Oh just the spy then? Ok. I mean if they want to attack it's fine. I just want to make sure I know how to write out my next post
<Snipped quote by Qia>
Sounds like him and Bella are in a similar boat. haha!
Also, I am mainly joking. Asterion is very cautious about cops/military folks tho.
I should add. I feel like he is cautious about authority/cops/etc... because growing up as a kid on the streets. Military probably = disappear. Cops = going to a foster home or a jail cell. Which he wanted nothing to do with any of that. lol
<Snipped quote by Estylwen>
Ewwwwww.... Asterion doesn't work with pigs.
Damn, I gotta go conquer White Pine before Bella gets any ideas, huh.
And its not like my schemes are THAT crazy right now. It's more just that its funny because the Sinners are fighting the BFC, but it's literally just Matthias. They can't even really reach anyone else.
<Snipped quote by Qia>
Heavy crossguard calls to ye
I really do have to catch up here but I think the Kairo Empire will be going for Heavy cross guard.