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I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Reserved for character display
Charlotte & Leo

Part 2

Charlotte set down the book, her smile faltering as her expression grew serious. “...I heard about that party today from Count Fritz… Who I do believe is still here and might be trying to wrangle a rooster upstairs… Don’t ask about the rooster... But I can explain Count Fritz at least... “She said lowly with a sigh. There was a pause before she spoke again as she helped herself to some garlic bread to try to buy time to properly word it all in her head first.

“Lorenzo disappeared after the ball last night, carriage and all… After getting essentially threatened by Count Calbert, which is a whole other story, I ran into Count Fritz and he walked me home. Then, we searched everywhere for Lorenzo, including both my house and nearby establishments... We ended up spending half the night looking for him only for him to show up in the garden this morning. I was certain that I looked for him there, but I suppose I could be wrong… Still. ” She cut a piece of her garlic bread neatly with a fork and knife, assuming he probably needed a moment to digest all that nonsense.

Leo raised an eyebrow at the mention of Count Fritz being somewhere upstairs trying to catch a rooster, weird, instead of eating, extra weird, but he didn’t interrupt. “Count Damien threatened you?” Leo repeated the statement a bit in shock, almost needing to hear it said out loud again to believe it was true. “I would’ve never expected such a dishonorable act from the Count. Why is the obvious question.” He shook his head and made a note to keep an eye on the Count.

“Apparently, he wants me to keep Lorenzo away from everyone…” She had replied a bit bitterly, “He’s always been a massive asshole. He’s all an act. ”

He thought about the rumors of Lorenzo being known drunkard, and if maybe the Duke had simply gone out on a bender. But he didn’t say that. It wasn’t his place and his next thought was to wonder if Lorenzo’s disappearance was related to the party. Weird occurrences happening at about the same time, it didn’t seem a stretch to think they could be. “Did Lorenzo remember, umm, falling asleep, in the garden?” He half asked, half just wondered out loud. “I don’t think you’d have forgotten to check the garden when searching for a man so fond of plants. So maybe he was dropped off while you were elsewhere.”

”Maybe so… I don’t know what to think of that.”

She proceeded to take a book that had been on a nearby seat as she was chewing. Charlotte opened it to an empty page. “Would you mind telling me what you do remember leading up to the party? …I’d also like to make a list of all who went…” She clicked her pen. “ My thought here is that perhaps each of you remember bits and pieces that could be put together to solve the puzzle. “

Leo began with what he could remember from last night. The invitations personally handed out by masked individuals, Princess Anastasia rounding everyone up, and the carriage ride to a shoddy old warehouse. He named everyone in the carriage, including Kazu who they’d picked up, already inebriated, along the way. He also went over the lecture from this morning, that Kazu was not there, and mentioned Farim being there even though he had not been in the carriage.

He presented all the strange occurrences as objectively as he could. He was unconcerned when mentioning the near execution of the stable hand, but he was clearly concerned when he got to how both Ana and Callum knew who hosted that party and refused to speak. Occasionally he paused to eat and allow Lottie to ask any further questions about the details.

“What I can say for sure was this was not some drunken blackout. We were all, almost certainly, drugged. Several people, including both Danrose children, suffered terrible aftereffects, and Zarai appeared to have been beaten. Ana and Callum protected whoever did this over guests in their country, and over people they claim are friends. They are reckless at best, and should not be trusted.” He laid out his main concern, his voice dropping to a hushed tone when he mentioned any Danrose.

Charlotte had silently written everything down. She also made a note to start a list of attendees. “Not surprised. Those two have been getting into trouble since the dawn of time…I have to suppose best case scenario as you said they’re reckless and feel they must feel that the host isn’t to blame.” She pursed her lips thoughtfully. Her eyes narrowed and she then tapped her pen on Ana and Callum’s names. “If we go off that possible route and given what we know, the younger Danroses must know something… And if they don’t know something, they are going to. They’ll certainly go to check on their friend if they’re that concerned for him.”

Leo nodded, it sounded like they were on the same page there and that eased much of his concerns. Speaking ill of any member of the royal family was a dangerous activity in Caesonia. “We’ll have to be careful. I’m certain the rest of the royal family has the same suspicion. Best to keep our investigations under their radar. Kazu is another suspicious character. There’s quite a bit just off about him, and he’s consistently involved or around trouble.”

“Right, Kazumin…” Charlotte was thoughtful for a moment, ” …From what I gathered, he’s an open book at the least so he’ll be someone we should talk to.”

She then decided to return to the initial subject to finish her thought, ” Well, maybe we can follow the younger two Danroses and see if either of them lead us to the host… Though that could be dangerous. I don’t know the extent of what’s happening. ” Charlotte ended her words with a sigh. She began to draw a line through the list of names as she listened to Leo speak again.

“I agree following the Danrose’s could be very valuable. So long as we are extremely cautious. Whatever is going on, does feel very dangerous. Earlier today, Mina fainted at the execution, and had it been just about anyone else I could believe it was heat or stress but Mina has a far stronger constitution than that. I could be wrong but it felt off, another strange occurrence to keep in mind. There’s too much happening for it to all be one big coincidence.” Leo paused long enough to help himself to the garlic bread, which was absolute perfection, before continuing. “And while this is upsetting rather than strange, Prince Felix has broken his engagement with Thea. I’m not sure what’s going on with our royals these days but it seems conducting oneself with honor has fallen by the wayside.” Leo remarked with a head shake.

“ Is Mina okay?” Charlotte asked with genuine concern etching her voice. She frowned. She quite liked Mina and especially owed her one after she had come to her aid at the ball. As she considered the subject of Thea, she let out a deep breath. “ Yes, that was another subject I wanted to talk to you about. She came to me distraught today and showed me the letter he wrote her. It was utterly vile of him to talk to her that way and I can’t wait to give him my opinion…” A rare bit of anger slipped into her tone. “Though I think I was able to bring her into better spirits, but…” She rose her head from the book to meet his eyes, “I’m still worried about her.“

“Felix ended things with my sister in a letter?” Leo asked, jaw clenching and his ears turning red at hearing that. He took a breath and shook his head again. “Thea is convinced he did so because her emotions frightened him off. But it is as you said, Felix is simply vile. I think the only thing that will lessen this wound is time. She’s already dealing with more than she should, and I hope a summer around friends like you will lift her spirits. I’m not sure what else to do besides give her the space to grieve and be there when needed.” Leo added, and he was thankful that Lottie was here for Thea as well.

“And Mina seemed alright, afterward she went with John, just to be sure, and there is no finer doctor.” Though he’d never admit it to John, Leo was thankful that the doctor helped look out for Thea as well.

Charlotte nodded, taking his words in. She then asked after a hesitation, “And how are you doing? … Are you okay after last night and … I guess everything in general. I hope you didn’t get hurt. ”

“Last night was not so bad for me, though whenever I try to remember anything about that party I get a terrible headache. Nothing serious. Beyond that, less okay, I guess. Living in a void with no answers for why he’s not here.” Leo didn’t feel a need to say outright who he meant, most of the time it was too painful to say it all aloud. To have to hear it from his own voice. “And I think knowing would help but it would make it all so permanent. So maybe I don’t entirely want that either.” Leo offered only what he could about his father’s absence with shrug, there wasn’t much to say and there was even less that he knew.

Charlotte's frown deepened at his words. She wanted to choose her words carefully, knowing the weight they carried. "It's strange," she began, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and frustration. "How we both ended up in similar predicaments around the same time." She spoke softly, her fingers tapping rhythmically on the table, mirroring the emotions bubbling up inside her.

"I understand how you feel," she continued, her voice gaining strength. "Sometimes, I just want to move on, forget about her, like everyone keeps telling me to... Apparently, ‘my mother would want me to continue on.’" She shook her head, her fists clenched tightly. Finally, she leaned in, meeting Leo's eyes as she spoke.

"I don't want to pressure you to hold on to this just because I am. It's not my place," Charlotte said earnestly, "But I need to say this just once." She paused again, "...Your father could still be out there somewhere. Alive or dead, someone could have hurt him, and they might still be hurting him."

"...And it's not just about our parents…If someone hurt your father or my mother, they could hurt someone else too. And if you've noticed, nobody else is doing anything about it." She waved her hand dismissively, frustration evident on her face. "I'm sure this party crap will just get swept under the rug too… I'm tired of it, honestly."

Charlotte then slid the paper toward Leo across the table. The names had been split into two groups. “...Are you with me?”

“I don’t think moving on means you have to forget your mother. I think forgetting is the worst thing we can do, because then all of them is gone. But the searching, the obsessing, I can’t help but wonder if it’s selfish to put so much into something without results.” But it wasn’t just something he wondered about, it was something he knew. He couldn’t spend the rest of his life obsessing over this. It would drive him mad.

“I think most of my effort has to go into what is still here. To Thea, my mother, and Stravy. My father placed duty and honor above all else, and the best way to honor him is in that.” This Leo had full confidence in, but there was an uncrossable cavern between knowing this and accepting it.

“But I have this summer for what I want, and that is to still look for answers. Because you are right, if I can find whoever is responsible for stealing my father from me, I want to make them pay. I didn’t have help before, but I do now. So even if we never solve this one, we can work on what’s happening now, and protect who we still have left.” Leo offered and there was the faint sting of tears held back by stubborn eyes.

“It means a lot that I have your help now.” Leo held back that he had no real help because his mother was too busy planning a wedding and parading around a wretched replacement. That just about everyone else he knew thought it a waste of time and Thea, she didn’t need additional burdens. Instead he moved to the other side of the table and hugged Charlotte for being able to understand what it was to feel things that there were no words for, that couldn’t be properly explained to people who had not felt them. “Of course I’m with you.”

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Customize as you wish!

Wanna make an NPC you use here and there? Or maybe you want a side character that isn't within the main groups of heroes? Character-making addicts, rejoice! I've made you a shorter sheet. But remember, they should not be used as even close to as often as your mains.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Silver Amas- 1
Gold Amas- 10
Platinum Amas- 50

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

What if I told you a realm with all the fantasy creatures you've dreamed of exists?
What if I told you it was on our very planet but in a different dimension?

In a different dimension, Earth is a planet called Avalia. The land did not split in the exact same as in the story you know of Pangea. This world was a mesmerizing sight to behold, distinct from our own in appearance and essence. Magic pulsed through the very air, with the sun serving as its radiant source. Avalia's star was unlike any earthly sun; its luminous, pink hue bathed the sky in a delicate shade of blush. Across the planet, colossal mushrooms towering like trees and ancient trees touching the very skies adorned the landscapes. The forests were painted with vibrant hues, and the paths illuminated by the twinkling lights of pixies. Majestic castles perched atop mountain peaks and villages nestled in picturesque valleys, much like the fairytales you would imagine.

In the mystical world of Avalia, countless species thrived, beyond the wildest dreams of humankind. From enchanting fairies to fearsome orcs, the realm was a tapestry of magical creatures. Long ago, there existed only one elven race: the light elves. These humanoids, with their characteristic long, pointed ears, possessed the remarkable ability to manipulate light energy. Alas, not all were content with this power. Some of the light elves harbored malevolent personalities that brought about a fateful transformation. Their magic changed from pure, radiant light to a dark, corrupt force, and their physical appearance even changed as well. The light elves, horrified, branded them as evil and cast them out.

Over time, these outcasts, the dark elves, interbred and formed their own race, passing on their dark magic to their offspring, which would exist in their bodies independent of their personality. Despite the fact that not all of the dark elves had malevolent personalities, they were nonetheless subject to a negative reputation. Discrimination and mistrust shrouded their existence, isolating them from the rest of elven society and stoking resentment. They quickly grew tired of the cold northern lands they had been banished to and decided to attempt to subjugate other territories.

After many failed attempts in their desire for conquest, the Malthemoor Kingdom, home of the dark elves, became ever desperate and sought out an ancient power once only considered a myth. The Dark Dragon is a demigod being with overwhelming power. Unbeknownst to the other Avalian kingdoms, Malthemoor's king was able to build a bond with the Dark Dragon. The dragon bestowed the dark elves the upper hand they needed to strike Avalia with their newly attained might. Decades of pain and oppression followed to subjugate the other races to the will of the Malthemoor. The dark elves have been vengeful and unkind with their influence. They are able to have total influence over all Avalian governments and run things the way they see fit.

As the decades passed, a rebellious group began to form who followed their own myth: the five demigod dragons of each earthly element. The legend goes that they’ve hidden away after having distaste for both each other and lesser beings. It is also said that only a being able to tame their respective element can reach them in their sanctuary. However, even if they do, they will need to pass the dragon’s test to prove they are worthy of counsel.

Humans who are brought to Avalia hold the power to wield elemental magic, despite their banishment in the past. A prophecy states that humans who die in a manner involving the needed element may be able to wield it in Avalia if they are brought over at the moment of death. For example, a human being struck by lightning at that moment can be brought into Avalia and be able to manipulate it. Light elves have machines called dimensional rift opening machines, or DROMs for short. Magic can be channeled to use the machine to find exactly who they are looking for. Once these select humans are brought to Avalia, the rebels plan to split off into specific groups to train and prepare for the day when the humans can pass the dragon's tests.

★ Please only join if you are going to commit to at least posting weekly at times. If you are going to be absent for a long period of time, simply notify us. We are flexible as long as we have communication.
★ Please only join if you want, and have the time/energy to be involved in a long-term roleplay, meaning this could go on for years.
★ Posts must be at least a paragraph. This means five sentence minimum.
★ You must commit to being able to fully read the posts of others interacting with you. If someone else is speaking to your character, do not skim or ignore their actions. If you are tagged in a post, please read it.
★ Please uphold the rules of the casual roleplay section and put effort to have at least decent grammar and spelling.

Character Sheet
★ Two character maximum to start unless approved by GMs for more. We will assess as we go and give those who post fast consistently a third-character slot.
★ If you are unsure about something or need help formatting, please contact me.
★ If your character sheet is rejected, please consult me, FunnyGuy, or Alivefalling in the DMs. Do not start drama in the OOC. Please remain respectful of the GM's decisions.
★ Art/Anime pictures only.
★ We will not accept characters we deem to be godmoding or any characters that seem to be too perfect.

★ No drama will be tolerated.
★ Do not harass players, especially in the DMs. Do not allow it to happen to yourself or try to "troll" someone harassing you, as you are enabling the behavior to happen to others even if it doesn’t bother you. If a player does harass you, meaning you say no to certain behavior and they continue, please message the GMs.
★ Please be kind and respectful to everyone.
★ 18+ violence and mature themes may be implemented but outright smut must be taken to PMs or to the appropriate discord channel as this is RPGuild policy.
Discord is mandatory

DISCORD will be given out upon interest through PM.
Charlotte & Leo

Part 1

“Gilbert, you’ve outdone yourself!”

The dark-haired young woman stood at the threshold of the dining room, taking in the scene before her with an awestruck expression. The air was thick with the aroma of mouth-watering delicacies, causing her stomach to growl loudly with anticipation. Gilbert stood beside the table, a look of satisfaction etched onto his features as he surveyed his handiwork.

The table was a feast for the senses, with various vibrant colors and textures that begged to be explored. A dazzling array of vegetables, fruits, and meats had been carefully arranged in a symphony of hues, with the deep red of cherry tomatoes, the crisp green celery, and the bright orange of carrot sticks all vying for attention.

Then there were the cheeses, which were set on a board of varying flavors and textures, from the sharp tang of aged cheddar to the creamy richness of brie. Each variety was expertly paired with its own accompaniment, such as the sweet tang of apricot jam or the bite of pickled peppers.

A basket of artisanal crackers sat nearby, their crisp texture and subtle flavors providing the perfect counterpoint to the rich cheeses and meats. And then, there was the most important piece: a giant loaf of garlic bread that oozed with the irresistible scent of fresh herbs and warm, toasty bread.

Charlotte whirled on Gilbert and approached him with a huge smile, “Oh my gosh. Thank you!” She threw her arms around her chef in a hug. The chef remained stiff and did not return the hug. Though, he did blush a little out of view. “ How will I ever repay you for this? I hope you had some for yourself.”

“You pay me for my service, remember?” The blonde chef gruffly replied. Awkwardly, he patted her head. “Please enjoy, Lady Charlotte… and please try to remember to nourish yourself with healthy food instead of eating the entire loaf of bread.” It wasn’t long before he took his departure and Charlotte was left to await Lord Leo Smithwood’s arrival. She took in a deep breath and picked up her notebook that she had set down moments before.

Charlotte had hoped to have had more time to prepare more for today, but she supposed she at least had no shortage of new information to share.

Leo arrived at the Vikena estate at precisely three in the afternoon. Tardiness was the hallmark of the lazy and disorganized, but worst of all it was a sign of disrespect. Likewise, it would be rude to show up to another’s home empty-handed. So after collecting his winnings from the horse race, a brief walk through the shopping areas of town had solved the latter concern. A leather-bound book, filled with blank pages lined for music rather than prose, had been nicely gift-wrapped by the shopkeeper and tied with a soft blue ribbon bow. Elaborate and expensive suited most nobles, but Lottie had never seemed as materialistic as most, so a quiet and thoughtful gift seemed better suited than an excuse to show off wealth.

But Lottie had always had a sense of whimsy, which was exactly why there was a very fake, large and ridiculous mustache stuck upon his upper lip held on by only cheap, irritating, adhesive and a prayer. The hairs of the fake mustache tickled at his nose as he caught the scent of fresh bread and garlic already wafting out from inside the house. There was not a single restaurant in all of Caesonia that rivaled the food the Vikena’s offered their guests. There was comfort in knowing that some things had not changed. He gave a quick couple of knocks at the door and waited.

“Detective Smithwood reporting for a meeting with a Detective Vikena.” Leo addressed whomever opened the door in his most official voice.

The door creaked open to the view of Charlotte in a lacey dress she had on since the morning and her hair still tied back. Initially, she had seemed rather low-energy at first glance. As she took in the view of Leo, a big smile slowly crossed her face. She decided to echo his official voice. "Ah Detective Smithwood. At last! …Are you here to solve the case of the missing garlic bread, or perhaps you seek my expertise in uncovering the truth behind a scandalous cheese theft?" She quipped, raising an eyebrow in amusement. "Either way, I'm ready to assist you in your pursuit of justice... and carbs." She gestured for him to come in, ready to lead the way into the dining room.

Leo welcomed a weary-looking Charlotte with a bright smile, briefly wondering if her night had been as strange and exhausting as his own. But it would only be impolite to point out to a woman that she looked tired so he did not ask.

“Missing garlic bread, cheese theft? You speak of very serious crimes detective. We’d better solve the case quickly before we’re all left with nothing but cold porridge to eat.” He walked through the doorway before offering the wrapped gift he carried. “Didn’t see you at the horse race but I caught a good bit of Lorenzo. Your father had the crowd hanging on his every word, an incredible performance. And after seeing one Vikena so positively inspired I had to pick something up in the hope that it might inspire you as well.“ Leo’s free hand became more animated as he spoke carefully chosen words. After Lorenzo’s folly last night at the ball, and the rumors that infested the local papers, kind words about Lottie’s father seemed the right thing.

“ Oh wow ! For little old me? You shouldn’t have. “ Charlotte accepted the gift into her hands with a smile. Then she began to lead Leo to the dining room as she listened to him speak.

Charlotte was glad the horse race had gone smoothly. She hoped that would redeem some favor in the public view for Lorenzo. “ He really likes that sort of thing so I’m not too surprised. He’s quite beloved back in Veirmont. I wish I could have gone. Perhaps I would have considered entering if I had the energy. My horse Tempestes and I have always been a good team.”

Once in the dining room, she gestured toward the table with one hand with a friendly smile, “ The thief was me all along. ” A chair had already been pulled out for his convenience. She subsequently seated herself and went to work opening his present.

Leo followed Charlottle toward the source of the delightful smells that filled her home. As she revealed that she had been the dastardly garlic bread bandit all along, Leo dramatically acted out the part of a shocked detective. “Internal corruption of the highest order!” He ripped the, already close to falling off, fake moustache from his face and shook his head. “We cannot allow this crime to find its way into the papers. I fear we must consume the evidence in order to keep the good standing of this agency’s name.” He added solemnly as he placed the moustache into a pocket and took a seat.

For a moment Leo wasn’t sure what else to say; because he didn’t want to discuss his missing, probably dead, father. He didn’t want to unspool that string of unanswered questions and feel himself unraveling with it. There was no positive spin to find in there, only a void. Nor did he want to bring up her loss, because he knew how it felt to be reminded of all those unanswered questions.

So he looked at the feast, every detail of it, breathed in the collage of aromas, and found the wonder in it. A small feast with a very good friend was more than enough to make this day a good one. “A feast fit for a king, though I sincerely hope one does not show up, there are strange and unsettling things going on in Sorian. I wouldn’t want this conversation to find its way to the wrong ears.” Leo said, briefly scanning the room to be sure there were no prying ears of servants. He’d decided the mystery around last night’s party was far more appropriate and involved enough unsettling details to add to the urgency of figuring it out.

Charlotte's reaction to the sight of Detective Smithwood removing his great and powerful moustache was nothing short of dramatic. She gasped in horror, her hands flying up to cover her mouth in shock. The suddenness of the revelation seemed to hit her like a ton of bricks, and she urgently pleaded with Varian detective.

“Put it back! Put it back! Quickly, before someone sees you, Detective Smithwood!" she exclaimed urgently, her voice tinged with panic. Charlotte's initial serious demeanor had been impressive, but as the moment subsided, she found it increasingly difficult to keep a giggle restrained. She sucked her lips inward, determined not to give in to the impulse.

“I cannot. This moustache will have not to aid in the concealment of a crime.” He kept his tone and expression as serious, filled with conviction, as best he could while slapping the fake moustache onto the table. “These are noble hairs of the law and we have evidence to destroy.” He added before grabbing a slice of cheddar to eat.

Next, she turned her attention to the gift box that had been sitting beside her. Reaching inside, she pulled out a small book and flipped through the pages with a genuine smile on her face. She ran her fingers over a page with intrigue.

"Leo, this is lovely!" she exclaimed in delight. "I absolutely adore this. Thank you so much. I can't wait to write some songs in this little darling." Charlotte's enthusiasm was palpable, and she couldn't resist adding playfully, "Perhaps the great Detective Smithwood and Detective Vikena need a theme song."

“A theme song? I’d be delighted to hear that. It’d be a great way to celebrate once we solve at least one case. Speaking of, I’ve got new one to add, a strange underground party that left several, including myself, with unexplainable memory loss.” Leo said before biting into a cracker.

Time: 3pm
Location: Athletic Arena
Mentions: @Silverpaw Wulfric @Inertia Auguste @Rodiak Matthias @Blizz Lyra @Potter Layla

King Edin entered the Athletic Arena, trumpets blared in a grand fanfare. However, instead of being pleased by the music, he halted his entry with a scoff and threw his hands in the air.

"BAAH! Stop! I hate trumpets!" he cried in disdain, his voice echoing through the arena. He grumbled to himself as he made his way up to a sectioned-off area of the seating, which not only had a roof but also protective glass around it. This was King Edin's own little safety square, where he could watch the proceedings without any disturbances.

As he settled into his comfortable lounge chair, a beautiful woman appeared before him, presenting a cocktail to his mouth. With a satisfied smile, he took a sip and leaned back to enjoy the spectacle unfolding before him.

Meanwhile, the king's attention turned to the competitors. The first pair were women, so naturally, he lost a bit of interest in the actual sword fighting itself. The Alidasht princess was beautiful and quite interesting to watch. Meanwhile, the brunette against her was also intriguing the King with her amazing assets. He nodded in approval, chuckling in delight. "I love women." He informed his drink-holder.

The next battle was one of the two reasons he had come to this blasted event: to make sure his offspring didn't lose or present themselves as anything less than competent men. If a King couldn't win a sword fight against some no-name, then was he really worth his salt? Oh that's one of our knights. Well-skilled and maybe not the most embarrassing foe to lose to, but if you do, I still won't hesitate, Auguste. I won't have you embarrass me again. He had visibly cringed when Auguste had greeted the Lieutenant so kindly. No Auguste. Tell him to prepare for defeat!

The fight, surprisingly did not disappoint. Auguste performed rather remarkably and did not go easy at all on the man. A wicked smile stretched across the face when it became noticeable that the knight was perhaps even in fear of Auguste. "That's my boy."

He got up and gave his son a standing ovation as the crowd erupted in cheers. Some started to chant Auguste's name. "YES! That's my boooooy!!" He exclaimed, causing the crowd to become even louder.

It wasn't long before the next match began and this time, it was his successor, Wulfric. This battle would mean everything. He wondered if Wulfric quite understood the importance of displaying his dominance as King to his people, and possibly due to the visitors, to the Varian and Alidasht Kingdoms.

Damn. Captain of the royal guard!? I should have paid them to give my sons easier opponents. This Matty Lardson could do some damage. King Edin moved to the edge of his seat as he watched the battle begin. It seemed for most of the match that the two had seemed almost neck and neck. A sweat bead had dripped down Edin's forehead as he pondered if he should go find someone to pay off here and now. But in the end, Wulfric pulled it off. He let out a long sigh of relief and stood up once again, raising his fists in the air to cheer on his son with the crowd. "CHANT FOR HIM! That's your next King right there!!!"

Perhaps it had been good that his sons had been given worthy opponents. They had proved themselves as undefeatable victors that would soon rule all of Caesonia. Not even a pretty-faced knight from the Varian Kingdom could best the future King!
Ariella, Anastasia & Farim

Part 1

Location: Prince Callum’s Tavern
Time: 3pm

Farim initially started his journey to the arena before coming to the sobering realization that he had no idea where it might be. He stopped for a short moment to speak to a random citizen, asking if he knew where he could find the arena.

“Oh! It’s just passed the library and take a….oh what was it? A right? Ya I believe it’s a right! You can’t miss it! Just passed the tavern!”

Farim nodded and thanked the kind soul for the directions. Unbeknownst to either of them it was actually a left he was supposed to take at the library to head to the arena. Going right brought him back towards the magnificent castle housed by the Royal Family themselves. I did not think the King and Queen would want such strong displays so close to home. Maybe our nations aren’t so different! It was at this moment that he spotted a very familiar face standing outside a tavern, one he assumed was where he was meant to go.

“Oh! Is that the Princess I see? Hello, my friend! What a funny coincidence, eh?” He spoke slightly loudly, waving and approaching Anastasia after quickly stowing making sure the gift he bought earlier was well hidden.

Anastasia spun around on her heels, startled by the sudden appearance of Farim. The colors around her had seemed brighter as he had approached her. Despite her surprise, she couldn't help feeling thrilled to see him. With a wide smile, she approached him and gave him a warm hug without hesitation. "My wonderful Farim-shaped friend! I'm so glad to see you!" As she pulled away, her hands lingered on his forearms. "Are you heading into the tavern as well? You should join me!"

He chuckled at the idea of people being shaped as themselves, but thought it was still endearing to be addressed in such a way. “Well if it isn’t my Anastasia-shaped friend! I am happy to be seeing you! … Eh, funny you mention it. I was attempting to find this arena in your city where I hear a big competition is, but that was merely out of boredom. If you bring as much fun as our little adventure in the park, I can hardly say no!” He smiled his telltale smile sliding across his face as he kept himself within arms length of her.

Just as soon as they had seen each other, he had turned with her in tow to walk into the tavern. He turned to her entourage and smirked. “Do no worry gentlemen. With me she is safe. I bet my pride on it!” The guards had stared at him with suspicion. The female raised a brow. As soon as they went in, they planned to tow them. He knew the foreigners wouldn’t quite get it, but pride was a big deal to his family, so he very much meant it when he said she would be safe. As he looked around the busy tavern, he noticed several people ranging from mundane to interesting. There were people playing cards, telling stories over a pint, and a woman in an extravagant outfit reading peacefully in the corner. “This place is very interesting! Would you happen to know anybody here, or…?” He trailed off, letting Anastasia pick a spot/person to approach.

The sound of clinking glasses and laughter filled the air. The tavern was higher end than the usual bar with wood to be seen at every angle. The walls were adorned with a richly textured and intricately patterned wallpaper, featuring a deep navy emerald background with a swirling gold pattern on the top half of the wall. There was a brown wood panel installed on the bottom half of the walls as the wainscotting style. The floors looked to be about the same color as that wood, with sleek wood floors. There were tables strewn all across the room with velvet, cushioned chairs. Each table had a small lantern on it that kept the atmosphere dimly lit. The centerpiece of the room was the grand mahogany bar with well-crafted carved details. Wooden stools surrounded the bar with patrons sitting on many of them. A stage could also be noticed to the left of the room that was hosting the musical performance of a young man with a guitar.

"Right! It's absolutely delightful to have a place named after my little brother. I just adore this place!" Anastasia exclaimed with a beaming smile as she and her companion strolled side by side. “Oh sure.”

She gestured towards the crowd and continued, "Let me introduce you to some of the regulars. There's Timmy over there, the local drunkard who gets absolutely trashed here every night. People have a lot to say about him, but I think he just loves a good time." She pointed towards Timmy, who was slumped over at the bar, a half-empty glass of ale in his hand. Anastasia's eyes scanned the room once more before landing on a young woman in a ballgown towards the back. "Oh, and there's Ariella!" she exclaimed excitedly, pointing in the woman's direction. "She's one of my dearest friends. Let's go say hello!" Without another word, Anastasia made a beeline for Ariella, leaving the man to follow in her wake.

Though Ariella had been in the back, she had been impossible to miss in that gown of hers. She made her way over and threw her arms around the girl in a side hug. “My darling girl! I am sooo excited to see you!”

Ariellas eyes peeked over the top of her book to see a flash of blonde hair whipping around and before she knew it two arms were around her pulling her into a rather tight hug for a princess. The excited squeals in her ear gave her away rather quickly. “Ana!” Ariella smiled brightly as she hadn’t seen her friend in sometime. She quickly put her book down to give her friend a proper hug before settling back against the cushioned back of the booth.

“ Would you like to join me for drinks?” Ari asked, unaware of the friend with her.

Farim was rather impressed with the ease that she could list off some of the regulars. To most royalty these people would be nothing more than masses of drunks, vagabonds, and misfits. But to her it was a crowd of living people, and she knew them personally. Whether it was because she was a regular here herself or because she wanted to know her people Farim didn’t know, however he still found charm in it. He put away his errant thoughts as he realized he had been left in the wake of an excited Anastasia greeting her “darling Ariella” he believed he had heard her say. He walked over to the pair, gently weaving and ducking out of folks' way to avoid an untimely collision. He stood before the women and gave a slight bow to them both.

”Hello my beautiful companions. It seems I am being blessed with the best company in Caesonia this fine day. Miss…Ariella? It is nice to meet you! I am Farim..Kadir Hafiz of Alidasht.” There had been a slight hesitation on the last part of his name, as if he had to force it out. He leaned onto the table and began to pull out a chair, gesturing to it as he spoke again. “I too believe we are having drinks, yes? I am always happy to meet a new face and share a drink. Especially with some radiant women such as yourselves.”

“I’d love to! “ She glanced over her shoulder, ready to introduce Farim, but he was behind her, introducing himself. “Yes, this is sweet Ariella! She lives right here in Sorian and I’ve known her since forever. “ Anastasia then glanced over toward the bar as her thoughts strayed there. “Drinks on me, lovelies! Are you two in the mood for something strong or weak?”

Ariella was caught breathless for a moment as a tall handsome man approached their table. Without much hesitation, she stood to her feet and gave him a courteous curtsy and a warm smile as he introduced himself. Leave it to Ana to have such attractive men around her.

“Lady Ariella Edwards,” She corrected him but her voice was soft and non-confrontational,“It’s a pleasure Hafiz Farim, I have heard much about the Alidasht people but have yet the pleasure to meet one.” Ariella sat back down, her eyes lingering on Farim a little longer than they should. She heard many of the Alidasht people were blessed with their beauty but seeing them in person did not hold anything to the tales.

Ariella broke her gaze as she realized she had been staring and looked over to her friend. “Yes, please, both of you join me. It’s been a long time since I’ve had some good company.”

“Surprise me.” She said to Ana, knowing those two words would be trouble in themselves but it really was a rare occurrence for Ari to enjoy the company of a friend.
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