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There's a reference to Highton View Terrace, is this supposed to take place in the adventure continuity or is that just an easter egg?

'An evil of Zoroastrianism having corrupted the grail? Gajah Mada thought, once Shielder finished speaking.

That was a cause of concern, if true. Gajah Mada could already feel her master's ire through their master-servant pact. Not surprising, given that her master had been upfront about how protecting innocent people was his main motivation in joining the war.

It was not as if Gajah Mada was entirely unsympathetic to Lorenzo's sentiment, after all, she was an incarnation of Vishnu. She might not be counted among the ten primary avatars of Vishnu, the Dashavatara. The divinity indwelled among her pales in comparison to those ten, such as Rama or Khrisna. But nevertheless, she was an aspect of Vishnu, the protector of good and virtue, who descended into the world when righteousness waned and unrighteousness increased.

If there was indeed an ancient evil existing in this age, as one of Vishnu's avatars, it was her sacred duty to annihilate that evil. However...

"That is quite the claim, Shielder. You'll excuse me if I did not take it merely at your words. In the first place, it is quite suspect that a rogue servant—Servants that are anomalies, their movement limited by the leylines—would be able to possess this information when masters joining this war do not. I am not saying you are lying, but such a claim demands to be substantiated further. The existence of rogue servants is a symptom of an anomaly in the war, yes, but it says nothing regarding the nature of the anomaly itself. Until we have further proof, I see no reason to change our course of actions."

Turning to Rider, she added, "At least that is where I stand at the moment. What say you, Rider? I would like to hear your thoughts."

Through her telepathic link, she then addressed her Master, 'Calm yourself, Master. While I agree that what Shielder said was a cause of concern, as I've said, we do not have proof of its veracity at this juncture. I suggest we continue doing what we've been doing. After all, if the grail truly is corrupted, all the more reason for us to ensure it does not fall to nefarious hands, no? Until we have concrete proof, I say we claim the grail for ourselves and then determine what we should do with it'

If she had determined for herself that the grail had been corrupted by evil, she would destroy it herself if needed, but until then, she would not simply renege on the very oath that had made her left indelible marks on history merely because someone claimed the grail to be corrupted.
How big are you on worldbuilding? I might be interested, but mostly on the worldbuilding of the isekai world.

Something like overlord concept, where a guild got transported into the fantasy world, though of course the guild is not Nazarick and the world iis not the one in overlord but our own making
Carnatia de Luson

As they reached the camp, Carnatia was more than ready to curl up on her bed sheet, perhaps after a nice cup of tea brewed using her enchanted tea set that could brew various flavours. Maybe green tea? No, on second thought, probably apple cider was more to her fancy right now. After that trip through the damp and misty forest at night, a warm apple cider would be good. It was not something that could be brewed easily in a camp like this, but fortunately, it WAS an enchanted tea set. It was quite expensive, Carnatia had to borrow some money and ended up using her rapier as collateral, but it worked out in the end, she managed to scrounge up just enough money to pay it back. was quite close and she was about a day short of losing her rapier.

"My wisdom can wait until I get a chance to close my eyes. For five or six hours, at least." Gray answered. "Until then, I would be no use to you. I am not a doctor you can consult on, Roxas is. though I am not sure if you will hear a lot of good news, even from her."

Though...before the tea, there was probably one matter they should arrange as the group.

"I quite agree that I also would like nothing else but a peaceful slumber right about now, however...It wouldn't do for us to get ambushed. We need to take turns watching the camp, to be safe. So...shall we cast lots?"
Well, it had a good run for what's it worth, thanks anyway!

Responding to her master through their telepathic link, Gajah Mada replied, 'True...but I am a Saber Class Servant there is no going around the fact that I have to expose my blade to fight any more than, say, King Arthur would have to expose his legendary sword to fight. Worry not, Master, there are far more heroes more known for their kris than I in my region of origin, why, I don't even hold a famous kris, like Kris Mpu Gandring wielded by Ken Arok. Mine is but a nameless one. That aside, I'm of one mind regarding prodding for more information,'

Gajah Mada then listened to Shielder explaining the possibility that something was wrong with the ritual, as proven by the presence of rogue servants, before proposing that he'd pledge his alliance to the winner of the fight, to which Rider enthusiastically agreed.

Gajah Mada replied, "Before I agree, there are some matters I wish to clarify," She turned to Shielder, as she continued, "You offered your allegiance too freely, that I can't help but wonder what exactly do you get out of it. You may not be summoned to fight for the grail, but it is hard to imagine anyone would not be interested in obtaining a wish-granter for themselves. Unless...something was wrong with the grail. You mentioned that 'the people who repurposed the Fuyuki Grail Ritual without full knowledge of its contents' What are these contents of the grail the Fujiwara Clan is not aware of? Ah but before you answer, one other matter..."

Gajah Mada walked over to the corner of the abandoned parking lot, where she had felt a similar sensation she had felt in the Church. It looked as if whoever was spying on them back then was also spying on the parking lot.

"As you have heard, mysterious stranger peeking in, there appears to be some crucial information regarding this ritual. I am not aware of how much you already know of the matter, but...I imagine that if you're not exactly aware of it, this would be something that you would be interested in. How fortunate that you have this spider familiar listening in, if someone were to...dispose of this spider familiar of yours, I'm afraid you have to attend our meeting in person."

She gave a smile at the spider, before killing it.

Gajah Mada did not know how inclined this individual was to appear in person, but now, she hoped she had given just enough incentive for them to come.

Though, of course, she did genuinely wanted to know if something was amiss with the grail, for example if it was not in fact omnipotent or if it had any defects that would be important for her to know.

She turned back to Shielder, "Now then...would you mind answering my question?"

Ian followed Elizabeth into the next room, finding her being fired by thugs, meanwhile, their objective, Ludwig, was caged up.

None of the mortals appeared to be any different than the grunts they had dispatched earlier, it was hard to think of them being able to capture Ludwig. Meaning, most likely whoever was behind it had not shown themselves yet.

Elizabeth, as usual when concerning Edwina and Ludwig, had already thrown herself into the fray. Again, fortunately, these were just mortals.

Ian briefly turned to Enzo and Ralph, "Keep a lookout."

He then rushed at the thugs, using his supernaturally enhanced speed through the Celerity discipline, before smashing his fists into their skulls, with enough force to knock them out at the very least, though he would not be surprised if their skulls caved in, as he draw upon the Potence discipline.
Huh. I could've sworn I've replied, but looking at the IC apparently not. I'll write a post in a bit

After quickly changing into a sister's habit, Gajah Mada hopped onto the electric bicycle, with her master on the passenger seat. While her skill in riding was only D she was still a servant, and that meant even a mere D-rank riding skill was still better than a normal human. With her being the driver, however, meant she could not be in the spirit form, and thus, in order to preserve the secrecy of the war, she opted to don the available clothing in the Church, a sister's habit. A sister riding an electric bicycle with a priest would probably still turn some heads, but it was still more inconspicuous than her normal attire, which would be very much out of place—and time!

Guided by Lorenzo, who was watching the live feed from his smartphone, Gajah Mada swiftly manoeuvres the electric bicycle, avoiding crowded places so she could speed up. It appeared that both servants had left their previous whereabouts to move to a more isolated location.

That was good, at least both of these servants were the type that would respect the rule of the Grail War. Her Master had mentioned that one of his objectives was to ensure innocent people were protected, at the very least that meant they did not have to worry about these two servants, at least for the time being. Beyond, that Gajah Mada while Gajah Mada was no stranger to schemes and such, at her core, she was an earnest and conscientious woman, so she had always preferred straightforward engagement if she could afford it, and it looked as if she could.

The two arrived at the abandoned parking lot finding the two servants in a deadlock. Gajah Mada disembarked from the electric bicycle, as she manifested her normal attire once more, the traditional Javanese dress manifested in place of her sister's habit.

Drawing her Kris, she took a step forward,

"Servant, Saber. Terribly sorry that I interrupted this duel between you two gentlemen, but I'm afraid it's not an opportunity my Master and I can afford to squander."

Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya and Gajah Mada
((Collab post with @Letter Bee.))

"Sure!" Lorenzo said as Saber requested that he teach her how to use computers, "We can start right now, once you've cleaned up."

One whacked Familiar later, and Lorenzo remarked, "Hmm, we may have Anasasi or Arachne as foes; probably as a Caster if their use of Spiders as Familiars are any indication."

There was no way to know for sure until they finally met Caster, Gajah Mada agreed with her master that a spider familiar would narrow their suspect quite a bit. Although...

"Assuming that it wasn't a work of one of the masters, of course," she reminded her Master. After all, they only found a familiar, it could very well be the master's.

Then upon viewing Jan and Constantine's fight, Lorenzo spoke to Gajah Mada, "All right, Saber, let's go; I'll take a smartphone with a live feed with me so that we don't get blindsided by any recent developments, while at the same time... There's an electric bicycle in one of the sheds. Let's take it while I strengthen the Bounded Fields against intrusion."

"Fair warning, Master, my riding skill is quite low. Comparatively, these two servants appear to be quite adept at it, don't expect us to win in a chase, should it come down to it. But aside from that...I agree that we should join the fray. Neither of them appeared to be making much effort to conceal their fight, there is a possibility that this fight would also draw other Servants, making it a good chance to gather intel on them. After all, there are certain things we can only ascertain by engaging our opponent in battle than mere surveillance."

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