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Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Banned. For escaping spirit Halloween with another shopping cart of items.
Banned..your too early. It's not time for haunting yet, wait till the 31st.

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

Snakey times!

Eris Rejection hurt Sya a lot more than she wanted to admit, her tail slunk back and wrapped closer to her and her eye could not hide the hurt she felt. Eris had been someone who she had got to know and looked forward to visiting the Inn and she had backed away and treated her like a monster… The impact and weight of the last week was weighing on her and though a somewhat blurry eye she saw the Prince and Princess approach, dressed smartly as ever and looking confident as he always did.

The puppet show, she turned to Gadez but Eris had taken the heart utterly out of her flirting. Sya might be seen as a monster by some but she had a very human heart that could be hurt. “I…. Don,t be a stranger, Even if I'm changed, i still hurt.” Sya said exposing more of her own fears than she wanted to, Sya needed to get some space to calm down before she hurt someone by mistake that would hurt her even more. “Eat, don't drop dead, like you, keep warm.” Sya said a little snappier and more larconic than Planned, but gestured to tables before she left.

Sya slithered over and grabbed one of the servings of moonshine one of her staff handed to her with a look of concern and downed it with a cough, as none had seen the Innkeeper like this and she tended to present a solid front to the customers and kept her game face on. For that to crack meant that something had impacted her harder than she could act like it did not.

Right now she needed space but also had her obligations to at least greet the Prince and show her thanks for the feast, she was here and only to have what she had thanks to his town and endeavour. She forced herself much as she was in a bad mental place to think and turned at her waist to pick up extra.

Forcing to pause she mentally braced self and then turned to slither, her tail somewhat sheepish and less confident than it was before. “My Prince, welcome, Please sample our new products, I must ... .compose myself.” Sya said most obviously shaken and lacking her normal confidence.

“Fresh baked, and distilled, our first batch made in dd dawn…haven. and a gii..gift to you and your Princesssds. I must…i apologissse and get some sssspace.” Sya managed to hand him one intended for each of them, a fresh hot cookie, a small sample of her potent shine and a genatinous cube jelly that was still warm from the ovens. Her hiss got worse and she knew her emotions where running high.

Sya turned and slithered inside grabbing a bottle of wine and turning back out into the muddy and slushy road to the Temple deciding that the hot springs might be a quiet place where she might find a place of quiet contemplation. Leaving a clear line cut though the mush and snowy residue of the blizzard, Sya found no challenge to her progress and grip as she moved on her new limb with a determination to in her direction of travel. Maybe her changes had a few small upsides even if she drew looks and others comment.

Sya paused, seeing an attractive woman, an Auralan by her tan and having clothes…that definitely were not warm enough. “If you need any Ssservices please enquire at the Inn and you will be accomodated, I need to go, enjoy the feassst.” Sya said and could not manage more before she turned leaving in distress and headed to the hot springs. Sya needed some time to think.


Daphne watched the snake-like woman leave, at what she imagined to be a snake like version of an detriminned stride. Few stopped the woman who seemed to need her space and Daphne was just confused about how to approach the current understanding of the blightborns. She had no idea what the future would take.

She had a hot meal now, a drink and something to quench her needs, she was feeling better and the guard looked to check, things were currently under control and thankfully the man who called himself a lord never returned yet.

She stood holding her ale and leaving an empty bowl popping a jelly into her mouth, sugar was a luxury and something that was rather tempting. Business to attend to…
“mlord …Prince.. Highness” Daphne said with a small bow of her head and placed the drink on a table next to her. “I know.your busy but i must by duty report, an Marauees Raunefeldt, an self claimed noble claimed your favour, abused the keeper Mistress Leela and others, I have to say, Lord Coswain and your Captains have approved us to detain him should he repeat the act.

He is not adapted well to Dawnhaven I must honestly Report. He also insulted my Lord Coswain and his wife, myself and others. Please forgive, but… I cannot stand dishonourable conduct.

On Less urgent news...Dawn Haven may have a wedding.”
Daphne finished and the tall Lunarian woman gulped, not used to dealing with royalty.

Daphne waited to be dismissed and did not notice Nyla as such, too intent on the Prince and trying to deal with the events. He was a Lord. Maybe the Prince would make ground Lords did not. She did mention a comment about the Lunaris queen would strike deeper than he would want to enrage the veteran officer, skilled magical and non magical duelist, hopefully that would not come.

She hoped she had not gone too far but she also could not stand by and let him act like that, much as all were Prince's subjects and due his protection, as they were loyal to him.

Sya route took her through the quieter side streets as she reached the Temple in good time realising she had effectively one much larger foot in a sense meaning she felt no issue pushing through snow, the muscles of her new limb generating more power than she ever had. Her vision merged to thermal in the darkness, she saw the blue tones almost by instinct and the light of the springs in energy and visual light. This was seriously freaky but she was too upset to force her vision to a single perspective.

She did not even realise she had reached the Temple, too distracted before she was pulling her coat off and fumbling with the unfamiliar Auralian style of dress she had worn.

A few minutes after that, she had left her clothes in a mostly neat pile, tunnel visioned she felt rough stone, wet and warm under her, hot moisture on her skin, and then water as her weight and full length of tail eased into water, finally letting herself cry as she drank some of the wine she had, her tail moving with the soft currents the heat created and glittering wet and shiny like a 1000 blight blue stars in the permanent moonlight. Her tears flowed and she let the whole trauma she had faced out of its tight box.

Even a Blightborn had a heart and they could oy take so much.

[@Dezuel@The Muse@c3p-0h@Queen Arya

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

Snakey times!

Sya hered Eris and noticed a familar woman come close and seemed bundled up for the cold, Eris had been nice and a friend to Sya and appreciated how she was treated unlike a blightborn but a person. “Erisssss, it seems my luck took A tail for the worse, come try my new cookies…they're fresh.” Sya said and waved though she could not lie, her reaction hurt Sya, she was not a monster, she still was Sya just a little more scaly. “Eris, do you…watch out… you..”

Then all went somewhat off track, Eris ran into a man, fell over and ended up on the ground. Sya moved to help Eris directly and was redirected.

Things got a little crazy for Sya but she did not back down when Galdiz got a little closer and seemed to have no fear about the newly changed woman. Sya was not afraid but was surprised how bold he was to a blightborn especially given how she no longer even could bend in as a normal human.

Sya was too slow to stop him and felt his hand touch her chest and she had yet to master moving backwards, forward, turning but a full reverse was not yet in her skills. She let him as moving would risk her balance as moving too far to her waist, unsure what her centre of gravity exactly was. She just nudged his arm away after she managed to steady herself and regain control. His comment definitely had a hint of potential innuendo, the man anything but shy.

“Still me, I can still slap you, but you might like it too much.” Sya chose to reply, biting back a little though her expression was lighter and enjoying herself. Scale down… Sya had to admit that was bad but damnit of she did not chuckle at her own expense, oddly enough this stupid man was making her feel better about herself more than being sad about it, or saying she would be OK.

“Who knows, perhaps we can use you as the boothee for once, raise some money for the Dawn Haven town clock. Time for a kiss, a kisssss for all time. Kiss and time is told.” Sya said with a little bit of a challenge but also a fun tone. Who was it to say only the blightborn could be the teased one. The pun was awful but she had someone to play with.

Sya was not sure if he was flirting, being vexing, Being genuinely curious or a number of other things, the man was hard to predict and she guessed he had layers like an onion that he kept hidden. He seemed to be a casual wanderer, a man who teased and had fun, then had serious moments, had times when he did several things… She had to guess he had more about him and more he kept hidden than he revealed.

Sya prior inability to easily back up right now meant she could not stop him getting closer and she softly batted his hand away from her chin, not too hard she redirected him off without making it a major problem for now. He seemed to be the touchy type, maybe he did want to end up In her lair… Sya was not the type to feed off such energy but was a young woman who did like someone to cuddle at night and wrap up close to her.

What did she even want? Who knew at this stage, she would just roll.. slither with it and go from there. The breath on her neck distracted Sya and brought back thoughts that she did not, or could not act on right now, pausing, Sya counted to 10 first.

“I quite like the view, the cool breeze and I can see things coming, it feels sssafe, and I can relax in peace.

Hmm.. be careful what you wish for, I think you mean it and entrap the hero. You might even like it, slowly wrapping you close, teassessing you and keeping you pressssed against me till morning, coiled and coupled. Maybe Ssssleep.”
Sya said softly and the last part she kept so only he or someone very close matching his mischief and his attempts to make her blush. He had made her rather distracted though… He had won there and she blushed in her own attempt to match his energy and sent way too many ideas that made her feel hot and not just the fires. Sya's brain went places and she clamped down before she wondered if he took off his shirt to help the woman and how it was likely not a bad view. Bad Sya… too Horny. She got some and wanted more… but she needed to behave and not act like a Feral succubus. She was a respected Business owner, not a tavern worker paid by the copper. Think of writing boring letter about the nobleman...think of that... concentrate on that..

“You'd have to find out”.As he backed off she returned to her more formal tone and shook her head at the comment. “I'll charge you extra if you like. And il take 15% on your show." Sya said more publicly and crossed her arms under her breasts and swayed slightly as she stood which somewhat ruined the impact and started laughing as lightly as she leant down abit to find her balance and adjusted. He turned away from Sya and she had a chance to think and calm her mind, why did she like him but find him so annoying, the man kept her challenged but oh did he vex her to want to slap him too. People where a mystery greater than the blight ever could be.

The gap let her look about and check out the room around her, it was busy, lively and she saw service was flowing nicely.

As she waited a material flew by and she felt a warm…hand grab her tail, she felt pressure on her limb, scales were sensitive and giggled slightly as ticklish sensitive scales at tip of her tail where squeezed and warmth touched them. It was slightly phallic she had to admit, and her random wander came cut short.

A short sharper pressure on her tail made her jump slightly and the pressure, hard enough to notice but not to hurt… That definitely was not tickling, that was…alot more sensual aimed… it was…

Sya gave him a glare but also a surprised look as she did not expect him to grab her tail, most seemed to be doing best to stay out of the way of it. Was he teasing her or trying to really end up wrapped up in her bed? Did a normal person find Sya attractive even If she had a tail… Sya's brain was a muddled mess, and being seemingly hit on after turning into a monster than many would flee from was surreal…

Sya reply was not verbal but she felt his hand break its grip and before the coat was free, swatted his bum with her tail in a fast movement few would be able to catch. Not too hard but enough for him to notice and brush her tail past him, pulling it in again as she moved away, flicking him softly as the tip passed. Sya found the control came too naturally due to the blight changing her mind or something. She wanted him to notice but not hurt him and hope she calculated right.

Keeping a straight face somehow, Sya was not sure how she managed It and concern for her friend won out heading over and reaching her moving faster than she thought she could. “Eris. easy. I'm a friend, your friend, just a little longer. Thankyou for Helping her Sage” she directed at a man who introduced himself as another court sage.

“Room 4 is free, no onesss in right now” Sya said with an agreement and gestured her tail to point to the stairs. “I can bring you all Sssomthing. People leave things behind, and I…have sssome things I cannot wear that they can use.”she sighed and nodded, he made sense and seemed to be helping now. “Also, eat, you need energy boost. Get clossse to the warm fire.” Sya handed out a rack of fresh cookies, the sugar providing a short term energy boost for the cold women. Sya voice gave away her concern as she knew cold could make people ill and healing magic was a luxury.

“Thankyou kindly, welcome to the Inn, If you need accommodations , please ask ask, we have single, double rooms free, and enjoy the feassst” The best room she gave to the Coswain couple, Becky had a better room to make up for Helping with bakery, and she had spread others out now they had the space. “Welcome to Dawn Haven, life is never boring.” She said and thought this was another day in town.

Daphne watched the chaos happen, waves of chaos as people crashed in and the man who seemed to have a rapport with the blightborn owner of the Inn. Not sure what was up with them but she seemed to have it in hand and likely could knock him to the floor in a second if she chose. That tail was thick as a heavy man's leg even not at her waist.

The tall Amazonian woman kneeled and tried to move to not get a sword in the way. “Trouble outside? Do I have to chain someone up and let people throw snowballs at them?” Daphne cheerfully said now the situation was under control and the owner was very much able to handle it even if she slithered. The tall man who annoyed people also seemed to have the right idea and the sage.

“You all good? Can i get some food now the Peacocks are gone and help arrived. Woman needs to eat and a ale.” Daphne asked around and looked to check no one was hurt, fighting or Bickering over who got to the wine.

Sya turned her head, and body, this was stronger to get used to and oddly she was fine despite her old brain saying to stop, it would hurt or hit a limit. She did not this time and glanced back to Elara, the woman seemed to enjoy her baked goods, good. They seemed to have got them right. “Enjoy, So the Knoll Roll bakery see you regularly then. Should i start a loyalty card for you Elara. You might be a regular.” Sya could see without need of words that they went down well. Sya teased a little, her previous mood and interaction colouring her thoughts and she rested lightly at the sage with a hint of mischief.

“Thank you, Please sate your hunger. Its under control. Il help my friend bessst i can and the others as issss my responsibility.” Sya said more formally to the guard and had a small smile of a moment, she had made her blink a second as the blightborn acted entirely like a normal business owner for the most part. Maybe she had surprised her worldview a little, even if Sya was… a little quirky to say the least.

She still could not avoid the hiss on the s, her mind was rather much confused and try as she might the tick stuck. Her tail however did cause her a certain perspective shift that she could end up 12 or 15 feet across a room and still be her body… It was a little hard to mentally process.


Sya nodded to the woman, she didn't recognize her but Sya had one hell of a week and isolated herself away during the blizzard. She knew someone arrived and was told but just said to get them a room and went back to learning how to slither… and stand up…

She nodded and directed the woman upstairs. “Stairs, take a left, room 4 is near the second left.” Sya kept it simple and watched Her vanish off Into upper floor. “That's fine. If you need a hot meal, drink, sweet treat, remember the Eye., The Feast? Oh that's a chance to get back together, to raise spirits after the Blizzard and bring the community together more. The Prince was kind enough to do so. He tries his best.” Sya said, she understood it as that much anyways… Sya was out of the loop somewhat and the staff had organised the bulk of it. She was indisposed. Sya was last to judge having had one hell of a breakdown the past week.

Dressed in fresh clothes and somewhat more put together again Sya saw the sister with horns and tail return, not quite a priestess robe but they looked better, warm, dry and clean. “Yes, there is … a lady named Tia…quiet lady, keeps herself to herself mostly. Umm… I use the baths, but the temple… I'm not sure what the gods wanted with me.” Sya said honestly and softened her voice, the memories of her time alone and such in the world did not give her the best feeling around temples.

Her tail had a slight swish as she tried to put her thoughts into words, Sya was not sure what made her this way, but all In, it could have been far worse.

She however did not have dislike for the priestess, She was doing her job same as any other. And as a Fellow Blightborn she could have sympathy for her. “Temple is hard to miss, just look for the steam.” Sya said, the baths' natural hot spring gave off a light steam as the cold air and hot water interacted.


Sya noted the other priestess, a priestess, a Paladin, and more, there was a time a short time ago she would have hid and been gone from such a place as fast as she was able. This time she felt more in control, more able and more free to stand on her own…tail.. one tail. She had to change that wording on her head. Damnit. One more thing to worry about. Grammar…

She turned to leave, guessing a priestess would seek out a temple, to find out what it's like and if she needed to seek other accommodations, food or that kind of thing. Or just wanted to have a quiet Moment after a long trip. Sya waved, her tail moving from behind to join her hand without her thought, she was not even going to ask how she knew how to do that…

“If you need any ssservices we provide, the Eye is always welcome to you. Or for hire. Food, beds, alcohol or just a hot meal.”

Sseeee you i hope.
Sya said with a grin, if they needed catering, or something she could provide,for a few naturally. Not every feast was free, the Prince helped pay for this one and arrange it. It had to come from somewhere.

The past burst of activity had her mind racing and she tried to calm her thoughts, her eye and tail were too damn expressive now so she had to try to calm down or everyone would read her like a book. By slow breathing she calmed her self before she turned back to Eris. Her tails tip peeking from behind her almost nervously like a child playing hide and seek.

"Erissss. Eris. I keep spare clothes besr the stairs to my floor. Room 4 should be free, you need to get dry and Sssafely warm. We can get you a hot meal and more cookies after." Sya had no such fear but Eris was not Sya. Sya would make sure her friend was warm and fed, maybe...slightly against her will if needed to make sure she was safe. She valued the people who she got to know here.


Daphne went her way to get a hot meal and would directed her boss and lady over to the Tenple once she had eaten, they would get their wedding and who knows it might be a fun event.

They had precious little to celebrate in past few years so a wedding sounded like a excellent idea overall, maybe selfish but she thought that showing normal life carried on would be reassuring to people. Lunaris could be a grim place at the best of times, so maybe a slightly Auralian solution might just be needed. She did not know but onenof reasons for her selection to Royal guard and this role was her ability to think outside the box. She did not always fit in the Capital, it's strict codes, the ever present looming presence of the Royal house. For their Loyalty she was not blind to the faults of her homeland.

2904 worlds later. 4 edits, and Sneeky flirty Sya is free.

@SpicyMeatball@Dezuel@Qia@Echotech71@The Muse
Banned. Because only you can stop forest fires
Banned for suggesting we get on with Uncle Nurgle.

Everyone comes home with a cold or a bad stomach after his barbecue.
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