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Those aren't laces. Those are my toe nails.
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I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I wanna be a cowboy, baby
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hey :)

hey derg!

we rebooted the rp! you're welcome to return
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time:Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Hall

"Let the dances begin! Follow the magic!" A voice bellowed through the ballroom.

Risa looked down at the paper she had just recently been handed as it started to glow and Risa felt it tug her body forward. Before it could begin to contort into shape, she saw something fluttering about in the corner of her eye. Glancing up she saw a little paper butterfly and she smiled, her eyes lowering to find a faun in front of her. He greeted her but did not exchange eye contact. It eventually landed on her hair.

"I think that means we will share a dance."

The charming curly-haired boy was young, perhaps even a few years younger than Risa, and well-dressed in silk and lovely green and peach colors. He had a sweet and shy demeanor. Risa considered him to probably be unlikely to be involved in the mess; it would be extremely unfortunate if so. The plan had been to find some allies, but if this was her dance partner, she was extremely hesitant to drag an innocent teen faun into the battle.

She glanced backward over her shoulder. Elsea and Kyran had indeed entered after. Elsea looked absolutely stunning and Kyran looked very handsome. She had not seen him dressed so nicely before and it made her heart race. They were being approached by partners to dance with as well so she turned back to Ilan, still blushing a little from her glance towards Kyran. She'd dance with this boy in the mean time but she felt it was only right to give him fair warning of the situation. "Hello there sweet faun." She gently greeted him with a polite curtsy, "My name is Risa. You may have heard of my name earlier today. I would be honored to have a dance with you, but if you are reluctant to associate with the infamy of my name, I will not be hurt if you choose to decline."

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time:Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Hall

There was no grand entrance, nor announcement as Risa made her way into the room with natural poise and elegance. Once eyes were set on her, they lingered. The sparkles and jewels on her gown and in her headpiece shimmered under the chandelier lights. The dress, similar to the clothes of the man who had just finished up announcing from the balcony as she entered, was clearly more expensive than the norm and extremely intricate in design and the sleeves were translucent and off the shoulder, also shimmering a bit in the light. Even her mask seemed to have expensive jewels. In other words, it was old money. This type of clothing was exclusively worn by the royals of the past.

"Queen Camellia?" Hushed whispers of the elder fairies and even that of other species came over the room. She could almost catch her own name being thrown into the mix of their gossip. Risa knew that showing up in the dress of her grandmother in the city where the guards wanted her head was a bold and reckless move. There was fear she couldn't quite shake no matter how determined she was, causing her to grip her skirt to try to hide her trembling hands. She refused to let it show. There was no need for her to hide no longer. That dark elf had been so keen on forcing her right into the center of the mess so here she'd be. They would not usher her into hiding any longer. It was her blood they feared so she'd wear it on the outside of her skin.

Risa had not expected to garner as much attention as she did and decided to embrace it with a simple smile. A few continued staring and whispering, but most continued with their own business. She turned around to look for Kyran and Elsea, who would have entered not long after her.

Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Hall

”Well what is a handsome man like yourself doing standing here all alone? Perhaps you’d care for some company?”

A smile crossed Malachi's face at the voice and he turned to stare. Kenia had certainly chosen a dress that stood out. The golden wrap that came along with it was rather lovely but he found himself unable to pay too much attention to her attire but rather found his eyes traveling to her face. He had barely noticed Corvina hugging him enough to retort at her for doing so, hugging her back. It crossed his mind to make sure his mouth wasn't gaping open, which it was a little, and simply took her hand and kissed the back of her palm in greeting.

"I'm glad to see you two safe. Remember the objective for tonight and try not to get too caught up in everything." He told them. He paused as to listen to the well-dressed man speaking from the balcony. His words were about the dumb dancing arrangements that were set up beginning in twenty minutes. What really mattered was his strangely expensive clothing. Who was this man? He stared at him skeptically, looking him up and down for a moment before glancing back at the two girls "Alright ladies. Go pick up a slip from those folk with the bowls. This will be our chance to possibly find some... "He drew off as he spoke to them in a hushed voice. "Friends. Try to avoid that idiot governor if possible."

Malachi glanced back toward the room to see everyone staring at the entrance. He too glanced in the direction to see a familiar head of pink in a captivating gown that brought back memories buried deep in his old mind. Fairies had been as obnoxious as elves when it came to the royal ball attire, especially in the ancient days. A rush of whispering and talking overcame the crowd. "What is she doing..." He muttered.

How the dress of the last fairy queen had lasted after all these years was beyond him, but more importantly, why hadn't Risa worn something more inconspicuous? Why was she being so upfront? The girl had seemed young and ignorant to a point, but not this foolish. There had to be some sort of plan. She was lucky that absolutely no magic could be used in this ballroom. It was also customary that all violence never be a thing in events of this sort. The fairy girl had an angle.
<Snipped quote by princess>

Now working on a CS for a Vampire and clan of good alignment.

Edit: Sorry, I accidentally posted on the CS tab.

It's okay you can edit that post and put your cs there later when its accepted

You can move her to the character tab! Great job!
I'm interested. Leaning towards creating a werewolf pack or a vampire clan of good alignment. Will work on a CS soon.

Great! Thanks for helping out :D
What's needed:

- Vampire Clan of good alignment
Perhaps one that helps newly bitten vampires or is interested in peace with humans or with interest to survive

- Witches

- Werewolves

- Vampires

Accepted! Great job. Put him in the character tab

Hello! We are rebooting a roleplay because we lost a lot of folks. It is essentially about a town plagued with supernatural creatures including vampires, werewolves, and witches. They plague the world and some wish to even dominate it while the militant forces of the country try to halt their efforts.

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