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1 day ago
Current What a blessing in disguise honestly.
21 days ago
Baby blue toes....na dat boi weird.
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27 days ago
Can't say I relate to that experience.
28 days ago
Not gonna lie. Drop kick has to be one of my favourite words. Top 3. xD
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1 mo ago
The least you can do is pm me the link to this rp. Come on now. =/


Hi, Qia here <3. I'm a gamer and RP fan just looking to have a good time.

Most Recent Posts

Location: Southern Plateau - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.084: Trials and Tribulations Part 2: The Kids Are Alright
Interaction(s):Calliope-@PatientBean,Mei-@Garden Gnome
Previously: Trials and Tribulations Part 1: Vive la Révolution

The three of them got to work quickly.

Thankfully, the Trials didn’t require intense labour. Inputting the designs into augmented reality was pretty straightforward. Calli took her time with hers, wanting to make sure it was as perfect as can be. Even though she wanted the message that ‘Hey here is a trial with three books attached, each one a middle finger to the authority’ she also wanted to ensure the freshmen were able to pass and enjoy themselves. It wasn’t their fault after all.

Something had been on her mind though. She didn’t know Harper or Mei well at all. And the only in-depth conversation that they really had was about the trials and they all but rushed through it. Perhaps this was why they were paired together.

That or everyone else made sense and they were just thrown into something.

“So….how are you all feeling about...everything I guess?” She left it pretty vague to allow Harper or Mei to fill it in. Calli didn’t know if anything was bothering them like it was her. She blew up a sink for crying out loud!

“I’m fine considering everything that has happened.” Mei paused for a brief moment before she continued. “I mean the Rory thing is still mostly up in the air, but at least we got the dance thing settled. The fact that he is sleeping with Haven though is definitely not reassuring.” Honestly speaking, Mei didn’t have it as bad as her other teammates who had issues with their degrees, what with the changing of the accreditation and all. She guessed she could consider herself fortunate. However, she was sensible enough to know that she shouldn’t flaunt her relief around and keep her relief low-key and empathize with those facing the unhappiness surrounding the recent events that had only just taken place not too long ago.

Harper paused, the soft glow of the holographic interface casting shadows across her face. She took a deep breath, steadying herself before she turned to face Calli. “It’s been…a lot to process. Everything is so complicated now. But you know, I don’t intend to let my…personal circumstances hinder what I have to do now.” She locked eyes with Calli, her gaze piercing yet filled with a silent understanding. “And you, Calliope? On the beach, you seemed to have it all mapped out—family, a career in law. But life has a way of... throwing us off course it seems.”Harper's usual stoic mask slipped somewhat, a glimmer of concern flickering in her gaze.“Are you holding up alright?”

Calli had taken into account both directions the other two had directed the conversation. Mei going on about Rory and whatever that adorable mess of a human was attempting to do with the others. Calli’s mind flashed back to the beach and him essentially taking a pass at Aurora despite Lorcán standing there. And Mei attempting to fix it despite Rory’s obliviousness. She breathed a sigh of relief at not having to play dating politics amongst this lot.

And Harper highlighting personal circumstances. What did that mean? Was she referring to the diplomas or something else entirely? “I….exploded a sink.”

She let that sink in before she continued. “After the announcement that some of our degrees would be essentially worthless and that we would have to change schools to finish, I…lost it. Went to the bathroom and exploded one of the sinks in an arguably beautiful ice sculpture. So I am doing about as well as one can expect.”

Harper allowed a rare, gentle smile to play across her lips, softening the stern lines that usually framed her mouth. “Exploding a sink,”she echoed, her tone laced with a touch of amusement and understanding.“I must admit, that’s a new one for me. But if it provided even a moment’s respite from all this shit, then perhaps it wasn’t in vain.” As for her other teammate, Harper, typically one to steer clear of the tangled web of interpersonal drama, found herself weighing the merits of intervention. Gil’s recount had painted a clear picture, and her instinct was to remain an observer, not a participant in the unfolding shitshow that seemed to be a constant for her dunderhead teammate.

Yet, as she stood there, a part of her- the part honed by a strong sense of loyalty towards her friends- nudged her towards speaking up. So, with a mental shrug that dismissed her lingering reservations, Harper found her voice.

“I know it’s not my place,”she began, her tone even and devoid of judgment. “but Rory, for all his… let’s call them ‘quirks’, doesn’t strike me as malicious. Misguided, perhaps, but not harmful.” She paused, choosing her next words with care. “The proposition to Haven, I believe, was less about intent and more about a lack of foresight. Even if there’s something there…he asked you, Mei. Or maybe you asked him. Either way, him choosing to go to the dance with you has to count for something.”

“Exploding a sink and turning that into an art piece at the same time. I’d pay to see that. Pay in snacks, mind you, and I love my snacks. I wish I could say the same whenever I destroy something unintentionally.” Mei mused. She then glanced over to Harper and replied. “Oh sure, I treat that as good progress and any progress with Rory is something to be happy for. Of course, I love that he is going to the dance with me. There’s no reason I wouldn’t be. I’m as straight as an arrow.” She mimicked an archer firing an arrow with a smile. Mei then paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts before she continued. “Honestly, I’d prefer if he had slept alone, or with anyone else other than Haven.” Mei had always been unafraid to openly show her jealousy regarding Rory with her friends and voiced her thoughts unabashedly.

A faint smile graced Harper's lips at Mei's jest, but it quickly dissolved into a look of contemplation. She understood well enough the potential volatility of Mei's jealousy. After all, she herself could get, and has been, quite jealous before. For her, the feeling was like a spark near a powder keg, capable of igniting a blaze that could sweep through their ranks and jeopardize the cohesion they so desperately needed right now in the face of the Foundation.

Hence, the impulse to intervene, to offer a word of caution, was there. Yet, she found herself asking once again if it was even her place to step in, to guide Mei away from a path that could lead to discord. Or was it better to trust in her teammate's ability to navigate her own emotional landscape?

The weight of this decision lifted as Calliope's voice broke through her reverie, signalling a shift in the conversation. Harper silently welcomed the reprieve, allowing her to retreat from the precipice of involvement, back to her familiar ground of observation and support.

For now.

It really was a breath of fresh air to be hearing all of the romantic drama unfolding amongst the team. Rory seemed to be at the center of it, though Calli knew it extended to Lorcán and Aurora and now even Haven.

“Rory is…..ok I love Rory very much but the man is an idiot when it comes to this. He asked Aurora to the dance to help Lorcán out and that failed and now he’s playing catch up with everyone else. I agree with Harper, I don’t think he is doing this maliciously or is trying to be a player of sorts. Also just because they are sleeping in a tent together doesn’t mean they will be doing anything other than sleeping. And even then, it is Rory and Haven’s choice. You won’t know and Rory certainly won’t know until you talk to him. And you have to lay it out for him.”

“What about you Harper? Any relationship drama to tackle? I don’t seem to recall you paying any special attention to any one of our teammates, but perhaps I missed it.”

Harper's eyes momentarily lost their focus, reflecting an internal debate.

“There might be someone,”she acknowledged, her voice betraying a hint of reluctance.“But it's a topic for another time.” Her gaze shifted away, signalling an unspoken boundary she wasn't ready to cross.

Still…a sigh escaped her, more from resignation than sadness. Perhaps the only one between the three in a long-term relationship could offer some advice.

“I've perhaps spoken out of turn recently with that someone, in matters of... personal interest.” Harper hesitated, the admission hanging between them like a delicate thread. “It's challenging, you know? When a person occupies your thoughts, yet you're not quite sure where you stand with them.” She gestured vaguely, her hands illustrating the disparity she felt. “They're up here,” she said, her hand aloft, “and I'm... somewhere below, trying to find my proper place with them.”

Calliope cracked her knuckles. It seemed as though the two fledglings with her needed some advice. Since she was in an arguably healthy relationship, she felt it was her obligation to bestow some wisdom on them.

Mother was here.

“All right ladies. First and foremost in the lesson plan: men are stupid. This is why sexuality is not a choice because no one would willingly choose to be attracted to that species. So they are going to say and do dumb things. It is up to us, which may not seem fair, but we all know women run the world as our goddess Beyonce states.

Second, Harper, I want to hear none of that self-defeatist talk. You are not “beneath” anyone. You are on the same level as everyone, including this mystery person you have your eye on. If they like you, great. If they don’t, it’s their loss because you are amazing and are worth it. If this man or woman or non-binary individual cannot see that then they are blind.

Third, Mei…Rory is going to the dance with you, but that does not mean he cannot explore other options. And that’s not even to say that’s what he is going to do. With Haven or anyone else. You are too young to be worrying too much over a boy who may or may not ultimately give you the time of day. So look at it like a night to enjoy yourself with attractive arm candy and don’t get bogged down if it doesn’t end up exactly what you want. Life throws us curveballs. And don’t get me wrong, I recognize the irony of saying all that while being in a loving relationship with Banjo, but it didn’t start off like that. Trust me, what you see took work. All of it.”

Harper managed to suppress her laughter, though she found herself momentarily at a loss for words. Calliope’s truths resonated, yet she believed deep down the complexities of her feelings for Gil weren’t so easily resolved.

Gil wasn’t just some random guy she had a crush on. He was a faraway constellation, a public figure whose life was a spectacle under the relentless gaze of the world. The idea of being with him sent a surge of excitement through her, yet it was a double-edged sword, with one side gleaming with temptation and the other shadowed by apprehension.

His allure was undeniable, his charisma a force of nature, but the incident on the beach had cast a well-focused light on the realities of his existence and her place in it.

Harper’s voice, once she finally spoke, was a soft murmur, laden with a truth she had long held close to her chest.

“My feelings for Gil are complex,” she admitted, a note of earnestness threading through her words. She cast a sidelong glance at Calliope, a silent plea for discretion. The last thing she needed was for Banjo to turn her confessions into ammunition for teasing.

“It’s about more than just attraction,” Harper continued, her gaze returning to the middle distance as she contemplated the enormity of Gil’s world. “His life is under constant scrutiny, every move analyzed and judged. It’s both thrilling and terrifying to imagine stepping into that kind of place.”

She drew in a deep breath, her shoulders squaring as if bracing against an unseen force. “I’m drawn to him… irresistibly so. But to join him in the spotlight is to invite that same scrutiny upon me, and that’s no small consideration. It’s a big leap of faith, and I’m just… trying to muster the courage to take that plunge.”

Mei spoke up once the pair were finished talking.

“Oh, I know Rory is not being malicious, how can the doofus be so in such a manner? However, knowing that doesn’t make me any less sad or jealous though.”She sighed before she continued. “Yeah, you’re right. I should not place all my eggs in one basket. I know that too, but after doing this for so long, it’s difficult to stop.” Mei then broke that chain of thought to rummage around in her bag before fishing out none other than a bar of Meiji milk chocolate. Sensing that the mood was down, Meiji chocolate had always been her favourite choice for lifting her spirits. One of the best chocolates she had ever tasted, Meiji’s is smooth and creamy, yet still remaining chocolatey enough to satisfy her palate. Looking at it happily, she then tossed it to Harper. “Here. enjoy my favourite chocolate and cheer up. It’s one of the best and never fails to lift my spirits and bring a smile to my face. I hope you like it.”

Calliope shook her head, more so because, despite it all, these two were going to continue feeling these things. After all, she knew better than most how one’s past shaped current behavior. She would be a hypocrite if she decided otherwise. She was lucky in many ways. She was more sure of herself than she had ever been before and even then she still struggled with her identity. She had a loving relationship with a man who treated her better than her own family and she still wrestled with who she was with him and what it would mean for their future. She had friends amongst her team and even when she gave some of the best advice she ever did they still were unsure. It was like tiny little papercuts to her heart.

She shook it off. They still had a job to finish.

“Be that as it may, we need to get this finished soon. You both will work it out, I have no doubt.”

Harper caught the bar of chocolate, her eyebrows arching in mild surprise.

“Chocolate, huh?” she mused, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “I can't say I'm familiar with this one, but I’ll never say no to chocolate.” With a deft flick, she unwrapped the treat, the rich aroma of cocoa enveloping her senses. She snapped off a square, letting it melt on her tongue, savouring the rush of sweetness that followed.

Her eyes only fluttered open as Calliope’s voice cut through the momentary lapse into indulgence, grounding her with a reminder of their shared purpose. Harper straightened, her resolve returning with a nod.

“Duty calls,” she agreed. “Just a few more touches on my end to add, anyway, and I think we’ll be done here.”

As Gil strode away, Harper was left standing, a flustered smile playing on her lips, her cheeks warm with a blush that refused to fade. Robert quietly stifled a chuckle while Tad just shook his head, exchanging a knowing look with the larger man.

Harper cleared her throat, her smile widening despite the embarrassment. "He’s kidding, of course! We were just gonna…uh…um.” Her voice trailed off, the words deserting her just when she needed them most. It was ironic, really; her mind had been so quick to spin easy flirtations earlier, yet now, it seemed to have taken a leave of absence.

Well to hell with you too, then!

The brunette laughed softly, a self-deprecating sound that held a hint of the nerves she felt.
“We’re just going to discuss the Trials,”she finally managed, her tone light, though her heart still raced with the thought of Gil’s wink. “You know, what it could look like and stuff.”

"I cannot speak for your Team Representative," Robert interjected, "But I do not need to worry about your personal business. It is none of my concern."

"Just remember to use the tent's sound-dampening mode so the rest of the team can sleep through your 'discussion'." Tad teased, "But seriously, Harper, this plateau has seen a lot worse than less than subtle innuendo. You're by far the most responsible member of this team and I have no reason to question your decision-making." He looked towards Gil, before his eyes wandered to Rory.

"Theirs on the other hand," He rocked a hand back and forth in front of Harper. "Eh."

"But good luck with setting up the trial, try not to duplicate too much of yours from last year," Tad added, bidding Harper adieu as he moved back towards the team's campsite.

Harper, after acknowledging Robert with a nod, made her way to her assigned area, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts. Tad’s words lingered, some bringing a smile, others a frown.

Would the most dutiful student genuinely put the school's image at risk or wish to set aside her obligations, even briefly, for her own cravings? Unlikely.

Location: Southern Plateau - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.080: Trials and Tribulations Part 1: Vive la Révolution
Interaction(s):Calliope-@PatientBean,Mei-@Garden Gnome
Previously: Leap of Faith

The brunette approached the designated meeting spot, her steps measured and purposeful despite everything. Calliope was already there, her presence a steady beacon, and Mei arrived shortly after, her quick steps betraying her eagerness. Harper’s mind, though momentarily distracted by thoughts of Gil, refocused with clarity on the task before them. The Trials weren’t just a competition; they were a rite of passage for the new students, a reflection of the very soul of each house. She felt the mantle of leadership settle upon her then, a weight she bore with a mix of trepidation and pride.

"Hello, team. Ready to brainstorm theme ideas?"Calliope greeted, breaking the silence.

“Yeah, I already have a few ideas,”she responded, her finger tapping rhythmically against her chin. “How do we feel about mazes?”

Calliope rubbed the back of her head. “So…I like mazes. Mazes are a good idea, but let’s focus on the theme first. That way, at least, we can then coordinate the obstacles. I was thinking, given recent events, of it being a Hunger Games theme. It sort of plays nicely into it being a trial to overcome, minus the deaths of course. Plus it would be a, hopefully, subtle middle finger to the Foundation. You know, going after the authorities for making children jump through dangerous hoops? But I am open to other ideas.”

Harper mentally scolded herself. She had gotten too far ahead. Or maybe it was simply Calliope’s presence that was throwing her off. She didn’t often find herself in conversation with the girl, after all. As for her suggestion…

Harper cleared her throat, one eyebrow shooting up in slight concern. “So, your idea has merit. It’s provocative and pretty timely, but…I think we need to balance boldness with sensitivity here. The Hunger Games also carries connotations of violence and oppression, and as much as I want to stick it to the Foundation as well for the things said during the ceremony, we don’t want the school to be seen in a bad light." She couldn't ignore the feeling that she was being hypocritical, even as she voiced her concerns. Still, it wasn’t like it was the Foundation that made them lose their degrees, at least as far as any of them knew.
“But, what do you think Mei?” the brunette addressed their third teammate, not wanting to leave her out. Harper had a feeling that would happen quite a bit without some sort of mediator between her and Calliope.

Mei was considering the ideas brought up by her fellow teammates and had developed some of her own.“My idea of a maze concept is inspired by the Maze Runner series. It emphasizes the value of teamwork and also tests relationships and how people work with one another to achieve a common goal. They would also have to be constantly on the lookout to find creative ways to overcome obstacles and solve problems.”She let out a giggle and she continued. “If others would like to compare WICKED to the foundation, then let them do it, so long as we do not openly mention anything about their similarity ourselves.”

Harper’s expression softened, her head nodding along in agreement with everything Mei was saying. An idea occurred to her then. A way to combine all their ideas while still leaving the messages they wished to send to the Foundation.

“What if we illuminate all three?”she proposed.“The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games, and Divergent—each offers a unique perspective on the trials we face as hyperhumans, don’t you think?”She leaned forward, her hands unfolding as if to reveal the vision taking shape before them. “The Maze Runner would test their intellect and unity, the Hunger Games resilience and adaptability, and Divergent individuality and strength of each person’s convictions.”

Calliope had to admit, they took her idea and made it better. “Clever idea. So long as it gets that message across, we can do all of that. I’ll admit, I only read The Hunger Games so you’ll have to catch me up on Divergent and Maze Runner.” Calliope would not admit she wasn’t allowed to read those books because of how they perpetuated the idea of overcoming authority and striking out on your own. Her father would never have allowed it. She only read Hunger Games in secret.

“You should totally read the Maze Runner series if you can. It’s the bomb.” Mei commented as she listened to Calliope’s revelation that she had not read the popular series before. She then continued, acknowledging Harper’s idea of combining all three different series into one concept. “That’s also a good idea Harper. That way it isn’t just focused on just one idea, but a slightly more original idea by combining them three into a singular concept on its own.”

“So it’s settled then,” Harper said, nodding thoughtfully. “Now, I think we need to try and work out which of the core values of each house fits into each book. That way, it’s a little easier to come up with challenges that both test and celebrate these qualities.”

Calliope was quiet for a moment, thinking. She didn’t know the other books but it sounded like Mei and Harper did. “What about this? Since you both know the other books and there are eight schoolhouses, why don’t we split it up three ways? I can work Hunger Games trial events and one of you can do Divergent and the other Maze Runner. And then we can decide what houses we want to represent and use them in our events. I personally would like to keep my house Ursus, but otherwise, I am not picky. And then we can coordinate the challenges to ensure we aren’t doing the same thing.”

Harper surveyed her other teammate, considering Calliope’s suggestion.
“That’s fine with me. Mei, since it was your idea, why don’t you do the Maze Runner, then? I’ll take Divergent.” Harper pursed her lips in thought of the values held by each house. What would be the best way to split them up? Her brow furrowed as she looked up, mentally arranging the houses into an intricate matrix, each column a book, each row a house, intersecting at the virtues they extolled.

  • House Alces: “There’s a house in Divergent that’s like Alces, so I’ll take them.”
  • House Canis: “You can have Canis Mei since it’s your house.”
  • House Gulo: “Gulo’s assertive and pragmatic spirit could be tested in the mazes of The Maze Runner so they’ll also be yours, Mei, if that’s okay?”
  • House Lutra: “I’ll take Lutra for the same reason I took Alces.”
  • House Lynx: “If I had to pick a house for Peeta, who’s pretty social and optimistic, it would be Lynx. That one’s all yours, Call.”
  • House Myotis: “Myotis is known for its creativity, and I think you’d need a lot of that to get out of a maze.”
  • House Strigidae: “Strigidae’s mine.”
  • House Ursus: “ And, last but most certainly not least, Ursus is yours, Call.”

With a brief pause, Harper met the gazes of her two teammates again, scratching the back of her head in sudden self-awareness. She sincerely hoped she hadn’t overwhelmed either of them.
“So…any questions, concerns or new ideas?”

“I’m alright with taking Canis, Myotis, and Gulo.” Mei nodded as she agreed to the suggestions by Harper on the schoolhouses to be assigned. “What are your plans for the challenges? I’m thinking of having mine be inspired or tailored to the Maze Runner theme. The different roles found in Maze Runner such as Runner, Builder, Cook, Slicer and such all have different sets of responsibilities, so I think this can be easily interwoven into any challenges planned.”

“Well Hunger Games was more about taking out your competition, but obviously I don’t want people killing each other over this. Ursus is easy. I was thinking of having a gauntlet where they have to pass through being shot at. Obviously not with anything lethal, but maybe something safe but annoying, like glue bombs. But anyway, the point is to see how altruistic and protective they can be in helping others get through it or if they just decide to fend for themselves. Kind of like how Katniss and Rue form a protective friendship.”

“Lynx is a bit trickier because they are sociable and optimistic. I was thinking maybe it is like when they ask the competitors questions and it's filmed in all the districts. Sort of like a debate, but it is judging if they can answer the question in a positive way. Maybe the questions are tough and negative and they have to swing it the opposite way. I’m open to suggestions too.”

Harper listened intently to Mei and Calliope, her mind piecing together the fragments of their ideas. As Mei spoke of the roles in The Maze Runner and Calliope described the gauntlet inspired by the Hunger Games, Harper’s thoughts began to coalesce into a singular, innovative concept.
She interjected with a spark of inspiration in her voice. “Wait, what if we combine all these elements into one cohesive challenge again? An escape room maybe…. that’s a representation of our entire school, each section representing the values and challenges associated with each house.Harper continued to outline her thoughts, her voice steady and confident.“So, we’ll have a section with a maze, one with a gauntlet, another involving intellectual puzzles, and a debate arena for last. With the arena, the freshies would have a better idea of the group they’d been working with for the other sections, so we could also ask some tough social questions.” She leaned forward, her expression earnest. “So it won’t be just about finding the right answers, but also about revealing character.”

Mei nodded in agreement as she listened to Harper detailing her idea of combining everything had been said into one cohesive concept. “I agree with this. Shall we move forward with this escape room concept then? We don’t have to use all the roles I’ve mentioned. We can just use the ones that make sense for this concept.” They could go on all day arguing about the pros and cons about their own idea, but they had to come to a compromise at some point if they wanted to move forward with their plans, and Mei was happy enough to settle with what was mentioned.

Within the hallowed quietude of his bed chambers, a realm untouched by the ceaseless murmurs of the outside world, Orion Nightingale sat ensconced in profound contemplation. The chessboard arrayed before him was not merely a game but a stark representation of the dichotomy that now permeated his existence—the perpetual conflict between light and shadow, order and chaos. Each chess piece stood as a mute sentinel, poised for battle, their strategic placement mirroring the complex ballet of alliances and enmities that he deftly orchestrated within the royal court. The lantern’s soft luminescence above bestowed upon the room a gentle, undulating radiance, crafting a haven where Orion’s thoughts could unfurl in solitude, unshackled from the scrutiny and anticipations that often besieged a man of his station.

His chambers, a sanctuary lined with opulent tapestries that chronicled the storied past of Aurelia, bore witness to the heritage he had pledged to defend. Amidst this silent splendour, Orion discovered fleeting solace, a cherished interlude from the inexorable demands of his dual roles as the prince’s sage advisor and stalwart protector. The chessboard served as his silent confederate, privy to the internal conflict that raged within—a cerebral skirmish pitting prescience against the unpredictable, understanding against disarray.

With each deliberate maneuver, Orion’s fingers charted the course of fate, his intellect as incisive as the weapon he once brandished with honour in the field of battle. The knight, his avatar on the board, executed its moves with an elegance that echoed Orion’s own adeptness in circumnavigating the perilous legacy of the blight. This intricate dance, demanding both martial skill and astute mental acuity, had garnered him the unwavering confidence of the prince and secured his place at his royal side.

Yet, when it came to the labyrinthine game of his personal affairs, the board was set quite differently. Here, the rules he knew so well were upended, the strategies obscure, the outcomes uncertain. In this arena, he was a player at the mercy of forces beyond his control, where the blight’s shadow cast long and unpredictable. His family’s rejection and the dissolution of his marriage were moves that had left him in check, a solitary king navigating a board where every square was a potential trap, every alliance fraught with the spectre of betrayal.

In the sanctity of his chambers, Orion Nightingale, the Blight-Born strategist, found himself at an impasse, contemplating the next move in a game that was far more personal and complex than any he had ever played on the battlefield or in the court. It was a game that tested not only his strategic prowess but also the resilience of his spirit and the steadfastness of his heart.

It was then that the sounds of the kingdom stirring to life reached his ears, however, pulling him from the reverie of his solitary game. The prince, his charge, would soon be about his own day’s work, and Orion knew his place was at Flynn’s side. The game of chess could wait, for the real-life game of thrones and the welfare of Aurelia required his attention and his unwavering vigilance.

Rising from his seat, Orion cast one last glance at the chessboard, the pieces poised in silent anticipation of a battle that would never come, before exiting the room.


A watched in awe as her companions used their unique abilities to combat the shadow entities. Relief washed over her as her own assailant dissolved into a pool of inky blackness on the floor. However, the moment of respite was short-lived as the creatures began to reform, joining together into one massive, writhing mass.

Understanding the urgency of the situation, A refocused her energy, preparing to unleash another wave of Hemorrhage against the newly formed entity. She watched as VV's ethereal tendrils attempted to restrain the creature but couldn't help feeling that their individual powers might not be enough to bring it down.
"We have to work together!" A shouted over the chaos, her voice ringing with determination. "Combine our abilities and focus on the central mass. It seems to be the most vulnerable spot!"

A wasted no time in putting her words into action. Channeling Hemorrhage once again, she targeted the core of the writhing entity, hoping that her companions would follow suit. With a fierce cry, she launched her attack, her energy crackling through the air as it collided with the mass of shadow and darkness.

As the entity shrieked in pain and anger, A spared a glance at her allies, hoping to see their own powers joining the fray. Together, they might just stand a chance against this evil force.
I'll try to have my post up sometime early next week <3 Birthday celebrations this weekend so busy.

In Ju-V 6 mos ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

As Natsumi nodded in agreement, Sophia rose from her bed, a mix of trepidation and anticipation filling her. Together, they made their way out of their room, joining the others as they walked towards the cafeteria. The halls echoed with the nervous murmur of students, their apprehension mirroring Sophia’s inner turmoil. Had she perhaps done something thoughtless back there? She couldn’t stop her mind from replaying everything she’d said. Why had she put her parents in such a negative light, at all?

Sophia knew she was the sole reason for her presence here, through and through. She was the sole reason that she wasn’t normal.

As Sophia entered the bustling cafeteria, her gaze scanned the crowd, taking note of the diverse faces she saw. Among them, she even spotted Haven in the lineup ahead. The urge to chat her up again tugged at the blonde, but she hesitated, fearing she might be an unwelcome interruption. Besides, she found her eyes following an interesting sight of an…

Is that an otter!?

Sophia’s mouth hung open in utter shock before melding into an expression of confusion. How had she not sensed the creature? And it was strange. The more Sophia looked at it, the more she was sure he or she or it wasn’t what she thought it was. Unlike her other animal companions back home, there was an eerie absence of any emotional resonance. This otter also carried itself with a purpose, its sleek form gliding effortlessly through the bustling cafeteria. And then there was the tray—a detail that defied all otter norms.

Sophia had never seen an otter serve itself food before.

The temptation to approach him/her/it gnawed at her, but she reigned it in, remembering her manners. Instead, she tore her gaze away, grabbing a tray and joining the line for food, her mind still churning. Did she really want to repeat the same mistakes she’d made before, anyway? Surely, the normal thing would be to prefer talking to someone human like her here.

With a sigh, Sophia turned her attention to the food on offer. The server’s question pulled her from her reverie, and without hesitation, she opted for the vegetarian choice. She wasn’t down to change everything about herself here, after all.

Navigating through the maze of tables, the blonde settled into a seat that offered a balance of proximity and solitude. The faces nearby were familiar—echoes of similar conversation from the rec room—but right now, they were just faces, nothing more. Her social reserves were depleted, the day’s events having drawn heavily upon her introverted spirit.

Sophia’s fingers hovered over her meal, the vibrant colours of the vegetables stark against the white of her plate, yet her appetite was lost to contemplation. Her thoughts circled back to the otter, an unexpected aberration in the academy’s structured environment. It had drawn curious looks from her peers, its odd behaviour a ripple in the otherwise still waters of their routine.

But to Sophia, the otter was more than just a curiosity; it was a gentle nudge from the universe—a reminder that not every mystery required an immediate solution. There was wisdom in the patience of observation, in the quiet acceptance that some things simply were. And yet, despite this understanding, a part of her yearned for the tactile connection, the soft fur beneath her fingertips, the physical affirmation of the otter’s reality.

Her desire to reach out and touch the creature was a tangible echo of her longing to connect with the parts of her world that remained just out of reach. It was a silent battle between her disciplined restraint and the raw, instinctual pull toward the warmth of a familiar life that the otter represented.

Sophia’s gaze drifted across the cafeteria, momentarily catching on a solitary figure at another table near to hers- his presence a mirror to her own. She felt a kinship with him then, yet-

With a soft exhale, Sophia turned her attention back to her plate, finally lifting her fork. The act was one of self-promise—a vow to honour the delicate balance between her previous life and the current one that buzzed around her. For now, she would savour the simplicity of her meal, because sometimes, it was enough to simply be.

My busybody archetype continues <3

@Qia Hello there..! First of all, love the pfp and siggy set!

Secondly, we are accepting still. I will send you a PM with the discord link so you can join us, love ツ

Thank you so much :3!
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