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Current I wanna be a cowboy, baby
5 mos ago
I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I love PapaOso
10 mos ago
Those aren't laces. Those are my toe nails.
10 mos ago
I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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Anastasia & Ryn

Anastasia had wandered over to the dessert selection, trailing a finger down the cloth of the table. The gentle swish of fabric under her touch was interrupted by the unmistakable blare of a trumpet, which instantly piqued her attention. Craning her neck, she looked over her shoulder to watch Callum enter with the baker. She openly giggled, both at the absurdity of it all and just because it was nice to see Callum seeming in better spirits today at least.

It was going to be daunting to tell him that she hadn’t been able to speak to Marek. He’d almost assuredly assume she didn’t try hard enough. Even so, she had no plans to avoid him. He was her little brother and she planned to make sure he knew how much she wanted to look out for him no matter what he thought of her. Her gaze had slid to her father as he entered. Though it was pointless, the princess waved her hand with a smile in greeting with some hopes he might greet her. Her hand fell as his eyes seemed to purposely rush over the sight of her and she dropped her arm back to her side.

Ryn sauntered over to the dessert selection and positioned himself beside the princess. Feigning interest in the sweets, he leaned forward for a better view of the treat directly in front of the princess. “This one looks delightful,” he remarked, reaching for it. As his hand drew near, an errant cloth tucked in his sleeve slipped out, unfurling and draping itself over the petit confection. “Oh dear!” He whisked the fabric away, only to reveal an empty space beneath. He stared at the vacant area in faux puzzlement, then searched the cloth and found nothing. His gaze swept the surroundings, eventually locking onto Princess Anastasia. “Pardon me, did you see a runaway petit four by chance?”

“Oh hi!” Anastasia greeted with a smile as someone moved into her range of earshot, “It does look really good. Totally try it!” Her smile retained its glow, albeit with a subtle dimming, as her attention was drawn to a cloth that slipped from his grasp and fluttered to the ground. A quizzical tilt of her head accompanied her survey of the table. "Hmm, where could it have disappeared to?”

She directed her focus downward, bending her head to peer beneath the tablecloth as her blonde hair hung over her face. “Maybe… Maybe pick another?”

Ryn joined Anastasia in peering beneath the tablecloth, “I’ve heard these petit fours are the crafty sort. One moment there’s a platter full of them and then—poof!—in the blink of an eye, they’re all gone! They must be masters of stealth … or so delicious we don’t realize we’ve wolfed them down.” He let the tablecloth fall back into place as he straightened up. “No matter, plenty more options to choose from. Which one catches your fancy?”

Anastasia rose with him with a giggle. She pressed her fingers together and commented with a smile, “Oh you’re a funny one!” Her amber gaze set back on the table of goodies. She tapped her chin for a moment. “I often have that issue… I can’t help myself around sweets… “ As she drew off, there was a glimmer in her eye and she suddenly pointed out some fruit tarts. “Oh you must try those. Sooo good!” In a plate lay a few fruit tarts, all with golden crust and custard centers. Various berries adorned the custard like little bouquets.

Ryn could not help but mirror the princess’s smile as he witnessed her regain her spark. “This one?” With delicate care, he moved a fruit tart onto a plate and raised it, inspecting it from every angle. He hummed his approval. “My mouth is watering just looking at it. Let’s hope this doesn’t…” His hand concealed the tart from her sight. When he lifted his hand, the dessert—and the very plate it was on—disappeared, leaving behind a familiar cloth. “Vanish into thin air like the last one.”

“Again?” He picked up the cloth, turning it over in his hands. “I’m beginning to suspect we have a dessert thief in our midst.” Ryn held the fabric to his ear and shook it. “Wait, I hear something… Would you hold out your hands, please?” The cloth hovered over Princess Anastasia’s outstretched palms. After a few theatrical shakes, he pulled the cloth away. A plate of tart now rested on her hands.

“So that’s where it went! Let’s see if it has the other one too.” He repeated the performance over his free hand. This time, the first missing petit four reappeared. “There it is.”

He glanced between his and Princess Anastasia’s desserts. “Would it be bad manners if I returned this to the table? … Or perhaps I could make a trade? I’m sure this cloth pilfered an extra tart or two.” He covered his plate with the cloth and raised it, unveiling another fruit tart in place of his petit four. “Voilà!”

Anastasia stared with parted lips for a moment before she started to applaud enthusiastically, “Oh my Gods! You’re a magician! That was so AMAZING!” She exclaimed. A few that had been nearby also started to applaud. “I have not seen such a party trick since my brother’s birthday party when he was still a child… Please tell me how you did it!”

With a flourish, Ryn executed an elegant bow for his gathered audience. “Sleight of hand and misdirection—the core of many parlor tricks. A keen observer likely spotted me rearranging the desserts on the table.” He stepped aside to show the original petit four behind him. “I find chatter makes for good distraction. Sleight of hand requires practice, of course. Should you be interested, I’d gladly share a few techniques.” He lifted his tart and smiled at Princess Anastasia. “If you care to join me for dessert, that is. I have it on good authority that these tarts are exquisite.”

She tilted her body, her hands moving behind her back to lock eyes on the petit four with fascination. “I’m always distracted so I am sure you can keep me surprised!” Anastasia was half joking with her exclamation. With a smile, she gestured to a nearby lawn table with two upholstered seats. There were pastel-colored pillows as well as a dainty umbrella that shrouded the area in shade. “I’d love to.”

Anastasia selected another fruit tart and plated it with the other. The truth was she wanted to be distracted right now and he was quite pleasant company. The other day had been difficult and it still bore down on her as she had a rather overactive mind at times. She gestured toward the the table. “That looks like a nice spot to sit and snack, don’t you think?” She took a step in the direction only to pause, “Oh- And what’s your name?”

“Fritz. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” he said, setting his plate on the tabletop and drawing out a seat for her. “How may I address you?”

“Fritz!” Anastasia repeated with a smile, nodding her thanks as she sat down. “Such a unique name… My name’s Anastasia, but that’s a bit of a mouth full so… Many call me Ana, Annie, or you’re free to come up with whatever funny little thing that crosses your mind.” She picked up one of her tarts to take a bite as she considered her next question. However, more than one ended up tumbling out as per usual. “So where are you from? And what do you like to do for fun? Oh and! …Favorite color? ” Her eyes set on him with interest and excitement.

“No name is ever a mouthful, Miss Anastasia. However, if variety is what you wish for...” Ryn rubbed his chin in thought, “Aisatsana? Nana? Sia, Tasia, or perhaps Phia? We can use random appellations until we find one to your liking.”

“Annie works great but those are all pretty nice-… You ever make up fake names for fun and introduce yourself as different identities to strangers ? I like to put on different accents and all.”

“Not always for fun, but yes, I have.” Images of what little he observed of Princess Anastasia the past few days cycled through his head. “Although, more often than not, people don’t require alternate names or identities to pretend.”

Anastasia was not as quick to reply this time, her fork tracing aimless patterns on the plate of tarts before her. Amidst the symphony of voices and laughter that filled the silence, she eventually lifted her gaze, accompanied by a soft smile. “I agree…I ’d be willing to bet many of the people here are all playing pretend… Well I know they are. I like to watch them often as you can imagine I have some more free time than my brothers.”

With a delicate gesture, she lifted a forkful of tart, using it as punctuation, “That woman over there is Countess Melanie Monet. She and her husband Landon are from over east. “ The brunette's laughter danced in the air as she engaged in conversation with fellow nobles over cups of tea. Yet, upon closer thought, the noise had seemed tinged with a touch of strain. Beside her sat a blond gentleman, his grip on her hand noticeably tight. Anastasia's expression grew slightly distant, ”...Never seen her not wearing a smile.”

“Sometimes… it’s easier to pretend than to face reality.” Ryn murmured, observing the false gaiety around the count and countess. Their companions reveled in laughter and merriment. Whether by choice or ignorance, they were blind to the discord beneath the surface. “Especially if you believe you’re alone and trapped because you cannot imagine anything better beyond the thorns of unforgiving reality.”

Anastasia’s smile faded out of his view. She wondered if he was particularly perceptive of how others may feel or if he could relate to such a lonesome and harsh sentiment.

Without directly facing her, Ryn gently posed a question. “If given the chance, what would you do for” he eyed Princess Anastasia, “one so lost and forlorn? What words would you offer to… them?”

As he eyed her once more, a smile grew as she lost herself in thought. Her gaze fixated on his and she spoke softly yet earnestly, “I’d tell them that they’re not as alone as they think…That there’s always someone there to help if they look a little closer. ”

This time Ryn fully faced her. “Then allow me to say this to you, Anastasia. Though your smile lights up any room, it never quite hides your pain. Earlier at the dessert table, I saw a lonely young woman seeking recognition from someone she loves dearly.” He broke eye contact to watch King Edin in the distance. “I can only speculate why he is reluctant to reciprocate… but I think he cares for you in his own way.” Briefly, Ryn’s brows furrowed and, more to himself, he said, “He is… preoccupied by his own unhappiness.”

His warm gaze returned to Princess Anastasia. “You are loved by many. You’re not alone, even when it feels that way and no one seems to care. There has always been and always will be someone there for you. It may take courage, and aid from others, but things can improve.”

She stared at him, caught off guard that the conversation had taken a turn toward her.Her gaze remained fixed on him, hanging on his words as they unfolded. Anastasia's hand extended across the table with a faint smile. “You’re very sweet and you seem like you’re pretty smart… Thank you.”

“If my words sound sweet, it’s because they are yours. I merely relayed your wisdom back as a reminder.”

“...Truth is.” Her shoulders slumped and she set down her fork.

There was a certain comfort in confiding in a stranger, she realized, and it was a bit easier to speak to him than perhaps others about such. “I do wear a mask but it’s for myself more than anyone. I feel sometimes I can fool myself into enjoying everything more. Even when things aren’t ideal, I like to try to have as much fun as I can and enjoy life to the fullest. You never know when it’s going to end right? …Buuut easier said than done.” Her gaze slid to King Edin, “When it comes to my dad, I once got to know a side of him he doesn’t really show. He can be a nice person… And because I know he can, I don’t want to give up on him.”

Princess Anastasia’s sentiment toward her father resonated with that of Countess Monet. From what he heard, the countess had been trying to “fix” her husband for years with questionable success. Ryn focused on Count Monet’s iron grip. “Do what you can to help him… but keep in mind that it’s not your responsibility to ‘fix’ him.” With effort, he pulled his eyes from the other man’s hand.

“Taking a more proactive approach could help too,” Ryn went on. “As they say, change seldom comes to those who wait idly.”

“That’s true… And you know what… That even sounds cool. “Anastasia tapped her chin. “I’ll do something proactive then. I’m going to talk to him… Today!” She took a motivated final bite of her tart and then glanced at Fritz once more, “So Fritz! Tell me more about you. You seem like someone who has a really interesting story.”

“Me? … Well, let’s answer your first set of questions.” Ryn inhaled deeply and spoke without pause. “I-come-from-a-merchant-family-in-Erwynn-Varian-I-have-many-hobbies-and-interests-it’s-difficult-to-narrow-it-down-to-just-one-To-name-a-few-I-play-musical-instruments-whenever-my-muse-decides-to-pay-a-visit-and-I-can’t-say-no-to-a-good-book-or-promise-of-adventure-big-or-small-I-am-open-to-trying-anything-at-least-once-As-for-favorite-colors-I-don’t-have-one-because-every-color-is-my-favorite.” He finally paused to take a breath. “What about you, Miss Annie?”

Anastasia’s expression lit up and she giggled. “Oh wow! Okay. What a mouth full. I am noting in all… But hey! Instruments! I play the cello actually! What do you play!?”

“I've tried my hand at a few instruments, but never mastered any.” Ryn kept his eyes trained on Princess Anastasia, and his face smooth, as his ears perked up at the mention of Black Rose Trading Company hosting an auction for Prince Callum’s charity event. “Have you ever played with other musicians or performed for an audience?”

Anastasia's gaze shifted across the room and came to rest upon Alexander Deacon. Her brows arched with a hint of curiosity as her eyes locked onto him.Her brows raised with intrigue. He worked with Marek? She wondered why the two of them had never met? “...I’ve performed solo, but never with others.”She answered him, though with a slight delay. Her attention briefly drifted toward Callum, and a cascade of inquiries surged through her thoughts. “What is going on…” she murmured softly, her words a mere whisper that escaped beneath her breath.

“Would you consider performing a concert for this charity event?”

Anastasia gasped and looked back to him with wide eyes. “I totally would!! …”Her excitement slowly died down as a realization hit her.. “Hm but I don’t know if Callum wants anything to do with me. I have to make things right between us still… Him and I had a bad argument.”

“An argument?” Ryn prompted.

“Yeah long story short: he thinks I betrayed our friend, but I didn’t. I don’t have many ways to prove it. Stinky situation.”

“Then even more reason to do the concert! This event is the perfect opportunity to reconcile.”

“I can host the concert under my name.” Ryn paused to consider the other option. “Or perhaps Countess Monet would be a better choice? House Monet is respected in Caesonia, and her compassion and altruism are well-known. I am fairly certain she would be interested in contributing to the charity event. Her involvement might attract a wider audience.”

Enthusiastically, he added, “We can even invite our musically inclined friends to perform with us! You’d be supporting your brother in his endeavors, helping a good cause, spending time with friends, potentially making new ones, and your parents can watch you play!”

“You’re… You’re just full of GREAT ideas!” Anastasia exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with genuine excitement. The idea of being involved in something directly infused her with a revitalizing energy she hadn't experienced in quite some time. “How about the two of us work together to make this happen?” She suggested eagerly, ” It’s your idea and I’d love to help. I can ask around and I think asking Countess Monet to be a part of it would be great too…Maybe we should go ask Callum if he likes our idea!” Her gaze slid over to the table. “It looks like he’s over there actually.”

“Splendid.” Ryn searched the attendees, mentally making note of who might be willing to contribute. “If we’re going to host the concert under Countess Monet’s name, it might be better to ask her now before bringing up her name to your brother.” He tilted his body closer to Princess Anastasia. “And I am sure she would appreciate to hear you tell her that she’s not alone.”

Anastasia smiled. She rose and offered her hand to him, “Let’s make our merry way, my friend!”

Ryn stared at the offered hand with wide eyes before taking it into his and rising to his feet. “Let’s.”

King Edin & Duchess Victoria

Interactions: @Helo Callum

Victoria was seething with anger as she made her way towards King Edin. She had no intention of holding back. When she finally reached the king, she wasted no time in expressing her grievances as he looked down at her with wide eyes.

"Your Majesty," she began, "I must bring to your attention the disgraceful behavior of your son, Prince Callum. It is a matter of great concern and shame."

With a dramatic pause for effect, she continued, " Prince Callum had the audacity to approach our table with a fake smile and false pleasantries. But his true intentions were anything but noble."

"He proceeded to insult us, insinuating that we are not generous, and then, Your Majesty, he deliberately untied his shoes and removed his socks, right in the presence of ladies and gentlemen! He left his shoes and socks near me as if he were at some uncivilized gathering of homeless people. He is using this behavior to taunt me with the rumors that your son takes my daughter into the forest at night."

Victoria's voice grew sharper, her anger evident in her every word, "His behavior was nothing short of scandalous and this was all performed amongst many of our elite. Please think of what people will think of you if your son continues to act without decorum in such a public manner, for the sake of you, your family, and all of Caesonia."

Before King Edin could even quite reply, she gave a huff and stormed off.
He scratched his chin, slowly taking in the rant as he chewed a piece of cake. His gaze slowly slid to Prince Callum. Then it narrowed.

Count Landon Monet, Duchess Antoinette Petit, Countess Melanie & Countess Liliane

Interactions: @Helo Callum

"I'm alright, dear. So nice to see you Prince Callum."

She smiled and sat down to tea as Callum had. Then, the group had listened as he spoke.

"Aw. I see no harm in a little walk through the woods. What a lovely way to spend time together." Duchess Antoinette had commented.

Count Landon Monet was staring at him with a disgruntled look on his face while Melanie simply appeared concerned, her attention latched onto the back of Duchess Victoria as she spoke to King Edin. However, her attention returned as he spoke of the charity event.

"We'd... love to attend." Countess Melanie smiled at him.

"Oh yes, it's such a creative idea during the courting season. I am going to simply tell everyone about it, Prince Callum! You won't have an empty seat at this auction. Trust me!"

"... I will let my daughters know. I am sure they will be interested in attending." Countess Liliane's addition was softer than the others.

Though initially reluctant, Count Landon did seem swayed after some thought. "Hmm... Perhaps I will assist in sponsoring this event, Prince Callum. My name will help give it some extra interest. I shall spread the word as well."
Man, I dunno whether to be flattered or sad. 😭

I hope you'll reconsider, but all the best to you regardless.

All the best to you as well. I am very sorry to make you sad :C

let me know if it sucks ass lmao @princess@Tae

Hello @pugbutter!
Unfortunately, after some discussion, we are going to decline this application.
You have an enormous talent for writing very beautifully, however, we have decided it may require too high of reading comprehension for the casual atmosphere of the roleplay.

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction: @FunnyGuy Lorenzo
Attire:Bathing Suit, Light-colored beach sandals, Hair loose

Charlotte felt her shoulders ease with tension as Layla finally departed, her hopes riding on this being their last encounter. She couldn't help but feel a subtle spark of excitement as she considered the prospect that they may finally all get to have a little bit of fun. However, there remained an issue before she could even consider such a thing. Her gaze drifted toward her father, his words echoing in her mind once more.

"Lottie had no hand in this! Please, spare her from suffering! I'll bear any burden! Just shield her from that wretched Calbert Damien!"

Her expression shifted as she frowned. Without a word, she knelt down before her father and enveloped him in a tight, heartfelt hug. It may have been the first hug they had shared in days. Though that quarrel days ago had estranged them, his words reminded her that, despite everything, they both wanted the same thing.

"Everything's okay, Lorenzo. No one is going to suffer and I am right here."

After a moment, she gently broke the embrace and extended her hands toward him. "Ready to stand?"

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction: @PapaOso Cassius @Potter Olivia/Layla, @Samreaper Kazumin
Mention:@SausagePat Ruby @FunnyGuy Lorenzo
Attire:Bathing Suit, Light-colored beach sandals, Hair loose

Charlotte's brows lifted and her lips parted slightly as if a question had died on them. She watched Cassius lift up Ruby. Even though she had been the one to ask him for help, she still found the whole scenario rather peculiar when compared to their first meeting. She shrugged off the thought for a rainy day and rose to her feet as well. She took ahold of Olivia's hand and followed Cassius over to the blanket. It was there that she knelt down and arranged a makeshift pillow with one of the towels. She then slipped it under Ruby's head as she was laid down. "Poor thing... I hope she isn't afflicted with anything."

“Not another word. This stops now.”

Her gaze slowly rose toward the sky as if it would have answers to why her life was like this.

“Doctor Williamson, I think you've said quite enough. Shezhadi Layla appears more refreshing than this strawberry smoothie tastes but no need to ogle her beneath your sunglasses.”

What in the world is he on about? Charlotte's head whirled in time to hear her stepfather cry out as he touched Layla's chin. Her expression filled with dread and her pupils dilated as he fell to his knees. Not this again!

"What the fuck is going on? Is it always this…chaotic? Don't get me wrong, I love a bit of chaos, but this has been a very peculiar morning.”

Charlotte met his eyes sadly, "Seems so. Just... Just wait here." She had been on the verge of rising to her feet when Calbert finally arrived. Thankfully, his arrival seemed to command everyone's attention, momentarily silencing the trouble. She shot a fleeting glare at his back as he began to make his rounds. Although her initial thoughts had veered toward anger, the peculiarities of the situation started to gnaw at her as her gaze locked on the invitations in Henry's hands. Her frown deepened as she leaned her hands back on the blanket.

After a hard swallow, she felt the urge to consult Olivia, but it was too late, Calbert was already on his way over. Instead, she downcasted her gaze toward her own hands as they started to tremble. Charlotte kept her head down, even as Calbert's footsteps in the sand grew audible as he approached. She made no move to touch the invitation that had been thrown her way, her eyes fixated down on her lap. Even as he addressed Olivia, she remained silent.

Once he finally moved on, Charlotte's attention shifted to the source of the slurping sound, and she offered a smile. There was a brief pause before she gestured to Kazumin, inviting them to join them at the blanket. Hopefully, he could provide Olivia with some comfort. She adjusted her positioning to sit on her knees, her eyes setting upon Lorenzo.

"He's still clutching her legs... I have to stop this. Olivia, please do not get involved." Charlotte finally rose to her feet and addressed both Cassius and Olivia. "Hopefully this is the last of this madness and we can all go for a nice swim as Lord Roman suggested."

With a sigh, she hurried over to Layla and Lorenzo. "Lorenzo, please let go of her." She pleaded wearily as she came to stand before them.

Duchess Victoria Edwards, Count Landon Monet, Duchess Antoinette Petit, Countess Melanie & Countess Liliane

Interactions: @Helo Callum

"... And Duchess Edwards, I almost didn’t see you there.”

A hush grew over the table as all eyes slid to Duchess Victoria. Her eyes widened abruptly, and her facade momentarily faltered. It was as though she was a tea kettle on the verge of boiling as her emotions began to quickly rise below the surface. Her brows arched in astonishment, and her lips, which were initially poised in a self-satisfied smile, quivered with an unspoken indignation.

Count Landon held up his hand as if to alert the women he needed to speak first. He hesitated though as he watched the Prince begin to untie his shoes. Then with a forced but somewhat charming smile, he acknowledged Callum's greeting with a nod. "Ah, Prince Callum, always the eloquent one... " He had some difficulty maintaing the pleasant tone as he reached the word eloquent; they all knew that was indeed not the case. Out of all of Edin's sons, Callum, who obviously was dropped on his head as a babe, was the one to come to their table.

"Hm. Well. We appreciate your kind words...Charity, you say? We'll consider supporting your cause if it aligns with our interests. Tell us more." His brows furrowed and a deep scowl started to slowly form on his face.

Antoinette, meanwhile, had gestured to an empty seat with a beaming smile, "Oh, Prince Callum! Come sit, sweetie. What a pleasure it is to see you!... A charity event? How wonderful! I'm sure we'd be more than happy to offer our support-Oh... Wow! What are you doing, dear?"

Melanie's attention was shifting between Duchess Victoria and Prince Callum. The gears in her head seemed to be spinning as she recalled the paper this morning. As he slipped out of his shoes and socks, Melanie tried to subtly shake her head at him to persuade him otherwise, She's not the lady you wanna start with right now, Callum.

Duchess Victoria's brow twitched with irritation, her foot tapping impatiently beneath the table. After a tense moment, she abruptly stood, her chain sliding back noisily against the pavement. Her chin lifted defiantly and a glint of determination formed in her eyes. Countess Melanie attempted to slide a plate her way.

"Duchess Victoria... Have you tried the scones?"

A dark, chilling smile played at the corners of her lips as she spoke in a voice as smooth as silk but with a distinct icy undertone. "Please, do excuse me for just a moment."With a deliberate motion, she practically kicked Callum's shoes out of her path as she made a determined beeline for King Edin. In her haste, Duchess Victoria nearly collided with Countess Liliane, who was returning to the table with a plate of cucumber sandwiches. Countess Liliane let out a startled gasp as she stumbled backward, her plate of sandwiches tilting dangerously for a moment. Once she righted herself, her gaze fixated on Duchess Victoria's leaving figure.

Countess Liliane returned to the table with a concerned expression. Her eyes fell on Prince Callum's bare feet momentarily then slid up to his face. She smiled at him and held the plate out toward him, "Hello Your Highness! Sandwich?"

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Mari & Aerilyn

Mari narrowly evaded the swinging sword that threatened to slice through the air, her body twisting and tumbling onto the tavern floor. She landed on the rough wooden floor with a roll, a searing pain coursing through her arm as blood trickled from a gash. He’s fast!

Luckily, Thraash had given her an opening with his token spicy burp of his. Just a few seconds later, she suddenly channeled her light energy with a focused intent. A brilliant flash of light erupted, momentarily blinding everyone in the room. The scene had shifted entirely once the glare subsided. Aerilyn now occupied the very spot where Mari had been standing just seconds ago, while Mari found herself in Aerilyn's place. However, known to Mari alone, this was not reality. She had not moved from where she stood. She was banking on the idea the warforged would at the least be confused a moment, if not fooled.

Finally, she hurled the orb toward him. “Okay you overgrown solar box. Attacking people the moment you walk into a place is VERY rude.” She got to her feet with a grin, “I mean, my feelings are seriously hurt, and you haven't even given me a proper apology! Come on, isn't there something called manners anymore? No 'hello'? No 'how are you'? Geez!” She hurled a few smaller light orbs with each question, “Where’d you learn your manners? Were you raised by beast men!?”

Aerilyn held her breath as gas spewed from the Warforged after narrowly dodging her initial attack, forcing her to back off. Her attention was then drawn to Mari and the Dragonborn. She watched as flames shot forth towards the Warforged from Thraash, followed by a blinding flash of light. As the brilliance subsided, Aerilyn saw what appeared to be herself across the room where Mari just stood armed with a hammer, ready for action.

'Incredible!' She tightened her grip on her hammer and swiftly lunged forward for another attack. Aerilyn’s body had taken the form of a magical sphere glowing with radiance shot from an illusionary Mari to any onlookers.

I'm okay spending a few posts alone to do some character writing, but yes, thank God for the railroad. I can 100% work with the logistics of what I wanted to do in the north.

Might have the application ready as soon as this evening.

You may not want to do your initial plan as a heads up, a day is taking a few months to get through.
Another heads up just in case as we have had this misunderstanding before: the genres of this roleplay are romance, drama, mystery... as opposed to nation wars.

Can't wait to see what you have in store.
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