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4 mos ago
best I got's a microwave burrito and a handle of popov, straight
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7 mos ago
when you smash ron after someone else calls riichi for one han just to make sure they get nothing
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1 yr ago
To this day, I regret not being able to try pre-nerf four loko
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1 yr ago



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Was thinking of a tankier dragoon myself but I can swap concepts to something else.
Fuck 'em, past all this, One D&D's crunch is still garbage.
Yeah, yeah, I'm here, expressing interest.
Renar Hagen

It seemed Sir Adeforth and the Iron Rose were to be the last line of defense for the princesses, should things take a turn for the worst. Still, judging by Felix's performance, it just might have to come to that in the end. That was just fine by Renar, really. He'd hoped this night wouldn't pass without another opportunity to display his worth. To that end, Renar kept a watchful eye out as they hurried to the princesses' chambers, one hand resting on the hilt of his sword at all times. It was a shame he didn't have the time to truly appreciate the royal family's portraits and paintings, but that was the price of performing his role adequately.

And then they'd reached Princess Elisandre's personal chambers. Much less extravagant than he'd expected of royalty, though it was clear that every article within was of the highest quality. And then the older girl revealed that she'd read Fireheart. Renar resisted the urge to snort even as his gaze flickered briefly over Tyaethe comforting the younger royal. If she had that well in hand, he may as well respond.

Truly, Renar hadn't expected the novel to be so popular as to make its way into a genuine royal's hands. He'd read Fireheart himself some time ago, if only to see what the latest buzz was about. In his opinion, the book was...passable. Too much focus on romance and the main character's various potential relationships for his taste, but that was what made it so popular among the literate masses, he supposed. There had been plenty of potential to describe hundi court intrigues in between all the duels and romances, but the author hadn't quite seen fit to delve particularly deep into the matter. A shame. Well, if she wanted a distraction, he may as well provide. After all, Renar wasn't quite sure if Fionn had ever read the book. To the best of his knowledge, recreational literature had never quite come up in their conversations.

"Indeed," Renar nodded towards Princess Elisandre, still in a ready stance despite shifting his gaze briefly. "Though I didn't much care for all the focus on the wandering knight in the second act. All that time and effort wasted, because he wouldn't take what opportunities were given to him. Still, I suppose he would have been a better choice of partner than who the protagonist did end up wedding."
Dragan Meszaros

The villagers' reaction was unfortunate, but not unexpected. There hadn't been enough time to adjust his own tactics to be more...palatable towards ignorant mortals. Still, if even Aleksiya's ice was terrifying to them, no amount of control would have likely helped at the moment. It was good that nothing else had decided to bar the hallway he'd passed through. Not enough room to swing his hammer, to say nothing of having his newly created minion fight at his side. Of course, he could have managed with a conjured weapon, but that would have been a waste of blood.

As Dragan emerged into the central chamber, he took the situation in with barely a second, his hammer raised as he started to charge. A wave of his hand raised the fresh corpses that were being feasted on as zombies, all of which began to extend their hands and attempt to throttle the beasts that had just been feasting not even a second ago. Hopefully, the shock and surprise of the attack would let those hastily-raised zombies do a significant amount of damage, if not kill their assailants outright.

Meanwhile, Dragan leapt up and descended upon a crowd of beastmen that were attempting to break through a barricade, his hammer glistening with blood as it smashed back and forth. His remaining minion barrelled into the crowd from the side, creating a distraction for its master once the initial shock of the assault had faded.
Valerie Durand

How was it going? An interesting question, really. She hadn't really gotten close enough to any of the other students to figure out exactly who had Duel Spirits, but considering last night? They were probably around somewhere. Hell, why did she even tell this guy that? Now Valerie would have to actually answer his inquiry if she didn't want to look like a complete bitch. Really, she blamed it on her no-show parents being the same as ever and today just pissing her off in general.

"Could be better, could be worse. After everything that happened in the forest, I'm pretty sure some of the other students have spirit partners. That Obelisk chick you talked about almost definitely does, if she knew what was going on. Besides, after seeing all the pissed-off ones in the forest, you have no idea what a relief it is to find out that I'm definitely not crazy and I haven't been hallucinating nearly a decade's worth of conversations. Ten years of my Spirit being the only one I've seen and it's been in the back of my mind forever that maybe I made this whole thing up to begin with."

Ceruli mercifully kept silent on this matter, knowing what a sore spot it was for her. She'd never vocalized the matter to him, but he'd known.

"Anyways, enough about that. This Obelisk girl. What'd she look like? Might go track her down, have a chat."

@King Cosmos
Nakano Nagi

Ah, shit. It was happening again. Just like it did the night she was first pulled in. Great. That meant Strange Gospel was about to grab more poor suckers. She'd have to call this in once it passed. Hopefully, they'd found more candidates by now. She wasn't exactly a recruiter herself, and her reputation did her no favors in getting people to give her the time of day. Nagi sighed as she glanced around while the endless night was still active. It was always so eerie to see herself alone in the streets-

Wait, what the fuck?

As reality asserted itself once more, Nagi peered suspiciously at the light-haired girl a few paces from her, also seeming to be on her way to the grocery store. The Yakuza princess was almost certain she'd seen her for an instant when the night passed, and now here she was, looking for all the world like something had just happened. Judging by the fact that no one else around seemed to be reacting aversely, Nagi was sure she'd finally found one. Now, who was this exactly...? Oh, right. Wasn't this the school genius? Kind of a bitch, if rumors and scuttlebutt were to be believed. Although she wasn't one to talk.

Regardless, Nagi fished her burner phone out while deliberately keeping her gaze on Gotoh Yuzu. She hit a number on speed dial and held the phone up to her ear, starting to walk towards the other girl. Once the other end picked up, Nagi began to speak even as she approached.

"Boss? Think I found one. Pretty sure she was reacting during the shift." Nagi paused, as if realizing she'd forgotten something. "By the way, there was a shift just now if you didn't notice. It's probably gonna go down tonight. Anyways, mind giving the onboarding speech? We both know I'm no good at this shit."

Nagi sidled up next to Yuzu, offering the burner phone.

"Look, I'm sure you've got questions, but save 'em for the guy on the other end. I can't be bothered with this crap. No, this ain't a cult and you're not being targeted. You just had the luck of being next to someone who knows what's going on when it happened. Now take the fucking phone."

Renar Hagen

Necromancy? In the Cazt family's tomb? Well, at least whoever was behind this had some sort of political sense. The murmurings from the crowd aimed at the young Cazt girl certainly weren't particularly charitable. Or perhaps the perpetrator just had a sense of humor. Regardless, what Thaln's bluebloods thought of a traitor's child was of little interest to Renar. He empathized with her, of course. To be marked by the sins of one's progenitor was something he knew all too well. But she wasn't exactly of much political use to him, nor did they have any connection on a personal level. No point coming to her aid.

Nevertheless, Renar retrieved his sword and slid it back into its sheathe before he saluted Fanilly once her orders were given. A choice between going to face the necromancer or guarding the royals, eh? The highest possible payoff for him would be if he were the one to slay the necromancer. But that was far from guaranteed. Staying back as a guard would pay more consistent dividends for his reputation at court, even if it meant having to endure being in proximity to Felix for that much longer. Now, how to spin this...?

"Then I'll volunteer as one of the guards, Captain, if we can't all go. I'd hate to deprive some of our fellows of delivering justice to enemies of the crown. We'll return shortly, then." He chuckled as he fell in line with Fionn and Gerard on the way to the armory.

"Can't very well leave the princess's newly appointed favorite knight to guard her on his lonesome, now can I?" He leaned in to mutter to Fionn before observing Gerard. Wound as tightly as usual and likely overthinking the scope of his duties. Renar sighed, raising a hand to clap the former mercenary on the back. "Breathe. And try not to die. Good knights aren't disposable, and I'd hate to see who you'd be replaced by. Now let's see about borrowing some arms, yes?"

Within the armory, Renar quickly tucked on a gambeson and breastplate, as well as a pair of metal vambraces. There wasn't time for much else. As for armaments, he already had his sword and dagger. Still, there was something to be said for anti-armor. With that in mind, he tucked a flanged mace onto his belt before motioning for Fionn to follow him back to report in.
Dragan Meszaros

The beast was more durable than he'd expected. Even factoring momentum into play, Dragan's strike should have done more damage to its cranium than this. Enough to disable or disorient it, at least. Or perhaps the beastman just wasn't cognizant of pain. Either way, he didn't have time to waste with this one any further. The sound of screams down the hall told him as much.

As the beastman began to claw and tear at his armor, Dragan took one hand off the haft of his hammer and gripped the creature by the throat, bodily lifting it up with one hand. A sickly green glow started to emanate from his gauntlet, and the Death Knight's necrotic magics began to slough the beast's skin off its bones, rotting its flesh away. Moments later, the process was complete, and Dragan released his new skeleton minion down to the ground, where it obediently fell in line at his side. With that done, the armored vampire turned his helmet's gaze towards the cowering humans off to the side.

"Flee upstairs! Your headman is ordering the door barricaded! Let him know of our progress, we will go to aid the rest." He commanded before tearing off at a sprint towards the other set of screams, his skeleton matching his pace.
Valerie Durand

He didn't believe her. That was fine. In his place, Valerie wouldn't have bought the story either. Outlandish claims necessitated physical proof, and without spiritual sensitivity on his end, there just wasn't much to be done. Of course, she would have liked it a lot more if Leo just gave up here and stopped asking questions, but this just wasn't her day, now was it?

"Can't speak for everyone else," Valerie shrugged, meeting Leo's gaze with a dispassionate stare. "But at least whoever you talked to has the same story as me. Yeah, I felt it. Then I saw it. Big pillar of light coming out of the woods. Normal, sane people wouldn't go towards it." She smirked ruefully at that. "But, hell, I might as well tell you. I came to this academy just to see if there were other people like me affected by Duel Monster spirits. Make sure I didn't actually hallucinate the voice in my head all these years."

A beat.

"Plus, I like card games."

@King Cosmos
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