Olivia, Charlotte & Kazumin
Part 2
Part 2
Olivia patted Kaz’s head and turned to face Charlotte. With the conversion out of the way and the understanding clear, she focused on Charlotte. There was something off about her; Olivia could tell she had been holding it back. Frowning, she took her hand and squeezed it. ”What’s wrong with you? Don’t try to lie, I can tell you are not well. You had the Alidasht dinner tonight right? How did that go?”
The pat though awkward, was greatly appreciated and was returned with a gentle smile.
Charlotte averted her eyes and exhaled before replying, “Oh… It didn’t go so great honestly…But I’ll be alright.” Her gaze fixated on a lamp in the room before finally returning it on Kazumin and Persephone. “ I did get some information about the party last night…Lord Leo and I decided to ask around.. “ With a slight smile, she added to Kazumin, “If maybe I could ask you a few questions about it some time, I’d appreciate that... Perhaps tomorrow though as I am a little weary tonight.”
Olivia studied Charlotte’s demeanor and didn’t let go of her hand or falter. There was more to that story than she was letting on. Though she seemed weary, Olivia did not want to ignore her friends’ pain. Instead she came over to hug her gently and told her quietly: ”Let us be here for you like you’ve been here for us, Charlie.” She then let go and watched her for a moment then turned to Kazumin. Liv’s jaw clenched as she thought of it and the potential dangers they had been in, and she shook her head. Too much was going on for her to comprehend, but she knew she wanted to focus on these two for now.
Seeing that things had settled down, Kazu made himself comfortable on the couch where he idly munched away at cookies. He took care to keep his bites quiet so as to not disrupt his friends' conversation. Allowing himself a proper moment to relax; the same he hoped for the ladies who were clearly stressed out with whatever crime Persephone was accused of. And whatever occurred at this dinner for Charlotte. Numerous questions popped into his head, but kept them to himself for the moment as he was addressed, pulling him from his thoughts.
” Hm? Oh the party? Yeah, sure…Ask away. I don’t mind.” Waving his free hand casually, clearly unbothered by the whole thing, even sitting there like this was just a casual hangout as if his whole ordeal was nothing to make a stink over.
As Olivia's arms enveloped her in a gentle hug, a realization washed over her like a tidal wave. The depths of her need for this embrace became painfully apparent. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over as she hugged her back. Charlotte had grown accustomed to concealing her emotions, burying them deep. The vulnerability of allowing others to witness her in a state of distress made her uneasy. But at that moment, the weight of her feelings became too immense to bear in silence
“Thank you… You have no idea how much that means to me.” An undertone of her sorrow could be heard as she let go and looked over at Kazumin. “Okay. Maybe we can grab some lunch somewhere tomorrow and talk about it… My treat. “
Kazumin saw and wondered just how much strife and frustration Charlotte has been holding in. What the two witnessed was merely a glimpse and it made his heart ache with rage. Seeing the duke’s daughter force herself to hold it back out of some sense of guilt or shame instilled into her from this nobility’s life. She wasn’t the only one needing comfort and the fact he could do nothing but let his anger seethe; throwing a tantrum would only serve to make things harder on them for the sake of his own relief. Patience was the best course forward, his frustration tempered and honed towards his goal. A small sigh accepting the burden as his previously stern expression shifted into his usual friendly grin.” Sounds good to me!” A thumbs up following his excited response.
Olivia realized after hugging Charlotte, how dearly the girl needed it. She saw the tears and gently wiped them away in a sisterly fashion. ”You are welcome and can ask me anytime.” Olivia then let go as well, but remained at her side. She nodded in response to her offer. ”I feel weird having you pay for me… but it’ll do.” The guilt of the situation began to dawn on her as she took in how sweet Charlotte truly was inside. She had been dragged through the mud all her life, yet she remained kind. The fact she was here, forcing their safety onto her and the stress it likely gave her caused Liv’s stomach to churn.
Charlotte managed a faint smile, but as soon as Olivia started wiping her tears, her lip started to quiver. She realized with a sinking feeling that there wasn’t much she could do to stop the dam from breaking. The tears flowed freely down her face and an uncontrollable sob rose in her throat. Her face contorted with the strain of holding back her feelings. Overwhelmed by her emotions, she instinctively buried her face in her hands, seeking sanctuary in her own palms. “S-Sorry.” She stammered.
Sensing what was about to come from Percy’s kindness, Kazu simply closed his eyes, yet listened to pain in her cries. He wanted to let the lady keep some dignity in this very personal moment, taking into consideration how humiliating it must be for her.” Enough of that. You got nothing to be sorry about…Let out all you need.” Saying nothing more, leaving it up to Charlotte when it was enough.
Olivia’s eyes widened with Charlotte’s sudden, but likely needed, outburst. She was shocked, unable to move; then quickly jumped into action. She grabbed a bunch of tissues and then removed Charlotte’s hand gently and began dabbing at her face and eyes, much like a mother would to a baby so she didn’t hurt her.
”Don’t ever apologize for showing your emotions. We’re here for you. You need to let it out.” Olivia pulled her into a hug so that Charlotte’s chin would be resting on her shoulder. ”Let it out. If not, you may drown in your own sorrow.”
Charlotte was taken aback by the genuine kindness in the girl's actions, causing her to pause and lift her gaze. As the girl delicately wiped away tears, a flicker of surprise melted into a subtle smile on Charlotte's face. She then commented with a voice still laden with emotion, “Goodness. You’re a sweetheart, aren’t you?” At that moment, she realized that her initial impression of the girl had been completely off.
However, as Charlotte's mind wandered, her smile gradually faded.
After a hard swallow, she averted her gaze downward. “Um… There is s-something I must share…” Charlotte pressed her hands into her thighs.
“... Violet Damien is alive.”
Kazu kept quietly eating the cookies while Olivia comforted Charlotte (she was typically better at this kind of thing) as his mind drifted back to Calbert. Or to be precise, the count’s face moments before he was preparing to shoot him, the metal cold against the flesh. Cold, yet a small bit of warmth from prior uses still remained. The man’s face a somewhat blurry cacophony of-
Hearing mention of the name pulled Kazu from his memory diving as while the name Violet (doubtful to be any of the barmaids back at home) was unfamiliar, Damien clearly stuck out catching his intrigue. ” Sorry for the interruption, but who’s this Violet?” Asked after swallowing his latest mouthful, his free hand wiping crumbs from face and fingers.
"Calbert's daughter..." Her eyes fell on Olivia, "The one Percy said that Calbert thinks she's killed."