Anastasia & Auguste
Interactions: @Helo Leo
Auguste's expression lightened further as his sister trod into the room. Always the life of the room, her positive atmosphere was infectious. Auguste, however, also noticed her weariness, he had known Anastasia long enough to know all her tells. It was likely that she could also see that Auguste himself was exhausted.
“It's good to see you, Ana.” Auguste replied accepting her side hug, lingering, and even kissing the top of her head. “It's been a long day for you, hasn't it? You should go rest instead of checking in on me.”
She shook her head immediately, “Nuh-uh. I already came all the way over here. I want to check up on you.” Anastasia then gave him a reassuring smile, admitting with some cautiousness, “It’s been a day but I’ll be fine.”
“Good. You know I'll always be here for you if you need anything,” Auguste replied. “I am doing alright. Day's been going. But truth be told, I can't wait to get on my bed.” He chuckled lightly, his tiredness betraying him.
“I do know that Auguste, and I hope you know the same goes for you.” Anastasia told him warmly. A frown formed on her face as she considered his words. He looked so exhausted. She wondered if he had endured any hardships outside of the morning and perhaps the sword competition. If anyone had been cruel to her sweet brother, she would take a huge issue with that.
After a sigh, she said, ” …I’m sorry, Auguste.” Anastasia rested a hand on his shoulder as she leaned in to whisper, “It seems like this thing is kinda over to me. If you want to run out and get back to your room to rest, I suggest going for it. Alden and I are here. We’ll hold down the fort… I’ll be sure to tell you about anything that happens.”
Auguste smiled down at his sister. An absolute blessing he just can’t help but dote on. “No, no I can’t have you do that. I’ll see things through, and-” He paused and looked across the dinner table, “... it seems to be close to its end.”
“Please, don’t let me stop you from enjoying Alidasht’s food and dessert, it is very good.” Auguste said. He pinched her cheek, “You are in dire need of some meat on your bones, dear sister.” He continued in a half-joking manner.
Anastasia giggled upon having her cheek pinched. She glanced over at the desserts, her stomach rumbling. She hadn't eaten much of her dinner as she had felt rather ill and distressed. She still wasn't feeling a hundred percent, but the desserts looked amazing.
"Hmm, maybe you're right. They do look really good, and I gotta make sure I'm looking good for the boys," she said with a sudden mischievous grin growing on her face as a thought crossed her mind. "Auguste... How many girlfriends have you acquired today? Hmm?" She teasingly poked at him, playfully joking in a hushed voice, "How was the prince's court? …If anyone was mean to you, you can tell me their name, and I promise you won't see them again."
Auguste lightly grimaced at her lascivious comments. It was something he tried his hardest to block out of his mind. His having to sternly talk to men he frequently found in his sister’s bedroom was uncommon.
“Girlfriends?” Auguste asked quizzically, “I hope it’s zero.” He jokes but there were also many occurrences of having to solve misunderstandings with women in the past. Anastasia immediately giggled at his reaction. “As for the Prince’s court, it went well. In fact I may have to apologize to Lady Zarai as I may have offended her.”
“Enough about my day, how are you? Have you been enjoying the festivities despite… recent events?” Auguste prodded carefully, he was somewhat aware of the event between his mother and Anastasia.
Her concern was evident in her lifted brows as Anastasia's expression turned somber. " Oh no. Anyone but my darling Zarai… Gosh I better check on her soon. “ Poor Zarai had been hurt so badly last night, then ditched by Anastasia herself in the afternoon, and now also had her feelings hurt by Auguste. She didn’t deserve that. In fact, Anastasia only felt more determined in her resolve to talk to Marek and find out what happened to her.
She shook it away, knowing Auguste would never intentionally offend anyone. She met his gaze once more as his words lured her to consider her own day. However, thinking about her own day just made her feel overwhelmingly sad. " I did… Farim over there is my new friend and we enjoyed the festival together… Also spent some time with Zarai and Wystan…” She explained, her hands moving to her knees, gently clasping them. A heavy sigh escaped her, the sadness in her eyes impossible to hide. She had hoped to spare Auguste from such burdens, but she knew he wouldn't let it go unnoticed. “...Honestly it wasn’t a good day, Auguste.” She softly confessed. “I had bad arguments with both Callum and Darryn…who both might kinda hate me now.”
“I am certain this day has been trying for you, but knowing you, you’ll make amends with them if need-be.” Auguste replied, “I’ll always be here to help you out if needed.”
“This probably has been a long day for our family.”
Anastasia glanced at him and nodded sadly, “...Yeah it’s been a lot for everyone.”
“Your Royal Highness, may I have a quick word?”
She glanced up and quickly put a smile on her face upon seeing Lord Smithwood, “ You can have more than one word, Leo. In fact, you can have all the words!” Anastasia looked back at Auguste and squeezed his hand, “...Fear not, I will return soon.” With that, she rose to her feet, “We’re blowing this lemonade stand and we’re going…” Anastasia tapped her chin, then asked, “...Outside?”