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"says you, spying on us..." Lin said under his breath. If he had thought that would escape Hikari's notice, he was sorely mistaken. The volume aside, which would not escape Hikari's notice as someone who—in her own opinion—was all but officially Jonin skill-wise, Hyuuga were trained in lip-reading to make full use of their Byakugan, hence her knowing exactly what Lin said.

"You got it, sis," Lin continued, trying to further antagonize his teacher.

Not that Hikari deigned to respond to either remark. Maybe when she first started working in the academy two years ago, but at this point, she was used to such remarks and furthermore had matured a bit to not be bothered too much.

Besides, ignoring it would probably infuriate the kid more, and thus a more satisfying 'payback' was what Hikari thought She supposed it WAS rather petty, but well she did say she had matured to the point of not being bothered TOO much, not entirely unbothered.

And so, making a deliberate show of ignoring Lin completely, Hikari turned to Shinya to listen to what the Aburame had to say.

"Of course, Sensei. We will do as you ask. Before that, however, I feel the need to inform you that these people had been paralyzed through one of my clan's jutsu or something of similar nature."

As Shinya was speaking, however, a massive build-up of chakra inside the body of the paralyzed shinobi caught Hikari's attention. It was almost akin to a high-powered explosive tag, Hikari was sure that they were about to explode. For a split second the question of 'How' crossed Hikari's head as her Byakugan would have noticed any explosive tags on them.

Now, however, was not the time to wonder about such things.

Hikari disappeared with the Body Flicker technique, immediately appearing between Lin and Shinya.

"Don't move!" Hikari ordered as she started to emit chakra from all of her tenketsu, before spinning rapidly, all the while making sure to control her chakra so that Shinya and Lin did not get caught up in the rapidly rotating chakra.

Revolving Heaven, the absolute defence of the Hyuga clan, met the blast head-on and shielded the three from the explosion.


Before Shinya could even comprehend what was going on, his teacher was beside him, before spinning around as some sort of dome made out of chakra enveloped the three, just in time as Shinya heard a deafening blast.

A few moments later as Hikari stopped spinning and the dome faded, Shinya finally understood what had just happened. Several meters around them were charred with wood splinters and fragments scattered everywhere, the clear sign of an intense explosion. The five paralyzed shinobi had exploded.

If it weren't for the fact that Shinya would most definitely have died without Hikari—being at the epicentre of the explosion—he might have admired the ruthlessly logical way the five shinobis went out, preventing information leak while causing maximum damage to their enemy. However, seeing the aftermath of the blast, with the area around him, Hikari, and Lin being the only unnaturally untouched due to whatever defensive jutsu Hikari used...As composed and logic-oriented Shinya might try to comport himself at all times, he cannot help but think how close he had been to death.

Shinya immediately turned to Hikari. In such a situation deferring to one's superior was the logical course of action, after all.

Hikari appeared to be looking in the direction of the village with her Byakugan. For a split second, Shinya could have sworn he saw the slightest hint of panic at the ever-graceful and composed Hyuga princess, though it disappeared almost immediately that Shinya couldn't help but think he must have been simply projecting his own panic.

"...Several explosions had occurred inside the village. I will get you two back to the village. Afterwards, follow the evacuation procedure for civilians and keep your head down," Hikari calmly said to Lin and Shinya, not taking her eyes off the village.

Shinya thought that was the correct choice. While the village might not be the safest place right now, there was also no guarantee staying outside the village's walls like this would grant them safety. Their best choice WAS to get back to the village and head to the designated safe houses for civilians prepared specifically for this sort of incident. They were academy students close to becoming Genin but their status was still civilians as of today. If this was an ant colony under attack, they would be the larvae protected by the rest of the ants, in hopes they would grow up and in turn, serve the colony in the future.

It was the logical choice, and so, despite it not fully feeling right to Shinya, as usual, he followed his reason and deferred to his superior, "Understood, Sensei."

He just hoped that his impetuous classmate will see reason and not make any trouble for their teacher and the rest in a time like this.

Yeah, I was planning to suggest that Elizabeth and Steele investigate inside the club while Enzo and Ian try to look for clues around the club, since let's be honest, a 13 old boy and a 55 ish year old guy in a vintage vest would absolutely look out of place in a club
Here's my current progress

Name: Aelyeth
Race: Half-Gaian (Half-Elf variant)
Class: Summoner
Bond: Bond of Eidolist
Background: Cloistered Scholar
WIP Sheet
WIP Sheet for Eidolon

@ShiroKiyoshi What's the policy on starting equipment? Oh also, I'm wondering if Booming Blade works with two-hand weapon?
So I assume at this point @rocketrobie2's character will just meet us on the club? If so I'm probably going to have Ian brought it up for my next post
I'm tentatively interested, since I have a character for a 3.5 campaign that never started but I'm itching to play, got to see if I can translate it to 5E though. It was some sort of homebrew summoner class, so I'm thinking of probably using this this 5E summoner homebrew

So the character concept was that she was a worshipper of the Spirit of the Past since the campaign was supposed to took place in Eberron, instead of planar creature just for flavour the eidolon was an ancient hero of sorts. (Since you mentioned anime, it's basically heroic spirit from Fate but nowhere as OP).

Do you think this is something that would work for your game?
Hmm, he's just being an angsty teenager but we could set something up if you want.

Alright. I'll leave it to you then, if you have any interesting idea. If not then let's just left it at Lin being an angsty boi
Waiting for @Lewascan2 and @Randomguy.

I don't think you need to wait for me, no? Our characters are no longer in the same place, like Satoshi had left for the T&I while Hikari had gone to the woods. I'm probably going to post tomorrow after work. Working on my master's thesis right now. Damned statistics just won't give me a good number lol.

Also @anothered am I understanding correctly that the suna shinobis near Hikari and the rest exploded? Oh also, is Lin's dislike of Hikari just a personal thing or is this something you'd like to work out in our characters backstory?
The possible exception seemed to be Skyrim. When Gehenna came, they probably still wouldn’t have Elder Scrolls VI.

lmao we can be in the 2100s meeting aliens, and Bethesda will send AI Todd to ask the aliens what gaming console they have so he can port Skyrim
Okay, kids I've posted an update. Would you guys want me to make a Discord server or do you guys want to talk here?

I'm good with either. Though I guess discord can help speed up process for questions like character building and whatnot?

Ian had just entered the living room when he noticed the door opening once more. He turned around, only to see Quentin ushering in a fellow member of his 'family'. A boy who almost looked like he was dressed for Halloween as a vampire, or perhaps some avant-garde new fashion that harkened to the gothic style. Of course, that was a privilege afforded only to a vampire whose apparent age was that of a child. Someone like Ian would look out of place were he to try hiding in plain sight like Enzo was. Ian did find it amusing that for his youthful look, in terms of experience in the world of vampires and the rest of the supernatural forces, Enzo was definitely on the more experienced side, having spent almost his entire life as either a ghoul or a vampire.

As Ian was about to greet his fellow latecomer, their 'mother', Edwina pulled the two of them into a hug. Truth be told, despite having been part of this family for a while now, Ian had never fully bought into the idea of this 'family'. Edwina and Ludwig were always kind to him, and Ian had no issue reciprocating and playing—what in his mind was—a charade family. Perhaps it was more his paranoia, having spent 93 years as a Kindred, but Ian had always felt there was something off about their entire idea of altruism. To Ian, Edwina and Ludwig's adoption was less out of pure altruistic reason but more so that they felt they had done something good, fulfilling their desire of having 'a family'.

Ian would be glad to be proven wrong, of course. And regardless of their reason, Edwina and Ludwig had helped Ian and the others a lot, including but not limited to seeing to their safety. Therefore, while Ian might not have fully bought into the idea of a family, he was more than happy to think of them as his trusted allies, a coterie in the truest sense.

“It is so nice to see you again. How have you two been? Your sister Elizabeth is here as well. Although I am not sure if the others are coming," Edwina said once she released Enzo and Ian.

"I'm well, Mother.Thank you," Ian greeted her somewhat jovially. Ian remembered that it was weird calling someone who looked much younger than he was 'mother'. But if that was what Edwina and Ludwig wished, Ian saw no reason not to do so.

He then continued, "Apologies for somewhat arriving late. You mentioned talking about an urgent matter?"

Edwina then ushered everyone to take a seat in the living room as she explained how Ludwig had been kidnapped, with the only clue left being a matchbook from a club named Sheol.

Ian's first thought was that if Ludwig was indeed kidnapped, they were most definitely dealing with someone who spelt trouble. Ludwig was an old Kindred of the 9th generation. In modern nights, after the Beckoning compelled many of the older generations of Kindred to the Middle East, there were not many among Kindred who could have kidnapped a 9th-generation Kindred like Ludwig.

But speaking of the Beckoning...Was it possible that—

Don’t worry mutter (Mother) we will find Ludwig, right?

Ian's train of thought was interrupted by Elizabeth, as she looked icily at Ian and Enzo as if daring them to disagree.

Elizabeth...she had always been the one among Ian's 'siblings' who bought into the idea of this 'family' the most, so Ian was not surprised that she was fully committed to finding Ludwig.

Edwina, perhaps trying to smooth things over before Elizabeth inadvertently caused unnecessary conflict, spoke again “Thank you, Elizabeth, but I do not want to force all of you to do something that could be very dangerous. But if you are going to investigate his disappearance, your best bet is to visit this Sheol club. I only hope you will be able to find Ludwig while keeping yourself from any serious harm."

Ian nodded at Elizabeth, "Don't worry, of course we'll help Mother out, won't we, Enzo?"

If nothing else, having Ludwig with this 'family' meant extra safety. While refusing to help would be detrimental to this mutually beneficial arrangement of theirs.

He then turned to Edwina, "Though, if I may ask, Mother...You said that Father was kidnapped, how do we know that? Do we have some evidence that points to that being the case? Just to be safe, he...hadn't exhibited any signs of the 'malady' that had beset many Kindred of your generation, had he?"

The Beckoning was said to affect Kindred of 9th-generation and lower, after all. Ian hoped that wasn't the case, because that would...complicate matters. And the matters were already complicated enough with them possibly dealing with someone that could took on an old 9th-generation Kindred like Ludwig.

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