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I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I love PapaOso
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Those aren't laces. Those are my toe nails.
10 mos ago
I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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Olivia, Charlotte & Kazumin
Part 2

Olivia patted Kaz’s head and turned to face Charlotte. With the conversion out of the way and the understanding clear, she focused on Charlotte. There was something off about her; Olivia could tell she had been holding it back. Frowning, she took her hand and squeezed it. ”What’s wrong with you? Don’t try to lie, I can tell you are not well. You had the Alidasht dinner tonight right? How did that go?”

The pat though awkward, was greatly appreciated and was returned with a gentle smile.

Charlotte averted her eyes and exhaled before replying, “Oh… It didn’t go so great honestly…But I’ll be alright.” Her gaze fixated on a lamp in the room before finally returning it on Kazumin and Persephone. “ I did get some information about the party last night…Lord Leo and I decided to ask around.. “ With a slight smile, she added to Kazumin, “If maybe I could ask you a few questions about it some time, I’d appreciate that... Perhaps tomorrow though as I am a little weary tonight.”

Olivia studied Charlotte’s demeanor and didn’t let go of her hand or falter. There was more to that story than she was letting on. Though she seemed weary, Olivia did not want to ignore her friends’ pain. Instead she came over to hug her gently and told her quietly: ”Let us be here for you like you’ve been here for us, Charlie.” She then let go and watched her for a moment then turned to Kazumin. Liv’s jaw clenched as she thought of it and the potential dangers they had been in, and she shook her head. Too much was going on for her to comprehend, but she knew she wanted to focus on these two for now.

Seeing that things had settled down, Kazu made himself comfortable on the couch where he idly munched away at cookies. He took care to keep his bites quiet so as to not disrupt his friends' conversation. Allowing himself a proper moment to relax; the same he hoped for the ladies who were clearly stressed out with whatever crime Persephone was accused of. And whatever occurred at this dinner for Charlotte. Numerous questions popped into his head, but kept them to himself for the moment as he was addressed, pulling him from his thoughts.

” Hm? Oh the party? Yeah, sure…Ask away. I don’t mind.” Waving his free hand casually, clearly unbothered by the whole thing, even sitting there like this was just a casual hangout as if his whole ordeal was nothing to make a stink over.

As Olivia's arms enveloped her in a gentle hug, a realization washed over her like a tidal wave. The depths of her need for this embrace became painfully apparent. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over as she hugged her back. Charlotte had grown accustomed to concealing her emotions, burying them deep. The vulnerability of allowing others to witness her in a state of distress made her uneasy. But at that moment, the weight of her feelings became too immense to bear in silence

“Thank you… You have no idea how much that means to me.” An undertone of her sorrow could be heard as she let go and looked over at Kazumin. “Okay. Maybe we can grab some lunch somewhere tomorrow and talk about it… My treat. “

Kazumin saw and wondered just how much strife and frustration Charlotte has been holding in. What the two witnessed was merely a glimpse and it made his heart ache with rage. Seeing the duke’s daughter force herself to hold it back out of some sense of guilt or shame instilled into her from this nobility’s life. She wasn’t the only one needing comfort and the fact he could do nothing but let his anger seethe; throwing a tantrum would only serve to make things harder on them for the sake of his own relief. Patience was the best course forward, his frustration tempered and honed towards his goal. A small sigh accepting the burden as his previously stern expression shifted into his usual friendly grin.” Sounds good to me!” A thumbs up following his excited response.

Olivia realized after hugging Charlotte, how dearly the girl needed it. She saw the tears and gently wiped them away in a sisterly fashion. ”You are welcome and can ask me anytime.” Olivia then let go as well, but remained at her side. She nodded in response to her offer. ”I feel weird having you pay for me… but it’ll do.” The guilt of the situation began to dawn on her as she took in how sweet Charlotte truly was inside. She had been dragged through the mud all her life, yet she remained kind. The fact she was here, forcing their safety onto her and the stress it likely gave her caused Liv’s stomach to churn.

Charlotte managed a faint smile, but as soon as Olivia started wiping her tears, her lip started to quiver. She realized with a sinking feeling that there wasn’t much she could do to stop the dam from breaking. The tears flowed freely down her face and an uncontrollable sob rose in her throat. Her face contorted with the strain of holding back her feelings. Overwhelmed by her emotions, she instinctively buried her face in her hands, seeking sanctuary in her own palms. “S-Sorry.” She stammered.

Sensing what was about to come from Percy’s kindness, Kazu simply closed his eyes, yet listened to pain in her cries. He wanted to let the lady keep some dignity in this very personal moment, taking into consideration how humiliating it must be for her.” Enough of that. You got nothing to be sorry about…Let out all you need.” Saying nothing more, leaving it up to Charlotte when it was enough.

Olivia’s eyes widened with Charlotte’s sudden, but likely needed, outburst. She was shocked, unable to move; then quickly jumped into action. She grabbed a bunch of tissues and then removed Charlotte’s hand gently and began dabbing at her face and eyes, much like a mother would to a baby so she didn’t hurt her.

”Don’t ever apologize for showing your emotions. We’re here for you. You need to let it out.” Olivia pulled her into a hug so that Charlotte’s chin would be resting on her shoulder. ”Let it out. If not, you may drown in your own sorrow.”

Charlotte was taken aback by the genuine kindness in the girl's actions, causing her to pause and lift her gaze. As the girl delicately wiped away tears, a flicker of surprise melted into a subtle smile on Charlotte's face. She then commented with a voice still laden with emotion, “Goodness. You’re a sweetheart, aren’t you?” At that moment, she realized that her initial impression of the girl had been completely off.
However, as Charlotte's mind wandered, her smile gradually faded.

After a hard swallow, she averted her gaze downward. “Um… There is s-something I must share…” Charlotte pressed her hands into her thighs.

“... Violet Damien is alive.”

Kazu kept quietly eating the cookies while Olivia comforted Charlotte (she was typically better at this kind of thing) as his mind drifted back to Calbert. Or to be precise, the count’s face moments before he was preparing to shoot him, the metal cold against the flesh. Cold, yet a small bit of warmth from prior uses still remained. The man’s face a somewhat blurry cacophony of-

Hearing mention of the name pulled Kazu from his memory diving as while the name Violet (doubtful to be any of the barmaids back at home) was unfamiliar, Damien clearly stuck out catching his intrigue. ” Sorry for the interruption, but who’s this Violet?” Asked after swallowing his latest mouthful, his free hand wiping crumbs from face and fingers.

"Calbert's daughter..." Her eyes fell on Olivia, "The one Percy said that Calbert thinks she's killed."

Interactions: @Rodiak Nahir @Lava Alckon Farim

Standing before the Sultan was his nephew, Farim, and his daughter, Nahir. The air crackled with anticipation as he stood with his brother, Hafiz before the two of them. He had called upon them to join him earlier and when they had, he had been waiting patiently, but looked as weary as he had prior.

Sultan Raif, with an air of regal wisdom, addressed his beloved nephew and daughter. "Farim, my valiant nephew, I commend your unwavering bravery, your honorable conduct, and your ability to navigate conflicts with a cool head. Your strength and determination have proven you to be a worthy contender for the role of the next Sultan."

His gaze shifted to Nahir. "And Nahir, my precious daughter, your elegance and composure during the recent dinner's tumultuous moments have shown me the depths of your character. You have handled yourself with poise and wisdom, reflecting the true essence of a future leader."

The Sultan's voice resonated as he continued, "Know that both of you stand as top contenders for the esteemed position of Sultan. However, the road ahead will not be easy. Layla, Dali, and Munir as well, are formidable contenders in their own right. You shall all be closely observed and evaluated as we move forward."

A momentary pause filled the chamber as he allowed the weight of his words to settle upon their shoulders, "Furthermore, I urge you to choose your potential spouses with great care. The person you select will not only share your power but also become your trusted companion in decision-making. This choice will greatly impact our future. " Hafiz was glaring at Farim particularly without any reason verbalized as Raif spoke about this subject.

The Sultan concluded, "Embrace the responsibility bestowed upon you with unwavering commitment, for the future of the Alidasht rests upon your shoulders. May your choices be guided by wisdom."
Violet & Charlotte

Violet's room was shrouded in darkness, the only source of light being the moonlight that crept in from her balcony. The air in the room felt heavy and suffocating as if a thick fog had seeped in, engulfing everything in its path.

Lying motionless on the floor, Violet appeared as though she had been swallowed by the very fabric of her room. Her body was contorted, twisted in a way that seemed unnatural, as if some unseen force had molded her into the carpet itself. The room's silence was deafening, broken only by the sound of Violet's shallow breaths, which had finally calmed after a period of broken and helpless crying.

Her tear-stained face revealed a haunting emptiness, devoid of any trace of emotion. Her eyes, once vibrant and full of life, still appeared hollow and vacant, as if something had sucked out her very essence. They were glazed over, as though a thin veil separated her from the realm of the living, trapping her in her own desolate purgatory.

With great effort, Violet slowly managed to lift herself off the ground. Her body felt leaden, burdened by an invisible weight that threatened to crush her. Every movement was a struggle, as if an invisible hand pulled her down, refusing to let her escape. As she rose, her hand instinctively went to her mouth, only to be greeted by the metallic taste of blood. The taste lingered on her tongue, a chilling reminder of the horrors she had not only just learned of but also participated in.

The surge of vitality that coursed through her veins sent shivers down her spine. It was a sickening paradox, for the taste of her own blood should have repulsed her, yet a twisted part of her found a strange allure in it. It was as if she had stumbled upon a forbidden pleasure, an intoxicating rush that mingled with her darkest thoughts. The repulsion and fascination battled within her, further entangling her mind in a web of confusion and despair.

At that moment, Violet's very existence seemed to hang in the balance, caught between the realms of light and darkness. She was trapped in a dance with her own demons, their whispers echoing through the room, amplifying her torment.

And at that moment, Violet realized that escaping the clutches of this nightmarish reality would require more than just physical strength—it would demand a battle against the darkness that had taken hold of her very soul.

The sound of a gentle knock against her door suddenly filled the air.

After a brief pause, Charlotte's voice followed. "Violet? Are you in there? It's me, Charlotte," she called out from the hallway.

Violet's red eyes turned over to her door. She heard a mousey voice squeaking as the sound of someone knocking echoed. Charlotte... It wasn’t a familiar name to her, but nothing felt familiar anymore.

She was surprised that someone had even stopped by, had it just been a coincidence or was someone actually concerned for her? She continued to stare at the door in silence, her red eyes piercing the wood as if waiting for it to catch fire or melt.

Violet walked over to the door, her hand reaching with hesitation to the handle but instead it moved. Her fingers pressed against the door as she held it shut under her weight. Her head dipped low in shame as she managed to speak a few words.

“Yes…What is it?” The words emerged like shards of glass, sharp and cold, devoid of any pretense or warmth. The question hung in the air, a fragile bridge between the monster that dwelled behind the door.

“… Thank goodness” She initially said to herself with a sigh then raised her voice to ask, “…Is it a bad time for us to talk?”

Violet's head sank lower, resting heavily against the door. A shuddering sigh escaped her lips, her chest rising and falling with the weight of the decision she was about to make. The room seemed to hold its breath, an unsettling silence permeating the space, casting an eerie pallor over the encounter between Violet and Charlotte.

With a mix of trepidation and curiosity, Violet's pale hand extended towards the door handle, her fingers wrapping around the cool metal as anticipation tightened her grip. Slowly, almost agonizingly, she turned the handle, each click echoing in the stillness, building an atmosphere of unease. The door opened, its rusty hinges protesting as Violet's room was gradually unveiled to Charlotte's searching gaze.

As the door widened, a gust of frigid air swept from the room, swirling ominously around Violet's figure. Her red eyes, swollen and puffy from her earlier breakdown, flickered with a raw intensity, darting across the shadowed figure that was charlotte, struggling to focus on the shadowy silhouette before her. Her vision was still impaired, leaving her lost in a haze of uncertainty.

Violet's pale complexion, like a spectral apparition, contrasted starkly against her raven-black hair, which cascaded in disheveled tendrils around her face. A prominent scar marred her eye, a testament to the curse she now carried, while her once-rosy lips were now stained a haunting shade of red, reminiscent of the blood that had once adorned them. She exuded an otherworldly aura, a haunting appearance intertwined with the darkness that cloaked her being.

As the door swung fully open, Charlotte's scent wafted through the air, invading Violet's senses. She inhaled sharply, trying to resist the allure of the aroma, her breath hitching as the tempting allure of blood tingled at the edges of her consciousness. The intoxicating allure beckoned to her, its seductive power captivating her weakened self, though for now, she managed to suppress the primal cravings that lurked within.

"Sure. Come inside..." Her voice emerged as a fragile whisper, barely audible above the stifled atmosphere. Stepping aside with a subtle gesture, Violet made way for Charlotte to enter her room.

Charlotte had been smiling when the door had opened. She immediately had moved forward eagerly to wrap her arms around her in an embrace. As she had walked forward, Violet’s appearance had not immediately registered in her mind—She had just been so happy to see the girl alive and without an axe in her face.

However, as she wrapped her arms gently around the girl’s back, the details of what she had seen began to set in. Her expression changed out of Violet’s field of vision as a wave of horror washed over her.

As Charlotte laid eyes upon Violet, a rush of recognition and disbelief coursed through her veins. She knew it was Violet before her, yet it felt as if she were standing with a stranger.
The warmth of Charlotte's embrace faded as she slowly unwrapped her arms, retreating backward to create a little distance, needing to see Violet's face clearly. Her expression molded into that of concern.

After a hesitation, she reached out with a trembling hand to touch Violet’s cheek comfortingly. She wanted to ask her if someone had hurt her or even simply what had happened, but she was left speechless.

Violet's red and swollen eyes widened, their red hue gleaming with a mixture of surprise and disbelief. The touch of arms enveloping her sent an electric current through her frozen body, as if time itself had come to a halt. She remained immobile, trapped in a haunted moment that stretched into eternity.

No reaction escaped her, no reciprocation of the embrace; she simply stood there.

Charlotte's presence grew more tangible, her physical form pressing against Violet's, the essence of her being permeating the air. The scent intensified, invading Violet's senses, tempting her with a hunger she fought to suppress. Each breath she sucked in was deeper, a desperate attempt to ignore the insatiable craving that clawed at her insides, yearning to consume and satiate a primal thirst.

A chill coursed through Violet as Charlotte withdrew. The expression etched upon Charlotte's face was one that was all too familiar now.Although Violet couldn’t see, she could feel a haunting combination of fear and disgust that Violet had felt countless times now. It was a look she knew she would need to grow accustomed to, a cruel reminder of the monstrous being she had become. She felt the weight of that look, a heavy burden that eroded her self-worth, leaving her feeling hideous, grotesque, and repulsive even to her.

When Charlotte's hand reached out towards her face, Violet instinctively turned away, her body shifting as she stepped into the room, her back now shielding her from prying eyes. Her voice trembled slightly, cracking under the weight of the pain she felt. "What was it that you needed to speak about?" she asked, her words laced with a fragile vulnerability.

Making her way to the vanity, Violet ignored the aftermath of her emotions. The room, once a haven of solace and tranquility, now lay in ruins. Items were strewn about, a chaotic testament to her inner turmoil. It was an unsettling sight, a stark contrast to the meticulous care Violet had always bestowed upon her belongings. This room, once her sanctuary, now resembled a war-torn battlefield, and Charlotte had ventured into the aftermath.

With trembling fingers, Violet reached into the drawer, her touch fumbling amidst the disarray. She was grateful for her impaired vision, shielded from the fear and disgust she knew etched itself upon Charlotte's face. Finally, her fingertips brushed against the veiled headband she sought. Slipping it on, the thin mesh fabric helped conceal her eyes and, in turn, the disfiguring scars that marred her once untouched face.

Turning back around, Violet took a seat on the worn couch in the small waiting area. Her delicate hands rested upon her knee, one leg crossing over the other in a picture of a poised lady.

"I'm sorry you had to see me in this state. I've just arrived home from a very long journey," she stated plainly, her voice heavy with the weight of an apology. "Someone had been pillaging my belongings, and I have yet to tidy the place up. I hope you don't mind." Her words hung in the air, laden with a sadness that echoed through the desolate room, an unspoken plea for understanding.

With a furrowed brow, Charlotte observed intently as Violet gracefully draped a veil over her head. She immediately grasped the possibility that Violet may have misinterpreted her expression erroneously. Truthfully, she was frightened about the implications of her changed appearance. If there was a scar like that right in the middle of her face, had she really been struck with an axe? If so, why was she alive? Why did she look so different? Her mind wandered back to the magic discussion that had occurred earlier in the day. and she felt herself grow uneasy at first. Then she just feel rising anger, no doubt with aid from the bastard Damien who had just made her blood boil.

Charlotte positioned herself beside Violet, deliberately allowing a respectful distance to foster a sense of comfort. She took a moment to compose her rising emotions and focused on keeping an even, reassuring tone, “I do not want you to apologize. …I came here to see you after all. I feel no burden from seeing the beautiful face of my dear friend so please do not feel you need to hide yourself from me…There’s nothing wrong with you.” Charlotte gave her a warm smile and it was then she did take notice that Violet’s gaze seemed rather unfocused. “...However, I am worried about you, Violet if I am honest…I got a little startled seeing your injury. “ Her voice grew lower as she dared to ask, “...Did someone hurt you?”

Violet sat there in eerie silence, the atmosphere heavy with unsettling tension. Her body squirmed with discomfort, unsure whether it was Charlotte's presence that unsettled her or the shock of her sudden appearance. The air between them seemed distorted as if carrying an ominous secret, which it certainly was... Despite claiming to be her friend, Violet couldn't shake the unease that lingered, for Charlotte was the first person, apart from Roman, to extend genuine concern for her but that didn’t mean she trusted her.

Caught in a perplexing dilemma, Violet pondered what she should disclose to Charlotte. Should she bare the raw truth, the weight of her mother's tales still fresh in her mind? The stranger that Charlotte was to Violet only intensified the internal tug of war, amplifying the concern that consumed her thoughts.

“You’re kind to call my face beautiful but I’d much rather a conversation didn’t start off with a lie. “ she retorted, her words laced with an icy bitterness. "I may be blind, but I'm not oblivious. Many have reacted as you have, and I suspect many more will follow suit."

“It’s not a lie.” She interjected.

With a deep breath, she mustered the courage to confront Charlotte's probing inquiry. "The truth is, I don't know what happened. I am unaware of anything," she confessed, leaning back slightly, her fragile form on the verge of collapse. "My memories have vanished, my sight has abandoned me, and my body is reduced to a sickly state. I can't even walk unassisted at this point. You seem to have known something though... Perhaps you can help piece together what happened. All I know is what Roman has told me."

In truth, Violet deliberately deceived Charlotte about her level of awareness, Violet was reluctant to reveal anything else. The only person she would even contemplate confiding in, at this point, was Roman. But how could she ever come to terms with the information imparted by her mother? The severity of it all overwhelmed her, and a suffocating sense of isolation gripped her once again, convincing herself that being alone was the best solution. The mere thought of innocent lives being put into jeopardy because of her actions sent shivers down her spine, but she forcibly pushed aside her grim thoughts, refusing to confront them.

Charlotte’s expression deeply saddened and her face paled if possible. She felt sick to her stomach after what she had heard. This poor girl…

She rubbed her knees anxiously, not wanting to lie nor upset the girl anymore than she had. If she told Violet too much and Calbert found out, that could also be dangerously. “ I’m so sorry… Anything I could do to help, I am here for you Violet.”

After a deep sigh, she admitted, “ I overheard that you may have been attacked last night, and I was concerned for your safety, so I came here to see if you were…” She drew off and met her gaze best she could.

Violet's shoulders dropped as she seemed to visually relax. “ I appreciate your concern and your company. Probably more than you know. Roman was the only other to show concern so it's refreshing. It was very confusing arriving home with all the issues I had. “ She paused as her voice dropped. “ It was scary. I didn’t know who was talking to me yet everyone knew me. “ She sucked in her breath letting out a long sigh, “ I guess if you hear anything else, I would appreciate any information you could find out.” she paused “ Please…don’t tell Crystal. I can’t tell you why I feel this way but I just want to protect her from this.”

“I’m always right next door if you ever need anything… Even if it’s late, I don’t mind.” Charlotte told her softly and then added, ”...I won’t tell her anything.” She then fell silent before she spoke once more, ”Roman, huh? She smiled to herself, recalling a little bit of what she had read in the paper. “From the Varian Kingdom. He's a good man for taking the time to care about you… I’ll put in a good word next time we speak.” She giggled a little at the end of her statement.

Violet nodded lightly, “I would say people's actions often speak louder than their words. Roman spoke with action. “ she said softly.“ So I would have to agree. I appreciate the gesture of that however, I don't believe I am really a good match for anyone at this point. With this unknown illness, I seem to be battling, It certainly doesn’t make me ideal courting material.” Her voice trailed off as her tone dropped. “ Anyways, It is getting rather later. Would you like me to get a guard to walk with you home?” Violet asked.

“I will help you with this, Violet… If we can get the story straight and find out what ails you, we can take steps to help you feel better. There’s so much to you ill or not, and I am sure someone special will see that..” She rose up to her feet finally, then shook her head. “No that’s alright. It’s right there so I’ll just walk on my own…”

Charlotte moved toward the door and paused, “Oh but before I go…Is that man with the silver in his hair really your brother…?”

Violet paused for a moment raising a brow, ” I wouldn’t know…kind of blind.” She snapped “ But yes, the mutt downstairs is apparently my half brother.He is apparently great at killing people…” She shrugged.

Charlotte clenched her jaw, lingering in the doorway. She rested her hand on the side of it, lost in her thoughts briefly. “...Right. Sorry about that… Have a good night, Violet.” With that, she left the room and then soon left the house in quite a hurry.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hi! You are accepted, my dear! @TpartywithZombi
To the character tab with Sirena!

Time: 7pm
Location: Damien Estate
Mention: @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @PapaOso Cassius @Tpartywithzombi Violet
Attire:Bun--> this is undone and her hair is now down, Dress, Gold haircomb

Charlotte trembled in the chilly night air, and she instinctively wrapped her arms around herself, seeking warmth in her own embrace. Her fingers brushed against the softness of the velvet fabric that adorned her sleeves, offering a tactile comfort that eased her senses momentarily. Her gaze, heavy with unspoken sorrow, remained fixed downward, unwilling to confront the world rushing past her.

The rhythmic galloping of horses reverberated through the night, their powerful hooves striking the ground with an unrelenting intensity. The sound reverberated in Charlotte's ears as she came to the realization that not only had Lorenzo harbored such feelings for her, but he had also had no protest to her departure.

I thought you were different.

She felt a surge of emotion welling up inside her, threatening to spill over. Her eyelids clenched tightly, forming a barrier against the tears that threatened to escape. With a heavy heart, Charlotte gradually slowed her steps, her feet coming to a halt on the worn cobblestone beneath her. The silence enveloped her, punctuated only by the faint sounds of her own steady breaths.

A question rang out in her mind.

Was Lorenzo right?

She could imagine her mother might have finally agreed with him had she been here. There had been no pleasing her either. The onslaught of criticism was something that was so familiar yet so distant. Thinking back over the day, she supposed perhaps she had been inconsiderate of Lorenzo's feelings. It was both their house now after all. Her brows furrowed further. Maybe it was just his. It wasn't like women had a right to anything, and how cruel of a thought that was, that as long as a man over-ranked her, her own home was no longer hers. Who she welcomed in, even a small animal, was not supposed to be up to her.

Still, Lorenzo wasn't normally like this and she knew that in her heart, he was different than the rest of those nobles, different than her mother.

He was kind, caring, and always unapologetically himself.

The world had beaten him down to the point he had convinced himself opium was prescribed medication. Her thoughts whirled for a moment longer as she stood in that spot until her gaze finally lifted to the stars above, which twinkled beautifully in the clear night sky.

A hushed confession escaped her lips, carried on a whisper that blended with the gentle night breeze. "It is I that failed you then." A fleeting smile danced upon her otherwise melancholic countenance. I won't give up on you that easy. I... I don't know what you know or what you're dealing with, but I will find out before it's too late.

As her footsteps continued on once more, she found herself rounding in front of the Damien Estate and she hesitated.

"...I saw… I saw… V-V-Violet D-D-Damien’s dead.. Dead body… With an ax to the face.. ”

The night had been such constant chaos, she hadn't been able to truly take in the gravity of those words. A sinking feeling of dread gripped her, making her wonder if she might fall ill right then and there.

"...Are you really gone?" Charlotte whispered despairingly. Her arms tightened around herself, seeking solace, but finding only the chilling touch of solitude. The emptiness of the night grew more eerie and intimidating, the shadow of every step filling her with a sense of foreboding. Walking alone, when she was aware of what had transpired just the previous night, seemed like a questionable idea. She needed to return home, but the uncertainty about her friend's fate made the thought of sleeping tonight unbearable.

The idea of knocking on Calbert Damien's door after all that had transpired gave her a headache. She reached up removed hair comb, and then unraveled the locks of her bun, allowing her black tresses to cascade down, framing her face and brushing against her collarbone. With a deep breath, summoning courage from the depths of her being, she pushed open the gates that guarded the path to the Damien estate.

As she ventured forward, her gaze met the unwavering eyes of numerous guards, their presence more conspicuous than usual. Familiar with the features of the black-haired woman, they recognized her and offered a nod of acknowledgment as she hurried past them.

Her footsteps quickened as she made her way toward the imposing doors of the estate. With a trembling hand, she knocked upon them, her knuckles rapping against them and echoing through the quiet estate.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Further off from Guavav Village than before - LOST
Interactions: @Helo Cyrus @13org Viola @Alivefalling Dante @FunnyGuy Darius @Samreaper Menzai
Equipment: Staff with unbreaking and shift enchantment(shifts into dagger), Her bag, Water Purifier, Flask, some shiny pebbles
Attire:Dress, which she decorated with flowers and hung little charms off the ropes, A small antler headdress with flowers and jewels, amulet with Millinia Crest, wooden butterfly earrings, various bracelets

Phia found herself abruptly forced to cover her ears as a fierce gust of wind assailed her, harshly pushing her downward that sent her tumbling through the air. In the midst of her free fall, determination flooded her being, and with a flurry of wing beats, she managed to regain control of her flight, preventing a disastrous crash. However, the rough landing took its toll as a sharp branch mercilessly pierced through her side, eliciting a sharp cry of pain that echoed through the chaotic scene. Grimacing, she instinctively rolled onto the ground, clutching her throbbing head, struggling to regain her bearings.

Disoriented from the fall and discombobulated by the turmoil surrounding her, Phia remained sprawled on the ground for a fleeting moment, her mind struggling to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Gradually, she summoned the strength to rise onto her trembling palms and, with a determined resolve, pushed herself up onto unsteady feet. Despite blood trickling down from the laceration on her torso, she pushed the pain aside.

To her dismay, Phia realized that she had crash-landed in a perhaps unfamiliar location and the group was not visible around her. An anxious furrow formed on her brow as she nervously bit her lip.

It was then a commanding voice pierced through the tumult, issuing a warning to everyone present. "Of course it is. Now... EVERYONE, STAY BELOW THE DUST! ESPECIALLY THE ONES SPORTING THE WINGS!"

Relief washed over Phia as she recognized the voice, causing her to call out eagerly as she started jogging over, "Darius!... The others are with you? " Her voice carried a mix of relief and concern. She scanned her surroundings frantically, her eyes darting from one figure to another, hoping to catch a glimpse of Menzai's form. Worry gripped her heart as she contemplated the possibility that something untoward had befallen him. Panic began to claw its way onto her usually calm countenance. Looking around, she asked, " Where's Menzai? Is he okay?!"

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Riverport
Interactions: @GingerBobOh Enstille @JJ Doe Jun @Helo Zion @Tae Kenia
Equipment: Bow and quiver of arrows, Hygiene supplies, spray bottle, short sword, backpack, a few pieces of jerky, 1000 amas, transmission bracelet, Portable Solar Box, location sender
Attire: His outfit

The scene unfolded like a surreal dream, with each interaction carrying a hint of peculiarity. Zion attempted to convince Malachi that Jun's stealthiness was the cause of his constant attempts to escape, but Malachi couldn't help but question if the lion's perception was skewed or if animals simply had their limits of understanding. In his mind, he found his conclusion as Zion greeted the strange woman as if she were an old friend coming over for tea.

Observing Zion warmly greet a random stranger who had mysteriously appeared with a basket of pastries, Malachi couldn't help but feel a sense of skepticism. The stranger's sudden arrival seemed suspicious, and he narrowed his eyes as she retorted. "Well, well, aren't you a charming host?" His gaze sharpened as the blonde continued, "Here I am, bringing delightful baked goods to greet my new neighbors, and I'm met with such warmth and hospitality." She continued to later poke fun at him for not greeting her as nicely as Zion and for his spray bottle tactic. ...The spray bottle works.

"Well, isn't that just a relief," Malachi responded finally, rolling his eyes mockingly. "I must say, your peaceful mission with baked goods is truly awe-inspiring. Who knew that the path to world harmony could be paved with pastries and neighborly intentions? You've surely cracked the code, haven't you?" He flashed a sarcastic smile.

With a mixture of caution and annoyance, Malachi locked eyes with the gold-eyed woman. "It's quite early in the morning... Are you selling something or...?" he asked dryly in a low voice. The effort put into making all those pastries solely for their benefit seemed peculiar, especially if there were no intentions of profiting from some sort of door-to-door baked goods sale.

"I'm sorry."
Father... I'm sorry.

Malachi paused. He had heard the small voice through the chaos and looked over his shoulder, his eyes following Jun as he disappeared into the house. He tapped his foot thoughtfully, deep in contemplation, before turning his attention back to Zion and Kenia. Letting out a sigh, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a few amas, tossing them to Zion.

"Zion, buy some of her pastries, and then kindly let her move on," Malachi instructed, his voice carrying a hint of urgency.

Hurriedly, Malachi made his way back inside the house, his eyes darting to the sound of the wind against the window, before they slowly slid to Jun, wheezing at the end of the table. In that brief moment, a vivid memory surfaced in his mind—the image of a small blonde child, his face buried in his arms as he cried. He was seated at the end of a white table, while a little girl attempted to bring him comfort, her arms wrapped around her brother from behind. Malachi's expression contorted momentarily, the pain of the past resurfacing before he shook his head. Even after all these years, the memories found a way to haunt him.

Gradually, the human's wheezing subsided, as he seemed to discover some method to calm himself. Clearly, herding the young man like cattle was taking a toll. Malachi surveyed his surroundings first and then approached Jun with measured steps. "Jun... Can we talk?" he asked, his voice softer this time.

"Look." He set the spray bottle down on a side table before taking another step. "I come unarmed."

Lorenzo & Charlotte

Charlotte had finally left the guesthouse, greeted into the outdoors by the serenade of crickets and the cool air against her skin. Seeking respite from the weariness that weighed upon her, she hurriedly stepped inside, allowing her body to sink into the plush cushion. Her eyes found Lorenzo's familiar presence within the carriage. Concern etched across her face, she softly asked, “... Are you alright? Did you and Benjamin load everything?”

A soft sigh escaped her father who had remained abnormally quiet since the conclusion of the dinner with the Alidasht royal family. However, his silence was not accompanied by any troubled expression. Though he didn't voice it, Lorenzo just wanted to get back to his estate as quickly as possible. There was also the fact that he was slightly winded after having to load most of the gifts. At the time, he did not understand why Benjamin insisted on his constant need to stop and meticulously organize each bag or box into the cab, but it left Lorenzo with the task of repeatedly going back and forth into the guest house. He could have asked for help from one of the servants inside but felt they had served well enough tonight.

“I am fine, I think.” He cracked a smile, breaking from the neutral expression he held. “And we loaded the cab with all the gifts we carried. If I forgot anything, I can let it be if it means we leave for home sooner. And you? Are you alright?”

“No.” The word spilled from her mouth involuntarily. She sighed and gripped her knee as she considered whether she should be opening this can of worms right now. Her gaze slid to his sadly as she shut the carriage door. “I’m not…” Charlotte confessed, “...I need to talk to you about something serious.”

Lorenzo's brows raised as he dropped his smile, wondering what could be troubling her.

“What is it, Lottie? If it's about the dinner, that's… that's how dealing with hungry royals typically is. There are so many large egos in a single space and then when you add in animals… It's just bound to be rough.” Lorenzo was attempting to ease Charlotte's troubles but per usual, he wasn't quite hitting the mark.

She stared at him in disbelief briefly before speaking once more. “Prince Wulfric told me you were abusing drugs… and um, well…suicidal.” Charlotte wasn’t sure if she was still feeling the wine or if she simply had no idea how to handle this other than to be straight with him. Either way, it was a blindsiding utterance. Lorenzo's face twisted with confusion while he averted his gaze down toward the floor of the cab, trying to completely absorb Charlotte's words. He looked at her face again but still held the same confused expression.

“That's nonsense! Why would he even say something like that to you?” Lorenzo shook his head. “I think I should have a word with him, or perhaps his parents. And to think I was making good ground with him.” He let out a defeated sigh. “Worry not, Lottie. I am not some junkie of a vagrant. I'm a duke! The duke of Veirmont! And I'm definitely not suicidal.” It was clear Lorenzo was frustrated by Wulfric as he spoke without giving Charlotte so much as a chance to reply. “Damn, why would he spread such a nasty rumor when we're on good terms?! And to put you in the middle of this? I mean… Ugh! We'll see how he likes it when I start telling people the truth about him!”

“…It’s not a nasty rumor; he was concerned about you…Prince Wulfric only told me, no one else.” Her expression saddened and she sighed deeply. “I am concerned about you. It’s… It’s been a lot and hard. Struggling is nothing to be ashamed of.”

Lorenzo was dumbfounded as Charlotte clasped her hands together in her lap, her gaze lowered. “Lorenzo, I found the opium and liquor…The rooster went in your room so I had to go in there and try to get him out.” Lorenzo shook his head once more at this, rapidly this time as he felt he'd be crazed to believe the words coming out of Charlotte's mouth.

“The what and the what? A rooster?! A rooster in my room?!” Lorenzo was completely confused but fortunately, the recollection of the rather large bird pieced together at least half of what was said. “Wait…” Lorenzo placed an index finger on his brow as he lowered his head trying to piece together the rest of her words. “You went through my things?” Lorenzo asked, yet he was sure he knew the answer. There was only one way someone could have found his stash of opium and gin. His raised hand lowered as he met her gaze with a face that was a stranger to Charlotte. Never had Lorenzo looked so furiously at her. “Why… why would you go through my things, in my room? And don't blame the rooster! Roosters don't have thumbs, Charlotte! Did Wulfric tell you to enter my room without my permission? To go through my things?!” Lorenzo could not contain the fire in his tone.

“The rooster knocked some of the furniture over so I was trying to put things back the way they were before you came home-” Charlotte had tried to explain softly, her tone unconfident, but she ended up breaking off with a crack in her voice. She felt small at that moment as if she were a child again.

Her lip quivered as she realized with more thought that it had been Count Fritz that put those items on the side table for her to find; she truly had no idea where they had originally come from. The opium and gin could have been very well way out of the rooster’s reach.

“Wulfric didn’t tell me to do anything…” She began and met his eyes with a frown, “I’m sorry Lorenzo. I won’t do it again I promise, but please you shouldn’t be using such things…”

“Stop that, this instant!” The last thing Lorenzo wanted to see at this moment was Charlotte crying. He wouldn't allow it. Not now. “And don't you dare try to switch this around on my use of my prescribed medicine! No rooster, not even one ordained by King Danrose himself could have opened the chest behind a closed room door! Why. Did. You. Enter. My. Room, Charlotte?” He was still seething but then the man simply… popped!

“You know what? Forget it. Forget it! I don't wish to hear any more of this! I just don't understand how you could act so… so… so inconsiderate to me? After everything I do and sacrifice for you. I commit to you and you… you go off to listen to the tales of other men?! And then you repeat them as truth! You let stray animals into our home with no regard for anyone else! Do you think Kier is safe with that rooster going wherever it pleases?! Do you think our servants appreciate having to take care of all these sudden and uninvited guests as well as that touched feline of yours?!” Lorenzo let the words fly with no disregard for the damage they dealt. “And then the strangers… two being fugitives… Complete strangers were allowed into our home without my permission… as if you are the true lady of the house! Charlotte, that you are not! You defiled our home, Charlotte. You- You… My room has always been off-limits, especially to guests, and you defiled that as well!”

Charlotte did not meet his eyes. As Lorenzo had gone on, she had felt sicker by the minute. Her heart pounded in her ears as she remained stiff. She felt completely overwhelmed. As silence filled the carriage, with the exception of the sound of galloping hooves, she did finally raise her gaze and manage to stammer quietly, “…I-I…I just didn’t want to lose you.” Tears brimmed in her eyes, “I love you.”

Lorenzo's anger burned fiercely as he confronted Charlotte leaning forward with his hands set on his thighs. “You are going to lose me if you continue to invade my privacy like this! Can't you see the consequences if I'm mistakenly sent to the sanatorium?! Deemed insane because of what you say?!” His frustration and fury added a deeper and more intense tone to his voice.

A glare of enmity pierced into Charlotte's eyes. “If you truly don't want to lose me, then stop disrespecting me like this, Charlotte!” His voice thundered through the carriage. “Just because I'm not your blood relative doesn't mean I don't deserve the same respect you gave them. I am the master of this house now, and from this moment forward, what I say goes.”

“Never, under any circumstances, enter my room again. And I forbid you from uttering a word about the things you discovered today otherwise you'll find yourself truly alone, with no one to love.”

Charlotte stared at him with disbelief and even some fear. She averted her gaze and anxiously tapped her foot. “I understand… I’m sorry.” Her words hadn't triggered any response from Lorenzo. He just continued to stare intensely at her until he breathed a heavy sigh. His expression relaxed as did his posture as he leaned back into his seat again.

“It’s been a long day… I think I’ll just walk the rest of the way home and enjoy the fresh air.” She called to Benjamin to stop the carriage and quite suddenly opened the door and stepped out. They were just around the block by the Sorian Library.

Still, she could not wait.

“Hm?” Lorenzo was slow to react. “Oh, Charlotte…” He simply shook his head and shut the carriage door defeatedly. Perhaps it was regret for shouting at her that was weighing him down, or maybe he was just tired from such a long day. Either way, Lorenzo was drained both physically and mentally.

Charlotte & Munir

“Munir… right?”

Once Lorenzo had agreed to wait for her as the gifts were repacked in the carriage, and the Sultan had left, Charlotte had approached the Shahzade. Though it had been with some apprehension. She offered a smile as she stood by his seat politely, “I don’t believe we’ve formally been introduced. It’s nice to meet you…I’m Charlotte.” She offered her hand out, “ I was wondering if you could spare a moment to speak with me.”

Munir, having been in a distracted state due to the tumultuous events of what was supposed to be a simple dinner, half-hearted turned to face Charlotte. “And I’m Shahzade Munir Ibn Raif Al Kadir…. Munir took up her hand and gave it a soft shake, returning the northern gesture. “Sure. I can spare a moment. What is it you wish you speak about, Lady Charlotte? Does it need to be in private? I can have my servants prepare my room to receive guests…” Munir offered, despite him wanting to wrap up the night and retire to his room.

“ I wanted to speak to you about the party last night if that’s alright… I don’t believe it needs to be private if you want to just speak quickly here. “

“Did you have a question regarding the party? What did you want to know from me? I’ll provide whatever answers I have, as I have nothing to hide. Munir said with a slight flourish of his hands. “Please excuse my tone, if I do come off as unwelcoming. It is just the events of this dinner, which I had not planned on attending anyways, has been quite stressful. Matter of fact… Munir snapped his fingers twice, and gestured to his personal retainer quickly. The young man bowed and made a quick but silent exit. “Let us continue this conversation in my room. You can ask your questions while we walked there, and I will answer when we arrive. The room will be ready for guests by then.”

“Yes…I understand how you feel. I feel like I could fall asleep standing right here. It was quite draining.” Charlotte told him with a sympathetic smile. “Umm, alright I guess that sounds nice. Thank you, Shahzade Munir. “ She stepped aside to give him room to stand.

“Right this way then.” Munir said as he pushed the door open and walked into the hallway leading to his room. “Lady Charlotte, you still haven’t told me what you wished to know… or was this a ploy to get me back to my room?” There it was. Munir Brand charm. Even when he was dog-tired and just wanted to rest…

She followed him out into the hallway, figuring he was joking, “You caught me red-handed.” Charlotte jested a little cheekily, raising her hands with a silly smile, and then met his gaze once more as they began to walk down the hall. “ …So, I was wondering if you could tell me your recount of the events leading up to and after the party. I am aware you may have forgotten or have a hazy memory of the party itself, however.” Charlotte herself was exhausted after the day she had, but she welcomed the light-hearted conversation. It was best if everything that had happened was not for nothing.

“Mmm. My memories of the event are definitely hazy. Whatever drinks I had was…different. I know my limits and the amount I had should not have exceeded that. So I’m a little lost as to how it all happened…but…” The pair had arrived at his room, the retainer is now waiting and pushing the door open for the pair. Munir gestured and waited for Charlotte to enter before doing so himself. Giving his retainer a quick nod, the door was closed softly behind the pair. “Please have a seat. Would you like some iced mead?” Munir said as he loosened his sash to open his tunic and let it flow freely. Pouring two cups of iced mead, he set one in front of Charlotte and took a sip from his cup. “So. The party. I heard of it from Princess Anastasia and simply decided to go. Nothing more to it. I don’t pass up a chance for parties. As far as after, I don’t remember much. I simply retired to my room and rested…”

“...So that's never happened like that before? Do you recall anything about where you were or where you went? ” Charlotte asked as she sat down. When he had given her the glass, she had thanked him again.

She had then picked up that glass of mead and took a sip. It had looked perhaps like beer to Charlotte at first glance, but she found the taste to be much better. She nodded with respect for it, sinking into the chair. Normally, she might have felt a little more awkward with the situation, but she was definitely still buzzed from the wine she had been drinking earlier and the idea wasn’t hitting her at all… That is until she noticed his tunic open. Her cheeks reddened and she averted her eyes slightly to be polite. Charlotte brushed hair behind her ear as she asked, stammering slightly, “W-Were there any side effects indicating that you… may have.. Umm.. been drugged?”

“Hm. Well. Given that I was essentially knocked on my ass after one or two drinks… I’d say it was pretty evident I had been given something that was not purely alcohol. As for indications afterward, other than the killer headache I had, I would say no.” Munir leaned back and sank further into his seat, allowing his tunic to further open.

“ I see.” It was ironic because she did not see. She was fixating on a painting on the wall as if it was very interesting. Charlotte figured that was as much information as she was getting from him. However, he had invited her in formally so she felt as if they should conversate more before suddenly leaving. Her gaze traveled back to him and somehow his tunic had opened even more. She wondered if this was considered normal behavior in the Alidasht and rubbed the back of her neck, “Heh. I reckon that would happen to me… Suppose you must have a high tolerance then?”

“Mm. I don’t really prescribe to specific weight classes in terms of my ability to handle alcohol. I simply know my limits and I adhere to them. After all, I can’t be acting a fool while on foreign soil.” Munir said with a wry smile. He grabbed the bowl of chilled figs on the table and set it down on the table between them, taking on and taking a bite into it. The fruit perfumed the room and the taste was sweet. Shrugging his shoulders once, and causing his open tunic to rise and fall, he continued to speak, “Is that all you wanted to know? If I can handle my drink? It sounded like you had something urgent or important to ask me. Do you?”

“Right. No, that’s all. I simply wanted to acquire your account of the party. “ Charlotte rose to her feet, feeling as if perhaps she was maybe overstaying her welcome and that she had grown uncomfortable herself. “Thank you for your time and hospitality…” She then turned on her heels to make her way out.

Interactions: @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @Rodiak Nahir @Helo Leo @Inertia Auguste @JJ Doe Riona @Lava Alckon Farim @Tpartywithzombi Lady Ariella @Infinite Cosmos Munir

The Sultan nodded curtly to Lorenzo as he absorbed all his words. He gently massaged his owntemples, still feeling the weight of recent events weighing heavily upon him. His voice, deep and resonant, carried a tone of measured composure despite the weary look on his face.

"This dinner shall suffice, and I shall consider us even. There is no need for further visits or the exchange of gifts," he stated neutrally.

However, a hint of concern crossed Sultan's face as Lorenzo unexpectedly inquired about an advisor. He cringed slightly, immediately advising, "Duke Lorenzo Vikena, it would be wise for you to establish a thorough application process and conduct interviews. An advisor cannot be chosen haphazardly for a man of your status. Your need for proper guidance is paramount, and I implore you to embark on this quest with utmost seriousness instead of just calling out to a table seated with youth,"

He rose from his seat not long after that, a rather despondent expression on his face as he moved slowly. "I am finished here." His gaze glanced over to Hafiz, who seemed preoccupied with glaring at Farim currently. Hafiz undoubtedly had a lot of thoughts to share about all that happened, but he presumed he was currently unhappy with his son's friendliness toward the seemingly unstable Danrose princess. As his mind returned to the events of this morning, he found himself strangely in agreeance with his brother for once. "Hafiz. Come. We have much to discuss... Oh and...Nahir and Farim... I'd like to speak to you before the night ends. Please arrive at my room in an hour." The Sultan paused to add in front of all, smiling slightly at his successful nephew and intelligent daughter, "In short, I am impressed with your actions tonight and I would like to discuss my expectations of you."

After thanking Prince Auguste and bidding all adieu, he left the room. Hafiz was quick to follow, leaving everyone else in the dust of the storm.

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