Hidden 1 yr ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Anastasia & Ryn

Anastasia had wandered over to the dessert selection, trailing a finger down the cloth of the table. The gentle swish of fabric under her touch was interrupted by the unmistakable blare of a trumpet, which instantly piqued her attention. Craning her neck, she looked over her shoulder to watch Callum enter with the baker. She openly giggled, both at the absurdity of it all and just because it was nice to see Callum seeming in better spirits today at least.

It was going to be daunting to tell him that she hadn’t been able to speak to Marek. He’d almost assuredly assume she didn’t try hard enough. Even so, she had no plans to avoid him. He was her little brother and she planned to make sure he knew how much she wanted to look out for him no matter what he thought of her. Her gaze had slid to her father as he entered. Though it was pointless, the princess waved her hand with a smile in greeting with some hopes he might greet her. Her hand fell as his eyes seemed to purposely rush over the sight of her and she dropped her arm back to her side.

Ryn sauntered over to the dessert selection and positioned himself beside the princess. Feigning interest in the sweets, he leaned forward for a better view of the treat directly in front of the princess. “This one looks delightful,” he remarked, reaching for it. As his hand drew near, an errant cloth tucked in his sleeve slipped out, unfurling and draping itself over the petit confection. “Oh dear!” He whisked the fabric away, only to reveal an empty space beneath. He stared at the vacant area in faux puzzlement, then searched the cloth and found nothing. His gaze swept the surroundings, eventually locking onto Princess Anastasia. “Pardon me, did you see a runaway petit four by chance?”

“Oh hi!” Anastasia greeted with a smile as someone moved into her range of earshot, “It does look really good. Totally try it!” Her smile retained its glow, albeit with a subtle dimming, as her attention was drawn to a cloth that slipped from his grasp and fluttered to the ground. A quizzical tilt of her head accompanied her survey of the table. "Hmm, where could it have disappeared to?”

She directed her focus downward, bending her head to peer beneath the tablecloth as her blonde hair hung over her face. “Maybe… Maybe pick another?”

Ryn joined Anastasia in peering beneath the tablecloth, “I’ve heard these petit fours are the crafty sort. One moment there’s a platter full of them and then—poof!—in the blink of an eye, they’re all gone! They must be masters of stealth … or so delicious we don’t realize we’ve wolfed them down.” He let the tablecloth fall back into place as he straightened up. “No matter, plenty more options to choose from. Which one catches your fancy?”

Anastasia rose with him with a giggle. She pressed her fingers together and commented with a smile, “Oh you’re a funny one!” Her amber gaze set back on the table of goodies. She tapped her chin for a moment. “I often have that issue… I can’t help myself around sweets… “ As she drew off, there was a glimmer in her eye and she suddenly pointed out some fruit tarts. “Oh you must try those. Sooo good!” In a plate lay a few fruit tarts, all with golden crust and custard centers. Various berries adorned the custard like little bouquets.

Ryn could not help but mirror the princess’s smile as he witnessed her regain her spark. “This one?” With delicate care, he moved a fruit tart onto a plate and raised it, inspecting it from every angle. He hummed his approval. “My mouth is watering just looking at it. Let’s hope this doesn’t…” His hand concealed the tart from her sight. When he lifted his hand, the dessert—and the very plate it was on—disappeared, leaving behind a familiar cloth. “Vanish into thin air like the last one.”

“Again?” He picked up the cloth, turning it over in his hands. “I’m beginning to suspect we have a dessert thief in our midst.” Ryn held the fabric to his ear and shook it. “Wait, I hear something… Would you hold out your hands, please?” The cloth hovered over Princess Anastasia’s outstretched palms. After a few theatrical shakes, he pulled the cloth away. A plate of tart now rested on her hands.

“So that’s where it went! Let’s see if it has the other one too.” He repeated the performance over his free hand. This time, the first missing petit four reappeared. “There it is.”

He glanced between his and Princess Anastasia’s desserts. “Would it be bad manners if I returned this to the table? … Or perhaps I could make a trade? I’m sure this cloth pilfered an extra tart or two.” He covered his plate with the cloth and raised it, unveiling another fruit tart in place of his petit four. “Voilà!”

Anastasia stared with parted lips for a moment before she started to applaud enthusiastically, “Oh my Gods! You’re a magician! That was so AMAZING!” She exclaimed. A few that had been nearby also started to applaud. “I have not seen such a party trick since my brother’s birthday party when he was still a child… Please tell me how you did it!”

With a flourish, Ryn executed an elegant bow for his gathered audience. “Sleight of hand and misdirection—the core of many parlor tricks. A keen observer likely spotted me rearranging the desserts on the table.” He stepped aside to show the original petit four behind him. “I find chatter makes for good distraction. Sleight of hand requires practice, of course. Should you be interested, I’d gladly share a few techniques.” He lifted his tart and smiled at Princess Anastasia. “If you care to join me for dessert, that is. I have it on good authority that these tarts are exquisite.”

She tilted her body, her hands moving behind her back to lock eyes on the petit four with fascination. “I’m always distracted so I am sure you can keep me surprised!” Anastasia was half joking with her exclamation. With a smile, she gestured to a nearby lawn table with two upholstered seats. There were pastel-colored pillows as well as a dainty umbrella that shrouded the area in shade. “I’d love to.”

Anastasia selected another fruit tart and plated it with the other. The truth was she wanted to be distracted right now and he was quite pleasant company. The other day had been difficult and it still bore down on her as she had a rather overactive mind at times. She gestured toward the the table. “That looks like a nice spot to sit and snack, don’t you think?” She took a step in the direction only to pause, “Oh- And what’s your name?”

“Fritz. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” he said, setting his plate on the tabletop and drawing out a seat for her. “How may I address you?”

“Fritz!” Anastasia repeated with a smile, nodding her thanks as she sat down. “Such a unique name… My name’s Anastasia, but that’s a bit of a mouth full so… Many call me Ana, Annie, or you’re free to come up with whatever funny little thing that crosses your mind.” She picked up one of her tarts to take a bite as she considered her next question. However, more than one ended up tumbling out as per usual. “So where are you from? And what do you like to do for fun? Oh and! …Favorite color? ” Her eyes set on him with interest and excitement.

“No name is ever a mouthful, Miss Anastasia. However, if variety is what you wish for...” Ryn rubbed his chin in thought, “Aisatsana? Nana? Sia, Tasia, or perhaps Phia? We can use random appellations until we find one to your liking.”

“Annie works great but those are all pretty nice-… You ever make up fake names for fun and introduce yourself as different identities to strangers ? I like to put on different accents and all.”

“Not always for fun, but yes, I have.” Images of what little he observed of Princess Anastasia the past few days cycled through his head. “Although, more often than not, people don’t require alternate names or identities to pretend.”

Anastasia was not as quick to reply this time, her fork tracing aimless patterns on the plate of tarts before her. Amidst the symphony of voices and laughter that filled the silence, she eventually lifted her gaze, accompanied by a soft smile. “I agree…I ’d be willing to bet many of the people here are all playing pretend… Well I know they are. I like to watch them often as you can imagine I have some more free time than my brothers.”

With a delicate gesture, she lifted a forkful of tart, using it as punctuation, “That woman over there is Countess Melanie Monet. She and her husband Landon are from over east. “ The brunette's laughter danced in the air as she engaged in conversation with fellow nobles over cups of tea. Yet, upon closer thought, the noise had seemed tinged with a touch of strain. Beside her sat a blond gentleman, his grip on her hand noticeably tight. Anastasia's expression grew slightly distant, ”...Never seen her not wearing a smile.”

“Sometimes… it’s easier to pretend than to face reality.” Ryn murmured, observing the false gaiety around the count and countess. Their companions reveled in laughter and merriment. Whether by choice or ignorance, they were blind to the discord beneath the surface. “Especially if you believe you’re alone and trapped because you cannot imagine anything better beyond the thorns of unforgiving reality.”

Anastasia’s smile faded out of his view. She wondered if he was particularly perceptive of how others may feel or if he could relate to such a lonesome and harsh sentiment.

Without directly facing her, Ryn gently posed a question. “If given the chance, what would you do for” he eyed Princess Anastasia, “one so lost and forlorn? What words would you offer to… them?”

As he eyed her once more, a smile grew as she lost herself in thought. Her gaze fixated on his and she spoke softly yet earnestly, “I’d tell them that they’re not as alone as they think…That there’s always someone there to help if they look a little closer. ”

This time Ryn fully faced her. “Then allow me to say this to you, Anastasia. Though your smile lights up any room, it never quite hides your pain. Earlier at the dessert table, I saw a lonely young woman seeking recognition from someone she loves dearly.” He broke eye contact to watch King Edin in the distance. “I can only speculate why he is reluctant to reciprocate… but I think he cares for you in his own way.” Briefly, Ryn’s brows furrowed and, more to himself, he said, “He is… preoccupied by his own unhappiness.”

His warm gaze returned to Princess Anastasia. “You are loved by many. You’re not alone, even when it feels that way and no one seems to care. There has always been and always will be someone there for you. It may take courage, and aid from others, but things can improve.”

She stared at him, caught off guard that the conversation had taken a turn toward her.Her gaze remained fixed on him, hanging on his words as they unfolded. Anastasia's hand extended across the table with a faint smile. “You’re very sweet and you seem like you’re pretty smart… Thank you.”

“If my words sound sweet, it’s because they are yours. I merely relayed your wisdom back as a reminder.”

“...Truth is.” Her shoulders slumped and she set down her fork.

There was a certain comfort in confiding in a stranger, she realized, and it was a bit easier to speak to him than perhaps others about such. “I do wear a mask but it’s for myself more than anyone. I feel sometimes I can fool myself into enjoying everything more. Even when things aren’t ideal, I like to try to have as much fun as I can and enjoy life to the fullest. You never know when it’s going to end right? …Buuut easier said than done.” Her gaze slid to King Edin, “When it comes to my dad, I once got to know a side of him he doesn’t really show. He can be a nice person… And because I know he can, I don’t want to give up on him.”

Princess Anastasia’s sentiment toward her father resonated with that of Countess Monet. From what he heard, the countess had been trying to “fix” her husband for years with questionable success. Ryn focused on Count Monet’s iron grip. “Do what you can to help him… but keep in mind that it’s not your responsibility to ‘fix’ him.” With effort, he pulled his eyes from the other man’s hand.

“Taking a more proactive approach could help too,” Ryn went on. “As they say, change seldom comes to those who wait idly.”

“That’s true… And you know what… That even sounds cool. “Anastasia tapped her chin. “I’ll do something proactive then. I’m going to talk to him… Today!” She took a motivated final bite of her tart and then glanced at Fritz once more, “So Fritz! Tell me more about you. You seem like someone who has a really interesting story.”

“Me? … Well, let’s answer your first set of questions.” Ryn inhaled deeply and spoke without pause. “I-come-from-a-merchant-family-in-Erwynn-Varian-I-have-many-hobbies-and-interests-it’s-difficult-to-narrow-it-down-to-just-one-To-name-a-few-I-play-musical-instruments-whenever-my-muse-decides-to-pay-a-visit-and-I-can’t-say-no-to-a-good-book-or-promise-of-adventure-big-or-small-I-am-open-to-trying-anything-at-least-once-As-for-favorite-colors-I-don’t-have-one-because-every-color-is-my-favorite.” He finally paused to take a breath. “What about you, Miss Annie?”

Anastasia’s expression lit up and she giggled. “Oh wow! Okay. What a mouth full. I am noting in all… But hey! Instruments! I play the cello actually! What do you play!?”

“I've tried my hand at a few instruments, but never mastered any.” Ryn kept his eyes trained on Princess Anastasia, and his face smooth, as his ears perked up at the mention of Black Rose Trading Company hosting an auction for Prince Callum’s charity event. “Have you ever played with other musicians or performed for an audience?”

Anastasia's gaze shifted across the room and came to rest upon Alexander Deacon. Her brows arched with a hint of curiosity as her eyes locked onto him.Her brows raised with intrigue. He worked with Marek? She wondered why the two of them had never met? “...I’ve performed solo, but never with others.”She answered him, though with a slight delay. Her attention briefly drifted toward Callum, and a cascade of inquiries surged through her thoughts. “What is going on…” she murmured softly, her words a mere whisper that escaped beneath her breath.

“Would you consider performing a concert for this charity event?”

Anastasia gasped and looked back to him with wide eyes. “I totally would!! …”Her excitement slowly died down as a realization hit her.. “Hm but I don’t know if Callum wants anything to do with me. I have to make things right between us still… Him and I had a bad argument.”

“An argument?” Ryn prompted.

“Yeah long story short: he thinks I betrayed our friend, but I didn’t. I don’t have many ways to prove it. Stinky situation.”

“Then even more reason to do the concert! This event is the perfect opportunity to reconcile.”

“I can host the concert under my name.” Ryn paused to consider the other option. “Or perhaps Countess Monet would be a better choice? House Monet is respected in Caesonia, and her compassion and altruism are well-known. I am fairly certain she would be interested in contributing to the charity event. Her involvement might attract a wider audience.”

Enthusiastically, he added, “We can even invite our musically inclined friends to perform with us! You’d be supporting your brother in his endeavors, helping a good cause, spending time with friends, potentially making new ones, and your parents can watch you play!”

“You’re… You’re just full of GREAT ideas!” Anastasia exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with genuine excitement. The idea of being involved in something directly infused her with a revitalizing energy she hadn't experienced in quite some time. “How about the two of us work together to make this happen?” She suggested eagerly, ” It’s your idea and I’d love to help. I can ask around and I think asking Countess Monet to be a part of it would be great too…Maybe we should go ask Callum if he likes our idea!” Her gaze slid over to the table. “It looks like he’s over there actually.”

“Splendid.” Ryn searched the attendees, mentally making note of who might be willing to contribute. “If we’re going to host the concert under Countess Monet’s name, it might be better to ask her now before bringing up her name to your brother.” He tilted his body closer to Princess Anastasia. “And I am sure she would appreciate to hear you tell her that she’s not alone.”

Anastasia smiled. She rose and offered her hand to him, “Let’s make our merry way, my friend!”

Ryn stared at the offered hand with wide eyes before taking it into his and rising to his feet. “Let’s.”

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The evening has set in! Anything you need to wrap up, please be clear that you are writing in the daytime still or mark as a flashback as we are officially moving into the night <3

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Count Damien's Masquerade

Time: Night
Location: Ballroom in Damien Estate

Written by @Tpartywithzombi

As the moonlight filters through the intricately designed windows, casting a silvery glow upon the polished wooden floor, the room transforms into a dreamscape of elegance and mystery. Tonight, an air of enchantment fills the room, as the ballroom plays host to a splendid masquerade.

The walls of the grey ballroom are adorned with rich velvet drapes in deep shades of midnight blue and regal burgundy, cascading from ceiling to floor in graceful waves. Gilded sconces, delicately crafted with intricate patterns, hold flickering candles that dance with a warm and inviting light, casting intricate shadows that seem to tell secrets of bygone eras.

The expansive dance floor is a masterpiece in itself, polished to a mirror-like shine, reflecting the enchanting chandeliers that hang above. The chandeliers are true works of art, their crystal prisms capturing the moonlight and scattering it across the room in a myriad of enchanting patterns. Each crystal radiates a soft, ethereal glow, casting an otherworldly ambiance over the masquerade attendees.

In every corner, exquisite floral arrangements that Lady Damien insisted on having. Bursting forth in a riot of colors and scents, lending a touch of nature's beauty to the splendor of the occasion. Roses in shades of deep crimson and velvety black mingle with orchids and lilies, their fragrances intermingling with the soft scent of beeswax candles. Greenery twists and twines around the pillars, enhancing the illusion of a hidden garden within the ballroom itself.

As attendees glide gracefully across the dance floor in their elaborate animal-inspired attire, the masked figures create an aura of intrigue and allure. The ornate masks range from delicate lace to opulent filigree, each one a testament to the wearer's imagination. Behind these disguises, whispered conversations and shared laughter mingled with the strains of a live orchestra, playing their beautiful tunes.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by princess
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The Ceremony for the Summer Solstice

Time: Night
Location: Edge of Lover's Lake.

Written by @ReusableSword

The summer air was cool outside the warehouse, marked with white, blue, and purple flags—the colors of the Ravenwood family. This was the designated location for the ritual attendees to gather, unless they chose to arrive on their own at odd hours of the night. With about an hour remaining before the sun set, the Ravenwood clan, and indeed many people from Varian, worked quickly to assemble baskets, boxes, kegs, and various other items into a few horse-drawn carts. The mood was cheerful, with many smiles and hearty laughs filling the air.

Soon, an entourage comprised of nobles, guards, merchants, workers, and people of all ages, gathered in and around the carts to make their way to the ceremony site. Musicians played music commonly heard in the Northern Varian territories as the procession slowly advanced toward the lush forest. The chosen location, the westernmost edge of Lover’s Lake, had been meticulously prepared for their ceremony. The past few days were dedicated to clearing brush, setting stones and designs into the ground, preparing fire pits, arranging food, and setting up seating for the night.

At the site, a few guards and the shaman had already arrived and greeted everyone with smiles, beckoning them to begin unloading the carts and sorting through the crates. Most everyone pitched in to unload everything from the carts until they were empty. During a brief pause in the activities, a man stepped up onto one of the empty carts and gestured for everyone to gather around for an announcement.

Roman stood tall on the empty cart, wearing his traditional Ritual attire, which made him look quite imposing. He wore a plaid kilt in his family’s colors and little else—no shoes, no shirt. However, strapped to him were large, thick bones—the upper half of a large snow bear skeleton. Its ribs encased his chest and torso, with long arm bones tied to his arms that ended in oversized boney paws with sharp, dagger-like claws. Its lower jaw hung from around his neck, and under one arm was the skull itself. The bones had been altered slightly to fit his size, yet anyone could still estimate the size of the beast from the skull he held under his arm. A skull that, like the rest of his bare skin, was adorned with ancient patterns and runes meant for protection and strength.

Hello friends, family, new and old faces, one and all. Thank you for coming to our Celebration and Ceremony of the summer solstice. There are a few ground rules I must go over with you, especially if you have never been to one of our celebrations,” he spoke clearly, slowly, and with distinct enunciation, ensuring that all could hear his words. “First and foremost, there are no titles here—Royalty, Nobility, and the common man will all be treated the same, as we are all equal in the eyes of the gods.

He paused briefly, his smile never fading. “Second, if you're going to act disrespectfully, whether sober or not, you will be escorted back to the city if you are disrespectful towards each other or our ceremony. This is for your safety as much as it is ours; some of us may enter a trance as we sing and dance, and some of us may not recognize you.

He allowed those words to sink in before continuing, “Third, there are cups offered by the shaman herself.” Roman motioned his arm toward her, “These are the only cups that are colored red. They contain a drink mixed with our natural plants and mushrooms from the north. This drink is what we give to our people who wish to see. No one knows what you will see, but mostly it is to help you see your true self, so that you may find peace and heal from the wounds no one else can see. If you're lucky, you may even meet a god.

A chorus of laughter erupted from him and some of the other northern men, as if they were all in on some inside joke, or perhaps they were all just a little insane. “Lastly, and this one is important,” Again, he paused to ensure everyone was listening, “Our ceremonies are ancient, from a time before our kingdoms were kingdoms. You may think or feel that the way we worship is magic in some way, but I can assure you it is not. We sing, dance, and offer to our gods, our ancestors, and the spirits that inhabit the land.

His smile returned as he placed the hollowed-out skull onto his head, concealing his eyes in shadow. The red rubies set in the eye sockets of the bear's skull glistened with the dying light of the sun. “Now, for the ceremony itself, we will sing four songs in the old tongue. The many guards not participating in the ceremony have been instructed to translate for you if you ask. Our songs represent birth, life, death, and the last song for the gods. Before we start, you will find benches close to the fires; these are meant for offerings of food, wine, and prayers or words to a loved one who has passed—anything you wish to offer to the gods and the ancestors.

Again, he paused to look over the crowd. “Mina Blackwood and I will be leading the songs for this ceremony. So, we have a little while longer before the fires are lit, so please enjoy the food, the drinks, the music. Take this time to prepare yourselves for the celebration. Remember, all we ask is that you be respectful of our customs. It's up to you whether you want to participate or just observe. No one here will judge you for getting in tune with nature.

Glancing out across the forest for a moment, three smaller fires were set up in a triangle with ample space in the middle for the largest of the fires. Stones and paint formed an intricate pattern along the ground, one that could only be fully appreciated from a higher vantage point. Tables with food, drinks, instruments, and ritual wear were arranged around the outside of the very large circle. With that, he descended from the cart, and the crowd began to disperse. He still had a few things to prepare for the ritual himself.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Tpartywithzombi
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Tpartywithzombi “Strong women are absolutely unpredictable.”

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Location: Damien Estate
Time: Sola 23 / Night


A false show or pretense.


A social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment.

The Damien Estate Masquerade Party. The grand event of the evening fit so perfectly for what was to come. What was meant to be a themed fun-filled gathering, was nothing more than a boost to a single man's ego and popularity. A game with a predetermined winner. His moves were already laid out, prepared with the thoroughness of a psychopath.

But did he consider the price? Did Violet's father think of the dangers of inviting falseness into his home. To gather, drink, eat, and be entertained amongst his that was so fragile underneath the surface of the visage they displayed. A visage that was purely just another pretty mask of his masquerade party.

Inside her moonlit chamber, an air of sadness enshrouded Violet, like a spectral veil woven from strands of her pain. A black lace string wound intricately around the back of her head, her hair pulled back tightly away from her face and shoulders in a beautiful braid that twisted into a bun. A mask hand crafted from the plumage of raven feathers adorned her face. Her crimson eyes shinning from behind the mask.

Her attire whispered of dark beauty, a testament to her father's ostentatious intentions. A gown of onyx silk clung to her form, its fabric cascading like liquid darkness, pooling at her feet. The grandeur of her collar was a profusion of feathers that sprang forth like wings, framing her features with an eerie elegance that bordered on the surreal. Although her father’s gift was wonderful, Violet couldn’t help but question the intention behind his actions.

Yet, behind this façade of extravagance and beauty lay a monster. Violet's heart thrummed with a dissonant truth. Her father's lavish indulgence may have cloaked her in finery, but it could not obscure the monster that festered beneath the surface. Unseen by the world, a hurricane of turmoil churned within her soul, a maelstrom of emotions that continued to build each hour that passed.

The frigid night air played upon her skin, a symphony of prickling sensations that whispered of the world beyond her cage. A subtle curve graced her lips, a peaceful feeling tugging at her heart as she yearned for the view from her balcony, where once she had been able to peer upon the beautiful night sky. Yet, this simple pleasure now eluded her, eclipsed by an insidious craving that gnawed at her core.

In the veiled night, Violet stood on her balcony bathing in the light of the moon. As the night enveloped her in its darkness, Violet reached into the pocket of her dress pulling out the letter she had received earlier in the day. Opening it up she held the letter against the balcony; the blurred scribbles of her friends’ writing was a much needed reminder that she wasn't alone. A quaint distraction that took her mind and senses elsewhere. Safety and caution could not reach her in this momentary bliss.

Who knew that Roman would be such the accomplice to her complacency this night? A sudden whistle of wind filled the air was like a signal of the perfect time to-

Violet felt a swift pressure wrap around her throat and head. Her body was being pulled back from the balcony's edge, away from the moonlight that lustered her alabaster complexion. Violet's trembling hands clutched at the arm coiled menacingly around her delicate neck. Her heart pounded like a wild drum, reminding her of the growing sense of dread within her.

In a desperate frenzy, Violet's nails, long and sharp as razors, tore into the arm that sought to claim her life. The tearing sound of fabric being savagely shredded echoed in her bedroom as her cries of help muffled from the pressure around her neck. But no matter how fiercely she clawed and scratched, the grip on her neck showed no signs of relenting. Deep cuts from her claws digging into the strangers arm as blood appear to drip onto her pale skin.

The air around her became suffocating, each empty breath a torturous reminder of the tightening grip that held her. She fought with every ounce of her waning strength, a primal instinct for survival warring against the person.

With each passing moment, the darkness seemed to grow around her. Violet's defiant struggle was now veering into a hopeless battle against whoever had her. Her consciousness wavered, her vision blurred even more, and the world around her began to twist and warp. And then there was darkness. Silence. Nothing more to feel. Bliss twisted.

As the darkness took her, Violet felt a sense of calm wash over her. Her body collapsed limp in the embrace of the stranger.


Taken from her peace and in moments from her home, Violet faded into the abyss of night: her captor, a man wearing a black mask decorated with two golden horns of a ram.

The only sign left of the strange visitor was the crumpled up letter from Roman, laying in the middle of Violets bedroom floor with tiny droplets of blood decorating the once pristine paper.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Tae
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Location: Tea Party—->Edge of Lovers Lake
Time: Morning—-->Night
Interactions:@Infinite Cosmos Munir
Mentions: @ReusableSword Roman

Count Sebastian Blackwood, dressed in the finery befitting his station, had been enjoying the company of several lesser noble women at the tea party. His charismatic demeanor and penchant for witty banter made him a favorite among the ladies. He had been regaling them with tales of his travels and adventures, his eyes occasionally wandering around the garden, keeping an eye on his niece Mina as she mingled with the guests.

It was during one of his charming anecdotes that Hakim approached him, discreetly delivering a small folded note. Sebastian excused himself from the conversation with the ladies, his curiosity piqued. He unfolded the note and quickly scanned its contents.

A subtle furrow formed on his brow as he read Munir's message. It was not entirely unexpected, given their last encounter, but Sebastian knew that addressing this matter was necessary. Besides, it was best to handle this discreetly.

Sebastian penned a brief reply, carefully choosing his words. The message read:

Prince Munir,

I shall honor your request. Let us meet after the Summer Solstice celebration tonight. Come and join us for our celebration, I feel you’ll find it rather interesting. After it is complete I will find you and we can step aside to talk. Until then, enjoy the festivities.

Count Sebastian Blackwood

He sealed the note and handed it back to the servant, instructing them to deliver it to Munir. With that done, he returned to the group of noblewomen, his charm and wit undiminished, though his thoughts now turned toward the upcoming meeting and how best to handle it.

Later that evening…

Count Sebastian Blackwood stood amidst the tranquil, forested setting chosen for the Summer Solstice celebration. The scent of pine and earth hung heavy in the air, mingling with the faint aroma of burning wood from the small fires scattered around the gathering site. Dressed in black leather pants that clung to his lithe form, he stood shirtless, revealing the intricate designs of black ink that adorned his skin, symbolizing wisdom and transformation. The rays of the setting sun played upon these markings, causing them to glisten with an otherworldly quality.

Adorning his left shoulder was a pauldron crafted from an array of raven feathers, each one shimmering with dark iridescence. These feathers rustled softly with his every movement, giving him an ethereal air, like the spirit of a raven given human form.

On his face, he wore a dark wooden mask intricately carved to resemble a hauntingly beautiful raven. The mask's ebony eyes seemed to gleam with an uncanny intelligence, and its beak held a mystic quality, suggesting a connection to the spirit of this enigmatic bird. The mask concealed his features, adding an aura of mystery and reverence to his appearance.

His bare feet pressed lightly into the forest floor, connecting him to the earth beneath. The leather pants he wore were practical for the occasion, allowing for ease of movement as he prepared to play the hauntingly beautiful melodies of the northern territories. He adjusted the raven mask on his face and the feathered pauldron on his shoulder, ensuring they were secure as he glanced around, taking in the preparations for the ceremony.

Amidst the murmurs of the gathered crowd, Sebastian's keen eyes flickered across the attendees. As Roman spoke, explaining the rules and the events that would unfold that night, Sebastian's gaze shifted purposefully, his curiosity piqued by the absence of one particular individual. He scanned the faces, his eyes narrowing slightly as he searched for any sign of Munir, the enigmatic man who had been intertwined with his beloved niece…in more ways than he wished to acknowledge.

He wondered if Munir would muster the courage to attend such a deeply traditional and spiritual event. The Summer Solstice celebration was a far cry from the grand balls and political meetings of the court, a raw and ancient communion with nature that might not align with Munir's usual circles. Yet, there was an inkling of hope within Sebastian that perhaps Munir would show up, that he might find solace in the embrace of nature, away from the constraints of noble life. Perhaps he could prove he was more than the impression he’d left on Sebastian.

As the sunlight waned, casting long shadows across the forest floor, his eyes continued their search, lingering on the faces of the crowd. Whether Munir appeared or not, tonight's ceremony was a chance for everyone present to step away from their titles and roles, to embrace the primal connection between man and the earth. He also searched for his niece whom he’d left to finish getting ready for the night, an ever present worry gripping at him when she wasn’t near as of the last few days.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

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JJ Doe

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JJ Doe

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Fritz "Ryn" Hendrix
Time: Evening
Location: Damien Estate’s Ballroom

Ryn adjusted the enchanted spectacles, their lenses reflecting the dual glow of the moon and candles as they honed in on the magicae of each attendee. Being one of the first to arrive at the masquerade ball, he had secured a vantage point that provided him with an unobstructed view of the entrance.

While he occasionally mingled, exchanging pleasantries and sharing a laugh or two, his gaze darted back to the entrance. He observed each new arrival with interest as the guests filtered in. Several auras Ryn’s glasses picked up were familiar—patterns he recognized from the royal tea party earlier that day.

Once the stream of guests thinned, Ryn decided it was time to make some rounds about the ballroom. He hoped to pair names and faces with their magical signatures. Moreover, he was keen on verifying whether the familiar magicae belonged to those he saw at the tea party.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SilverPaw
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Attire: The costume
Date and Time: Sola 23rd, Night
Location: Calbert Damien's Ballroom
The cadence of his steps upon the neatly paved road was smooth and decisively firm. Yet, as he moved, the footfalls were barely heard. Rather, the quietude of the night was punctuated by subtly sinister sounds as he proceeded onwards.

The soft susurration of feathers brushing against each other, rustling faintly with the tiniest shifts of his body. They were conversing with the winds, the gentle caress of the evening breeze reciprocated by their indecipherable murmurs.

A short yet ominous scrape, as if an unseen blade were being sharpened. Was it ready to slice, tear, pierce?

A near silent clack of a scabbard, and a strangely metallic tap-tapping as he made one final check of his weapons.

The muffled rattling of chains as they swayed through the air, half-hidden within the outer layer of his attire. Here and there, a chain would faintly clang against another, or a pair would briefly twist into a serpentine embrace. If he felt particularly dramatic, he could unspool a couple to let them drag against the floor. He didn’t, but even so, one could easily imagine those long loose steel bonds trailing behind him.

There was a swoosh as his cloak was lifted by a stronger gust. For a moment, he seemed a mere hop away from taking to the sky, on the verge of a liftoff.

Though he gave the appearance of an ethereal shadow gliding by – perhaps he was treading upon the air rather than the earth? – he remained down below.

His was an image too dark to fully blend into the penumbral gloom. As he strode into lighter areas, illuminated by the moon, the stars, and the city lights, it was as if a void manifested, sucking in any glow attempting to suffuse it.

Yet, no mystical power was at work there, so his outline did in fact gain clarity and focus.

The phantom visage, revealed.

A magnificent raven, the costume so finely crafted it evoked the imagery of something far grander than a mere animal.

A large steel mask covered his face, narrow and elegant, the beak angling into a sleek downwards curve towards a razor-sharp point. Its dull gray surface gleamed in the moonlight, finely engraved lines spreading across its surface. The eyes were mere slits, but his sight was by no means hindered. Only when viewed in profile, could glimpses of skin – the jawline, chin, neck – be seen.

Attached to the back of the mask was a cascade of black feathers, obscuring his hair, and falling down to visually merge with his cloak. A long mantle stretched from nape to heel, enveloping him. Long strips of cloth and silk were sewn together, giving his whole form a slightly shaggy outline. Numerous feathers were stitched into it, so both from afar and upon closer inspection, his veil was thoroughly reminiscent of a bird’s plumage.

Underneath the cloak was a robe of dark grays and blacks, accentuated by tasteful touches of silver. While thicker steel chains were attached to the shroud, a few thin, lighter silver chains adorned the robe. It was a high-collared garment, as long as the cloak, yet it was only partially visible through his outer layer.

If he rose his arm, there would be more feathers still, wrapping his appendages to the wrists. His hands bore black leather gloves, tipped with sharp steel claws.

He was covered from head to toe, a majestic being ready to enter into the realms of lessers.

Or, as the case was, into Calber Damien’s mansion, to attend a masquerade.

A sense of unease spread at his approach. His was admittedly an imposing figure; the striking likeness of a creature which was attributed a variety of superstitions by cultures across the world. But it wasn’t only that. There was something effortlessly powerful about his very presence. It drew in gazes, which seemed to be compelled to linger.

As menacing as he was enthralling.

“W-who?” one guard stammered, then coughed awkwardly to hide his nervousness. There was nothing to be afraid of. Nothing at all. This was a public event, the walkway was well-lit, and all guests were welcome. Yes, yes, of course.

“Welcome, esteemed guest,” another greeted, poised and scripted. “May I please request to record your attendance?” He was handed a pen and a roll of parchment, which was opened at the last entries, a column of blank lines underneath.

A beat later, a tap of pen against paper. “Your name, please?”

How kind of the servant to repeat. Unseen beneath the mask, a smile alighted upon the guest's lips.


Eyes widened, mouth opening a tad too wide. “O-oh, of course.” Now this, the recognition of his identity, did frazzle the previously unruffled employee. He was the sensible sort who gave more credence to titles than he did to myths, after all. “Please, be welcome,” he repeated with a bow, and motioned the prince inside.

His whimsical desire for mystique and dramatics appeased, Wulfric headed indoors.

Time to mingle.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 27 days ago


Attire: Mask, Jacket, and Pants/Shoes
Time: Morning -> Evening of the 23rd
Location: Tea Party -> Edwards Estate
Mentions: Ariella @tpartywithzombi, Sadie @Potter

The tea party, as engaging as it was, proved to be slowly peetering out in terms of momentum and likeable guests. Despite Callum's enthusiastic attempts at livening the party, it seemed to only add a little chaos to the event. However, as Drake's father departed from their conversation, Drake observed a few of the guests leaving. A few then turned into a bunch, and it seemed like the mornings tea was unofficially over. He rose from his seat and offered a hand to the fair princess across from him.

"It would seem this morning's tea is concluded. Would you perhaps like a walk back to your estate or will your carriage take you?" He would patiently await her answer, and make sure she arrived safely. Before they would separate for the day, Drake would request Princess Sadie to meet with him in front of the Damien Estate before entering, so they may enter together as a proper 'duo' should she so please.

Then, with a bow and a soft smile, he would depart to his own lougings and plan for the upcoming evening. He donned the attire (listed above) and looked at himself in the mirror. Not many would know but Drake was quite fond of the classical pieces of music, and had decided to reflect this taste of his in the mask he wore. He would be lying to himself if he said he liked the idea of wearing a mask, which is also why his only covered half his face. So that he may still participate in the good fun yet still show off himself for who he is. This was simply his way, and he liked it. As he looked at his reflection in the mirror, his thoughts wandered to that of his sister. I wonder what Ari is up to tonight...Hopefully not catching mother's ever-watchful eye. He contemplated. He hadn't seen her since the events of last night, and he hoped that his father could hopefully stem the wrathful tide of Victoria's overbearing standards. Knowing them, his parents would likely be forcing Ariella to the very party he was about to attend. He decided he would keep an eye out for if he would spot and made his way to the carriage parked outside.

After a short journey, Drake arrived at the Damien estate, and already there was a flow of excited party-goers in tow towards the front gates. He breathed in slowly and stepped out into the crisp evening air, taking a spot just outside the front gate outlining the property and began patiently waiting for his date to arrive.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Location: Munir's room, then the edge of Lover's Lake
Interactions: Hakim, NPCs at the Solstice event

"Hm. After the solstice event... Very well. Hakim, how should I dress for this?"

About half an hour after, Munir emerged from his bath naked, the droplets of water falling to the ground as he pattered from the tub and stood in front of a bronze mirror. Ever since he was a child, he has preferred to dry and dress himself, whether he got to pick out the outfit or not. It was just a simple, weird, peeve of his, to allow his servants to dry and dress him. As he was drying and combing out his hair, he chuckled at the outfit Hakim had chosen for him. Munir's direction to his retainer was simple. Keep it simple. Thats all that was said to the other young man. What Hakim had chosen had to have been the plainest clothing Munir has in his current closet. A pair of linen breeches, a short sleeved linen tunic, a leather sash. leather flat bottom shoes lined with washed linen. No gold, no jewelry. Given the religious and ceremonial aspect of the event, Munir thought it prudent to dress plainly. Even his hair was tied back into a loose bun with nothing but a leather band.

After he got dressed, he made sure he looked presentable with the ensemble Hakim had chosen for him, for the evening. Sure, he felt like he was riding into battle without his armor, but he also felt at ease, like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. He approached the door, and saw that Hakim was dressed with simplicity as well. Of course, Hakim had his dagger with him. He was trained to never be without it, even back home when Munir was having family dinner with his closest relatives. Munir glanced at his own dagger and decided against bringing it, assuming that no one in attendance of the event would dare wish harm upon him.

"Looks like you understood my instructions, as I assumed you would, my dear friend. Let us make way to the lake. Again, keep it simple. I do not wish to have the attention on me this evening, as weird as that is to say. The event has a much deeper meaning and if all goes well, you will have your shezhadi by the end of this evening too..." Munir said to Hakim, ending his words with a small clasp on the other young man's shoulder as the pair left his room.

Upon their arrival, Hakim had sent word to the ushers and organizers of the event that the attendees do not need to greet Munir with formalities. For the evening, let him be unseen and unheard. Sure, those who look upon him will recognize him. However, even in that scenario, he has allowed the commoners to forego the greetings and other formalities. For the evening, he was a guest, and he will pay his respects...
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 27 days ago


Location:The edge of Lover's Lake
Time: Evening
Mentions: Munir @Infinite Cosmos, Anastasia @princess, Roman @ReusableSword, and Mina @Tae
Appearance: Casual Attire


Farim had chosen to travel to his next destination on foot. It seemed to rather fit the occasion, and the brisk walk around the city limits would do him some good. His clothes were unassuming, and the way he carried himself suggested he was none other than some strange foreigner with a nice necklace dangling from his chest. He would let his hair flow, a rare sight that was becoming less so with the past few days, and his jewelry was left at home save for the aforementioned necklace. That was one thing he would never part with, no matter how silly it sounded. In his hands was a peculiar object, a bit of pottery that he had made some weeks ago. It was by no means a craftsmans piece, but it was rather well put together for someone with little experience working with clay. There was a fine pattern of lines etched along the center that some would immediately assume are the cascading waves along the ocean shore. Those who had a more keen eye, however, would note that it was in fact the rolling dunes of his country that Farim had drawn. This was what Farim would offer as a gift for the ceremony. The jar itself was about the size of a soccer ball, and was filled most of the way with a preserves made from berries grown back home in Alidasht.

Farim made his way into the campgrounds and began to hear the familiar voice of Roman. He stood rather tall amongst the people as he instructed on how the ceremonies worked. Farim stood in the back of the small crowd, a soft smile planted on his face as he took in the sites around him. He noted the words and advice of Roman while appreciating the dedication it took to prepare such ceremonies. Farim quite liked being submersed in other cultures, he found a great joy in learning the ways of those outside his usual circles, which is the very reason this getaway seemed so much more natural to him than a stuffy party filled with literal and fake masks. But all the same, Farim did not judge those who preferred one over the other - for there were many walks of life and many shoes for which to travel them.

After the instructions and words were said, Farim made his way to the bench of offerings, and took a long look at the many items placed. Finding a decent enough spot, he placed his jelly jar onto the bench and took a moment to look around. "Forgive my insistence, but I wish to say a few words to someone." He spoke to those immediately next to him. He spotted the direction he surmised to be where the capital of Alidasht would likely be, and made sure to face that way as he knelt onto the ground. His hands reached out above his head before his upper body slowly climbed up back to a kneeling position. His hands would come together at the palms, his eyes closed, as just barely above a whisper he began to sing in his native tongue.

A well of emotions built within Farim, his face growing somber. As he finished his brief tune he stood up, and with an even softer voice that brimmed with melancholy, he spoke. "Thank you. He walked off to let the others provide their own form of offerings to their own form of gods. Farim was here to witness such proceedings, but he felt it proper to provide some of his own. He approached Roman for a quick interaction before the man would finish his own preparations. "I hope I did not disrespect the way you do things here. I heard you mention offering words and....well my heart felt it necessary to pay a good friend some needed words." His hand instinctively clutched onto the necklade he wore around his neck, and the same vulnerable sounding tones in Farim's voice seemed to imply something tragic, but it soon faded as Farim did his best to perk up around present company. "You have a lovely setup here, I can appreciate all the work you had put in to such a gathering, and just wanted to pay a simple greeting without taking too much of your time."

His voice still carried a hint of depression to it, but the mostly charismatic and positive demeanor he so eagerly sported around most folks had begun to shine once more. He did not want to take up too much of Roman's time, and once the man would say his piece, Farim would leave Roman to his affairs. Scanning the crowd, Farim would finally begin to put names he knew to faces he recognized, starting with his cousin Munir. Ah, jahim (Ah, hell). I hope he did not catch too much of me singing. If I hear one more time about my flat voice I will- Farim stopped himself. He figured Munir was just as much of a guest as he was here, and would face whatever shenanigans awaited him once they met. For now he continued looking, he spotted the one he believed to be called Mina also assisting Roman with the rituals, and made sure to imprint her appearance to memory in the brief moments he could spy her. There was one person he was certain he would see here, yet her face had not been spotted as of yet.

I wonder where Annie might be? This seems like just the kind of place for her to enjoy herself.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

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Lord Leo Smithwood

Time: Morning to Early Afternoon
Location: Guesthouse to Count Calbert's house/ballroom
Interactions: Here goes Leo with the shoes again...
Daily Misfortune: An annoyingly high-pitched voice and random fits of laughter.
Predictable Costume: Leo the Lion

A sharp intake of breath gave way to a long, exasperated sigh. Although Leo’s ruined shoes had, technically, been replaced with new shoes, none of them could be described as desirable. Much like a wine glass filled with nothing but a sip, Riona had done what was asked and yet, it would have been less irritating if she’d simply done nothing at all. Instead of exact replacements, or as close as possible, there was now a display of tacky footwear, nowhere near suitable for a future Duke. All manner of hideous colors and repulsive patterns assaulted his eyes. Some particular egregious sandals were adorned with jewels that even a drunk could pick out as being fake from across the street.

So handful by handful, Leo tossed the array of brightly colored high-heeled shoes and wooden clogs into the hallway. Each pair of shoes skipped and clattered across the hallway floor and it wasn’t long before the hallway right outside of his room looked like a tornado of ugly shoes had spun through and left an unsightly trail of debris in its wake. The mess that now sat outside his room was not Leo’s problem, but the shoe buyer’s, who lacked both sense and taste. Riona could deal with either the cleanup or the complaints of whoever might happen to trip over the mess. He could admit, if only to himself, that this was his mistake; to trust such a clearly incompetent servant, who was clearly a fan of malicious compliance, with even a simple task was an oversight.

The only thing that didn’t wind up tossed down the hallway was a pair of fuzzy lion slippers, which didn’t look expensive enough for Leo’s taste but they did fit his costume for the masquerade ball, sort of, and were by far the least unappealing option. A red and gold adorned suit paired with fuzzy lion slippers, a whimsical touch to show he did not take life too seriously. At least that’s what Leo told himself, and the slippers were far less concerning than the strange affliction that had affected his voice.

In addition to the suit and slippers was a large lion mask, complete with a golden mane that intermingled with his own red hair. At least from the ankles up, Leo’s outfit was a clear display of opulence. Once dressed and ready he headed out to Count Damien’s home for tonight’s masquerade ball, his tiny notebook with observations from the tea party tucked away in a pocket in case he ran into Charlotte there. As he walked through the hallway he occasionally kicked a few shoes further down the hallway, spreading the mess further with his delightfully comfortable fuzzy lion slippers.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning --> Evening
Location: Sorian Beach --> Calbert's Estate
Interaction: @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @PapaOso Cassius @Potter Olivia @SausagePat Ruby @ReusableSword Kazumin @Samreaper


Attire:Bathing Suit, Light-colored beach sandals, Hair loose

Location: Sorian Beach

"Oh, Lady Ariella... I see. I'll see you at home then, Lorenzo." A faint smile graced Charlotte's lips, but it quickly faded as Lorenzo turned his back and began to walk away. She stood alone, silently watching his retreating figure, her heart heavy with unspoken emotions. Please stay... Her fingers interlocked, forming a wordless plea.

As she was lost in her thoughts, a cheerful voice suddenly interrupted her reverie. "Snowcone, dear?" The sound of the voice brought her back to the present.

Charlotte turned her gaze towards a woman pushing a cart through the warm sand. The woman offered her a vibrant cone filled with colorful ice. However, Charlotte decided against indulging in more sweetness after the emotional rollercoaster of the smoothie incident.

"Oh, uh...no thank you," Charlotte replied politely.

Undeterred by the refusal, Molly continued her rounds, her voice carrying over the beach as she made an announcement with uncontainable enthusiasm. "Free snowcones for all! Courtesy of Shehzadi Layla Kadir!" Her words rang out, drawing the attention of beachgoers who eagerly lined up for the unexpected and generous treat.

Perhaps Layla had felt guilty. A snow cone was not going to be enough to put Layla on the top of her list, but she was certainly eager to be in better standing with the vile woman, so the apology was welcomed.

Charlotte had sat down on her own for a short while as the others had enjoyed their snowcones, then decided to finally approach them to go for a swim. She had promised Olivia that she would teach her how to swim today, and it was a commitment she intended to fulfill. Cassius, Olivia, and Ruby had all agreed to join her in the water.

Olivia, though initially nervous, seemed to be making progress with her swimming skills. Yet, amidst the swimming lessons and laughter, Charlotte couldn't help but seize the opportunity to question Cassius about his sudden appearance. According to Cassius, he had been directed to Calbert's location after the recent passing of his mother. While it was indeed a peculiar turn of events, Charlotte decided, for the time being, to give him the benefit of the doubt. He didn't appear to be aligned with Calbert's nefarious plans, but he also didn't strike her as someone she was eager to form a close bond with, especially after witnessing a return to his unbecoming behavior. She had noted mentally: Not certain if he's an enemy, but he sure is in every way a bastard.


Attire: Mask, Dress/Wings
Location: Damien Estate Ballroom
Interactions: @Helo Leo

Charlotte had set aside time during the day to make sure her attire was exactly what she wanted it to be.

Though she had entered the ballroom with graceful silence, her entry had not gone unnoticed. Many attendees turned their attention to the newcomer in the enchanting pink gown. Her presence was commanding to the eye yet delicate, like the first bloom of a rare flower in spring.

Her gown was a soft shade of pink with a white corset. The fabric cascaded like a waterfall, embellished with intricate beadwork that glimmered under the gentle caress of the chandelier. The bodice hugged her form gracefully before giving way to a flowing skirt that trailed behind her. On her back, she wore a pair of ethereal butterfly wings. Her mask, adorned with jewels, matched the shade of her gown perfectly and continued the theme of the butterfly.

She was a juxtaposition, embodying the very essence of innocence while simultaneously drawing the eye with its meticulous attention to detail. Yet, deep down, the girl was rather nervous. She had never quite arrived to many events on her lonesome, as Lorenzo had opted not to attend and Olivia was arriving late, hopefully without Kazumin. Charlotte was quite worried over the idea of him attending but she knew that he would show up nonetheless.

Though Charlotte made no effort to conceal herself, she did gravitate toward the perimeter, hoping to see if she could recognize anyone despite the masks.

Amidst the sea of masks and gowns, Charlotte's keen eyes finally caught a glimpse of something familiar. It started with a pair of fuzzy lion slippers. They were followed by the unmistakable hue of red hair that peeked out from beneath a lion mask.

A laugh rose in her throat and a smile crossed her lips. She made her way through the crowd, stepping up behind her friend, With a playful glimmer in her eyes, Charlotte couldn't help but tease Leo, softly speaking in his ear. "You're not exactly hiding behind your lion motif, are you?" she quipped, her voice laced with amusement. "I must say, the slippers were a dead giveaway. But," she added with a smile, "I do appreciate the commitment to the theme. A lion in every sense tonight, aren't you?"

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Mentions/Interactions:@princess Charlotte / Calbert @Tae Kali

Cassius had remained at the beach even after the others dispersed to carry on with their days. It had been difficult to enjoy the beauty of the view around him with such a tumultuous and strange chain of events like the ones that played out before him that morning. From the moment he arrived with Kalliope, drama had ensued. One thing after another kept the atmosphere feeling a bit tense, and yet somehow the group found a way to enjoy themselves for a while despite that tension.

He was glad to get to know some of the others more, and was honestly relieved to get a bit of a redo in the form of his mostly pleasant interactions with Charlotte. Perhaps he got a little too comfortable near the end and spoke more lewdly than he should have… It wasn't anything intentional but he could tell that the behavior irked her a bit, otherwise things seemed better than the other night at the very least. He still didn’t understand why it mattered so much to him to rectify that situation, but it did, and he would take the small victory and let it go for now. Plus, he had other matters to attend to. He was expected to return to the Damien Estate for a meeting with father dearest. He wasn't quite sure what to expect from that little rendezvous, but as he sat near the edge of the water letting the waves wash over his feet he didn’t care. For now, he was simply content living in the beauty in front of him and feeling the warmth of the sun on his skin.

Time: Evening
Location: Damien Estate Ballroom
Mentions/Interactions:@SilverPaw Wulfric

The doors of the ballroom opened for Cassius and he stepped through with all the flair in the world. Every ounce of natural hubris and presence that he possessed was only compounded by the luxurious nature of his masquerade attire. These were by far the nicest clothes he had ever had the pleasure of wearing, and despite the fact that he was usually more concerned with function over fashion…he also couldn’t deny being a man who appreciated any opportunity to show off. Black always looked damn good on him, and the gold trim was a nice touch that played off the lightly sun-kissed nature of his skin. He had to admit…Calbert did an excellent job with this ensemble. The attention to detail, down to every little accoutrement, was perfect. His father, or perhaps rather the tailors in the man’s employ, did not skimp on the fitted work of art that clung to his body in a way that highlighted every muscle and curve of his form. Yesterday it was no less true that he was the son of a Count, but tonight…tonight he absolutely looked the part.

His mask was elegantly designed and held the motif of a wolf. A bit on the nose…or snout in this case, but even Cassius appreciated his father’s attention to detail on the matter. It was an obvious callback to his time serving as a mercenary with the Iron Wolves. Calbert had clearly done his research. Cas assumed a man with his father’s resources and connections would look into his bastard son’s background, and though the mask was clearly connected to his previous line of work he could not help but wonder if there was more behind the choice. Something about the mask carried the same kind of natural intensity that he sensed lurking behind his father’s eyes. The man had been nothing but welcoming to him, yet he could not shake the feeling that there truly was a complexity to Calbert Damien. There was more to him than he presented to the world, but Cassius had zero doubt in his mind that he would find a way to peer beyond the façade and see the true nature of his father; he always found a way.

Cassius could feel eyes on him as he made his way through the very middle of the room, moving and weaving gracefully through the crowd with allure. He moved with intent, not acknowledging anyone specifically but rather letting his eyes meet those of every person he passed. He was basking in the feeling of knowing that many were drawn to him. He could feel their gazes linger even after his eyes left theirs. He had a way of captivating an audience, and would never deny the intoxicating nature of that fact. Instead, he reveled in it.

He continued to work his way through the crowd until he eventually reached the far side of the room. Planting his back against the wall he turned to face all the beautiful people in their extravagant masquerade suits and gowns and admired the atmosphere of it all. With a beckoning motion he called over a server and had a glass of red wine poured for him. He let the wonderful aroma flood his senses, savoring the sweet finish as he took a nice long drink. The superb wine, the fancy clothes, and all of the gorgeous people…Cassius wasn’t sure he’d ever truly feel at home in nobility, but the perks were definitely one thing he could grow accustomed to.

As Cassius allowed his eyes to explore the room further he began to scan the individuals in the crowd with the intention to take each of them in one by one, but quickly his attention was pulled to one figure in particular. There they were, clad in an absolutely ravishing raven influenced ensemble.The outfit was as elegant as it was fierce; truly majestic with a mystique to it that commanded attention. The mask alone was enough to haunt a child’s nightmares, but the imposing nature of it all paled in comparison to its elegance. Whoever was beneath that costume intrigued him, and he simply had to know them.

Downing the rest of his drink, Cas motioned for the server to pour him another before sauntering over to the raven clad individual. He approached with absolute confidence, charm dripping from his voice as sweet as the taste of wine that still lingered on his tongue.

“What a sight you are, love. I hope I’m not intruding, but how could I resist the chance to see all of this in all its glory up close?” Cassius took in the full view of the costume as he spoke, his eyes traveling up and down the person's figure in the process. “It’s beautiful…absolutely beautiful. And judging by the way you carry yourself I’d wager you’re rather beautiful underneath that magnificent mask, aren't you?” With a wink and smile, Cas gave his best formal bow to the mysterious stranger and introduced himself. “My name is Lord Cassius Damien, I would love to make your acquaintance.”

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 27 days ago

Location: Damien Estate
Time: Evening of the 23rd
Mentions: Duchess Victoria, Sadie @Potter, Drake, and Ariella @tpartywithzombi

The Duke had moved on the tea party, quickly moving to calm down his “loving” wife - and after some back and forths, managed to convince her to leave with him so they may enjoy the rest of their morning without any further stress. As they arrived home she ordered for the Duke to “mind his own business for once” and strut off to her dressing room in a huff. With a sigh Gideon went to his study and began to piece together a fun little ensemble he had been crafting. He picked out the suit and tie and the mask he wanted to wear.

The outside itself seemed extra showy and wasn’t something he’d normally wear, but tonight would be a night of excitement! He was to be daring! The life of the party, perhaps! Well, maybe not that ambitious, Gideon. He chuckled to himself. He placed on his garments and ushered his wife Victoria to finish her preparations, followed by yet another short tirade along the lines of “It takes time to get this beautiful!” and “You can't rush perfection!”. So the Duke patiently waited until Victoria was ready, and guided her to their carriage where they would ride together to the Damien Estate.

Once he had arrived in the carriage, he immediately saw a familiar figure standing at the front gates of the property. The Duke quickly sauntered over with a smirk displayed as clear as the moonlight sky would allow, and held out a hand for his son Drake to shake. With the deepest voice he could mimic, he pretended to be yet another stranger amidst the masquerades guests. ”Well there, what is a strapping lad like yourself doing here by his lonesome? Surely you have plans to attend such a magnificent ball with company?”

Drake looked at the approaching figure and quickly made out the distinguishing features of his father. With a slight smile he humored the little game his father was playing, shaking his hand and responding in kind in a slightly husky voice. ”Well, good sir, I am not one to rush such a fine lady as the one and only Princess Camilia. However I shall join the festivities soon enough, milady seemed rather - distracted. So she may have other matters to attend to.” There was a slight melancholic look in his eyes, but the mask did well to hide his expression. He rebounded this feeling, however, with a chuckle. Drake then spoke in his normal voice. ”I appreciate your candor, Father. But it shall be fine. Have you seen Ari tonight?”

Gideon thought for a moment and his mouth dropped to a slight frown. Now that he thought about it, he hadn’t seen her since the other night. ”No…but I am sure she is keeping well! Let us not worry ourselves too much.” There was a long pause as the man let his anxiety get the better of him. ”Oh but it can’t hurt to just check in on her right? Oh dear Sebastian!” The young servant who had delivered Drake’s love letter a few days ago came from the back of the coach wagon and gave a quick bow. “Yes sir?” He chimed. ”Please go look for Ariella. If you cannot find her by midnight, then find me and we shall do a more in-depth search. I do not wish for her to be…out and about.” His gaze looked around as he made sure no one heard him other than the present company. Sebastian gave a quick nod and went to the coach driver, leaning in to whisper the Duke’s instructions. Then the wagon began to take off with the Edwards now accounted for sans Ariella.

”I shall head inside with your mother. Do try to come in and have fun, my boy. You deserve it.” He said in a welcoming and gentle tone. The typical ‘politician’ voice that Drake had recognized. He knew that Gideon meant well, but there was something tacky about that tone. As if his own father was putting up a facade around him. Nonetheless, Drake nodded and gave a casual wave to the Duke and Duchess. ”Enjoy the night you two. Once we enter those doors, we do so as strangers, right?” He said with a wink barely visible through his mask, and then he returned to loitering by the gate entrance.

The Duke and Duchess approached the front doors and made their way amidst a fresh wave of guests. The music, atmosphere, smells, sounds, food, and the barrage of stimuli to their senses were truly magnificent. Gideon smiled at his wife, who also held a smile of her own. This was a slight shock to him, as she had been in a sour mood all day, but even she must keep up appearances in a place such as this. For now, it seemed things were going well. He turned to Victoria and provided her with a quandary. ”Well, my beloved, would you care to dance? Or perhaps we shall introduce our mysterious selves to the host of this masquerade?”
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