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As an Imperial saint I fully approve the use of the Inquisiton in this matter
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Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
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Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
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Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.


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Dr Katrazyna "Katska" Nadezhda Kowalewska

Main Island _ Azul Days _ Just off Ave Pura Vida

Kat and her Spanish were still a little rusty but better than before though she would not be classified as a fluent native speaker. It was taking time to get back into the practice as she had neglected the language out of disuse. Not forgotten, just took time to assemble the jigsaw again. She stumbled a few words but managed to keep things going and relied on her language skills despite her odd accent, the eastern Europe and western Europe language as one.

“That's nice helping out, I genuinely like the coffee there, even if she probably gives me a side eye for daring to ask for a Blue mountain Mocha once. The most I got was sugar.

The cakes made me have to get up early for a longer run though. Dangerously good.”
Kat said entirely genuinely as joined the dots linking everything together now like a puzzle with a codex to decipher it.

Kat gave a smile at the agreement to join her. “Thankyou Andreas, a gentleman you are.” She stretched but her steps were more tentative and cautious, turning to show the Polish Eagle and the north star tattoo she had symbolising her biggest find so far in her career. Kat remembered how her mother had reacted… a flashback came to mind.

It had taken several days and an explanation of what each one meant to her each time, one reminding her of home, one was symbolic of choice to go into sciences plus a handy cheat sheet for when she forgot something during her studies. The last one was a symbol of pride that the entire team that found the ship had almost to a member.

Between the tattoos, the fact she grew into a goth style and her independent streak it had taken a few years for mother and daughter to find a smooth road. Now she was a more grown up refined version, but she still had some more dramatic pieces that were sadly too hot to wear. Kat would love to but she would be likely to pass out inside of an hour and that was not worth looking good for. Her custom made dark red velvet coat with built in corset details and more was so impractical to clean but she loved it.

Putting down some Pesos, Kat Made a rough count and worked out the coins, the local currency she had to double check as she handed it over. The bat bag was smaller than her other hand bag, leaving one eye visible she tossed the change in a spare spot and closed it up.

She listened along as they found a place to sit in the bar, it was not the most busy in the street, that was reserved for the larger places and she was glad she found this smaller local one where the bulk of tourists seemed to flock to the biggest and brightest lights on the street with bright protectors and more shining into the sky.

Much as Kat was one of them, she really did not like some of the brash places that you could barely move. “It's a bit much, especially after the last few weeks. But it is certainly energising. You know far more than me, google was less helpful! Betrayed i was.” Kat said honestly Having the whole island's mood do a 180 was a strange sight to see.

Thanking the bar man, he mentioned the Pot ceremony, smashing pot not the hungry kind of pot ceremony, oh those diamonds. They had been a bane of hers, mention the word shipwreck and everyone assumes you're a treasure hunter. Kat took a large sip of her Cocktail. “Much as their culture here, those diamonds everyone assumes I'm after that wreck even when I say 1944. I might get business cards made, we're out here to help protect, not loot Azul. Sorry, it frustrates me. It sounds nice, I'm glad that your customs remain, life here is interesting and i could like it here. Good cocktails too never hurt.” Kat replied with a kinder tone, her own home country had to rebuild theirs the hard way. The fact the islands treasure was in her mind too famous, Kat wanted to save people from a potential ecological threat, not make herself rich on gemstones, it just frustrated the woman. Kat apologised for her ramble, she really just found it caused her headaches and the desire to throw a heavy book at someone. Kat always had one of those when working.

It was true Kat was being a little impulsive, acting unlike her normal self but Kat was tired of being normal Kat, she deserved a little fun.

Kat finished a first, and a second cocktail before they left. She had to try the Azul Ocean Waves though Dolphin was her current favourite and the Blue and white drink did not make her feel the same joy or buzz the first gave Kat.

“Shall we then. I always liked adventures, less penguins than my last one. Umm you mind.. taking it slow, I hurt my foot and umm… lost to a rock. Totally my greatest moment. I was ok..then… that Kurva.” Kat admitted without thinking as she gestured to her bright pink trainers in place of fancy heels or nice strappy Sandals.

Kat was careful as she walked, putting more pressure down as she found what was her current sweet spot. “Where first Mr Navigator of the Azul days sea, lay on a course.” Kat said lightly and ignored her foot's protest. She had one hand on his arm so she would not lose him In the crowd, it was all rather very much the heart of the action. “Just use a slower dance step, Tango might be a little fast right now. Just see how thr night goes.” Kat said cheerfully, spotting the music and dancing if it happened. She said it casually, forward yes, the whole momentum and the energy of the event just had caught her soul.

That and Kat kind was a taller woman, who could appreciate a tall handsome man to spin you about even if it was only for an evening. She did not want to make him uncomfortable so tried to play it down and her what happen, happen naturally.

Banned because your clearly wherls yet the picture is of angel.
Banned back to the warp

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

Snakey times!

Sya sighed as the lord went on another rant outside her Inn, he really seemed to get upset so easily? By just the act of existence Sya seemed to cause him great and deep anger. She was by far the legal owner and was pretty sure Prince beat his title by a long shot, her deed was signed and authorised by the Prince to own and run the dawn haven Inn. In exchange for providing her services to aid the town and to help establish his new town.

Simple, She had a signed agreement and she would not let some minor noble with a grudge take it from her.

“I'd quite like to sssseee him beat up by a woman” Sya said with a sad tone, it would have been catathergic.

A voice came over sounding almost With glee, she didn't need her eye to recognize Gadez and his brand of humour, wit and annoying yet engaging mind games. He confused her but you could not slap him for all the want to as it felt like beating a puppy at same time…

“Godeess knows, i'm just trying to live, make Sssshine. I black out and this is me…” Sya said surprisingly honestly and decided he would ferret the answer out of her one way or another, so might as well save the headache. “You trying to check me out, my … thigh I guess. Oh how scandalous of me to bare scales myself..” Sya could not help but laugh and reply with inundo, her leg, bum… umm.. she guessed leg as she covered the parts that mattered. Who knew anymore… maybe she could tease him back…now and if she met him at the baths.
“Perhaps that Kisssssing booth was your idea, but I'd have to know you better before I wrap you up in my tail and take you to my evil lair in the roof and trap you in my Coillssss. Helpless and at my pleasurable mercy.

You might even like it. i'm much more flexible now...”
Sya said mischievously and a light lit her rather large eye of playfulness, as she moved and let her full length of tail show, flexing the shiny blue limb with a slow rhythm for inundo and a little fun. She had to make good or she would cry and break down, there was no other way forward.

“Long enough to catch it on things.. and remain short.” Sya said far more lightly than she imagined she could have, maybe she was going insane.. or she was never sane to begin with? The blight had melded… or altered her to function despite the sheer shock and changes she underwent?

Her last comment was delivered with a slight tone of humour and also facts.

“Its a Inn.. of course I sell alcohol. If you do not cause too much trouble, we can work out an arrangement. Room rate remains the same if you need one. Unless you want to be my teady bear.” Sya decided to keep her life Interesting. Few people were willing to challenge her like this annoying man did, plus she loved teasing him for some reason. Who knew Sya was not sane and she ws fine with it.

The women including a soaked priestess, blightborn and her…twin came up too. That was an odd combination and noticed she seemed to be a little… awkward, she had dark memories about how she was newly turned and how the changes were forcing your entire body and mind to change. “Welcome to the Eye, Room 4 is free, if you're ssstaying I can put you in a bigger room, 5 or 7 if you need accommodations together, or roomsss next door. Tails take some getting used to, at least yours is smaller than mine.”

Sya tail copied her wave and gesture to the stairs and where to head upstairs. “My room isss on the third floor, it's hard but I'm available If you want to talk. I was alone and had to learn everything the hard way. Hopefully I can help you adapt faster than I did.” Sya directed quietly at the Two sisters particularly the new blightborn. “My names Ssssya Leela. Im not a Monster, just a little more Lamia right now." She tried to be kind and maybe set a better example of what a Blightborn was and could be better than a monster people claimed.

Then another customer, Sya was busy…and why are there so many religious types.. at once? Seriously, how many did Dawn Haven have nowadays? The one who seemed to be so different to her normal view of the moon Goddess faithful.

“Feel free, we have regular hot meals, wines, Beers and Sshine available.” Sya replied to the moon Priestess who seemed to have a sweet tooth? Hopefully she had plenty of gold. The accommodation was unexpected to be needed but she could always be an odd one or the Temple be unready for her, so it never hurt to try.

“Least the doors not destroyed by a rescue, and then a stand off.” Sya said and agreed with her comment, the Inn was never fully dull.

She looked back at the door, inside was rapidly becoming a lively and rather busy evening but spotted a taller brown haired man hanging further back out of the way. Maybe he was naturally more cautious than the others but that was normal, she could understand such things. She had to exercise for too long. He looked dressed as a … Auralian she guessed and his expression said it all when he headed into the warmth of the large fire merrily burning at the inn's centre.

“Welcome, welcome, Things are a little lively this morning due to the feast, but we are the best Inn in town. Rooms, meals, drinks, bakery and shine of Sssselene.” Sya waved and slithered her way out to be seen past the people, best, and only Inn in the town but who was to be picky like that.

“Food isss free, The Prince commissioned a feast for all, If you need a room or a drink, I'm the keeper of the Eye of Beholder.” Sya made a dramatic wave at her Inn and coiled her tail so it would not be a trip jazzed, something she was going to have to remember as almost 15 feet of tail moved about her. “These are some of our … notable priests, royal staffers and more intriguing local characters.” Sya aimed the last at a certain Gardener for his brand of annoying intrigue was oddly compelling however much he gave the Lamia headaches.


Daphne felt an odd feeling when she shook her head, her head felt fuzzy and she had not had a drink. The feeling was stronger as the woman with the tail came in and not all liked the effect or seemingly lack of they felt around Sya.. or she might be more cunning about it. Daphne did not discount her survival as nothing but having a ruthless and cunning streak under that seeming calm nature. “Anyone feels a little light headed… anyone got a drink, strong damn one.” Daphne asked as she leant her weight against a column as the wave she felt passed,

“wait. A Lunaris Priest? Right? You mind if I call my Lord and lady over, they have a matter they need your aid with. Good matters, they would like a Temple Marriage.” Daphne said as she closed her eyes to let the sensation pass, the amazonian woman shuddered a second before she broke the spell on her. Note to self, do not ever underestimate even the most non threatening about this damn town.


“Oi old man” Coswain called over to his friend and laughed as he got a punch on the shoulder for it that stung from the stocky one eyed Lunarian. “Word from above, get a stockade up, if that guy acts up, we can detain… just try to avoid breaking any bones.” He said with a grin and an idea hit.

“Next to pigs down from the latrine block…make it…nice… oh.. chains . A table … water supply… cloth.. Rope... a few whips and maybe a nice set round stone balls...” Persephone said with a grin that would scare most men but they had known her too long.

“Remind me not to piss you off… One special stockade, il even add a pillory and a nice hard wood st andrews cross.” Hector said with a dark laugh, he knew she baked cookies but … Don't cross her, she was a Throne Agent. Prepared for everything from Drunken antics to treason!

“Just make it extra special just in case we get a special guest.” Adonis said with a shake of his head. For show he hoped...no one would be such that they needed to break out the... stone balls... would certainly make some good theatre to keep the theft rate down though. Scare the hell out of them before they get any ideas.

"Seph...you do know we hope not to use that right... just scare them into compliance. He added to confirm.

"Of course Honey, besides... some of the people here might even enjoy it..." Persephone said without stuttering as they men decided to end the topic. Adonis Coswain Loved her but damn did she scare him sometimes, even when he spent 20 years next to her.

@SpicyMeatball@Queen Arya@Qia@Dezuel@The Muse@Echotech71

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

Snakey times!

Sya swayed slightly as she stood looking around and turned at the waist finding the range of movement strange. She had yet to fully explore her range of motion but it was much larger than before and she had a lot to learn.

The trade was really beginning to pick up and Sya was glad the gold was flowing again. A new customer was coming and seemed to be a woman, blonde, and clad in heavier Lunarian garments if she was to guess from visual appearance. They always had better winter wear than any of the Auralians on average and seemed much better prepared for the deep cold.

Expecting disgust, fear or some distrust, her comment completely took Sya for a pause and she blinked her eye and swayed a second before she waved with hand and tail before she thought and tried to answer. She had no response to someone who was acting the complete opposite to the normal reaction to a blightborn. “I am the Owner of the Inn. My name is Ssssya, The Prince assisted the Event and deserves thanks.” Sya said and blushed, she was entirely unprepared for this. This woman caught her off guard, she was more prepared for the peacock noble than this.

“You're in luck Catherine, this Is our bakery opening morning, as well as our first batch of Sssshine of Selene from my homeland. It's a rather potent though. If you need accommodation we have a number of rooms, they are a little more basic now but we just expanded heavily.” Sya gestured to her table of baked items, alcohol and beer tankards. Sya was still trying to process the whole comment, like how she even reply to that?

“Umm…thankyou miss Catherine, Please enjoy a Ssssample of our new ventures wares and our hospitality.” Sya said with a blush as her blue shiny tail gave a wiggle and made itself known as Sya reacted to it on instinct. People did not normally treat blight born like that, especially ones who were more monstrous like herself had become.

Sya made a nervous flick of her long dark braid and the found blue dress she was wearing, with a coat draping over part of her tail to keep the snow and wet off.

Priestesses were meant to be… less kind to her kin, especially one of the moon Goddess, the Lunarians held no love for the blightborn. They would rather kill that talk to one like her if she was in Lunaris controlled lands.

Sya was just unsure how to take this newcomer. She had blindsided her expectations.

Banned because your pfp is too cute
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