Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

@King Cosmos

Seems fine to me. Though, a Vaccine Wormmon? o.o I do love me a Bancho digimon. And TigerVespamon is great too.

Ahh, don't worry about the no In-Training for BlackGabumon. He should come off Tsunomon or Tsumemon so if you wanna go with that. Not that rookie should matter too much XD.

I think you should just keep in the line Gabumon > Garurumon > WereGarurumon. Or Gaomon line. One thing you could also do is Gabumon > Garurumon > WereGarurumon > MetalGarurumon with ZeedGarurumon as a sort of Burst Mode. Or maybe the two MetalGarurumons could do a fusion to become ZeedGarurumon.

Just a couple of questions for a you.

Is there anything in particular he's good at? Even if behind closed doors in Eden or something? At the least there's nothing I can pull from the bio that might make Jormungundr want to invite him. Maybe something about him being a bit on the stealthy side and doing some pranks with no one finding out it was him?

Any particular reason you went with Elecmon instead of BlackGabumon and ZeedGarurumon instead of MirageGaogamon?

@The World

She seems good to me, so long as she doesn't have a special Railgun hidden up her finger guns. An unhealthy obession with snakes though, huh?

Oo... I can also see the interparty conflict and I love it.
Alright. Didn't really need to do too much to be honest.

@Hammerman@The World@Duthguy@King Cosmos@Rune_Alchemist@KingOfTheSkies


In addition, @Hammerman and @Rune_Alchemist Feel free to put your characters in the character section. I like them both and they are accepted.
Claimed by me :)
Digimon Hackers: Jormungundr

Tokyo, Japan; 2045

Japan leads the world in world class virtual reality technology and a company rises from apparent nothingness to greatness as they release the EDEN Digital Device. The company, Hatsu Softworks, was founded by a woman named Ayako Hatsu. What started as a one woman project was quickly funded by mixture of crowdfunding and happy corporate partners. The EDEN headsets were easy to mass produce within 8 years and is available to most people even today, 8 years later.

The headset itself is revolutionary. It allows for what is called a “Digital Dive”. A full Virtual Reality where you leave your body connected to the device and your mind travels to the different worlds in the system with the main one known as EDEN Central. Design-wise, it looks like a park of sorts. There are trees, open grass fields and other things that exist in real-world parks. One caveat however, is that no matter where you go in EDEN things feel… Off. By any account one could describe it as digital. Weird digital. At times, textures will be missing and replaced by a static look, weird rectangular outlines of non-existent things… Basically, they’re all things to remind people that they are in a fake world.

Eden has few rules as most are hard to enforce. The first of which is that there are to be no major changes to your avatar as it is basically a copy of you. The changes that are allowed are not majorly radical. Clothes, hairstyles, etc. This is checked by the system when you “log” into a public server. Most other rules are typical ones that most normal people follow or don’t have to bother with.

Then there are those that go against those rules every day. Hackers. Groups of people, many without a particular affiliation even. It is said that three years after EDEN was opened to the public, one individual found an exploit in the system that allowed them to mess with the system itself. What one could do, really, was only stopped by one’s skill.

And with that came about the top Hacker Groups. Among them, one was extremely notable as many of the most skilled Hackers joined, Jormungundr. Their activities were varied from recovering accounts to erasing one’s social life. After two to three years of operating like this, a group rose up to stomp them out, Thor. Named specifically for the god that killed the snake in Norse Mythology.

Within months, Jormungundr’s virtual empire fell. Many of its members left with some defecting to Thor. Soon, Jormungundr was gone and Thor took the spot left vacant by the dead group.

In the wake of Jormungundr’s fall, a new addition was implemented to the system. Digital Monsters, more often called “Digimon”. Well, rather than implemented, it’s safer to say that they were brought out as a practical virus from Hackers who had somehow found a way behind a couple of firewalls to a new project. They found these monsters and unleashed them on the world.

In public servers, they’re used as AI friends and pets while in the private and back servers there are many different uses. Some use them as slaves while others use them as partners. Between hackers however, they are tools. Weapons even. Digimon are used to fight, more often than not with hackers backing them up with orders, information and sometimes support hacking.

The current state of affairs is that while Hatsu Softworks runs Eden’s public side, Thor runs it’s top Hacker groups with an iron fist. It’s leader, Tohru Okami, has a hard lock on many of the other top groups with the exception of the only thing that can be considered a rival, Fenrir. Fenrir being one of the few resistance groups to Thor. On the other hand, small

Now, a woman named Manaka reaches out with an invitation to a small number of hackers-to-be. An invitation to join Jormungundr.

I'll just make sure we have a couple of rules in place. Nothing too stringent.

1. It's fine to discuss things, just don't turn it overly hostile if worst comes to worst.
2. Common Sense rules apply.
3. Don't be an ass.
4. GM has final say on issues, but feel free to question a call or something.
5. Have fun. If you're not, send me a DM. As a GM I still have quite a bit to learn.

Let us note some features of the world. The biggest difference between today and the near future is the developed VR tech and smartphones being a bit better of course. Japan societally functions basically as it does today.

For human characters, I’d like to have the characters be between 16 and 24. Much younger and I don’t think they would receive the invitation and older than that and I don’t think they’d receive one either. Now, for skills, Jormungundr is looking for two things. Hacking abilitiy and Digimon raising ability. Both are needed they’re even willing to take in people that are good at the Digimon battling end of things and not so much the hacking end. One thing they are NOT looking for is lone wolves however. Teamwork makes the dream work, so don’t make an edgy lone wolf.

Now, digimon are going to start off at Champion this time around. Champions aren’t too difficult to reach but it does show experience in some way, shape or form. If you want to deviate from your evolution path you’ve set out, that should be fine so long as you have it be something that makes sense or we can talk about it. OH, and not only are we starting at Champion, everyone gets two! If you wanted to do something like Agumon and Gabumon to get Omnimon there you go!

Waiting List:

1. @Double
Well, we have five six (I can't count properly) people interested now. Guess I'll get about working on the OOC. If anyone else shows interest I'll put you on the backup list for now.
"On the other hand, small" Small what? I must know! lol.
I'm interested in this, I'll see if I can rework an old CS to fit this, if that's okay.
I assume that this world doesn't have the digimon anime/vpets in its history, does it?

No, it does not. :)
How about the EDEN syndrome? is that going to be a thing in this RP?

Shhhhhhh. Not at the beginning and if it is, probably not quite the same deal.
Hmm, well, as long as it makes sense. I'd prefer if it's like, Gallantmon you want that you go up Guilmon > Growlmon > Wargrowlmon > Gallantmon. But if you were wanting to play a digimon that doesn't have a technical line that's fine to go with something else.
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