Avatar of Pumpkinlord


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9 yrs ago
Current Waterworld D&D


27 year old Pokémon VGC player from Texas who likes to RP.
I also play guitar and enjoy hiking.
My favorite RP's would be stuff like...
D&D style
Star Wars
End of the world style
Dragonball Z
Super Hero
Others I cant think of now lol

Most Recent Posts

This thread is reserved for the accepted "Calling All Heroes and Villains!"* Character sheets.
Once your character has been accepted into the game please post your character sheet here.

Superhero/Villain Character Sheet

(Real name, if known)

(Hero or villain name)

(Hero, Villain, Antihero, or other)

(Describe your character's unique skills or powers.)

(What are their vulnerabilities?)

(Key traits and quirks. How do they act?)

(Brief origin story and key life events.)

(Describe their look, costume, or notable features.)

(Teams, organizations, or allies.)

(What drives them? Justice, revenge, etc.)

(Friends, family, rivals, or mentors.)

Base of Operations:
(Where do they operate from?)

Signature Gear:
(Notable weapons, gadgets, or tools.)

Public Perception:
(How are they viewed by others?)

Combat Style:
(Strategic, aggressive, stealthy, etc.)

*"Calling All Heroes and Villains!" is a placeholder name for this RP
ick...I don't know about advanced...being super-detailed about each of my posts can be taxing. Still, I won't argue with the votes here. Just hope I can keep up.

We could do a hybrid of sorts? Like advanced with slightly lower expectations? Just tossing ideas
Looks like advanced is winning so far. Will start and work more on this today after I go jogging 🏃‍♂️ 🙂
I'm interested if it's advanced, not so much casual.

What would everyone prefer? I'm open
interested, and have an idea already.

Awesome! I'm work on the main story post and all that stuff today then!
I'm potentially interested; I haven't done any superhero RP in a long time and I do have a long history of interest with the comics, movies and cartoons.
What level would this be; free, casual, etc? As that makes a difference about my interest.

I'm thinking casual, but advanced also crossed my mind. I'm pretty detail oriented and go into depth about the world and things. Idk... take a vote? Probably casual?
Sounds good I might join

Heck yeah! I'm excited to see everyone's characters if we form a nice group!
...I might...sadly, an RP I had planned didn't work out details wise and another hero RP I was in seems to have stopped sadly. I could bring one of the two characters I made for said RP over but...eh I feel bad since it feels like I'm abandoning projects -_-'

Make a new character! The more the merrier 🙂
I'm possibly interested as well :)

MUSHROOMS! cool cool sounds great!
I can start the OOC/IC/ world building and preparing once we get enough members interested.
I have a character who starts a villian, but I want him to go through a redemption arc. But we’ll see how many people join.

For sure, dm me details if you end up joining
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