m long. Moving her huge mass was a precise ballet of nail biting manoeuvres but they began to open up larger open space to move and fight, launching their vipers and more warning of ground to space threats.

Seeing more space open up on the Dredas while also keeping the main battery online and angled to the threat, the planet and alert aircraft in tubes. The Warspite was not taking things lightly and knew they were shorter on tech, older and more worn. But they could fight smart and had been busy moving the Battestar to where her advantages could be brought to bear and reduce their prior troubles with Dredas being too clogged by wreckage and unable to forewarn of an attack.

Old sure. But they knew their ship. The Col knew the Commander did not mind, he was CIC. He was in command right now.

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

The woman's request was rather simple of less candles and guessed that she also had a sensitivity to the light and found what she needed far less than before the blight had turned them, she still missed food, water was still unavoidable but food was something she no longer needed. Emotions and energy.. were not as satisfying as what she cooked in some sense. “Of course, I feel the same, I keep my rooms so.” Sya snuffed out most of the candles bringing the room to a soothing darkness that would probably disconcert one of the living.

Sya blushed when she noticed the woman's gaze turned to her, she seemed to follow her and had no fear of her eye, ears and even seemed to welcome it. The gesture of tucking a hair behind her ear was so very normal, the lady was well shockingly normal, if you could call any of their kind normal. But it was simple, a gesture you could see anywhere anytime. Her heart that probably did not beat as fast as before picked up a pace, so close she could smell the lady wore a scent and the subtle smell the furs had left on her clothes, the fact was plain. Whatever this woman was, she was curious and pushed through her nerves, Dawn Haven was all about second chances even for those who were considered monsters by many.

Olivia was so close it was conspiratorial, she was inches away now, the proximity was both the most scary and exciting thing she recalled recently. I want you… that was a bold statement but somehow Sya was honestly tired, she pretended to be normal for wider people, Sunni had let her be open but this was different. “I… I have seen them, I am glad you have not. I came close, in those forests, the howls, they drew to me, things… pulled at my mind's own corners… but somehow I kept my head. I am truly glad I am your first.” Sya was genuine and she revealed more detail than she had told almost anyone, it felt lighter somehow. Easier, then the implication of her word choice came to mind and blushed, memories of… no, not that right now. That was a different time in a hay loft.

“I was never magically trained, I had to figure it all out… I'm still unsure if I understand it, surely. But I can try.” Sya broke into a smile a faint one but it reached her eye and she was rather expressive. I'm the gesture. “That's quite a story. I fled my home with almost nothing, what little I could scavenge. I am maybe the last of that place. The Borderlands, I am one of the border folk, we are a rare kin now alas even ember Kin. So much is now blighted.” She said with a little sigh, they lay now heavily in the blight zone and she had felt no desire to enter it again, however immune to its effects and toxins. She did not know how she could refuse if Prince asked her though.

“i was worse than homeless for too long, until Dawn haven… A merchant helped fund all this, but I am its keeper and left it to my hand.” She glossed over what she did to survive, it was far from a light topic but she wanted to live more than they did. Gesturing to the building with a proud expression. She said mode than she thought, her hands rolling the fabric of a skirt between two pale fingers with hands that seen a less comfortable life.

“I would appreciate that, their are others here but.. some Who do know, I do not feel yet able to trust myself, they serve the Royals directly and … I am still cautious of them. My people were left to die by them… they ignored us, as we sent message and messengers.” Sya was honest, deeply honest and risked opening up herself, an open… well if the eyed were windows to the soul, Sya had a rather large gate. A gate that opened a crack as its iron hinges swung slowly. A crack that let out a fierce emotion and a hot fire that she usually kept locked up tightly.

She talked of her sight , how she could see in the night like prevention in darkness black and how the world was a… pallete of not colour In the darkest night but greys and tinged almost blue. How she could almost see something but could not put her mind to understand it, there were hidden layers and an… another layer that had yet to reveal itself.

Sya talked maybe too much but her heart felt lighter and listened intently to what she said about he needs and plans. But Sya felt a hand in her lap and made a choice, maybe a dangerous one but she had died… what was much after being dead? Fuck it . She died once, she had lived through hell.. why not…

Sya moved her own smaller hand and turned It to interlock smaller hand with Olivias, intrigued how both their skin was cooler and the fact that her nails felt dangerously sharp, hard but also did not hurt Sya.

“You have it. I will Call you friend.” Sya said, repeating self when she realised she deviated from the common tongue of her former homeland. It is almost said as an oath than a statement.

“I have to run the Inn, but I will help you in my spare time, this room… and the room your coachman has. I can do.. a … longer. term. Lease. Yes.?” Sya said she was still unsure of the wording but gestured. “If you wish, I keep it for you, the basement… has room for goods, and strong room? If you need” Sya said, wondering if her wording was right.
“I do not know why, but I feel like I should help you, like… something important…” Sya shook her head unsure, the big blue eye of hers was confused but content in a way that could not be hidden. Looking at the red eyes of Olivia, she have the hand a gentle press and well. Sunni made her Mistress…it was her choice… and she made it. Olivia she would aid. “I Live up, near the back. There's a stair back near the way down to the bar, if not, my office is on the hall to mine and the merchants personal rooms. You are welcome to find me there if needed.” She smiled at that, she was proud, her office, her ledger. her quill and ink she practised so hard to learn to list the accounts.

Talking of more light topics, fell to explain dawn Haven, some of its characters and some of the gossip she picked up, such as Lunaris soldiers, to be careful of winged blightborn, but not fear him and lesser topics.

“Anything in particular you want to know?” Sya never really noticed she had not let go of the other woman's hand, nore they shifted closer over time.

And.. Sya did something impulsive. She closed her large blue eye. “Forgive me, but I died once, I saw fire consume the wolf and man cojoinefI was treated worse than a beggar, and i… I thought no one would ever be truly comfortable with me.” Sya perspective and her very nature and... deep somthing changed that day, the day the blight took her, and now she did not hesitate when she saw a chance because who knew if she would ever get one again.

Sya leaned over the short distance, a matter of inches and leaned up cutely to kiss Olivia. A soft and tentative one as she felt the gentle strands of white Cheekily nudging it from her ear.

In 3 Word Story 4 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
Able to turn
Sorry for lack of activity, been very busy IRL these last few days, will try to get a post up today.

Life gets in the way it happens :)
Though Lara needs someone else who appreciates less practical fashion lol
I do mobile posts, but use Google docs and other things to help turn them into better standard of the English language.
Where 'Corvus' - and by extension, Manticore missile doctrine - could slot in is area denial. Though you'll be timing your volleys via stopwatch, you could, at least theoretically (if your gunnery crews get it right) stand off and swat anything leaving Coruscant's orbit.

In theory

You may get chance to test that!
You probbly could find some more strange and intresting tactics in allied fleet combos.
BSG ships also have spines built like a brick shithouse because of the strain their FTL puts on them. Langford could core sample her a couple of times and the lady might keep flying. But it's not the directed weapons that everyone else needs to worry about. That would be getting nukes beamed aboard.

Or, if it's the mark IXs, getting them beamed to your postal code xD

Yeah, That and you going crazy and working out how to make a black hole in a box or so!
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

It also depends on the type of fight, this is why we'll have to work together as a fleet. MOI could skull the Warspite from across the system, but if they're close range slugging it out MOI isn't going home again


<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

It also depends on the type of fight, this is why we'll have to work together as a fleet. MOI could skull the Warspite from across the system, but if they're close range slugging it out MOI isn't going home again

True, Why my ship is playing the we will talk softly but don't forget we still have a 1400m warship. De Rio did not take her 6'2 brick outhouse of marine officer for no reason to be one of her seconds.
Size != Yield. Way I see it, top three are Langford > Normandy > Warspite, tho if Trypticon is ever repaiers, well... :D

Not sure. It'd hard to gauge at times. Langford definitely had the most advanced tech and some very heavy direct energy weapons.
Posted x3

-Tarkin is present! I forgot to put this on, but he's here.

- Three Badass Freelancer agents are aboard!

- Gank wants to build things.

He is questing how some of us got to command ranks lol
Nukes...yes... blow up planet . I mean maybe.... can we... injust wanna build things.

Yeah, Warspite is by far the oldest ship in the fleet, like 50 years old or so.
And advanced scans probbly show her hull has been nuked a fair few times.

40k ships would never of fitted I'm due to size, but the comments at servitors and fact ship has forgotten a few decks over its multi century lifetime Ben good. My plan would of required a cruiser likely...and that's 5km long.

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